I II ID If III 1 "Billy" Sunday's View Belter ; Than "Orthodoxy's", Yet Quite Unscriptural. Bible Views Long Buried Now Coming to Light Erroneous Teachings of the Creeds Reasonableness of Bible Pres entation Instead of World-Burning, Messiah's Kingdom Will Bring World Wide Blessing Anarchy Destructive as a Fire Will Prepare the Way. "The Desire of All Nations." Norfolk. Va., February JS. Fas ter Russell, ad dressing a larj;e audience here to day, discussed "Why, When and How Christ's See Second Advent," from the test. "If 1 go away. I will come again and re ceive you." (John 14:.1.) He compli mented "Billy" Sunday by saying that although Hil y'a" teachings do not come up to the Bible, nevertheless he is far ahead of so-called "orthodoxy" on this subject. Mr. Sunday preaches considerably as I do on this subject, said the Fastor, yet still comes far short of my con ception of the Bible teaching. Mr. Sunday's prcscntatiou"iecognizes that the I.rd Jesus at His Second Coming will establish a world-wide Empire which will bless the entire world jvith li"hr 1c n r tv 1 and fullest opportuni ty to walk in the ways of righteous- n'ss. To this we agree. But we disagree with Mr. Sunday's theory that the thousands of millions w ho died during the past six thousand years in ignorance of Christ are to suf fer tortures to all eternity because of that ignorance. Amongst these billions he includes all who have never heard of .lesus" name in the true sense in heathen lands, and at home where, he explains to us. some of them were led straight down to Hell by the churches These billions, according to Mr. Sun day, were very unfairly treated very unlucky. We disagree with this and present the F.ible thought, that the dead are neither in a fury Furgatory nor in a tiery Hell, but in the Uible Hell the tomb. We Insist that the F.ible tench es that "all that are in their graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God and come forth." The saintly will come forth to the rewards of the Church in glory with Christ in His Kingdom. Others will come forth to a resurrection a raising up out of sin and death by judgment. See Revised Version. John 5:28, 29. These billions who have not intel ligently heard of Jesus and His sal vation are not on trial now. Their death is the penalty of Adam's sin and not of their personal rejection of Jesus, whom they never knew. It is to give these the opportunity of a judgment, or trial, during the thousand years of Christ's Ileign. that they will be called forth from the tomb. As all died through one man's disobedience, all are to be awakened and brought forth to an opportunity of everlasting life through the otedience of the other man Christ. The resurrectiou of the dead, both just and unjust, is their hope. (Acts !U:ir. Aside from a res urrection, there is no hope. It is in view of this that the whole world, good and bad. are said to "sleep with their fathers." -Orthodox" View Is Still Worse. Those who style themselves "Ortho dox" are still further astray from the Bible than is Mr. Sunday. While the latter projwses Millennial blessings for the fortunates living at the Second ; Advent. "Orthodoxy" declares to the contrary that there will he no Millen nium that there will be no hope for anybody except the Elect few. They hold that Instead of establishing His Kingdom at His Second Advent. Jesus will destroy the earth and Its Inhabit ants with fire. They overlook the teachings of the Lord's Pr.i.yer that His people should pray "Thy King dom come," and expect it r and that they should believe that ultimately God's will shall be done on earth n fully as it is now done in Heaven. They neglect the Scriptures which tell that Faradise. lost as the Garden of Eden, is to be restored world-wide that "the earth Is God's footstool." and that "He will make , the place of Ilia feet glorious." Isaiah 05:1; C0:13. They neglect the Dible declaration that "the earth abideth forever"; and that God "created It not in vain, bul formed it to be inhabited." (Eeclesi astes 1:4: Isaiah 43:18.) TueyeeIevf St. Feter's declaration th:vt liie Uesti tution Times mentioned lyall the holy Frophets are to bg- realized at the Second Coming tf Jesus. (Acts 3:19- nr"U'tpad' lVey hold, and express il Tn all the.C cPeeds Catholic and Pro testant tbaf' at Christ's Second Com ing the earth rnd its inhabitants are tc lie consumed vyitb literal fire. Tbej are led to thus give a literal luterpre tation to St. Feter's symbolic state ments. which