The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 08, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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March I2&I3
Friday and Saturday
A Pretty Flower Souvenier to Each Lady Attending!
Oril fourtli season finds us better prepared than ever to care for a growing
progressive business, and the increasing demand for our correct Millinery,
has amply justified the close attention to details and strict adhearance to
our policy of dependable merchandise at moderate price.
We will display a larger line of stylish hats than ever before, and a visit
paid on opening day will convince you that we have just what you want.
Spring Hat Styles that are charmingly distinctive absolutely authentic and
most pleasingly priced in plain figures.
We take great pleasure
in presenting the new
Stiepardess Shapes
in Hemp, Milan. Fiber
braids, and Crepe Chif
fons, S6.50 S7.25 $10
Correct Trimmings!
Fruit Clusters
Wreaths and Flowers
Ostrich Novell ies
Pressed Ribbon Bows
These Shapes will be
The new Watteau Shep-
The new Directoire.
The new Colonial Bonnet.
The new Tailored Hat in
black and white.
The new Chin Chin Sailor
The new Tricorde and
Don't miss the pretty
rough straw effects!
Barnyard Straw Hats
Rrough Straw Braids
High crowned and nar
row brimed Sailors
$5 to $7.50
New Colorings!
Du Barry Ros ;
Cherry Red
Soldier Blue
Dreadnaught Gray
Desert "Sand"
Pretty little early
Spring Fabric Hats
worth to $5.00
$1.75 to $3.50
$1 flfl fAiinnn FrPA with y1,rIIat costing $4.00 or more purchased on
?X.UU VsUUpUll IICC Ararch lL,th or 13tl? good at Misg Bonge,s sanitary
Heautv Parlor?
Opening MARCH ! 2th and 13th
Tel. 325
We have just received a letter
from Silas Lon;r, a former resident of
this county, who has for the past few
years been living in Lincoln. Mr.
Lon has just located in Florida,
where he purchased a tract of land,
r.nd has set the same out in citrus
fruits of different kinds, such as or
rnges, grape fruit and lemons, and
feci? well pleased with the indications
r f the success of his centure. lie
Mutes that they have been living in a
tent since the located near Vero, their
nearest town, and that this has been
most enjoyable, but Mr. Long states
that he has sent a large number of
logs to the mill, where they will be
converted into lumber and a perman
ent building will be erected on the
plantation in which they can enjoyr
nore comforts than is possible in their
tent life. He states that if they re
turn to Nebraska in the future he
thinks the family will locate on the
farm near Mynard, where they resided
for a jrreat many years. That the
Lonjr family is enjoying their life in
the southland will be most pleasmpr to
their friends in Cass county and it is
to be hoped that they will enjoy more
happiness in their new home.
For Sale.
Five pure bred Shorthorn bull
calves. Age from 11 to 12 month-.
Also a few pure bred yearling heifers.
Joseph F. Tubbs,
Mynard, Neb.
Tel 2312, Platts. Exchange.
Spends a Poor Night.
V. D. Jones, who is lying quite ill
ft his home in this city, is reported as
having spent a very poor night and
this morning his condition was not as
favorable as it has been for the past
few days. His family and friends
are greatly worried over the apparent
change in the condition of the patient,
but trust that he may be able to rally.
Carl Kunsmann and wife have just
received a letter from their son, Ed,
who has just arrived at Alberquerque,
New Mexico, to spend a short time
there with his wife, whose health has
been such as to compel her to make
her home for several months in the
high altitude of that country. In his
letter Ed states that the weather there
is ideal and it is no uncommon sight
to see persons running around on the
streets in their shirt sleeves as though
it was in the summer season. Mrs.
Kunsmann, so her husband states, is
getting along fairly well, although not
as well, perhaps, as it had been
hoped for, but her condition is im
proved over what it was when she
arrived there. Ed will spend a short
me there with his wife and the fam
ily, and friends here are anxiously
awaiting word that she is showing
seme improvement. "
If it's anything in the line or paper,
or office supply line, call at the Jour
nal office, where most everything in
the paper line can be found.
