The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 18, 1915, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Copyright, 1914, by
The Knife and the Rope.
CVKRAL minutes passed, lu
which tbey took stock of the
VvjJj? situation and inude rapid
strides in learning tlie art of
ticking to wet and slippery ice. The
little man was tlie first to ie:ik.
Gee!" Le said and a minute later:
"If you can dig ia for a moitent and
tlacli i'u the rope I can turn over
Try it.
Smoke made tlie effort, then rested
on tbe rope again. 1 can do it." he
Kaid. "Teil me when you're ready,
and be quick.
"About three feet down is holding
for my heels," Carson said. "It won't
take a moment. Are you ready?"
-Go on'"
It wa.s hard work to slide down n
yard, turn over and sit up. Hut it was
even harder for Smoke to remain flat
tened and maintain a position that
from instai t to instant made a greater
call upon bis muscles. As it w.-is. he
could feel the almost perceptible begin
ning of the slip when the rope tight
ened, and he looked rp into his com
panion's face. Smoke noted the yellow
pallor of sun tan, forsaken by the
Mood, and wondered what his own
complexion, was like. But when he
saw Carson, with shaking fingers,
fumble for his sheath knife he decid
ed tbe end had come. The man was in
a funk and was troing to cut the rope.
"Don't m-miud m-m-me." the little
man chattered. "I ain't scared. It's
only my nerves, gosh dang them. I'll
b-b-be all rigLt in a minute."
And Smoke watched him. doubled
over, hM shoulders ltweeu his knees,
shivering and awkward, holding a
slight tension on the rope with one
hand, while with the ether he hacked j
and gouged holes for his heels iu the ice.
"Carson." he breathed up to him.
"you're some bear, some bear." j
The answering grin was ghastly and'
pathetic "I never could stand height," j
Carson confessed. "It always did get)
me. Do you mind If I stop a minute j
and clear my head? Then I'll make
those heel holes deeper so I can heave
you up."
Smoke's heart warmed. "Look here,
Carson; the thing for you to do is to
cut the rope. You can never get me
up, and there's no use both of us be
ing lost. You can make it out with
your knife."
"You shut up" was the hurt retort
"Wlio's running this?"
And Smoke could not help but see
that anger was a good restorative for
the other's nerves. As for himself, it
was the more nerve racking strain,
lying plastered against the ice with
iiothing to do but strive to stick on.
A groan and a quick cry of "Hold
onf" warned him. With face pressed
against the ice he made a supreme
sticking effort, felt the roje slacken
and knew Carson was slipping toward
him. lie did i.ot dare look up until
he felt the rope tighten and knew the
other had again come to rest.
"Gee, that was a near go'" Carson
chattered. "I came down over a yard.
Now, you wait. I've got to dig new
Holding the few pounds of strai
necessary for Smoke with his left
hand, the little man jabbed ami cuojh
pM at the ice with his right. Ten
minutes of this passed.
"Now, I'll tell you what I've done."
Carson called down. "I've made heel
holds and hand holds for you along
sile of me. I'm going to heave the
rope in slow and easy, and you just
come along sticking and not too fast.
I ll tell you what, first of all. I'll take
you on the rope, and you worry out of
that pack. Get me?"
Smoke nodded, and with infinite care
unbuckled his pack straps. With a
wriggle of tbe shoulders he dislodged
the pack, and Carson saw it slide over
the bulge and out of sight.
"Now, I'm going to ditch mine," be
called down. "You just take It easy
and wait."
Five minutes later the upward strug
gle began. Smoke, aTter dryins his
hands on the insides of his arm sleeves,
clawed Into the climb bellied and
ciung and stuck and plastered sus
tained and helped by the pull cf the
roe- Alone, he could not hare ad
A third of the way up, where the
pitch was steeper and the ice less
eroded, he felt the strain on the rope
decreasing, lie moved slower and
slower. Here was no place to stop and
remain. His most desperate effort
could not prevent the stop, and he
could feel the down slip beginning.
"I'm going," he called up.
"So am I," was the reply, gritted
through Carson's teeth.
"Then cast loose."
