The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 04, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    TKI'RiDiV, rEP.P.T.- F.Y 4,
A public safe at the Dovey section, will be held on
Wednesday, February 24$h,
at which time a J J farming machinery, wsgons,
harness, hay, work hcrscs, cattic, hegs, ac.,wi!l
be sold to the highest bidder en ihc usual terms
of such safes.
SaSe bills giving a mere extended iist cf arti
cles will be issued a little iatcr.
A farmer ro-iding near Union was
ai i':" Missouri f'aaiile passim ncr sta
tion a fv.v days jir.ce telling t wo
farmer frit-mis what a streak of iil
kn-k ( '.' i he had '.vith his wheat crop
i:i-'t sea -on; ho cou'd not fret n
ilire.-hin:-- at:!t to handle it, so l;e
'v:i furred t s-hock the same an !
h::d nine ! tea big stacks when he
g. t it all i'i :d: a;.'.-. Then wheii they
to.dd come it v. as too wet an i
pvi'idy ::::d the tkre-her could not 1 e
take:: into the field where the gi a'm
v. as. Then his wife was id and he
Id not have them there whil
wa- si-k. lie deferred thre-hing in
t:! ( hri-tma:-, lime a:: l thn th
weather became bad. s he stii! has
ih.- wh-at in the stacks and they are
covered with, srow s- there is no'.h'aiz
!oing r.nv. He ifM this with a sigh
:: .-aid th.--.3 nine or ten big stacks
.-ti!l stand in the lie!.!. The ot.'i-r
two men he :i his st..-y, but they did
no' sympr.thb.e v. iih him in the Jra.-i,
1 ' ai:se ..-:e ( them said: "I sold riy
v. near when I live. died it a ('o c? r s
j er b.,.-hel," and th-' other one
did b tt(-r becau e I sold my
;.t .ts teats per bushel anil now wheat
is sl.4o per bmhel." The reporter
wl. heerd th" v.e:! comp'aint of j
the tb-st farmer said nothing, 1
thourht t.o-v fr. a i h-rntn'r'
bilng lurk and force gr.od fortune o i Taking a. n-.i-:hty boosting effort f-r
some nien. Wheat today in thoej'a gie;ter I dattsr-iouth in every wav
t ire star''.- is worth .?l.aO .oer lai-hel' '"-' -'.ie. an 1 in all getting imo the still that farmer is not s-it isfied.
beca use the a.a'.n is out in ike s'acus i r
whe;e it is safe arid the market
oaring r-ve'-y day. Some men woukllth-' securing of new industries or ray
t be contented if someone would j other movement that may tend to he'., j
his h:p full of gold dollar.--. !
. e l t a r.
a Citv New.--.
Snow Knocks Oat Corn Shelling.
Krnm Wfd nes. lay's I:iiiv.
Henry Thierolf, oue of the cnte--!,;,
p. ising your g
burn ers f-or near '
edar ') eek, was lieie Monday for ai.-iiv t.'-cuaiated atul ad get the
fen- ho n s looking after some gen- ! .t' - on it tbat mn.-rii so much
oral matte: s '.vi 1. th- merchant .. nr. I j
while her;- s;-i'ed that lu' was mir.bdv-
I ul (.u; w:'.h
which ha; 'a'.
nowy weather, j
: a iwo oi
his corn :
;he!!ing o Hilts and cemp-!!ed him j j
: ! anion shelling ::r- com, as the
she'lers were
r.e of his neighbors j
and the deep snow would not alio v i
him to rnove them.
I he cost or builtiing a siio
is not aw expense, it is an
investment which yon get
back at the end of a year.
We build the cheapest, most durable silo that is made
and give ymi a guarantee which protects you againtt any
chance of loss.
If you are posttd on the value of a silo come into our
office and let us show you our system of construction.
If you are not posted on silos come in and let us show
you how you can increase the profit of your farm 25 ptrcmt
and more.
We also make the best water tanks and grain bins on
earth at less money than either wood or iron.
Just outh of thepopt dice on Fifth street jou will find
:s r -ady to tjik silos ai d water tal ks.
