The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 11, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Cedar Creek
AIvo Motes
Local view:
1 tt I'ytjv1-1
- - -
II. 1515.
(Special Correspondence.)
Philip Stohr is improving slowly.
John Gauer went to Omaha Mon
tis y.
V. II. Da-her is on the sick list this
-Irs. C. A. Gauer. is on the sick list
this week.
George IT I11 and wife went to Oma
ha Monday.
Ed Lohnes went to Omaha Tuesday
on business.
Adam Meisinger spent Monday
George Fornoff spent Tuesday
Adam rjrer spent Monday
in Plattsmouth.
Mrs. Andy Seybert was in Cedar
Creek Tuesday.
George Sayles spent Monday night
in Cedar Creek.
Pete Schroeder and wife went to
Orrcha Tuesday..
William Nessin went to Omaha on
Lus'Fiess Tuesday.
Albeit Schafer and wife spent
TuTsday in Omaha.
G. L. Meisinger was shopping in
Plattsmouth Monday.
Everybody has been shoveling1 snow
for the past few days.
Mrs. William Schneider tnd Verla
spent Monday in Omaha.
G. P. Meisinger and Adam Meising
er were in Louisville Tuesday.
C'rrence Buche went to Platts
mouth Monday to see the dentist.
Jchn Hennings. jr.. an 1 Jim In
gram went to Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Sam Kline was called to Council
Bluffs by the sickness of his father
Monday. . .
Mrs. Simon Clark came in Fr'dav
night to visit her daughter, Mrs. Rob
ert Stivers.
Henry Thierolf, wife an 1 daughter
went to Springfield Tuesday to visit
William Meisinger.
Helen Schneider and Gertrude Mei
sinurer came home Friday to spend
Sunday with home folks.
Claude Sievers and
v ere in Cedar Creek looking efter the
electric light business Saturday.
Misses Helen Schneider and Hen
diicka spent Sunday at A. O. Ault's.
Verhi Schneider was a visitor at Rob
ert Stivers.
The attendance at church services
Harry Davis !
Ed Evans was in Lincoln on busi
ness Tuesday.
S. C. Boyles was in Plattsmouth on
business Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sutton went
to Lincoln Tuesday.
Harley Wolf3 left Tuesday for a
visit with his father at Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Veichel were
passengers for Lincoln Wednesday.
Sam Cashner went to Omaha Wed
nesday to attend to business matters.
Roy O. Cole of Plattsmouth came
in Friday to visit relati-es for a few
Chj is Dreamer was transacting
business in Lincoln the first of the
Jchn Wolfe and Wayne Wolfe were
passengers for Lincoln Thursday on
No. 13.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Johnson and
dausrhter were Lincoln visitors Wed
nesday. William Sutton drove the hearse to
Greenwood Thursday to be in attend
ance at the funeral.
Miss Amelia Kamm and Mrs.
George Kamm were trading in Omaha
Wednesday and Thursday.
Mrs. Ed Case and Mrs. H. Moore
visited friends in Omaha and Council
BlufTs a couple of days this week.
Carl Johnson, August Johnson itn 1
Simon Johnson were transacting busi
ness in Omaha Tuesday and Wednes
day. Mrs. Joe Richardson and son. Lee
Stewart, left Tuesday for a visit at
Marysville, Mo., with the former's
Mrs. J. P. Rouse, who has spent the
last two weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. Ralph Uhley, at Verdon, Neb.,
returned home on No. 14 Tuesday.
Mrs. F. M. Grove and daughter,
Arlene. were passengers on No. 14
Tuesday for Omaha, where they will
stay while Mr. Grove attends auto
school there.
Peter Eveland of Murdock, and his
' brother, Herman Eveland, of Iowa,
and their wives visited a few days
this week with' the former's daugh
ter, Mrs. Rudy Keuhn and family.
Jacob Kamm, jr., of Wood River,
Neb., visited his father Wednesday
rnd Thursday. Mr. Kamm has sold
his farm at Wood River, but has no:
located as vet. lie left for Omaha on
.. ......
Gus Wendt was an Omaha visitoi
W. Gherts was an Omaha visitor
Miss Ida Wieshiet was a Wabash
visitor Tuesday.
