The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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PAr.E 4.
Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Entered t the I'ostofflce at rlattsmoutb. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prloe: S1.5Q Per Year In Advanoe
I Warm hearts are a consolation in
case of cold feet.
Love contains no complete J
and lasting happiness save in y
the transparent atmosphere of -J
l- perfect sincerity. Maeterlink.
There are those who observe
neutrality by lying to both sides.
Hating a tightwad doesn't cost him
anything; try some other system.
Until the anti-cigarette law appear
ed the game lavvs were the biggest
legal joke.
Governor Morehcad is emphatically
opposed to any additional "commis
moi.s." Right, too.
John D. Rockefeller has given a
iJi.iter of a billion to philanthropy.
11 at won't hurt very much.
In selecting Andrew M. Morrissey,
lecently appointed deputy attorney
If you don't know what a man is
talking :Jout, just say his logic is
good, anil he will feel pleased.
Governor Morehcad does not favo.
the s-hort 1, allot, and there are thou
.'ands of other in the same boat.
Senator Burton of Ohio is a very
.-uecessful fililiuster, and he delights
in th;.t sort of business, especially in
a democratic senate.
The state senate pa.-scd the Hitch
iruk joint memorial asking congress
to step the exportation of arms and
ammunition, yesterday.
:o :
Belgium is now complaining be
cause it is overloaded with baby
clothes. They say it is not an incubator.
More bills have been introduced
now than will ever be passed.
Coldest weather for several years,
the universal verdict of those who
know cold when they see it
There is no danger that the price
of wheat will soar too high for the
fellow with a big bin filled with i;.
Official figures" show that 357,598
eneral, for the exalted position of Pay income tax, and there are almos
chief justice of the supreme court, a hundred million of us would do so, i
Governor Morehead has given expres- I we had the money,
sion to the confidence he reposes in I :o:
Mr. Morrissey's integrity and ability. when a person's religion impel
I 1 A 1 1 1 1
It is an evidence of hiirh anDreciation. nim lo P aoout nating nis neignuor
- . i i
It is no disparagement of the eminent "for truth's sake," it is an assured
lawyer who was chosen to have it fact that his tank is empty and he
I . 1 At I
L-.- tVi-,t hn mnclrlorul MOSl HIS TOUte UOOK
after Judge Sullivan and Dean Hast-1 -
ings had declined the proffered honor, evidently Umafta senators and
f- ,.-;n .irn it r,,. ci,rfc f representatives are getting their
ivi iv viv i lit uvviu a w a j oaaaav fc I
I 1 . i i t . . 1 i 1
Le considered second to either of snarj OI ciernsnips in me nouse ana
tnem. senate. They are onto the job, when
Governor Morehead has had a bet- there is any graft in sight for their
I f i
tor r.iinm-t nn t v- tVinn Viui o n vnnn olr I I"lCnU&a
to test such qualities of Mr. Morrissey
as have a bearing upon his fitness for
the position. During the two years
Word comes from Toledo, Ohio
that tight skirts are going out of
that the latter served as executive fashion- This wiH be luite satisfac
private secretary his contact with the tory when evidence is furnished thai
There is not in a whole world a
rapscallion that some woman is not
willing to try to reform. The job of
civilization is to keep them far apart.
The future of the federal commis
sion m industrial relations is as
sured, since Samuel Nutemeyer has
become its guide, philosopher an 1
W e are triad to know that Governor
Morehead has reappointed Judge Hol-i-rrr.b
to the position as member of
the board of control. He is a gran J
old man.
Many laborers in Nebraska are op
1 u.-eJ to the workinjrmen's compensa
tion law. For the man who is laid ur
for less than two weeks it is not
worth a continental.
From Washington comes the report
that 'Mr. Bryan will not be a candi
date for president next year. This
will ro doubt be consoling to some of
that gentleman's former friends in
Minority Ix?ader Mann, of th :
house, seems to be fearful that Piest
o?.t Wiion :s trying to build up a
iiiachine in his own interests. No re
publican president ever done such a oh, no!
