The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 18, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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PfTf! 5.
Public Sate!
The undersigned will offer at Pub-lie-
Auction, at his home, 4 mils.,
northwest of Murray, 4 miles south
we.t of Mynard, and 1 mile ta.c cf
the Eight Mile Grove church, on
the following1 described property, to
wit: 1.1 Head of Horses 13
70 Head of Cattle 70
Twenty cows, coming fresh, some
fresh now, and all are bred to a regis
tered Whiteface bull.
Five young high-grade Whiteface
bull ;, ready for service.
Forty-five head of yearlings, most
ly Meers, and ready for the feed :t.
13 Excellent Brood Sows 13
Some are registered. This stock is
all in good condition and in excellent
Farming Implements.
One 12-horse power We:-tinghouse
traction engine.
One Joliet corn sheller, all in good
running order.
One corn binder.
Ore grain binder.
And some other good farm im
I foments.
Sale Will Commence at 10 Sharp.
Lunch W ill Re Served on the Ground
at Noon.
A credit of eight months will be
given, purchaser giving good bank
able non?, bearing 8 per cent from
late. All property must be settled
for before beirg removed.
J. R. VALLERY, Owner.
COL. WM. DUNN, Auctioneer.
Having sold my farm, I will sell at
Public Auction on my farm, which is
two miles east and one-half mile south
cf Murray, seven miles south of
Plattsmouth, six miles north and two
miles east of Union, the following de
scribed property, on
Four Head of Horses.
One br.y gelding, coming seven
years old, weight 1,230.
One brown gelding, coming seven
years old, weight 1,300.
Cr.e b:own driving mare, coming
six years old, weight 1.000.
One black mare, coming four years
c'.d, weight 1,000.
Seven Head of Cattle.
Four head of all No. 1 good young
milch cows.
Three head of two-year-old heifers,
will be freh in the summer.
Ten head of Duroc-Jersey
sows, ail bread and immune
Farm Implements.
Two farm wagons.
One hay rack.
One spring wagon, good as new.
One ten buggy.
One old buggj.
One bob sled.
One light sled.
Oi.e Avery corn planter.
Eighty rods of wire.
One Id-inch Sattley sulky plow.
One 11-inch John Peeii; walking
One St. Joe riding lister.
One McCorrr.ick hay rake.
One Peering mower.
One Model K John Deere disc.
One three-section harrow.
One Padger cultivator.
One Avery radir.g cultivator.
One waiking cultivator.
One set of inch and a half harness
One set of inch and a quarter har
ness. One set of double driv. ; harness.
One set of single harne
Two sets of leather fly nts.
or a. a:
:n b?.rn.
Seven tono of timothy hay in barn.
And many othtr articles too numer
als to mention.
Every article will be positively sold
to the highest bidder; no by-bidding.
Sale Will Commence at 10 O'clock.
Lunch will lie Served on the Ground
at Noon by J. D. Shrader.
TERMS: All sums of $10 and
under, cash in hand; on sums over
'-10 a credit of six to twelve months
will be given, purchaser giving bank
: bio note with approved security,
rearing eight per cent interest from
date. No property to be removed
until terms of sale are complied with.
T. S. BARROWS." Owner.
W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
W. (J. BOEDEKER, Clerk.
Strayed or Stolen
A small yellow and white dog,
nr.a'l ears and has a chain collar
around his reck. Any information as
t whereabouts will be thankfully re
ceived by II. T. Batten, Plattsmouth.
Public Sale
Having decided to quit forming and
move to town, on account of poor
health, I will sell at Public Auction
cn rny farm, four miles east and one
mile south of Murray, and two miles
south of Rock Bluffs, commencing at
1 1 :00 o'clock, on
MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1913,
the following described property, to
wit: Nine Head of xlorscs.
One team gray horses, 10 and 11
years old, weight 1.400 eaeh.
One team black mares, coming 4
and 3 years oid, well matched, weight
1,300 and 1,400, both with foal.
On3 brown horse, 8 years old,
weight 1,130.
One bay ma;e, S years
One fr.mlly mare, 8
old, weight
years old.
weight 1,030, with foal.
One black colt, coming 2 years old.
Ore .sorrel mare colt, coming 1 year
One extra good mu'e colt, coming
'J vears old.
Six Head of Cattle.
Two 4-year-old cows, giving milk
now and will be fresh in May.
Two coming 2-year-old heifers, will
be fresh in May.