Miss Daisy Halka was-an Ashland
visitor Wednesday.
Harold Tool was an Omaha visitor
Saturday and Sunday.
Will Schildmicr was an Omaha vis
itor Monday and Tuesday.
Dr. Russel Hornbeck was a Lincoln
visitor Saturday and Sunday.
Theord. Rogers was an Omnha
visitor Monday and Tuesday.
Grandpa Gakemier. who is 98 years
old. has been cn the sick list the past
Mrs. Mela McDonald of Om
Sundayed with her parents, Mr.
Mrs. L. Xeitzel.
Murel Gillespie has been sick the
past week with pneumonia ftver, but
is up and around
Mips Oljra Neitzel ar.d her friend.
Mr. Hitchock, cf Havelock, Sundayed
at the Neitzel home.
Miss Emma Johnson went to the
Eenily hospital in Lincoln Saturday
for rn operation. She is in Dr. Horn
beck's care.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gurr and Mr.
and Mrs. Chvis Miller left Monday
evening for California, where they in
tend to visit the Panama exposition.
Mr. Miller, the-piano tuner, of Lin
coln, was in town the fore part of the
week, and we hope you all had your
piano tuned, for Mr. Miller has been
making this town for the last fifteen
years and is a good piano tuner.
.... x, - " ! , iXo. 18 Thursday,
ed cn ' recount of the present cold; t-i-
ciea 3larcn . ine body was brougnt
i to AIvo Wednesday for interment in
cemetery. The deceased was
weather conditions.
The following were guests of the
William Schneider young people at., -',
, . me --ivo
dinner Sunday: Martin Lohnes and :
sister, Gertrude, and Irven Meisinger
and Leiia Duff.
Our hearts go out in sympathy to
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson of Omaha.
a sister of Mrs. M. P. Stone, who ac
companied the remains from Boliver.
!An obituary will appear next week,
j The Ladies' Aid society called a
who:-e home was completely- destroyed , , ,, ... , '
, , , , ! which was held at Mrs. OIhe Curvea s.
l v fire last week. Thev bareiy escaped e ..
. , , . J 1 jThe purpose of the meeting was to
through a window. It is supposed the ! , . ., .
lid j make new arrangements for their
urt-ace exp.ot e- . i bazaar, which will be held March 27
Practice has been begun by the ,, , ,
. . ,' , ! m the Castle. Roper & Matthews
voun;r people s Sundav school classes , .. ,. , ,
, " , , . .. building. The supper was postponed
j cn account of the fire destroying all
their equipment in Stone's hall last
Disastrous Conflagration.
Saturday morning about 7 o'clcck
s. Remember the ciate, r ri- c , . . .. , , .
, , , , . ' ifire cracking m the oil room bacK of
n ai tne lojge 1 an. jusz , ,
on a piav entitled ine t.cieniinc
County School." The same will be
given for the benefit of the Sunday
school the last of March.
Weather conditions made the oyster
.'upper, announced for March 5. im
possible. It has been postponed for
two week
dav, Macl
sn old-time oyster supper given for
the benefit of the church. A program
will be given at C, p. m., and first sup
per at Cr.ZO. Again at S p. m. the pro
gram will be lepeated and a second
supper at 8:"0. For those who do not for oysters, those in charge are
rsking to bring cake, pickles, sand
wiches or celery. Consider yourself
invited to make this a success socially7
and financially. Supper, 15 and 25
C. D. Quinton to P. II. Ot
ters, lots 5 to 8. block 2,
Carter's addition to Weep
ing Water. Consideration
Ruth Johnson, et al., to Ruth
Johnson, quit claim deed
to lots 743 and 744, Louis
ville. Consideration ....
Mary E. Countryman to T.
LI' Davis. SW quarter, SE
charter, 3G-11-11. Con
sideration R. E. Countryman to El'a S.
Davis, part SE quarter,
SW quarter, 3(5-11-11. Consideration
Ude Bokelman to Mary L.
Jamescn, quit claim deed
part lot 4. block GS, Weep
ing Water.
C. E. Joyce to P. II. Miller,
west half NW quarter, 2-10-11.
Consideration 11, COO. 00
Prom Tuesday's Pally.
