The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 15, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    . !1
The High School Team of This City
Gains Another Victory by a
Score of 26 to 16.
The Plattsmouth High school bas
ket ball warriors journeyed to Omaha
yesterday afternoon, where they en
gaged the team representing the Ben
son High school last evening, and as
a result of their skill and prowess
emerged victors by a score of 21 to 10,
and their victory was well earned, as
the Benson team are some goers and
played a good, hard game throughout,
but were not able to overcome the
Plattsmouth boys, whose throwing of
baskets was most sensational, and in
this line Kay Iirson, Arthur White
rnd Frank Marshall were the most
successful and covered themselves and
school with glory by their field goal.?.
The boys report that the hall in which
the game was played was very poor
and this did not allow the best pos
sible game to be played, but at thitt
they were able to get away with the
The success of the team will be
pleasing to their friends and 'admir
ers in this city, who have watched the
work of the boys with interest, and
they have been practicing most dili
gently for the past few weeks and
their training is shown in the ease
with which they were able to go
through the representatives of the
Omaha suburb. Those who have be
come interested in the matter state
that the team this year is one of the
best thit has represented Platts
mouth for some years and will make
a fine record before the season is over.
They have so far played only one
game in this city, when defeated by
the South Omaha High school, but
have a number in prospect which
they have the brightest hopes of an
nexing to their list of wins.
The local High school team is com
posed of the following: Arthur
White and Raymond Larson, for
wards; Frank Marshall, center; Carl
Cunningham and Wallace Hunter,
Death of Rev. Greene.
The many friends here of Kev. S
J. Green were shocked Wednesday by
the sad news of Mr. Green's death of
pneumonia at his home in Shenan
doah, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Green an
their three children were well known
in this community, as they lived here
a number of years. Sam Compton
and Ben Rich left on the midnight
train Wednesday night for Shenan
doah to attend the funeral. Weep
ing Water Republican.
uirnniMC nnnnnc eimniv
Krotn Saturday's Dally.
A very pleasing china shower was
given at the comfortable home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Jochin, near Manley, last
Sunday evening in honor of the lat-
ter's sister. Miss Dora Scheel, and Mr.
Frank Reaster, whose wedding occurs
Sunday, February 14, at the German
Lutheran church, north of Murdoch.
The evening was spent most de
lightfully in playing games and social
conversation until near the midnight
hour, when a most eJegant supper was
served. A jolly good time was enjoj
ri iy all and tne bride-to-be was
howered with a large number of the
mo.-t beautiful and costly gifts in
china. Those present were: Misses
Marie, Clara, Emil, Adele and Martha
Stohlman, Edna and Mable Mann,
Elsie and Gertrude Hartman, Etta
and Lydia Gaebel, Dora, Rose and
Adelaide Scheel, Rose and Louise
Wagner, Helen and Marie Lau, Mol-
lie and Emma Kraft, Esther and Olga
Votrler, Mable Wendt, Ada Strattman,
and Elsie Oesteich of Milwaukee, Wis
consin; Messrs. Fred, Willie an!
Walter Stohlmann. Fred and Louis
Gaebel, Will and George Kraft, Arnold
and Oris Schleifert. Charles Lau. John
Scheel, Martin Gefe, Lawrence Kreck
low, Ernest Mann, Leonard Wendt,
Frank Reaster. Ed and Henry Wag
ner, John Sass. John Wagner, Fred
Joe-him, Louis Sherman of Oklahoma.
Car! Brush of Wisconsin; Messrs. and
Mesdames Louis Krecklow. Reinhard
Scheel and children, and Mr. an!
Mrs. Ed Jochim and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Reaster, after the
wedding tomorrow, will leave on a
honeymoon trip to San Francisco,
where they will visit the Panama-Pacific
exposition for a few weeks, and
will be at home after April 1st to
thrir many friends at their farm
home near Manley, Nebraska.
Frnm Saturday's T)iin.
This morning the F. G. Fricke drug
store was a seething mass of human
ity for a few minutes when several
hundred persons called at the stofe
to take advantage of the offer mad
to give away free some i00 fine gold
fish, two of the fish being given with
a 25-cent purchase of the Rexal!
toilet preparations. The special offer
was made for 10:30. and long before
that hour the prospective customers
began to gather, and by the time the
hour for giving away the fish arrive !
the store was literally swamped, as
the rush numbered several hundred,
all eager to be the first to be waited
on, and inside of fifteen minutes the
entire f00 fish had been disposed of.