The Dubuque (Iowa) Telegraph
Herald has just given S40,000 to char
itable institutions of that city. News
paper men are more often objects of
charity. We couldn't give any more
than that ourself.
In l'JVt there were 30,000,000 mar
i ied women in this country, and only
FS5.000 divorced women. How it i-5
today we are unable to say, but are
wUMng to wager that the number of
divorced women is double the number
recorded in 1910.
governor was such as to afford the
latter a most penetrating insight into
the character of his subordinate. The
governor has acquired some prestige
for the unvarying excellence of his
appointments to important positio is,
and there can be no suspicion that his
usual good judgment has failed him
in this instance.
As an ethical proposition, it may
excite some comment that the gov
ernor has chosen for the chief justice
ship a man who has progressed but
two years beyond the fortieth mile
pot, and has had no experience on
the bench. It may mean a wiping out
of traditions in that respect. It will
provide a test as to whether or not
advanced age and judicial experienc
are really essential to the quick and
effective administration of justice
Although Mr. Morrissey is beyond
the age at which Dr. Osier would have
chloroformed him as an incumbrance
in the prosecution of life's activities,
he is still young enough to show what
the infusion of young blood into the
supreme court may do toward hasten
ing judicial processes. The opportun
ity is up to him to demonstrate what
virility may do toward speeding up
judicial machinery.
Among lawyers nobody stands any
betto- than Mr. Morrissey, and large
profession influence was exerted in
his be half by attorneys in every quar
ter of the state. This would probably
have been of slight consequence, how
ever, if the governor had not known
the gentleman so well 'and had not
enjoyed such superior opportunities to
measure his capacity and fitness for
the place. It is impossible to con
jecture that his associates on the
bench can fail to find him companion
able, as well as capable, and wholly
free from the impulses that friction
among the members of such an or
ganization as the supreme court too
often creates.
It is a high honor to accrue to one
Toledo has the authority to dictate
the fashions.
If it were not for Ileal of Custer
county there might not be more than
a thousand bills introduced in the
legislature this winter, but it looks
like the gentleman from Custer
would have that many himself.
If the question as to whether or no
Nebraska shall hold a constitutional
convention is nut to a vote of the
people, it wm be snowed under so
deep that it will not be heard of for
several years, and maybe more.
The members of the legislature
who have been so unfortunate as to
have their . pictures in the World-
Herald shou-ld smack the cartoonist
on the jaw the next visit he makes to
the capital. They are awful, and as i
citizen remarked the other day, they
"look like the devil sued for murder!"
:o :
Here is what one of our citizens
propounded to the editor the oth?r
day: "What's the use of spending all
our money on congress when we've a
Commercial club amply qualified to
settle all national and international
propositions? Let's keep our money
at home and quit paying these congressmen."
:o :
The labor interests are asking foi
the creation of an industrial commis
sion, whose duty it shall be to carry
into effect the provisions of the em
ployers' liability act, instead of a new
euinmishion governor Jiorenead is
asking that the duties be added to the
present labor commissioner's office
And why not?
THE ANTI-CIGARETTE LAW. The game season is to be shorten
ed by the present legislature
Every person would be a real pes
simist if they could see themselves as
other people see them
:o :
President Wilson has vetoed the
immigration bill because, lie says, "its
provisions were too radical."
Massachusetts does not need any
special recall law for use on its gov
ernors, who are elected annually
The "squeeze 'em tight tango" is
And the reason is that, thanks to cIaimed as a new dance. Permit us to
faddism and crankism and puritan- ask what there is new about ;t?
ism, we put so many laws on our
statute oooks that do not represent 0ne fen0w predicts that we will
the wishes or views of a majority jf ,-ot have any "international wars.
.1 a -a I
me people and are looked upon ?. uut he might be less hopeful about
them as silly and outrageous infringe- insurrections and rebellions
ments on their personal rights an 1
liberties, ine enactment oi laws :. Tlio. n,r..m;iim.,wi.,r
A speaker before the Omaha
Woman's club said that recently, be
tween the Omaha High school
1- 1 -r t a i
irrounus anu rarnam street, snc
counted 150 boys smoking cigarettes,
this in spite of the fact that a Ne
braska law prohibits selling cigar
ettes or giving them away to any
lit i i-
person, minor or auuit. jna. sue
adds: "We have so many laws on
our statute books that are broken
that we are fast becoming a nation
of lawbreakers."
