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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1915)
(t ' i. ill.-- nor Hl ' a U na . M VOL. XXXIII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1915 NO. 69. WE ARE TO HE ANOTHER STREET M L III MAY The Willmuth Carnival Company, Monster Affair, to Be Here for a Week, Beginning May 21. From Friday' Dally. The advance announcements in the i musement line for 1915 seems to be ne of the Lest that the city has ha J in prospect for the past few years It is the fact that the great Willmuth shows and street carnival will be with us on the week beginning May 24th i"or the entire week, and everyone can begin to mark this out in red ink as one of the big events of the year for Plattsmouth people. The carnival company comes here with the highest possible recom mendations, and those who claim to be in a position to know state that their attractions are among the best :n the carnival world, both in size and tne splendid features of the different attractions. As was stated by one of those who may be interested in the handling of the shows here, the com pany is on.; that will more than please the people of Plattsmouth, as it com bines all the latest features that might go to make the event a glorious ruccess in every way. The best known retraction of this company is their large circis, which is one of the features of the aggregation of show.-!. This circus is complete in every way and a large number of animals are carried, together with equesterians, acrobats and other performers who might enter into the carrying out of the differer.t circus stunts." 'A free tlrect paraiie will be given each day ?y the carnival ocmpany and ample opportunity afforded the public for entertaininment in the free attrac tions, which are as good as any car ried by the carnival ocmpanies throughout the country and include r.n aeroplnre, with a daring aviato-. The question of locating the show was a serious one at first with the company, but it is thought that they an be placed sucessfully along the :;ver bottom east of the city, where there is ample space and where the shows will be of easy access to the people from Main street. The demon stration last year when the carnival company was forced several blocks away from the business section of the city lost considerable money for the merchants, and the affair should be located nearer the heart of the city, if possible. UNION TO HAVE A MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT SOON From Friday's Daily. The residents of the village of Tnion have decided to take hold of the lighting problem in the proper .-hape by the placing of a plant there 'hut will in the future furnish elec trical illumination for all who desire i'. The plant will be operated by the illage as a municipal plant and should be a great success, as an in stitution of this kind has long been needed in our lively little neighbor ing town. The village board has se cured a large thirty-horse power Alamo gas engine which will furnish -.he power for the plant, and an c-'ghreen-kilowatt generator will fuv nish the current to the residents of ine village at a very low figure. There will Le a large 100-watt lamp placed on each crossing of the city, which will be allowed to run all night, while the residence section of the city will enjoy a twenty-four-hour service. The board find the people of Union have long considered the advisability of securing light for their town and n erecting the municipal plant feel that they have reached the best solu tion of tha matter and one that will r.e the most satisfactory to the I ntrons of that city in general. Unio l is a very lively little village and it3 residents propose that it shall bo Kept abreast of the times in all mat- ters of public improvement in every way possible. Taken Down With Lumbago. From Friday's Dally. C. C. Wescott, the clothing man not on the job today as usual h wing been forced to succumb to th attacks of lumbago which has cot confined him to his bed, and it i needless to say that the attacks o this very painful malady are not very much enjoyed, but he hopes in a few diys to be rid of the visitation. MRS. GEORGE E. DOVEY GELERRATED BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY LAST NIGHT From Friday's Dally. Yesterday being the birthday an niversary of Mrs. George E. Dovey her family and friends decided to as sist her in celebrating the occasion in proper manner, and in honor of the event a most delightful time was en joyed last evening at the beautiful Dovey home, and this most worthy lady congratulated by her friends on the passing of the day and the hopj of many more such happy occasions The evening was spent very pleas- ently in playing games of all kinds, nd in music, which served to make the evening one of the rarest of pleas ure to all assembled. In honor of the b-rthday of their charming hostess she was presented as a token of esteem by her friends with a hand seme mahogany tea wagon, which will be treasured very highly in the years to come as a remembrance of a most delightful time. At a late hour a most tempting and delicious buffet luncheon was served most harmingly by Misses Edith Dovey and Janet Patterson. Those who were present at the happy event were: Messrs. and Mesdames T. P. Living ston, E. H. Wescott, William Baird, C. C. Wescott, J. P. Falter, R. F. Pat terson, G. H. Falter, T.