The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 18, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 70.
St. Mary's Guild and Members of St
Luke's Episcopal Church Enjoy
Fine Time at Coates Hall.
From Tuesday's Daily.
One of the most delightful social
gatherings that has been held in the
city in recent years was the parish
party given last evening by the ladie
of St. Mary's Guild of the St. Luke's
Episcopal church at Coates' hall. The
ladies had prepared for the pleasant
event by decorating the hall in a very
handsome and artistic manner that
made the occasion one of great
beauty. Over the electric light
throughout the hall red coverings had
been placed, while a string of varied
colored lights suspended across the
hall from the balcony made a scene
of great beauty. In the northwest
corner, where the serving wa3 carried
on, a most charming cozy corner haJ
been made by the, placing of a cur
tain of streamers of red hearts alon
the tables used by the serving com
mittee, and red hearts in profusion
were used in the decorative scheme
of this cozy corner. Each guest w-is
presented with a dainty and artistic
favor in the form of a heart -decorated
card on which some sentiment suitable
to the valentine season had been
The tasteful arrangements made
the event a most pleasing one and
almost every member of the parish
was present to enjoy the pleasures of
the evening and to get better ac
quainted with each other. "The Rev.
"V.'. S. Ltete, rector of the church,
who has become one of the leading
ministers of the city since comin
here, certainly has created an intense
interest in the work of the church.
and his associations with the mem
bers of the parish have been most
The evening was spent most pleas
antly in dancing and in visiting
among the guests. The festivites of
the evening was opened by the
grand march, led by Miss Catherine
Dovey and Mr. John Falter, and at
the conclusion the guests were pre
sented with the dainty valentine
favors of the evening as they march
ed past the leaders of the grand
march. The lovers of dancing were
given a splendid opportunity to enjoy
themselves in a number of the latest
dances, as played by the Holly or
chestra, while the "Virginia Reel" was
one of the delights of the evening, in
which al!, young and old alike, in
dulged to their heart's delight. The
national airs of different countries of
the world were played by the or
chestra, while the members 'of the
party stood and sang the refrain, and
the American selections were especial
ly given with force and vigor.
The ladies of St. Mary's Guild were
assited in serving by the members of
St. Luke's Guild, and the dainty re
freshments proved most tempting and
delicious and enjoyed to the utmost
by the large number present as one
of the most delightful social time
that has been held here for years in
church circles, and the members of
St. Luke's parish are hoping that In
the future they may be allowed to en
joy other equally delightful oc
A suit was filed yesterday in the
district court in this city entitled N.
P. Thorp, et al., vs. Myrtle M. Sharp,
widow of Floyd Sharp, et al. This
suit involves the settlement of a note
for the sum of $3,000 made by the
defendants and made payable at the
First National bank of Wahoo and
secured by mortgage on land in Red
Willow county, Nebraska, as well as
fome town lots in Alvo, Cass county.
The note was executed in March, 1911,
end the case is to settle up the mat
ter which has been forced by the
death of the parties to the note.
Mrs. R. R. Livingston Better.
From Thursday's Dally.
Mrs. R. R. Livingston, who for the
past two weeks has been quite ill at
her home suffering from a severe at
tack of bronchitis, is reported as being
much better and is now able to sit up
for a short time each day. This will
be most pleasing news to the friends
of this estimable lady, as her illness
has been quite severe and occasioned
much concern to her family an J J
friends and it will certainly be most
pleasing to learn that she is improv
ing so nicely.
From Tuesday's Daily.
This afternoon City Attorney A. L.
Tidd took the first steps in an effort
to compel the observance of the oc
cupation tax ordinance of the city,
which a number of parties have ne
glected to comply with as they should
by paying over their tax. City Clerk
remetz made a complete canvass of
the business section of the city and h
large majority of the business men
complied with the requirements of th
ordinance, but several refused or
ignored the request of the clerk, and
at the last meeting of the council it
was decided to turn the list over to
the city attorney to bring suit against
the parties delinquent, and in com-
pliance with these instructions he
started suits against two of the
parties, as the others on the list have
made arrangements to settle their
taxes. It is hardly fair to the busi
ness men of the city who have with
out a murmur paid their tax to let
persons who have not fulfilled their
duty operate their business without j
having to pay any tax, and the city
attorney will carry out the wishes of
the council in the matter and endeavor
to collect the tax as levied. The
business tax fund is used for the
sweeping ana sprinkling or iVlain
street and its care and all the money
expended is in the locality where the
parties paying the tax have their
places of business.