Exactly right.
A ''a-i.Wiiit
a few for the government of the kccp aijinr to the do!lar-und-a-half
many, representing the determination wheat crop next summer. Those who
of the few to impose their own ideas do not ike snow at least nke wheat
v a. vuuuuvi ciiu i i i 1 1 u u i lo viL iiiv. i Q
many, and making illegal that which The Philadelphia Inquirer says half
the masses do not themselves recog- the war poets have been shot. Few
mze as an evil, is to create a nation cf the war correspondents hnve suc-
Of lawbreakers. rrtio. in froMim lifiir er.nm-h In flip
Nebraska's anti-cigarette law is a fitting line to incur the danger of
case in point. A law forbidding sell- Luch a fate.
would be generally recognized as The exporting of ten million bushed.;
reasonable and sensible, and it could of wheat a week on an average to the
be enforced. The combination of countries at war will soon reduce the
boy and cigarette is a bad thing. io- visible supply in this country. While
bacco is harmful to the young man it is true doubtless that a good deal
who has not attained his growth. In 0f wheat is being held back from the
the cigarette form it is a "short markets, there is no question but
smoke," is very mild and leads to an wnat a good price will be received for
easily acquired habit where pipe r this year's crop
: ii i a i i. I
ciirar wouiu not. .v law to Ke ' -n
boys and cigarettes apart would oe If Governor Morehead had uppoint-
lailed by nine persons out of ten as led a republican justice of the supreme
x salutary measure. court, it would have been pronounced
Put what does Nebraska, under the non-partisan by republicans, but as
impulse of a few well-meaning "re- the governor saw fit to appoint a
democrat, it is now declared a
partisian appointment by them. If
this is not consistency with a
vengeance, we don t know w nat to
call it.
CfsE2dSron Cry for Fletcher's
TIio Iviud You llavo Always Bought, and which has been
xu i:so lor over i;o years, lias borne the signature of
ana lias been matlo untler hia jn?r-
6ffls'"?'Z, sonal supervision since its infancy.
. UCU4Z Allow no o?e to deceive von in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good ' aro but
i:periine:its tiiat trifle with and endanger the health ot
Intauts nud Children Experience against Experiment
Whst is CASTOR! A
Casforia, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
Boric, Irops ai.d Soothing' Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
sub.stanco. Jts age is its guarantee. It destro3S Worms
and allays T'ex .rishness. Per more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, AVind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
lfarrho;a. It regulates the Stomach and liowelx,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural bleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought
!n Use For Over 30 Years
r w vonx citv.
How Is Your Boiler'
A movement to prevent tax dodging
by furnishing county assessors and
stati equalization and assessment
boards with more information than
they now have regarding land trani-
r . . .
of Mr. Morrissey's age and experi- a"u aiues 111 each county was
ence, but confidence is entertained ff'Ven imPctU! lW I'ulkr of Seward
among those who know him best that
it has not been carelessly bestowed.
Lincoln Star.
The cold wave arrived, but not ju;t
exactly on time, as advertised.
'.( :
Swat the fellow , who approaches
you with: "Is it cold enough for
Wednesday. In a bill introduced in
the lower house he makes it com-,
pul.sory for registers of deeds and
county clerks to pass this information
on to the tax officials when the trans-
fers are fded. toirothor wiih ihn
gross acreage value of the land con
It will not be possible any more to
keep secret the price for real estate
The "huy it Now" campaign in- 1 y writing in the deed, "the sum of
augurated by the newspapers of the one dollar and other valuable con-
country, appears to have brought in- 'derations," for under the new na-
stant and macric results. For the last tional deficiency tax law assessing
week the Lank clearings show that
nearly half the cities of the country
that maintain clearing houses show
an increase of clearings over the cor
responding week of last year. This
is the first time in many months this
favorable symptom has been shown.
