The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
MOiTD-LT, xEERUAP.i 23. 19 1;. AUTTSMOtTTH SEMI-WEZKLT J0UBN4C F3CT 3. W WW 11; II m ID FAULTS Prelude fo Pastor Russell's Stirring Sermon. Kindly but Pungent Dissection of Eitly's Furor Fake Preaching Abom inate to God God and Man Dis honored by Fa!se Doctrines Which Preachers Do Not Believe Instilling Superstitious Fears a Crime If the Bible Does Teach That Eternal Tor ture Is the Fate of All Except the Saints. It Should Be Preached, Yea, Thundered, Weekly, Daily, Hourly. If It Does Not So Teach, the Fact Should Be Made Known and the Foul Stsin Dishonoring to God's Holy Name Removed. February 21. Pasiur Ilussell spoke today from the text. "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ." iK o m a n s 1:10.) Prior to Lis st-r-moii be made some kindly but pungent remarks on 'T.illy" Sun day, "the most noted jreacber of our day." The -V- 1 w gIQg gUjSELJL J Fator would i; t depart from bis cus tom am! the r.ible rule, "Speak evil of no man." His remarks merely ap-Ix-rtr.iried to r.i'ly's" preaching of the jo-pei. i'.iiiy" tinf.iy catches the public eye ami fur by the novelty of his methods. Some go to bear him lam baste the preachers on the platform behind hiiu. and to watch their faces suJ see them snii'i as though it were a ;rood joke when he toils them that their preaching has made the churches cold storage places with little s tenure, or when he likens them to the Scribes. l'l:arise-s. hypocrites, of o'd. or when he teils them that they are leading their congregations straight down to He!i. These things told iu the news papers swm so astounding that people must see and hoar for themselves. Billy's Chair-Smashing Proclivities. others go to bear "Dilly" because it is the "fal." I'.usiness men and elec tric ::nd steam railway managers real ize that thousands wi!l come to town as they would To a circus. They bring j r. ssure to lear ui-ou the ior preach er: for i:iUy" wisely Insists that lie will not come and save the citizens from Hell if there is any competition in the business insists that all the t bun-ins cloe down. T'ndcr the pres- i-nre the preachers cannot ho'p them selves and try to make the I -est of it. Lopjng that people wi I not take "I'-illy Seriously as rep- ts their hyiocrisy etc.. and ass 11 rid that he will divide the spoils evenly amongst all the churches not the financial spoils, bat the souls for "cold storage" or to be let down to Hell. Others atteul to see "Hilly":; acro batic feat, jumping onto a table or .smashing 3 chair; others because they Lave been invited to le of the large choir; others to say that they have beard "i'Mly" Sunday. The worldly adage is. "Nothing succeeds like suc cess;" and every time "Billy" succeeds he has iuor sti . ss. Amongst riiiiy's virtues we should not i'oig, t the fearless way in whkb be attacks the social customs and sins ivhi'-h assail the famiiy and the com i.miiiry." the fearless way in which be tells the preachers what he really thinks of them atul what t'aj masses of th public think of them, and the a bove-lK.aid niamu r iu which he bar gains tlie result of his efforts for cold cash the meeting of the excuses and the giving to himself of certain oPiec-ti- ns for him -elf and his troupe. If the Gospel must be sold, it is Itetter to have it done in the open rather than. In tht name of the heathen, the collectors getting the most. To the extent that "Hilly" Sunday seeks to defend the r.ible against the Higher Critics, to the extent that he really shows up the coldness, formal-:-m. hypocrisy, of the Clmn '1 of Lao diea (Revelation H:1 I 17. o the e.K-f-nt that he emourages ri !..eousness f life and diseoura gr s rr;ukennoss : nd lewdness, we can surely wish him Go;K; ( r : tr:. t J::. .:::: rood is a complisheti by him. in awakening the I eople to do some thinking for them selves along religious lines. Some cf "Billy" Sunday's Faults. The Pastor said that if the reports that "Di'ly" prayed to God most irrev erently, and addressed the Redeemer as "Old Pal." were true, then "Billy's" inflner:.'e on the puMie won. 1 lead on in the direction in which the world is now rapidly moving any way toward irreverence. He hoped that "Billy" vmi! 1 become more reverent, and le lieves that this result would follow a letter knowledge of God. He could scarcely reconcile with honesty Billy's : tteicpt to tie up a.l the souls be t sved. in the churches wbieh'be de t'lred were co'd storage plants lead ing d 'wn to Ileil. He wished that "Bii'y" wonhl reconcile the-e opio- sites. He was pleased to note that "Billy" S:in lay's last senium in tach place .vas'v on the Se'-ond t'oming of ' hri-t : and that "Billy" apparently rec--riii;:es the present a 11 J last stage of t'i"."hurcb. typified in LaoIicea. ThLs ?n iscd him all the more to wonder .vhy "Billy" would help people Into the Laodi. er.u t'hun h. m hi h the Bible styles Babylon, and d.cian-s that Go I sroes out ol His uioutL. iHex-!ati. n .'