The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    SftETD'AT, FEBPU-4RY 22. 1613.
NMS mi
!l L i ft
..H. M.
la Choosing
Your" Corsei
Why tfiiepp? Why purchase a make at random? Why
not h sure of having the best? American Lady Cor
sets fill every exacting requirement of design, quality
and fit. They are modeled to produce the most advanced
and correct lines Tof the season's vogue. This season
calls for "litheuess" and willowy grace. American
Lady Corsets reflect these demands perfectly, and are
absolutely the correct foundation for the seasons gowns.
Wear A merican Lady Corsets, just the right model
for your requirements, and note the improvement in
your figure.
American Lady Corsets
"Your" Model $1 to $5
r-" 'American L.nly Corsets have a world-wide reputation for "faultless
fa-dtion. fabric, finish ami tit." Moreover, American Lady Corsets are
warranted to w ar ami not to rut. Why not buy corsets which have l) -n
Ikiovi-ii the het?
Look for the name "American Ldy." on every pair
Soefi!chsei's Daylight Store
We are in receipt of a communica
tion from John Schwartz, who former
ly roidt-d Mynard. in this coun
ty, and who is now located near Meet
ing Cieek, Alberta. Canada, in which
he states:
'"Kvervrne is enjoying good health
: nd we have had a splendid winter
here. It has only been 20 lit'ow once
ml hasn't snowed any since Christ-
4 4
J. V. Weckbach has pone east. On
his return his covnters and she'ves
will be filled -.villi new and fr.-h
g ods.
Sam Barker ".oii'r:i- four horses of
Cal Parmele on Wednesday, for his
big farm out wei. Sam isn't afraid
of grasshoppers evidently.
Connor says he has 40.000 bushels
of corn in the ear, cribbed, between
mas. So you know that is fiie for j here and Ashland, and 20,000 bushels
ar.a 'a. I gue.-s the Dutch and Eng- shelled corn ready to move when he
l:.-h have burnt so much powder they i can pet a margin.
lave waimed old Canada. Gram is
of the relatives and friends repaired
to the house to congratulate the
happy couple and bid them pood
bye, after which they left on the aft
ernoon train for the east, expecting
to make a short visit in Chicago and
seme other points, and then go to
their home in Sheldon.
Having been for years past a resi
dent of Plattsmouth, and a favorite
amonp its young society, Miss
Myrtle will be missed greatly. The
many friends of the happy couple will
unite, we are sure, with the Herald in
wishinp them a full share of happi
ness and prosperity through life.
Led per.
Mrs. Fred Montgomery came In
Monday from Talmape to make a few
days' visit with her parents, Mr. an 1
Mrs. M. II. Shoemaker.
Mrs. L. C. Baker arrived home last
Friday from American Falls, Idaho,
where she had been spending a few
months visiting her son, Thud S.
Becker and family.
II. M. Bushnell of Lincoln was in
town last Saturday, on the way to
Auburn, where he delivered an ad
dress under the auspices of the Com
mercial club of that city.
Will E. Exline and wife, residing
..T''-.'?. .!?-'!!- -!
east of tow n, are the parents of a nice
, . . . , f , i town, are reiOicimr over
... - "- J""" -' I . e .1 . V.. .IF ,...1
Ol i Illie M'YIMI ctllll UMflldll-JIVUMU
Mrs. Theodore Shaffer fell cn the
ground Vednesday afternoon and dis
located her shoulder. Mrs. Schaffer
is almost 2 years old.
Mrs. A. C. Welch returned Friday
from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where she
.'.vent about two weeks ago to attend
the funeral of her brother's wile.
A span of mares at Chris Elgaard's
sale Wednesday sold for $.r00 to J. B.
Dawson. This is probably the highest
price paid at any public sale for a
span of mares.
Mr. pnd Mrs. Fred Rueter, who
live on the old Fowler farm, west of
the arrival
C-t' V . kw
circle on Monday, February 8th. This
item was delayed last week on ac
count of storms cutting otf our 4'in-
fant industry" dispatches.
Mrs. Charles McNamee of Brash,
Colorado, arrived Sunday and is visit
ing Union relatives and friends. On
Tuesday morning Mr. McNamee also
came in. he having been down to St.
Joseph to market a cargo of sheep
which he shipped from his Co!orado
Wes Woodard, who for a number
of years has reside! on his farm in
Wyoming precinct, has decided to
change his occupation to some exten,
and has become a resident of Union',
baby gill, who arrived at their home
;n February 1!.