Smoke felt the rope tauten in a fu
tile effort; then the pace quickened, and
fce went past his previous lodgment
and OTer the bulge tbe last glimpse he
canght of Carson was turned ever, J
wiihjnadly moving bauds and feet
the Wheeler Syndicate.
striving to overcome the downward
To Smoke's surprise, as he went over
the bulge, there was no sheer fall. The
roje restrained him as he slid down a
steeper pitch, which quickly eased un
til he came to a halt in another niche
on the verge of another bulge. Carson
was now out of sight, ensconced In the
place previously occupied by Smoke.
"Gee he could hear Carson shiver.
An Interval of quiet followed, and
then Smoke conld feel the rope agi
tated. "What are yon doing? he called op.
"Making more hand and foot boWs,"
came the trembling answer. "You just
wait I'M have you np here In a Jiffy
Don't mind the way I talk. I'm Just
"You're holding me tty main
strength." Smoke argued. "Soon or
late, with the Ice melting, you'll sl'.p
down after me. The thing for yoa to
do is to cut loose. Hear me! There's
no use both of us going. Get that?
You're the biggest little man in crea
tion, but you've done your best. You
cut loose!"
"You shut up! I'm going to make
holes this time deep enough to haul up
a span of horses."
Several silent minutes passed. Smoke
?ou!d hear the metallic trike and hack
of the knife, and occasionally driblets
of lie slid over tlie bulge and came
down to him. Thirsty, clinging on
hand and foot, he caught the frag
ments in bis mouth and melted them
to water, which he swallowed.
He beard a grasp that slid Into a
groan of despair and felt a slackening
of the rope that made him claw. Im
mediately the rope tightened again.
Straining his 'eyes In an upward look
along the steep slope, he stared a mo
ment, then saw the knife, point first,
slide over the verge of the bulge and
down upon him. He tucked his cheek
to it, shrank from the pang of cut
fiesli. tucked more tightly and felt the
knife come to rest.
"I'm a slob'" came tbe wail down
the crevasse.
"Cheer up, I've got It! Smoke an
swered. "Stay! Wait! I've got a lot of
string in my pocket. I'll drop it down
to you. and you send the knife up."
Smoke made no reply. He was bat
tling with a sudden rush of thought.
"Hey, you! Here comes tbe string.
Tell me when you've got it."
A small pocketkuife weighted on
the string slid down the ice. Smoke
got It. opened the larger blade by a
quick effort of his teeth and one hand
and made sure that the blade was
sharp. Then he tied the sheath knife
to the end of the string.
"Haul away!" he called.
With strained eyes he saw tbe up
ward progress of the knife. But he
saw more a Iit?e man. afraid and in
domitable, who shivered and chattered,
whose head swam with giddiness and
who mastered his qualms and distress
es and p!aye? a hero's part. Here was
a proper nieat cater, eager with friend
liness, generous to destruction, with a
grit that shaking fear could not shake
Then. too. he considered the situa
tion cold bloodedly. There was no
chance for two. Steadily they were
sliding into the heart of the glacier,
and it was bis greater weight that
was dragging the little man down.
The little man could stick like a fly.
Alone, he could save himself.
T.ully for us!" came the voice from
above, down and across the bridge of
Ice. Now we'll get out of here In two
- The awful struggle for good cheer
and hope In Carson's Toice decided
"Listen to me," he said steadily,
vainly striving tt shake the vision of
Joy Gastell's face from his brain. "I
sent that knife up for you to get out
with. Get that? I'm going to chop
loose with the jackknife. It's one or
both of us. Get that?"
"Wait! For God's sake, wait!" Car
son screamed down. "You can't do
that! Give me a chance to jtet you
out. Be ca 1 in. old horse. We'll make
the tarn. You'll see, I'm going to dig
holes that'll lift a bouse and barn."
Smoke made no reply. Slowly and
gently, fascinated by tbe sight, he
cut with the knife until one of the
thrw strands popped and parted.
"What are you doing? Carson cried
desperately. "If you cut I'll never
forgive you never. I tell you it's two
or nothing. We're going to get out
Wait! For God's sake!"