It may not be due to the psychological
effect, of the Buy-it-Now campaign,
but undoubtedly that has helped.
land transfers, a levy of one dollar ft
to be jaid on each $1,000 of actual
price, and a stamp for that sum must
be affixed to the deed before it is re
corded. The person giving the deed
must not only attach the stamp, b-it
l:c must cancel it by 'writing, across
it his initials and the date, under a
penalty of six months' imprisonment.
formers" do? Nebraska makes her-
elf ridiculous in the eyes of tho
world, and futile and reckless in her
own eyes by enacting a general anti
cigarette law which will not be and
annot be enforced. It allows men
who do not smoke at all, together One Dr. Waters pretends to show
with men who tmoke pipes, or cigars I that Philippine farms arc not produe
r pipes and cigars, to say to all ing as much as they might. Iltit we
ther men: "You may smoke whit lind the same condition much nearer
we smoke, but you may not smoke home.
fa 1 i T . -11 ,1
wnar we no not.' it is siny on me ;o:
face of it. Ihe number of smokers Nat U . Emails, a r remont ji
s rapidly increasing who look on the printeiyand for thkty years editor of
cigarette as tobacco in its mildest the Fremont Herald, was elected post-
nd most convenient form. They feel master of that city in the election last
hey have the same right to smoke Tuesday. There were nine candiates
tobacco wrapped in paper as others in the field, and Perkins, now cdito
have to smoke tobacco wrapped in of the Herald, was the low man in the
tobacco leaf or tobacco thrust into race.
tne uowi or a pine, ltieir neighbors, ::
non-users of tobacco, as a rule agree Many people who know the galoot,
with them. The result is the whoie wonder what the legislature meant
it has been .stated that a man s
stomach is his boiler, his body is his
engine and his mouth the fire box. Is
your boiler (stomach) in good work
ing order or is it so weak that it will
not stand a full load and not able to
supply the needed energy to your en
;;ine (body)? If you have any trouble
with your stomach Chamberlain's
Tablets will do you good. They
:.ti er;.rt I'.tii and invigorate the stom
ach and enable it to do its work natu
rally. Many very remarkable cures
of stomach trouble have been effected
by them. For sale by all dealers.
law falls into disrepute and disuse, when they invited Charley Wooster to
and boys get cigarettes or "the mak- talk to them. lie can kill more time
in's" as easily as their fathers or big and come as near saying nothing a
brothers can. . any man in the state. To listen t
A little moderation and common him is killing time with a vengeance
sense could readily cure the evil, bo :o:
long as men are permitted to smoke We would like to see the powers
tobacco perhaps by 1025 we shall that be at Washington quit "chewing
Notice to Sons of Herman.
The Sons of Herman will give a
social evening at the German Home
on aturoav evening, reoruary otn,
for the members of the Sons of Her
man, their families and invited guests
only. This will be a strictly private
ocacsion, confined to the members,
their families and guests. Let all the
members be in attendance, as there
will be a good time in store for all.
C. II. Vallery was in the city Sat
urday looking after some trading with
the merchants and visiting wi'h h:s
friends for a few hours.
FOI! SALE Some line IS. P. Kock
Cockerels. Inquire of Mrs. L. II.
Young, Nehawka, Neb.
WANTED To hear from owner of
good farm for sale. Send cadi
price and description. D. F.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Henry Horn came in this mcrnii'g
from his home west of the city, brav
ing the snow and cold, to look after
some trading with the met chants.
have the anti-tobacco campaign let
them smoke it each according to his
individual taste. Put keep it away
from the boys, for the well known
reason that the- use of tobacco dur-
adolcscence stunts the growth and
has a harmful effect otherwise. Let
the present legislature amend the
law in this way and Nebraska can
reap no little good from it. From the
law as it stands all Nebraska reaps is
an unrestricted trade in cigarettes,
disrespect for law, and the guffaws
of her more rational neighbors.