Dance at German Home.
There will be a dance given on Sat
urday evening at the German Home,
and everyone who desires to spend a
lew hours most pleasantly in the
pleasures of the dance will be given
an opportunity. These dances are al
ways the occasion of the greatest of
pleasure to all who attended them and
the one Saturday will be no exception
to the rule. The Plattsmouth or
chestra, under the leadershiD of
Thomas Svoboda, will furnish the
music, and a rare good time may well
be anticipated. Everyone is invited to
be present.
High School Basket Ball Meet
at Lincoln a Record Breaker.
E 111
Lincoln, March 8. Guy E. Reed
manager of athletics of the Universitj
of Nebraska, who has charge of the
annual state high school basketba'l
tourney, had to revise his schedule ol
preliminary games slightly, to make
room for a lew late entries, which
were mailed in time, but which were
delayed by heavy snowstorms in west
ern .enraska. The total entry urn
was brought up to seventy by the new
arrivals, breaking all records for the
high school tournament and assurim
the officials that the Nebraska tourna
raent will retain Its place as the larg
est in the United States.
Billy Sunday Ghalisnged Does
: He Deny T(;af Jesus Is
I tna Son of God?
Darkness Masquerades as Light Fool
ish Words Mislead tho Ignorant
Christians Often "Babes In Christ."
Few Have Their Senses Exercised by
Reason of Use Bible Study Never
More Needed Than Now "What Say
the Scriptures?" Not, What Say the
Preachers. Evangelists and Creeds?
Friends cf Bill Save Measure Fronr
Indefinite Postponement.
Lincoln, March 8. Senator Dods?e
In his argument In the senate in be
half of. senate file 180. spoke of the
great future the state would have il
eastern capital could come in and
have assurance that It would have aa
even chance to make good on its in
One of the most important points in
the bill is an amendment to the prcs
ent stock and bonds ac t, which makes
it imperative upon the railway com
mission to approve of any bond issue
not in the exc-f-rs of $100,000 per con
struetion mile, provided the sum tc
be realized is not less than 70 per
cent of the face value of the bonds
This would leave a leeway of Co per
cent for promotion purposes. The bill
will come ni again in committee of
the whole in the senate.
The fight for the bill was led by An
uerson ana layior. wnne tno oppo
sition wss arrayed under the leader
ship of Richmond and Reisnor. The
friends of the bill won out by a large
majoritv when a motion bv Sass to
postpone Indefinitely was lost, 63 to 17
New York, Mar.
7. Speakiusat the
New York City
Temple today,
I'ustor liusseil
took for Lis text
Jobu 1:34, -1 saw
and barn record
that this U the
Son of Cod." lie
declared that
about three-
fourths of all the
preachers are his
enemies. Ilccausi-
J. B. Weaver, who has been in
Plattsmouth many times for the pur
pose of buying- horses, but about three
years ago was his last trip here, will
be in this city again on next Saturday
for the purpose of buying- all the e;ood
horses that may be brought in. K?ad
his advertisement in another part cf
this paper. Mr. Weaver, on his former
visits to this city has had the reputa
tion of paying" the top price for all
horses and mules, and on this visit hi
will do the same thing. He wants
g-ood horses from five to ten years
old, weighing- from 1,200 to 1,600
pounds, and must be in good flesh and
well broke. Mules must be fat, good
bone and well broke. No war horses
are wanted. Remember, Mr. Weaver
will be in Plattsmouth, at the old Sage
barn, on Saturday, March 13th, rain
or shine, and will pay the top prices
for all horses and mules that will he
brought to him, when they comply
with the terms of his advertisement
Local News
E. II. Wescott III.
This morning E. H. Wescott, he
junior member of the firm of C. E.
Wescott's Sons, was compelled to re
main at home and wrestle with the
grippe, from which he has been suf
fering for the past week, but thought
to ward it off until it finally got the
best of him, and he will take a day or
two off to try and conquer it.
For Sale.
Eggs for hatching and day-old
chicks from Single Comb Rhode Is
land Reds. Eggs, $1.00 per 15, $5.00
per 100; chicks, 10c each. Special
mating prices upon request.