From Tuesday's Dally.
A very interesting case was filed
in the district court here last Satur
day, entitled John Hennings vs. Cam
M. Seybert and Frank WTieeler, and
the plaintiff asks that the sum of $1,
000 be given him, together with the
costs, as balm for hi3 wounded feel
ings. The case grows out of some
trouble at Louisville, where the de
fendants, on January 4th, filed a
complaint against the plaintiff, charg
ing him with disturbing the peace,
swearing and otherwise conducting
himself in a manner that greatly dis
turbed the peace of Mr. WTieeler. Ac-
ording to the petition of the plaintiff,
these charges were absolutely untrue
and the defendants were fully aware
of that fact. The case was set for
hearing on January 4th, but was con
tinued until January 15th, when, in
the court of Justice Brobst at Louis
ville, the palntiff was acquitted, and
he now asks that the $1,000 be award
ed him for his mental anguish and
suffering caused to his reputation by
the charges preferred against him by
the two defendants. All are well
known residents of the city of Louis-
ville and the outcome of the case will
be watched with much interest by the ed, roads around here were in a de
residents of that place. Mr. Wheeler plorable condition. The town was
is a former resident of Plattsmouth,
where he was employed as harness-
maker for the late August Gorder,
and has resided in Louisville for the I
past two years.-
Go to Nebraska City.
Fmrri Tuesday's Dally
This morning County Commission
ers Fitz, Heebner and bnoke and
County Clerk Libershal journeyed to
Nebraska City to be present there at I
a meeting or the county board or
that county when some matters of in- J
terest to the residents of this county
will be taken up and the board here I
desires to be present. I
Isaac Nelson, a Resident for Forty
Years in the County, Passes Away
at the Home of His Son.
From Tuesday's Dally
Last evening at 11:30, at the home
of his son, L. W. Nelson, some five
miles south of this city, Isaac Nelson,
one of the aged pioneers of Cass
county, answered the last summon
and passed away at the ripe age of
82 years. Mr. Nelson had not been
in the best of health for the Dast fev
years and had gradually grown weak-
er as his aee and feebleness denied
him the privilege of getting out and
mingling with the world, except on
rare occasions, and this conhnement
told on his health considerably and
caused him to gradually grow weaker.
He had for the past few years been
Hvincr with his daughter. Mrs. C. I.
Martin, in this city, and at the home
0f his son. L. W. Nelson, south of
town where his death occurred.
Mr Koknn YA rociorl in Pac
county for the past forty years and
had been one of the most prominent
farmers in this section of the county.
I uis death will come as quite a shock
tn the manv old friends who durin
an these years have known Mr. Nel-
son so intimately, and his place in
their lives will be one hard to fill. He
leaves to mourn his death three chil
dren Mrs. R. D. McNurlin of Weep
ing water, Mrs. C. L. Martin and L.
W. Nelson of Plattsmouth, as well a3
a number of grandchildren.
The funeral of the late Isaac Nel
son will be held Thursday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the United Brethre i
church, south of this city. The inter-
ment will be in the Horning cemetery.
From Tuesday's Dally.
A very pleasant surprise party was
given on Sunday, February 6th, at
the comfortable home of Mr. and Mrs
Andrew Schleifert, near Louisville, in
honor of their daughter, Miss Selma
The occasion was one filled with the
greatest of pleasure to every one of
w I
the jolly young people present, and
the pupils of the school where Miss
Selma is attending were present,
headed by their teacher, Miss Alma
Holly, and much pleasure was derived
during the afternoon by the playing
of games, interspersed with coasting
on the snow-clad hills and offerings of
musical numbers by different mem
bers of the party. At a suitable hour
a most tempting and delicious two-
course luncheon was served, which
aided greatly in making the afternoon
one of the rarest of pleasure. The
guests, on departing, wished Miss
Selma many more such happy events.
