PLATT5M0UIR 6 EMiv7EEE LY J0UE1NAE. PAC-r 6. MASK A BALL! Moms Saturday Evsning, February 1 3fb SOME VERY INTERESTING SUGGESTIONS ON THE CORN STALK DISEASE tsa I W'O CASH I'kIZi !um- l.v ilic I' (rl!u-u:i ( it tits ADMISSION' .:ilu- r A THE WIZARD OF WISELAND" NEXT j .-een at the Pa mole theater Saturday;!':1;,-. witft i iiiirii. Fem-uatv A talented com- Kast iw;.- ! par.y : -lrn.-ei The so-called cornstalk disease that has L.aflled the veterinarians is still !iijrir.iC in many counties. Horses ru:i ji,iri;r on dry pasture in the fall of the year, with an already run-down condi tion, waiting for the first stalk field ito he opened to them, will rush l.i 'j-.rid Korv.e themselves with the dead, ,di-"a.;cd and unpalatable fodder, an I I erhaps with a scant supply of water, and rio salt or other assistant in stimulating digestion, will naturally l.t-come subjects for disease. Kven i those that are better cared for (?) put in stabh-s at ni;rht, and perhaps fed a few ears of corn and a maurer full of straw, another diet not lit for korres, are still subject to the disease. Yoi:n? lio'ses, especially, are liable to Idisia.o ii::i!"r r.nove condition. In order to .'tuin best lesu'ts, and keep horses ia Kod, healthy and urowirvr condition, my experience has been, th.ii;;;rh they are run in eood stalk tields dm in' the dav, they j should be put. in the barn or yar d at r.brh: and iriven a balanced ration of j a eo.-tde of quarts of oats, a double iw. Uul of oil cake and frood alfalfa i t r Knit W:ter :.t ' a day. If the above is fol I thiik very little will be co ri.-lnik di ease amonr . IN I'LATTSMOUTII forty yi:ai:s ago. Messrs. Kelly, Mahoney ' O'Con nor nave tha first dance of tlu; ".So cial Club" series on Tuesday n!rhi. Lar;-re crowd and a ood .ime Uiey had. too. Music by lb own.-: ytriiur band. a!.! p!.:yers with a hwi .i on i 'it.'.' fi'il eTicirnt cho.-u-; :"i 1 well hear-l o: i uait ed balb t are piomi-ed in The pre- ,ko:se- sent:: t Ion hero, t he cast beimr tlu'J Tie- lie. t way to feed the corn plant V 111. . The ?,Iasvns of Plattsniouth and vi cinity enjoyed a rich treat on Satur day evening in hearing a lecture by Lb-olhcr Hrotsollo, from Eypt- It was said to be the lejst lecture on Ma--oiuc subjects ever delivered here. George M.tvfield. who has been un der the ve;th r some lately, is now I'ettin' all . K. a;rain. What has been supposed to be pleurisy was only an old bioken rib jrettinr cu its ear anin. Dr. George lilack has plaster ed him to-t tlier aeahi. and in a fe-v weeks (Jeorj'M expects to be as new. On Monday iveninic ju-t as most white folks were sitting1 down to su -per the cry of tire ranir out on the streets and C. Parmele's premises were found to be on lire. It was caused by the explosion of a lamp, ::nd a number of books and other DON'T BE M SLED F'attsmouth Citizens Should Read and Heed This Advice. Kidnev trouble is dangerous and often fatal. Don't experiment with something new and untried. Use a tested kidney remedy. I!e.2in with Doan's Kidney Pills. Used in kidney troubles aO years. liecom mended here and every v.!i ere. A Plattsmcuth citizen's statement fotm-: proof. It's testimony it can be in vestigated. K. M. Duttery, Tenth and Walnut streets. Phut stnouth, says: 4,I usd Doan's Kidney Pills for pain in in" back and hips and other symptoms of kidney trouble. The quick reiief they brought warrants me in endorsing tl em. I still use Doan's Kidney Pill--. i ii . c-ecassoriaiiy and lTcommonn mem us as ever." r,ii.- r.ll dealer-!. 1) on piojeity were destroyei d fore the lire could be extintruishel. The loss was estimated nt s It'.D, and niomptly paid by Capt. Palmar, the a.-ren. it nduht have been worse. -imply a-k for a kidney remedy set I loan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Buttery had. Foster-Miibui n Co.. Props., Huffalo, X. Y. Ii.T'art for Louisiana. sam; as use 1 in its SATURDAY NIGHT ( ne ruinn e lorrrar.ces. d .nd thirtv-eislii run of is to fee l it in the shape of en.-ilajr-.