MONDAY. MAIJCII 1, 1915. P.U.'E 3. Copyrisht, 1314, by CHAPTER XVI!. The Mistake of Creation. pIIOA. Smoke veiled at the sj uti.;s. usrowiuj; n:s weiut J Lack on the j;ee po!5 to xo i nn;' ine s:eu to a nail "What's tatla' yo'i urrx'f' Shorty roiuplaintd. "Tht-y ain't iio water un der that foot in'." "No. Lut look at that ts-a!l cutlias; out to the ri-ht." Smoke answered. "I thought lioiiody was wintering in this se'-tiosi." '"First I tsean? .f vbodv t:p t!ie Nonlbokn." S!a rty sal 1. nt the a!I but obliterated travfc. "Mebl-e t!:cv are hunters an' pulled their freight "N." Smo!:o decMed. "Thure's been trawl ltu r :ivs. tut the l;;t travel was up that ::re-k. Wlioever they arc. ' ' -they're there r:nv. T I. erf's breii no travel for weeks. Now ''s hern kecpinir them there a',1 t Ii time"? Let's follow the t rn i:p the creek. There 's plenty of We nn c:ini; any tuue."i "San-, we an farap tiny time, but we tT'.'t ta travel n:o-t of the time if wc ain't to sbirve. an' we ;rot to travel in V e riuht direction." "It won't the trip a clay Jon-'tr." Smoke urircd. "I'ussibly n" nire tlian a mile !o::;pr." -Men 1ms died far :w little a:; n mile." Shorty retorted , "Git up. you poor Prel"uot. vin i:et up! Haw! You, Hrislit! Haw!" J The lead doj obeyed, and the who'e j team straini-d weakly into the seft snow. "Whoa SL'.-rty yelled "It'3 pack I trail." " I Siake pu'r-d h! stoffplicM from j uii'Ier the Heu las!i.!ii:s. io'iinl tiietn v his ir;0'-e:is:ned feet and v. nt to tli' fae to re-s and paek the lijLt surface for t!ie drirs. It was heavy work. Dors and men hnl !eon fir d:ivs on sliort rations, and few and limited were the reserves of energy tiiey eouM fall i;; n. The i lii-h rocky' walls hdr kl- drew r.earj to-ether. to that t!u-:r way led up uear the bottom ot" :i ii:.rnr.v pore. "It's a trap." Shirty said. "The whuL !ok of it is r. tten. It's a hole in the jrroim I. It's the stasupin' jrroisnd of troiiLIe." Sii-oke made j;o reply, and for I::. It an hviir th-'.v toiled n. 5n ?:h that was asrain I. roken l y Sh'rty "Sh's a-vork;:i"." he rru:;;l.h'i "S!:e'.s i ".re a-wt.i an' I'll teh you if yoss'ie d to hear an' listen " "Go or." Saioke answered. "Well, she tells me. plain an" simple. U:at we ain't never pin' to j:et out of this hole in the around i:i days s:n' days. We're iroin" to lind trouble sin' be spack in here si lens time an" then some." "Does she sny anything about sjrnb? We haven't srntb for days. an. 1 !ays ar.d days, and then some. There's the beu'inniii-: of your trouble." Smoke said, halting on his snowshoes smd fctarin at an object that Jay on, one side of the "M trail. Shorty left the j:ee poie and joined him. and together they gared down oa the l.-ody of a man beside the trah. "U'tll fed." said Smoke. "Look at them lips." said Shorty. "Stiff sts a poker." said Smoke, lift ing an arm that without moving: moved the whole body. Ti e tur'.n lay on his side, solidly frozen. From the fact thsit no sme.v p-iM-drred him it wsis patent that he h ;d l.'.in there but a short time. "There was a frenersii fall of snow three days back." said Shorty. nodded, bending over the corpse, twisti:: it half up to face thc-m iird pointing to a bullet wound in the temple. He glanced to the side :s!. 1 tilte-r his head at a revolver that h.y on top of the snow. A hujidrcd yards farther on t!iey c :!:. upon a second body that lay fsiee dr.. i.w;rd la the trail. "Two tilings pretty ciear." Smoke said 'i'I,. ;. re fat. Thil means no famine Th' 'v.. j.ot struck it rich, else they wouiJhi't have committed suicide." "If they ,: !," shorty objected "They c:t :::i!y did. There are no tracks Le.-eies tlseir own. and each is '"Asder buii.ed." Smoke dr;sri;ed the ei,rps to fine side anl with the toe -f his moccasin nosed si revolver ct the snow into li it lKei-recu pressed by the b I i th- work. thi:,g." I toll you we nd some f-jc.. ii.'e looiis jimi wc aui i m.iii ed yet. No.".". v ilit'd two Ir.t geezers want to kill tli .tirselves for?" -When we lind that out we'll have found Hi rest ot your trouble." Smoke answered. "Comes on. It's dark." Quite dark it was when rr...