The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 08, 1915, Image 1
". -Sob tu' plattamoittb outna r VOL. XXXltl. PL ATTSM O UTII, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1915. no. WILLIAM HIRTH ADDRESSES COM- iL CLUB Notwithstanding the Severe Snow am Almost Impassable Condition of Walk a Fair Crowd Present. From Friday's? Dal'y.' Despite the terrific snow storm that raged last night there were quite a number of the business men of the cliy assembled at the Commercial club rooms to listen to the address of W illiam Hirth, president of the Mis souri Federated Commercial clubs, who is making a tour of Nebraslui in the interest of arousing the public sentiment of the different towns of the state, on what he considers one of the greatest and most vital questions that effects the American people to day. This was the discussion of the railroad rate question, and the need of tr. adequate relief for the American railroads from fanatical legislation that was crippling their resurces and causing a great hardship on the peo ple of the country. President E. J. Richey of the locil Commercial club presided ' over the meeting and introduced the speaker of the evening. Mr. Hirth at once, in commencing his address, launched d icctly into a discussion of the matter v hich he was to urge on his hearers r.nd laid before them, as a jury, the case of the railroads of the west that are today asking the state legislature end railway commission for an in crease in passenger rates of from a two-cent to a two and one-half-cent rate. He pointed out how the rail-j roads had been affected in the year3 past by legislation that had the effect of crippling their usefulness and in making it hard for them to secure the money needed to operate their dLTer ent lines. As he said, the railroad question was no longer one which con cerned merely those who own railroad securities and are dependent directly cr indirectly upon them for their daily biead, but was a problem filled with matters that affected the entire public in an intense and vital way. The speaker pointed out the fact that there were hundreds of millions of dollars of railroad securities held by the large insurance companies of the country, rnd these were bound to be affected by rny misfortune that might befall the lailroads of our country. The war in Europe, as Mr. Hirth de clared, had closed the great financial centers of that country to the Ameri can securities, of which many of then were railroad securities that had for merly found a ready sale there, and it was necessary to prevent the slump ing of European securities in this country- After the war closed would come the greatest financial crisis in the history of the country, as the work of rebuilding the ruins of the var would demand a great deal if wealth to rebuild, and the American financial world would feel to the ut most the strain of the demand mad.'. The railroads would be the weakest spot in the financial system of the country in such a crisis, as they were compelled to operate now under such conditions as would not allow them tho proper preparation to meet such an emergency as the laws had deprive J them of a just and equitable relief, which they were now asking. He pointed out that in his own state of Missouri the legislature had recognized the need of a slight in crease in railroad rates in order to al low the railroads to operate, and a monster petition, signed by over 250, 000 people of that state, had been presented to the legislature and it had been supported by the leading men of the state, who recognized that it was a step to save Missouri and her bus; ress interests, all of which were closely interwoven. What the rail roads themselves had done some twen ty years ago was responsible in no small degree for the laws enacted in different states, but, as the speaker pointed out, these things were impos sible under the present system and with a keen thinking public. With the present system of inter state and state railway commissions, the speaker declared that the people had a constant check on the railroads of the country and could regulate the rates ns hpst. Riiitfl ViTri nnA maAa impossible the conditions that had prevailed several years back in the history of the railroads. The railroads could no be regulated in the light cf private enterprises, the speaker stated, that could govern themselve to conditions and cut its expense o laise the price of its output as k chose, but they were bound hand anl foot by legislation that made it im possible for them to take any action that would not be answerable to the public. They cannot shut down or charge one penny more than the law says, regardless of the cost of opera tion. Mr. Hirth stated that he only cam to Nebraska because he felt it his duty a3 a citizen of the great west, where the interests of the people demanded relief from present conditions and where the future of the railroads was so closely allied with the prosperity cr the community, and he pleaded that these railroads be given relief from a situation that was working untold hardships on hundreds of thousand. because it was crippling the railroad