iortray the fire ol :inan hy which will destroy present In stitutious and make way for the Nevt Heavens and the New Earth the New Pisjensat1on of Messiah's Kingdom. They fall into this error because ol :uther formed during the Dark Ages &m P4STQg gySSELp) namely, that the only king.lom of God 'that this world will ever see vvill be f tnrh an nm nft 1 r U imn ri tm-Imr " j-.. . e,. while the various so called kingdoms of God are l atcheriug each other. Each is trying to justify its own sei Qsb course, nud all unite in saying that the civilized nations of today are Christendom Christ's Kingdom. This theory began iu the year S00. with Fope U'o ill., since which time Catholics claim that the Church is glor ified, reigning with Christ, and the Fope serving as the world's king vice gerent, or instead of Messiah. English. Gerinau and other reformers coming out of Catholicism brought with them the same theory, which has been false ly added to the Lord's Fra.ver in the words. "Thine is the Kingdom and the power anil -the glory forever." which words do not appear in the oldest MSS. nor in the Revised Version. Frotes tants generally, refusing the Fope as the vicegerent of Christ, are much con fused when they attempt to explain the Kingdom fur which they pray. "Thy Kingdom come." and the refer ence in Revelation to its lasting a thou sand years. Protestant preachers are becoming Higher Critics. Evolutionists, etc, and take little account of the Bi ble testimony. What a pity that such do not instead resign their pulpits and enter business life, where higher stand ards of honesty prevail! What Troubles Honest Preachers. There are honest preachers who be lieve the Bible, yet find it difficult to believe respecting Messiah's Kingdom. Properly enough these argue that if Jesus has been gloriiied for eighteen centuries as a Spirit Being, at the right hand of the Father, and has been pre paring the Church for the Heavenly Courts, it would seem to be a retro gression for Him to return to earth and establish an earthly kingdom with soldiers, servants, courtiers, etc. Projv erly they reason that for the Lord Je sus to leave the Throne of Heavenly Glory, and return to sit upon a throne of gold and ivory, would seemingly be takiug a backward step. The difficulty is that these ministers have slipped a few cogs in the great Divine Flan of the Ages. What thev need yet to note in the Bible is that Christ and His Church, His Bride class, the Royal Priesthood, the House hold of Faith, are the only ones of the human family promised a share in the Heavenly rewards and blessings that the Divine arrangement for the re mainder of mankind is an earthly Eden, or Paradise, and human perfec tion iu the Divine likeness. They fail to see that the saintly Church, now be ing gathered from the world for eight een centuries, will compose a Spiritual Kingdom which, backed by Infinite Wisdom and Power, will be better able to serve the world's interests than could any earthly kingdom; and that, furthermore, the Divine Plan provides that the Ancient Worthies, from Abel down to John the Baptist, are to be resurrected perfect human beings, who will be honored by being made "princes in all the earth" representatives, agents, of the invisible Spiritual King dom then in control. The Kingdom Now In Embryo. Our Lord's many parables refer to IILs Church as a Kingdom class, a Royal Priesthood. This does not sig nify that He intended them to occupy places of honor and distinction now. The Master Himself was neither a King nor a Priest on earth. His is the Melchir.edek Priesthood of the Mes sianic Ace. Then He will also be the great King over all the earth. Well did He declare to Pilate, "My King dom is not of this Age" (John 1S:3Gi. As Ills saintly followers are to share in His Kingdom, they also must wait for its establishment. While waiting Jthey .pray. "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, as it is done in Heaven." Of this Royal Priesthood the Apos tle John declares. "The world knoweth us not." We are kings and priests only from the Divine standpoint, which none are able to recognize except "the brethren." Only in embryo are God's saints spoken of as the Kingdom class. They-are now on probation. Jesus says that the ovrrcomers will be grant ed to sit with Him in nis Throne, as actual members of the Royal Priest hood, to reign with Him a thousand years. Revelation 3:21: 20 G. "He Must Reign Until -After telling about the resurrection of the dead. St. Paul