-.rluiu tririned 1dm over lilouiug SnioU'"s :i body. He fe ll across si sled on which lay an-f-tber bodv. and when he bad dug the .r t ic iie'-k twn li :e:-. a t r'teK crttch he and Sh irty giiuipseu a r.urd: 'Hly. wrapped ia blankets. lying no-. dug gpfili alsi. ' e-?e "That ViWuit th Wheeler Syndicat. tlie match flickered ont. tliey catisbt siaht vT half a dor.en additional craves 'Tl-r-r-r:" Phorty shivered. "Suicide CY.tnp. All fed uj) I reckon they're all dead." "No Peep at that." Smoke was oo!i i.'i farther rJouu at a tiiui iiinmer ot iii;!:t. "And there's another and a third one there. Come on. Let s tnk.." No more corpses delayed them, and in sevens! minsstes. over a hard packed trail, they were in camp. "It's a city." Shorty whispered. "There must he twenty en bins. An' not a do. Ain't that funny?" "And that explains it." p!",'je wins pered back excitedly. "It's iTTe I.aura Sibley outlit- Ion't J'ou remember' Pa Die up the Yukon last fa'I on the Port Town-scud No. 0. Went rij;!it by I'awsou without stopping. The steam er must have landed them attheuioutb of the creek " - "Sure, 1 remember. They was Mor mons." No vegetarians." Smoke grrinned in the darkness. They won't eat meat, they won't work dos." "It's sill the same. 1 knowed they was soa:et!nii' tunuj about 'em. Had the all wise s-teer to rte yellow. That Laura Sibley was oin' to take '4vn ri'.it to the spot where they'd all be millionaires." "es; she was their scoress uad vi sions and that sort of stuu. 1 thought they went up the Nordei:kjold." "Huh! Li.vteu to that!" Shorty's baud in the darkness wert out warii:;s;!y to Smoke's chest, aud together they liitened to sr'roan. deep lJIi'-; Jrawn. that came from one of the cabin-;. Lie it could the away it uas taken up by cssbia :nnl another a vast ssuspiration CI human misery. The effect w;is monstrous aud nightmarish. "U-r-r-r!" Shorty shivered "It's get tin' goia". Let's Lresik in an' hnd what's eatiu" "em." Smoke knocked at a lighted cabiu and was followed iu by Shortv in sin- to the "Come in:' of the voiet- they heard jrroaning. "What's the msttter"" Smoke de-mnnde-d cf one whose blankets could not lside Ids broad shoulders sind mas sively muscled body, but whose eyes were pain racked and whose cheeks j were ho'siow. "Smallpox" W hat is it '' i In i'"p:y :h;- pointed at hi- mouth, spreading black stnd swollen ! lips in the effort, and Smoke recoiled i at the siaht. I "Scurvy," he c: uttered to Shorty. and the man confirmed the disignosis with a nod of the head. "Plenty of srrub'" Shorty asked. "Yep." was the answer from si man in another bunk. "Help yourself. There's slathers of it. The cabin ncii on the other side is empty. Cache is riirht alongside. Wside into it." In every cabin they visited that r.ilit they found si similar sitmilion. Scurvy had smitten the whole camp. Oriinsiliy there had been' ninety-three men and wunien. lint ten Had died and two had recently disappeared Smoke told of finding the two and ex pressed surprise that none had gone that short distance down the trsiil to (hid out for themselves. What par ticularly struck him su:J Shorty was the helplessness of these people. Their csibins were littered sind dirty. A csib in's troubles were its own troubles. si::d already they had ceased from the exertion of burying their dead. "It's almost weird." Smoke confided to Shorty. "I re met shirkers and loaf ers, but 1 never met so many all at one time. You heard what they said. They've nivrr done a tap. I'll bet they haven't washed their own faces. No wonder they got scurvy." "P.ut vegetarians hadn't ought to get scurvy." Shorty contended. "It's the salt meat eaters that's supposed to fali for it. And they don't eat meat, salt or fresh, raw