And Smoke, staring at the parted
strand, five Inches before his eyes,
knew fear iu all its weakness. He
did not want to die. He recoiled from
the shimmering abyss beneath him.
and his panic brain urged all the pre
posterous optimism of delay. It was
fear that prompted him to compro
mise. "All rieht." he called up. "I'll wait
D your best But I tell you. Carson,
if e both start slipping again I'm go
ing to cut"
"rinh! Forget it When we start,
old horse, we start up. I'm a porous
plaster. I eomld stick here if it was
twice as steep. I'm getting a sizable
hole for one heel already. Now. you
hnn. and let me work."
A gasp and a groan and an abrupt
slackening of the rope warned him.
He began to slip. 'I he movement was
very slow. The rope tightened loyal
ly, but ht continued to slip. Carson
could not hold him and was slipping
with him. The digging toe of his far
ther extended foot encountered vacan
cy, ami he knew that it wa.s over the
straightaway fall. And he knew, too,
that in another moment his falling
body would jerk Carson's after it
Blindly, desperately, all the vitality
and life love of him beaten down in a
flashing instant by a shuddering per
ception of right and wrong, he brought
the knife edge across the rope, saw the
strands part, felt himself slide more
rapidly and then fall.
What happened then he did not
know. He was net unconscious, but it
happened too quickly, and it was unex
pected. Instead of falling to his death
his feet almost immediately struck in
water, and he sat violently down in
water that splashed coolingly on his
His first impression was that the
crevasse was shallower than he had
Imagined and that he had safely fetch
ed ttottcm. But of this he was quick
ly disabused. The opp6site wall was a
dozen feet away. He lay in a basin
formed in an outjut of the ice wall by
melting water tUat dribbled and trick
led over the bulge above and fell
sheer down a distance of a dozen feet
This had hollowed out the basin.
Where he sat the water was two feet
deep, and it was flush with the rim.
He pvered over the rim and looked
down the narrow chasm hundreds of
feet to the torrent that foamed along
the bottom.
"Oh. why did you?" he heard a wail
from above.
"Listen!" he called up. "I'm perfect
ly safe, sitting In a pool of water up
to my neck. And here's both our
packs. I'm going to sit on them.
There's room for half a dozen here.
If you slip stick close and you'll land
In the meantime you Like up and get
out Go to the cabin. Sornebody9
there. 1 saw the smoke. Get a rope
or anything that will make rope, and
come back and iish for me."
"Honest?" came Carson's incredu
lous voice.
"Cross my heart and hope to die.
Now, get a hustle on or I'll catch my
death of cold."
Smoke kept himself warm by kick
ing a chauuel through the rim with
the heel of his shoe. By the time he
had drained off the last of the water a
call from Carson announced that be
had reached the top.
After that Smoke occupied himself
with drying his clothes. The late aft
ernoon sun beat warmly iu upon him,
and he wrung out his garments and
spread them about him.
Two hours hiter, erched naked on
tbe two packs he beard a voice above
that he could not fail to identity.
"Oh, -Smoke! Smoke."
"Hello. Joy Gastell."' Le trailed back.
"Where'd you drop froraV"
"Are you hun?"
"Not even any skin off."
"Father s paying the rope down now.
Do you see it?"
"Yes. and I've got it." he answered.
"Now, wait a couple of minutes,
"What's the matter?" came her anx
ious query after several minutes. "Oh.
I know you're hurt."
"No. I'm not I'm dressing."
"Yes. I've been in swimming. Now:
Ready? Hoist away!"
He sent up the two packs on the first
trip, was subsequently rebuked by Joy
Gastell and on tbe second trip came
up himself. '
Joy Gastell looked at him with glow
ing eyes whi'.e her father and Carson
were busy coiling the rope. "How
could you cut loose in that splendid
way?" she cried. "It was it was glo
rious, that's alL"
Smoke waved the compliment away
with a deprecatory hand.
"I know all about it," she persisted
"Carson tcld me. You sacrificed your
self to save me."
"Nothing of the sort." Smoke lied.
"I could see that swimming pool right
under me all the time."
(To Be Continued.)