!:bJ.i Nest Sunday the l'a-t-.r v. hi dis-u-s the .sV-,-n I Coining o: ("iirist. viewiug that grtt c-vei.t and Mes siah' liiu-lleiu Iroui a souiev. hat dif ferent anIe from Bliiy's. The I'astor .eei::r.-d that it makes his blood I'oi! wi;h righteous indigna tion to iiiul Billy's I'leaehing a p'.acli-t-al indorsement of ifTe ioi Jiho!ior ing theory that the great i.ia-s ,f hu inanity ire to stiff r eternal torment been use they w. ; e born in sin. mis shapen in iiiiuity il'salm r,l:."i. ai.d then f.Jlel to live saintly lives. Tine. "Billy" does not cypiain Hell. Like rii'ist preai-hers he probably bides l is true thought . n this sii'oject. while allowing the common people to think tin t he, l-!ieves in a Ile'l of eternal tortures. The I'astor e..r.;d na be lieve that Mr. Sunday or any other in telligent man of our day really be lieves this invention of tie Iatk Ages. whi h antagonizes the Bible as weil as eoiamou s-::e. Mr. Sunday and all other preachers who realize the falla--y of this great "doctrine tif devils" (1 Timothy -5 :1 1 owe it to the ieop!e who trust them and who make u; their coI!ecibns. to teil them the truth. Mme tiirin t!ils. they owe it to CitJ that this ft.ul stain upon the Divine character I e deia unced. Tliey owe it to t he.ns. ives as ni'-u to stand for and speak out the truih and to assist in opening the eyes of the poor, deluded world. Tlie I'astor hopes that Mr. Sunday will yet realize that no one can lng maintain a moral standard higher than that which be attributes to his God. The injustice and persecution of cen turies is largely attributable to the false doctrines which represent the Creator as a demon who unjustly and unloving'y created our race with the knowledge and intention that nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every thousand would udure an eternity of torture. Of thi.S as a Gospel the I'astor has been ashamed for forty-four years. A Ix'tter under-'-landing cf the Bibl has led iiiin since to preach The Not-Ashamed Gosper cf Christ. Beginning Lis discourse tl.e I'astor said. er; body knows that the w o.'d Gospel signifies Good Tiding-, as in the angels Mi-ssage :it the hirth of Jesus -Behold. I bring you Good Tid ings of great joy. which so:;!! be unto all people!" Who is rc-'pon-ible for the fact that this Message of Joy to all people Las been turned completely around to mean bad tidings of giett misery to all people except to an elect haudful? The fact is that no person deliberately plotted this turning of G.mTs Word upside down. It is the work of the I'evi!. who gradually foot ed it ujNn the Chur.-h as well as UiK;u the heathen world, with the vU-w to turning people away from God and the Bible. Sr. Peter and St. Paul lth predicted the falling away of the Church and the success of the doctrines of demons. "The god of this world Satan bath blinded the minds" of nil unbeliever.-. If it weie not for these delusions of Satan, the whole world might speedily be brought to know, to admit e. to love, the true God. The ApotIe continues, telling us v. by Satan blinds men "le,-t the light of the knowledge of the glory of G.xl should shine into their hearts." Wh"rever the true knowledge jif God shim's into the human heart, i presents the Almighty in such glorious character a to demand the reveren-v of His creatures. Hence Satan's en deavor to blrnd men's minds thr'High false doctriii-s which rr.i--repreer.t the Almighty's character and Plan. But while we ScrfpturaHy hold th--.t Satan had chief responsibility in th matter, it is n"t for us to say that th clerics of the Dark Ages M n.r more or less connive at the error, trusting th-t it wou'I make th peop sub servient to tlie clergy, through whom they might hope to escape future tor tures. But leaving the past jn:d its responsibilities, we may surely say groat atul grave ' responsibility rest njH.ti the preachers of today for th-ir periwtu.ttion of this irretit decep tionthis fraud upon th people, slan der upon the Almighty and opposition to the Truth. f the degree of this wickedness only Gel is capable of judging correctly: but it is wkli'd to keep the people in darhness on the subjec t, atid it is slanderous bla: -phrmy against the Divine character. There is n- question that nearly all ministers privately eoufess that they do not believe these slanders, while publicly they continue to sieak words which give the