The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmoutb 3urnal
Published Semi-Weekly at P I a 1 1 mo uth. N b r.
Entered at the Tostofflce at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Bubtorlptlon Prloei S1.50 Per Year In Advanoi
The capitals of Mexico are about FARMER AND SPECULATOR.
as elusive as the Irishman's flea.
in still higher prices for the benefit
of speculators than in affording a !
Some western newspapers are de- means whereby, when the next crop
Speaking of "back-to-the-farm" manding the immediate passage of is harvested, the farmer will be en-
movement, $1.50 wheat will help the shipping bill on the around that abled to realize some of the good of
There are times when the fool
killer ought to be indicted for crim
inal negligence.
Measles, measles, and measles.
I - I . .
there is not enoucrh of our wheat and nigh prices
flour moving to Europe and that the Herald.
price is not high enough.
for himself. World-
At the same time mass meetings As the snow goes away the uni-
i Virtue is in a manner con
J tagious; more especially the
bright virtue known as patriot- -J
V ism, or love of country.
While truth is mighty, it is often
Military fashions for women this
spring. Then what?
Love is blind but it can always lo
cate the almighty dollar.
Had colds are prevailent in this
city, and some cases of pneumonia.
Signs of an "America for Ameri
cans" movement are in evidence
Occasionally Mother Nature writes
a letter of credit upon a man's face,
but not often.
In a lawsuit if you feel that you are
liable to Jose, it may be a good idea
to settle the matter by arbitration
As a man grows older he realizes
that mince pie is more likely to keep
him awake of nights than a busy con
science is.
:o :
Righteous indignation may be al
right on rare occasions, but don't
make it a habit, or you will go the
" sour way." ' "
:o :
O.-trich eggs are now being serve:
ps food in Chicago, and it is hoped
they are nearer fresh than some of
the hen fruit one usually gets in that
lakeside metropolis.
are being held in the great centers of versal sentiment prevails that the
nonunion clamnnn trw n.,r irnvpm. wheat Crop never looked more
ment to relieve hungry Americans; healthy in Cass county.
They even make their acquaintance pointing out that we are shipping :o:
with the Journal. Lnro foodstuffs .oh,? th.m pvpr ho. With the loss of probably a half
:o: : f fore in our history; declaring that a million dollars from ice-laden wires
If you are willing to start an famine is threatened, and asserting the Nebraska Telephone company is
Decatur, when he said: "Our Coun- argument' there are always others that the high price of flour is work- convinced that there are other forms
t i""-v "' ""yg?" -
y!'Jl.w. vt-f W vj T. mini in. i ii i
PS' MMMM For Infants and Children.
iJocr' ' 1..
Perhaps no finer patriotic utterance
was ever made than that of Stephen
try! In her intercourse with for
eign nations may she always be in the
right; but our country, right or
wrong." This is a time when such a
sentiment should be type high in the
minds of every American citizen,
whether he got into the ranks by
birth or adoption.
ready to keep it going.
in iinpnrinrnhl hardhine. oi declarations besides war.
'- . I
And, among the uninformed and I :o:"
comparatively tew people believe .... . American farmer The railroads have many men on
in the peerless prophet, the ground- L. . fc &, f the the lookout both day and night watch-
hog, but there are so many other fool
things they do believe.
The killing of 27,000 men in Europe
National affairs does nQt draw an at crowJ around
may be regulated well enough by the bulletin but wait untiI
partisan politics, but in international 2? men ou(. -n the first ,
affairs it is most important that the k,, of the
government represent the nation.
i i :a l i. .. e
-wu ,K a it ivctrp us uut l R js tnfi Jewg are spending
trouble, it is entitled to considerable , gums to gaye Frank from
credit. If it, or the Big Talker, the death penalty. And if Frank is
should precipitate us into hostilities, innocent the Jews
those who would not stand with the
"rich harvest" he is reaping out of inS the breaking up of the ice on the
existing high prices due to the un- Platte river and tributary streams,
nvnr.a,iDnfn,i v,,. ,inmnn,i r,-i in which many bridges are en-
the unexampled shipments of food-
:o: .
stuffs abroad.