in their operation and making neces sary every possible retrenchment that could be made. The need of legisla tion and a movement to aid the rail roads had been recognized by Presi dent Wilson and the leading men of the country, as was shown by the fact that the interstate commerce commis sion had permitted-the raise in freight rates on the eastern lines of railroads, and since that time a great many more men had been placed at work, as the relief allowed the railroads the op portunity to secure the money needed r. their operation. The fact that the ndustrial forces of the country had been made the foot ball of politicians was regretted by the speaker, and in he conclusion he urged his hearers to study the question and consider in their minds the railroads' side of the uestion and the need of giving them fair and just treatment in the way cf rates that would allow them to operate at a fair measure of profit. He stated that the people of the coun try were the judges of the matter, and they were laying before them the case for judgment. At the conclusion of the speech Mr. Hirth answered a number of questions, and his appearance here was one filleJ with much pleasure to all who heard him. To those who have studied the question there is no doubt that the railroads have in the past few years been the favorite object of attack by almost every legislator, who sought to secure fame by slapping on some law that would cripple the effectiveness of the various railroad systems, and it is time that the people recognize that these great public service corporations le given just treatment in the prepar ing of laws. If rate3 are found to bo too high they could be reduced by the railway commission or legislature, but on the other hand, if it is found that Voir gra cnmnpll!n(r thf milrnnds fn . . , 1, oV,i operate at a loss, then relief should be granted. As Mr. Hirth well said, the great transcontinental lines were the only ones which could show a profit, and this was due to the fact that their transcontinental business overcomes the loss of the local busi ness, and the real insight in the situa tion could be seen by the figures of the smaller lines, which showed a loss in business each year. BYRON CLARK FALLS IN LINCOLN YESTERDAY AND BREAKS A WRIST From Friday's Dally. The friends in this city of Byrcn Clark of Omaha, the eminent attorney nd solicitor of the Burlington rail- road, will regret greatly to learn of a very painful accident that befell him last evening in Lincoln. It seems that Mr. Clark, coming from the state capital building down to the walk, fell on the sidewalk near the capital and as a result suffered 'greatly in the breaking of his right wrist, which ac- cident will lay him up for some time, This is certainly very unfortunate for the distinguished attorney and his host of friends here will join in trust - ing that he may soon recover from! the accident without any serious in- jury. Ernest S tenner departed this morn- ing for Lincoln, where he goes to look after arranging for flowers for the Easter season in this city and to give his customers an opportunity to se- cure their flowers. THE FEDERAL 0 LAI FULL FORCE I Heavy Fine for Those Who Fail to Comply With the Provisions of This Law. From Saturday's Dally. The recent federal drug law known as the Harrison act, which went into effevt on March 1st, has attracted a great deal of attention throughout the country, as the provisions cover ing the filling of prescriptions and sale of drugs. The primary purpose of the law is to stop the traffic in the narcotics produced from opium and coca leaves. morphine, heroin and cocaine, being the principal offenders. Under this act a wholesaler can sell these drugs to druggists, physicians, dentists and veterinarians only if such purchases are licensed under the act, and orders must be made upon blanks which are furnished by the government to those only who are so licensed. The drug gist can sell only to such licensed physicians, dentists veterinarians and upon these special order forms. When physicians or veterinarians write a prescription containing above a certain amount of opium, codeine, morphine or its derivatives, it must be in a form prescribed by the gov ernment and the prescription cannot be refilled. The law does not apply where the amount of opium, codeine, morphine or its dervatives is below a certain quantity per ounce, or wren for external use. When for cocaine it canot be refilled whether for external or internal use. This act affects all patent medicines, pills, tablets or preparations which contain above the restricted quantities of the prohibited drugs and those 'which contain any amount of cocaine. Under this act it is punishable to have in one's possession any of the barred drugs and not be able to prove that they are procured through the above stated legal channels, and as none but those above mentioned can obtain license, it will be impossible for the "dope fiend" to buy unless some one wants to lay themselves liable to a possible fine of $2,000 and five years' imprisonment. This law, it seems, will effectually stop this traf fic and is very much welcomed