The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 04, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1915.
ptATTSJiotrrn semi-weekly journal.
pace 3.
" i"" i",A"A"
The hail storm was very severe in
the county several miles west of here,
through the farms of Joe Gilmour,
Mr. Craig, Mr. Ilolmus, and so on
through the Mt. Tleasant district, and
down into Otoe it did great damage.
Farmele & Johnson brought in a
carload of fine horses on Tuesday, and
propose taking them through on foot
to Ashland; the B. & 11. not giving
them rates cheap enough to warrant
their carrying the horses farther.
Some of the horses were fine carriage
Married On the 27th insU at the
residence of the bride's father, in
Plattsmouth, by Rev. Chas. McKelvey,
insisted by Rev. A. Wright, Mr. F. E.
White and Miss Lottie Vallery, all of
Plattsmouth. This event has been
casting its shadow before for some
taime in .our little burg, and not
often are two people united in the
holy bonds of wedlock who carry with
them more of the good wishes of the
pc-ople of than do this couple.
'Frank." as he is generally known,
is one of our most enterprising and
irdustrious young bgusiness men; and
Miss Lottie is the daughter of one of
Piattsmouth's oldest settlers and
staunchest citizens. The relatives of
the bride and groom and a few in
timate friends comprised the guests.
The cermony took place about 11
o'clock. The bride's dress was drab
gros grain made with trained skirt
and basque, the trimmings of tulle,
arranged in sash ends and loopings at
the back. After the ceremony and
attendant congratulations, during!
which the bride and groom comported
themselves with becoming dignity, a
dinner was served of the most bounti
ful kind. Among the., wedding pres
ents were a handsome castor, a but
ter cooler, two very handsome nap
kin rings, inscribed with "Frank" and
"Lottie, and the groom's present to
the bride, a very handsome watch and
chain. They left on the afternoon
train for a short bridal trip, the good
wishes of their many friends follow
ing them.
Dr. Dio Lewis, the great temper-i-nce
reformer, has been visiting rela
tives in Piatt smouth the past week,
aiid at the earnest solicitation of the
members of the Woman's Temperance
association he consented to aid them
in their work by addressing the peo
ple of Plattsmouth on the subject of
"Temperance," on Sunday evening.
Although suffering quite severely
from hay fever, on account of which
he had refused hitherto to speak, he
waived his objection in favor of
Plattsmouth. Sunday evening being
stormy prevented so large an as
semblage as would otherwise have
done, but still there was a very fair
turnout the Methodist church being
comfortably filled. For lack of space
we shall attempt no review of the
lecture. We were very much pleased
wiih it, however, and partciularly
with the moderation evinced through
out. Dr. Lewis, who it will be re
membered was the leader of the re
cent crusade, stated that the crusade
was a failure wherever it was not
carried on in Christian love; that
when conducted aggressively and per
sistently for many hours each day it
was contrary to the original intention
and worked far more harm than good.
He also sketched a plan of quiet and
effective work by means of com
mittees of two composed either of
men or women, which possessed many
points of merit. Throughout all he
continually enforced the mandate,
whatever you do, do it in a spirit of
love, do not allow anger or impatience
to possess you, for then all your
power is gone." In the name of the
people of Plattsmonth, we thank Dr.
Lewis for the "friendly talk" which
so entertained and instructed us all,
and hope that on his return from
California in the spring he will not
pass us by.
Judge Newell comes out and helps
us again. May the fates be kind to
the judge.
next year is finally arranged, ap
parently satisfartorily. At one time
the board decided to take the scholars
from the High school building and re
turn thera to the. wards. This came so
near abolishing the graded system
that the mayor thought it not safe
to try. As it now stands there will be
six months school in the High school
building, with Miss Johnson in charge
of the grammar class, and the other
grades to be left as they were essen
tially with most of the old teachers.
Here ia the law bearing on these
points: It establishes the school
board as a corporate body and vests
all the authority in them "In ail
cities wherein graded and High
schools have been or may hereafter
be established."