or cooked, or any other way." Smoke shook his head. "I know. And it's vegetable diet that cures scur vy. No drugs will do it. Vegetables, especially potatoes, are the only dope I'.ut don't forget one thing. Shorty: we arc-not up against a theory, but a con liition. The fact is these grass eaters have oil got scurvy. j do jknow. e. can t .musi ie c'uui"Biuu3. ".No That the doctors Scurvy is nor.i germ disease be csiu-ht. It's gtna y.ued As near as 1 can et it, it's due to an impoverished condition of the blood Us cause is not i . . .1.:. inir :ittff 1 i l tiiey liave.i i gou a iu.ui ei ;.uij lor lack of certain chemicals in his 1. 1. i.i.l :mi! those chemicals don't come out of powders and bottles, but do j come out of vegetables." "An" these people esits nothiu" !ut jirass." Shosrj' groaned. "An' they've -ot it op to their ears. That proves I you're sib wn-ng. Smoke, i on re iuelin a theory, but this condition Mac knocks : the spot.-oat o' your theory. Scurvy's an' that's v by they've aii got lU au tot;en bau at that, iou au me'll get it too if wo hang around this diggiu." Smoke laughed skeptically and knocked on a cabin doer. "What do you want?" came a wo man's sharp voice. "We want to see you." Smoke an swered "Who are you?" "Two doctors from Dawson." Shorty blurted in. with a levity that brought a punch in the short ribs from Smoke's elbow. "Don't want to see any doctors." the woman said in tones cr5-p and stac cato. "Go away. Good night. We don't believe in doctors." Smoke pi-Ued the latch, shoved the door open sind entered, turning up the low flamed kerosene lamp so that he could see. In four bunks tour women ceased from grosining and sighing to stsire at the intruders Two were young, thin fated creatures: the third 5 ir. el.Tcrly ;.;;d vc stout woman, nnd the fourth, the one whom Smoke identified by hor voie, was the thin nest, frailest specimen of the human race lie had ever seen As he quickly learned, she was Lanrsi Sibley, the seeress and professional clairvoyant, who had organized tne er pedition in Las Angeles and led it io this death camp on the Nordbeska. The conversation that ensued wan acrimonious. Laura Sibley did not be lieve in dectors: also, to add to ner purgatory, she had well uign ceased to believe in Herselt. "Why didn't you send out for Help?" Smoke asked when st:e pauses, breath less and exhausted from Her initial tirade. "There's a csimp at Stewart river, and eighteen days travel would fetch Dawson from here." "Why didn't Amos Went worth go?" she demanded, with a vvrsith that bor dered on hysteria. "Don't know the gent Ionian. " Smoke countered. "Wmit's he been doing?' "Nothing, except that he s the only one that hasn't caught the scurvy. And why hasn't he caught the scurvy? I'll tell you No. 1 won't. An1 what would have been the use? Don t i know? I'm not si fool. Our caches are tilled wUh every kind of trui: juice and preserved vegetables v e sire better situated tha:i any othes camp in Alaska to fight scurvy. There Is no prepared vegetable, fruit and cut fooj we haven't, sind in plenty." "She's get you there. Smoke." Shorty exulted. "An" It's si condition, not a theory. You sny vegetables cure. Here's the vegetables, an' Where's thc oure?" "There's no explanation I tan see.' mohe acknowledged. "Yet there is na cam;) in Alaska like this.' I've seen scurvy a sprinkling of cases here and there but 1 never saw a whole csimp with it. uor did I ever see such tern ble cases, which is neither here nor there. Shorty. We've got to do what .e can for these people, but tirst we've' got to make camp and take care or the dogs. We il see you in the morning er Mrs. Sibley." "Miss Sibley." she bridled. "And now. young man. if you 'come fooling' around this cabin with any doctor stutl I'll till you full of b;rd shot." Next morning, after daylight. Smoke c-neum.tered si man csirrying a fieavy Sied load ot tirewood. He was a little man. clean looking