Co-ne in wht) you an in town and get acquainted.
Osnorafa Oonsiruction Co..
What is doing .in regard to the
holding of the a r.nral banquet of the
I'lattstrou'1! Co-::me!cial club? is a
.oest ion t!i:H is ofien aske 1 I y the
e.-:dvi;t.i o: the city, who in the past
have gath.-:ed :il the-e festal ;r--..sions.
.v'nich ha always pif.vcn to
ueces.- ful in every way possjb-e.
rherc is nothing thni draws togeth--.-sci
many !ejresentati es from every
va:k of life a.- does this banquet, a-.
he goo, I th-it ii :.cecrrpli-hes is with
out- mea-care in it b-ina-.- i
,. . . . , . I
:Moscr i.vacti aw ot vio vai -aere-.r j
'i::: give", an opportunity to enjoy .in
jveni.ig of pre. 'it to every!ne in the
:i. -! sion o pi on. eras that wj i prov-j
n tl'.e greatest of be::ef't lo the city
in the coming year. The sneakers on
'heso o(casi'tis are t-ek-vtel
.n-.ojer tlie be.-t in the citv a
i rori ;
rl th
rei.hboi!"g cities and na-iy ta'etite 1
gentlemen have very graciously con
Touted their eiToi ts toward maki.rj
he bnraj'a-t a success.
The h '.nnuet should be arrr. age 1 ' Three sets of 1 l-2 i: cli woik bar- i
Vr as soon as po ?.-:i!de and ma le as:r.e s. one of them new. ;
jreat a sure-ess
tlie ones
rast 'nave been. There i- a gra
need of a close!- ali',nTr.c:it of th
husir.e-s interests of the city for the j
good of the community and a bond of i
sympathy among the business menj
j: '.: cd!;:e;i - formid in order that tlu-.y j
a'l itp.v in this coming vea c in !
a'l itp.v m t-i'.s coming yeac m
h:: ue-.; to nuke the old town a win- ;
er in ?.ny:b:r:g that is taken no.
wnetne'- i
t bo j-
imnrovemen'.s. j
the an.i 'eve',);,mer.t of th
.-i'v and t.,rove of kisting benefit n
j the clti;;er,s. Now is the time to get j ,'ai',J sant!-
'busy on the banquet i iea, as the-e j ;Sonlt! leasehold good, and many
I Vn- winter ni.-'us can be snent in roi"111' articles too numerous to men-
. . : i.i i
"V o: ? p i.':-. ;;i t
.i-Tirc.,'"-f a I i vi'
fhr-n when i''
oi evi.'-v c
,.1.. ..,,
!,;, -bre and trade in the -hy,ln U llA lA' S'.i:l-.0 O.N
abr ,s together to get more tlmr-i
;,, x:o development of- the city
oman loves a clear, rosy com-
' Itrion. Pu.dork Pdood. P.itters i-
solen - .id for purifying the bloo 1.
... . .
clearing the skin, restoring you ml
digestion. All druggists sell it. Pri
riiblie dale!
Having sold my farm and expert
(o move away, I will offer at public
sale on my farm, which is one mile
w e.- L and live miles smith of I'latts
mouih. and one mile east and one and
a half miles north of .Murray, the fol
lowing described jrof)crty, o;i
Sale wi'l commence at 10: sharp,
l ive Iliad if Horses.
Ore brown mare, weight l,-b"0,
coming U years old.
Ore black male, weight l,4"i),
coming " ears old. ;
One dark bay mare, weight 1,'VM),
coming S years old.
One black horse, weight 1,2.70,:
sm.o'h mojth.
One black mare : priug colt.
E!om:i Iie.a! el' (utile.
One milk tow coining '. year.': old,
giving milk.
One '2'bmontl.-- old heifer.
():.e milk Cow 7 e.ars old,
giving milk.
One ! steer.
Sevt n head of .uviircr calves.
Fifteen Head of Hogs.
I Ti.n I. -.... I t!mrfii!i'l:livwl
Daror Jersey.
Koar head of shoats.
One 1 h:i"o;i do. red pedigreed r d
male hop-.