Customer near Plattsmouth is un
able to finish payments on piano con
tract. We will turn piano over to first
satisfactory party who will pay bal
ance, either cash or five dollars per
month. Write SchmolUr & Mueller
Piano Co., Omaha, Neb.
L. J. Hall
The Union Auctioneer
Union, Nebraska
All sale matters entrusted to my care
will receive prompt and care
ful attention.
Farm and Stock Sales
a Specialty!
Rates Reasonable!
SAddress cr phone me at Union
for open datee. ,
r i ri' v l
Mrs. George Ballance of Lincoln i3
making a .short visit to her parents
in Plattsmouth.
Mr. Gaston, father-in-law of Hon.
Jno R. Clark, had a severe; stroke of
paralysis on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin of Kansas
are making their relatives and friends
in Cass county a visit. Mrs. Baldwin
is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wiley
of Three Groves.
We are sorry to be obliged to
chronicle the departure of Mrs.
French, daughter of Chaplain Wright,'
to the barracks at Omaha, where she
will reside this winter. She will be
very much missed from Plattsmouth
Captain Bennett presents the Her
ald with the magnificent California
pear he brought home; also, a fine
bunch of the original "Mission grape,"
famous in California. The captain
evidently made good use of his time
in California.
The Hon. J. M. Beardsley, our
Weeping Water friend, called on us
Saturday. Joe has one peculiarity,
he says he would like to skate on the
Missouri river if it was frozen solid
to the bottom and he knew the bottom
was thoroughly braved up with white
ash piles. Never mind, Joe, you'll
skate to Lincoln soon on as treacher
ous a stream as Old Muddy. Look
out for air holes.
Our efficient postmaster, Captain
Marshall, met with a severe accident
Friday morning. He made a misstep
as he was going down stairs and fell
heavily against the brick wall, injur
ing his shoulder badly. Fortunately
no bones were broken and we hope he
will soon recover and be able to attend
to business with his accustomed
Our town is looking up, business
improving, houses scarce and few to
rent. The B. & M. R. R. is doing a
heavy business, averaging about 100
cars per day each way. Last Friday
the transfer crossed 137 loaded cars
going east. The new R. R. shops are
progressing rapidly, the contractor is
working all the men he can put upon
the walls. The news shops will make
a fine addition to our city. The main
building or machine shop proper i
10 feet long by 60 wide. The black
smith shop 40xG0. The round house
to contain sixty stalls, the old car
penter shops are to be used this win
ter and be replaced by new ones in
the spring. The depot is to be moved
to the foot of Main street, where it
should have been put in the first
place. The B. & M. have the best
water supply in the state; they have
a fall of some thirty feet from the
spring to the water tank. They in
tend putting a reservoir on the top
of the hill south of the shops, one
hundred feet above, which will be in
valuable in case of fire. Adding the
O'Neil spring would give the city the
best water works in the city.
Elam Parmele lost a wagon last
week,. and John Shannon some double
trees and things. Tuesday the wagon
was brought baclc in front of Donel
ly's blacksmith shop with com
pliments of the borrower, we suppose
Wish someone would bring our old
bench back soon. Its getting summer
and we want it.
Charles P. Olson, bridge carpenter
in the employment of the B. & M.
R. R., under Road Master Osborne
while working on a bridge near Ash
land last Saturday, slipped and fell
a distance of twenty feet upon the ice
below, fracturing the left wrist, dis
locating the right one, cutting the
upper lip open to the bone, and frac
turing the skull over the left eye and
contusing the face in a frightful man
ner. He is doing as well as can be
expected under the circumstances.
Fred M. Dorrington of our city,
the" pioneer stage man, west of the
Missouri river, has had a contract of
blank bids and bonds for conveying
the U.U S. mails, done at this office.
Mr. D. has pioneered our western rail
roads since 1856. His knowledge of
the mail business and the country
through which they are to run, made
him a very efficient officers, of both
the government and the company to
which he belongs. Success to you,
Mr. D., and the old Pioneer S. W.
The Plattsmouth literary appeared
in force Friday evening. Hon. Joseph
A. Connor led one side and Hon. W.
L. Wells the other, and the question
was that old one, whether Napoleon
ought to have been an angel or not.
