THUReiAiz rFEfcTTAP.Y. 4. ms. PA?2 TO THE POWERS THAT BE AT A Fresh and Complete WASHINGTON Stock of Groceries! PLATTSMOUTH EMT WFtEXY JOURNAL. ? ..... 1 2JQ Annua! Discount 2 . t fe zfl pi lift i I 1 i W PI r Hi W i If s 1 t I i ii ) V 1 I M wm 0 An Onen Letter to W. J. Bryan and Senator G. M. Hitchcock, Bear ing tht- Riht Ring. a n wT.- U 9 H (i u i n will start Saturday, February 6th, and continue week only, closing Saturday, Feb. 14th While we have never been a great admiier of Mr. It. L. Metcalfe, mesent editor of the Omaha Ne- b;askan, yet we do endorse the fol lowing leter addressed by him to the rowers that be at Washington, an. hope the gentlemen to whom it is ad dressed will tret together and re'.iev the anxiety of many democrats in Xe Li:uka. The letter has the tone to it and is given in the spirit of harmony: Omaha, Neb., January 2o '.'IT.. To I!on. William J. Bryan and To lion. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Washington, I). C. Gentlemen : You will find in the book stores of Washington a little volume entitled "IYlyanna" and otherwise known as "The Glad Book." I beg leave to su.?- gest that each of you secure a copy of this little volume and 1 am sure voj t? Good, Clean, Reliable Merchandise. Not odd sizes, short lengths and shop-worn goods, but your choice of cne of the largest and most complete stocks of Dry Goods in Cass County at a Discount of 20 Per Cent from regular prices. Carpets, O. N. T. Thread, Muslins and Groceries are not included. This sale embraces all classes of Merchandise, including Piints Draperies Percales VVhue (jcods Ducks Denims Cheviots Flannelettes Men's Overalls Men's Work Shirts IndXn Linon Skirts Petticoats Wrappers Furs Kimonas Shirtwaists House Dresses Underwear Hosiery Shoes Skirtings Silks Dress Goods Blankets Ticking Ginghams Towels Handkerchiefs Table Linen Vacuum Sweepers Corsets . :: i ; iJ 23 it riitDi rnu- rn' DUGTION OF HEATRE HE i - T'u- Tit:! J t:. Vi.-.rd .f Wi.-kmrJ." th Sho v ! "I- rivt -i 1 h!".iar:'ls i)f People :..-.. K;L'ht I'p-to-Dait'. i.-'-Ial mu V"i-:;iid b'-e:i siii'!ii' ::e way irU-) a", the : -.v.. ,M b well to ihii mirthful wi; c"i! ex Wis - iLS the f ('!ii:';:co thea 1 ri r run there. Sa' ur!ay r.ijrht, I'a'-mek the-i- car '. d vot faces, that tired feelinsr. the blues, : -appointment and all other mino-.' ills that fL'.-h is h'ir to, will disap pear b.-foie the ma;ic of his wand. Through the two acts of the piece, It has been - aid repeatedly by critics, theie is rot a moment when eye or r. minl or heart, is not held in hap- ;.y thral hn. A company of carefully selected sixers and comedians will be seen in the cat, and a larjre and well trained chorus will trrace iie con certed passages, ensembles and lyrics. The Klartliny transformations in knepin'-C with the mythical character of that fabled sjot, are included in the -eerie embellishments of "The Isle of Wise-land." ATI IT UNCI DEUTSCHE! ,i h:uirh his way into '! :.p 1 f.'. or o'' his thou i'.: -. (Ir'H'chine.-S lori' Stiftun-jTsfest und Fahnnweihe kommenden Samstafr. Februar 0, lfl.", im Deutschen Hause Anfang: 7:::0 P. M. Es ist pflicht fuer jeden lfermanns-Cruler sich daran zu beteilisren. Drint Familie unJ Freunde. Das Komite. Illank books of fmirnal oiTice. all kinds at the w w jrw wfcT A. a. A Ta. Tat i-r VT tat TaT TT TaT TaT T7'at TjT TaT 4 -VS Sk 0 ii LI VI V i fi n SaleS! :y : i'; ca-s tv--rf? L Vre have gone through our stock and sorted out all short lengths. These we will ofler at a great reduction. Manv items can be purchased at a bargain. Also a lot of shoes in Misses' and Children's that sold up to $1.50 per pair can be had at 90c per pair. Receiving- Some Fine Corn. The Journal office has two very fine ears of lar?e white corn that was sent here to John Long by Earl Barr, the brother of Mrs. Long, who is at present located on a claim twenty miles south of Limon, in Elbert coun ty, Colorado, in the heart of the dry farming country. He has been most successful in his dry farming" and has a great many acres under cultiva tion. The friends of the young- man here will be pleased to learn of his success in his western home. The corn sent back here is as fine as can be found anywhere, and it is hard to find an equal in this part of the country. Assisting in .Meat Market. During the indisposition of L. W. Lorenz, of the firm of Lorenz Broth ers, of this city, Mr. Carl Kunsmann has been secured to assist in the shop, looking after the needs of the customers, and by his long experience in this line of work will be most valuable to the firm. Mr. Lorenz has been feeling quite poorly in the past two weeks and it will be some time before he is able to resume his active work in the shop. Special Meeting of Masons. Plattsmouth Lodge No. 6, A. F. and A. M., will meet in special session at the Masonic temple on Friday evening for work in the first degree and on