Janr.5j g Implcm nts.
Or.e r.earlv iif.v 7-foot Deering 8
Ore nearly new Van I'runt press
dri'I, with press wheels.
Or.e farm we e on.
( !eon M-hiw I iM..!- tr-.o-nn
-.,. ? :- v.,,i,
One m-arlv new Rad-er cultivator.
Ore New I .-rai-ture cultivator. I 5
Or.e Dtering mower, ."-foot cat. j
iir.ii Avery corn planter, witn
he.-k row complete.
Oop !isc; oiv ne:-rly new
r,,;,,, i,t.ere j.-aI:i: j.'.ov
Or.e (.'anion Idnch gang plow
(na; suiivV plow, ii.-mch.
Or.e Mc( ornwek hay rake. rew.
One ."-section iron harrow. '
Or.e harrow cart.
One Peru walking lister and d:id
One 1 1-imh walking plow.
One new wagon box.
Ore all-ste-el hand corn sheilcr.
One grindstone.
Ore .steel lister corn box.
Ore set of 1 1-4-inch buggy harness' K
One .".Lbfoot doubie ladder. j ft
Two bat'dred aied se ent v-five good
hedge posts.
Ore hand gra.-s seeder, now.
One ."-font cro.-s-cut savr, r.ew.
Ta ree bushel l e.! .!'" er re-d.
Or.e new binder whip.
()::y bloc!; and tackle.
One pik; of lie.'e'e Wood.
Three or
four dozen Pl mouth '
l0" pullets
Four piymouth Rock cockerels.
Soa.e old ami some new lumber.
Pile of cobs; some hay in barn.
One double harpoon hay fork.
Ore hundred raw brick and one-half
1 i:js general cieun-u; sale.
i ... . -.i .- '.-i i
a'1' evcryiiiwig win positively oe sia.i.
l'l:ui 'MI -" )l
sums of ?lt) and under, cash in
ham!; on sums over $10, a credit o:
0 or S months will be given, purchaser
giving i:otewith approved security.
bearing .X percent interest from date.
.o property remoed until terms of
sale are complied w ith.
ciiai;lfs lonc.
V. R. YOU NO, Auctioneer.
V. O. Ldill) EKRR, Clerk.
I am now prepared to lock
after all general blacksmilhing
and horseshoeing. Shcp 4 1-2
niles west of Murray.
I I EJ ll
Lo J. o&ii
The Union Auctioneer
Union, Nebraska
j All sale matters entrusted to my care
will receive prompt and care
j ful attention.
! Farm and Stock Sale?
a Specialty!
. Rates Reasonable!
! feiy Address or phone me at Union
J for open dates. :
v.-:.-.-.--.- --. . . ..'' v-- ;;Afi
ii-4 k ! p.
-. it-Sir Ail
r - ' i
) mm p.
. t4.
B ? 3 i'" '
'J v-t i:
Bet ter cookies, cae
:n:J liic-ii'Us. too. All
as Ii.L,r)t, ilcfiy, tciHicr
and t"SeliciiU5 as !i:oi!;er use-il
!).: -. Ar.'l ju t as wlv.Ie Pop w-er P;iki:ir P w
d r t!;-:n ('.-.liiiuet ciu.-t b-j bail
lil t;::y 'if.
A:.!i vour l -c?-.
1 A
r,rcr.ivi;D K:!;r.sT
:.r. .. :.!' 12
'- i i -v.
2.... t ; ,-tj. r : C .:v-c:. Ir-j
i i : -
ea; ;e
rdi.s Rutii t'niley was in Lincobi
Lee Prouty has been quite sick with
th- measles.
!'iel Krar was in Lincoln Thurs
day and Friday.
Mi s. Andrew SuLton is reported not
: o well this week.
Aif.vd Stioerner spent Sunday and
Monday hi Wa!a.-h.
Jinny V.'o'fe was in Lincoln Fiiday
ha.ving denial wark done.
S. C. Rovles was in Omaha Tuesday
Wednesdiv on business.
' ' v i-.'.y, ', in on Vn r
tj . v. ocni.-u ii.iut in on i-
Tuesoay to ivsit frineds here.
