The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 28, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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PaL-1 t.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the. Journal Readers
If onyof tlip renflfrs of the
.lonrnnl know of any social
evenl or lwm of hriere.-l. ill
Ilils viemity. :iiii w ill iiiriil
same id I his otlice. ii w ill
jk-ui' uiiiIit this hc:ilint.'. Wo
waul ull news Hems Knnoit
Public Sale!
rT. ' fir a ' f
; r it jr
N - - '
United Presbyterian Church
Regular Services, Sabbath, January 31, 1915
gJLl Mm
TTIFE'S a game, and .ve are all players in it, to paraphrase Shakespeare.
JL And the best two cr.rds in any hand are illustrated above first,
the PAY ENVELOPE; second, the BANK BOOK. Without the
pay envelope there can be no ban!: booh. Without the bank book the
rav envclors is robbed of its FULL VALUE. The EA3TX. EOOK is the
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
(;ir liY-posits are protected by th State Guaranty Law.
The same can be paid at this bank
Sabbath School
( 'Im rch Service
v. i :. r
. . 1 : a.
. . 1 1 : a.
. . 7:00 p.
Church Scrvicj 7:44 p
Evangelestic Meetings Begin February 22
t-v"Vour personal taxes are now due.
The R.; rrce's and Young's are put
i:.vr i;j ice this week.
Guy Stokes and Arthur Coper.haver
.- e Uni-.-n visitors Monday.
Mi-s Vera Yaidlt-y was a business
i-iftr i:i Nebraska City Monday.
Fra : Rhoden and wife were tran-u-: ! us in ess in Nebraska Cit .'
'.. II. Nickels ;nd daughter. Mis
Rciiha. were looking after business
i.r I 'Ian .-mouth Monday.
Mrs. Addie Stokes spent a number
f !.ys last week with her mother
;.:!! friends ;n Murray.
Frank Dugay and G. E. Nickels
.-per t S itur.Iay anil Sunday at the
l ow of W'ii'iam Nickels.
Mi s. William Royal is visiiincr this
week at the home of Mr. and M.-s.
I"ru! k More, east of Murray.
Mrs. Kd Lutz of Plattsmouth wa
isirir' at the home of her sister.
Mrs. L. I). Hiatt. a few days la.-t
u eek.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young are spend
ing a few days at the home of their
pares. I. Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Your.','.
-a-t of Murray.
Mrs. I.. I). Hiatt went to Platts-ir.'-utri
Wednesday evening for a few
day.-" visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mi.-. Her: rich.
Mrs. Frank Yal'.ery and daughter
were visiting in Murray Wednesday
of this week, a truest at the home of
hr parent-. Mr. and Mr.-. A. H.
Gra e-.
Woid has l.een received here from
Mr. and Mrs. S. (). Pitman, from
Loii- ilie. Kentucky, where they are
making a few days' visit. They say
they are rot far enough south to
evade the snow vet.
John Hobschiedt was doing the
butchering act Tuesday.
Al Rartlett made a trip to Syra
cuse. Neb.. Saturday morning.
Mis. A. J. Stokes is dressmaking
for Miss Etta Nickels this week.
The children cf Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Shiauer have been numbered with the
sick for the past few days.
Remember the box social and spell
ing contest at the school building on
Friday everunrr. January 2'Jth.
David O'Urien. who has been visit
ing at the home of F. L. Rhoden an I
wife, left for his home at O'Xeil,
Dr. 1. V. Rrendel, who was num
bered with the sick last week, is up I
ar.d around and looking after hi
practice more.
C. L. Ci earner has been numbered
with the sick this week.
Mrs. John Hobschiedt was numbef -cd
with the sick this week.
Mi s. J. D. Shrader was an Omah i
visitor Wednesday evening.
Joan Hendricks anu wile we
Platt.mouth visitors Wednesday.
Ray Campbell has been numbered j
wnn ir.e sick ior me past. lew nays.
Mrs. Mark White was a Rkitts
mouth visitor Thursday of this week.
Mrs. John Raton, residing near
Union, has been quite ill for the pa-t
few da vs. !
Frank Si hlitchtenieicr shipped a '
paload of cattle to South Omaha
ITue.-dav evening. i
James Roughridge was looking af-:
ter some business matter s in Omaha ;
Wednesday of this week. ;
Miss Raidine Ohiham was visiting j
with Piatt.--Trout h friends and rela
tives Thursday morning.
James Hatchett was looking after
some business matters in I'latts
mouth Tuesday.
The little folks at the home of Mr.
land Mrs. John Kiaeger have been
quite sick for the padt few days,
o j Mr. and Mrs. Will Patterson arc
making a couple of weeks' visit with
Mr. Patterson's parents over in Iowa.
The little folks at the home of Mr.
land Mis. Henry Kngelkemeier have
been numbered with the sick for the
past few days.