opposite thought. The time when iii'-h horrible assassination of the Divine reputation can prosper is surely short. Messiah's glorious Ber-ii will make an end of all such lies; as it is T.ritten. "I will lay justice to the line, and righteousness to the j-lummet; and the hail shn'l sweep away the refuge of lies." Isaiah 2:17. God's Power to Every One Believing. If lelief in the real Gospel is the Divine power which works in the be liever, it follows that whoever h is not the Gospel has not this Iivine power: and that in proportion as the Gospel is perverted its power is lost. So we se today millions of people professing t' believe the Gosel. yet acting like devils under delusions from the Dark Ages which have leen fostered by the preachers of Christendom. If they knew the real Gosjiel. they -would act differently and net dishonor Christ by claiming to be His followers. The Gospel Mossope is double. It has one portion of promise of blessing for the Church and another for the world. For the Church, who renounce earthly hopes and ambitions and cul tivate the Heavenly, it promises the high reward of glory, honor and im mortality with Christ in D!is Millennial Kingdom, to be entered Into by the power of the First Resurrection. The Gospel Message tells the Church of God's giaci us purposes for the world' -that through Christ's Kingdom tbej erhming life Vsin-rftV human be- been mad possible for all mankind through t)u? liedmer's sac-ririce, and that as soon r.a the Church shall have been giotilitd, the blessing of til-' world will bejriu to 1 nci-'tni lished fully diiritig i-Ieriahs Ibign of Bighteou-ness. We leave lor next Sunday the dis. ussion f tb lautiful teachings of the Bibie v. t!:e teach ings of Mr. Sunday, the AI e:r. L-ts ami the -r-eds on this subject. "to Every One Thst Delievcth." Only a comparatively small nauibe' of humanity have opportunity of be lieving during this ge. Messiah's Ivingdoui will give the whole world an opportunity of believing in CLiist not merely those Jiving when Mes.-iah's Kingdom will be set up. but. us the Bible says. "All that are iu their gia es shall hear the Voice of the Son of Co l and shall come forth" fnui the grave not from Heaven, not from Purga tory, nor from our Protestant Hell of eternal r-rture. but from the grave. The Chui-'-h will constitute the Fir-t Resurrection class; 51m! Laving p.;ssvd thi ir trial sin-eosst ully. they wid .have the reward of life everlasting on the Heavenly plane. The wortd to be awakened at that time will include the heathen, and all the millions of Chris tendom who Lave never known what real Christianity is. They will ail be brought to a knowledge of the Truth, that they may be tested, or judged, thereby ml prove themselves ci 'iei" worthy or unworthy cf everlasting life as human beings, in that world-wide Paradise. So Jesus declares of them, "They that have done evil" that Lave not been approved of God "shall come forth unto a Besurrection of Judg ment" trial, testing with a view to seeing how they will respond t those judgment, enlightenment-, etc.. that the willing and obedient at the close of Christ's Iieign may be received into all the liberties properly appertaining to Go I's children. ( b'omans S:-J1. The wrong thought in the mind of th..' translators of our Common Version Bible lias misled them oevnsionaKy into iriving poor translations. Pee John o :li;i. Revised Version. The Not-Ashamed Gospel Briefly Stated. A'l God's work is perfect. (Deuter onomy IJ"J:4.) Man originally was per fect, in the Creator's likeness. Dis obedience Lrottght upon man not a penalty of r tcinal torment, but a death penalty "Dying. thou shalt die." "The wages . f sin is death." For six t!io'.!s:n 1 vears the world has been undergoing this sen;eni-e. Cut off by j sin from fellowship with Go, man! has degraded himself. Satan has con- j tribute-! ' to this reign of Sin and Death by deceiving mankind, foster-j lug errors, misrepresenting God. etc. j God has the situation fully in hand. , lie purimsed to ierinit loth angels and men to see one great iiiustrati u of the effect of sin. leading on to di ' ease and d -at!i. mental, r.s.-ral and i physical. Meantime the Creator has j gracious purples for man. Their ex-1 evening 0 entertainment wui com perieiices with sin and death will at 8 o'clock. To ail the young !. fruitless. They wi'.i have op;Krtu- j people classes of all the Sunday nity of learning valuable lessons, prof- : ,.c.0i s ;3 aso extended an invitation. itaMe lor eternity. 1 ue i.rsi trim :is to their worthiness of eternal life or of everlasting death was through one man: and his disobedience settled the matter for the rue the death sen tence was the penalty. As a basis for man's recovery, the is.iii of God died for man's sin not to g-t mankind out of eternal torment .. . ... 