A. O. Ramge,
Route 1, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Hearing Had in Estate. 0
This morning in the county court
a hearing was had in the estate of
Ernest Handrock, deceased,, of near
Eagle, and Henry Snoke, county com
missioner, was appointed as the ad
ministrator of the "estate. - "The estata
consists of a small amount of farming
land near Eagle and several thousand
dollars in personal property.
James Newasek was a visitor yes
terday in Omaha with friends, going
to that city on the early Burlington
Miss Nettie Jirousek returned to
Umaha this morning, alter an o-'cr
Sunday visit here with her parents
and friends.
Hon. C. E. Metzger of Mynard was
among those braving the snow Satur
day to drive in to look after some
week-end shopping.
George W. Snyder was among the
farmer visitors in the city Saturday
looking after some of the week-enn
shopping with the merchants.
P. A. Horn was among those from
the country who came in this morning,
braving the drifts and bad roads, to
look after some shopping.
Robert Fitch, residing south of this
city, was here Saturday for a short
time visiting relatives and looking af
ter some matters of trading.
Attorney . W. A. Kobertson was
among those going to Omaha this
morning, where he was callel ior a
few hours on some legal mai lers.
Charles S. Stone came in last even
ing from the west, where he has been
for a few days looking after several
locations which he had in view as to
establishing a bank.
For Infants and Children.
Ths Kind You Have Always Bought
they cannot resist tho force of bis Iii-
ble tc-acliins. they inisrt present the m
and vilify his reputation, that thus
they laay hinder got id people from
nearine ami iroiii ivau.nir. "iy tlieir
fruits ye shall know them." said the
Master; and evidently many denry-
nicu must be seriously of heart;
else they would not bear these tin
scriptural fruit unmanly fruits-
works of the Cesh ami of the Devil."
Galatiaus 5:10-21; 1 John C:8.
But the raster would not slack hi
efforts to make known tho true char
acter of the God of the Bible, so in
contnist with tLc Satanic ?od c,f the
creeds. Thousands of letters from all
p:irts of the world toil him of new life.
new joy in the Lord, throuph bis ef
forts: and he J.- encouraged to po on
ward in the narrow way which the
Master and the Apostles trod. He
would not render personal abuse in re
taliation. To do so would be contrary
to the Word and Spirit of the Lord.
But the creeds oud false dx-trinrs he
would continue to smnsh with all th:
tower granted him, that thus hunger
ing, thirsting souls might be delivered
from error Into the jjyous liberty of
the cLiidren of God.
Denying the Son of Cod.
Billy Sunday has joined other evan
gelists and preachers in the slanderous
misstatements that Pastor Bussed de
nies that Jesus is the Son of God. By
such false statements, said the Pastor.
they seek to prevent ieople froru ccmin?
to hear me and from reading ir.y Bibre
expositions. Yet how foohVh it is for
them to make such deliberate misstate
ments; for eventually their falsehoods
will lie found out! People who learn
of the gross ' misrepresentation realize
that only desperation, attempting tc
support a weak cause, could lead men
professing to le ministers of the Truth
to thus do it violence.
Really, it is I who believe that Jesus
Is the Son of God, while the great ma
jority of preachers and evangelists do
not clearly so teach. They confuse
their argument and bewilder their
hearers by telling in oue breath that
Jesus is the Son of God,, and in the
next breath that He Is His own Father.
According to them, lie is Jehovab
God. who sent His Son into the world
to die. cud He is the Son who sent
Himself, as God. When He prayed to
the Father it was a mockery; for He
was the Father "one in person
When he said. "The Father is greater
than I." He misrepresented the facts,
according to these preachers, evan
gelists and creed-makers. He spoke of
the Cup which the Father had poured
for Him, and said He could do nothing
of Himself, and that He would return
to the Father. He prayed. "My God
Mv God! Y7hy hast Thou forsaken
MeV" and said to Mary. "I have not
yet ascended to My Father and your
Father, to :My God and your God.