The gold fish were little beauties, and
with them was given a handsome lit
tie glass in which they could be kept,
and as a result of the generous offer
of the Rexall company there are some
2"0 homes here that will be bright
cned by the handsome gold fish as an
ornament, as well as having in them
a number of the excellent prepara
tions turned out by this company. It
was a most successful advertising
plan and the large number in attend
ance proved its entire sucess, and had
there been more of the fish they
could easily have been disposed of.
miss minnie driimm
From Satuniav's Dally.
At 2, o'clock Wednesday afternoon
at the Baptist parsonage in this vil
lage, occurred the wedding of Claude
C. Tigner of Rock Bluffs precinct, ani
Miss Mamie Drumm of Bartlett,
Iowa, Rev. Wiliiam A. Taylor officiat
ing. The wedding was a quiet affair,
the ceremony taking place in the pres
ence of the two official witnesses. Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis F. Fitch, who accom
panied the young couple.
The bride is an estimable young
lady whose home has always been
near Bartlett, Iowa, and although she
has only a limited acquaintance here,
it is known that she is a very popular
lady in the neighborhood where she
made her home. The groom is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Tigner, resi
dents of Rock Bluffs precinct for
many years, and there the young man
grew up from boyhood. He is a gen
tleman of exemplary habits and
character, a young man who merits
the friendship and esteem of all who
have formed his acquaintance. We
are informed that they will make
their home on a farm near Murray.
Union Ledger.
The Twenty-fourth or May Not
Very Favorable Date for Hold
ing the Same.
The matter of the street carnival
company that was seeking for a date
here on the week of the 21th of May,
seems to be looked upon with disfavor
by the members cf the Improve 1
Order of ReJmen, who were figuring
on taking up the propositon and put
ting it through. The Willmuth Car
nival company is one of the best, ?n
the country at the present time and
would offer to the people cf Platts
mouth an attraction worth while. One
of the greatest objections urged by
the committee against the holding of
the carnival in May was the uncer
tainly of the weather, which at that
time of year is ant to be decidedly
wet. and damp, and particularly so on
the bottom land east of the Burling
ton tracks, where it was proposed to
hold the carnival. The committer,
however, have not entirely abandoned
the hope of being able to handle the
carnival and will try and secure it
for the late summer cr early in the
fall, when the weather conditions will
be more reliable.
Ihe arranging lor ami hamiung o
one of these carnivals means the out
lay of a great deal of money and. the
aciifice,cf much valuable time by
those who interest themselves in it,
and for this reason thev are not so
anxious to dasii into the affair, and
especially so in the early spring and
summer when the general condition
would not be the best for handling it.
The committee met yesterday after
noon to discuss the matter, and after
debating it over among themselves
dee'ded to lay the proposition ove
until later.
As the result of the carnival Inst
year the lodge only re.i!i;:c:l some
thing like three or four dollars p-ofit
after a great deal of wo: k, and thc'.r
efforts were not really appreciated by
the majority of the people, although
everyone enjoyed the carnival to the
limit when it was able to get the
company located on one of tne Pidj
st'e-ets of the city, after much "rag
Moves Into the City.
Saturday George M. Hild completed
hia moving into the city from his
farm home near Mynard, and is now
occupying the comfortable home he
lecenlly purchased on Pearl street.
Mr. Hild is one of the successful
f aimers of the county and will make a
nioz acceptable addition to the city
and us interests, and he and his
estimable family will be assurred of a
hearty welcome on coming to Plattsmouth.
New Daughter .Makes Appearance.
From Saturday's Daily.
The news has been received in this
city of the arrival at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. I. T. Koontz, in Columbus,
Neb., of a fine new (laughter, which
made her advent there on Thursday,
February 4th. Mrs. Koontz was for
merly Mis Helen Chptran of this
city, and the friends here will extend
their best wishes for the welfare of
the little daughter.
From Saturday's Dally. '
Ed Miller, who is employed as a
fireman on the Sioux' City line of the
Burlington, a few days ago met with
quite a painful accident that might
easily have resulted in his death. Hi
was called out for service during the
snow blockade on the line from O'Neil
to Sioux City, and it was at Royal,
on this line, that the accident occur
red. The locomotive was beinz wa-J
tcre 1 for the trip and Ed was stand
ing on the tank back of the loco
motive reaching for the lever that
controlled the flow of the water, when
his foot slipped and he fell off back
wards to the ground and struck on
the back of his head with great fort"?.
John Sneed, the engineer, heard the
noise of his alighting and looking
around d iscovered Miller lying on the
ground apparently badly bunged up.