The Ladies' Aid Society met at
Mrs. A. N. dyers' Wednesday.
Idr. and Mrs. Ed Stone will move
ento the Davis farm this week.
John rdurtey ' returned from hir
Oic'aboma trip Tuesday on No. P5.
Mrs. IIe:be;t idoore a:al daughter,
Ldanche. vrere in Lincoin Saturday.
A carload of sheep was shipped out
of here to South Omaha Tuesday.
Iked Dreamer of University Place
spent Saturday here among friends.
Mr. and Mrr. Kirkpatrick
weie passengers for Linco'n Wednes
day. Mi?. John Mullen and son, of More
head, Kansas, are visiting lekuives
Prank Davis and family moved to
U.c-ir new home at Syraruso last
Clifford Appleman was a passenger
to Lincoln Wednesday evening on
No. 17.
Wiiliam Utegrove left Thursday for
Iowa, where he works on the Mil
waukee railroad.
Mrs. Quimi of Weeping Water
visited her aunt, Mrs. Nellie McCurdy,
rnd other relatives last week.
V.'i'kam (.'odbey came down fron
Linco'n to visit Sundi.y wiih hi-:
bioi!er. Chas. Godbey. and family.
P. S. Aik'i of University Place ii
putting in a grocery rtore in the
building lecently vacated by Curyea
S: Sen.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale L'cylos enter-
li kiMlm m
.'.i..fV x i' ; r
v e ' . v - !--s ' i . . y
lained the Misses Inez and Ellow-eno
Ilamilio'i, of Lincoln, Saturday and
( has. Skiles of David City came in
Wednesday on No. 18 to visit his
parent-;. -Mr. arid Mis. Alex Skiles,
and other relatives.
.Jiak? Weave?!- of South Rend came
in la: I Wednesday to visit his cousins,
Mr. end .Mrs'. Shaffer, lie returned
home Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Casey went to
l.:ur In Saturday morning to attend
ike Kr.ij'.fit.s of Columbus installation
of oft'i vi s. They returned home Tues
day. Chief Dispatcher Dalby of Fair
bury . here helping at the depot
while the telegraph wires are partly
oat of commission on ai-count of the
S. Rouse, of Nelson, Neb., visit- SI-
Mrs. J. P. Reuse and
?k. and will visit in
Peru, Verdon and Lincoln
letuiiutig to her home.
J. H. Stioerner returned home
f i rn Fin. wood
es.lay evening,
. here she had been caring for her
daughter, who has been real sick with
the mea: !'. s, but is convalescent at
this writing.
Pr. If. O'lrmnings of Seward,
Neb., called in con-ultation with
Dr. Muir Wednesday in regard to
Mrs. Andrew Sutton's condition. Mrs.
Sutton has been quite poorly for the
na-t two months.
i OS.
CaiKs Sfnv snd Values
, 'j l ? s '. r r. 1 1 j e aid 11
(r-f.frtral O-jjoty M
Fo'ti I'.'jl'.'yf. Hiip-ier Fo
1.1' :1
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IM. l.fipg it' Af r,rfj j.riff sii.c a Ken
iti.- rv. !!'!' .Moi;'.;.r;i - 7 as wrr.t a
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ij ;;:rifA tar. r.'o?; of last wK
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l.air i.s .A?exi'-an Je 07-77 3 nl: i.i.Titi
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r-.' c t" ? ; ; '
Eczema spreads rapidly; itching al
most drives you mad. For quick re
lief, Doan's Ointment is well recom
mended. aOc at all stores.
Per Sale.
Two horses, three and four years
old, broke, that were bought- at the
Robert Shrader sale. Will be sold
right if taken at once.
II. C. LONG, Murray, Neb.
Don't fail to attend the Cosmo
politan club dance Saturday night.
Respectable and the best cf ordr
maintained. Everybody cordially in
vited to attend.
Colli Senale and House DoTiisii
Share In Keeping Pledges.
Only Thirty Employees Are Attend
ing to Work of Hojce Indic2t:cm
Are Appropriations Will Be RerJucec
C1 500.CC0 Compared Witn 1913.