by all druggists who have self-respect and do not cater to vicious traffic in drugs or liquor, and this is generally true in the smaller towns of the country, as the larger cities have been the chief resorts of the drug fiends " MRS. LOUISE HOLLEN- BECK CELEBRATES HER EIGHTY-THIRD BIRTHDAY From Saturdays Dany, Mrs. Louisa (Grandma) Hollenbeck celebrated her 83d birthday last Sun day, February 28th. "Grandma" is the oldest resident of Elmwood and also the oldest, in point of age and residence, in Stove Creek precinct. It was in the year '63 that "Grandma first set foot on the virgin soil of this locality. She has maintained a con tinuous residence here since that time, and the more than fifty years that have passed hold memories dear to this grand old lady. She is hale and hearty for one of her age, and the "silver threads" of advancing years fall, softly adorning one of the sweet- est grandma faces it has ever been our pleasuer to know. Always a smile and this is the barometer of her health and happiness. Only very recently did she prove her tenderness and ability by carefully nursing Miss Anna Thiel, singly and alone, through a case of measles. Miss Thiel attends our High school, while she boards and rooms at the Hollenbeck home. Elm- wood Leader-Echo, The sheriff's sale in the case of the Bank of Commerce of Louisville vs. Agnes L. Evans, et al.. which was held at the court house Friday, resulted in the property, consisting of lots 2C and 266 in Louisville being sold to the bank for the sum of $1,300. Taken Down Willi Grippe. From Saturday's Pnily. The latest victim of the common complaint of the grippe is Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt, who was taken sick thi morning and confined. to her room by the annoying malady that has attack ed so many of our people in the pas few weeks. There are very few in the city who have escaped the complaint and the friends of Mrs. Cloidt will trust that she may soon recover. NECESSARY INFORMATION WANTED BY THE COM MISSIONER GF PENSIONS From Friday's Dally. The commissioner oi pensions nas prepared a circular letter, which wiil be sent to every male pensioner on the rolls, aggregating about 450.000, lequesting information as to the do mestic status of each. The letter con tains inquiries as to the data and place of the soldier's birth, and his residence at the date of enlistment, his wife's full name and her maiden name; data and place of marriage, and as to whether there is any puLlic record of such marriage. If either the soldier or his wife was previously married, he is requested to furnish fu!l information in regard to such former marriage, and also as to the names and dates of birth of ad children. These inquiries are made wholly in the interest of the soldier and his family, and it is believed that the in formation thus to be gained will at some future date prove of great val'je to the widow or child: en. A somewhat similar circular letter vas sent to tne pensioners in IpJ-n, ;nd the replies have already proved to be very valuable, k;: inasmuch as more than sixteen yeas have elaps&d since that date, during which many changes may have taken place in each family and because those circulars were not sufficiently definite to bring out all the material facts, it was hought best to make this request for full information. The commissioner urgently requests each soldier or sailor, upon receipt of this letter of inquiry, to consider it carefully and to make prompt and full reply to such inquiry and to return it as promptly as practicable in the ad dressed envelope which will accom pany each letter and which require r.o payment of postage. A PLEASANT ENTERTAIN MENT AT THE STOLL SCHOOL HOOSE NORTH OF TOWN From Saturdays ralir. One of the most pleasant and enjoy able basket suppers that nas been given in this part of the county was held on last Saturday evening at the Stull school house, four miles north west of this city. The teacher. Miss Rose J. Proha'ska,' had devoted a great deal of time to preparing for the event and the entertainment given by the pupils was all that could possibly be asked for and consisted of a most enjoyable minstrel show, which was complete in every detail, and there was nothing omitted to make the oc casion one of the rarest of pleasure, as fun and delightful music served to pass the time most pleasantly. The basket supper feature of the evening brought out a great deal of rivalry for the different offerings of the ladies present and a neat sum was realized by the school as a result. Miss Prohaska has been most efficient in her work in this district and her un tiring efforts has been productive of much good in her school and the patrons of the school feel very much gratified over the great success of the entertainment held Saturday. To Serve on Grand Jury. From Saturday's Dally. Among the names selected to com plete the panel for the federal grand jury in the Lincoln United States dis trict court at the coming term two Cass county citizens-have been select ed, being Miles Drake of Louisvilla nd William A. Taylor of Union, who will take their chances at serving on the jury. THIEVES MAKE