We established a graded and High
school here under this law, that is
certain. By this law our school sys
tem can only be revoked under certain
conditions, as follows:
"That any city of the second class
may suspend the operation of this
law, by a majority vote of said city in
favor of suspension, and the city
authorities are empowered to submit
such question of suspension at a.iy
municipal election of said town, when
a petition signed by a majority of the
citizens of said town shall be pre
sented asking the same."
Local Wews
I accompanied by her sister, Miss Cleed
Eerger, who will visit at Memphis fr
a short time.
Ilorses for Sale.
George L. Seybolt has returned
from Idaho, and goes east soon to try
his fortune.
William Agnews train brought in
the first carload of new wheat from
near Beatrice last week.
Alonzo Cunningham has a well we
won't undertake to say whether it i3
a boy or girl until we receive further
Mr. Rasmussen of Omaha was down
here last week and made it lively for
Ben Hempel and the boys. That's
what's the matter with Hannah.
The family of our genial couny
clerk has been increased by the a 1
dition of a daughter and they are un
doubtedly happy some Mo(o)re.
A tramp called at the residence of
cur barber, Boone, and demanded
breakfast and money. Mrs. B. pre
sented a revolver and persuaded him
to decamp.
The High school business for the
Good, well broke horses and mares
that will do the work; reasonable
prices and public sale terms. 'Phone
05-J, Plattsmouth. Frank Vallery.
When one is coughing and spitting
with tickling throat, tightness in
chest, soreness in throat and lungs
when head is aching and the whole
body racked with a cough that won't
permit sleep he wants immediate re
lief. Thousands say Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound is the surest and
quickest acting medicine for coughs,
colds, croup and la grippe. Sold
Accidents will happen, bu the best
regulated families keep Dr. Thomas'
Eclectic Oil for such emergencies.
Two sizes, 25c and 50c, at all stores.
WANTED A lady who has been
working at the dressmaking trade
all winter, wants a position with a
good dressmaker where she can
finish learning the trade. Address
P. O. Box 632, Louisville, Neb.
Registered Jersey Bull
for service, C. E. Babbitt, Platts
mouth. l'-2-2mos-wkly
From Tuesday's Dally.
W. T. Adams was among the busi
ness visitors in Omaha this morning
to spend a few hours in that city.
Mrs. Louise Stohlman of Manley
was attending to some important
business matters in this city today.
E. Palmer of Louisville was in the
city for a short time today looking af
ter some matters at the court house.
August Krecklow of near Manley
was here today interviewing the board
of county commisisoners at their ses
sion. L. J. Mayfield of the Louisville
Courier, was in the city today for
several hours, looking after some mat
ters at the court house.
Arnold Bushnell of Omaha, an old
friend of County Assessor W. R.
Bryan, was an over Sunday visiter
here at the Bryan home.
John II. Busche, road overseer of
Eight Mile Grove precinct, was in the
city today interviewing the county
commissioners for a few hours.
Mrs. John Wiles was a passenger
this morning for Omalft, where she
goes to visit with her son, Everett
Wiles, at the hospital for the day.
J. R. Pierson and little son depart
ed this morning for Springfield, where
Mr. Pierson has just purchased a bank
in that city and is now arranging to
move there.
Charles Gaebel, one of the leadinr
citizens of near Louisville, came in
this morning on No. 4 to look after
some matters of importance at ;he
court house for a few hours.
Will Rummell and H. E. Becker
were among the business visitors in
the metropolis this morning to spend
a iew nours looKing alter some mat
ters of importance in that city.
Frank Albin, a former Cass county
man, but who is now located near
Creighton, Neb., came in last evening
and will visit with his relatives near
Union and Murray for a short time.
W. N. Richards, one of the promin
ent citizens of South Bend precinct,
came down this morning from his
home and attended to some matters
at the court house, returning home
this afternoon via Omaha.
August Krecklow, Mr. Tapirs, Peter
Fogler, Henry Fogler and William
Pankonin, of the vicinity of Manley,
and C. J. Gaebel of Louisville were at
tending to some important business
matters in this city today.