Someone has revived the question,
"Should women propose?" Trobably
women would prefer to go on dispos
ing, as she always has done.
:o :
It is to be hoped that the statute
against Indiana lobbyists will be more
effective than the one under which
the Indiana legislators were recently
indicted. .
the rag" and get busy in portioning
out the patronage that properly be
longs to the democrats of Nebraska
But will they get together and do it
before the opening of the next presi
dential campaign? That's the ques
"Where is the organized lobby of
former years?" is asked frequently by
those who visit the legislature. No
one seems to be able to answer the
question and it. is apparent that the
times have changed and that renre
sontatives of snecial interests have
no doubt learned that the membership
of the past three legislatures have
not been amendable to old ways of
making and killing laws.
Since over-time has been almost cut
out among the employes of the house
of representatives, it is apparent that
the jobs are seeking the men, rather
than the decrepid and infirm seeking
the sinicures. Former employes who
came at the beginning of the session
i . - j - in- i it t rv nmtr
Such ultimate consumers as nave tms urac juhj; i-j -
favored an embargo on foodstuffs j little work, have quit in disgust rather
enthusiastic over than wait lor tne rusn periou vi.e..
wul nor. te very
. . . . . ' . i i . , . .i It i, t tn tVio nnv-
being taxed to furnish snipping .tney can u.uU r
Methodist Minister Keconimends
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Rev. James A. Lewis, Milaca, Minn.,
writes: "Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy has been a needed and welcome
guest in our home for a number of
years. I highly recommend it to my
fellows as being a medicine worthy of
tiial in case of colds, coughs and
t 1 t K
croun. Uive uiamuenain s cuukh
Remedy a trial and we are confident
voif will find it very effectual and con
tinue to use it as occasion requires for
years to come, as many others have
done. For sale by all dealers.
Glen Perry drove in Saturday after
noon from his farm home near this
city and spent a few hours here look
ing after some matters with the merchants.
A. A. Wetenkamp of the vicinity jf
Mynard braved the storm this morn
ing and drove in to look after some
trading with the merchants for a few
Mrs. II. Inman of honor Beach,
California, who has been hew visiting
with her brother, Harry Newman and
family, departed this afternoon for
Omaha for a short visit before return
ing home to California.
Try a sack of Forest Hose flour.
Your money refunded if not satisfactory.
Elmer Hallstrom of the Murray
State Bank came up yesterday to
visit over Sunday with his parents in
this city and returned this morning
to his duties.
Miss Alice Brinkman came over
Saturday afternoon from Glcnwood
and visited here over Sunday at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Brinkman and family.
The Best Cough Medicine.
"I have, used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ever since I have been keep
ing house," says L. C. Hames, of Mar-
bury, Ala. "I consider it one of ths
best remedies I ever used. My chil
dren have all taken it and it works
like a charm. For colds and whoop
ing cough it is excellent." For sale
by all dealers.
1 5 Government Irrigated Farms
The Government has just finished a survey and scientific soil examina
tion of the remaining irrigated lands in the Government Project at Powell,
Wyo., Big Horn- Basin. Of the small remaining area under that unit already
irrigated the agricultural and irrigation experts report 31 farms ranging
irom 40 to 120 acres each, now available for homesteading very choice and
desirable as to quality of soil, reliable water supply and successful drainage,
in fact the Officials pronounce these fifty farms of the highest grade and
equal to any so far settled in that Project. Twenty years with no interest to
complete your water right payments. Land ready to prepare for seeding-, no
clearing, and your crop th first year. -l.'JO prosperous farmers will be your
neighbors and around you are excellent frrain crops, a tremendous tonmio
of alfalfa, schools, churches, farternities, with Uncle Sam and his farm ex
perts near you.
No commissions to an body and 1, acting for the Burlington Road, offer
ny services free to locate you; note the map of the Burlington's new main
line through Central Wyoming and yuess for your
self the coming increase in the population and land
values in he Big Horn Basin, traversed by this lino.
Write me today for folder and map.
S. B. H9WARD,v
Assistant Immigration Agent,
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.