' G. S. Ray was in the city yesterday
from near Murray looking after some
matters of business with the mer
chants. C. K. Edmonsten of near Union was
in the city yesterday for a few
hours looking after some matters of
C. G. Mayfield of Louisville was in
the city today for a few hours looking
after some matters at the court house
and visiting with friends
Mr. and Mrs. Clarei.ce Meisinger of
Cedar Creek were attending to busi
ness matters in this city today. Mr.
Meisinger gave this office u pleasant
Rev. J. M. Fades of the Liberty 1
church was a passenger this morning j 'J
for Omaha, where he was called on
some matters of importance for a few
hours. Mrs. W. F. WehrLcin was among
those going to the metropolis this
morning on the early Burlington train,
where she will visit for the day with
f rie-nds.
.Mis. Luke Wi!es was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where she
will visit for a few hours with friends,
; well as looking after some items
of business.
Adam FornofT, wife and daughter.
Miss Ida, were in the city today from j?;-
hpir bnrr!P rpar Cfihi CrpcU 1n IruiL i?:
fter some matters cf trading withj"v5j
the merchants. . f J
Val Gobelman and son, Peter, of thejk;
vicinity of Union, drove to this city-
today to attend to some important
business matters. Mr. Gobelman was
il i. '!!! ill
1.200. 00
his store, and upon opening the door
the fi-e burst into the main room. Mr.
Pringle ran to the front door and call
ed for help that his store was on
fire. They managed to get his desk
out safely, and the fire spread so
rapidly that the building, which be
longed to R. .A. Stone, was soon con
sumed. The Henry Rulofsz buildin".
just north, burned down also, but with
the heroic work of men fiom the
country and town the livery barn was
saved. William Sutton is very grate
ful to those who helped fight the fire
and otherwise assisted him. The
wind being from the north endangereJ
Mrs. D. A. Vincent's store building, in
which she has the postoffice and living
rooms above, and also Mr. Cahner's
hardware store in the building, but by
throwing water and snow on the build
'ng it was enly scorched and windows
broken. Across the street west Mr.
Evans' store windows were nearly all
broken, and two for the AIvo Drug
Co. The loss was partly covered by
insurance pnd all are thankful the fire
was no worse.
Mrs. Demaris A. Vincent wishes to
thank all her friends and neighbors,
through the medium, of this paper,
who assisted her in saving her home
last Saturday morning from total de
struction by the fire. Mrs. Vincent
thanks each and every person for
their willing and successful efforts
rnd hopes that she may be able at
some future time to show her ap
preciation of the many kindnesses
that she has received in the last few
months from members of this corn-
Charley Atkinson spent Svnday at
!!ave'c-!; f- ir.'.
Mis. A. L. Conrad was a passenger
lor Ashland Wednesday e"ev"r.
Bon Weaver returned home Monday
mining, after spending Sunday with
Walter Towel at Wabash, Neb.
Mr. O. Landing went to Excelsior
fprings. Missouri, to spend a couple
c ' months and t-y to regain his
Mrs. O. Lansing went to Melia, Ne
braska, Wednesday evening to spend
: wek with her daughter, Mrs. Lucy
G sham.
The Workman lodge has installed
r. new piano player in their hall jid
r:e preparing to hold1 a dance seme
time soon.
The M. W. A. lodge held their in
r't 1'aticn Saturday night, and invited
h P. N. of A. lodge in to relp them iTnUr.ity
cri ineir supper.
Little Gerald McDonald ha the mis
fortune to have a big barrel of oil fall :
out of the back of a bobsled and j Good, well broke horses and mares
slightly bruise him up. And the deep that will do the work; reasonable
snow is all that saved the little fel-' prices and public sale terms. 'Phone
low's life. j305-J, Plattsmouth. Frank Vallcry.
Edwin Jeary to James Mc
Cartney, quit claim deed,
part lot 1, block 11, Elm
wood. Consideration .... K00
First National Dark cf Elm
wood to James McCart
ney, Cor. warranty deed,
part lot 1, block 11, Elm
wood. Consideration 1,000. 00
F. H. Gorder to Minerva II.
Gorder, quit claim deed lot
4, block G5, Weeping Wa
ter city. Consideration... l.'0
C. N. Dietz Lumber Co. to
J. C. Newcomb, quit claim
deed lot 5. part lot G,
block C", Weeping Water.