Mr. and Mis. Albert Ilenneger were
Lincoln passengers Wednesday. Mrs.
Ilenneger and children will visit rela
tives iii Lincoln, while Albeit goes to
Ilorton, Kansas, whero he is taking
treatment for his limb.
' 11. G. Lace went to Omaha Satur
day to see Mi-'s Ida Morse, who has
been in a hospital .for two weeks suf
fering from injuries sustained in a
fall on a slippery floor. Although no
bones were broken she was unable to
A new bank is to be started at
Minatare, near Scotts Bluff, with a
mnvinc tbi week into tlip nroncr! iT i
the'ra" stoc.v 01 .-m-v""'. i ne -i'ji-r.-i
holders r.nd ofTcers are: O. R. Lamb,
Israiii liiii
Saturday Evening, February 27th
You arc Invited to Attend and You Know
There is a Good Time in Store for You.
n I
iiiii lie
ago, in
..od price oats. ('0c; wheat, 1.27,
arid barley -"c. Hogs and cattle are
f;iir price, hut horses are not so good.
n.Me tliis finds eceryone wjll in
I'iatt-mouth. John Schwartz."
Will Meet With Omaha Indians.
We understand that V. V. Leonard,
Jno. W. Barnes and Ca;t. L. D. Ben
nett start for the Black llills about
the 20th. Numerous other parties are
making preparations for the same
A delegation of Redmen. of the
tri-e ?t f'is place, Missouri Tribe No. i
(J. W. Iloldrege, assistant superin
tendent of the B. & M: R. R., left on
Friday last for a visit "way down
east." As Mr. II. has attended very
jcloselv to his duties for the last two
(years, this is a well earned trip, and
. w ill journey to Omaha, where they
v ill m-et with Fontanelle Trlb? No.
V ' ,T ., , . ' -1 we wish him a pleasant one
r: the Great Council of the staie of I '
ti e Independent Order of Redmen,
which are meeting there today. The
relegation will consist of about twelve
c f the members of the tribe at this
Public Sale
Having sold my farm, I will sell at
Public Auction on my farm, which is
two miles east and one-half mile south
of Murray, seven miles south of
Plattsmouth, six miles north and two
miles east of Union, the following de
scribed property, on
place, and among them will be J. C.
Yrk, the Gre'it Junior. John Cory,
William Gravitt, F. E. Hawkenberry.
Emil Walters and T. J. Isner. To say
these Indians will have a pood time is
superfluous, as all who them are
-nvinced of that without anv words.
August Bach Down Town.
Will Shiyock, one of the employes
of the Herald, was upset in a buggy
last week, and injured his head se
verely. Mrs. ?aybright, who was in
the buggy, received serious hurts. Miss
Louisa Shryock escaped very fortu
nately with scarcely a scratch. BoLn
persons injured are doing as well as
can be hoped for.
The flood broke up the Fair at Glen
wood, water on the track was knee
!eep. The officers concluded to post
pone the fair until the 12th, 13th and
14th of Oct. S. L. Thomas of our
rotint V took ftVPP r-br-lit Virirwl nf iKr.r.
. . -J - - . . V. W i -.'-
TM!.i! ?irw!r.t-F- trin awn . .
, the Fair the officers called him in and
paid his expenses. Mr. T. says they
treated him first rate.
Aupust Bach, who has been so seri
ojsly ill f r the past three and one
half montl'..-
to the Main street fctore today. This
is the third trip that this excellent old
rvntltman has made down town since
he was taken ill, over three months
: j-o. He is still rather weak from the
!ng sickness, but is paining strength
duily, and will soon be restored to his
j" ! rr-1 !. i
. noann. inis win ie jrooa news i
m :4 n v frinJi in nn.I nmiinl
t h
Platte Rher Grcwing Bad.
The Ice in the Platte river is bc-
Julius Pepperberg had a late call
the other night, about 3 a. m., from a
I man, who did not seem to be after
cigars either, as he rent directly to
the bed on which the cigar man had
been reposing. Julius having been dis
turbed presented his revolver and
snapped it twice, but although it did
not go off, the fear that it might,
caused the tramp (if he was one), to
. i v :
jrimim- w pie uie oriuge people some make a bolt for safety. Julius fol
t rouble at this point. Everything up lowed and sent two balls after him as
to tne present time is perfectly safe, he disappeared down the street
ml witn tne ai.l oi several watchm?n,
breaking up the large cakes of ice that coming down the river the bridges
On the 11th inst., Miss Myrtle Par
mele, eldest daughter of C. II. Pra- an in po,i condition. At Louis- ; meef Esq., was married to Samuel At-
tile several piers of the
wagon Wood. late of the B. &. M. R. R now
brid-e have been damaged, but the ' residing in Sheldon, 111.
tri. --. .... -I 7
oriupe is sun iniacr, ana witn nard
work they expect to hold the structure
in position.