The truth as, intelligent men know
and fair-minded men will admit, is
that the farmer is getting little or
none of the benefit. It is the grain
I considerable credit
are entitled to
for pulling to-
If some of our very rich men really
knew what a terrific struggle was go
ing to be staged after their death for
the possession of their dollars they
gamblers, the speculators, the great wuId Probably spend more of it right.
buyers of grain, who are skimming now in funding substantial monu-
iho nrm off fViiw: cih.atmn A ml it mcnts to stand as a credit to their
The Iowa legislature has a bill be
fore it to make 20 per cent of a man
salary subject to attachment and ex
ecution, a measure that is fathered by
the Retail Merchants association.
In Kansas girls under l'J and boys
under IS are prohibited from marry
ing, even with the consent of parents
or guardians. A bill has just been
introduced in the legislature at To
peka reducing the age to 17 and 15
Why not raise them to 18 and 21?
There are now before the legis
lature appropriation bills amounting
to eleven millions of dollars to bear
the expenses of the state srovernment
for the next two years. Enormous, to
say, the least. But then the people
pay the bills, and not the legislature.
Talking about property qualifica
tions for voters, would it not be a
goo-i idea to start in the property
qualification for members of the
legislature in order to be eligible as .a
member of the house or senate of Ne
braska, in order to be eligible to
People hereabouts are beginning to
ppprcciate the fact that the sun is
having greater power, and that it earlier in the morning and sets
later in the evening. It will soon be
tprirg, but perhaps the surest in
dication that sprinpr is here is the
coming of the new Easter bonnet.
Up to date Americans have sent the
IJelgians 110,000 tons of food, and
while this was being done there were
perhaps double this number in
America right at the point of starva
tion. America should stand for
Americans first, especially when it
comes to the starving in our own
government, would be few and of
small consequence, and in no sense en-
l.'ll . J i - ll . Ti
uuea to tne name oi American, it 0wing tQ Ue high cogt of running
is the way of war to unite a nation, automobiles and stayinff at hi h.
without much regard to the wisdom priced hote,s our wealthy people have
or justice of the conflict. German not so fap been ab,e to contribute
,-:i: e 1. u: : - i - I
.KCt u.i pan, pi.uuipica heavily to save the Belgians from
to serve the fatherland, when it came I starving
to a show-down. Factional feeling
passed in France,
is the entire American people that are
paying the heavy price.
The World-Herald calls to the at
tention of those of its readers who
desire to consider important issues
rationally and with a knowledge, of
the facts a letter from a farmer
printed in the New York World. The
letter follows:
"To the Editor of the World:
earthly efforts for the good of the j
youth of the city.
It is the duty of members of the
legislature to listen to suggestions of j
Governor Morehead on the needs of
the state. He is supposed to know
better than the members of either
body. He has made it a study for
J two years, and he wants his admin-
K-Zl :'
" '
. n Z -
ANcrjefable Prppara:lonror.ts-
tlig lite Sioimclis aniCovels of
Promofes D&stfonkeir
ness and Rest .Contains Rciasr
Opiuat.Morphinc noritiauL
Puropka Sad''
It. tarUiWlrSJa
lmrfrd Stvrr
Ancrfect Remedy for ConsHp
lion , Sour Stomach Diantai
ness andLossOFSLEER
TacSbiile Signarurejf
The Centauh Compam;
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
M XT ir
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Vrapper.
"ji.'. Z"i.
1 I'l!
wnere pomics is There is a rrir on th hp.i.l of
i : i. i l.'ii t i iti. I
umit every pretty girl who can bake good Ulightly in the lead of 'Steel In
war Degan. insn nationalists ana I biscuits. Mosf. nnv n-irl r.nn InoV dustrv' in a 'business revival race.' is
and disgust
lecent cartoon, not one of yours, in hstration to be a most - appreciable i
which 'Wheat-Grower' is represented one to the people of Nebraska.
well calculated to rile
Tllstpr mpn fnrcnt tVi?r noar.wnr tn I . .. . . . .
v pretty uncier tne parlor cnanueiier or
serve a Eritish sovereign, when th in thc soft moonlight, but ah, how
empire was threatened. The spirit of few wil, do to look at next mornin
. 4: 1 r t .1
cu,ul.u eu xium xvusMit at G:30 and sU11 fewer can get before course, are the words:
Elmwood possesses a live booster
every real wheat-grower in the Unite l c!ub and il is ffoing to work with a
States. In the cartoon, emblazoned vim. It has secured a live auctioneer
on a Duiietm boam along tne race Pnl nmnn5n? to n!itii;. mI-.
Ucports of 30,000 Casts of Kidney
Trouble, Some of Them Platts
mouth Cases.