The Commercial club, organized five
years ago, has spent one thousand I
dollars annually on the town and sur-
rounding community. When it start-
without street lights or crossings, and
things generally were bad. Since
then they have graded many miles of
roads leading into town. They have
built substantial cross-walks practie-
ally all over town, and as for lights,
you are cordially invited to visit Ne-
hawka any dark night and see for
yourself. The new auditorium is an-
other thing that was made possible
largely through the instrumentality of
the club. Last spring they made an
effort to incorporate the town, and
although they were thwarted in thij
it was the means of starting the
agitation that finally rave us the I
auditoifum. Nehawka News. I
Victims of the Grippe.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The changeable weather of the past
week has occasioned a great deal of
sickness among our people and the
common malady of the grippe seems
to be very popular right now. Mrs.
George Dodge and Mrs. J. II. Kuhns
are the latest victims of this malady
and are reported as being confined to
their homes suffering from quite
severe attack of the disease.
From Wednesday's Dal!y.
Ihe approach or the Lenten season
wa3 taken advantage oi last evening
by a large number of th3 young and
I - . 41.
01(1 ot tne Cltv 10 mdJige in a tare-
well dance before the hour of 12, when
for tne forty days before Easter dan-
cing and social affairs will rest under
the ban.
At the T. J. Sokol hall in the west
part of the city a number of the resi-
dents of that section enjoyed several
hours in this manner tripping the
mazes of the dance to the strains tuv-
nished by the Bohemian brass band
At Coates' hall the Cosmopolitan
club gave a social dance that was at -
tended by a jolly crowd of younp pec-
I Ple and a most delightlul time enjoy-
e(l by all who were present, and at
I the pealing of the midnight hour tho
I dancers wended their way homeward,
The Holly orchestra
played at
I i-fy jn no it VflllDCCI C
Lflll lU UU .1 JUURutLr
A very good story told on one of
the business firms on Fifth street,
who occupy quarters with another!
firm, which is owned by one of the
most genial gentlemen in the city, but
the condition of the windows on his
side of the office has greatly irritated
the members of the corporation and
they have pleaded with tears to have
their friend get busy and clean up his
windows, as they had placed their
windows in a spotless condition which
was the source of great pride to them,
and they exalted in what they con-
idered a most perfect appearing
window, but in glancing across the
room their eyes were stricken with
I .l i.4 : U: : V V .
,ue uusl
j ii i a. 1 1 I
run inpir nrPH.sis neaeu milu a i
mighty emotion between grief and
anger. f inally it was resolved to
undertake desperate steps to have
the window of their neighbor washed,
and in the dark, still watches of the
night the conspirators gathered and
one young man was prevailed upon to
carry out the plan of the conspirat
ors. and mixing a large amount of
mud the young man, guided by the
advice of the plotters, plastered the
window up in great shape, so as to and her playing last evening was cer
compel the owner to wash it before tainly most pleasing in every way.
he could get daylight through. Thus A quartet composed of Miss Ma-
far the' plans carried out finely and
all seemed, as the poet might say, as
happy as a marriage bell, until the
plotters began to experience the
sensation known as "cold feet," and
losing their nerve, at an early hour
Wednesday morning hurried down
and removed all signs of the mud be-
fore the gentleman owning the win-
dow arrived, and he spent the day
wondering at the spirit of generosity
that prompted his friends to clean
his windows.
Young People Wed.
Yesterday at the home of
bride's parents, near Wabash, occur-
red the marriage of Carl Richert and
Miss Anna Bornemeier. The cere-
mony which united these young peo-
pie was witnessed by a number of
the friends of the happy couple, who
slathered to witness the nuntials that
was to poen the life of matrimonial
bliss. Both of the young people are
well known throughout the central
part of the county,
Puritan Guaranteed Flour.
Get our cut prices oh flour and
suear. Plattsmouth Basket Store.
2-18-ltw I
Fine Musical Program. Wholesome
Refreshments and Large Number
of Friends Present.
From 'Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening the members of Platte
Council No. 372, Knights and Ladies
of Security, held their annual celebra
tion of the foundation of the local
lodge, which was installed in Feb
ruary, 1896, and the occasion was ono
of the most thoroughly enjoyable
that this enterprising order has held
for several years. In order that the
event of the celebration might be
more thoroughly enjoyed the mem
bers of the order were allowed to
bring their friends with them to take
I part in the very enjoyable occasion.
and as a result there was quite a large
number in attendance
President R. B. Windham presided
over the gathering, and in opening
the program for the evening made a
short address, pointing out the
beauties of the order, as well as the
1 growth since the time that the local
lodge was installed, and he welcomed
the visitors in a most pleasing man
ner to the gathering and asked that
all enter thoroughly into the spirit
of the occasion
A most pleasing program had been
arranged by the committee in charge,
which embraced selections from the
leading artists of the city, and thi
was certainly enjoyed to the utmost
by everyone present
Miss Mina Thierolf opened the pro
gram with a very pleasing piano num
displayed the talents ot this
Jady to the be-t advantage and was
much enjoyed.