But these viser-tuan-thc-Bible teacli
ers contradict Him, aud feel like say
ing. "Jesus must have been a Milieu
nial Dawncr! But ire- know better!
Such teachers make void the Word
of God through their traditions. In
claiming thatJesus is Jehovah God,
they really deny that He is the Son of
God: for common sense tells everybody
that a son receives his life from the fa
ther. This is exactly what the Bible
tells us respecting Jesus.
Truthful Criticisms Invited.
I invite truthful criticisms of my
teachings: but my opponents Know
that to treat me fairly, justly, would
be to turn all thinking people to my
Bide the Bible side the reasonable
fide. For. thirty years they ignored
mv presentations, lest people should
find out: but as my sermons now reach
millions, they are alarmed for tho safe
ty of their musty creeds, and resort to
rank falsehoods, misrepresentations auu
slanders the weapons of moral cow
ards, who realize their own weakness.
If they would charge me with UisDe-
lievlng the doctrine of tho Trinity
that three ones are one I would cheer-
fullv admit it. and point them to the
fact that the word Trinity 13 not found
in the Bible, and that the thought of a
trinltv Ls not there, except in one pas
sage, which all scholars of all denom
inations admit Is a forgery of the Sev-
entbCeutury 1 John 5:7. S. See Re
vised Version.
I believe in the Heavenly Father, Je-
novan tiuu. i oenere m nu son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, who left the Heav
enly nature, took the human nature,
died for our sins, and was afterward
highly exalted to the Divine nature. I
believe in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit
of the Truth, the Spirit of God, the
Spirit of Christ. My crime Is that I do
not believe that the Father, the Sou,
snd the Holy Spirit are "one in person,
eqiTil in power and glory," neither one
existing before the others, neither one
th Sun and neither one the Father,
really. The Bible says nothing of this
kind; and I am glad that my head Is
not so illogical as to lead me to deny
the Bible and common sense for the
sake of being in harmony with creeds
made in the Dark Ages.
"Who Art Thou, Lord?" "Jesus!"
The Bible makes no mystery of who
Jesus is; and we would not have been
in confusion had we relied soleij- upon
the testimony of Jesus, the Apostles
mill the Prophets. Our misleading
came during the twelve hundred years
when the Bible was ignored, because
It was believed that the Jiving bishops
were Apostolic end had the plenary
lowers cf the original Apostles. This
serious error Jesus emphatically warn
ed against in advance. Revelation
The Bible tells of Jesus' present glo
rious station, "far above angels," "par
taker of the Divine nature." But many
ignore this, and claim that Jesus is a
man in Heaven, completely out of
toiii-h with His .surroundings;
for a
man, according to tho Bib!?, is "a lit
tle lower tlinn :!i!gcl." where
Apostle declares that Jesus. j;t His res
t:rrectin. was exalted far above an
gels. This glorious One, although of a
diiTerent nature, is the fanu Ono who.
while on earth, was "tin? Man Chris;
Jesus," "a man of sorrows end i.c
rpiainto-.l with grief." St. Paul tells
r.s how Jesus k-ft the Heavenly glory,
how He humbled Iliusseif to take a
bond man's form to take the same n:t
ture as humnnitv. which h;t l come into
bondage to sin.
The Bible explains how Jesus could
be of our race, and yet be "holy, harm
less, r.ndcfilcd. separate from sinners."
It tells us plainly that Jesus had a hu
man mother, but that His life came
ii t from a human father; and that
therefore lie was perfect, and able to
be the Ilansomer of the race by giving
to God saerinVially a full correspond
ing price for Adam, whose life was
forfeited because cf sin. Thus the Bi
bio explains that Jesus' death is suffi
cicnt ior Adam s sin and tne sins c:
the whole work!; for the world was
not condemned Individually, but mere
ly pnrtook of Adam's condemnation to
Whoever thinks of Jesus as bc-ingtht
Father and al.i the Holy Spirit al.
one in person must be confronted with
nonicr.sieal errors such as these: How
did tho Universe manage to progress
tiiiring the period leading up to Jesus'
birth and on to manhood? How did
the nSTairs of the Universe prosper dur
ing Jesus' ministry, when He was full.v
engaged with earthly affairs to the cx
tent of weariness? How did the Uni
verse get along when Jsus died, and
until lie arose from death?