1.,.,., -r,.,.... n-.i i,-.,m,.nt ..r to fr. r -., t orv. l.ut to save them from extinction, "that whosoever believeth on Ilini might not perish." Mohn ":10.i Their recov ery f foil 1 sin and death is Script urallv styled the resurrection of the dead. Thus the Church of true Iwlievers are represented as "1 isen v.ith Christ" to "valk in newness of life." and are j promised an a tual resurrection the 1 First, the Chief Resurrection. Nest comes the world's resurrection. The Truth v.iil Ik? made known to them. Instead of teing confused and hampered with suitrstition. lies, doc trines of deviis, the true light of the knowledge of toe glory of God will shine upon them. Gradually the willing and obedient of the world will rise mentally, morally and physically to jK-rfection: whereas the Church, wlrl u is to get a new nature, spirit nature, will he perfected by an instantaneous resurrection. This is the Gospel which St. Tanl preached that the dead sleep in Hades, jsheol. the Bible Hell, the tomb, awaiting the establishment of Mes siah's Kingdom which will bring glori ous blessings. St. Paul declared that if there be no resurrection of the dead, all faith is vain, all preaching is vain, ail hope of forgiven! of sins is vain. We might as well eat and drink, and consider that when we die we perish. But. lie declares. thre Is to be such a resurrection: and the fact that Jesu died and rose again is God's guarantee to all tielievers that all who sleep iu 1 Jesus shall be brought from the dead!nab Ir- l-ynott will not attempt to by and through Ilim and His jowcr. "There's :i wiilcness in Clod's merer I-ike the wWeness of the sea." Of this Gospel I am i;ot ashamed. Of every other gospel that I have ever1 heard I would le ashamed ashamed if I had been its inventor, ashamed to endorse it. ashamed of the God who would have such a gospel. But the true Gosiel. sh'niug out of the Bible and enlightening men's hearts all over the world, is a Message of Grace. Justice, Wisdom and Love. Bet us lay hold upon it. Let us love and serve it and the only living and true God. the God of the Bible, not the God of the creeds; and lot us show forth the praises of Ilim who has called us out of darkness into II i3 marvelous light. I nOKIoIR fipTFR H Q !fJ LUUlllrtU hTlLU UU M TEREST IN THE WESTERN PflPT fir THF CTATC I Mil I Ui 1 11 C iJlMlL This morning Judge W. II. Newell departed for Marquette, where he feces to look cfter the interests of his lanch, near uhat place. Some years since he, with the lute C. II. Par mele, purchased the ranch then at a very moderate figure, and for the past, almost score of years, have had Mr. D. E. Sievers cor-.c! jctingr the af fairs there, which hae been very suc cessful. During the time added years have come to Mr. Sievers, the man ager of the place, and the grivinjr to manhood of his "sons has, witli their seeking interests te-vhere, left him fo that he is not able to conduct the affairs of the placeu s he would like. Tlie ranch, which lias been owned by V. II. Newell and S. II. Atwood, has been divided and they go there today to arrange for the conducting' of the place in the future. The plac?, which was purchased for a nominal sum vears atro, is now one cf much value. IN. HONOR OF THE FATHER OF OUR COUNTRY, NEXT iirfiMPqnRY PUPHIHI3 LUULULlll LILIllilU The Loyal Sons will give a Wash ington evening at the Woodman hail on Wednesday, to which they invite those who may be interested in tha theme of the "Father of His Country." There will be discussions of the char acter of Washintgon from a number of d'tTererst standpoints. Oliver C. Hudson will treat the subject fiom the standpoint of Washington as a boy, his early life, the moulding of the character which in after 3 ; maoe him the foremost character in the ne-v country. Following Clarence Stenner will treat the subject from the vie v of him as a Christian. Dr. G. 11. Davis will di.