Monday evening a special meeting will be held for work in the third de gree. All members are urged to be present. Sell your property by an ad in The journal. Zuckweller . Lutz CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the 3ln&tnre of 7 Old Friend Dadly Injured. The many friends in this city of Moses Hiatt, who was for a number of years a resident of this place, will leam with the deepest regret of an accident that befell him at his home in Murray last Sunday morning. Mr. Hiatt started to walk out into the yard and neglected to put on his rub bers as he left the house, and as he rtepped out of the door slipped and fell, injuring his shoulder quite bad ly and bruising up his side consider ably. He is quite well advanced in years and has not been in the best of health for the past few years, and as a result of the fall is reported as be ing in a most critical condition. It is to be hoped that this splendid old gentleman will recover from the ac cident and soon be able to be around, but the accident will lay him up at the best for quite a while. Public Sale Monday, February 22. Having sold my lease, I will sell a public auction on the above date cn the Jessie Todd farm, 1 mile south and 3 miles east of Union, the follow ing property: Six head of horses. Six head of mules. Fifteen head of cattle. Fifty head of hogs. Complete outfit of farming imple ments. For terms and a full description of the above property, see my large sale bills. L. J. Hall will be the auc tioneer and J. M. Patterson clerk. ED E. LEACH, Owner. 2-4-w-2t INCUBATORS. We are factory agents for this ter ritory for "Old Trusty" and "Sure Hatch" incubators and brooders. We guarantee safe arrival and give 10 year guarantee. We pay the freight to your town and sell at factory price. Old Trusty" 120-egg, $9.80; 175-egg, will Loth be greatly interested in it. It is the story of a lit'.ie girl, the daughter of a clergyman, who wu- j k-ft an orphan at an early day. Sh..- h id been tauuht by her father to play "the glad game" under all circum stances. On one occasion she had bee.i looking forward to the coming of the "missionary" Lox, which was a reir uiar contribution of all sorts of things, by members of the church de nomination to which hrr father be longed. She wanted very much to have a dull, and she was expecting that the next missionary box would contain this treasure. While her father was opening the box. slip stood on tiptoe, her little heart beating fast with the same ex pectancy which older hearts have had :.o"-ad ether of life's dreams. S'ie was more than disappointed to find that instead of a doll the only novelty the missionary box contained was a pai1- of crutches. Then it was her father turned to her and told her, "Now is the time to play the glad game." "But what." asked the little girl, "can anvone find to be glad for over a pair of crutches?" "That's easy," raid her father, "yo i can be very glad that you do not have to use them." The child was taught to play this game with respect to all the events of her life. When her father passe 1 away, she went to another town an.l entered the home of a maiden aunt, who, having had disappointments of her own was sour and surly. It seemed her part in life to run up against all the grouches in the com munity, and sooner or later, she taught them one and all to play "the glad game," thus biinging happiness iito their own live.-', and transforming the community's chaos into on'r. "The g'ad game" is pretty hard to nl;v in nrvlilics: but even in that heart-crushing and head-breaking do- main, it may ns played ry tno. e wno undeitake it in a big way thj ane can be played only by big people. The Nebraskan suggests that after you have read the little book to which it refers, you join with one another in playing "the glad game" in Nebrasna. You have both been honored by the people of this state. The men of your party who have faithfully followed you when there were no offices to give out are glad of the honors each of you has won. They are just a s anxious also that other and humbler demo crats in Nebraska shall be given hon ors, so far as concerns iho federal offices in this state where the repub lican holders' terms have expired. If you do not know that, on th:.; .score, the democrats of Nebraska aie disappointed in both of you, then let this epistle of love be your eye-opener. The people of Nebraska understand that no great principle is involved in the trouble that prevents the filling of these; Nebraska vacancies. Thay know that it is all the result of a personal quarrel. Out of that quarrel have grown hatreds among your Nebraska followers who would otherwise .? living on terms of peoce. If you two men will get together and assist in filling these vacancies in the spirit of service to the public welfare and service to the party that has honored you, you will have done something that