-II. Tollock. Rev. W. S. Leete, L. O. Minor, Henry Kerold, J. H. Donnelly, Mrs. Kate Minor, Mrs. A. M. Arries, Madame Leete, Misses Ruth Neyland, Leta Holdridge of Omaha, Mia and Bar bara Gering, Julia Hermann, Gret chen and Marie Donnelly, Madeline Minor, Messrs. Major Arries, Dr. M. A. Klein of Omaha, Byron Arries. Fritz Fricke, Don Arries, Edwin Fricke, H. R. Gering of Omaha, Mat thew Gering, John Falter. CLARENCE AND LEON STEN NER ENTERTAIN LOYAL SON'S GLASS OF CHRISTIAN CHURCH From Frldav's Daily. The meeting of the Loyal Sons' class of the Christian church last evening at the home of Clarence an 1 Leon Stenner was one of the most pleasant that has been given by the class and the members were treated to one of the most pleasing lectures they have enjoyed so far this season. Superintendent W. G. Brooks of the city schools was v the lecturer of the evening and chose as his subject, "Modern Knighthood," taking up the origin of the creation of the Order of Knighthood and the obligation that each one took as they were made a knight to support their king, their God and defend the helpless and worthy, and then the speaker com pared the old creation of the knight with the modern man who owed his obligation to support the state, the worship of God and tke defense of those justly needing his assistance. The debate on the question of govern ment ownership was quite warmly contested, as the sides were readjust ed so as to give them a more equal share of the debaters, and a red-hot argument followed that lasted for some time, but was finally decided by the judges in favor of the negative side. The rest of- the evening wa3 spent in a number of very amusing games, which was very much enjoyed. At the next meeting, in two weeks, Rev. Hollowell willl be the lecturer of the occasion. Frank Pelan of Brainard, Neb., who has been here for the past four days, a guest at the home of M. G. Stava and family, departed this morning for his home. This is the first time in twenty years that Mr. Stava and Mr. Pelan had met, and they greatly en joyed the visit. YOUR DUTY IS TO BUY YOUR GOODS Id PLATTSMOUTH Few Suggestions to Those Wh Send or Go Away From Home to Buy Goods. From Friday's Daily. The home merchant. Who is he? He is the chap who gives you credit when you are financially broke, an cames your account until you are able to pay. He is the chap who gives you back your money or makes exchanges when you are not satisfied with wha you have bought. He is the chap who stands behind bis guaranty, and makes restoratioi of all losses that you may sustain on the goods you buy. He is the chap who meets you at the door with a handshake, and lets you out with a message to the "kid and a real come-again good-bye. He is the chap who meets an I greets you on the street every day in the year, and takes a neighborly in terest in your familv and vour af fairs. He is the chap whose clerks and ookkeepers and other employes live in your town and spend their money with you and with other home people. He is the chap who pays heavy taxes to help support our schools, an 1 brild our streets, and maintain the fire departments and police depart ments, and parks, and lighting and water service. He is the chap who helps support jour churches ana hospitals ana charity organizations, and your lodges unu voiaiiietciul clubs, and talks for vour town and boosts for your town every day in the year. He is the chap who visits you when you are sick, sends flowers to your family when you die, and follows your body out among the trees and tombs. s far as human feet may travel with the dead. He is the home merchant your neighbor your friend your helper in imes of need. Don't you think that you ought to rade with him, and be his friend an 1 his helper in the time of his need? Don't you know that every dollar hat you send out of your town for merchandise, is sent to strangers to men who never spend a dollar in your ome town, to men who would not rust you for a box of matches, to men who would turn you over to the police if you should enter their of- ces ? You don't save much, frequently nothing, when you send your money ut of your town and you take all the isk yourself of short weight or meas ure and of getting damaged or in- erior goods. And don't you know lhat the growth and prosperity of our town depends very largely upon he success and prosperity of the ome merchants? Out-of-town