'Wheat New
an alien enemy was at tne gates. Al- the men at breakfast a nlate of High Level for Seventeen Years at
ways, or nearly always, it is that way appetizing hot biscuits, and for the
every Saturday afternoon, where peo-
$1.66 This would make it appear Ple can brin- in sunlus stock or
Each of some 6,000 newspapers of
the United States is publishing from
week to week, names of people in its
particular neighborhood, who have
in war, but a little of the same spirit
would help in time of peace; indeed, it
would help in maintaining peace,
than which a government can have no j
more important function. This
should be borne in mind by American
sympathizers of either side in the
great war. Our foreign office is man
ned by humans to whom error is quite
that the grower of wheat is rolling in other- articles and have them sold free used and recommended Doan's Kid
wealth because of the unprecedented of charge to the owners. This is cro- nev 'ls for kidney backache, weak-
rise in wheat within the last two
"Nothing is further from the truth
As a farmer in the full meanine of :o: mouth is no exception. Here is one
Ko wnnl T hnvo not nnlv ralicH nn.M A federal law will co into effect of the Flattsmoath cases
: u , - ,. 1 w ...-.I., ...... , v. ... j . ..... ....... - - 1
r- "-" sold wheat, as well as other farm T:,rrh t -V,;,.h xviil ro.irtimK Barclay, proprietor or
. .1. . T .1 1 -
per cent over tnat 01
one who can, the boys are searching
the world of girls.
Bradstreet's report that the rise in
ing some lor hlrawood. Uut shows .. . . . " . . . '
I (ii:orrlers. 1 his m:i ss ot nroof inrlmltc
s'i s a live wire. I n noo 1: xi4
January 1, products, but I have taken the trouble L r . restaurant, Main street, Plattsmouth,
which upturn was made notwithstand- for many years to investigate the . , , . . , , says: 1 haven t had a single symp-
in. Inwpr for iiw to,L- matter from the farmer's point of coca,ne The ,aw ,s ,,,tendetl to pr- tern of kidney complaint since Doan's
possible, but trying to get them to meats butter eir-s and milk- men view in 3,1 Parts of America. Such '"" " piom.uou tiw 01 ivuiney rms curea me several years
meats, outter, eggs ana milk, men- .1 01-0 1 1 :.,..i U,m t -.0 i.r.iord u iam0no
cartoons serve oniy 10 nut-ieau people i ui uk"; i)u,wu ucen ul'i" ul" "w"' ""-" j
v. ,Kv-oil in niia L- r i Ti... i I across my loins when I becran usinsr
.- i 1 1 v n i viiivi;t i hi i iiii im inri' ii iv; 1:1 w I ill' i.i vv I
the fact that our policy of portant commodities those in which "This wheat cron was disnoscd of , - . . Doan's Kidney Tills. They soon rid
neutrality hasn t entirely satisfied the public is most interested
will take charge of yoir public
sale business. Farm sales a
specialty. Owners' interests
are always guarded with the
best ability, and satisfaction
medi- I r j U 1 T -I I a rfitifinfaa C-. J
Each purchaser of these drugs fu.m the statement I gave before, en
aid one side or the other won't help tion being made of only the more im
....... ' tuacu Mmakcs provisions for certain
ii ai r c i r:i i " x a i
It is ny me larraers oi inc unueu outies .
either side in Europe is probably itsL-n to nntn tiiot ro-i; a at an average of 75 cents before the
I w au I . . . I m. 1 . "ii l x 1 1. : xl
host rommmntinn TT,af 5a rwoof f . end of September. l'J14. A few muhi, muive nuen urupr, iu "-I' L.i.-.:.
i r;a ti f - i r port r iiirin cw ina yyi rvT r i i i v a i .
, i - .i I . i ut.i Kt, I u.r r I'nce o'Jc. at all dealers. iJon't
I9llCf;dO All 11 COt lcV rv I UH l' lilt; PClJtl 1UI nu jvauiii ' -
a month or two, hoping for better Phvsicians and dentists must keen a limply ask.for ak"5ne' remedy jret
lantic being more extensive than that prices, thus retardintr the 'action an- .... - .. Doan s Kidney I ills the same that
1 ' 1 virnr'i-t At t no o mnnnr ni tno r T-i . . , . . . '
tipinnt.d bv foo,I snPr-nlators. " " r. UaiTJay natl. t oster-MUburn
, i , i i i I administered and to whom administer- I Co I'rnns Ti:if?n1o V Y
W511 f ,11 rrt. inHPY n.,mhr ,c O a Wo vniy wnen tne last Dusnei vas garner- . -
..... " f-. i , x i j 1. I .i ti n,. eo nnn
ea were uiey wining 10 oeirin ins cu. 'iw.inuuni pcucm io
came of the wheat nit. or fiv vrs' imnrinmrnf. or both. Irs- Bowrs Quite Sick.