Mrs. H. F. Ost of Memphis, Neb.,
who has been at Murray visiting :th
her relatives and friends, returned
this morning to her home and was
G rover Will returned home Sunday
: from Ilennessay, Oklahoma, where he
had been for a short time visiting
with his brother, near that place. He
reports everything as being in fine
shape, but with a great deal of rain
in that section.
Clerk of the District Court J. M
Robertson and wife returned home
last evening from Franklin, Neb.
where they have been for the past
week looking after the land interests
owned there by Mr. Robertson, and
visiting with old friends.
Alvo Emotes
The Greatest SUBSCRIPTION Offer of the Year!
' r J;- u.v-- -,
..:-'- '.aaCuT 5 -
V."'-"-- "'Jr. -'
-'"-Y3A-,'-. '
AN opportunity to dou
ble your money for
the next few weeks at
the Journal office. Just read
what this offer consists of and
you will surely renew or be
come a subscriber to the Jour
nal while this offer lasts.
The Plattsmouth Semi-Weekly Journal one year
The Iowa Homestead one year
Today's Magazine, one year
The Pictorial Review, (for the ladies) one year
The Blue Bird Indoor Dustless Clothes Line
$1.50 V
For the next few. weeks we offer you the entire list for new subscriptions
or renewals, for only
- " .'--1
... - -f -
- -"r'
4.5 ; - - V
AVe are after a still larger subscription list
in Cass county, and we believe that this bargain
offer will add a number of new ones.
- The Blue Bird Dustless Clothes Line will
prove a great saving of time and labor for the
ladies of the home. It is used in the kitchen or
laundry instead of a wooden clothes horse. It is
ideal for the bath room, back porch, bed room or
nursery. High grade in every particular, always
ready and in place when needed. Out of use it
is out of the way. Now is the time to subscribe.
Send your subscriptions by mail and the little
Blue Bird will be sent you by parcel post.
Plattsmouth Journal,
PlatUmooth, Nebraska
ir f fi s
i t
rv 1
From Wednesdays Pally.
W. II. Newell was in the metropolis
today for a few hours looking after
some matters of business.
Mrs. Henry Born returned home
yesterday from'' Omaha, where she
was called by the illness of her rhothei'
in that city.
Fred Noltinjr was amonjr the farm
ers driving in yesterday to look after
some trading for a few hours with
the merchants.
J. D. Shrader of Murray came up
this morning from his home and was
a passenger on No. 23 this afternoon
for Omaha to visit for a few hours.
W. II. Bush of Murdock was in th2
city for a short time yesterday, com
ing down to look after some matters
at the court house for a few hours.
R. L. Propst was called to Council
Bluffs this morning to look after the
securing of several articles for use
on the farm during the coming sea
son. C. F. Vallery, road overseer cf di s
trict No. 1, was in the city yesterday
to meet with the county commission
ers and take up some road work with
A. A. Allman of Omaha came dovn evening on No. 14 and was one
of the candidates to be initiated into
the Elks' lodge. Mr. Allman former-
Iv resided at Louisville.
James K. Pollock, manager of the !
Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph com
pany, was a passenger this morning
for Union to look after the interests
of his company in that city.
Mrs. Rosetta Simmons of Ames.
Iowa, mother of Mrs. G. P. Eastwood
of this city, arrived last evening to at
tend the celebration of the Eastwoods
fortieth wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Henry Stark john was a pas
senger this morning on No. 15 for
Omaha, where she will spend the day
with relatives, as well as in attending
to some matters of business.
G. L. Eastwood and wife arrived
last evening from their home at Mor
rill, Nebraska, to be here for th?
fortieth wedding anniversary of Mr.
Eastwood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
F. Eastwood.
James Miller of Nthawkj, one of
the leading contractors of the county,
came up last evening from his homi
and was present this morning at the
court house to look after some mat
ters of importance.