Some even go to tins absurd length:
to wit, that Jesus raisvd Himself from
death; whereas the Apostle declares
positively that the Father raised Him
from the dead on th-3 third day. How
refreshing it is to get out e f the foj
into the dear statements of God's
Word, which declare el "To us there
is cue God. the Father." (2) "and one
Lord. Jesus Christ I"-1 Corinthians 80.
"Besinning of Gsd's Creation."
It seems r.stor.ii-lin if my opponents
have never road the plain Bible state
meets that onr glorious Redeemer was
"the First-born of all creation" (Colos
ians 1:15. "the beginning of the crema
tion of Geel" (Reveiut on 3:14). II
they have rend tLes simple, plain Bi
bin statements, why -do they prefer
the confusing views of the Dark Ages
respecting n Trinity of three persons
yet one person? Some say one dod
hi three persons; others say three Gods
In ono person. Both propositions crc
aliko uuscriptural and absurd.
Jesus Himself in IIi.- last Message
to His Church. iL-elared. "I am the AI
pha and the Omega, the beginning and
the ending, the first and the last." (Rev
elation 1:?, 11.) Thus lie clearly tlif
ferentiates between Himself and the
Father: for the Father had no begin
ning "From everlasting to everlasting
Thou art God."
Do our opponents claim that Jesus is
God? We agree most heartily, provid
ed the word God is understood In the
sense in which the Bible uses It.
Throughout the Old Testamejit the
word- for God Is clohim mighty oue.
It Is applied to Jehovah, the Almighty
One; it is also applied to angels and
to men whom He sent as His messen
gers. According to this view, our Lord
Jesus Christ is a God. The Bible clear
ly indicates that He ls above all oth
er gods except Jehovah.
In harmony with this we read re
specting Messiah and His Kingdom:
"Thy throne, O God, Is forever and
ever." The Apostle applies these words
distinctly to Jesus, but does not say
this proves that Jesus was His own
Father, nor does he ignore the Ai
mighty God. of whom are all things.
Ou the contrary, the context tells
us explicitly that tho Father, who
alwavs was above all, as a reward ex
alted His Son to this glorious King
ship and Godship. declaring that even
the nugels of Heaven should worship
Ilim. Hebrews 1:1-9.
One very simple statement confuses
some neeeilessly. It reads, "I and My
Father are one." It does not say one
person. It refers to the oneness of
spirit, or harmony, between the Father
and the Son: and this oneness is ex
plained by our Lord, assuring us that
Ho came not to do His own will, but
the will of the Father. Since He ac
cepted the Father's will in everything,
He and the Father were always one in
purpose. Jesus prayed for the Church,
saying, I pray fur them that Thou Last
given Me, that they all may be one iu
Us, eveu as Thou, Father, and I aie
one. (Jobu 17:9, -0-21.) Surely no oue
would claim that Jesus expected His
Church to become one person! And it
is absurd to think that He ui.d
the Father are one person.
Because Jesus va thus the Father's
Representative, in tin? only sense that
men coul 1 see the invisible Jehovah, Hi?
answered Philip on one occasion, "ile
that hath seen Me hath seen the Fa
ther." Thus the President's secretary
would sny to a caller, "I represent th
"In the Beginning Was the Logcs."
As Matthew's and Luke's Gospels
make very plain how the glorious Sou
of God was made flesh, yet not a par
taker of human &in, so St. John's Gos
pel provides us with information still
further back, pointing out and explain
ing clearly the glorious prehuman na
ture of the Son of God. The transla
tion, however, is slightly defective, and
hides from the English reader the fi:!I
import of the opening verses wh': h.
literally translated, read:
"In the beginning was the Logos, and
the I-gos was with the God, and the
Logos was a god. The same was i:i
the beginning with the God. By liii i
wi re all things made, and without Hii:i
was not one thing made. And th
Logos was made tlesh and dwelt among
r ri.l vr l.riieM Ills "lorv. the L'lorv
the1 1 !-,.., ..,. ,1 i. ,.,.,.
of grace and truth." Johu i:l-3. 14.