Will Move to Kansas.
Mfs. William Seay ami children ar
lived in this city today, where they
v. ill visit for about two weeks with
the mother of Mrs. Seay, Mrs. Julia
E. Thomas, while Mr. Seay goes with
the car containing the goods, which
they are shipping to southern Kansas,
their future home. Mr. Seay has been
farming in the northwest and has dis
posed of his interests there to go
south, where he wil con.inue in the
Fame business, but he thinks in a
climate which he will like better.
Farms for Sale. T. II. Pollock.
Office in Telephone Building.
The wedding too place at the Pres
byterian church at 2 p. m.; the cer3
mony was performed by Chaplain A.
Wright, Rev. Mr. Eaird. the rector,
1 eing absent. The service was very
short and there were no bridesmaids
nor ushers. The - bride looked very
charming in a myrtle-preen cashmere
suit trimmed with silver-gray fox fur,
a hat with close-fitting brim of vel
vet, and crown of peacock's feathers
and bronze green plumes, and gloves
of a delicate flesh tint. We believe it
is usual to describe in glowing- terms
the charms of the bride and treat the
groom as a very unimportant part of
the program, but we protest against
thL; and declare that he was becom
ingly and suitably arrayed and be
haved with all the dignity befitting so
august an occasion.
Four Head of Horses.
une bay gelding, coming seven
years old, weight 1,250.
Une brown gelding, coming seven
years old, weight 1,300.
une brown driving mare, coming
six years old, weight 1.000.
One black mare, coming four years
old, weight 1,000.
Seven Head of Cattle.
Four head of all No. 1 good young
milch cows.
Three head of two-year-old heifers,
will be fresh in the summer.
Ten head of Duroc-Jersey brood
sows, all bread and immune from
Farm Implements.
Two farm wagons.
One hay rack.
One spring wagon, good as new.
One top buggy.
One old buggy.
One bob sled. '
One light sled.
One Avery corn planter.
Eighty rods of wire.
One 10-inch Sattley sulky plow,.
One 14-inch John Deero walking
One St. Joe riding lister.
One McCormick hay rake.
One Deering mower.
One Model K John Deere disc.
One three-section harrow.
One Badger cultivator.
One Avery rading cultivator.
One walking cultivator.
One set of inch and a half harness
One set of inch and a quarter har
One set of double driving harness.
One set of single harness.
Two sets of leather fly nets.
Seven tons of alfalfa hay in barn.
Seven tons of timothy hay in barn.
And many other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Every article will be positively sold
to the highest bidder; no by-bidding.
Sale Will Commence at 10 O'clock.
Lunch will Be Served on the Ground
at Noon by J. D. Shrader.
TERMS: All sums of $10 and
under, cash in hand; on sums over
$10 a credit of six to twelve months
will be given, purchaser giving bank
able note with approved security,
bearing eight per cent interest from
date. No property to be removed
until terms of sale are complied with.
T. S. BARROWS. Owner.
W. R. Y'OUNG, Auctioneer.
W. G. BOEDEKER, Clerk.
e bought a few years
north part of town.
Mrs. Sarah M. Gilford arrived laH
riday from West Plains, Missouri,
and is visiting relatives and friend-!
in this town and vicinity, while Mr.
Gifford is shipping the goods from
the Missouri town to their new home
on a larm near i edar t.anius, .Net...
the pronertv for which he ex-hanged i
his Missouri land.
James Chappell departed on last
Friday with his stock and household ;
gcods, shipping to Borup, Minnesota,
where ho will engage in farming on
a large scale. His sis'er, Miss Emma i
Chrppell, who will make her home
with her brother, remained here for
a visit with her relatives, and will
leave in the near future for Min
nesota. They have a great man;
friends here v ho regret very much
that such estimable people are lead
ing our midst.
; c ashier; Charles Lyman, president,
jand C. W. Li.-.ii, cashier of our city
. National barik as vice president,
j R. II. Cone of Council Bluffs, la.,
jwas in town Wednesday. He had been
.looking after the farm interest east
of town, whore the Reed boys live. As
tb?y are f.-oi ng to move to Wyoming
Mr. Cone rented the farm to Rudolph
Shumaker near Murray.