Henry Stander of near South Eend
and Louis Raper of Louisville were
in the city yesterday for a few hours
looking after some matters of import
ance, and while here called at th"?
Journal office for a short social visit.
A. B. Hagerman, who has been in
Murray and vicinity for the past few
days interesting parties in the land
in the Big Horn basin country of
Wyoming, was in the city today. Mr.
Hagerman will take quite a party
Monday from Murray to the Big Horn
country to look over the land.
sheep to the
A Surprising Result.
"I am sending you my best regards
and will let you know that I was very
sick and had to call two doctors. They
told me that my blood is drying out.
The stomach would accept no nourih-
nrent. Then I remembered Triner'3
American Elixir of Bitter Wine and
sent for six bottles. I used vp four of
them and felt perfectly well. It is now
a year since that time and I never had
my stomach trouble since. I am f7
yoars old and wish to recommend this
iemedy to everybody. Mrs. Josephine
Andrei, Grand Rapids, Wis." Thus
v. rites an old lady who has achieved
a surprising result. This remedy
cleans out the intestines, stimulates
the appetite and strengthens the body.
Price $1.00. At drug stores. Jos.
Tviner, Manufacturer, 13J3-1333 S.
Ashland Ave., Chicago.
Triner's Liniment gives new elasti
city to tired muscles and joints. Jt
relieves pain quickly. Price: 25c cr
"0c; by mail, 35c or GOc.
G. P. Kahler was in Lincoln Wed
William Mewart was in Umana
J. A. Shaffer visited Thursday in
South Bend.
Tom Cromwell cried Fred Rear's
sale Tuesday.
P. J. Linch was in Lincoln on busi
ness Wednesday.
Dr. Jones was in town between
trains Tuesday.
L. B. Apple-man returned from Lin
coln Friday on No. 14
L. B. Applernan returned from Lin
coln cn No. 14 Monday.
Attorney Taylor of Plattsmouth wa
in town Friday on du sin ess.
Clarence Curvea was in Omaha cn
business Monday and Tuesday.
John Woods shipped
South Omaha market Tuesday.
Frank and John Wolfe were
sengers for Omaha Wednesday.
J. V. Cochran of Hallam visited i-t
the Fred Proutv home Sunday.
Mel Hear was a passenger for Lin
coln Friday morning on No. 13.
Messrs. Foreman, Ingwerscn ar.d
Kellogg were in Omaha Wednesday
and Thursday.
Messrs. Ccatman, Keuhn and Quell-
horst shipped cattle and hogs to South
Omaha Monday.
Ezra Fishburn, jeweler, of Lincoln.
will be in Alvo Monday, March fcth.
at the drug store.
Mrs. Hattie Strain and little daugh
r, of Bethany, were guests cf Mis.
D. A. Vincent over Sunday.
Mrs. Schuyler Wolfe and uncle,
John Wolfe, of Havelock. were down
Thursday to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Moore entertaine 1
Ir. and Mrs. Ed Case and Mr. ar. 1
irs. J. A. Shaffer at dinner Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of Uni
versity Place visited Sunday with tr.e
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Cashner, sr.
Charles G. Anderson is moving hi'.d
here from Litchfield, Neb., and will
live on the George Hanson place,
where he formerly lived.
Lillian Curyea is out of school wi'h
the la grippe. Miss Lillian has had to
i 1 11 iL! .
miss several weeKS oi scnooi ir..
term cn account of sickness, and it
i hoped that she may soon recover.
Friends of Miss Bertha Buckncli
gathered at her home Friday evening
to celebrate her eighteenth birthday.
They presented her wiih a handson?
box of stationery and a royal go d
time was had by all.
Col. Branson, auctioneer, of Lincoln,
chartered a special train from Lincoln
to Alvo Monday in order to get here
early enough to cry a sale northeast
of towh. as our local No. IS was sev
eral hours late that day.
The Woman's Reading club will give
an entertainment and box sup) t r
March 13 for tha benefit of t'n?
