The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 15, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    15, , 191S.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 2, 1115.
Hoard met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present, Julius A. Pitz, C 1'.
lleebner and Henry Snoke, coumy
commissioners; Frank J. Libershal,
county clerk. Minutes of previous ses
sions read and approved, when the fol
lowing business
was transacted in
regular form:
Owing to the fact that the train
services on the Missouri Pacific were t
somewhat crippled or. account of snow
storms, the commissioners from the
Second and Third districts were de
layed in getting to the county seat
and holding a day session, they con
cluded to hold an evening session and
proceed with the auditing of claims
?u-ainst the county. The following
claims were allowed on the general
fund :
Nelson Jean & Co., coal to
Wittstruct ar.d Hebons...S 12. ."0
Hans Sievers, salary and
II. M. Soenniehsen, mdse. to
court house and paupers...
James Yelick, assigned Ed
Donat, cleaning snow from
C. D. Quinton, jailer fees
January, 1915
4 (J. 50
.1. II. Tarns, salary for Janu
ary, 1915 97.50
A. W. White, mdse. Fulling-
ton, $."; McPherson, $5 10.00
Henry Horn, hogs to poor
farm CI. SI
F. II. Nichols, mdse. to II. M.
Lake 11.00
Michael Hild. burial of Robt.
Johnson 50.00
Michael Hild, burial of C.
Gros.-bernd .50.00
Ed. Egenberger, admstr. ioal
to paupers 04 . 43
F. II. Nichols, mdse. to L.
Walker 13. SO
Remington Typewriter Co.,
rent on machine, county
judge 3.50
Hiatt & Tutt, mdse. to Wm.
Young 10.20
Plattsmouth Journal Co.,
printing and supplies 04.99
N. M. Pohlman, assigned W.
K. Fox, shoveling snow at
court house 1.20
Wm. Holly, clothing to pau
pers nd fnrm 19.35
John W. Colbert, room for two
elections, Weeping Water
City First ward 8.00
H. M. Soennichsen, report of
births and deaths 0.50
A. II. Stander, same 3.75
W. E. Hand, same 1.75
Mrs. I. D. Jones, same 1.25
Geo. Reitter, same 3.00
B. I. Clements, same
Wm. II. Lyman, same
L. R. Upton, same
L. Muir, same
E. Sturzenegger, same
II. F. Kropp, same
G. I). Maseman. same
Dr. J. W. Brendel, salary 191 1
county physician Dist. 3... 24.50
Typewriter Supply Co., sup
plies to county 39.00
W. E. Meisel, assigned W. K.
Fox, shoveling snow at
court house 1.20
Burroughs Adding Machine
Co., adding machine to
county clerk 357.70
Joseph Fetzer, shoes and re
pairs for farm 7.00
Wm. Richards, care of Wm.
Everett, January 8.00
1 he cost or building a silo
is not an expense, it is an
investment which you get
back at the end of a year.
We build the cheapest, most durable silo that is made
and give you a guarantee which protects you against any
chance of loss.
m If you are posted on the value of a silo come into our
office and let us show you our system of construction.
l(.y?arJ?J?.t Posted on silos come in and Jet usshow
you how you can increaee theprofitof your farm 25 percent
and more.
We also make the best water tanks and grain bins on
earth at less money than either wood or iron.
Just south of the postoffice on Fifth street you will find
us rfady .to talk silos and water tanks.
Come in when you are in town and get acquainted.
Concrete Construction Go.