A quartet number by Messrs. II. G.
McClusky, B. A McEIwain, Herman
Hough and Bert Knorr, was one of
the very pleasing attractions of the
program and these gentlemen were
compelled to respond with an encore
to the demonstration of the audience.
Miss Gussie Robb accompanist.
Don C. Y'ork gave two very pleas
ing bass solos that were much enjoy
ed, and he was accompanied most
charmingly by Mrs. A. O. Eggenberg-
I er or. the piano.
A trio by Mrs. Ellen Pollock Minor
and Misses Ellen and Kathryn Wind-
ham was one of the numbers on the
program that was received wit.l
marked approval, and the ladies were
inmraTTail fn roennnrl with n pnenrp.
"i - JT V Vu
AT acta MmiffiQCC rtno rT t n -
io o t vmim??, v- v.
most talented young ladies in the city,
gave a nio&u pieuing i-uuuiuuuuu iu
the evening's program in a recitation
that was simply captivating in the
delivery, and this charming elecution-
ist certainly was most enjoyable.
One of the features ot the program
which was thoroughly appreciated and
enjoyed was the piano solo by Miss
Emma Cummins, who is one of Platts
mouth 's most accomplished musicians,
thilde Vallery. Mesdames E. E. Wes-
cott, A. G Eggenberger and Miss
Estelle Baird was all that could be
asked, as these talented ladies are
among the most pleasing or the
musical set of the city.
Mrs. William tfaird gave two most
charming readings that were filled
with great dramatic force and made
a deep impression upon everyone
present in their beauty and expres
sion. The first number was a recita
tion of "The Lost Chord," Mrs. B.-urd
being accompanied on the piar.o by
Mrs. Mae Morgan during the recita
tion, while the second number was
"The Mourning Veil," a humorous se-
lection that proved most delightful
The program was closed by the
vocal number of Miss Catherine
Dovey, who was in her t,sual pleasing
voice and gave a beautiful rendition of
the two numbers and the range of her
voice demonstrated her wonderful
capability in this line of work
At the close of the program the
hruests were invited fo the dining
room, where several tables had been
spread, and here the jolly crowd still
furtner enioved themselves in the
tempting repast set before thern. The
tables were very prettily decorated
with candles and made a very hand
some picture.
J. M. Roberts on Sick List.
From Tuesday's Dally
J. M. Roberts, cashier of the Platts
mouth State bank, has been on the
retired list for the past two days,
having been compelled Saturday to
yield to the common complaint of the
grippe and retire home, where he has
been confined to his bed for a part of
the time. He is reported this morn
ing as Leing slightly improved.
rorn Wednesday s Daily. I
The anti-school teachers' monopoly
ar.d trust bill, introduced by Henry of
Colfax and Wilson of Dodge, was
placed on third reading and paired
with only one vote against it. Sar.-
dall of York voted no. The bill is twenty-four years ago he was en
intended to prohibit what is called gaged first as a barber in the Kuhney
a school teachers' ring or monopoly,
but its provisions are so lacking in
detail that no one knows what ring
it is inteded to abolish.
In committee of the whole the sen-
ate again approved Quinby's bill to
exempt fruit trees from taxation. The
bill had previously been committed
to the committee of the whole for
amendment when it was certain it
would fail to pass. No amendment
was attached by the committee of
the whole at Tuesday's sitting, but It
had previously been amended.