explains that the resurrection of the Church to glory, honor and immortality will be first on the program. Subsequently all will come forth, "every man In his own or der," and Christ shall reign until lie shall have put down all insubordina tion. Other Scriptures clearly inform us that the length of His Reign will le a thousand years. From the Bible viewpoint the Thousand-year Day of Christ is ample for the great work to which it has been consecrated by the all-wise Creator from before the foundation of the earth. Nor should we forget that all power In Heaven and eartli is vested in the One who then will take the Throne. Neither should we forget that for eighteen centuries the Church has b?cfr under special preparat -n and in struction in the School of Christ, train ing for their work" as a Royal Priest hood. They will be able to sympathize with the groaning creation and to be merciful, even in the administration of stripes necessary to many for their as sistance along the Highway of Holi ness, then opened up. Messiah's Kingdom Invisible.' Some of the noblest minds have been tepelled from faith In the Second Ad rent by the thought of an earthly Kingdom with Christ and the saints in regal state. Tfcey were quite right In thinking that earthly court and state would be beneath the dignity of Mes slab and His Bride. The Scriptures declare that Jesus left His glory, bum- bled Himself to become a man, !n or der that He might become the great Sin-Offering for our race. But the Re deemer prayed to be glorified with the glory which He bad with the Father before the world was; and He prom ised His Church a share in His Heav enly glory. Did He lead us to expect a Heavenly glory. Heavenly iuhoritanee and glorious change from earthly to Heavenly .conditions, nud will lie give us. Instead, earthly glory and merely perfection in the flesh V How slow we have been to see that God never puriosed that either Jesus or His faithful Elect should remain in the flesh! A few Bible statements mis understood got us into difficulty. We read. "Every eye shall see Him." and forgot that there are eyes -f under standing as well as natural eyes. We forgot that Jesus declares that very few now see or hear only the saintly, whose eyes of undersanding have been opened by the anointing of the Holy Siirit. We forgot that Jesus said. "A little while and the world seeth Me no more." When once we discern that He has been gloriiied that He has been given a spirit nature again, that He no longer has the human nature whiih He surrendered as a Sin-Sacrifice, then we see why the world will see Him no more, and why the Church must be changed by resurrection power be fore she can see Him. "I Will Come Again." Jesus left the. world, not so much in the sense of going so far away that He could not s-e His disciples and communicate with them, but rather in the sense that He uuuld not see them or communicate with them. He would compel them to "walk by faith and not by sight," to "search the Scrip tures." ami to receive their spiritual blessings through the fellowship of the Spirit of the Truth. By His Holy Spirit He would lie with them, and not by personal contact or further mani festations. His Second Coming would be at the end of the Age. to awaken His sleei ing saints and to change them to the Heavenly state. Thus He would come again and receive them unto Himself first the sleeping ones and subse quently those alive and remaining, who would experience their resurrec tion change in the moment of death. Additionally, in the Harvest with which the Age ends. He promised to take special supervision of the gath ering of His Elect. This stage of His Coming is called, iu the Greek. His Parousia His pres ence. The world is not to know of His Parousia. On the contrary, it is de scribed as secret "as a thief la the night." Jesus described His Parousia. saying that at that time the world would be eating, drinking, planting, building, and know not of His Coming iu the Harvest of the Age. even as the world in the days of Noah knew not. The intimation is. however, that some of God's people would be made aware of His Parousia; while others of God's people, the Foolish Virgins, would be overcharged with the cares of this life. and know not. We cannot here discuss fully how Christ comes as a thief, but we offer free of charge a booklet which we have written with a view to making the matter very clear. Whoever will address me Pastor Russell. Brooklyn N. Y. requesting a copy