The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 08, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1915.
Cbc plattsmouth journal
Published Sml-Wtkly at P I at t m o uth. Nabr.
Entered at the rostofflce at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prloe; S1.50 Per Yor In Advanoe
J Love the little trade which
Z- thou has learned and be content
J therewith. Marcus Aurelius. -I-
lie die cuvf ia nic UI m o ivh-.jw
loo often.
Simple enough on paper to starve
the Germans.
The shots at the Dardanelles are
heard around the wheat belts.
President Wilson will, at the proper
time, lodge a protest against bottling
up German ports.
:o: :
A legislator likewise thinks he can
get rid of cockleburs by legislation.
Hoes are also recommended.
Mr. Rockefeller should ask Nev
York and Ohio to fight it out between
themselves as to which is entitled to
his taxes.
The London Times complains that
news from the United States is to:)
severely censored for British papers.
Same here, Mr. Times.
Moie than seven millions pounds of
meat in cold storage at South Omaha!
And then blame the farmers for hold
ing their grain for a higher price.
Arizona is playing no favorites. Its
legislature has unanimously passed a
bill to pension aged and indigent
widowers who have children dependent
upon them.
:o .
The fact that there is general satis
faction in having congressmen
tome home from Washington does not
mean that in many places the brass
band " ill turn out to meet them at the
railroad station.
The nine-hour law for women work
ers, which has passed the Oklahoma
legislature, applies only to towns of
1,000 or more population. Th-2 farm
cis wives have a right to look upon
it as class legislation.
If the allies are going to open and
keep open the sea route to Russian
wheat fields it would prove a nice
proposition for all those who are hold
ing their wheat for two dollars a
buhel to let loose right now, don't
you think?
The American note sent to Ger
many was vigorous in tone. It declare 1
that Germany would be held re
sponsible for possible results for
which the German reply disavows re
tponsibility in advance. The Ameri
can not concluded with the statement
that the government would "be coat-trained
to hold the imperial govern
incnt to a strict accountability for
uh acts of their naval authorities
snd to take any steps it might be
necessary to take to safeguard Ameri
can lives and property and to secure
to American citizens the full enjoy
ment of their acknowledged rights on
the high seas." The German repty
suggests as a proper step that Unit
ed States warships convey merchant
teasels, as a guaranty of their
neutrality and of the noncontrabanJ
character of their cargo. In rddition
io this alternative there is the pos
sibility that Great Britain may heed
the protest against use of neutral
fiagn. But the situation, so far as the
UniJrd States is concerned, is most
c ritical. Precedents have been render
ed comparatively useless and the is
F"s nvist be settled according to
emental principles of justice among
As the world swings into the first
days of spring the universal prayer
goes up that the war in Europe will
quickly come to an end that the
fields will be planted this year with
crops and not with dead men.
The nations have shown what they
coudl and could not do. The have
nothing to gain by further fighting,
Perhaps if it were not for stubborn
ness and pride, they would all admit
that the war means nothing but loss
to them.
The original cause of war has been
lost to sight. The soldiers do not
know what they are fighting for. The
governments know that they could
gain more by peace conferences tha'n
they can gain by further war. Thsy
are destroying their people in mere
stubborn pride. Rather than propose
peace they are willing to risk further
losses and possible annihilation. The
spirit of madness possesses them.
Germany has been punished enough.
Her foreign commerce has been wiped
eff the ocean. Her merchant ships
are idle. Such part of her fleet as is
not collected in the Kiel canal has besn
destroyed. Factories have been de
prived of raw material, food supplies
have been cut off, and the empire has
been placed on army rations. The
cost of war operations has reached
colossal figures. Years of hard work
will be required to bring the empire
back to where it was.
Great Britain has lost most heavily
in money, upon which she lays great
store. The resources of the empire
have been drained to keep the war
going for what? Germany is uncon
quered. It is evident that war to the
point of absolute victory and defeat
means mutual suicide to Germany and
Great Britain. The victor would be
exhausted as well as the vanquished.
France and Austria are bleeding to
death. Their riches are melting away
with the lives of their soldiers. The
war represents to them total losses,
without any compensating gain of any
Russia is pouring out her men in a
vast bonfire of destruction. The
energies that should be devoted to the
development of that mighty empire
are consumed by utter waste. Russia's
fighting is blind, for the reason that
she could gain by peace all that she is
seeking in war.