T AT Mr. Philip Thicrolf Experiences an Exciting Time Saturday Evening With Sneaklhieves. Philip Thierolf, of the clothing firm of Falter & Thierolf, had a very ex citing time about 7 o'clock Saturday evening, when he had an experience with sneakthieves, who paid a call at the store. Mr. Thierolf was alone in the store when two small, very dark complected men, evidently foreigners, entered the store and one of them en gaged him in conversation in regard to the purchase of some small articles. while his companion proceeded to wander around the store and was ap- parently only gazing around, but as ie left the counter where a number of trousers were placed for sale Mr. hierolf thought his action suspicious, and as the men left the store he dis- covered that the man had a suit of lothes and pair of pants under his coat, and Mr. Thierolf seized the suit and at once ran to the door and gave th alarm, which was responded to y a number of citizens and the men were pursued along Main street to Sixth, where one of them turned north nd at the corner of Vine street ran oward the costoffice. where he was overhauled by a number of citizens nd placed under arrest and escorted o the city prison. This was the man who had made the "touch," as he had the pants in his possession when taken and these were restorted to the owners and identified as the property that had beer, taken from the store by the man. The pants taken were valued at $4.00 and the man taking them had good taste in selecting a pair that was worth a neat sum. The second of the men was too fleet footed and eluded capture and made his get-away apparently, but there was really nothing against him, as he did not steal anything and was only identified with the case as an acces sory, but the police made a search for him during the evening. The chase occasioned quite a stir in that section of the city and the store was soon filled with a large number eager to learn the details of the case, and many wild tales were related of how the man had made his getaway with the pants and had also taken several other articles, but Mr. Thier olf is satisfied that they secured noth ing but the pair of pants. The affair was well timed, so as to come to the store at a time when there would only be one person there, and had they been a little smoother or more pre possessing in appearance they would likely have succeeded in getting away with the stolen goods. This morning the prisoner, who gave his name as Angel E. Guido, was brought before County Judge Beeson to answer to a charge of petty larceny preferred against him by the State of Nebraska. The man, who is a Mexi can, at first seemed to be unable to understand what the court was trying to get at, but soon decided that he would no longer play possum and entered a plea of guilty to the charge, and thereupon the court presented him with a little package labeled $25 and costs, and the man was remanded to jail to await a response to a message which he sent to a number of his father's countrymen who are living at Pacific Junction. Removes From This County. From Saturday' Dally. This week Cass county lost one of its families that will be greatly re gretted among their friends, and this is in the departure of 'Sam" Tschirren and family from this county to their new home at Stanton, Nebraska, where they expect to make their fut ure home, and acocrdingly their goods were shipped to Stanton on Tuesday and the family will hasten to get set tled before the opening up of spring. FOR SALE. FOR SALE One good, gentle work horse, 1 new hayrack and 1 wagon. Inquire of F. M. Hesse, or call Tele mm? ROBBERY phone No. 340-W. 3-2-lwk-d&wthis year. Mrs. Schmidtmann Improving. The friends of Mrs. William Schmidtmann, who was operated on a few days ago at Immanuel hospital in Omaha for appendicitis, will be pleased to learn that she is getting along nicely and every indication points to her speedy recovery and re storation to her family. Mi. Schmidt mann was in Omaha yesterday visit ing with his wife and reports that she is showing the most satisfactory progress and feels that she is getting along in the best of shape that could possibly be expected. JURYMEN TO BE SE LECTED FOR APRIL TERM OF THE DISTRICT COORT From Saturday's Dally. The following is the list of names Relopd bv the hoard of countv com missioners from which the list of jurors will be selected for the coming April term of the district court. The jurv will be drawn by the sheriff and clerk of the district court: Tipton Precinct C. S. Anderson, J. F. Warner, Jacob Umland. Greenwood Precinct S. C. Boyles. Fred M. Prouty. Salt Creek Roy Armstrong, Joe Climer, John Stradley. Stove Creek W. L. Atchison, E. II. Penterman, Lisle Horton. Elmwood Precinct Henry Geibe- ling, Paul Scheve, Henry Tool. South Bend Precinct Henry Wort- man r.fnrro Wallino-er. I "" r- - o Weeping Water Precinct Johnlana tIsie Ii-sslcr eerier; urace .uon- Ruhga, M. M. Straub. Center Precinct W. F. Schleifert, Carl Day. Weeping Water City First Ward P. E- Cherry. Second Ward James Johnson, jr. Third Ward S. I. Crompton. Louisville Precinct Charles Reich art, Herman Pankonin, Fred