-cuss "Washington a- a I .statesman, wni.e L,:arence iu. v nit i taker will deal with him as a soldier, ! and M. S. Eriggs will view the sub ject as a citizen. There will be a discussion following, the oue-tion being, Jesolved. That tii.i:;e v.ho manufactuie earns, am war. have s than the ir.f.r.ition and n.uitio.s c r;et with srreater succe Tr.?.".cal fraternity, who de:-l with the tieatment of disease.;,- and the surgi cal appliances, and these things whiea save rather th?n destroy life. An in v;t".tion to this which is free, is extended to the members of the High school, both girls ard boys. The Scarlet Fever Cases Improving. The home of Mr. and Mrs. James Iligley, where five members of the family have been suffering with scar let fever, and where the quarantine ban has been over them since Christ- tnas, will be lifted within a few days. The five members of the famiiy who ;have been afflicted with the disease fare all recovering rapidlv and will soon e released. Almost two months urter rpaarantine is plenty Iligley. long, thank you, so says Mr. Has Used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for 20 Years. "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been in my household for the past twenty years. I began piving- it to my children when they were small As a quick relief for croup, whooping cough, and ordinary colds, it has no equal. Being free from opium and other harmful drugs, I never felt sfraid to pive it to the children. I have recommended it to a large num ber of friends and neighbors, who have used it and speak highly of it," writes Mrs. Mary Minke, Shorts ville, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. Improving Slowly. Ed Rynott, who has been confined to his home since Christmas day suf fering with heart trouble, has been improving slowly and will soon be able to take up some sort of light resume his position as traveling sales man, but will engage in some busi ness at home, when his health will permit. Mr. A. M. Holmes Very Low. The many friends of Mr. A. II. Holmes, who is lying low with a stroke of paralj'sis at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Rawls, is re- I ported as being not in any way im proved, with no hopes of improve ment. Mr. Holmes is a man whom everjbody who knows loves, and he, . with all his friends and relatives, have the sympathy of all the citizens in their trouble. Public Sale! The undersigned will offer at Public Sale at the Dovey section, three rnil?s east of Cedar Creek, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, the following1 described property: 13 Head of Horses and Mules. One black mare, 10 years old, wek ht. l,0RO. One bay horfe, 7 years weight 1,100. One chestnut sorrel, 8 years weight 1,000. old, old, old, old, old. old, old. old, old, One weigjn pray 1,500. mare, 10 years Ure blac mare, 8 years weight 1,4 00. Ore black weight 1,J0. Or.e pray weight 1,320. One Lay weight 1,340. Or.e sorrel weight 1.150. One bav mare, vears mare. vears mare, years horse, '. horse, C years years weight One One weight One l,00 spring sorrel 1.230. sorrel 1.230. pray 1,230. black colt, weight 720. horse, 2 years old, mule, 7 years old, mule, C years old, mule, G years old, weight One weieht One weight 800 1 3 COWS ; 11 calves; 2 3-year-old heifers. 70 head of shoats; 1 sow with pigs Farming Implements. Fight sets of work harness. One set single harness. Or.e set double buggy harness. Four sets fly nets. One saddle. About fifteen tons baled prairie hay About five tons alfalfa hay. One tank heater. Tnree hay racks. Teree binders Or.e corn binder. One steel elevator. Three corn planters. One hay sweep. Two 1 -horse corn drills. One corn harvester. One Endgate seeder. One Janesville disc. Two steel corn boxes. One blacksmith outfit. Three log chains. Two hand corn shellers. Six wagons. One iron wheel wagon. Two bob sleds. One 1-horse wheat drill Four walking plows. Two walking listers. Five riding listers. One two-tow lister. Two sulkv plows. Two Deere pang plows. Two riding cultivators. Five walking cultivators. Tvo Deere two-row cultivators. Two stall: cutters. Three mowers. Two hay rakes. Two 3-ection harrows. Ore 2-section harrow. And many other articles not listed Lunch Served on the Ground at Noon. S?le Will Commence at 10 Sharp. TERMS: All sums of $10 and un der casn in hand; on sums over SlU a credit of one year will be given, pur chaser giving note with approved se curity, bearing 8 per cent interest from date. No property removed un til terms of sale are complied with G. E. DOVEY O. C. DOVEY. II. N. DOVEY. IL W. BAUGHMAN. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer F. E. SCHLATER, Clerk. J) VISITOR WHO SPEAKS IN VERY GLOWING TERMS OF OLD PLATTSMOUTH Fred Crough of Conrad, Iowa, who has been visiting in this city for the past few days at the home of Charles McDaniel, he being; a brother of Mrs. McDaniel, departed this morning for Marshalitown, Iowa, where he will rhortly engage in farming. In speak ing of Plattsmouth, Mr. Cough ad vanced the idea that we have one of the best and cleanest cities in the west, as well as one in which the business interests are well represent ed and one awake to the interests of its citizens. FOPw SALE S. C. White Leghorn Cockerels. Inquire of Fred II. Ramge, Route 1, Plattsmouth. 