And poor Belgium! She lies death
stricken, her men killed, her women
and children starving. Why is she
punished so terribly? There are those
who see in war a kind of retributive
justice, as though Providence brought
punishment to nations as well as in
dividuals, and in some quarters it is
supposed that the horrors that over
whelm Belgium are evidence of divine
retribution for the horrors of the
Kongo. But it is enough to know that
poor Belgium is ground to dust. The
condition of her people stirs the heart
of the whole world.
Instead of realizing and admitting
that the war is being fought in vain,
that they have all to lose and nothing
to gain by further bloodshed, the two
leading nations now go to the limit of
pride and madness by declaring a
hunger war upon innocent people.
What a crime against civilization!
In the hunger war the poor prison
ers will suffer first. These men, who
have already risked their lives, are
now to be subjected to torture and
starvation. After them will come the
weakest of the innocents the babies
and children. Then their mothers, ex
hausted in the effort to feed their
young, will die. And then the aged
men, too feeble to grapple with the
fcoldiers for food, will succumb. Last
of all to starve will be the strong, the
armed men, who must be fed, and
who at the end will turn thir weapons
upon their own people in the struggle
for bread.
Already the tragedy has begun in
the starvation of Belgium. Great
Britain, through Sir Edward Grey, an
nounces that she will not furnish food
to keep her ally from death. Can it
be possible that Great Britain, the
England that has done such great end
noble things for civilization, can sen
tence a friend to death? We cannot
believe that Sir Edward Grey voices
the will of England. It cannot be that
he speaks in cold blood the settled
policy of Great Britain. The thought
is too horrible to be entertained. And
what will France and the other allies
think, when they see England's treat
ment of Belgium? How will they
have the heart to keep up the fi?ht
when they realize that the reward
will be desertion and betrayal?
If the nations should fight, for
humanity's sake they should fight with
their armies and navies, in manly
combat. The horrors of such warfare
are bad enough, and fruitless enough.
The prisoners, the children, the wom
en, and the aged should be spared, and
must be spared if the world is not to
be turned into a den of savage beasts
The stiff-necked and stubborn na
tions that now propose to starve one
another to death are fulfilling the wise
words of Holy Wryit, "Pride goeth be
fore destruction." They can mako
peace if they will. There is no ques ¬
tion confronting them that cannot be
settled by their representatives, sit
ting about a council table. If they
would put aside the foolishness of
their vanity they would all ac
knowledge that the war means noth
ing to them but loss, suffering and
disaster. Washington Post.
No knockers are needed in the wcrk
of building up home industries.
Public opinion, no matter whether
it is right or wrong, is never tongue-
This is a good time to treat the
pneumonia germ with fresh air, which
it hates.
The war is not only hard on poets,
but also hard on the public that reads
the poems.
Oh, no, Sister Mary, we do not be
ieve marriage is a failure, but many
who get married are.
Our courts are so slow that the
public forget what it is all about
when reading the decision.
The California stage beauty who
calls her husband a "simp" probably
caught him with a simper.
When an air ship drops a bomb
bout the only thing it is sure to hit
is the front page of the newspapers.
It is barely possible that the country
will run out of other issues sometime
and elect a president on the question
of who should take the initiative of
distributing pie.
The New York jury which awarded
a man G cents' damages because of
the alienation of his wife's affections
must have intended it as an insult to
all 1hree parties.
A doctor says it is impossible to
told the breath for two minutes. We
know of several women in this old
town who can't even hold their
tongues that long.
At present the world needs all of
the wheat produced in the United
States. Eventually it will need all
the coal. As to these two items con
servation is the best policy.
The dance boomers should have suf
ficient respect for the Lenten season
and those who observe it to cut out
the dances during that short time. It
is simply courtesy to those who
observe Lent.
:o :
State Superintendent Thomas was
not smooth enough to get Tom
Majors' goat. But Tom will be smooth
enough to get Thomas' goat two years
hence. He done it once and he will
do it again mark that!
The world is now witnessing the
extraordinary spectacle of the two
most enlightened nations of Europe
engaged in a desperate effort to
starve each other and to that end they
ere willfully violatling the recognized
rules of warfare and wilfully en
dangering the lives and shipping of
neutral nations. The world is expect
ed to look on unmoved while these two
powers, drunk with hatred and un
mindful of the effects of their acts
struggle on in a mad endeavor to over
come each other. German sub
marines float under the surface of the
ocean, laying in wait for unprotected
ships that sail the seas unmindful of
the danger that awaits them and sud
denly darting towards their prey of
neutral flags means nothing. The
cargoes may be destined for the wives
and children of the foe and so
rigorous are the rules of this inhuman
war that they must be required to
starve in order that their sons and
husbands and fathers lighting at the
front may be subjugated. Was there
ever so inhuman and so barbarous a
war as this? Hundreds of thousands
of little children are at this instant
starving amid the ruins of thei?