r.nd spry, who wsiik rd briskly despite the loath Smoke ex perienced an immediate dislike. "What's the matter with you?" he asked "Nothing," the little mah answered. "I know that." Smoke said "That's v. hy I siskoj you. ou"re Amos Went worth. Now. why under the sun haven't you the scurvy like all the rest ?" "Heeause I've exercised." came the quick reply. "There wasn't any need for any of them to get it if they'd only get out stnd done something. What did they do? Growled stnd kicked and grouched at the cold, the long nights the hardships, the aches and pains sind everytliing else. They loafed in their beds u::;:l they swelled up sind couldn't leave II. em, t lint's all. Look at me I'v- worked. Come into my cabin." Smoke followed hrm in. "Sipiint siround. Clean as a whistle, ch? Von bet. shipshape. I wouldn't keep those chips and shav Ings on the tloor except for the warmth, but they're clean chips and shavings You ought to see the Hour in some ot the shacks. I'igpens. A for me. 1 Supported by a Stick In Eithsr Harji. She Had Paused In Mobcbns by His Cabin. wmr ii 1 1 i j y i i ti h -' u ! .1 ! ' w' M X 1 i . M auvuJ haven't eaten a meal off an unwashed dish. No, sir. It mesmt work, and I've worked, and I haven't the scurvy." "You've hit the nail on the head." Smoke admitted. "P.ut 1 see you've only one bunk. Why so unsociable?" "Pecause I like to be. It's easier to clean up for oue than two, that's why. The lazy blanket loafers! Do you think that I could have stood one around? No wonder they got scurvy." It was very convincing, but Smoke could not rid himself of his dislike of the man, 'What's Laura Sibley eot it in fo - Amos Wentworth shot a quick look at him. "She's a crank." was the re ply. "So are we :dl cranks, for that matter. Hut hesiven ssive me from the crank that won't wash the dishes that he cuts off of. sind tints rhat this crowd of cranks are like " A few minutes later Smoke was talk ing with Lsiura Sibley. Supported by a stick in either hand, she had paused in hobbling by his cabin. "Whit have von got. it in for Went worth for?'" he asked with a sudden ness that caught her off her guard. Uer green eyes Hashed, bitterly and her sore Jips writhed on the vern ot unconsidered speech. P.ut enl3 a splut ter of gasping, unintelligible sounds is sued forth, and then, by a terrible ef fort, she controlled herself. "Pecause he's healthy." she panted: because he hasn't the scurvy; because lie Is supremely selfish: because lie won't lift :i hand to he p anybody else; because he is letting us rot and die without lifting a linger to fetch us a j Kugene Xutiraan wcie local Odd Fel pail ot water or a load of firewood j lows ihut attended a big meeting at That's the kind of a brute he is." j Eni-00ll u:ul Fridav night. Still panting and -gasping, she hob Tr. . bled cm her way. "and live minutes -'n re beginning to picK atterward. coming- out vt the cabin to j oui ine various places where they will teed the dogs. Smoke saw Ler entering jr-rau.-e themselves dating the summer. Amos Went worth's cab:u. Farmer.; who can guaaniee tlv.d ;omethim rotten acre. Shorty. something rotten." he said, shaking his H'',-.. Mti-1.. t t e-. - L iu.i.i: uu?iic First thmg they il have to bury their dead The strongest for the buria; squad, then the nest strongest en the tire wood squad (they've been lying in their blankets to ssive woodi. and m l on down the line. And spruce tea Mustn't forget that. Ail the sour doughs swear by it. These pe-ople have never even heard of it." "4Ve sure got ourn cut out for ns," Shorty grinned. "First thing we know we'll be lull of lead." "And that's our tirst Jof;" Smoke said. In the rest hour each ot .the twenty i ofld cabins w::s raided Ail ammuni tion and every ride, shotgun and re volver w::s coat! seated. . "Come on. you invalids." was Shor- ty's method. "Shootiu' irons turk 'em over. We need 'em." "Who says so was the query at the hrst cabin. "Two doctors from Dawson." w.