Consideration 1.00
George W. Voss Co. to E.
B. Taylor, Cor. warranty7
deed part lots 5 and G,
block Go. Weeping Water.
Consideration 450. )0
E. B. Taylor to F. H. Gor
der, part lot G, block G5,
Weeping Water. Con
sideration 323.00
O. II. Allen to Ausrust
Wendt, NE quarter 25-11-10.
Consideration 24,000. 0C
Horses for Sale.
A. B. Gibson, trustee, to C.
II. Gibson, et al., part lot
2, bloek 70, Weeping Wa
ter. Consideration 5,000.00
B. W. Gibson, et al., to C.
H. Gibson, part lots 7 and
8, block 82; lot 2, block
100, Weeping Water. Con
sideration 1.00
A. B. Gibson, trustee, to C.
C. Jackman, NW quarter,
7-10-11. Consideration.. .17,000. 00
C. C. Jackman to Bessie L.
Jackman, east half NW
quarter, 7-10-11. Con
sideration ' ' 1.00
J. P. Falter to Olive M.
Ferguson, part west half,
NW qv.arter, 23-12-14.
Consideiation 2,000.00
Weeping Water Town Co., to
Gertrude Girardet, part
lot 12, block 74, Weeping
Water. Consideration.... 1.00
a tdeasar.t caller at this office. i if
Mayor F. H. Gorder of Weeping
Water was in the city today, being
engaged in looking af ier some matters
in the county court, where the August
Gorder estate was up for settlement.
L. D. Hiatt of Murray was in the
city last evening en route from the
metropolis, where he had been oniJ
business affairs, and stopped off to h.i
as.-ist in the preparations for the
Elks' minstrel.
M. IL Tyson and Mural Parmele de-
raited this afternoon for Omaha to
nr-are for the starting out of their
roller skating rink, which they have
just purchased, and they will make
the different towns of the state.
G. W. Leach of Elmwood and son,
E. E. Leach of near Murray, came in
this morning and G. W. Leach de
raited on the afternoon Burlington
train for Valentine. Neb., where he
will visit with relatives for a time.
Calvin Cn-btree of Avoca was in
he city yesterday visiting at the home
T-f his brother-in-law, John Long and
rami!y. He is also ?n old friend of
L. Pronst of this city-, they having i ,
been brought up as boys together.
Miss Margaret Rishel departed this
afternoon for Omaha, where she will
enter the Immanuel hospital to un
dergo an operation for appendicitis.
Her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Hall, accom
panied her end will remain there with
her, as well as her brother, James
Rishel. who will remain there until
the operation.
Hr.:tV.' .rTiTTSS'fsV-VA.-.'? -
vI!I vctr rr.'icK longer and cive tetter
satisfaction if lr.aJe of this iashionable
r-o'.-'i' silk. All shades, beautiful
: finish, f:r2 Iustie.
Petticoat Silk
z ' -ure Dye" and hss the name "Ee!d
ins's" v.ovjn in the selvage. It will net
rip, split cr tcr.r. Dry cleans without
damage. V.'rir.k'cs are cosily pressed
cut by the ure cf a damp cloth and warm
I iron (not hot) cn the wren' si Jo. The
'AhitsanJ black wash like muslin.
Corne in tod?y and see our full line
of Beldinq's Tearless Petticoat Siik.
You will f.nJ some exceptional values.
Spring Dress Fabrics
We are now showing a beautiful line
of the latest and newest dress materials
for your Spring apparel in
Organdies, Madras,
and Costume Crepes
Beautiful Chatillion Lace ('loth at 10c;
Brentmore 10c; Sheeron Mulle at li'-'c;
Iras 20c; Stripe Bel voir ChilFon at lic;
Lovuna Fancy Flowered at lc; Ribbon
Crepe stripes, dots and beautiful plain
colors at 25c; Clan-Mirror Plaids at f0c;
non-skrinkable Tango Chiffons, 3-inch,
at 25c; Printed Splash Voile; SK-inch, at
25c; Osmeer Crepe plain colors in pink,
blue and lavendar. .'W-inch, at 35c.