Lincoln. Kel. 2. Taxpayers r an st
much in tlio pre-ent li-gi.slat tiro's nctiv
iiy to think alio. it during the vr"jk.
1'or instance, only $l.".",a lias lx" t
spent by ttio house of 1'f-prosent ..t i t
so far, out of rite $11', nun provided it.
the legislative-salary liill for n.'pioyc
oi that Priini li of the hnvm-.i !. ire as
sctably With twenty days of the sr s
sion cone, being otie-t liirif of the sixty
d:iy period, the house has spent, oti'j
11 per cent of its fund for employee -wajie.s.
Chairman Taylor of the commit trf
on employees now feels sure that tin
house will be aide to stay within its
limit of thirty-tlir'e f-mployf-fs, the
number allowed it under tli" b-gi-i'a
tivo reform plan adopted this em
Only thirty are now on the payroll
fl':d with this force tliines are runnina
along just like clockwork.
Two years aso the payroll at thi
t:m. contained between sixty and sev
outy names, snd at one time there were
about eighty persons li -1 oil as hoi-1:
employees. The jobholders were s:
r.nmereiis then that they .got in ea'i
ether's way. It is now being demon
strated that the work of the 1cl:;s!;i
tare can bo carried on in fir.-t c!as
shape by fewer than half tli" nu:i'!ei
of employees us'd at forai- r sessions
Chairman Taylor's pocket diary, i
which he keeps a record of al! rm
rdovees and their lime of sr rvire
shows the following to 1, a complete
list of all persons working for th.?
house: Chief clerk, two assistant
cleiks, chaplain, serjeant-at-arms, one
r ssistant sergennt-at-arii's. do kei
clerk, timekeeper-bool:keeper. tve
Ftenoerapliers in chief clerk's ol'iee
one messenger, two pages, two proof
renders, two custodians, four eb iks ir:
tbe bill room, three stenographers in
the engrossing room, three clerics ol
committee and three janitors.
The janitors are paid out of th'
legislative funds, but work under thf
dircet'on of the head janitor at the
ca rdtol.
"There is no doubt in my mind thnt
the house will get through on its oiig
innl allowance of $ln.(n"i0 for em- j
pViyees," said Chairman Taylor. "Thf j
appropriation bill, as amended, give;
tis $l-',oi.O for the purpose, but I don't
think any of the extra $2,000 will bf
needed. I believe that the present
force of employees is more efficient
and is doing more and better work
than at any prior legislative session
when twice as many were employed.'
The senate bas not made the same
decrease as the house in this regard
nl;houi;h it is spending considerably
less money for employees than twe
years ago. It has forty or more, a?
compared with thirty in the house. A
prominent Democratic member of the
senate admitted to Chairman Taylor
of the house committee tbat the up
per chamber has a. dozen or fifteen em
playees which it does not iKed.
Ilesides its big saving on employees'
wages, the house this year is abou'
S.ltlO ahead on the cost of notary pub
lic attestations. These are necessnrv
on all vouchers for salaries, wasc
nr.d miscellaneous expense. In 101.1 n
Lincoin man who had a notarial com
mission was on the bouse payroll fot
this ore purpose. This year the com
mittee on accounts ami expenditure;
pai-1 $1 to pet a notarial commission
f'-r one of the regular employees, a::''
he row furnishes all the certificates.
The senate timekeeper has decided
to adopt this feature of the house sys
teai. and was out Saturday rustlina
signers on a notarial petition for on?
of the senate employees.
Members of the house standing com
mittee on rules and resolutions ar
this week considering the Howell res
o'utibn passed by the senate last week
The measure indorses the Hitchcock
anti-munitions bill now pending he
fore congress.
A number of the Democrats of the
house are strong in their desire to see
the resolution passed. They argue
that Senator Hitchcock's paper sup
ported all Democratic candidates dur
ing the last campaign with an extreme
ardor, that that daily paper is the one
most frequently called upon to fight
the battles of Democracy of this statf
snd that when a slight chance roni"j
to pay the senator a tribute it wou'd
e appropriate to do so.