I i. 1 1 i . I m i 1 I
y me legislature or not. , 1'retty oix groups oi commodities advanced To make it appear that the actual
I I I i. ii I . I -mm ... .
soon the hypnotists will ask for ad- within a month's time, while a like Grower of wheat participated in this Mrs. Lawrence lowers, residing in
iin u u ,ti r.J'melon-cuttintr' is an imposition on The Otoe county commissioners at the south part of the cfty, has been
r ' I ' hi.. H..1 r- : i ittI,i,; coccmi vofiico,! to pntpf. I Quite sick for the past few davs. Her
'm. t- . ....... i ..... line consumers mat. is criminal. ive xvvwm, uvooiv.i . v . .- . . - -
spiritualists and tne Lord only knows I remained stationary. Uread stuffs, , uL. , . .... . condition at the present time is quite
Hides Taken.
My specialty is removing the hides
from dead animals, horses, and cattle,
allowing a small fee for. the hides re
moved. Arthur Jacobi,
Jlynard, Neb.
Doan's Regulets are recommended
by many who say they operate easily,
without griping and without bad after
effects. 25c at all drug stores.
-Weeping Water, Neb. -
enough that it is American, as all j 0f jani
displayed here. However, our pres-
The chiropractors
right whether they desire recognition I that recorded on February 1, 1914."
what else.
for their "white alley.
farmprs ohiect to bpins' 'usp1' in theltnin anv of tViA hirls for construfLin.:
Give them all a chance textiles, metals, coal and coke, oils ,or. :rtn , ., , , ., , , , .1 serious, and the members of the fam-
I I -"i'""'" iDriutres. ana iaia tne wnoie raaacr . . ., . , ,
- iv ips hi i ii i. v iiisihtw'I' nvp i 1 1
and chemicals and drugs ascended, "Let me add that the food speculat-
c-ver until the March term. The mat- called to her bedside.
while live Rtork- nrnvieinns bi-li nH or is the most deadlv enemv the
r v y u- heather naval stores building ma farmer has except drouth and flood. 01 contracting conruei.o,,
Public ownership not necessary r naa ores budding ma-1 the existence of food companies for bridge work is a mat-
ttrriais anu ine miscellaneous irroup i , . i ..... ,
I uiuix " uivi c wac vu- vviioMiiii-i I I pr hi VI111"I1 I I1C LAlicl V J1 ai C Ui
11 win oe seen wai tne tarmer when this deadly enemy to
Woodmen Circle, Notice!
where private capital serves human
ty well. Dut since the shipping trust
cannot put American shins on the
eas without a subsidy or without rise in Prices as has generally been
I 1 1 f 1 v r m
government aid President Wilson's en Ior antea- n"e some 01 nis
shipping bill measure ought not to be Voducts have advanced ' several
such a frightful thing to look upon! other have falIen in Price-
who are getting the worst of it all
The Woodmen Circle will hold their
rertlv interested, and county commis- I 1 ,: t 4i i,i,
is not getting all the benefit of the asrricultural progress disappears, the . . . . 0 " . f
1 - - 1 , . n . i .... 1 1 . , 1 ..ii r! : 11 1 1 if n . . i . u i. i
various farm co-operating organiza- 1 ,.,,. , ,
mere IS Olg I l' ciuciv. ju int muei s ixitz itfijucsLeu
tions all over the United States will uch a proposition.
die for lack of an enemy to fight.
Green CJay.
"Richmond, Ky., February 11."
Here is the simple truth. It is
around are the city people. While worth thinking about. It is worthy
live stock and provisions have gone the attention, incidentally, of the Ne
down. thev see no dimunition in their braska legislature. That body has
The Grand Island Free Press has
ceased to be a daily paper, and hence
forth will be issued as a weeklv.
irand Island is an up-to-date city of meat and rocery bills and there is a shown some interest in the snipping
threat that the bread bill will be in- question, une brancn ot it nas mem-
creased, loralized congress to build or buy ships
2,000 to 14,000 and it would seem
that one good daily is alL that is de-
manded, and the Independent is able
to fill the bill, as it is one of the best
in the state.
interest of greater exporta-
The bankers are all right. Thev in the
have more money than they knowl tions and higher prices, when
what to do with. It is reported that I we are already breaking the record.