Cemetery association. A fine ps -gram
and a good time assurred. Every
liuly bring a box. At Stone's opera
house, Saturday evening, March 13,
The Ladies' Aid society of the M.
E. church met at the home of M;:-.
C. R. Jordan Wednesday and elccte
the following officers for the ensui.ig
term: President, Mrs. Myrtle God
bey; vice president, Mrs. John M:'r
tey; secretary, Mrs. Lulu Stone;
treasurer, Mrs. Ollie Curyea. The
rociety meets the first Wednesday of
each month. They will hold a bazaar
in Stone's hall on March 2G, and will
serve supperx in connection. Every
one cordially invited to attend.
Bin .' i i .n" . -
T.JL w i' -:-
1 V m
In Southern Division.
W. T. Azbell, ex-postmaster of Ed
wardsport, Ind., writes: "I suffered
from severe trouble with my kidneys
and back. First bottle of Foley Kid
ney Pills gave me relief." Thousands
testify that backache, rheumatism,
sore muscles, aching joints and
bladder weakness vanished when
Foley Kidney Pills were taken. Sold
From Wednesday's Dally.
Yesterday the telephone system of
this county was transferred from th
Lincoln to the Beatrice division an J
will be under the supervision of the
officials of the southern division, with
headquarters at Beatrice. That means
that in the future the large gang of
men that have been working in this
county will be transferred to the Lin
coln division and all supplies will be
drawn from Beatrice and all reports
will be made to Beatrice, while th?
cable men will come from Plattsmouth.
which is in the same division. New
officers are in charge of this division.
The company will continue to shift
things about until we find a'vother
move on hand to land another system
in this city and county. Nebraska
City News.
DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose five cents to Foley & Co.,
Chicago, III., writing your name and
address clearly. You will receive in
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound,
for coughs, cold and croup. Foley
Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic
Tablets. Sold everywhere.
' .t.
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:r.o.-t ch.irmi:.;: r.:a::.:e r : . :
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i: the rr.:r;i:r tf r-- y . .. :
of n'--cuk'w; k. ;i ,
veiy terrrtir.g v.- i ('.
course'n .-. !
hostess, a-i-'el 1 y : "
Mi?s Tina. wi.I'.h v as -y r .
joyed n-.'i -.! i:i
pleasures ': thj ,
(jision. TK'-;o v.;.-; i '
ence of the :::crr' r: - - .
truests of the el .r. ? . .
Ie'er?.r.. jr., II. M. :'.'.. - ..
t'n Roer.r' a'.s .-.- e ":'-:
the plea.-uit'S of ihe L:'i..':. :i.
L. W. Lorir.;: ; t-1 1 i n .M-m:: i i:
TT;e repeat ? frrr.i th -V.'.
Lorenz, v. ho is : t
hospital in Orr.uhr., r
on oparatirn for
I e ur.dcrwcr.t a few v
tir.ues to be most. :..
fimi'y and frier:!s are
1 3 learn that he i3
r.icely. He was ta
shortly before t:.e ;.;t
has retarcied homewhat
hut he is p.fcfi-viii r.
hoped that ho will ! c
that it will he p.. s'.i.'.i
turn home b the f:; .-:
t ,
Andy Harir".
Last everar.g Ai !y .
mail carrier, who ca."''
the Missouri Fa'.::',:- !
('own witli an atta. k ef i!
was compelled to i.i'-.e '.
he is suffering greatly
fects of the maluiy xYn:
:o many of oar p'.-oriv.
who is cariyir.g tre i.
I'ailington to the ,.-!. ,
compelled to do a d
ing after the Missouri I";
well as his own route.
. . e ,
! j;
f , ,,
Parent? who kr.w.v f:' .n
insist upon Foley's Ilfrey
Compound when luy::.;- a
for coughs, co:ds, crou'i : t. I :
'C. T. Lurrceford.
writes: "l have u.-ed it fr
n;d it r."fr has fail. !. 1 t
the best remedy rfr -.2 l r c
colds." Sold evcry.l'.e: ?.
1 T
'. x
( ;