-is ; Shorty's answer. "An" v.-hat they say j goes. Come. on. . S belli. .out ammuni r'oii too " i ' "Wf. it rlii T-nn tl'om t'rrV "To stand a n war party or canned beet cumin' down tin- canyon. A nd I'm givin' you fair wsirnin' of aspruee te:i Invsision en:v sscioss. P? Cnntinued.) (Tn e?t: fh ii w.a s ti mm r ia k; m H trLfJ K fl St.: Flattsmouth, Nebraska United Doctors Spgcisilsi will be at the HOTEL RILEY WEtadzy, ' MARCH 3, iSiO One Day Only Kour3 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Remarkable Success of these Talent ed Physicians in tiie Treatment of Chronic Diseases Offer Their Services Free of Charge The United Doctors, licensed by thj .State of Nebraska, are expert? in the treatment cf diseases of the blood, liver, stomuch, intestines, skin, nerve?, heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder, diabetes, bed-wetting, rheumatism, .claiic??, tape worm, kg ulcer:;, ay pcs.c'.icitis, gall stones goitre, piles, etc., without operation, ar.d arc too well known in tills locality to nrcd fuither mention. Call see them, ii: costs yen nothing. Laboratories,, Wisconsin. WANTED. WANTED A lady who lias -been working .t the dressmaking trade all winter, wants a position with a good dressmaker where she can fini h learning the trade. Address P. O. Eo: C32, Louisville, Nch. Splendid bargains in Phitt.-.mouth residence property and acreage. Improved acreage to trade for close-in residence. I have buyers for good srnail resi dences close in. List with and buy through T. II. POLLOCK. Ileal Estate and Insuranee. Tel. No. 3. Telephone Lldv,'. Registered Jersey Eull for service. C. E. Babbitt. Platts mouth. l'-2-2mos-wkly NEILUVKA. News. ft Henry G ruber and his cement jrar.g sire putting" in the concrete in th.3 r.u.Iiioriuin basement this week. Miss Fay Fulton has been among those tins week who are ready to 1 testify to the efficiency of tlu mealies. rZ. 31. Pollard is wiring the audi torium this week, r.n electrician from Oniida coming down Monday for thai purpose. Mrs. Clayton Rosencrans return od to her home in P'attmouth Wednes day, after spending; several days vi;itirs home folks. T.Irs. Fran!: .McConnell returned last veck fiom Sloan, Iowa, where slvs had been to attend the funeral of her father, whose tn.gic death by his own hand occurred the Friday before. Word has been received from Mrs. Palmer, who is taking treatment at Oskrdocsa, Iowa, that she is getting along nicely. Ruth, however, has ha i tko chickenpox since going there. Eobert Alford, Chris ran! Ilen.y r.css, J. J. Poilard, J. M. Stone, Carl and Max DaSfwur, Oscar llcback and i i l eai:;. and supper be served lair.tdi.-rht will o ecu: ha v ' , : eu pi ce ranee. of bad weather the: e a crowd out Mor.d 'y r.ight j r.i the Conirr.erc iai club meeting. very definite action v.a ; taken. The dkeciors lt-rorted seme JGCO sui) ..eiil'cd ar.d that there were er.ouga lrcre to hear from to bring tha total well up towards 00. The matter of street lights was diseased, and it was decided to leave this matter, as well as all other.5-, to the official board. There will be no me re ruin meeting.-;, ;:nd as the bonid of dircetorj is con:- j j o.vd of iiV wi-rcs there is no tlouiit u'.ui tne .i.iaiv will be conducted I the : ame ehicient manner that it ha? ; here to fere, ( A Specific Against Colds. i If t lie re is such a thing as si '-rck'ic against col 1;, it is to be found a the sie.cphig poivh or the open bed ilOOin. Neat to that comes the cold ; spi.nge laith m s.he morning, says tne j Youth's Companion. lie a.-J careful as -(-...L. t..t!, yoa will occasionally take cola anil when you do you will jiri.I ''V-ar.v.erluin's Cough Remedy a great !-.-.? : i c:: ' !i::.r you to get rid of it. cveryv'herc. L-i.