homes as a result of the devastation
that has been wrought already and
the end is not even in sight. The
people of neutral lands can do nothing
at this stage, but they can, when peace
is again proclaimed, insist that the
next war if there is ever another
war be fought along lines indicative
at least of sanity and common sense
The wives and children of the men at
the front have no part in this strug
gle. It is inconceivable, therefore,
that they shall be allowed to starve
while the slaughter at the front goes
on for no good purpose. The world
owes it to posterity to make sure that
no such war shall ever be waged
again. Civilization nas been set uacK
a hundred years by it.
There is a general feeling amonq:
the newspaper fraternity that
militarism must be crushed, even if
we all wear out our typewriters do
ing it.
' :o:
Another way is to boost the
hurches. And still another way is to
boost the schools and encourage the
children in their work by visiting the
schools occasionally.
The explanation that Mr. Sayre re
fused a $6,000 position as a professor
in the University of Wisconsin be
cause he is too busy acting as father
of the president's grandson is intend
ed for humor. Wisconsin has done
many wild things, but it has never re
quired its university professors to de
sert their families.
More than three-quarters of a mil-
a A
ion Americans were taKen into
church membership in the last year.
Two-fifths of all our population now
claim to be enlisted under the banner
of religion. True, many do not work
txt it. And others serve Mammon a
good deal more zealously than God.
That, however, is only as it always
has been; as it may always be. The
encouraging, the hopeful, fact is that,
in 1914, more Americans than ever
before went on record with the desire
to walk in better pathways, to live
more nearly in accordance with the
pirit of the Golden Rule. The
church" seems on the way to prove
that it can come back.
The newspaper reader is well ac
quainted with the woman who lived to
be a hundred years old by smoking a
clay pipe and the gentleman who
reached the century mark in a hale
and hearty condition because of or
in spite of drinking plenty of
whisky, but Mrs. Mary Trinka of St.
Louis has a brand new system. She
was one hundred years old recently.
Sauerkraut and dumplings, work and
an optimistic outlook are responsible
for her longevity, Mrs. Trinka de
clares. Those who are trying to smoke
themselves to old age, and those who
are taking the whisky route will scoff
at this new theory, but as for our
selves, we believe there is something
it. Waiter, another order of
sauerkraut and -dumplings, please!
Well, we can get along without any
more snow.
Ihe biggest snow 1 ever saw in
this country,'
says an old pioneer.
If war were as slow as diplomacy
every other generation would escape.
No man can successfully disguise
his bald spot without keeping his
hat on.
Columbia's threat to appeal to the
powers will not hasten the ratification
of its $25,000,000 treaty.
:o: '
MlK 'stockings may denote ex
travagance, but the implications that
they are immodest is absurd.
' :o:
Some fireproof safes resemble fire
proof buildings, being entirely satis
factory except in case of fire.
Raising the cry of insidious lobby
at critical times is becoming as pop
ular in this state as in the nation.
The lone woman member of the
Arizona legislature should insist on
her male colleagues using smoke con
It is well to remember that a good
resolution is like an automobile. The
smaller the road is the more likely it
is to skid.
The tabulation of war supplies sold
during the year is about as cheering
as an undertaker's annual report on
the year's business.
The Houston (Texas) Post is trying
to find out why married men are so
ugly toward bachelors. It may be be
cause they envy them.
Mr. Gary of the steel trust tells
young men "to stick to the golden
rule." Few, however, will find it as
golden as Mr. Gary has.
When some men claim to be
' called of the Lord we are con-
of the Lord" we are
strained to wonder if the Lord did not
make a good many mistakes.
The postoffice department of the
United States is said to be the biggest
thing in the world. In the entire de-
nartment millions are handled every
Neither should this country become
greatly perturbed over demands Japan
may make of China; it is less ojrl0f Weeping Water, who had been in
quarrel than the one now raging in
California is thinking of refusing
alimon to wives who ask for divorces
if they have
rhildrpn. There is
nothiner to prevent California from
A year "ago all the warfaVe in Enj-
nd was carried on by the suffraget
tes. Now there is so much war you
don't hear any more about the milit
ant woman.
The comptroller of the currency has
ordered all national banks of the
country to cease cashing checks for
persons who have overdrawn their ac
counts. This is a practice the depart
ment jays it will not tolerate.