He was taken on into Tlainview
where he was given medical attention,
and it was discovered that no bones
were broken, but he was very sore
md stiff from the effects of the fall.
From I"ii.I;iy's Daily.
Yesterday a carload of the real true
nie:ican Indians passed through tlv ;
cuv over ti e .Missouri i 'acute bound
'or San Francisco, where they, arc t
e a feature at ihe Panama-Pacifb
exposition. The Indians are fror:
the Pine Ridge agency in South Da
kota, and there were some fifty in the
party and ail were attired in their
raditional garments and headgear
md were hri-rht and intcllicrent an
.'poke and read English very fluently.
They will be one of the attractions at
ihe exposition, where the government
is sending them to take part. Then
is a great fascination and attraction
to the great majority of people in the
inuians, wno are rapidiy vanismng
from our midst, and al! who were at
the depot were attracted at once by
he warriors and squaws on the train
and they were the object of admira
tion utni! their departure.
from f i idav's Dally.
A most pleasing surprise party was
given last evening at the cozy home
of Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker by the drill
team of the local Woodman Circle
lodge in honor of Mrs. Fred Ackert,
one of the members, who is soon to
leave this city. The event was a
complete surprise on the guest of
honoi and a delightful time was
enjoyed by the guests present on the
happy occasion. The evening was
spent in gam as of different kinds,
which were interspersed by a number
of musical selections by Mrs. Larson,
which were greatly enjoyed by the
company. At a suitable hour most
Iclicious refreshments were served,
which added greatly to the pleasure
of the occasion, and it was a late hour
when the jolly party departed fo;
their homes, expressing, however,
their regret at having to lose Mrs.
A eke it from their midst, but wishing
her much happiness in her new home,
wherever the might locate.
Mrs. J. M. Beardsley spent a day
in town this week.
Mrl Martindale, an old teacher here
and a mighty fine little man, called on
the Herald the other day.
Bess Woodhurst, he of former peni
tentiary fame, dropped in on us for
a pleasant chat Monday.
YTilliam Y'oung, esq., is one of our
oldst settlers; came here March 5,
1555, settled on T. 11, R. 13, Sec. 12,
was first county surveyor, and laid
first road from O'Neill's house to
Weeping Water.
Benjamin Briggs, esq., of South
Bend, called on the Herald last week.
Mr. Twitchell bade farewell
Plattsmouth last week and set
face toward New York. Although
Mr. T. has been among us but a short
time he leaves many warm friends
behind him who regret his departure
very much.
Our handsome surveyor general,
John R. Clark, visited us Saturday.
I'roiij I-'riiiay's Daily.
Our neighboring town of Weeping
Water seems to lie very desirious of
ic-curing a city "library that will be a
credit to the city, as the following
'pecia! from that city indicates:
The executive committee of a li
a.ssoe ia t ion formed
L'scd Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for 20 Years.
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
been in my household for the past
twenty years. I began giving it to
my children when they were small.
As a quick relief for croup,. whooping
cough, ami ordinary colds, it has no
equal. Being free from opium and
other harmful drugs, I never felt
fraid to give it to the children. 1
have recommended it to a large num
ber of friends and neighbors, who
have used it and spe-ik highly of it,"
writes Mrs. Mary Minke, Shortsvilie,
N. Y. Obtainable everywhere.
Registered Jersey Bull
for service. C. E. Babbitt, Tlatts-
mouth. l'-2-2mos-wkly
months ago, has recommended to the
citv "ouncil that a Cai regie library
riocordtion he submitted to the voters
cf the city at the annual spring elec
tion. There is strong sentiment in
favor of such a move, but it is not
! i e vn whether enoi-gh will favor the
'evyh-.g of a pcrnvinent tax required
'"or the support of such an institu
tion. There has been talk of attempt
ing to maintain a local library on
i smaller scale and using one of the
buildings abandoned by the Wcep-
ng Water academy, which closed its
b'ois last spring. The prevailing
c .lament, however, is in favor of put
ling the Carnegie proposition to ;
James Hall, esq., has all his corn
planted, the work nicely done up
about the farm, and says he was in
Saturday getting the young and sills
dressed up for Sunday. That's James'
little joke, you know.
Mike Murphy started for Kearney
Monday, but Billy Stadelmann drank
all his baggage up and he couldn't go.
Another new base ball club in town,
the "Stars." L. A. Dorrington. cap
tain; Lee Sharp, secretary; H. C. Cut
ler, treasurer.
The Herald was pleased to make
the acquaintance of Dr. A. Root of
Eight Mile Grove at Louisville the
other day.