-e 1 iicr.ograj.h iecor. ior 23c, postpaid. "It's a Lotig Way to Tinperary," "The Jolly Coppersmith," ele. Ad.lress, J. H. rainier, 1317 11 Sirect, Soulh Omaha, Neb. 2-25-Lf-wkiy FOR S.'vLi: lot five-room, one seven-room cotta;res. vn e::sy pr.y- me'.it-. Acreage .ck.;e-in -for re:;4. aiiil sale. I.can Co. Windham Investment & ) w-tf I'OR SALTl A registered Polar.J Chir.a hoar, weighs -1.Q pounds, in gevi condition. John Gochenov.r; three miles scath cf Plattsmouth. ran salt-: -Th be-:t of light Erah rr; i'li;cK('ris. r.n.! ci'S in sea- i . son. rIrs. Wm. Gihr.our, Iloute rs! Raw oTi-ttjimm I am now prepared to look .after all general biacksmithing arid horseshoeing. Shop 4 1 -2 niles vest of Murray. JOHN DURHAM. The Union Auctioneer ' Union, Nebraska AH sale matters tntiui.Uni to my care will receive prompt and care ful attention. Farm and Steel: Sales a Specialty! Rates Reasonable! itt?Adi1ress or phone me at Union for open dates. EAGLE. Beacon. Joe Alien sini family moved onto iheir farm, north of town, the latter part of the week. Arthur Peterson of Lincoln is visit ing with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Peterson. Samuel Vaughn left Wednesday f or Vermont, Illinois, to look after busi ness interests there. lie expects to be gone about two weeks. Jess Horn and family will move on to Dick.Wenzel's farm, south of town, next week. Jess has heen employed by Dick for the coming year. John Kartsock and family moved in ftom the country Thursday of this week and are occupying the property vacated by Lruce Thorp and family. Mrs. L. L. Pcttit purchared, the C. C. Ceoper property this week, whi:-i A. W. Gate has been occupying, and will move into same about the first of the month. Mrs. William Lee died at her horn? :eutheast of Eagle Wednesday mora irg after tin illness of several months. Funeral services will be held from the late home today (Friday.) We just, recently received a fine crayon enlargement from Eugene Sctz, of Platt.-nicuth, which we have at the Leacon office for inspection, li i." the finest work of its kind that w? hvve ever seen, r.nd the prices that M Set;: offer's arc remarkably low. When in need of work of this sort ctrll at the office and let us show ycu the work. P.nss Mick is still confined to the house with a severe attack of rheu matism. At thii writing his condition i- not much improved, but we hope that within a few days he may be aide to be oat and around again. Puss savs he er.ioys the quiet life of resting on his back in si nice soft bod where he can lead the daily papers and receive visitors. Keep Your Bowels Pegu'ar. As evcryoi'e knows, the 1-cwels are the seven sy. tori o." rh j body, r.nd ii is of th' gieatest importance ihrt tiiey move once each day. If your bowels become const ipal e l, take a dose tf Chamberlain's Tsu lets ju t s'fter supper and they will correct the disorder. O'utainalde everywhere. LOUISVILLE. Courier. "Uncle" (Ieo;;:e ocbo?:r.:-in was up from riritsmcuth tiiis wreh. Paiil Fit-cra!d, cashier cf the Dank of Commerce, was at Lincoln Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Swindell of Mihard hnj chartre of the Norman househo'a dnriiij: the illness of Mrs. Norman. Iier many friends hope for her speedy recovery. W. F. Diers was at Lincoln this week in attendance on the annual netting of the State Retail Dealers' aroeisticn. lie reports a jrcod at tendance and enthusiastic sessions. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur fJlackwell of East Akron, Ohio, who were here tn attend the funeral of Mrs. BlackweH'r. brother, Louis Eoedeker, will remain several weeks visiting with relatives and friends. P. O. Esmay of Stuart, N D., writes the Courier that a nine-pound hey arrived at their home on P'ebruary l i, and adds that all are doinjr fine. The Courier extends congratulations. Jeff Salsburp and his biide, of Cedar Creek, visited the former's brother, Philip Kahlcr and family over Sunday. They moved to Mynai l thi.i week, where they went to house keeping on one of the C. E. Metzp;- faim.". Mrs. (leorre Derjrer of