The senate now has possession ol
the constitutional convention bill the
document which surprisingly wenderl
its way through the house last week
ar.d is now the guest of the senatorial
"What to do with the hill Is what
troubling the members of that body
They do not want to appear one whit
less willing to serve their state than
d:d the members of the lower house,
but they want to think the mattet
r.ver at length, so that they will he
F'-re they are doing nothing that may
back- fire.
The most Important phase of the
pfair is whether or not the propo-
sit ions that might be submitted as &
part of the deliberations of a corti-
i.. f ll il
'I ! i ; . -: i u
I'n! I l!. I
oi i lie measure s. ir..
a.-e, while tliusi' v. .o i e
Hi.- mati' r .-.:y i'-.' 'I
t!e in ol (-'! ai: ..''i i i .ii
TKe woii-.
Over al l.i-l
11 e j i j -: 1 1 1 :
n i:
; .!til
l ii' 1
lis in'.o the ).o p.-r ... ; h-
The vara fy is n.iiio as .! ;
hot ses. ion, liovexer. . i. ! li.. i
nenaius much won-, to don i
meliibel S. Tl.ey have p. '.!. ...
irli that are iiaji'.r!;. t a;el i
all i nd d to v. it h d 1 ' ii : .. .
i c
in i:.:' i bout a si-ay u . s-- '.
Iii' idi ntally. Cat i.- the an;! b r
the iiiemliers of tl... i'i.ora p'.'v
bast. They do to- v.m' to i it f
'Oil an .hour 1 o id I... ! ft ..
Tin v have nh dg- d th'm-ei.s i , ;
tain tli
1 end
If th
,. ti
( Oil
t I!
in SO!iie !
that tin.e
Pal.iie wr-rc-hoi
nor sii 1 1 s ch -siL-:: ed
e! tioti of niei.i:,.
1 I r. .ii d ist i !
h irl.lti.
I.) ,Mi id.'
:s c,i' th.' s
:s of th.- st
two pki'ti rn id -I'g. s w
r.ii : irty i )i. i y. ;
ie'i I ! I .
f.i'ril. 'I
;lOri.d no v
ler.P IS
are sl.rrrvii:
r!end to
that limy wii
t.'.e opliositi' II
Pad that this
I i. s - aid t i.ev
be .- in-' . )';d 'i'
that in s ar - n.
o;.j.o.-it; -a app. :.v- ' r.
be so
I t ar - it , - r-1
A close i .! vesr iga ' a m '-.i-' -' d
r 1 1 f I th bill's fi i'" .is w.-re n. a! !r r : :
fghr and that the lai-ie-ity -vit'i !o : 1
1 wa gi-'-.-itc r to all .-.p; ear. no -than
a majority witkeg '.mc.' --.
W. .1. Ta: h r. ho;i-f i o-T.--iv whe
thought tkir i'i. re no f a 1 for
wan house h gis'ai ion. w as i ;.';) t,
the ti.ue when the bark gua rr. i.t ;. !
was I'lini ted and t'ia' wa one o-' t'
argmnenfs ns.-d a--.ab.-t it a" th -f
time. Ir is tree, afeeliii.g o !':
oi tiie 1 : !';or i -o s. tli-t I'n i'1 w.- l"
:-!, .and for 'bar h
rani, and li'e- bat
.-.ceil find in ' ;
: - i . : 1 . o n a
l ov t hat
1 -
rat .
" o
i i e
fiere :s i.oi a on
v -po would ipl e ii
b-" :,
to- ;.'
ollbl I
. I -
Not even Mr. T
in thai r '
J-r.;se .- . 'V g T io U fire CO : i !'i . ! e r t t i .i f
t!.".v will .d ihi'I t!-.- ni'-a -i.r i
car oi' ihe fire ard t;ml u In n ll ti i
co' -i s ir .i!l rally aio ,i.d it i',.- r--
quir.-d v t' s of the pa 1 1 y.