While Col. Wm. Dunn, Thomas
Murtcy, F. J. Davi.s and A. .Miller
were returning from the Elgaaid sale H'
vn.s a visitor between trains here one
day last week with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Saxton. He was on his
'ay home from Wi'ber, Neb., where
he hd been on legal business.
O. N. Ward has rented the Ed Gus
tiii farm and will move there soon.
Mr. Gustin will move to town and oc
cupy the property which he recently
piirr-hased of M. II. Tyson.
William Hendricks of Murray spent
several days the liist of the week
visiting f:is brother. Ji. Hendricks,
hero. He visited here over eipht
years ago. and came in this time to j
give his brother a great surprise.
On Mondav Oswald Jnhn received a
meil and had a
'Wednesday and while coming down a
hill west cf town the neck yoke strap
. bioke letting the rig onto the horse-,
who trie! to get away from it, and
ii'i so doiryr unset the rig, drapping
life occupants through the mill for a
distance. Fortunately none were
hurt, aside from their feelings of be
ing treated to a mud bath.
j Holsum Bread of Omaha. . Always
At the close of the ceremony a few J remember,, Basket Store. 2-22-tfJ
Charles Rocber is here from Il
linois visiting old-time friends and
John Ahl has been on the sick list
this week with an attack of heart
Ralph Twiss returned Monday from
a week s visit witn relatives ami
friends at Alliance, Neb.
Forest E. Hoover of Iemaha coun
ty, was here this week visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wood.
Miss Rose Wegner, who spent last
week in town at the home of W. I'
Diers, went home Saturday to stay-
over Sunday.
Mrs. John Olson and little daughter
came over to see her mother, Mrs
Minnie Meier, who has been ill for
the last month.
Tim Gorter loaded his household
goods Monday and moved his family
to Lincoln, where they will make their
future home cn a farm south of that
citv. Their many friends in this
vicinitv wish them success in their
new venture.
W. F. Diers received word Sunday
that his sister, Mrs. II. J. Tangeman,
of Gretna, had undergone an opera
tion for the removal of a tumor. Dr.
McGuire, a specialist from Omaha,
performed the operation, and the
many friends of the Tangeman fam
ily in this vicinity will be pleased to
learn that she is paining rapidly and
hopes soon to be in better health than
John Smith of Bloomington,
Franklin county, Nebraska, and Mrs.
Hiram Smith of Bertrand, Nebraska,
brother and sister-in-law of Mrs. T.
Amick, were visiting at the Amick
home last week, called here on ac
count of the illness of Mrs. Amick,
who is suffering from a severe attack
cf heart trouble. This was the first
meeting between Mrs. Amick and her
brother for eighteen years. Mr.
Smith is landlord of a hotel in Bloomington.
'I- Beacon.
$100 Reward, $100
Born To John Lanning and wife,
Thursday evening, February ISth, an
eight and one-half-pojiml boy.
G. J. Roitter war. attending to mat
ters of business at the capital city
between trains Monday.
Dale Boyles, cashier of the Bank
of Alvo, was attending to some mat
ters of business in town Wednesday
W. T. Knapton received word the
first of the week of the death of his
brother, S. F. Knapton, which oc
curred at Marshal, Wis., the latter
part of last week.
Mrs. Flora Manker of Lincoln
came down the latter part of last
week for a few days visit with her
mother, Mrs. T. R. Adams, returning
howe Monday evening.
C. F. Cay wood anil family went to
Lincoln Tuesday evening to attend
the thirtieth wedding anniversary of
Mr. Caywood's parents, which was
celebrated that evening.
Mis Lottie Renner, who has been
visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. If. L. Swanson and family, at
Wyoming, Neb., returned home Sat
urday evening of last week.
We understand that George Reitter
and family will move onto their farm
uest of town in the very near future,
and G. J. Reitter will move to town
and occupy their property on Main
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the r armors' Grain com
pany, held in the town hall Monday
of last week, August Siekman, Otto
Roesewetter, Jake Frohlich, Fred
Muenchau, sr., Will Harsh, Bert Dopp
uid Jake Uhland were elected direct
ors for the coming year. The man
ager's report for the past year was
read and approved.
-iring of teams busy hauling it to his
farm, where he will use it in feeding
Jo his stock. lie has a bunch of
calves and hogs which he is feeding
this winter.
SV.nvd: y ("cn'rg Mr. a-vl "lis. M.
L. GoHaher left for Coloiado Springs.
Cole, where they went in the hope of
benefiting Mrs. Gcllaher's health.