Plattsmouth, -
I Kroehler Eros., mdse. to jail
! and court house "1.55
W. A. Tulene, digging two
graves for paupers 10.00
Elbert Fullington, assigned
Hans Sieve rs, shoveling
snow at court house 2.10
The Corkins Chemical Co.,
insecticide and disinfectant
for jail 37.50
Frank J. Libershal, salary
and expense, Jan., 1915.... 207.40
II. Perry, assigned R. A. Ros
encrans, shoveling snow at
court house .90
Weyrich & Hadraba. drugs, ,
etc., to county 1.(15
Plattsmouth Water Co.. water
to court house and jail.... 11.28
Jonn iauer, labor and sup
plies- 27.41
E. J. Richey, storm paper to
farm . . 1.00
John Weyrich, repairs to
chairs at court house 1.50
Fred Patterson, work in sur
veyor's office 75.00
Board adjourned to meet Febru
ary 3, 1915.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 3, 1915.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, with all members present, when
the following business was trans
acted in regular form:
County clerk reported having re
ceived a voucher for $30.40 f:-o:n Mis
souri Pacific R. R. Co. for filing done
by county on railroad right-of-way
near Manley.
County treasurer this day. in
structed to refund A. W. Meisinger
$2.24 personal tax Plattsmouth pre
cinct, paid under protest account be
ing assessed on $400 non-assessable
corporation stock.
County treasurer this day in
structed to refund The Farmers and
Merchants Bank of Alvo $30.80 per
sonal tax paid under protest account
doubly assessed on $4,000 value.
' Farmers State Bank of Green
wood, Neb., made application to be
come a depository for county money
and was so designated by the board.
The following bonds were approved
by the board :
W. B. Banning, justice of peace,
Liberty precinct.
James Foreman, road overseer R.
I). No. 0, Greenwood precinct.
Geo. N. LaRue, member soldiers'
relief commission.
City National Bank of Weeping
Water, Neb.
Petition of W. J. Rau and thirty
other residents of Center precinct,
Cass county, Nebraska, petitioning
the board of commissioners to grant
Howard W. Johnson a license to op
erate a pool and billiard hall in the
village of Manley, received and action
on said petition deferred awaiting
further compliance of the law on
part of the applicant.
As advertised, bids were received
for burial of pauper poor, county
physicians for various physician'?
districts, and county printing, as fol
lows :
Streight & - Michael
Strcight. Hild.
Varnish cofTin, per
foot $ 5.00
Outside boxes, per
Trip to cemetery...
Extra trip
Extra for floaters..
Contract awarded
5 . 00
5 . 00
to Streight &
Bid for district physicians:
J. B. Martin, District 1, $205.
E. D. Cummins, District 1, ?200.
Contract awarded.
J. F. Brendel. District 2, $39.40.
Contract awarded.
J. W. Brendel, District 3, $33; M.
M. Butler, District 3, $30. Contract
N. I). Talcott, District 5, $75.
- -
O. E. Liston, District 0, $93.
No bid was received for District
On motion, all bids in
iMstriects 5
and 6 were rejected.
Bids on count v rn-intinfr oooned and
laid over till Thursday. February 4.
The following claims were allowed
on the general fund:
Warga & Schuldice, labor and
repairs at court house.... $
II. A. Funke Lumber Co.,
coal to L. Walker...
Julius A. Pit:'., salary
Geo. W. Yoss Co., coal
Mrs. Wineheell
Michael Hild, chair seats for
court house
Henry Snoke, salary and
L. B. Egenberger, mdse. to
farm and paupers
Win. Hassler, blacksmith work
for county
Gottherd Rhode, shoveling
D. C. Morgan, postal supplies
John Kopia, mdse. to farm...
A. G. Cole, salary and ex
3 . 75
115. 00
Lincoln Phone Co., rents and
Dr. J. F. Brendel, inquest J.
P. Wood
C. M. Seybert, same
L. J. Mayfield, jury case J. P.
W. C. Yant, same
L. Boedeker, same
M. N. Drake, same
Wm. Ossenkop, same
C. W. Merriam, same
B. J. Dunn, witness case J. P.
E. R. Cox, same
C. II. Eager, same
E. D. Mayfield, same
J. F. Walker, same
Charles Mclntyre, same
H. A. Newman, same
D. B. Ki!gore,ssame
Geo. II. Brammer, same
George Applegate, same ....
C. G. Mayfield, same.......
II. T. Alison, same
Hatt & Son, mdse, to Lam
berts .'