peo ple judge our city by the appearance tf our stores and the degree of enterprise shown by our merchants. And our home merchants cannot suc ceed unless home folks give them loyal support. FRED EGINGER ELECTRO VICE-PRESIDENT STATE ' HARDWARE ASSOCIATION From Friday's Daily. At the meeting of the State Hard ware Dealci s' convention held in Oma ha this week Fred-Ebinger of Plain view was elected to the office of vice president of the association. Mr. Ebinger ha3, during his years of busi ness in the state, been one of the liveliest" hardware men in the state, r.nd while a resident of this city was in the forefront of everything tend ing to advance the interests of this line of trade, and the association will find him an active official in his duties. Mr. Ebinger has- been very prominent for years in the state in the hardware business and is well known thioughout the eastern section of this state. News of Death .Received. From FrMnv'a Da 11 v.. A message was received here la.-t evening, iy w. i. uosencrans an trr n t- nouncing the sad news of the death at her home in Gretna, Nebraska, of T.Trs. Hughes, mother of E. T. Hughe of that place. Mr. Hughes is brother-in-law of Mrs. Rosencrans and quite wen known nere, ana in his ' ereavoment will receive the most sincere condolences of the friends in this city. Mrs. Hughes quite well advanced in years and her death oc Ci'ired on the litty-seventh anniver sary of her wedding. VALENTINE DANCE AND PARTY AT COATES HALL LAST NIGHT A SUCCESS From Saturday's Dally A very pleasant Valentine party and tance was enjoyed last evening by a number of the young people of the city at Coatcs hall, and there were some twenty couple in attend ance at the delightful event. The party was given under the auspices of the Cosmopolitan club and much pleasure was secured from the oc- cas.on. ihe club rooms were decorat- d in streamers of red and white with ed hearts and cupid.s intersperse! throughout the decorations, and the place cards at the several tables were of red hearts pierced by a golden a?-- ow. During the evening light re freshments consisting of ice cream, rake and coffee, were served most charmingly by the committee in charge of the event, and in honor of the wily St. Valentine the ice cream was served in th? form of hearts. The fun and pleasure continued until the midnight hour, when the company f young people wended their way homeward, -feeling - tut th-cccasioa had been a most pleasant one. The dance hall was decorated with fes toons of colored lights and red hearts. FORMER UNION RANKER WILL SOON REMOVE TO SPRINGFIELD, NEBRASKA From the dispatches appearing in the World-Herald this morning it would seem that John R. Pierson, who was formerly engaged in the banking business at Union, in this county, has decided to locate at Springfield, Neb., having purchased the interests in the Farmers State bank formerly owned by John C. Mangold, who has been the casher of the above named bank, and Mr. Pierson will at once move his family to Springfield, where he has purchased the residence of Mr. Man gold. Mr. Pierson has had consider able experience in the banking busi ness at Tecumseh and Union and should be well qualified to look afte' the business at Springfield. The friends of Mrs. Pierson, formerly Miss Eva Allison of this city, will be pleased to learn that the family has decided to locate so near the old home town. Funeral of Little Child. From Friday's Dally. The funeral of the little lC-months- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ealdwin of this city was held this afternoon at 2:30 from the late home and the services were attended by a large number of the friends and neighbors of the bereaved parents. The little one passed away yesterday after a short illness, and in their hour of grief the parents will receive the deepest condolences of their many friends in the taking away of the lit tle one who had gladdened their household for such a short time. W. K. Fox, county treasurer of Cass, was in Lincoln Tuesday calling on friends and looking in on the legis lature. He called in at the Herald officeigave us the glad hand and drop ped a dollar in the subscription slot. Always glad to have Kelley call when n the city, and he never loses out. Lincoln Herald. G. W. Burnett of Pacific Junction was attending to business matters in this city yesterday and was a pleas- i ant caller at this office. DEATH OF FORMER PLATTSMOUTH LADY AT ELMWOOD. NEB. The First Husband of the Deceased Lady Lived in Plattsmouth Thirty Years Ago. From Saturday's Daily. The funeral services of Mrs. 51. Roelofsz were held Sunday afternoon from the Christian church. A large number of sorrowing friends and rela tives had assembled to pay their last respects. The services were conduct ed by Rev. P. Van Fleet of the M. E hurch. He took as his text, "There Shall Be No Night." He illustrated the beautiful life of Mrs. Roelofsz by reading many very appropriate pas sages of scripture. His sermon was forceful and full of the spirit of "kind ly litjht" painting beautiful thoughts and impressing the hearer with the fact that a great and good woman had passed from time to eternity to the great future beyond. The sermon was cne that will long be remembered. Mrs. Roelofsz was taken sick last week and seemed to be in a serious condition. She revived some and was thought to be getting better. On Friday she was taken with another sinking spell and she passed away at 10 o'clock a. m. Pauline Boos was born in Wayne, Washington county, Wisconsin, on March 1-1, 1857, and died February 5. 