Api;r" i !a; ion ! ;!'.-. always of
Asf to lie- p. iip'e of tl'O l .! .-, o !
less ,-r, the i'i -" :t .-e . i"ii than af
e-ither th" 1 ' 1 - or 1011 s. s-ions of t'
lawmal ers. Tht is ac o ifO. ,! for :i
the c-ampaien mi:'!" :.-i:;s;
ganc-o during t! ' s.m" of It
i probab'.' fio-ii an '!- f
lb a fna'ife ri'iini :' t -1 ' s v.
there will !.- f"- r b!'! .-'m- ti--.,"- a
the two 1 o-'s s. too. Ih:--' nt either ,,'
the j receding s -s.-.'c -:s ,,n 1 f ; '
an a'-c ount ing is taken :!' s i
fg'd there ill be c"t" f.i.- l.-.l
among the fi nailer- oarr ill. e'e- e o'
both house. (b'.-niT M-iiel id
t' he wlil s-:;:s'- ! i:' th" a-: "
'ri.-i t ions are y, '.' ' lov.-f-r th oi '
101.1 session. If thiit 1- the c-1-.' '
will not us.- the v to pnvi r exti ::- '
ly. If too nmny .bill. !-cM-.-ver. co::"
r.rt to !iim. if he sees T 1. t the ei; , os
for which the two 1 o i. - s have a; or"
iri.lted money ;o.d s.'e.s that th'-v i.r--not
wortliy ends, lien he will appl'
t?o fiiii l.r'-s. r witho it I'-a'ation U
is not at all bi'kward about s'-itoi-j
tl at in advance. IP- sa-.s he will d
it. arc! he w;,.i do if wi;ho"t a do i' r
lie wants to make a record d Ting i
present a'lnini.-ti'i'.i'o::. Thai ! Id
only ambition an 1 I, entertains r.r
other ambition, not wit ' -1 lud'n t!
a?seition oi' a nutaN-r f h's a-"
pi'ii t- w!io A:int him fo do s i:!.f
tk!lig !-e.
A state labor emplomei:t bureau
for th" unemp'o;. d bi Nebri-'-.a i
lait of the c or.t: ileii a a of See; I u of Douglas to the l'.-S!a:
eilst mill.
Senator Q.iinby would, nril c 1 is b-i
reau a ppoint 'vc at the hands of tl
goiiior with at least on" wonai
nn mla-r
Tlie senator from Houghis wo a'd
provide for the maintcaam " of the
bureau through a surtax of
of 1 per ce nt to be b it-. I n; on t'e
full actual value of th" -fr.-nd in t!,
state belonging to nonrt -it't nt s of r
state. The bureau niembtis are to ro-i-'v--$"
a tiay for actual time and ." ei.'-
The bill dei l.i res a a -
Seriate figures shov that I'e.-tl i I
Custer is the c hampion bii! iv.oub i"
He has thrown thirteen ireisures :i;'
the wire basket on th" mi nt irvV
desk'. Howell of Longias is just 1 1
hind him, with twelve measure- T'..
balance of th senators sea'e da a
the list to Doutliett. Henry, pi.h-r an !
Weesner, who have not introdu e.l :-i
The strafe has killad nine bil's r1"-.
far and has pa.sse.l ca think te'd.i .
fourteen measures, two of them ';
house origin.
In the house, r.-tlmrr of l ou-.-'i-leads.
with twenty-six b'ils. ari l I'i 1
mond of the same r-o l.'y is cl-:-e b"
hind, with twenty rive.
Under title of II. It. 2r.2, th" co n
mittee on taxation and r vet-ue !: :
introduced a bill to elirrrm-te the p- ie
tice of some state banks and tm-t
companies in evading p;iment of lav- .
by the deduction of real esta'e :ao;
gaees from capital sto'h.
The bill is an am. 'm.-i.t o th -penoml
revenue law f rb!d llr.g 1 ir.':
and trust companies to ok.--. ; ic-
gages against capital sto' k Th's v. ; p
it is thought, remedy the evil a id it
was with this idea that the commit
tee recently turned down n bill r -pfi?-ing
the Smith mortgage tas !a.
! tutloaal ! ent i : t .'.
i i;i:iteiy by tin: ' '