IS7""" We are able to give you for a limited time a year's subscription for the
Delineator for 75c. The regular price you know is $1.50. You cannot af
ford to miss this opportunity. Get your subscription in without delay. Think
of it, the Delineator for T5c the year. One of the best fashion magizines pub
lished, besides the splendid reading matter which it contains.
YTT T JTk Tl TTrry rOfTT
frnm W'pilnnidav's 'Pai'!v
Wayne Dickson departed this morn
;ng on No. 15 for Lincoln, where he
was called to look after some matters
"f importance for a short time.
Marshal C. M. Sey bert of Louisville
was in the city today for a few hcu'-s
looking after some matters in district
court, in which he is interested.
George P. Meisinger, jr.. was in
the city- today looking after some
trading and visiting with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meisinger.
Mrs. F. J. Morgan was among those
going to the metropolis this morning
in the early Burlington train, where
she will visit for the day with friend?.
Joseph McMaken departed this
morning on the early Burlington train
for Omaha, where he goes to look af
ter some matters of business for ths
P. II. Meisinjrer was among the
farmer visitors in the city yesterday
for a few hours looking after some
trading and visiting with his many
Mrs. D. C. Morgan was among
;hose going to Omaha this mornim.
where she will visit for the day with
:elatives and look after some matters
of business.
Mrs. Joseph Novatny and son, Joe,
were among those going to Omaha
this morning, where they will spend a
Beware cf Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
as mrrrnry will wmly de-tror tho M-nsp. of sicdl
ml cotuj'li ti ly (Ji'iunre tLe nb.l- nvtiti'iu ljpn
crti' li- s'.n.uM i!f v. r lf u-cl fic.-i t ;i j'rsoriji
li 'Us fri.tu r.'iuital.lo i h.v-iciaiis. tt.e ilam;,K
t!.T u-.ll U.i i t-u f.M to ti i- Kh.U .v.u f.-.ii ptiM.
"My ii. !!., ;r uj I !':n. Iiir e't;irr:v t ur..
il::' :n:f.'-ti!.-, U l.r i". J. t bir.f-r a- -... T. !. ,
-l:lill.l ; C.,r-H:y. ; I Is tski ;ntf.iK.T
-ti:-ir ll:f..-t.y u-m !! -A n l mucous ur-
f.n-11. .f tl- y'fcl. It In;;, ine Hail's CatHrri
C'l.-t. ii.p y.. F, t renuin. :t Is tatpi
I'lt-rni l!r rn; viaf" in T . (.iilo. ly l J
T !.r r i:-tn. Tr'. p. TV. r-r tn-ltie.
few hours looking after some mat
ters of business.
I. M. Wolff, one of the residents at
the Masonic Home, was a passenger '
this morning for Omaha, where he
will visit over Saturday with old
friends in that city.
Carl Pchmidtmann and brother,
William, jr., were passengers this
r.o:n:ng lor umana, wnere tney go
is visit for the day with their mother
at the hospital in that city-.
Miss Margaret Rabb was among
those going to Omaha this morning,
where she will spend a short time in
that city visiting with friends and
looking after some matters of busi
ness. Floyd r.alston cf Kansas City, who
was called here by the serious illness
of his wife's grandfather, William D.
done-, was a passenger this morning
for Omaha, where he will visit for the
Attorney Thomas Allen of Lincoln
was here yesterday afternoon and to
day attending to matters in the dis
trict court, being an attorney for the
plaintiff in the case of Dunn vs. El
liott. William Dunn of Weeping Water, C.
Brown of Osceola, Neb., Mrs. J. Klep
rer of Weeping Water and Mrs. De
Wolf of Weeping Water were visitors
in this city today, being in attendance
r.t the trial held in connection with the
Woodward will case. Mr. Dunn was
a pleasant caller at this office.
Everett Wiles came in' this after
noon on No. 24 from Omaha, where he
had been in the hospital for several
weeks recovering from an operation
for appendicitis. He was feeling fine,
but the jar of the trip on the cars was
very painful to him, end when he
reached here he was feeling veryr
From Thursday's Daily.