The beautiful simplicity of this ac
count is wonderful. Tho beginning it
mentions was not that of Jehovah's
existence, which the Bible declares was
without beginning. The word refers
to the beginning of creation, ai.d im
mediately introduces us to the great
Igos, "the Beginning of the creation
of God." (Revelation V,:14.) While tho
name Logo; may be not Improperly
translated Word, it has a much fu!Ie
signirican e: namely, representative,
messenger, mout hpie -e.
Jehovah's entire Message has been,
and will be. fclven to angels and t J
men through the great Logos. He was
the Alpha, the first; the Father created
none Lefore Him. He is the Omega,
the last: the Father has directly cre
ated none since Him. This explains
simply, satisfactorily, that all subse
(luent creations, while executed by Je
hovah's Power, were worked out by
Ills great Son. the I-os. "By Him
were all things made that were made."
When the time came fr the out
working of the great Divine Plan for
human salvation, and. incidentally, the
showing forth of God's Justice, Wii
dom, Love and Power, the oiler pro,
crlj' came first to the Logos. The
proposition to be man's Redeemer car
ried with it a great blessing, as St.
Taul explains. (Hebrews 12:2; Colos
finns 1:1S.) This exaltation to CoJ's
right hand, far aLove all other crea
tures, was an advance step. Although
originally higher than all the others,
(he Logos was not so "far above"
the a.
It was God's purpose to have a New
Creation; and the Logos, through the
redemptive Plan, was to be the first
and chicfest ou that highest plane
the Divine nature. During this Gospel
Age, God has been calling and accept
ing the honest, the obedient, lovers of
righteousness, haters of iniquity, to be
associates with Jesus in the Kingdom
and participants with Him in the high
est nature of all the Divine. So. St.
Peter declares, "God hath given unto
us the truly consecrated, the Church 1
exceeding great and precious promises,
that by these we might become par
takers of the Divine nature." 2 IVter
1:1; Hebrews 2:10.
Is it right, is it Christian, is It true,
is it manly, to charge my teachngs
with denying that Jesus Ls the Son of
God? What object could there be iu
so doing except to keep the Lord's
hungry sheep away from the grccui
pastures of Divine Truth? Well do
my traducers know that they have
nothing Biblical, sane or sensible to
give instead! The very bitterness
manifested by ministers against me is
being used of the Lord to arouse in
vestigation amongst those who are tru
ly His people. If my reputation must
be thus assassinated in order that the
true sheep may - hear the Master's
voice, I shall acquiesce as joyfully as
possible, remembering that it will be
difficult for them to say bitterer or uu
truer things of me than they said of
my Master.
My crime is the same that incited
the Pharisees against Jesus and the
Apostles. "They were angry that they
taught the people." Preachers who do
not believe in eternal torment any
more than I do are angry that I am
Informing the people; for they fear
that the people will justly think that
their ministers deal dishonestly, re
teiving wages for keeping them in
darkness. The time has come when
all who are for the right, the Truth,
should manifest themselves. I have
many letters from ministers, marked
personal and private, assuring me of
their sympathy with my work, but
fearful to come out boldly. Iam sorry
for these. The Lord xfcwrr "Bo
thou very courageous." "He that hath
a dream an Imagination, let hi:n tell
the dream If he has nothing better to
tell; but he that hath My Word, let
him speak My Word fearlessly." Jere
miah 23:255.
As our knowledge of God and of His
glorious Son. and our true understand
ing of the Holy Spirit, become clearer,
we can the better worship God; for
the eyes of our understanding oper-In-?
wider and wider, we shall comprehend
with all saints the lengths mul
breadths,' the heights and depths, ami
know the love of God whom to ktnw
arlght implies fitness for life everl.'.st
Ing. Epheslans 2:17-19.