- per- , J. the process (;." curitir silajre it oes into a lieat of 1. J i:c es Fahrrnhei; , tine of the Uir Musical Successes of Ih 'r.. k e ."ea":n in Musical ("ninttly. One of the bic musical successes of the season is the new, two-act farc':.d extravaganza. "The Wizard of Wise lar.d." the book by Pdde Dudley, former dramatic editor of the Denver Post, the score and lyrics by Chicago j Publishing House. I The instantaneous success rained by j this meirv offerin? is said to be duel to a clear and well wrouirht-out plot ; nd to the excellence of the nt-i-dc A SOLUTION TO THE PROSLEiil PRINTED IN THE JOURNAL RECENTLY tiny. Osmond. No! To the Editor of Journal: .. .Tan. ili 1011 (which is suf. ".cit nt to d.estroy all dis- i I e:i. e -cerins or mold tha: may be in jil.e c:n.' I have fed a liberal quan tity of sdajre to my horses, once a it- .l.i in .r td'-i. u-ili;.-r t"i i r 1iii- ii r 'ears, with rond results. T the word ensi'.ave. 1 would .-a:, ter time. My hoi: ten ve-:ir; la'tsmoui:! r.-.enc-od by the purchase of pure-bred own. and the lul.- It. It. received I i j:isture" in the win bu-iner d.ates back about at which tine I mm- D- E'Mtoi-: Pollowip-r olutien to the pre ker wore it pec Ker w I mediate'y i.i : to start vr.ul 1 tak; i tl e woo pee: stecK. to improve rn v sleek of this vicinity. ruiinir the last six years, in ccn- ir1" ! rection wih my general farmiufr, I the standard of the latter, accor to several critic reach that of! an t J.- 'ays, ft s.; itays ; hole throutrh tlie cypress lo tne proniem :o"s net to berin til! it is 1 iror.'.h i- -l-. t-u - : :. u....1.1.. 1 'inii. 1 :i;rnL oinra. i ne lueee jsi mciuiul-h .-si v : . ' l;..u i,...;.,, ,-,!,:.. Jit would tak- 4 months 12ti 1 ,.A !onjrfi or -r . d:iy. it v.oiui uii.c, ",-n'-"1-- l ave sold nearly ten (10) thousatid to p". k a I v;t5th of horses, m.,.-t of j wbi. ii we-e ra.i-e.l on my own farm. I"-'''-' Itc-crntlv. I disoo-:ed of ten (10) head of registered Percb?tons to an Jov.a party, oiii of eleven (11) head I was otfeiir-cr for sale. I re'rrot that The IJ. M loaded drin'v the if Xo vembtr and sent east in all 1,14'. This would, seem to show that busi- niis.: i .j 1 1 iri!' i 1 1 ft- n 11 c-inrt .iii.I t-.-t ' ' ih.-. I.i we were rot entire! v '-rrasshojieied I' . .. -tct.ons. last year. II our interests south ot thu Pintle are properly loekel afl.-r lids wilder the above account will in- A y every year, and man . e'd'-riris s lie t oriimencc-d . II. Powdish. the Louisiana land !, will lep.u t tomorrow mor niirjf Frai.k'in, T.oui-iann, to b ;.rone :d.out a week or ten days. He will be act'orriparded by a number of pros- ma: for for i A Fresh and Complete Stock of Groceries! I wish to impress upon the minds of all my friends and patrons that I have re ceived and opened up a new fresh and complete line of groceries in the Gorder building, opposite my old stand on Main street, where I am ready and willing to supply the trade with any and everything in this line. I will conduct my business in this location awaiting the completion of the repairs on my former business place. I will be pleased to meet all my old friends and patrons, also all new ones who care to favor me with their patronage. -L B. EOEOEBGER- Public Auction! oective land purchasers, amonjr whom will be J.'.ho Tompkins r.nd wife an.i Prank Vallery, of this city. There will be some ei.rht or ten in the party. lance of whom are from other i rrea-e i'c: other r.ew that v.iii a pc rity. dd to her wealth ar.d pros- Dance at Murray Thursday. Tl-e foHowinr are the ofbcers-el ;-c of P!;tt: mouth Lodre Xo. n A. V. an 1 A. M., for the cnsuinir Masonic year, and will be installed on Saturday nii-ln. December : P. K. White. W. M.; J. P. J.h:v--on, S. W.; Julius Pep leibe; r. J. W.; J. W. M arshall, Treas ure; D. II. Wh-x-Vr. Secietaiy; S. -. There will be a li;r social dance niven Thursday evening, February lth. at Jerkins' hall in Murray bv' Joe Whc'er, and a cordial invitation is extended to everyone to be present T.d i ave a iood time. Music will be furnished bv the Holly orchestra of cily. 1-27-d.vv I I :ys) tef iome of the artistic kind that ' f.irc" their vsv into rar'or and drnw- i inir roim and others that are humm 1 r.r.