She has been sick for a long time and
her many friends hope that she will
be much improved by the change of
The last letter that Mr. and Mrs.
II. A. Bragg received from their
daughter, Jessie, who sailed some
weeks ago fiom New York for India,
v. here she was going to engage in the
missionary work, was from Nova
Scotia, a month ago. It is a question
whtther .-he has reached her destina
tion or not. It might be possible that
the vessel upon which she was sail
ing was captured, by one of the war
ring nations.
the wiring is done they will get at
the plastering.
Mrs. William Chandler is home
from Lincoln with her little boy, after
a long siege of doctoring. The little
fellow is quite well now and the
mother and children expect soon to
join the father at Oconto.
John Schwartz was a passenger to
Plattsmouth Wednesday evening and
may have gone on to Rochester,
Minn. He has been under the weather
pince his sick spell in the winter, and
his many friends hope he may soon
find relief.
Fiank Moore left Saturday for h;s
home in Burns, Wyoming, after a
couple of weeks among us. Frank
has the advantage of most of the
rioneers out there, in that he is a
first-class mechanic. He has had all
the work he could do out there.
Redhird wins at the Gem tomorrow,
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind Yes Have Always Bough!
Bears, the
Signature of
The street lights make the ohl town
look like it h id corne out of r long
If this weather keeps up it won't
be long until the bottom drops out of
the roads.
Carl Stone came home Monday
from Omaha, where he had some an
noying growths on his neck removed
Charlev Ileebner sold a car of
hogs to J. M. Palmer this week that
would be hard to beat. They were of
his own feeding, 81 head, and aver
aged 4uS pounds each.
Will Hicks is cf the opinion that
trouble always comes in bunches. Last
week he had his back wrenched in the
blacksmith shop, and while he was
down with that the measles jumped
onto him.
The carpenters are again at work
on the auditorium and we understand
it will be rushed to completion. The
heating plant is in, and as soon as
Building and
of all kinds and classes of
work pertaining to building.
Work contracted for or done
by the day to the entire satis
faction of all classes of people.
The oldest builder in Cass
county. Telephone or talk to
him about what you intend to
do he will help you out.
On One Gallon of Oil-
One Filling of Tank!
li.WO IiKMiba.ors produce
IiIstImt averairo hatches lo-
ause renter heat lnsuitv-
pvimi teumeruturr.
irlnsstii nuts eirtres. ther
mometer iiikI all In ulahi
si'ht. riiivmtr l;ilxir. Oil tanU
needs hut one tlllinir for en
tire hatfh. I'hnne reirulutor
saves H to ti Rsls. oil every
hatch. 1 1 at. hinr chart and money nakinr
tiook on request. Write for them anil new
calalotr. Call on oruilaress
OSCAR WILSON, Plattsmouth, Neb.
?. Leader-Echo. -
A fine boy baby was born last week
Tbe rradors of this paper will be T'l,!"d
learn tbat there is at lent one dreaded dlseasa
tuat Hc-lence Una Decn nuie i cum in mi m , . , - . u: ...
manes, and tiat Is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh Ciiru to Mr. and'S. VVli.iam atim..., Ji.
1m the only punitive cure now Inown to the med- ,.,,- 1 n t
leal frateruitv. Catarrh lwine a eonst itutkmal The little chil l Of Mr. and irs. I.
disease, requires a constitutional treatment. . , . .
Hall a Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, actlnir Cayged IS SClUCUsIy ill With !a giippe.
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of ,-.,, i
the system, thereby destroying tuff foundation Last Week Dan Jaimelin rnOVCil
nf the dlMcase. and glvlnsr the patient KtrenKta , ., f
by buiidiMR np the constitution and assisting na- from the farm, tnree miles . et or
tare in doinc iu work. The proprietors have 4.,V1. T T m1 W
mi much fidth In its curative powers that they town, to the farm MhlCll J. "MCI V .
offer One Hundred Hollars for any case that it T 1,1 ut. forming .list smith
..n. ..! - n tnatltiwinlH IW I I 1- j I I I.C.. juiii".-i j -'
Address F. J. CIIENEY i CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all rug!sta. 75c.
Take Hall's FamUx Fl for constipation,;
of town.
" ' 1
We have gone through our stock and sorted out all
short lengths. These we will offer at a great reduction.
Many items can be purchased at a bargain. Also a lot of
shoes in Misses' and Children's that sold up to $1.50 per
pair can be had at 90c per pair.
Attorney Howard Saxton of render !m