Lightning struck at Charley Yates'
house the other night, in spite of all
the telegraph wires and rods he has
put up about there. For further par
ticulars see Yates himself.
S. R. Ross, pastor of the Christian
church at Glenwood, Iowa, and at this
place, called on the Herald Saturday.
He is a very pleasant person to meet.
Mrs. Dr. Wiley of Three Groves has
gone back to "Old Jersey" to see her
brother, who is very sick. The Her
ald would like to see old Jersey, too,
this summer.
Paints and Oils.
Phone 36.
Gerins &. Co.
Wall Paper. Gering Ac Co.. Phone
For Infants and Children.
Titf Kind Ycu Have Always Bought
Bears the
Siaatur of
The annual mask ball given at the
German Home Saturday evening was
attended I y a large crowd, which fill-
ad the building, and the evening was
pent in dancing, which was most
heartily enjoyed by every one of the
jolly crowd present. The costumes
were not extensive, but there were
quite a number of very attractive
ones that served to allow their pos
sessors to glide through the dance
without anyone being aware of their
iden'y until the hour for unmasking
rolled around. When the Plattsmouth
orchestra, under the leadership of
i'on Svoboda. struck up the grand
march the merry markers moved
througn the dance hall before the
judges, who, after delibc-ating for
ome time, decided on J. E. Browning.
as a colored man, for the fu st gentle
man s prize; M. u. Johnson, as r
German butcher, seeureJ the. secom
gentleman s prize. Ihe nrst lames
prize was given to Mrs. George Gobel-
mnn, as an Indian maiden, whiie the
econd was presented to the Quc-?n of
learts, as represented by Miss Emma
Fred MeCauley, Ludwig Miller and
'rank Smith. After the unmasking
the festivities continued lor a few
hours and the large crowd all felt that
they had had a most pleus-.nt. time.
We want to say a good word for
our friend, Roberts, the expressman
No more obliging young fellow can be
found. He is always prompt and
rcadv, charges moderate, and now,
with a new team and plenty of work,
he ought to be a happy man. He is
hrppy, for who wouldn't be, when he
has a load of pretty schoolmams
every muddy day. By the way, Rob
ert is more energetic than the city
council, for furnishing a movable
sidewalk to the High school in wet
weather. Try and emulate him, oh,
worthy fathers.
Census Returns of Cass County by
Precinct Plattsmouth, 2,016; Roc
Bluffs, 1,148; Liberty, 1,135; Avoca
477; Elmwood, 505; Louisville, 375
Tipton, 541; Eight Mile Grove, 593
Stove Creek, 481; Salt Creek, 437
Center, 510; Mt. Pleasant, 324; Sout
Bend, 388; Greenwood, 056; tota
High School Entertainment.
When costive or troubled with con
stipation take Chamberlain's Tablets.
Ihey are ea;.y to take and most
agreeable in effect. Obtainable every
The High school entertainment on
last Saturday evening was a meritc
success. We have never seen Fitz
gerakl hall so full since we have lived
here. Prof. Wightman deserves great
credit for the arrangement of the pro
gram, which gave us such pleasure
The teachers also, who drilled the
scholars, must have paid great atten
tion to their duties, and have shown
an aptitude in making wise selections
to fill the different places, that might
well be imitated by the politicians and
people of this country when selecting
public officials, committeemen and
persons to fill other important posi
tions of trust. Most of these teach
ers being ladies, it is a feather in
their cap, showing that they recognize
true merit and are willing to give it
a place full better than the men who
claim sometimes to monopolize all the
good sense there is lying round loose
i nthe world.
The exhibition was held in Fitz
gerald hall, which was filled to over
flowing, not less than 600 persons,
adults and children, being present.
After some very pleasant recitations
by scholars a great and glorious
pyramid of beautiful young missas
as the stage would admit of, 20 feet,
a galaxy of smiling, innocent and
beautiful girl faces greeted the ad
miring audience. Then some recita
tions, tableaux, and the "school com
mittee" burst upon us. A very happy
dialogue in which the absurdity of the
ordinary mode of judging the
qualifications of a teacher, was most
happily shown up.
One young lady (inspectress) in
sistea on the poor blushing, modesc
damsel of a school teacher, who was
an applicant, having a thorough
kovvledge of Latin because her hus
band's cousin, Dr. Livingston, thought
that a sine qua non to every- good
Another insisted on algebra because
she had studied it two weeks and al
most became mistress of its mys
teries, and still another allowed that
superficial attainments might do for
Boston, Omaha and such places, bat
here in Plattsmouth nothing but the
highest attainments and the loftiest
scholarship could gain a certificate,
Eva Marsland, a very small lady,
recited her piece in a charming man
ner, speaking clearly and distinctly.