-l whistled everyAvhere. The stjry is just as original as the the same hole thro" 1 1 o pet : : j both conli lentrth of time t;. peck a jR .Hs- osir-r of the. e horses tluit thev h 117 shingles as it woui l..i nkle I) j r.o. i:e-erii".vet r. P. II. WiUiams, Sr. S.: A. Despain. S.: Jas. falinr. Tvler. P ; Jj- Pobiic 4 ucnon I o'e throurh the lor, in the same amount title. The jrraduati.ijr class of a ladies' seminary, through the wood. Then, since 117 shbvrb's c d tbrou.".h in 4"-'. flays, can be necked through l ! i.Tiee n i left this vicinby, l:t nd I let them jro. 11 have ;ne, that s I trt mv 1 j head of mv herd 1 per .hc re- A A skating party who had been liav hav! their enjoyment seriously marred as they were preparing to start for too l at the i hom:?, by two of the party skatin-jr in- to-wit to ar- nil ho!-?, opposit;? the depot. Mi.-s The undersi;rnel will sell at Public Auction at his home'. '2 1-2 miles south of Platts-moi'th. on FEnUPAPV 4th. P)l.-, iTIirUSDAY, Sale will commence at 1:00 sharp, th.e feliowirjr described property, fir two year.-, and is a sire is not iren- mystie properties of a potion prepared j by their professor in chemistry and ) shin-. 1-11" dav'-s Ih of JO.-J It is not days. -1 1 7' cult fo 'n I e rally known, but this yourvr otfsprinir s ve:y promisinr, and I am offering him at a tea? on abb? price. them in charpe and promotes one of the same lentrth ( ii. i .i i the men of the party to the dienitv of 1 ri I1P1"- " Tne frrassnopp-i -The Wizard of Wiseland." The r'-'- Tth days to kk-k out one seed T-mliar condition nrevnilini in Wise-1 The brofdem does not state the siz, land cause comical confusion, for a time, as everything in the disposition and circumstances of each individual is reversed. The results can be im- rcined when it is remembered that the your.jr ladies have had their love af fairs and their men companions theirs. In the end all are eajrer to tret back to their former suroundinjrs. a wish which the pood fairy gratifies by a wave of her wand. It can be readily seen that there are great opportunities for the display of ingenious and intricate scenic art of the pick!", therefore we must take a pickle with a size most suitable to a cork-letrcred jrrasshopper. which one containing 115 seeds. Then sine? 1 seed can be kicked out in "2-l 17tii days. 1-l.t seeds can be kicked out in 1 IHx1. r2 ! 17th days, or 4!2 5-Dth days, which is eoual to 1 year. 1 months, 7 tlays, rj hours and 20 min utes. Hence, the answer is: One year, 4 months. 7 days, 13 hours and 20 minutes. Yours truly, A Knox County Teacher. which thev drink while unanimously ; :l --ro.s,-eeu rianopper w,u. a cor r. j ln caVi,!r the farm and Cass coun wishine for the same thinjr, are trans- j -(' ln kKk sec"! r,"f of ns,!y for th,. present at least, I do not ported durintr a short sleep to a won- i 51 "ooer -.e.reu ooi-.m-ckv. -.. j,,Vc r,iy 1 kmjr for -ood horse .ierful island where -pebbles are Tk a h',u' hrouah a sh.n-le. Th.-i Iar!s and flowers are jrirls," and.--,nC? recknv.r a hole by the woolpeck a beniirnant fairy nueen takes!0" a,", k"'-"T "ut a seed by th.- 'rias-hopper rerjtur md sliould I return to the farm will st "II b" interested in the breeding uji of a uond rrade f)f I wi.-h to thank my neighbors and friends for their co-operation in the betterment of the horse business of this vicinity, r-r.d hope they wiil continue the in terest they have already developed. Yours trly. J. J. fiustin. Murdoch, Xeb. YOUNG PEOPLE MAR- PARSONAGE SUNDAY Yesterday afternoon at 2:4 at the in the stage sc-ttincrs, as well as of ,,a' ,or SaIt'. home of Ilev. A. C. Hollowell, pastor weird and beautiful transformations j Prairie, timothy and clover hay injef the Church of Christ, occurreJ the and of bewildering and fascinating stack, $.".0 Oper ton. Just east of the costumes. Over '400 costumes are river. S. P.owe, Pacific Junction. Ia. used in the presentation, owing to the trreat variety called for. "The Wizard of Wiseland will be l-'M-ltd Subscribe for The Journal. Odds and Ends Merchandise! Veare placing on the bargain counter a lot of merchan dise odds and ends. These we offer at a Iare reduction Ladies' and. Children's Hosiery Ladies' and Children's Woolen Underwear Woolen Batts for Comforters Comforters Outing Flannel An Odd Lot of Worsted Dress Goods Ladies' Silk Petticoats marriage of Mr. William II. Colfelt and Miss Sulla Z. Lewis, two very popular young people of this city. The wedding was a very quiet one, the only attendants at 'the ceremony be ing Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Rhin, who at tended the young people as the solemn and impressive marriage service was performed by the minister. The young people, following the wedding, depart ed for the home of the bride's parents, where they were showered with well wishes on their new-found happiness. They will make their home in the future on a farm west of th"i3 city. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Lewis and has been reared to womanhood in this city, where she possesses a host of the warmest friends. The groom has made his home in this locality for the past four years, being engaged in farming, and is a most estimable young man in everV way. Zickweller Left at One of the Starts. About two months ago, a man s light gray heavy overcoat, lined with gray and white striped satin to waist. Anyone noticing such a coat in their j store please notify the Journal office T'va Shelton wont to the bottom, un der the second ice, rising against the lower ice she worked her way to the hole and climbed upon the lower ice, and. stood in about three feet of water until the gentlemen could get a ladder and ropes, with which they were suc cessful in getting her out, after being in the water 1" minutes. She was taken into the depot immediately, an I dry clothing brought for her, afte which she was taken to her room. Wednesday morning she was very weak, but we trust she will get over it without any further serious trouble. Miss Shelton wishes us to tender her warmest thanks to the gentlemen wh. assisted her out of her cold bath. K 1 Mart also got a lively douche, but was hauled out II(e)art whole for future use. P L P LIC SALK I wish to announce that on Monday, February 22, I expect to make an mction sale of Farm Implements, consisting ot buggies, wagons, en gines, cream separators, and, in fact, nearly every implement used on the farm. This will not be a sale of a lot of ;dds and ends, but will be a sale of standard good"; each article put up will be sold, anl will carry the fac tory's, as well as my own, guarantee, same as if sold at private sale. This will be your opportunity to buy what you may be in need of in this line right at the openiripr of the farming season. Usual terms will be given. See the Journal for furth2r notice. W. T. Richardson. P. S. ratties having anything to sell bring it in and we will have a "'Sales Day." Horses, Hogs and C luckens. Ore bay brood mare, 11 years old, weight i,:r,o. One smooth mouth bay brood mare, with foal. One bay mare 7 years old, weight l,b"0. One brown gelding weighing 1,400, P years old. Ore bav trebling weighing 1.100, 10to mention years old. One milk cow, '. years old. One milk cow, 2 years old. 12 HhcroHshbred Poland-Chinas. Two recorder brood sows. One yearling brood sow, eligible to registrat ion. Four gilts. Five thoroughbred boars, sired by Nelson's Wonder. Twelve thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chickens. Farm Machinery. Ore Peering binder. .One farm wagon. One wagon with hay-rack. One mower. One "-section harrow. One (Jale corn planter with 100 rods of wire. Two cultivators. One hay rake. One John Deere lister. One set of work harness. One set of light harness. One top buggy. One old buggy. One seeder with grass seed attach ment. One Rest-Ever gang plow. And numerous household articles. As I am going to quit farming, I will sell property listed below at Public Auction on the old Jesse Ervin place, 2 miles east and 2 miles north f Union. 2' ' miles east and 5 miles south of Murray. MONDAY, FEI'HL'AIiY 1",, 191"). Sale Beginning at 10:M0 A. M. 7 Horses and Mares. One black horse 7 old, weight ! ,::o). One hay mare smooth mouth, weight 1,1 no. One bay mare ! years old, weight 1 ,:b".o. One black mare 7 years old, weight 1.100. One roan ma'e 0 ears old, weight 2.:00, in foal to horse. One bay mare 1 years old, weight 1,200. in foal to horse. One bay rrare " years rid, weight 1.2"'b Cows and Calves. Six head of milch cows, 4 giving milk and two will be fresh soon. Five head of calves. Implements, Etc. O i .j'i-iiuh Rain wagon, as good as new. One spring wagon, in good shape. On' old buggy. One new hay rack. Ore good .'i-section harrow. One "Jennie land" cultivator. One sleigh. One set of l-inch work harnes-,. One set of l-i-inch work harness. One set of single harness. One set of driving harness. Four Dozen Hens. Many other articles too numerous PUBLIC IMPLEMENT SALE All sums of $10.00 and that amount, S Lunch Will Be Served on the Ground at Noon. For Sale. A high-grade piano for sale cheap if taken soon. Inquire at this office. Letter files at the Journal office. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind Yea Kav3 Alvsys Bought Bears the Signature of m -w TERMS OF SALE. All sums of !?10 and under, cash in hand; on sums over $10, a credit of eight months will be given, purchaser giving rote with approved security, bearing 8 per rent interest from date. All property must be settled for be fore being removed from the premises. W. T. ADAMS. Owner. WM. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer. C. C. FRICKE, Clerk. W. T. Smith of Amazonia. Missouri, who has been bee for a short time visiting with raUtiv es in this cty, de parted yesterda-' r-.fterncon for his home. Mr. mith states thai: hii family is getting along nicely ami en joying very much Pieir new home. TERMS: under, cash. months time will be given, if desired, on approved notes bearing 8 per cent interest from date. Lunch V.'ill be Served on the Grounds by J. D. Shrader. R. H. FITCH, Owner. LEWIS PROS., Auctioneers. J. M. PATTERSON, Clerk. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 191, I will offer at Auction Sale the follow ing Implements: Two 14-inch Walking Plows. One lG-inch Walking Plow. Four Gang Plows. One Sulky Lister. Three Tongue Cultivators. Two Tongueless Cultivators. Thiee Riding Cultivators. Two 3-section Harrows. One Disc Harrow. One 2-row Corn Cultivator. One Feed Grinder. One Sulky Hay Rake. One Metal Wheel Truck. Two Wagon Boxes. Four Boss Endgates. Three Press Drills. One Mower. Two Top Buggies. One Wagon. Two Cream Separators. One Grind Stone. Sale to Commence at 1 :'0 O'clock. Articles amounting to $10 or less will be cash. Above this amount a credit of six months will be given, purchaser giving a bankable note j beating eight per cent interest. I Parties having anything to sell, ! bring it in and we will have a "Sales Day." W. T. RICHARDSON, Mynard. Nebraska. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer. FOREST ROSE Best flour m the market. Sold by all leading dealer?. Don't You Believe It. Some say that chronic constipation cannot be cured. Don't you believe it. Chamberlain's Tablets have cured others why not you? Give them a trial. They cost only a quarter. For "-ale bv all dealers. When you are looking for the very best articles in the line of fancy box stationery, call at the Journal office, where you will find an exce'Ient variety to select from. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury r morrtirj- trill urily il..stror th t.Pnso of rr..'TI ami ruin I li'tily ili.rane tin" nlmln njstciu wlirii niirriii it tLe niui't.ii Kiiflun-. Sin it i.rtiilis h.iulii nrvrr lie usrd rxrrit on !ri-rli-inns f-.iu ivputablo ibTsirl.-ms. at the ilamBfc tl:rv w.ll lo li ten fulJ to tl.e Rmxl yrni ran i-Hii.v derive fr'iai ih.-ui. Hall' Catarrh t'un nir.iiiifiictiiml ly F. J. I'lienry Ac Co.. Tnli-l'. (ntnliis no n.rriurv. iiu.l i tak'-n Internally. rcti::p dlrertly Hi mi th" M.muI ami nun-oils ur farn if tin- system. Ill tmytnic Hall's at.-irrli Cure lie Mire vim. pet the c-miliie. It N t.ik.-n lnt.Tn:.l!v i:-nl niHile l:i T-il.-'l". Olilt by I". J. i I.oiiey i: t o. T stlai. iii.-iU free. S i I y Ptrplts. rrii-e. ".. rrf little. T. k. i: ,11' t r -.:i!ly Tin t roust iDation. "N3 The cost of building a silo is not an expense, it is an investment which you get back at the end of a year. We build the cheapest, most durable silo that is made and give you a guarantee which protects you against any chance of loss. If you are posted on the value of a silo come into our office and let us show you our system of construction. If yqu are not posted on silos come in and let us show you how you can increaee the profit of your farm 25 percent and more. We also make the best water tanks and grain bins on earth at less money than either wood or iron. Just south of the postoffice on Fifth street you will find us ready to talk silos and water tanks. Come in when you are in town and get acquainted. Concrete Construction Co., Plattsmouth, - - - Nebraska