Neb. Lighting Co., gas and
electricity to county
Waterman Lumber and Coal
Co., coal to paupers and
court house
John Bauer & Son, supplies to
1 .CO
1 o
0(3. o:
8 1 . 50
C. W. Baylor v'i
paupers, jail
C. D. Quinton,
Co., coal to
and court
salary and
boarding cour.ty prisoners
Eda Marquardt, salary and
expenses, January, 1915...
Dr. J. B. Martin, fourth quar
ter salary county physi
cian's district No. 1
Platts. Steam Laundry, laun
dry for jail
02. 5o
John C. York, barbe
for farm
Zuckweiler & Lutz, mdse
The following claims were allowed
on the road fund of the county:
J. F. Wehrbein, road work
R. D. 1 $
C. F. Yaliery, same R. D. 1 . .
John H. Busche, same R. D. 2
Aug. J. Engelkemeier, same
R. D. 9
A. A. Wetenkamp, same R.
D. 1
L. W. Roettger, hardware
D 1)
C. L. Wiles, road work R.
D. 1
G. W. Snyder, same R. D. 1..
23 . 05
5 . 00
13 . 90
J. M. Hoover, same R. D. 3..
Walter J.CIouse, same R D. 4
Nicolaus Opp, same R. D. 12
II. A. Funke Lumber Co., ma
terial R. D. 3
George Snyder, road work R.
D. 1
Baker & Nichols, hardware
R. D. 10
L. R. Upton, same R. D. 11..
Gollaher Bros., some R. D. 15
Ciollaher Bros., same R. D. 15
Avoca Lumber Co., lumber
R. D. 13
Avoca Lumber Co., same R.
D. 14
The following claims were allowed
on the bridge fund of the county:
II. A. Funk Lumber Co.,
bridge plank $
The Farmers Lumber, Coal
and Implement Co., bridge
Geo. W. Voss Co., bridge lum
ber 2.90
On motion, board adjourned to
meet Thursday, February 4, 1915.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 4, 1915.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, with all members present, when
the following business was transacted
in regular form:
Bids on county printing were taken
up by the board and after consider
ing the same the commissioners, on
motion, decided to call for new bids
on account of former ones being in
definite. Bids to be filed with county
clerk on or before noon of March !,
Allen J. Eeeson, county judge, hav
ing filed with the county clerk, an or-
der directing that the ram of twenty
1. 'rive ($25) per month be paid for the'ing home
maintenance of tT.e five dependent I Constable John Moreford has or
children of Mrs. Stella IVrsinger, the ! gani.ed a Boy Scouts club and at the
county board ordered said amount
i Pai1 113 Per said order.
Moved by Henry Snoke the Con
crete Construrtion Co. of Plattsmouth
be authorized to place a Santilite floor
in the men's toilet room on first floor
of court house. The cost of same to
be 30 cents per square foot, not t
j-; exceed $1S for the job.
) Claims allowed on general fund:
Net Walker, expense trip to
hospital (refused) $ 2. So
Mrs. Stella Persinger, -county
aid 25.00
Dr. J. F. rendel, salary year
1914 county physician's
district No. 2, etc 42.95
C. . E. lleebner, salary and
mileage January, 1915 07.50
C. E. lleebner. telephone calls
for year 1914 O.oO
B. & B. Conc rete Co., alley en
trance to Vine street 20.58
The board, having agreed on mak
ing a business trip to Lincoln this 4th
day of February, adjourned sine dine.
After returning from Lincoln the
board decided to adjourn and nief t
Tuesday, March 2, 1915.
County Clerk.
Representative Kime took the
morning train for Lincoln and hi
legislative duties Monday.
The electric lights seem to be fill
ing a long-felt want. Especially is
this true of the? street lights.
J. II. Chappel, who will move n?xc
week to Borup, Minn., near where tie
has purchased a farm, came in Friday
and landed on the list for a year.