That wasn't just the way they put it,
but then it meant the same. Brother
Frye was the hero of the evening, and
"Gad" the slaughterman of the Lin
coln Journal who was present was so
tickled that he proposed to get up a
petition to congress to have the whole
society transferred to Washington to
take the place of the senate next ses
sion. He thinks they are better
'argufyers.' The question next week
is, Resolved, that a fellow generally
walks straight because he is afraid of
gettink hurt, and not because he likes
it. The leaders are Mr. Thos. Wiles
and Mr. Wayraan, and the lyceum
goers may expect to hear a good de
bate. i
Editor Herald: Here are a few
notes from the southern part of the
uur public escnoois navt been n
full operation all winter. Despite ti
severe and inclement weather the at
tendance has been gool.
The debating club of lyceum of
Factoryville is at the present time in
a very flourishing state; while the
community at large takes much in
terest in this institution, the more
prominent actors display more than
common talent and ability in spo3ch
and judgment.
Some of those who know, say thai
the Weeping Water Valley Old
Bathelors' society has more members
enrolled than any like institution in
the state, singular as this may p
pear, a fact it is, that marriageable
young ladies, including young widow .s
can have their choice out of nearly a
hundred. How is that for high?
With the approach of spring our
farmers are making preparations for
putting in crops. It is thought, how
ever, the area for small grain will be
a small one, as those myriads of un-
hatched grasshoppers are causin
much anxiety and fear among our soil
tillers. Well, time will show how
large the grasshopper crop will be.
Great flocks of prairie chickens are
inhabiting the cornfields along the
banks of the Weeping Water, but it i
feared that a great part of the coming
young brood will be destroyed by the
prairie fires in the spring.
Lovers of wild and romantic music
can have a rich treat by listening to
the free and unsolicited nightly con
certs of a large family of coyotes
which infest our neighborhood. Noth
ing like it. Occassionally more,
Chas. E. Chassot.
P. S. The Black Hills fever has
come out in the person of our in
dustrious blacksmith, Henry K. We
hear that Dr. Wallace is attending tlie
case. C. E. C.
Dr Wm. Wniersteen, city treas
urer, left last Monday for Phila
delphia. Judge Despain will attend it
the collection of taxes in his absence.
Mr. Schlegel, our accommodating
express man, had another of his run
aways on Tuesday, demolishing hi
wagon pretty effectually, as usual.
We understand a brass band of ten
persons has been organized in this
city and that the instruments are
here. A subscription has been raised
to pay for the instruments.
Mike McGuire has bought the old
Patterson place, and will soon have a
handsome residence put up there, if
cottonwood lumber don't give out or
the mill bust up. Hurrah for Mike!
George Cutler, esq., is now acting
as assistant engineer of the B.
R. R., with Mr. Calvert, and it just
suits George.
Eddy Kirkpatrick and wife are in
town. They came up to see Dr. John
Black, Mrs. K.'s father, and we are
happy to learn that the doctor is
much better, and will probably soon
be able to attend to business again.
Our friend, George Smith, has the
pleasure of welcoming his father ani
mother. Elder Ross and wife, during
the holidays.
Joe Connor is just rushing thing.?,
got a big corn crib four blocks long
out on the avenue, and six or seven
more up along the road, and buying
at big prices all the time. He has
just moved his office to Stadelmann's
building and is as happy as a boy
with his first pair of breeches with a
pocket in 'em.
Mr. Thaddeus Adams gives us some
grasshopper items. He says he turn
ed up the ground in many places
where the eggs arc very thick and he
thinks most of them will hatch. He
did not find many egg-eating para
sites. Same result in three fields, and
Mr. A. has gloomy forebodings about
the hopper crcp in the spring. Mr.
Sol Beardsley, however, comes to a
different conclusion. He has exam
ined a good many eggs, too, and finds
many already hatched out or have
had life and then died. In many shells
the form of the grasshopper can be
distinctly seen. Others he found ad
dled, and altogether he doesnt feel so
much afraid of the grasshoppers as
he used to.