Chicago banks received $50,000,000 j Cut comparatively little interest has
I r . 1 , 1. Ii i a. r 4-U A
Reconsideration of a vote whereby irum country oaners in one weeK. oeen snowi. in uie iuu.u...t
bill is rejected after third reading Eehange on London has fallen to democratic and populist platform
ought under all rules of procedure to ''' nien 15 at ine Pini inai mai- picages ior a puuuc wo'
reqaire more than a bare majority l5 ZoM irnportations. In October, tern that would enable the .Nebraska
and if an insurance trust should be iyu' cnange leu to ana im- larmer w gam ins -.some
created upon anv such slender founda- mediately afterwards $100,000,000 of advantages accruing from high prices, cough," write
money in this work, or construction
companies would not be so eager to
get the contract. Com mis isomers do
ing business for the taxpayers should
watch out for the interests of the
people, because there are many farm
ers in Cass county now who be
lieve there is "a negro in the wood
pile" at times on this bridge con
trading. While we believe strictly
in the honesty of Cass county's com
. . . . A
missioners. vet it is necessary w
keep their eyes open in
this matter.
to be present.
Subscribe for the Journal.
elephone at my expense to
Weeping Water.
For Sale.
Eggs for hatching and day-old
chicks from Single Comb Rhode Is
land Reds. Eggs, $1.00 per 15, $5.00
per 100; chicks, 10c each. Special
mating prices upon request.
A. O. Ramge,
Route 1, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Box Social February 27th.
A box social will be held at the
Cullom school, school district No. 30,
bout eight miles northwest of this
city, Saturday evening, February 27.
A program will be rendered. All
ladies are requested to bring boxes.
Everybody invited.
Pauline Palecek, Teacher.
alifornia Expositions
Commencing March 1st, a $50 round trip rale will be marie'to
.San Francisco, Los Angeles or San Diego, over direct routes with
$17.50 additional one way via Portland or Seattle. Aiproxini;itelv
the futuit, 0 tjJCSC ratcs from Central and Eastern Nebraska and Kansas.
. The Pacific-Coast tour is the World's greatest rail journev
These expositions will bring before vou the romance, and the mod-
How Mr. Davis Got Rid of a Bad crn c;x jljzation of California. When vou go, make the tour mere
complete by including the ocean voyage between San Francisco and
time ago 1 had a very bad Portland in the new Steamers, "Great Northern" or "Northern Pa
rites Lewis T. Davis, Black- cific," palaces of the Pacific, with the speed of express trains and
I j ; 1 1 rr1 .1 : a. I rrv. t. ...I i. 1, n hn c-L'mc
tion as a majority vote for recon- KUIU uupvivcu. ne,. iu nao w
sideration it seems apt to find hard1factor is the continuctl and enormous does the Nebraska farmer mighty lit-
sledding in the courts. But those Purchasing of American commodities tie good when he sold his harvest at
IL ll 1 - 1. f Al 1 1 : Vin.t rr 1 i TTrt I f
who are fiffhtir.e for a state maneu- u inc "-w""" nwon., me inwt-u iow pmw, uCLauOC .c
vered insurance trust not seem to surprisingly large shipments of cot- ed facilities,
he vorv nartirular as to how tbfv ton constituting an important element for holding it.
therein. The present indications are he is being served witn tne nignest
that all is well with the United States
of America.
it. Lincoln Star.
Subscribe for The JonntaL
physical and financial,
Nor can he feel that
degree of intelligence by his rep
resentatives who are more interested
- . ....
water, Del. "My brother, Mccaoe tlit proportions oi ocean steamers; me 17.50 additional includes'
Chamberlain's Coucrh Remedy. After I
Davis, gave me a small bottle of berths anrl meals on these steamers. Onr -publications; will tell you
wiamutiMina v,wUK - about tins grand tour, our inrougn.: service, tlie ocean. coast vovae Oii T hontrht. half a dozen bot-1 . .. J1
ties of it, but only used one of them,
as the cough left me and I have not
been troubled since." Obtainable
Osteopathic treatment is good for
.j b Ji i j 1 1 .r.ii .1 .i
U 1
or write either of us.
R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket .'Agent
General Passenger Agent.
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
1 n