Henry lleebner, who was here from
Murray over Sunday, returned home
Monday afternoon. lie tells us that
he may embark in business tlietf for
.Air. and Mrs. J. G. Wunderlich
were passengers to i'iattsmouth :t-
j unlay evening, where-they spent Sun-
".ay with their daughter, Mrs. Clayto,-.
While President Sheldon of the
Commercial club was addressing that
body Monday night, and asking thorn
to picture Nehawka as it was dye
years r.;rr ct.m pared to what if was
then with its br i! streets the
lights went out.
Leona Alice Pollard was born at
Nehawka April 3, 1x81. and die I at
Alrr.a, Nebra-ka, February 7. 191'.
Sha was married October 9, 1907, to
Daniel R. McCleery. and to this union
was born two children, Daniel Pollai 1
and Ruth Francis, whom, with Li.s
husband survive her.
Ex-Governor Sheldon came in firm
Lincoln Monday morning, where he
had been attending to seme business
matters since his arrival from the
south. lie is quoted from Lincoln as
saying that while industrial conditions
down there are much depressed he be
lieves the tide will turn soon, and cot
ton growers will come into their own.
Monday night was the last annua'
meeting of the Nehawka Commercial
club, organized five years ago. About
twenty members were present to
listen to the official account of stew
ardship, and befor they left it was
voted to reorganize the clul, the
amount of stock subscribed to de
termine the lines on which they would
organize.. Five directors, consisting
of F. P. Sheldon, A. F. Sturm, D. C.
West, D. D. Adams and Henry Yves
scl, were elected and were ordered by
the president to solicit the business
men and others of the town to see
what amount could bo raised to con
tinue the organization.
!- Leader-Echo.
i i i '
The little babe of Mr. and Mrs.
John Morford is seriously ill.
Little Kenneth West, who has been
suffeiing with pneumonia, is consider
ably improved.
Mrs. Oscar Allen and daughter,
Hope, of Omaha, are visitors at the
A. N. McCrory home this week.
Henry Stanford came in town Wed
nesday, the first time he had lu';i
seen on our streets since his long
siege of sickness.
Wednesday afternoon a couple of
gentlemen gave an illustrated lecture
on Louisiana lands at the "IT" thea
ter. They showed some flluring pic
tures of that country.
Mrs. F. A. Raker came in from Im
perial, Neb., Monday for a visit with
her parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Miller. She went to Plattsmouth
Wednesday to visit W. E. Rosencrans
and family, but will return here and
MA Ti.
I t
pay an extended visit before retum-
present time has 11 members. Mr.
Moreford is much interested in this
organization and as the boys are very
enthusiastic in the matter we may
expect some good things. This is a
commendable work " and everyone
should give the organization their
hearty support.
Joe Kaezmarek, who is, working for
C. D. Clapp. hail the misfortune to
siiji and fall down the steps leaciing
to the basement of the Clapp home
Sunday morning, veiy pain
ful r.nd severe bruises by striking his
head arainst a box on the basement
fioor. He has had his head bandagoJ
up since the accident, and is getting
along nicely at this writing.
Melvin Turner of near Eagle was in
the city Wednesday. He recently
held a public sale and dispo.-ed of his
farm equipment preparatory to mov
ing to Utah, where he expects to en
gage in farming. He has purchased a
half section of land about forty'miles
southwest of Salt Lake City. We are
sorry to see Mr. Turner and fami'y
leave this section of the country, but
wi.-h them much success in Utah.
H. A. Hilburn and wife of Lincoln
came yesterday morning and are the
guests of G. W. Cheney and family,
west of town.
Miss . Mae Chilcott went on ths
Wednesday forenoon ttain to Lincoln
to visit some of her friends in that
city for a few days.
Mrs. Harry D. Royal of LincoVi
ame down last Friday morning to
spend lii? day with her father and
sister at the Graves home.
Mrs. Joseph Fetzer of Piattsm uth
came down on Wednesday mornirg
rr.d spent the day with her daughter.
Mrs. J. M. Patterson.