One heifer calf and one buTl calf,
both coming one-year-old.
Six thoroughbred Duroc-Jersey
sows, bred to have pigs May 1st.
About eight dozen Barred Rcc-:
hens and some thoroughbred Barrel
Rock rcosters.
Farm Implements.
Two sets work harness.
One set single harness.
One 3-inch wagon.
One new hay rake.
One spring wagon.
One 2-section harrow.
One stalk cutter.
One new hay ra.-k.
One hog rack.
One hog chute.
One feed bunk.
One saddle.
300 hedge posts.
200 split oak posts.
One 14-inch walking plow.
One new Peering mower, 3-foot.
One new 3 U -inch Schuetler wagon.
Two Avery spring cultivators.
One 1-horse Iloosier corn drill.
One St. Joe walking lister.
Ore DeLaval cream separator.
Some big hog troughs made from
oak planks.
One chicken house for small chick
ens. Seme new dimension lumber.
Some corn in crib.
And other small articles.
TERMS: All sums
cash; on sums of $10
under $11,
and over a
credit of twelve months will be given,
purchaser giving note with approved
security, bearing eight per cent in
terest. No property to be removed
from premises until settled for. Every
article will be sold to the highest bid
der; s:o by-bidding.
Lunch served at noon.
WM. R. YOUNG. Auctioneer.
E. G. DOVEY, Clerk.
Children Cause Trouble.
The local postolTice has a gncat deal
of trouble lately with the hah it of
childien coming to the postofTice Ij in
quire ?fter the mail at every oppor
tunity possible and crowciing in the
postoffice, swarm up to the window,
no matter if they had been there only
n few minutes previous. In some fam
ilies where there are a number of
children they all make a habit of cail
ing for the mail, although they prob
r.bly never get one letter or paper in
a week, but seeing ethers do it feel
that it is the proper caper to do. The
clerks are compelled each time to
wade through the mail to find the let
ter or paper desired.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to take- this method of
expressing our most sincere thanks
to the many neighbors and friends for
their kindly assistance, words of sym
pathy and beautiful floral offennes
during the illness and death of our
beloved husband, father and brotnei.
Mrs. John Peter Keil and Family.
George Keil, Pekin, 111.
George W. Clough, Prentiss, Miss.,
who had suffered greatly with kidney
trouble, writes: "Foley Kidney Pills
are the only remedy that ever did me
any good at all." Just think of the
-elief and comfort that means to him.
Foley Kidney Pills are recommended
for sleep disturbing bladder troubles j
pain in sides or back, rheumatism,!
and kidney and bladder ailments. For
ile by ail druggists.
Sell your property through
Journal Want Ads.
For several hours yesterday after
noon there was the most intense ex
citement prevailing in the neighbor
hood of Manley, where the residents
thought they had located one of the
fugitive Mexicans from Omaha.
Sheriii Quinton was in Louisville
looking' after some matters, when a
man mounted on a panting horse
dashed up and breathlessly informed
the sheriff that one of the Mexicans
wanted in the metropolis for the Ring
murder "had just passed up the Mis
souri Pacific railroad track in the di
lection of Manley. Sheriff Quinto.i
at once called Manley and staled the
circumstances of the man being head
ed for Manley, and requested that a
watch be kept for him thre. This
was too rich a morsel to hold. and it
was telephoned broadcast over the
telephone lines and socn broncht a
response from a lady residing in the
country not far from the railroad
track, who reported that a man an
swering the description of th-' Mexi
can was just entering their yaid "rid
implored that some assistance bo
sent. The man was finally roundel
up in Manley, and together wnh an
other traveler secured, were held un
til the arrival of the sheriff, from
Louisville. It could easily be seen
that the man supposed to be a Mexi
can was not any of the Omaha g mr.
as he was of very large size, and aft?.
taking him to Weeping1 Kater with
him ti e sheriff allowed him to go. : s
there was no charge on which to hold
I will offer at Auction Sale the follow
ing Implements. All new:
Two 14-inch V.'alking Plows.
One lC-inch Walking Plow.
Four Gang Plows.
One Sulky Li iter.
Three Tongue Cultivators.
Two Tongueless Cultivators.
Three Riding Cultivators.
Two 3-section Harrows.
One Disc Harrow.
One 2 -row Corn Cultivator.
One Feed Grinder.
One Sulky Hay Rake.
One Metal Wheel Truck.
Two Wagon Roves.