2-15-2twk!y Mrs. Herald Williams and daughter, Stella, departed this morning for their home at Falls City, where they will visit with Mrs. Williams' parents for a week. They went by the way of Omaha and Lincoln. Concrete Work Guaranteed! We could not do that if we vere not sure every time we do a piece of concrete work that it is done riV:hr. We Know How or we would not take a chance on rebuilding our work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put it in, and every job we handle is there f o stay. Silo, Water Tank, Water Storage Tank, Walls all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship and we stand back of it. Come in and See Us if you are thinking of building anything this year. We have a number of new ideas about building that will interest you. Just south of Postoffice on Fifth Street. Concrete Construction Co., Plattsmouth, GATORS TO ATTEND A RIG MEETING IN CINCINNATI Thirty-two leading educators of the state will attend the annual meeting of the Department of Super intendents of the N. E. A. in Cincin nati next week. The Nebraska party will make every effort to have the next meeting of the organization come to Nebraska. Omaha will act as host if the invitation is acepted. More than fifteen hundred superin tendents of school of cities attend the meeting, and coming to Omaha, they would be afforded an opportunity to learn something of the wonderful re sources of Nebraska and Iowa. In the Nebraska party will be: Cuperintendents F. M. Hunter of Lin coln, J. A. Eeveridge of Council Bluffs, A. II. Wateihouse of Fremont. C. M. Barr of Hastings, R. J. Barr of Grand Island, J. A. Doremus of Auburn, A. E. Fisher of Aurora, N. M. Graham of South Omaha, E. U. Graff of Omaha, Cyrus Williams of Curtis; Presidents D. W Hays of Peru Normal, U. S. Conn of Wayne Normal, George S. Dick of Kearney, Joseph Sparks of Chadron Normal, Messrs. Fordyce, Luckey and Reed of the University, V. G. Mays of Lincoln, C. E. Reed of Omaha, George Towne of Lincoln, A. O. Thomas, state su perintendent of public instruction, F. S. Perdue of Lincoln, Miss Ruth Pyrtle of Lincoln, Etta Smith of Oma ha, Mary Foster of Lincoln, and Kanna Johnson of Albion, Neb. The Nebraska party will leave Sunday in a special car. George Edgerton Improving. George Edgerton, who has been very sick, suffering with pneumonia, at the Hotel Riley, for the past few days, is reported some better todav. Saturday evening his condition was reported much more serious, but he is now gaining ground. The many friends trust that he may continue improve. EVERYBODY Cordially Invited to the H asket Mifcajj- mi i - "i .1 r. which is to follow a Big Minstrel Entertainment at the STULL SCHOOL HOUSE, District No. 28, Saturday Evening, February 27th at 7:30 Sharp ROSE J. PROHASKA. Nebraska !A SMALLER BODY OF LEG ISLATORS BETTER FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE STATE From Friday's r-ai'.y. The expected has happened atrai'. The new school code, compile i at some expense to the state and con siderable sacrifice of time on the part of disinterested school men, has been thrown into the legislative heap with but little rrore than a cur sory look at it. The school commis sion was created by the last legisla ture, the members of which were con vinced, after they had been a-ked to pass upon a number of amemimert-i to the school laws, that the only intel ligent way to go about improving the code was to refer the matter to a com mission of experts h would have time and who could brirg to bear a greater intelligence u:n the t rb- !ems involved. Whether the code pro posed is an embodiment of wi-iiwn ard progress we co not know; bjt it is certain that it is an improvement upon the existing school code. The legislators, however, v ill have none of it. Either it is too .z a task for them 1o tackle or they have an idea that they are just as weil informed upon the needs of the school as the ej-rts. It doesn't matter which; into the waste basket goes the proposed code. This happens in the government right along. State officers make recom mendations to the governors as to re forms in their departments, and they go into the discard. The governor tells the legislature, from the depths of his experience, what ought to be done to secure better results, and no body pays any attention to his recom mendations. These conditions will never be remedied until we secure a smaller body of legislators sitting either at frequent intervals or for a longer period, with full time to in vestigate, learn and legislate. Lin coln News. For Sale. Four or five tons of good timothy and prairie hay, in the stack, on the Gorder farm. W. H. Sutton. 2-T-4td-ltwklv Supper ZTmZiii'i'i 1 mmmm- .- - L" I