The work on the remodeling of the
store room of Weyrich & Hadraba is
progressing in fine shape and soon
this firm can begin to rearrange their
fixtures in the room, which has been
widened some four feet by the re
moval of the stairway that formerly
led to the second floor of the build
ing from Main street. The door
which was used for the stairwaj' will
be set back several feet and made a
second entrance to the store, as it will
give the firm a chance to further im
prove their west show window by the
placing of a large section of plate
glass on the west side of the window
forming rart of the lobby. The steel
ceiling has been replaced by John
Bauer and is being treated to a coat
of paint by M. M. Beal and his force
ot painters, as soon as tne painting
and papering of the room is complet-
ed the fixtures will all be placed
where they are wanted
Reports along railroad lines north
of-the Platte and farther west in the
state seem to show a feeling of un-
easiness as to the effects of the rains I
and thaws in causing the great sur-
plus of flood water to move down the
smaller streams that empty into the
Platte, and train crews are warned
to be on the lookout for the washing
out of bridges on their runs. The
snowfall in the northern part of the
state was something enormous and
this has been melted greatly by the
warmer weather of the past few days
and the water forced into the creeks
and rivulets makes it very dangerous
on the bridges. It has been reported
here that there is something like a
foot of water on top of the ice at
North Platte and the river
signs of beginning to break up and
start on its eastward course, which
will be swelled as the streams from
the north pour in their floods and it
can be booked that there will be a
great deal of high water here in a
few weeks if the present weather
continues. The Missouri river is also
beginning to show signs of a breakup
and will probably add its share to the
high water that is predicted to pre- ny cf the offices, where routine busi
vail throughout the Missouri Valley. ness was the only thing on tap.
Sell your property by an ad in The
Lived Here Twenty-five Year Ago,
and the Woman He Shoots Is
His Second Wife.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The following, taken from the Oma
ha News of last evening, tells of the
tragic death of William Herald, a
had thot his wife while laboring un-
der the influence of a temporary ep!!
of insanity, induced, it is claimed, by
the habits of the man. While Mr.
Herald was a resident here Fome
barber shop and later was employed
as a bartender, and it has been stateJ
by those who knew him here that he
was of a very strange disposition.
and while residing here his actions
were such as to cause the greatest of
worry to his friends. After removing
to Omaha he gradually drifted out of
the lives of his former acquaintances,
until the news of his attempted mur-
der and suicide was published last
evening. His first wife died some-
years ago in Omaha:
William Herald, former policeman.
now night watchman at the Fiel 1
club, at 10 a. m today shot his wif.j
at their home, 1142 South Thirty-sec
ond street, then shot himself through
the temple. She will recover; he
probably will die.
Mrs. Herald told the police thnt
Herald had been intoxicated almost
constantly for several days. La.'t
night, she said, he was wild witn
liquor and was very quarrelsome. He
sat up most of the night, she said,
and at a late hour went to bed with
out removing his clothes.
Still under the influence of liquor.
Herald arose this morning ard re
sumed quarreling. Mr. Herald war;
in the kitchen.
Suddenly Herald ru.hed into the
room and leveled a revolver at Mrs.
Herald. She screamed and UernM
fired. The bullet plowed throueh Mrs.
Herald's cheek and cut away pavt
of the bone.
Herald then turned the gun against
his own temple, fired and dropped to
the floor
Mrs. Herald rushed o the street
and alarmed neighbors, who notif ed
the police. When oflicers atrivi-d Her
ald was unconscious and seemed then
t . d th n tftken lo
St Joseph.s hospM-il.
Before Mrs. Herald wr. rc-nioved
there she said there waT no one par
ticular trouble that drove H-M to
the act. She said di inking wn nlone
to blame for it. "We wei-e niarneJ
last May," she :aid. "and the tretb e
we have had has been larr'y to
Herald was appointed as a polica
patrolman on April 2, 1900. On
August 18, 1902, charges of neglect of
duty were filed against him and after
a hearing before the city commission
he was dismissed
from the depart-
ment on August 25, 1902
Again on
April 16, 1906, he was appointed as a
police patrolman on six months' pr j-
bation. Charges of abuse of Harry J.
Fox were dismissed on April 29, 1907.
William Herald was dismissed f roM
the police force on November 21, 1913,
after being tried before the city com
mission upon charges of conduct un
becoming to an officer. He was never
again reinstated
Mrs. Herald, shot by him today,
was Herald's second wife.
Weather Makes It Quiet.
The wet and gloomy weather of
yesterday and today has had a very
marked tendency to check business in
the city, as it keeps the farmers from
coming in and the residents of the
cjty residing out any distance do not
feel like coming down through the
sjop ami mU(j any m0re than is
absolutely necessary. The court
v,otI too. has suffered from the e-en-
eraj apalhy prevailing and very little
0f note wa3 stirring there today in
Sell your property by as ad in Tha