Charles Gerlach of Manley in
'he city yesterday attending to sev
eral matters of importance.
James Loughridgg of Murray came
i'P last evening from his home to at
tend the meeting of the Masonic lodge
in this city."
Mrs. Henry Bom and children de
parted this morning for Benson, where
Mrs. Bom was called by the illness of
Mrs. Huff, a relative.
District Judge James T. Begley re
turned yesterday afternoon to hts
home at Papillion, after being here for
two days holding court.
A. A. Wetenkamp of near Mynard
was among those from the country in
the city yesterday looking after some
trading with the merchants.
Mrs. W. S. Smith of Murray came
up last ev ening to make a short visit
here at the home of her sister, Mrs.
C. A. Rawls, and other friends.
Charles S. Stone and wife were pas
sengers this morning for Omaha,
where they go to spend the day look
ing after some matters of business.
Joseph Zimmerer, the Avoca bank
er, was in the cityr today for a few
hours looking after some matters at
the court house and visiting with his
friends in this city
William Shera and John and Will
Smith, of the vicinity of Rock Bluffs,
drove up this morning from their
home to look after some trading with
the merchants in this city.
Make a note right now to attend the
dance at the German Home on Satur
day evening and enjoy yourself.
Everyone cordially invited and the
best of order will be maintained.
John Meisinger, jr., drove in to Jay
from his farm home to visit for a ."cw
hoirs with hi3 parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Meisinger, and .to look after
some trading with the merchants.
County Treasurer W. K. Fox de
parted this afternoon for Lincoln,
where he will spend a "few days look
ing after some business affairs and
viewing the legislature in its session.
S. C. Rhode Island Red.
Eggs for hatching. Farmer prtf.
75c for 15 at home, or 1.00 for 15 by
I Home grown Red River Early OHo
seed potatoes, $1.09 jer bushel,
j Duroc-Jersey swine for sale at all
i times. The very best strains,
j See me at Mynard or call Plat i ,-
mcuth 'Phone 2221.
W. B. Porter.
For Sale.
I have a suburban piece of prop
erty in South Park, containing four
end three-quarter acres, with a ten
room house, in good condition; well
affording an abundance of water;
fruit in abundance for family use.
This is being offered for sale, and on
this terms can be given on a portion,
with easy payments; a portion will
have to be cash. Address P. O.
Box 245. 2-25-diw-lwk
Regular 75c values in Initial Sta
tionery at the Journal office for f0c.
Subscribe for The JournaL
AS n
I. mdir! Ask yar Drscrtt i
4 M-vfe-(r llaai4 lrm4
I'HU la Urrf -.! wu..,cV
tcr l wit lue Ri! uom.
Tl ikrr. r tnp V
II. nrrl. A-t -w 111-4 lit k.TM
UIAKOND It It A l fli. Um
year kaownu feed. Naft.Alv It r'
LSCuaLiOltfM -
or livery nve
51. ike your horses use every ounce
of I'ouri.shrr.ent in every pound of
feed to best advantage.
Animal Regulator
facltajcm &c, SCc, 31.0025 lb. pail $3.00.
will do this it has b?en known to Eave a3
much as a bushel of oat3 cut of every five,
by insuring th rough digestion and assimi
lation. Thi3 is well worth while at the
present price of feed.
The results health, spirits and fine
appearanc-3 make it
highly profitable even
if feed costs nothing.
Try Pratts Animal Reg
ulator this year and
the ether Pratt Reme
dies, everyone the best
of it3 kind. Refuse
substitutes; insist on
s praifs,
Dip aid Disinfectant
Colic Rested?
Worm Powder
Hcunf Cia'nrt
HeUat- Powder
Heave Remedy
Ei fem-er ad PiiA Ej
tig Onuarat
For the cuick nd thorna-h
fir of ali sre. cuts. Sfrav.hfj,
prv"e. eic. d fhirjr cjuaiii 1'raite
H. ii i -iff :;ntrr.';nt
Sa(iifac'ion Ceareotred or Y.nrj 5acL
8u8 CeC Pro! f ALnanae.
J. V. EGENBERGER. Plattsmouth
WOLFF a AULT, Cedar Creek