Little Miss Hoffman gave us "Rid
ing on the Rail" in the very happiest
vein that any little Miss could do it,
and when she said the baby squalled,
the baby did squall down in the audi
ence in dead earnest, and then she
laughed and we all laughed.
Miss Anna Livingston spoke very
clearly and it was not necessary to
move "that she be embarraised" for
it would have been carried to the
negative at once.
Then came the drama of "Five Cen
turies," a historical piece repiesenting
by tableaux, spoken pieces and pan
tomime, the record of the centuries
since Columbus discovered America.
It was very well executed throughout.
The speaking of the Declaration of
Independence was particularly ap
propriate at this time and was par
ticularly well done, every lad taking
up his part here and there, wherever
he might be in the audience, at just
the right time and place, and as their
clear, honest young voices rang out
the great and solemn truths, enunciat
ed in that wonderful piece of com
position, we feel that they are being
properly prepared to take part in thi
real drama of life in a few years 2nd
that they will enlist heart and soul
under the banner of truth, liberty and
General Gage and the Boston Boys
was very good. The funny little Ger
man piece by Sammy Hinkle, th
capture of Major Andra, the Fugitiv
Slave, were all well tendered and re
ceived a due amount of applause.
The illustrated history of the form
ing of the states, one after another
represented by young ladies dressed
j in appropriate costume, was very fine
and was pronounced by some as the
masterpiece of the evening.
Poor Kansas looked rather doleful
Nebraska looked plump and round
and laughing, as we all hope she is
will be now and everymore.
These various exercrses occupied
much time that the program was cut
short at "Decoration Day."
We are informed that two more
figurative and emblematic displays as
fine as any given were thus per force
We were 'very much pleased with
the bright and intelligent manner in
which all the scholars who came be
fore the audience acted their parts.
It is the hardest thing in the world
generally to get children to "speak
up as it is called, nere tncy ciiu, irom
little Miss French to the largest
scholar there. Somebody deserves
great credit for their drilling, and
they themselves deserve the approba
tion of parents, teachers and audience
for diligence in committing their parts
and obedience to instructions in
speaking them.
It is the duty and right of a news
paper to some extent to criticise, cor
rect and award praise or blame. An
overdose of either does no good.
Fulsome adulation or indiscrimin
ate blame never encourages to better
efforts or check wrong-doing. We
express our honest opinion above on
the well-doing of those who acted
and while acting, but we shall speak
equally as plain in condemnation of
the disorderly conduct of many in the
room and some of those on the stage
when their parts were over. The
room was so noisy that many of the
best points in all the pieces were lost
by the greater part of thea tidience.
Cannot the young people see that they
destroyed the effect of their own ex
ertions, or that of their brothers and
sisters whom they came to see and
car, by keeping up Buch a noise and
AN extra pair of
trousers will
double the life of
your suit
Get' a pair by ail means
but be sure they have
the "OUST label.
It's your guarantee of
perfect materials,
workmanship, style
and wear.
We have the regular
or peg models in all
fabrics, and you'll con-
I sider the prices lovi.
C. E.
Everybody's Store
Funeral of Little One Held.
This afternoon occurred the fun
eral of the little year and a half old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
roisall, who passed away Saturday
evening atter a short illness. Ihe
little one was born on September $,
1913, and in their hour of grief the
parents will receive the deepest sym
pathy of their friends. The services
were conducted by Rev. F. M. Druliner
and the interment made in Oak Hill
M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at
Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Sat
urday evenings. Examination free.
I Ml
Do You Find Fault With Everybody?
An irritable, fault-finding disposi
tion is often clue to a disordered stom
ach. A man with good digestion is
nearly always good-natured. A great
many have been permanently benefit-
d by Chamberlain's Tablets after
years or suffering. Ihese tablets
trengtheu the stomach and enable it
appeared as the curtain rolled up. to perform its functions naturally.
From the base of the apex, as high J Obtainable everywhere.
Spring woolens
and fashions from
V. Price Sz Co., are here
and ready for the selection cf
your Easter clothes. Moi
men of this community aie
learning each season what
the perfect satisfaction of
wearing these custom tailored
clothes means to them.
Even if you don't
want a suit just now, you can
make your selection, while
the assortment is at its best,
and have the suit delivered
whenever you choose.
The suit must please you
perfectly when it comes or
need not take it. Prices range
$20, to $45
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson. Hats