Four Ross Er.dgates.
Three Press Drills.
One Mower.
Two Top Buggies.
One Wagon.
Two Cream Separators.
One Grind Stone.
Two ll2 II. P. Gasoline Engines.
Sale to Commence at 1 :00 O'clock.
Articles amounting to $10 or less
will be cash. Above this amount a
credit of six months will be given,
purchaser giving a bankable note
bearing eight per cent interest.
Parties having anything to sell,
bring it in and we x ill have a "Sales
Mynard, Nebraska.
4W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
In connection with the above sale,
I will sell two Duroe Jersey spring
gilts bred to my herd boar, Echo's
Model Wonder No. 170,247, he out of
Echo's Crimson Wonder, grand cham
pion over all breeds at the Nebraska
State Fair, 1914.
These gilts are bred for May litters.
No. 1 is a dark crimson gilt, out of
Proud Improver No. 130,323, mated
with a Belles Prince sow, and is one
that is hard to beat. No. 2 is a gilt
tracing her ancestry back to the old
original Crimson Wonder on both
sides and through her sire back to
Ohio Chief. This gilt's dam is one
of the finest shaped animals I ever
I will also sell a few S. C. Rhode
Island red cockerels hatched from
eggs purchased from T. L. Rick
secker, Rosedale, Kansas.
These birds are strictly classy.
Terms of sale same as above.
Mrs. T. Neurelict, Eau Claire, Wis.,
-ays: "Foley's Ilcney and Tar Com
pound cured my boy of a very severe
attack of croup after other remedies
had failed. Our milkman cured his
childien of whooping cough." Foley's
has a forty years' record of similar
cases. Contains no opiates. Always
insist on Foley's. For sale by ail
'The Carnival Skate" at the Palace
' revt
Ftii?av night two ses
sions, from 7 to i) and 9 to 11 p. m.
The carnival
skate proper is from
Admission. 10 cents.
!9:30 to 11.
Skates per session, 5 and 10 cents,
none 5a
The undersigned will offer at Public
.Sale at the Dovey section, three milis
east of Cedar Creek, on
the following described property:
13 Head of Horses and .Mules.
One black mare, 10 years oid.
weight. '1,00.
One bay horse, 7 years old,
weight 1.100.
One chestnut sorrel, 8 years old,
weight 1.000.
One gray
weight 1,300.
One black
weight 1,4'0.
One black
weight 1.3C0.
One gray
weight 1,320.
Or.e bay
mare, S years old,
oi J,
weight 1,3 i0.
One sorrel
weight 1.130.
One bay '
weight 1,300
One spiing
colt, weight 720.
One sorrel
wei-ht 1,230.
One sorrel
weight 1.2.-0.
One gay
weight 1.230.
One black
weight 800.
13 cows: 11
2 years ol !,
ai :
mu:e. o
2 3-vear-o! 1
70 head of shoals; 1 sow with pig".
Farming Implements.,
Eight sets of work harness.
Or.e set single harness.
Or.e set double buggy harness.
Four sets fly nets.
One saddle.
About fifteen tons baled piaiiie hav.
About five tons alfalfa hay.
One tank heater.
i tires
Three binders
Or.e corn binder.
One steel elevator.
Three corn planters.
One hay sweep.
Two 1-horse coin drills.
One corn harvester.
One Endgate seeder.
Ou3 Janesville disc.
Two steel corn bo?:es.
Or.e blacksmith out -it.
Ti'iee log chains.
Two hand corn sheller:--.
Si- wagons.
One iron wheel w:v on.
Two bob sleds.
One l-ho'-se k wheat dii'l
Four walking plows.
Two a'kin.r li.-tc-is.
Five riding listers.
One tv.-o-i ow lister.
iwo f"U'!:y piows.
Two D;?ere plows.
Two riding cultivators.
Five walking cultivators.
Two Pec-re two-row cultivators.
Two stalk cutters.
Three mowers.
Two hay rakes.
Two 3-sertion harrows.
One 2-scction h i n ow.
And many other articles not listed.
Lunch Served cn the Ground at
Sale Will Commence at 10 Sharp.
TERMS: All sums of S10 and un
der cash in hand; on sums over $10 a
credit of one year will be given, pur
chaser giving note with approved se
curity, bearing S per cent interest
from t'.ate. No property removed un
til terms of sale are complied with.