Lincohi visited her daughter, Mrs. V. E. Star.der, over Sunday. Mrs. Berber was on her way home from Omah:. where she had been to see her litti? prandson, who recently arrived at ths home of her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Zaehary. Art Masters brought down a larjre v olf with his 25-20 Tuesday. He ani a party of local nimrods, with a koo 1 hunch of- doers, started six wolves on the noith side of the river, but the re mainder of them succeeded in kesninjr out of range of the .hunters' rifles. The Court of Last liesnrt. Aiound the stove of the cross roads grocery is the real court of last resort, for it, finally over-rules all other7:. Chamberlain's Couprh Remedy h?.s been bronprht before this court in al most every cross roads grocery in this country, and has always received a favorable verdict. It is in the coun try where man expects to receive full value for his money that this remedy is most appreciated. Obtainable everywhere. OF LOCAL ifiTEREST Some IVeple We Know, anJ Me Will Profit Ly Hearing About Them. This is a purely local event. It took place in Plattsm uith. Not in some faraway place. You are asked to investigate it. Ashed to believe a cit;'s wc id; To confirm a citizen's i tatenu -nt. Any article that is endorsed" at home Is more worthy of confidence Than one you know nothing about, Endorsed by unknown j cople. Louis Kioehlcr, propci ietor hard wale store, Elm street, Plnttsmouih, says: "Some time sigo I had pain in my back. I was so lame that I couldn't stoop. My kidneys were weak. I had a tired, languid, feeling all the time and headache were com mon. I got Down's Kidney Pills fror-i Geiir.g & Co.'s Drug St.-ie an 1 th y soon relieved me. I am pleased to recommend them." Tike "ibc. at all dealt rs. Pi't i r imply ask for si ki h.ey remedy get Loan's Kidney Pi'l., the .-time that Mr. Kroehler had. !" ter-Milbutii Co., Prop.-., Buffalo, N. Y. When you arc looking for the very best articles in the line of fancy b stationery, call at the Jaurnal oficc. where you will find an excellent variety to select from. iii(i- op- Mir in t i ii vr iiii.ii 111 lh fllrlff ftirf f tin I mat f l.rm.kit. Wii! .1. ;in :.!;: ! 11. .-' , :i n u ! r. I : .i 1 1. 1 1 i l-""!';; ;u-is Sav;n-nul, Ii i i .;(!. t 1 1 A. S.i . .1 - 11. I. I, iirik'inu :i iv.j ;.i. ! .!- l t'i :-,i .1 1. ! .!.- i. . - imiI;:i' n i" iis iii.n ;-.- ( li...i- I (., A Si! a :. .I . .. .1. M : J...-- -'h Mr''lH". lil-i t -. i li.i 1 kin 1 "vn, !! uu', I !! .ii.'l ! - .- ' .Ml.-. -I - i't. .M--'iin. -i-.-t fi-: ! i;:.""- 11 ! ' li w 1. ...-!. .!! n ln-nla,'. M ; :-. .!!; 11 IiiiP.m. I ' f -1 i-.i imn-." 1 n i; 11 .vn. i!.- 1 r 1 K -1 . ti 1. -; ;ir..l 1:1 vi.--'-i . f .11 11 I' 1 ii..,. .-.- - !, T i 1 j 1 1 1 'A f 1 i i 1 S it ! 1 - of Vi s. .Io' ; I i:?.laj, ti . .-t 1 a 1 enk!iovn. ! i a.-' .1. I -f ipI.-i nt To t':t- ,1 o .V.11111.I I i f. 'nhi i 1 - : Vim ii'ni -a h of vi'.! ai- 1 i l v I:'jI:'h-i! on list .I..v of Mai.;. A. ! '. liil'i. j laiiiWtls Ti ! - -1 ir.-ir Miit n tin1 li.-tri't i'iiitI ot i',,. I'li.n.n, Nflrii-kii. l o ii t t 1 lit I.- n ii: rit i't . ! ai .v:ifl II. Spa : .: I.r. ; ; 1 t . I i . 1 ''. ril-oij atil in lla (':, :;ty o t'.i N-.-ln-ak.-t. I-' Ni l t i: 'A .t oiKll-t'T S " ',) of Si;.o- ci, (it. 'IU ri 1 i : . n lit North 1 ; .1 1 1 t : 1 1 : . .11 1 :: 1 liaM of !! Ml. P. M. 1 :! 11 of ;oiv i.-" ).-.. ion I !:i'n.- -II ami Ms iiranlois im- 111 o .- tl an till II' ll'S lio!- to tin- OMItlK-III III I Tl 1 of -ail mil to ti iii.' oii an l -aili of you io M't ioill, V'ni lilit. Iilli-. i-iaiin, lii-n r iiiii-iasl. if anv. in mii.I i1:im rly. i-itlior 01 ui:al i.-. aii'l Io liHVl' lla- Minv a . I i 1 I jiif'ci to tin' title o r s;i i.l pl.t i ill ; If. r 1 ri to . 11 ,.' 11 i-.H ii n'n! all ot mi Itom !.aiti4 or la i 111 1 11 anv ii';t. 'ill.-, i-.i'in. ion intt'ii . t tln ii in aii'l for i o.pnta lilo r li.-f. Tlis noli.r ,;s ina'!a j.-M.