Advice that this country await de
velopments on naval warfare before
constructing any more warsnips is
dangerous. Secretary Garrison took
the same view of military aeronaution
in his first report, but he altered it in
his second.
Mr. Taft's advocacy of a national
university is not new. It was urgca
on congress oy jrresiueni. iBifi-
ton. He also left a legacy for its en-
downment in his will, together with an
argument in favor of educating tha
youth in America instead of sending
them to Europe. The great state
universities and the richly endowed
universities under private manage
ment have removed the chief neces-
ity, as seen by Washington, but there
is still need for a system of stand
ardization such as Mr. Taf- proposes
with his usual force and clearness.
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always
in use . for over SO years,
-z- ' sonal
7 .
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " -Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against llxpcriincnt-j
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric. lrops and Soothiiijr Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opiuni, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fev irishness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and ISowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural bleep
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
!n Use For Over 30 Years
One of the most pleasant events
that has occurred in Masonic circle:
in recent months was given last Fri
dav pvpninc. wIimi t.hf mpmhprs of
Nebraska Chapter No. 3, Royal Arch
Masons, were entertained at a banquet
in the dining room of the Masonic
temple. The repast was one fit for s.
king and was served most charmingly
by the ladies of the Eastern Star
order. The feast was prepared by
Fred Wagner, the expert chef, and
was. certainly one thoroughly ap-
predated by the members of the order
gathered around the banquet board
After the banquet had served to place
everyone in tne best oi numor, me
flow of reason was allowed to hold
sway for a time, the toastmaster be
ing E. II. P., William A. Robertson.
Toasts were responded . to by J. C.
Peterson, A. W. White, I. M. Wolff, as
well as O. C. Hudson and S. R. Smith
ducted into the mysteries of this de
gree on the evening previous, ue
spite the extremely disagreeable
weather there was a large number of
the members of the chapter present,
and the occasion will long be pleas-
any remembered by the members oi
this section of the Masonic fraternity.
Horses for Sale.
Good, well broke horses and mares
that will do the work; reasonable
prices and public sale terms. 'Phone
05-J, Plattsmouth. Frank Vallery.
TO TRADE A new auto seat top
buggy for a good milch cow. Must
be good milker and not too old. In
quire of W. T. Richardson, Mynard,
Neb. 3-4-tf-dSw
Circle Tours of
the Pacific Coast
In planning "The Perfect Coast Tour" or the See America Tour,"
Scenic Colorado is of the first importance. No coast tourist could afford
to say that he had not included "Scenic Colorado" either one way or the
other in the world's greatest rail journey. Go one way via Seattle, Port
land, and during the season visit either Glacier or Yellowstone National
Park. Link together these scenic routes with the Ocean Coast voyage
between San Francisco and Portland
Through the season, various
like will be available, descriptive of
through service-routes.
! 1Mb I
for Fletcher's
Bought and which has been
has borne the signature of
has been made under his per-
supervision since its infancy.
no one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
Residences of Plattsmouth Cannot
Doubt What Has Been
Twice Proved.
In gratitude for complete relief
from-aches and pains of bad back
from distressing kidney ills thou
sands have publicly recommended
Doan's Kidney Pills. Residents of
this vicinity who so testified years
ago, now say the results were per
manent. This testimony doubly
proves the worth of Doan's Kidney
Pills to Plattsmouth kidney sufferers.
Mrs. Zink, Weeping Water, Neb.,
says: 1 suffered from lumbago and
kidney trouble and often my back and
head ached. When Doan's Kidney
Pills were brought to my attention, I
got a supply and it wasn't long before
they restored me to good health. I
endorsed : Doan's Kidney Pills some
time ago, and at this time I take
pleasure in confirming my former en
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the sam that
Mrs. Zink had. Foster-Milbu'rn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
FOR SALE A modern eight-room
house, six lots, three blocks from
High school and six blocks from
business section. Could not be
duplicated for $5,000.00. Belongs
to non-resident, who for quick hale
will take $2,500. Windham Invest
ment & Loan Co. 3-4-tfw
Farm for Sale.
50 acres, 5 miles south of Platts
mouth; ordinary improvements; 40
acres one field and all fall plowed;
running water; good orchard and pas
ture. Terms reasonable. Immediate .
possession if taken soon.
W. R. Young, Mynard, Neb.
Tel. 2412-Plattsmouth.
publications, special folders and the
the Burlington circuit rates and
R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent.
General Passenger Agent, " :
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.