W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer
Thus far the month of February
has been a record-breaker in the of
fice of Police Magistrate M. Archer,
as he has not had a single offender
up in police court in the eighteen
oays of the month and ths records of
the ocurt are growing: rusty from dis
use. Just what is the reason for the
sudden stopping of the stream of
Usual candidates for the i and coi;l3
sentence is not known, unless a wave
of betterment has swept over the city
or the offenders manage to make their
eretaway. However, the judjye is hope
ful that as a result cf his policy of
watchful waiting he may secure some
offenders before the month is out.
Hundreds of health articles appear
in newspapers and magazines, ami in
practically every one of them ths im
portance of keeping the bowels reg
ular is emphasized. A contlpatr!
condition invites disease. A depend
able physic that -acts without irk-n- or griping is found in Foley
Cathartic Tablets. For sale bv ail
Limit Set by Germany
Has Expired.
Deriin Is StiM Ce'ebraCng Von
Lur's Victory---five Miliicn Gtr
mans Who Cannot Fight to Be Ex
iled to Save Fcod.
London, Feb. IS. The Daily Mail's
Copenhagen correspondent nays he
l.nns from Hamburg Unit the he'.iet
prevails t!iio that Kmperor William
is poing to lie"; o'aiicl pi i.-onaily to di
rect Germany's submarine bioekado.
The time limit set by Germany lor
neutral shi;.jii-g to take meas-ires o!
safety has expired, and (Serm.iny fs
row expected to put into operation i'?
d. i Ian d intention of employing its
suliinarin' -s and mines in tbe water.-;
aif.ind the I'riiish Isl. s. which P. ha
pi ot 1 linked ;t war zone, with the ob-
j ft ot :,hi!ttin: o.f the food supply ol
tl:e j'.ntisti people.
Germany's Warning.
Germany hes earnestly warned th?
nentral states that this zone will h'-r
alter a dancer zone for all sliio-
ping, and has expressed its deerm:na
tP,n ef taking the mo-t stringent ac
tion against the p.ritisa merchantmen.
In the meantime Germany, in 'devel
oping its submarine warfare, has add
ed two more ships to the list of v?s
scls destroyed, by sinking the snia')
French merchant steamer Ville de
Li b- off C'h rbourg ami the British
cobier Dulwich.
Regarding the operations on land, il
is apparent from the o'fic'al announce
n: nt s issued by ti e French war office
that some heavy lighting is taking
plnee boih in Belgium and France.
The French claim not only to have
nr.'irta'ned the grcund recently gained
b:t to have captured some of the Ger
man trendies and repelled many
co:. nter attacks Py the Hermans.
Celebrate Victory.
Fie'd Marshal von Hiiidenburs's suc
cessful operations against the Russian
Tenth army in East Prussia are still
L'-:ng celebrated in Utriin, where Vor
Jlindenburg's direction of the cam
j ai.!i is described as having been
c-:!,". rac -terized bv masterly skill. On"!
cLdly it is announced that the fJer
i man boors are still following the Bus
s":.ns north of the N'einien river.
In Poland, north of the Vistula, from
'P'c 'l:. recently occupied by the G'-r
m i"s. to Rucionz. another srent battle
is apparently developing, the fi.qhtins
in that re?, ion already being of a des
perate nature.
t'!!;:ei;i ;:ir"n bears a report that 5.
0 o.i oi) Germans. ;ne!i?ib'e for arm.;
service, who l.cve independent means
aie to be ordered by the German gov
ei r.ment to neutral countries and there
to remain until the end cf the war in
order to decrease the consumption ol
fool in the empire.
The action of two Socialist members
of the French cabinet. JiPes Gues-Ic
and M.icel Sc-mhat. in attending the
recent international Socialist confer
en e in London has evoked protest
ff m a largo section of the Frenck
press, which makes the declaration
that this conference was inspired b
the German Social Democratic party
Name and Port cf Dutch Ships Painted
On In Eig Letters.
New York. Feb. IS. When the Holland-American
line steamships NieuTV
Amsterdam and Ve-nnyk sail from this
port Feb. 20 for Rotterdam their
names and port of registry will he
painted on their sides in letters four
feet hih. The woik Is being clone ty
palr.teis at Hoboken.
Maritime men heard that to proter-t
I Its shippinp: the Dutch nation had sone
so far as to charge the color of it
fl'.c. Hereafter, according to report,
the flay; will be composed of red. whit?
ard lisht blue, instead of dark blue.