of Parousia Booklet will receive a copy free. "World Seeth Me No More." If Jesus really meant it when He said. "A little while and the world seeth Me no more." how can humanity know about the new. invisible Kin dom? The Bible answers most dis tinctly. It tells of the shining forth the Epiphania. of the Messianic King dom. It tells of His Apokalupsis. mani festation, or revealment "He shall be revealed iu flaming fire." This flamin fire siguifies severe judgments, as else where. These are to be so severe that the elements of society will melt with the fervency of the heat in a terrible Time of Trouble. Additionally, "the heavens," the ecclesiastical systems, will be involved, ami will pass away with a great noise, or commotion. It is from this revealing' in flaming fire. Divine censure upon the world, that the great, the high, the mighty, the poor, all. shall seek to "hide them selves in the dens and caves of the earth" in the social orders and in affiliation with strong governments, etc. Gradually mankind will see that it ts "the wrath of the Lamb" that causes the "Time of Trouble such as was not since there was a nation." The plowshare of trouble will go so deep that the world will effectually learn the lesson. As their eyes of understanding open still more widely, they will discern the beauties and blessings of the Messianic Kingdom "the desire of all nations." But first The Christ. Jesus the Head and the Church the Body. Bridegroom and Bride, must enter into the glory of the Kingdom. Then will be esta blished the earthly phase of the King dom In the hands of the Ancient Worthies. The world will "see Abra ham. Isaac. Jacob and all the Proph ets"; but they will not see the King, nor the Bride, nor "the virgins her companions" on the spirit plane. These will be as invisible to humanity as are Satan and his demon host at the pres ent time. One of our great obstacles in the post has been the failure to discern that God has been presenting two dis tinct salvations that of the Church to the spiritual. Heavenly. Divine nature: I and that of the non-elect, through the elect Church. To them will come the opportunity of earthy Restitution to human perfection, in the image ami likeness of God. as was Adam in a world-wide Paradise. Our Savior's First Advent was necessary for the re demption of mankind. His Second Ad vent is for the overthrow of Satan and fin and for the release of sinners. FUNERAL OF OR. BUSSEY IS HELD Distinguished Nebraska Scientis Given Final Tribute at Lincoln. BURIAL IN WYUKA CEMETERY, Lincoln Is Put Upon List of Produce Postoffices County Tieasurers Must Make Remittances Every Month Resurrect Measure Thought Dead Lincoln, March 1. The funeral ol Dr. Charles E. Bessey of the state university took place at Memorial hall on the state campus grounds. Rev M. A. Bullock' of the Vine Congrega tional church, assisted hy Rev. R. A Waite of the First Congregational church, had charge of the services. Before the funeral services the body lay in state for an hour, where hun dreds paid their respects to the man who had done so much tor Nebraska's big school. A section of the lower floor of the hall was reserved for the members of the. university faculty and their wives and the administrative mc rubers. The active pal'bearers were fcari Albert V. Woods of the University of Minnesota. Dr. M. R. (lilmore of Lin coin. Dr. II. L. Shantz of Washing ton. Prof. F. C. Jean of Fern normal si hool, Dr. Irving S. Cutter of Omaha, tnd Dr. Raymond J. Fool of Dr. Bes eey's, depai tment of the university. The honorary pallbearers were men Tiho arc or have been closely iden tified with the university and were headed by Chancellor Avery. While the body was lying in state It was in charge of several graduate students of the botany department, pmong them being Fred F. Weinard, W. L. C. Muenscher, R. .1. Jeffs. T. G. Vnncker. F. J. Fitzpatrick and Rich ard R. Boerker. The burial was at Wyuka cemetery. Large numbers of telegrams of sympathy and condolence have been received by the family. Resurrect Measure Thought Dead. Grace, of Har!an. aided hy Sandall of York, resurrected senate file 127 in the senate, 1 incidentally drawing down upon their heads the wrath of the insurance men. The hill extends) the right to recover attorneys' 'feci in the case of a contested claim on a loss so that if. covers personal prop erty as well as real estate. (Sates oi Sarpy objected to the bill on th3 ground that it made the insurance companies out as '"scalawags." San dall argued that it was the small claims that should have such pro tection, as the policyholder was al ways prone to give up his rights rather than go to law, where only small amounts were involved. Lincoln Put Upon List. Fostmaster Francis K. Brown Is in receipt of information from the flrsi assistant postmaster cpneral. Wash ington, stating that it has been de cided to add Lincoln to the list of of fices at whirh li?ts are published ot the names and addresses of producers who desire to cell country produce direct to the consumer by means of the parcel post. AH farmers desiring o have their names placed on the list should forward their names and aildress to Postmaster Brown at Lin coin. Xeh.. stating the kind "of pro di:ce they have for sale, which should be listed under three heads butter. tKgs and general produce. Eenate Defines "Legal Newspaper Fly-by-night newspapers, started for campaign purjoses and gaining most of; their sustenance from the sole source of legal advertising, came in for some sharp raps at the .hands o the slate senate. The occasion was the advancement to third reading by the committee of the whole o' senate file 131. by Krumbach. This measure defines a legal newspaper as one hav ins a minimum circulation of at least 00 weekly copies and as one printed either in whole or in part at the place where it is issued. Hai Calls For Money Under Law. Treasurer Hall made formal demand on county treasurers for remittances monthly of all funds due to the state. Pent with each demand is the opinion of Attorney General Reed to the ef fect that the state finance officer has right to require such remittances. Charged With Attacking Woman. Upland. Neb.. March L II. J. Bin terman of Upland swore out a com plaint against J. C. Hartman, a prom inent retired business man of Upland, formerly of Bladen, charging hjm with having made an assault upon his wife, Amelia Kinterman. The case is to be tried before the county, judge In Bloom'nston. Norfolk Club Sends Check. Norfolk, Neb.. March L The Nor- folk State league baseball manage ment mailed a check for $500 to Presi- dent Miles as forfeit money for the 1915 series. Norfolk business men have subscribed $-1,500 for the base ball fund tbis year. Towne will again manage the team. Mose Justus Chosen to Pilot Pawnees. Co'umbus. Neb., March 1. Mose Justus, formerly pitcher for the Co lumbus baseball team, will pilot the Pawnees d.iring the 1915 season. Thfs was decided at a meeting of the di rectors of the local association when they accepted him as manager. . ft TTj. TptJ T I IN PLATTSMOUtll FORTY YEARS AGO. Old man Metteer has come out in a new buggy. He cuts a swell now- beats Elam Parmele all hollow. We learn that Mr. Jacob ValleryV folks are sadly afflicted in the way of sickness. It is with regret we notice the same. The wife of Mr. Sidenst richer, an old and much respected citizen, died on Thursday last, very suddenly. The funeral was largely attended. Bryan & Chambers sold $100 worth of harness in one day not long- since, and got the money for it. Who says Plattsmouth is not a good town to do business in? A Later Day Saint has been preach ing around here lately and last Sun day he baptized a Mrs. Ringo in the Missouri. Such a bath ought to wash away a good many sins. Mr. Ethel, of California, a former resident of Cass, and a nephew of Robert and James Doom, has bee-i visiting us lately. He is a newspaper man. too. and that dooms him to a full notice. Charles Snyder, Hatt's old butcher, was married last week and imediate - ly started for the Black Hills. His . . . , , ,- j oi armament consisted of 17 swords, 31 . . . , . . .. 0 , . pistols, 1 mountain Howitzer, 2 short 1 ' , , guns, 3 razors and a dog. M. B. Murphy, our favorite B. & M. mail agent, has been removed, dis- charged, paid off, and Uncle Sam has hired him over again at bigger wages and less work. Hurray for "Mike!" The upshot of all this lingo is that Mr. Murphy has been transferred to the U. P. mail routef rom the B. & M. made semi changes in the U. P., and our friend, Murphy, benefits by one of them. We shall miss him on our trips over the old B. & M.t but then the U. P. boys will get fat laughing at his jokes, so it's all even. They're a lean set up there. Mr. Martin Dun ham, an old, old friend of the Herald, also gets a place in the U. P. service. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, boys! At the grasshopper meeting of l eb- ruary 17th an idea was advanced and generally supported by the speakers present that disturbance of the eggs in the fall, and especially breaking up of the eggs sacks and scattering the fantf Andy Perry and George Steph eggs, thus exposing them to the ac- ens The planers are run by Henry tion of the elements, would destroy their vitality so that they would not hatch in the following spring. From fome experiments made by myself 1 apprentice, Pat Kennedy; bolt ma was led to the same conclusion, but chine, Andrew Yansen; wheel lathe. now, after a more thorough test ex- periment, I am forced to abandon it. In September, 1876, observing that the hoppers had deposited their eggs about as thickly as they could be crowded in my garden paths, where the earth was trodden hard and solid, I took a hoe and gradually scraped them out, thus breaking the sacks and scattering the eggs on and near the surface, exposed to the frosts, sun, rain and snows. After our meet- ing adjourned on the 17th, I took a magnifying glass and .examined the surface of the ground closely, and found no eggs. The birds or elements had evidently destroyed them. But on moving the earth I found them apparently as thick as I left them in the fall from the surface to one or t i rri it. I two incnes oeep. ine earin was very light and full of them. I took from those nearest the surface a hundred or so and put them in a glass jar and I placed it in a warm room. On the 23d, six days after, they commenced I hatching, and now, so far as I can see, all are hatched out and full of life and activity. They have no food except as they devour each other, of which I see no signs as yet. I propose to see how long they will live on nothing. In company with some ladies the Herald took a very pleasant sleigh ride last week. Among other places visited, we paid our respects to the new machine shops of the B. & M. R. R., south of town. Turning our team over to one of the 40 odd boys who had helped to make the bells jingle and the sleigh run easy over cross walks and so on, we pushed the great brown door open and entered, iollow- ed by the ladies, who had a fieat de- sire to see the inside of the buildings, SDvine our special friend, Will Bal- lance, we asked him to show us around. Will said he was just forg- ing a thunderbolt to elect a United States senator with and must strike while the iron was hot, or he'd do it gladly. He referred us, however, to his brother, "Rob," who wasn't on the thunderbolt department, and more- J over, was much better looking and a J greater ladies man, he would gladly! n 1 We could pot Uo that if we were not sure every time we do a piece of concrete work that it is done right. We Know How or we would not take a chance on rebuilding our work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put it in, and every job we handle is there to stay. Silo, Water Tank, Waler Storage Tank, Walls all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship and we stand back of it. Come in and See if you are thinking of building anything this year. We have a number of new ideas about building that will interest you. Just south of Postoflice on Fifth Street. Concrete Construction Co., Plattsmouth, - show us round. So we all went over to Rob. R. smiled all over, dropped a 6 6 , , . , t ' . , , . - . . ' '. band, stopped his machine and said he ' , . , , would only be too happy to see us . , ' , ., , , , , through, but when the girls' backs . . , . hat fea'sl Vial murlor Will wVln Vio t him lone As that w somethine. . . interest in we turned to th Kearnev. now on the trackj gettinR overhauled for a rew year,s work How big it looks said aU of and it did Sfct there above our heads like a ship on her stocks. it seemed to loom up a . monster of force and cower. and SQ Jt is We alsQ ' gaw the sieeper lately broken up at Qmaha, when poor Kin- ney was Killed, it is being repaired. After looking at the various, curi ous, numming, buzzing, clattering. gouging and twisting machines in this room, we turned to Rob to get the names of the men who do all this, turning the glowing iron into forms of strength and usefulness, The master mechanic of these de- partments is Mr. Hawksworth, and tne next highest man in authority is Ed Grisel. foreman of the shops. The athe men are R. Ballance, Lou Chal Randle, and the drill press by John Thompson; the engineer is A. Rude- beck; coppersmith, William Ballance; Clark Newton and others; pit men, John Heffner, John Young, Robert Buell, Frank Eaton, Frank Ballance an(j Frank Hager, Boilermakers Boss, P. McCullum; helpers, F. Brown, M. Connors, Con Mahoney, C. Hemple. From this room we turn to the blacksmith shop. Foreman,' John Shafer; helper, C. Horasky; George Colger, blacksmith, and Joseph Vi tosch, helper; Henry Maul, with A. C, Cook, helper; Martin Cushin and A. D Adams, helper. Tool dresser, John McDonald and his helper. There are only a few of the di visions in the iron work department 0f the shops; some of these days the Herald means to visit them at more leisure and give the names and work ... ... 