will mean much more than the mere giving of certain of fices to certain men. You will have set an example to the democrats of I wish to impress upon the minds of all my friends and patrons that I have re ceived and opened up a new fresh and complete line of groceries in the Gorder building, opposite my old stand on .Main street, where I am ready and willing to supply the trade with any and everything in this line. I will conduct my business in this location awaiting the completion of the repairs on my former business place. I will be pleased to meet all my old friends and patrons, also all new ones who care to favor me with their patronage. -I. 0. E0SNBERGER- be the means of reuniting many old lime friends who have been estranged by your quarrel. Your patronage quariel has Wounded the party pride of thousands of democrats, who do who, while coming along the walk on the west r.ide of the court house yes terday morning, fell and bruised his left wrist and side quite painfully, al though not seriously, it is thought. This walk has been in very dangerous shape, as it was practically one solid sheet of ice, but the warming weather has allowed the removal of the ice and it is now safe for travel. Notice to Sons of Herman. Number Cet Bad Falls. During the snowy and sleety weather of the last few days quite a number of our people have received rather severe falls on the icy walks, not want the offices themselves, but ! and among these was Joseph Fetzer, ivho dislike to be twitted with the charge that democrats have not men with sufficient ability to fill thes2 offices. Why not, then, play "the glad Tamo" in Nebraska? ihe .Nebiaslca democracy is pre nai ing to unite in solid phalanx be hind Woodrow Wilson in 1C'1. You itntlemen are recognized as leaders ;n the state. If you are real leaders, then lead us not. into the temptation '.o quarrel in Nebraska, as you are doing in Washington. But lead us along lines where atred and malice do not grow with rn!iiwvil ft" 1 i:. t ion Leal us into that atmosphere where roiit'es is the science of gov ernment rather than the art of hull ing the biggest epithet. Lead us as men with big purpose for accomplishment, rather than as angry boys bent upon tearing out one another's eyes. Lead us into the "kingdom-of-never-grow-old," where only those are admitted who have learned to play "the glad game" in their intercourse with their fellows. You will probably ignore this ap peal; but should you act upon it you will le happier for it; and when the shadows of life begin to fall for both of you when political quarrels are things of the past the recollection of the "glad game" you played before a delighted Nebraska audience may bring up a kindly thought of your old comrade and would-be benefactor, "MET." The Sons of Herman will give a social evening at the German Home on Saturday evening, February t'.th, for the members of the Sons of Her man, their families and invited guests only. This will be a strictly private ocacsion, confined to the members, their families and guests. Let all the members be in attendance, as there will be a good time in store for all. Don't miss the last dance be fore Lent to be given by the Cosmopolitan club on Saturday right, February Oth. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Music bv Holly's orchestra. P. E. O.. Notice! There will be a called meeting of Chapter F, P. E. O., at the home of Mrs. William Baird Friday afternoon, February oth, at 2:."0. Before going to Omaha to purchase jour seals, cupids, red hearts, napkins and other novelties for your Valentine Day and Washington Birthday enter tainments, call at the Journal office and see their line, as they have just received just what you want for those decorations. Mrs. Lee Cotner was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where she. will spend the day looking after some matters of business in that city. John Becker, John Albert and J. M. Meisinger were in Weeping Water yesterday for a few hours looking after some matters of business. We Want Representatives Everywhere to work for us, buying and selling Real Estate, Mortgages, Bonds, Stocks, etc. We pay part salary and part commission. Good hustlers may earn from $3,000 to $10,000 per year or more no previous experience necessary. We equip and start you out. INTERNATIONAL REALTY CORPORATION, 412 Otis Bldg., It) S. La Salle St., Chicago. . vour own state an example w hich clad to follow. You 120-egg, $11.75; 170-egg, $14.50; 220-J will be serving formal notices upon egg, $17.25. Write us for catalog all whom it may concern that you and' "Key to Poultry Profits," mailed! will both give encouragement to an free. Johnson Bros., Nebraska City, j effort for peace, and your action will MSW si! PUB Dl 1S1 m Saturday Evening, February 13th -E9' -TWO CASH PRIZES Mnsic by the Plattsmouth Orchestra ADMISSION Gents. 50c La!icj?,. lVee BSZC