D. B. Chapman has been a victim of
grippe the past week and for a few
days it had him down and in bed, iut
we are pleased to say that he is re
ccve: ing from the attack.
Mrs. A. W. Deshey of Syracuse ar
lived Tuesday to make a visit with
her father, I). B. Chapman, and hc-r
brother, Elmer Chapman ".id family
northeast of town.
C. J. C.'.ew, the Weeping Water ele:
triflrn, was in town Wednesday to
interview the village board regarding
the operating of the new electric
light p'ant that is to be instaMeJ
here this spring.
Syl Hathaway and wife oepaitid
Sunday for Savannah, Mo., for i5-e
purpose of having treatment given
Mrs. Hathaway by one of the special
ists. She took treatment the:? sev
eral weeks ago and then camcj home
apparently cured, but found it neces
sary to return to the hospital for
treatment again.
W. L. Taylor has not been feelh'g
very gay this week, and a cane was
one of his assistants in trending this
mundane sphere, due to tho fact that
sciatic rheumatism hit his corpulent
boify ana put turn in nau pnys'cal con
dition. For a few days lie was about
"all in." but is now on full feed anJ
hopes to be free from trv trouble i"
a short time.
Mrs. Oscar Kiel returned home
Monday from a few weeks' visit with
relatives and friends at Moberly, Mis-
sou ri.
J. L. Foreman shipped two car
loads of cattle and hogs to the South
Omaha market Thursday morning.!
Samuel Yaughn arrived from Yer
rnont, Illinois, Tuesday to attend the
funeral of his brother-in-law, J. A
A deal was consumated Saturday
night of last week wherby J. C. Hort
sock becomes owner of Emil Oberlc's
pool hall, and will take possession of
same March first.
James Rivett and wife of Linco.n
visited their niece, Mrs. A. M. Trum
bl?, the latter part of this week. Mr.
Rivett is superintendent of construc
tion for the Burlington.
Mrs. William T. Sack went up to
Ivncoln the first of the week to see
Wilt, who is at a hospital rccoverying
fioni an operation performed a few
oays ago. fcne reports mat ne is get
ting along nicely.
' Rev. John Davis, who was called
here to conduct the funeral of Grand
pa Mick Wednesday, was forced to
leave on the first train for his home
at Cowles, having received a tele
gram stating that a son was quite ill.
T. J. Bahr, who has been visiting
relatives near Eagle for the past
week, left the first of the week for the
western part of the state for a visit
with relatives there before returning
The John Deere Model B. Disc Harrow
is the only Spring Pressure Harrow and, llu'ivforn, thn n-
lv Flexible Harrow Piiiilt.
Here are some of it.s clistim-tive
Exclusive Spring Pressure
securing greater penetrating
power and more thorough cultiva
tion. Instant Leveling for All Conditions
Enabling operator to keep all
discs cutting an even depth.
High. Solid Stee! (Jang Frames
extra stiff and strong; extra
Double Leaf, Easy Riding Seat
a Disc Harrow that is as com-
a Disc Harrow that is as comfortable as a rocking chair.
to his home at Mor.te Yista, Colorado.
A. W. Gates was taken by surprise
Sunday w hen a brother, w hom he ha J
not seen or heard from for forty
years, arrived in town from Hanley,
Missouri, to make him a few days'
visit. He had learned of his brother's
"Uness and decided to come and look
after him, but finding him nearly well
again returned to his home at Hanley
J. T. Collister lost one of his faith
ful horses last week. The horse ha J
been in the harness most every day
this winter.
Mrs. D. T. Dudley was visiting her
daughter, Miss Mabel, at the hos
pital in Lincoln VTednesday, and re
ports her getting along fine and ex
pected home Saturday.
Miss Alize Crozier was up from
Union Saturday visiting home folks.
She reports the measles so bad in her
chool room that only five pupils were
present one day.
J. E. Johnson, the blacksmith, is
having a serious time with a pdece of
steel that flew off the hammer an 1
went into his finger. He had to go to
Lincoln to have it taken out.