The Dutch fiajr, with its horizontal
stripes, nii.aht be mistaken for the
black, white and red German ensipn.
By using a light blue stripe, it was
said the Dutch hoped to avoid confu
sion. Deaf Hear Through Eye.
Bombay, India. Feb. 18. It has hen
arro-,ii:ec d in Lahore that a Professor
Albe of that city has Invented a
"phonoscope." the use of which en
ables the totally deaf to perceive
sotmrls. such as speech and music, by
nieaus of the eye.
Kills Her Child and Attempts Suicide.
Stitrris, S. D., Feb. IS Mrs. Rob
ert Wilkehn, residing at Seal, Mead,
ro'.mty, killed her child and then at-
t':n t 'd to tnl-e her
failed. Sheriff Ekutt
Aonian here.
own life,
will brin ar
Bank In Duenwig Robbed.
Pnenv.fir, Mo., Feb. 18. Three men
held up the cashier of the State bank
here and obtained $2,000. The rob
bers fled, but are reported to have
tern captured by a posse near JopMn.
' Father and Girl Die by Ga
Chicago, Feb. IS. Charles Tyrreh
ir.1 his four-year-old daughter, Myrtle,
with her rag doll beside here, were
onnd asphyxiated by gas In a bed
oom of their homo.
Concrete Work Guaranteed!
We could not do that if we were not sine every time
we do a piece of concrete work that it is dorc rihr.
We Know How
or we would not take a chance on rebuilding our
work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put
it in, and every job we handle is there to stay.
Silo, Water Tank, Water Storage
Tank, Wails
all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be
of first-class material and workmanship and we ftand
back of it.
Come in and See Us
if you are thinking of building anything this year. We
have a number cf new ideas about building that will
interest you.
Just south of PostofTbe on Fifth Street.
Cenoreie Construction Co.,
k Plattsmouth, -
For Business and Pleasure!
Its Cradle Springs Absorbs all Shocks
11 1 1 tfT??
1,2 and 3 speeds ris and Hecteic equipments
We sell cn easy payments, if you estab!i.-h bankable references.
food bicycles, tires and accessories.
Plattsmouth Cycle Co.
J. L. Southern, Eau Claire, Wis.,
writes: "Years ao I wrote you in
regard to srrcat results I obtaire I
from Foley Kidney 1' After all
these years I have never had a re
turn of those terrible backache or
sleepless nijihts; I am permanently
cured." Men and women, yountr and
old, find this reliable remedy relieves
lheumatism, backache, stiff joints
and ills caused by weak or diseased
kidneys or bladder. For sale by ail
Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker was amon?
those groin to Omaha this mornine:
cn No. 15, where she will visit for a
few hours looking after some mat
ters of business and visiting1 with her
i elatives in that city.
The John Deere Model B. Disc Harrow
is the only .Spring Pressure Harrow and, therefore, the (n-
Iv Flexible Harrow Huilt.
Here are some of its distinctive structural advantage
Exclusive Spring Pressure
securing greater penetrating
power and more thorough cultiva
tion. Instant Leveling for All Conditions
Enabling operator to keep all
discs cutting an even depth.
High, Solid Steel Gang Frames
extra stiff and strong; extra
Double Leaf, Easy Riding Seat
a Disc Harrow that is as com
a Disc Harrow that is as comfortable as a rocking chair,
LigM Tains $210
Ke2TjTxiss 220
I Mh;s Clara Autin
j city last evenintj on
I make a short vi;t
Ifiiend. The Austin
J ci.iintr at (;er.en,
I present.
arrived in th-
No. 'J jin I will
here u't h her
fjimdy aie re-N'ebra.-k.i.
?.Irs. Kate OHer returru-d hime
yesterday afternoon f;om ()m.d:a.
where she had been since the f.rst of
the year visitintr at the home of her
dau.ehtsrs, and feels well pleased with
( her visit
Itchinpr, bleedinf, protruding or
blind piles have yielded to Doan'.
Ointment. 30c at all stores.
John F. Gorder was amor.c tho e
po!n:r to Omaha this morning to look
after some matters of business with
the wholesalers.
fortable as a rocking chair.
Oscillating Scrapers with New
lock at edge of discs, lock T
discs, clamped blade, etc.
Stub Poles on All Sizes
for convenience in storing,
three-horse hitch or tongue
High Arch Frame in One Piece
Frame rigid, al-o greater clear
ance for trash, etc.