101"), aged 57 years, 10 months and 21 days. She spent most of her girlhood days in Wisconsin with her parents. She came to Nebraskaa bout the year 1875 and settled at Louisville, Neb. Feb ruary 9, 1877, she was united in mar riage to Clans Erekenfeld. For a number of years they continued to live in Louisville, where Mr. Breken feld operate 1 a flouring mill. In 1901 Mr. Brekenfeld purchased the mill ;n Elmwood and the family moved here. To the union of Claus and Pauline Brekenfeld were born seven children, four of whom died in infancy. The three remaining are: Jacob C. Brek enfeld of Springfield, Mo., and Claus W. Erekenfeld and Cecelia W. Brek enfeld of our city. Their father died January 2, 190(5. Mrs. Paulina Boos Brekenfeld was united in holy wedlock to Henry Roelofsz October 27, 1900. Mrs. Eoelefsz was a lifetime member of the German Lutheran church. The body was interred in the Elm wood cemetery. Elmwood Echo. Mrs. Roelofsz was for a number of years a resident of Plattsmouth, where her first husband was quite active in business life here for some thing like twenty-five years, and re moved from here something like 18 years ago, when Mr. Breken feld disposed of his interests in the hardware business and later located at Elmwood, where he operated the flouring mill until his death several years ago. The friends of the family here will be greatly grieved to learn of the death of this estimable lady. ICE AND SNOW GOING OFF BY GREAT MODER ATION IN THE WEATHER From Saturday's Daily. Foi the first nime in weeks the moderating weather gives promise of giving us one of the finest days that it would be possible to find, and it is much appreciated, coming as it does after one of the most disagreeable. The rain of yesterday afternoon and last night played havoc with the snow and ice and this morning when the residents of the city awoke they saw the greater part of the snow and ice had disappeared, and it can tTuthfully ba said that there was little regret expressed by anyone over the fact. The general rain over this part of the state yesterday will cause a great amount of water to be poured into the creeks and streams in this part of the state and the old weather forecastei-s are predicting that there will be a great deal of high water in the open ing of spring. Entertains for Friends. Yftsterday a very pleasing valen tine dinner was given, at the cozy home cf Mrs. Henry Steinhauer, when their son, Edgar, entertained a few o his friends. The repast was most de liciou.s, and following the elegant din ner the afternoon was spent in games and music, which proved most pleas ing to the jolly crowd present. Th guests present were: Messrs. Percy Dimmitt, Ross Lowe and Harvey Hencger of Nebraska City. UNCLE J. PETER KEIL PASSED AWAY THIS MORNING Well Known and Highly Respected Citizen, and One Whose Genial Good-Natured Countenance Will Be Sadly Missed. This morning at 10 o'clock at his home in the west part of the city, one of the oldest and most highly respect ed citizens passed away after a long and lingering illness due to that most dread malady hardening of the arteries this was John Peter Keil, for years one of the leading farmers of Eight Mile Grove precinct, but who for the past two years has made his home in this city, having purchased a handsome home in which he might spend his declining years in peace and comfort, but this was enjoyed but a hort time until the malady of which he cued made its appearance and gradually sapped away the life of this grand good man. Mr. Keil was, at the time of his death, some C8 years of a,?e. .. . J. P. Keil was born on November 2(, 184(5, at Ueberau, Hessen-Darm-stadt, Germany. He was confirmed in the Lutheran faith at his home church when in his fourteenth year, and had been a most devout member of lhat faith since that time. In 1867 Mr. Keil emigrated to America and settled near Pekin, Illinois, where, on October 18, 1807, he was united in marriage to Miss Katherine Wolf. For sixteen years the family con tinued to make their home in Illinois, and in 1883 they removed to Ne braska, locating in this county, where Mr. Keil had since made his home and was ranked among the best of our people. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Keil fourteen children were born, five of whom have preceded the father in death. Besides the widow, Mrs. Katherine Keil, the following children are left to mourn the passing of this grand good man: Philip Kiel, Mrs. Katherne Tritsch, Mrs. Louise Sey bert, William, Henry, Louis, August and Charles Keil and Mrs. Olga Schroeder. all of whom reside in this county. One brother, George Keil, of Pekin, Illinois, is also left to mourn his passing. The funeral will be held on Wednes day afternoon at 1 o'clock from the home of A. F. Seybert, where Mr. Keil and wife have made their home for some time. The services will be conducted by Rev. J. H. Steger of the St. Paul's church, in German, and Rev. F. M. Druliner of the Methodist church, in English. THE STORK LEAVES A FINE EIGHT POUND GIRL AT SCARABROUGHT HOME Sunday evening there arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Scara- brought, on North Third street, a most pleasing valentine, which con sisted of a fine, bouncing eight-pound daughter. This is the first child in the family and it is needless to say that the advent of 'the little stranger was greeted with the greatest of pleasure and is the object of constant admiration from all the relatives. Teddy is just about as happy as it is possible for a mortal to be. and the smile he wears is one that is good to see and it is well justified, as there ' are few finer girls than the new Miss Scarabrough. Uncle John Nemetz is also feeling pretty frisky over the new arrival. PIONEER CITIZEN PASES AWAY AT EA6LE SUNDAY Had Been a Resident of Cuss County for Nearly Forty Yearn, and Reared a Large Family. Grandpa Mick passed away at his home in Eagle Sunday evening, Feb ruary 7th, at about 5:30 o'clock, afte an illness of only a very few days. Mr. Mick was one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of our community, and a pioneer of Cas county, having moved here with his family in 1880. Funeral services were held from the M. E. church Wednes day at 11 a. m., conducted by the Rev. John Davis of Cowles, Neb., and inter ment was made in the Alvo cemetery. John Allison Mick was born in Brooks county, West Virginia, May 2, 1829. Died at Eagle, Cass county. Nebraska, February 7. 1915, at the age of 85 years, 9 months and 5 days. Was married to Sarah Elvin Vaughn of Brooks county. West Virginia, on August 16, 1854. They soon moved to Vermont, Fulton county, Illinois, where they lived until the year 1805. hey then moved to Jasper county. owa, and Jived there until the year 1880. They then came to Cass coun ty, Nebraska, where they have re- ided ever since. There was born to this union seven sons and eight daughters, of which three daughters and one son have pre ceded their father. There is left to mourn the loss of this loved one hi widow, his daughters, Mrs. D. E. Sheesley of Alvo, Mrs. C. C. Cooper of Eagle, Mrs. J. V. Stradley of Greenwood, Mrs. C. C. Price of Eagle, and Mrs. Arthur Stradley of Green wood; his sons, Alonzo of the western part of the state, George of Green wood, John of Waverley, Russ of Eagle, Guy of Kansas and Wiley of Alvo, besides a host of other rela tives and friends. The children were all present at the funeral except one daughter, Mrs. Arthur Stradley, and one son, Guy. Mr. Mick was united with the Chris- ian church in the year 1867 at Pella, Marion county, Iowa, and was always kind, loving father. Eagle Beacon. A GREAT MANY FAR MERS AND THEIR FAMILIES WERE IN TOWN SATURDAY The warm weather of Saturday brought in a fair-sized crowd of the farmers from this section of the coun ty to look after their trading, and most of them report that the roada are in quite bad shape or were then, as the melting snow of Friday and Saturday caused a great deal of w i ter to move from the hills into the creeks and small waterways, filling them up in great shape, and at some points they were reported to be out of their banks. The sudden change from the warm weather of the two days of the week, however, caused much of the ground to freeze up agai.i and stop the thawing to a large ex tent. It is safe to bet, however, that when the warm winds of spring ar rive there will be plenty of water in the creeks throughout the county an 1 the residents of the lowlands should prepare to look out for their welfare in the opening up of the spring sea son. Charles F. Guthmann and wife an J Miss Guthmann and Miss Margaret Hallahan were among the passengers this afternoon for Omaha to witness hp resentation of "Paddy Whack," by Chauncey Olcott, at the Brandeis. J. F. Stull, who has been here for a short time visiting with his brother, C. Lawrence Stull, departed this morning for his home in Louisiana, going via the Burlington. 1 Mrs. John Lutz was among those who were passengers this morning on the early train for Omaha to spend a few hours there looking after some matters of business.