0f every man in them. Mow, our boys are back with the team, and the ladies are almost ready for supper, and we spin away after a very pleas ant half-hour spent in iron-land, so to say, Shows Some Improvement. Mrs. Mary C. Egerton, who for the past three weeks has been confined to her home, suffering with the grippe, is reported as showing slight signs of improvement. , She has been very dangerously ill, and her condition is still very critical and gives her family ana irienas mucn cause lor ap prehension. Able to Be Up. .Yesterday J. H. Becker, who for the Fst ten days has been confined to his room by an attack of the grippe, was able to be up and around his home for the first time since he was taken sick He has had a very severe time with the malady, but now feels that he has succeeded in getting tne best of it and hls friends trust that his improve rnent may continue, Residence for Sale, Five-room cottage for sale cheap if taken at once. John Wooster. 3-l-2wks-d sn Us Nebraska ; sn CHICAGO TRIBUNE WAR PICTURES TO BE SEEN AT THE GEM THEATRE The people of Tlattsmouth are to be given a rare opportunity of seeimr, through the medium of the moving pictures, the battle fields of the great European war, as Messrs. Peterson and Shlaes, of the Gem theater, have secured the use of the celebrate. Chicago Tribune war pictures, tha only real actual pictures that have been taken in the historic battlefields, by Edward F. Weigle, staff photo grapher of the Chicago Tribune, wh, at the outbreak of the war was at the front with the Belgian army and wit nessed as well as reproduced th thrilling encounters at the early stages of the war, and everywhere these pictures are accepted as the real, actual story of the fight in that country. The Chicago Tribune turns half of the proceeds of the showing of the pictures over to the Belgian re lief fund, for the relief of the suffer ers in that country. The management of the Gem were compelled to pay a big price to secure the pictures and half of the proceeds goes to the relief fund. A special matinee will be given Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock fo the school children, and in the evening the pictures will be shown again the Gem. Those who have seen th pictures state that there is nothing better or more educational shown in the country than these reproductions of the scenes taken on the bloody bat tlefields of Belgium and France. FUNERAL OF GEORGE EOGERTON YESTERDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. The funeral of the late George Edgerton was held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from the parlors of the Hotel Riley, where for several years past the departed had made his home. There were a number of the relative and old friends present to pay their last tributes of respect to the depart ed friend who had for so many years been with them. The services were in charge of the Rev. W. S. Leete. rector of St. Luke's church, who cele brated the impressive and solemn Episcopal burial service. A choir of voices from the members of the St. Luke's choir rendered a number of ap propriate selections during the serv ices. At the close the casket was borne to Oak Hill cemetery, where it was consigned to mother earth t? rest until a call to another life. A number of friends accompanied thi body to the cemetery for the last sad rites. Card of Thanks. We desire to take this method to return our' most sincere thanks to those kind friends who so faithfully administered to the wants of our be loved brother and uncle, George Edgerton, during his last illness anJ assisted with their helpfulness and sympathy at his death. Especially d we desire to express our deep feeling of gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Mont Robb and family for their care of our sick one and to the Eagles for their assistance and sympathy. Mrs. Diana White.. Mrs. Mary C. Edgerton. J. A. Edgerton. G. W. Edgerton. G. E. Edgerton.