Mrs. Willard Dill and Labies visited
over Sunday at the W. S. Kiltreil
J. D. Kittrell left last Monday even
ing for Wyoming, where he intend
to oversee a bridge gang out there
Mrs. Caulder is sick at her home
with pneumonia.
Elmer Green and daughter, Lucy
were passengers for Ashland, where
they will visit for a few days.
Mrs. Dave Campbell was a passeng
er for Louisville this week to spen
a few days with friends before start
ing for her new home in the western
part of the state.
Vonie Eccleston came down from
Memphis Saturday to spend a few
days at the W. S. Kittrell home.
Mr. Merrill and wife are moving to
the country this week.
They were blasting ice in the rive
all day Saturday.
S. B. McDonald left for his horn
at Greenwood Thursday.
Carl Huffmiester spent a few hours
in Louisville Thursday.
Harry Long spent the day in Orr.a
ha Wednesday
Ross Dill spent a few hours
Louisville Monday.
Mrs. Margaret Kittrell and Mis
Thiene. Wannamaker spent the day in
Louisville Friday.
Charley Atkinson went to HavelocI
Saturday to spend Sunday wit
Again the grim monster, death
has claimed one of our friends an 1
neighbors. By this we are reminds
that this world it not our home, but
that we are swift passengers from
time to eternity.' The summons came
for Mrs. Carrie Lansing Green at
3:15 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Feb
ruary 6, 1913. She peacefully answer
ed the call, and her spirit went to
try the realities of an unseen country
to us. Her maiden name was Carrie
Landing, and she was born in Yutan
Nebraska, April 18, 1S70, and died at
her home February . 1015, at the
ge of 35c years, i) months and 2i)
The funeral services were conduct
ed by Francis K. Allen of Ashland
Nebraska, and the R. N. of A lodge,
of which she was a member, rendered
their services in a most beautifu
manner, and interment was made in
the Ashlandcemetery. She- had been
a patient sufferer for many weeks
She leaves a husband, Elmer N
Green, and one daughter, Lucy; her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Lans
ing of South Bend, and two sisters
Lucy Graham of Meiia, Nebraska, an.
Jennie Aibcthnot of Ic? fase, Cali
fornia. She was married to LImer
Green January 1, 1002.
She was a faithful member ar.d
church worker, and was loved by all
who knew her. But she has gone from
our midst and has left a vacant chair
in the home, and sad and lonely hearts
to grieve her love to know. Let us
turn our eyes from the dark picture
rnd look to a kind Saviour, who
stands with outstretched arms ready
to comfort the sad hearts and let the
sunlight in on the darkend soul that
mourns from such sorrow.
f 9 f
The balmy days have made sleigh-
ing a tmng ot tne past, ine suns
. m A . 1 rl .
rays on the snow reduced the large
drifts and water in abundance is flow
ing to seek its level.
The high price of corn has prompt
ed farmers to dispose of their hogs
And in consequence of this fact the
price of hogs has declined until pork
is within reach of the laboring man
not drawing the high salary; and now
is the time to fUl the pork barrel for
future use.
W. T. Adams and family have
moved to Plattsmouth. We aresorry
to loose Will from our midst, but
trust he will be pleased with the
C. L. Jean transacted business in
Plattsmouth Saturday.
Florence Richardson came home
from Omaha Friday to spend Satur
day and Sunday with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. W. T. Richardson.
Miss Eva Porter of Omaha visite 1
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W B.
orter, over Sunday.
Rev. Randall, pastor of the M. E.
church, held a brotherhood meeting at
the parsonage Thursday evening. Re
freshments were served by Mesdame3
Randall and Wayne Tropst.
The Methodist choir met at the
home of W. T. Richard3on for practice
Friday evening.
W. T. Richardson is placing his
machinery iw-line, preparatory for his
sale next Monday.
The quarterly meeting held at U.
B chapel last Sunday waa largely at
tended and a very able discourse was
delivered by the district superintend
ent. William Gillipie is busy weighing
and fchipping hogs to the South Oma
ha market.
George Hild moved to Plattmojth
last week. His neighbors were very
sorry to lose George, but he would gi.