Dr. Welch is walking pretty care
fully since he fell on the ice Friday
morning, breaking a rib. He avoided
driving for a few days, but has been
it the office all the time to answer
F. B. Barrett of Chicago came in
Wednesday for a few days' visit wit.i
his relatives, the Philpot family. Mr.
Barrett was one of the business men
in V.'eeping Water a good many years
Clyde Rouletter pleaded guilty
Wednesday in Justice Glover's court
to a charge filed by John D. Wade of
maliciously pounding a hog and was
fined $5 and costs, which amounted
to ?4.45, making a total of $9.45.
The West Park Wrecking company
are busy tearing down the old elevat
or belonging to E. E. Day. This was
one of the first elevators to be erect
ed along the line when the railroad
was built and is the last one to be
torn down of all those that were built
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Day and family
left Sunday night for a trip of sev
eral weeks in California. They will
visit principally at Claremont at the
home of Mr. Day's mother. Mrs.
Mary C. Day. A visit to the exposi
tions at San Diego and San Fran
cisco is also planned. Mr. Day ex
pected to be gone a month and Mrs.
Day about six weeks.
After you have gone the rounds of
all the specialists in the country, and
have paid all the way from $500 to
f5,000 and found no relief from your
ailment, you may be prevailed upon to
visit an osteopath. Why not "do it
now" and save all that suffering and
expense :
PI or 1
stnirtural advantages:
fortable as a locking chair.
Oscillating Scraper with N w
lock at edge of dics, loek-oT
discs, clamped blade, etc.
Stub Poles on All Sies
for convenience in storir.g,
three-horse hitch -r toogut
Iliph Arch Frame in One Piece
Frame rigid, also gi eater clear
ance for tia-h. etc.
I will offer at Auction Sale the follow
ing Implements. All new:
Two 14-inch Walking Plows.
One 10-inch Walking Plow.
Four Gang Plows.
One Sulky Lister.
Three Tongue Cultivators.
Two Tonguc-less Cultivators.
Three Rioing Cultivators.
Two 3-sectioii Harrows.
One Disc Harrow."
One 2-row Corn Cultivator.
One Feed Grinder.
One Sulky Hay Rake.
One Metal Wheel Truck.
Two Wagon Boxes.
Four Boss Endgates.
Three Press Drills.
One Mower.
Two Top Buggies.
One Wagon.
Two Cream Separators.
One Grind Stone.
Two 12 II. P. Gasoline Engine.
Sale to Commence at 1:00 O'clock.
Articles amounting to 10 or Je3
will be cash. Above this amount a
credit of six months will be given,
purchaser giving a bankable noe
bearing eight per cent interest.
Parlies having anything to sell,
bring it in and we will have a "Sales
Mynard, NtbraKa.
W.'R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
In connection with the above sale,
I will sell two Duroc Jersey spring
gilts bred to my herd boar, Echo'
Model Wonder No. 170,217, he out of
Echo's Crimson Wonder, grand cham
pion over all breeds at the Nebra-ka
State Fair, 1914.
These gilts are bred for May litter.
No. 1 is a dark crimson gilt, out t f
Proud Improver No. 150,." 23, mated
with a Belles Prince sow, and is one
that is hard to beat. No. 2 is a gilt
tracing her ancestry back to the old
original Crimson Wonder on boih
sides and through her sire back to
Ohio Chief. This gilt's dam is one
of the finest shaped animals I ever
I will also sell a few S. C. Rhode
Island red cockerels hatched fp.m
eggs purchased from T. L. Rick
secker, Rosedale, Kansas.
These birds are strictly classy.
Terms of sale same as above.
How Mr.
Davis Cot Kid of a
Hi I
"Some time ago I had a very bad
cough," writes Lewis T. Davis, Black
water, Del. "My brother, MuCabe
Davis, gave me a small bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After
taking this I bought half a dozen bot
tles of it, but only used one of '. !u rr,
as the cough left me and I bav? not
been troubled
Blank books of all kinds
Journal office.
at the