Sehlei- fert. Avoca Precinct M. II. Pollard, J. jj. McFarland. Mt. Pleasant Precinct H. H. Stoll, J. L. Shrader. Eight Mile Grove Precinct Julius Hilflicker, George A. B. Hicks. Nehawka Precinct Alba Dodson, A. C. Sheldon. Liberty Precinct R. D. Stine, F. H. McCarthy, J. D. Bramblet. Rock Bluffs First Frank Marler, Tom Smith, Ed Slocum. Rock Bluffs Second Joe Wheeler, John Smith. Plattsmouth Precinct Luke Wiles, Harry Smith. Ralph Hayne. Plattsmouth Citv First Ward Grovernor Dovey, Joe Kuhns. Second Ward Billie Miller, Nelson Jean, Frank Slavicek. Third Ward O. M. Streight, Chas. Kratochvil, Frank Shopp, C. Tyler. Fourth Ward Jos. Altman, Fred McCauley, George Farley. Fifth Ward John Toman, C. A. Welch. HEAVY SNOW AGAIN LAST NIGHT IN THE WESTERN PART OF NEBRASKA ITrntn CtnrHar'i rilllw I Tb rnntim, winterv weather still m.vilH throughout the west, accord- ing to the dispatches appearing in the state papers, and there seems to be little relief for several davs at least. r o I Another heavy snow is reported from the western part of the state from Arapahoe west, where yesterday aft- pmnon f-nd last nitrht snm thirtv inches of snow fell, which, in addition to the two previous days, made con- ditions there very difficult and travel extremely hard. The snow has ceased I here for a few hours at least, apparently, although there may be more expected if the general condi- tions continue. The appearance of the sun this morning for a few min- utes had a most cheering effect upon the residents of this city, but it is till struggling to break forth and assist in the work of carrying off the snow which is banked high in the streets and roads of the city andihas madea n examination of th? ac- throughout the county.' Many of the 1 farmers claim that the wet, clinging j snow will be of immense benefit to the soil and add to the success of the crop E VERY GETTING A E EGG Nebraska City Girl' Basket Ball Team Entirely Too Fa.t for Plattsmouth. In a runaway contest of basket ball. the Nebraska City High school girls overwhelmed the girls' team of the Plattsmouth High school by the one sided score of 34 to 1. The local irirl excelled in all departments of th-.' game and the visitors never had n chance to win and very few chance-- to even get a shot at the basket. Nebraska City displayed a brand of team work that had the opponents Sussing all the time Often it uas merely a case of Thomas to Painter to Thomas to basket or another com- u " V equau puu..K and successiul. ine Dome live nai little hard luck in locating the goal or the county would have been larger, but "enough is sufficient." The mathematics cf the race ar here appended: Nebraska City Hazel Thomas an 1 Carrie Painter, forwards; Sadie Thomas and Esther Stahlhut, center; Kathleen Egan and Hiltia Gebat, guards. Plattsmouth Norene Schulhof and Katie York, forwards; Anna Ilandiey l 1 T-M T 1 . f -. gey and Margaret Moore, guards. Field Goals Hazel Thomas, 8; Car rie Painter, C; Esther Stahlhut, 2. Free Throws Hazel Thomas, 2; Katie York, 1. Fouls called on Nebraska City, 6; Plattsmouth, 3. . Time of Halves Fifteen minutes. Referee Schwake. Nebraska City Daily Press. PETERS & RICHARDS PLANNING IMPROVEMENTS ON THEIR BUILDING The enterprising firm of contract- ors, Peters & Richards, are planning some very extensive improvements on the building they recently purchased on lower Main street, which was for- merly occupied by the Monroe stock before the fire of Christmas day. ThU firm has decided to remodel the sec- ond floor of the building and make it into living apartments, which will be leased to families and which will be equipped in the latest and most up-to- date manner possible and will be found most convenient for those siring apartments in the business sec tion of the city. On the main floor the firm will construct a modern office room, where it will be possible to look after the rapidly increasing business of this company, and the office will be made complete in every detail for car ing for the affairs of the firm. The room in the rear of the building will be converted into a workshop, v. here all patterns and designs needed in the extensive concrete business of this comnanv mav be nrenared without de- ' ' r ana IS llne 01 lne Business I 1 1 1 De extensively improved ana eniarge.i r t- i 1 1 j 1 1 t. Messrs. x-eters ana ft.cnarus vm uu.e on a11 kinds of concrete work in the future' both in Plain anJ ornamental WOrk' and r jb, WiH be.t0 larp6 UjV inem 10 unoertaKe, as vney expect xo De Pparea w nanaie anjcmng cmt ma ue onereu Asks to Sell Real Estate. This morning an application was filed in the matter of the petiti-Ji of W. F. Moore, guardian of John Moore, incompetent, to sell real estate for the pajment of debts. The pefi- tioner was appointed guardian of Jjhn E. Moore March 20, 1902, and for years has had the care of the i'lcom- petent, who was a brother, and w ho has made an examination of the ac- pital for treatment. The county court counts of the guardian and finds thnt there is due him the sum of $7,.V0..:, and also to Mrs. Etta M. Moore, for the care and labor with the said in- COM EAR GODS j competent the sum of $4,500.