Most of the entire nciphoihood join
ed ii- helping him move. This s-how ;
the right spirit and the esteem in
which the family were held among
their friends. Success to them in
their new home.
Our rural route, under the man
agement of Adam Meisinger, has
again been made over the entire route
for the past few days. Heavy drifts
of snow blockading the roads made it
impossible to cover the entire rout;
last week.
.V'-4 ' .....'..
. . 4
"I (Speciil Correspondence.) f
Haiold Tool was an Omaha vi.-itor
Sunday between trains.
Harry Davis was a Lincoln vi.-itor
Thursday and Friday.
D; Ilornbeck was a Lincoln visitor
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Edith Kelley of Plattsmouth
was visiting her sister, Mrs. O. M.
Donald, Saturday.
Mrs. H. Davis was visiting relatives
in Avoca and Lincoln respectively.
C. Eisenhut was an Omaha visitor
The R. N. A made $13.00 at their
valentine supper last Saturday.
Mis. J. Joehansen and Edna were
Omaha visitors Monday between
Mrs. Emma Davis entertained lu r
Sunday school class at her home Fri
day night. The evening was pent
in playing games, and later a dainty
lunch was served.
Mrs. 11. V. McDonald and Mi
Leata were Omaha, visitots Monday
between trains.
Murel Gillespie was visiting hi.-
unc!e, Will McNamara and family,
this week at Fairmont.
or the
Rlurray State Bank
of Murray, Nebraska
Charter No. .jT
Incori'orst'.! in t!ir iut' f V-l.r-ka. at t
closf of buMiies ( YItum ry Q. I'.Ij.
l:Fxl i:ci
Ians mil li--ouiil.s f
-'.I? ..:
.-a 4 i
l vrrlraft
I tan kink' tnuw. furnit nit- ami tiiim
Current tan mil tiii-i--l
I )u- from national an Mat
; T .7 ', o
Currf wj-
Gold coin
Silver, nickels and criits ...
Cavital stork rai'l in fio.uwi i,i
iirplii" f ii in!
l lHilT il-l rtttits : -4r ..Z
liiu.riiluul u iml uljiH-t l
-lnv-k lf(
f 'manil of-rt itii-aWv of ilt rii -4 ;n
Tirr. i--rt iNonM-s or lt-itt . ;;'.!!
C'iiMii r'.s I'lii-cks out t an I ut. '.,uZ f.-tfi.V ' "
I k"iosltors :;iiara!iiy fund t7, 41
.t 'm ;
State or NrnRAKA. t
(ountytiti a. I. W. Ifc.d. L. r.
eahitr ot t Ur tx o nanx-d !ank. ! ti-r-tr
swfartiiat tlip alo- t ainx-m W a corm i
a:id true cony of tlio n ix.rt made to tin- iai
banking oani. W.'.i. lt !rM H. C'eliU r.
. ' 'HAS. C i'AKMIi.K. Kin-. ii.r.
uei. , u ; HoKtr:Bit, j. m-n r
u!TiiH-d and sorn Uj t !r.- r.i lliw litli
day of I t-lru;iry. l'JIi. ka H tt.
Ikai.J Notary I'ufdio.
In order to guard against imagina
tive rumors, I wish to say regarding
my Implement Sale to be held Mon
day, February 22, that every piece
put up by me will be sold; positively
no tide bidding.
I will make this proposition: Any
one proving that I have a side bidder
may have the implement bid upon
free of cost.
Everything new; no second-hanl
goods. W. T. Richard-on.
J. W. Hamilton will take notice
that on the 11th day of January, l'Jl.",,
M. Archer, a justice of the peace of
Cas3 County, Nebraska, issued an
order of attachment for the sum of
$35.75 in an action pending before;
him, wherein John Cory is palintifT,
and J. W. Hamilton is defendant, an I
hat property of the defendant, con
sisting of money in the possession of
the C, B. & Q. R. R. Co., has been at
tached under said order. Said cause
was continued to February 27th, 1115.
JOHN CORY, Plaintiff.
FOR SALE S. C. White t.rhoni
Cockerels. Inquire of Fred II.
P.amsc, Route 1, Plattsmouth.
Sell your property by an ad ia The
! i
i t