-nant to I 'a onli r of tlo a t. Von arc :( in an-wr s.i,,j la titiou on or !,i I'mv Mon-'a .. tin- l.i'i i'a ot Alt. I. A. I 1. I!-'."., m- ami I; 'ill will ..- . ni. i ... W'll.I. lliAN a-i.l i:iAI:i II J '.M. .M'.AN an! in 1:: 11. S!.':i.i:!: i "I'M II tills. v. i.s - i: i:i-:i;t.--' :.'. A. t tol !.. . tiii-: tn i t i itr or thi: I III M'' .r MillllMxt In i :r-f.l a ! 0 of .nunsl (loiiliT. !i i-asi il li-r .r hi 1111 1 r I Ir-nit Ml To all nrs-oiis i ri ! r s t vi : Voi a, a -1 1-1 . i.otniiil tl al a lia: -Pit; vi:l ho ha'l ui'oii t!,o pot il ion f . r liia.I .-' I ) 1 1 1 tj ( ami imal 1. ...rt ot ti oci i'tlor h! s.-m.I .-t.i,o lil.. I I,. 1, in , r, tla- :Mli .!a..' of M . r !,. A. I ... I'M ", al nmo o'i Io. k a. 111. at tin- otl'a m of tlo- 1" it .I'lilf. I'oiirt il'ii'i', Plat : Miooit li. r.. -0'-;it v. N. l.i a -ka. at vvl:i-h tirin- o. 1, . .'.'I i 1'iiti. I in a- . o:-.;.i in o with t la ii aiiii-s 01 lla- ((11,1 1 la-.ol'. a til l.o-I'oi-f- . i i. h aoiil ni: ol.joi t ions tlirri In if, must In; fill-. I. Ii" tin- Court'N .1. l;lii:siy. S-alt '"ouiitv JuiIki-, i:a i.s i: i:!:kts n. .ttoi ncv .-. Mflil'K 'III ( 1(1.1)1 IIII1X. Slate or N. hiask.1, "a ss 1 "oij 11 1 v. in thi; roi'XTV i i:t. Ill rri ::!'! of the e.-'tato i A;, ati a St 11 1 1, i coiis. ,i ; Noti.c is I.ctfhv Kivi-n tlioi,.li. t-.i-yof .-aiil 10 c;is.'il will mi . 1 tho in, ' tra'or of soii.l stat.- .. fo. t! o "o.nt..- .ludi- of Cas.-' (oiiTit-, N- hia -l:a. at li:c c.iuntv 00111' ro..m it, ;,,. '!tV of i'lattsinoiit h. in K.ihl i .iaii , .a, t' .' i'ii. I .lr -- of Aoiil. im:, a'i.1 do- r-.l of Sol.ti iiU'i r, T.U.'i. at 10 o , l, k a. c . ai Ii ia'. In" tl.o !! raf.-o of n t 1 1. Ijair iiaiins- fur i' -a ill 1 aa t io; , a-ltijsl-Mo't! t a n.l a I low a in . Six inoiitlis an ii!!ov-. for tlio . r,-.. iinrs 1 1 f ti.f- saul ili'ci hm'1 to it. o i.! !!(! !ai:.-is, anil 1 ! a ; for i,,.. tnijiis-trator t i s-ttif mI i-siul- fiom lb" -ti'l ii;iv of Man ii. 1 :t:.. V.'it?i-.s id'. I.ati'l aiai tl.. -.mI of s.., l '"iit- .... it at I' I'M., 11 i . N ii , -ka. ti:i.; lllii iia of ii 1, u . 1 ' .", I) ALl.r.N .1. :i:i;sn. I'm -ity Jli.i.-. i) U. IV. VCK, Attoim-y. ! Till: l)lTIII(T III IIT Ol' 1 n t l Nil . . lillll .v . In 1I;o MjiU r of ti;,. i;t. l.r f,f a.;fo . M. I)vor J i.i , asoil. Aii i'f ,a t'oiaioiati ot Minor to s-ll lin l l i-' ate: ,anso f-rirn on for ! nnrint a;. on '1 lalitif.'i of J;,,!!, J. In,.,. ,,,., of tl.o )n n-oii an, -st;t of 'lai., i,vt'l aloi 'i, all's 1 1 it, I". itiorx. J'l a. -iri- f.r liian.-o to .- ! I t o u nd i io, , 1 of tlo fi.llnwirr.' 1 ia t OT:o-l.a!f of t,(. M,iit!,i,i'.t !uail.i' iK 'o of SW t arul tne ti'ir 1 1, w -1 quntlor of tlu sn'it I'liis) N N '.1 of Ihf Si; "4) of si i limi' Iwfiiti .tun --. I'".vn.-!.iii tivclvi' M. iniii'i- fiu.o II' 1. ast of Ctli I". M., i:ri'l si 1-0 1 1 . south ,t!r of lh( iiorlhoast,r S 1,-.. of li f M;i, ) aral !ot tiv ,, in aotlla.-ist i'i;ii Iit (f in'i I !,ca t -,':artT Nj: of Si; it , t a 1 ri 1 1, 1; r.'l a-Tos; iiiso ir.t j! in riort o w rr t ',nari.- of --a. 1 1 i a s t i'iri!tr iMV ', f tl. SK ' olsta inMi :: crn. t" I in so'tion 1 1: i tl y-1 h 1 i.i..). lav. 1 -I. in tv.flyo tl.'i. ian:;e niru !i.ast of lla si.Mh '. .".I , all in .-ass "oiirity. N"--I ra.-ks, for tlio jimi ;v... ..1 s.-"iirti- ' proja-r fur.iu for tlio taa in t,-i,a 1,. . sill, port : "1 '! iioa I ion of sai.J mioo.. ml tor the of la tt r invtst- mint ll is t ln'i -f 'ire oi ,or-il tl.Ht all i-t- f'-ns int 1 i'.s: ,1 in i-ai.l ine Hfif - r l"'liii e mo at l!;i' ciici I l.'.iso lr va i I I'Ciiuity ami Slate on tl,.. liri - ,.r Mai all, l:il.'., at 1 o'lin.k a in. t, i.w- ir.usH why a lot-nso,.t not t trial. t' to s.-ii'l Kuanliin to v. II tl.o i!!"i'' iiesiiil'O'1 Ha 1 1 si.ite lii'i,i ; 1 it;j tv. .s.-ii.l Illinois for the pii!;KstJj a ,".. ci Hi. i'ated this o't "lav of Ff'n-.irv fli. JAMES T. Iinr.L.!: 'v. Judge of- the DUtnct Court 2-d-Juka