The little child of Mr. and Mr,.
James Hatcheit has been quite si
for the past .eek. but is improving
some at this time.
John Jenkins held the lucky num
ber on the bobsled raffle at the
hardware store of Raker & Nickel-;.
John had no parti iular use for the
sled and found a ready sale for it.
Thei : will be a reception given at
! the heme of Dr. and Mrs. 15. V. Rren-
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy ;
Cam bell lias n en numbered with the'
sick for the past few days. j
Mr. and Mrs. C M. Mir. ford were!
visiting with friends and relatives in
Lincoln a few davs the past week. I
Miss Ruth, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Real, has been numbered j The inn
with the sick fur the past few days. j tr that
Horn On January 2 1th. to Mr. and
Mrs. Louie Shoemaker, a baby girl.
Mother and little one are doing nicely.
W. II. Puis and Alfred Ganseme
were looking after some business
matters in Omaha Tuesday of this
John Sutton and Herman Rurbee
! del on Saturday evening in honor of
members of the Chri-tia.i
All are cordially invited r
W. II. Kirkendall departed Sunday j were attending to some busines
evening for Illinois, where he went to
attend the funeral of his brother, who
died a few days ago.
I'ttd Ohlenhausen of Plattsmouth
was visiting a few days this week at
;he home of his daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. James McCullough.
Mrs. I). A. Young returned home
from Moor ehcad, Iowa, Tuesday even
ing, where she had been visiting with
htr mother for the past few weeks.
Alf. Leverage was quite seriously
injured at his home Tuesday, when
'he elevator cor n dump fell and struck
him about the head and shoulders. No
bones were broken, but he was quit?
painfully bruised.
The Library association met Tues
day evening with Mesdames Dolmen,
Rrendel and Roedeker as hostesses.
The association decided to hold pro
grams at their regular meetings. Thi
financial committee planned a dinner
to be given Tuesday, February lCth.
JtoI In?
A Fresh Car of Salt
25 and 50 pound Sacks and Lump Rock
ffiatt a Tutt,
matters in Murray i uesday of this
John Edmunds, who has been quite
sick for the past week, is getting
along nicely, but is still confined to
his home.
Miss Margerv Walker wa
evening, returning home Wednesday
the r ew
J. R. C. Gregory, residing north
west of Murray, who has been suf
fering with blood poisoning for tK
past few days, is getting along nicely.
y was caused from a splint -Penetrated
his hand scmo
weeks ago.
Remember the box social and spell
ing contest to be given at the Murray
High school building on Friday even
ing, January 20th. Several schools
will take part in this cor. test, an 1
there will be a most pleasant time in
store for all. Remember the date,
and be in attendance.
Robert Shrader and family loaded
their fcoods here this week and have
taken their departure for their new
homv in South Omaha. Mr. and Mrs
Shrader have a host of friends here
who regret to see them leave Murray
Samuel R. Johnson, leader among
Omaha's earlier business men, and
father of Frank 1J. Johnson of the
Omaha Printing Co., and .Mrs. Edward and William Johnson of
Omaha, died Thursday afternoon at
his ranch in the Santa Clara valley,
r.ot far from San Jose. Cal. He was
year's old. Weakness incident to
old age caused death.
The funeral was held at his Cali
fornia home Sunday. The time being
so short, and the distance so great,
his children in Omaha made no elforc
to attend.
Although he left Omaha for his
California home in lSsi). Mr. John
son's name is still widely remember
ed here as one of the steady, ab1"
bu-inc"-s men who helped put strug
gling Omaha o:r its feet.
Th'-oe times he crossed the plains
to the Pac-ili'- oa.-t in the "-O's. Th"
first time, in he started farming
in the Suisum valley, not far from
San Francisco. He stayed there two
yea-s. Then ho returned east to lo
cate at Sidney. Iowa. Eleven years
later- lie opened a wholesale grocery
house in Count il Rluffs, and then a
branch i:i Omaha. The firm- of Steel ;
iv. Johnson became widely known in
the west.
In 1-Sl he became the first presi
dent of the ("aide Street Car Co. here.
At riie same time he was he'in'n.
found the litst Omaha water company
and became its president. He w-
:d.-o pre-ident of tho Nebraska Ni bank at it founding in ls.'.
All this time he kept a hold on the
grocery business.
Having sold my farm and expect
to move away, I will olfer at public
sale on my farm, which is one mile
west and live miles south of Piatt s
iiiouth, and one mile east ai d one and
a half miles north of Murray, ti e fol
lowing described property, on
Sale will commence at 10:00 sharp.
I ive Read of Horses.
One brown mare, weight 1,1'K
coming years old.
One black mare,
coming ."i year's old.
One dark bay man
corning X years old.
One black horse.
smooth mouth.
One black mare spring colt.
Eleven Head of Cattle.
One-milk cow coming ' years old.
I o ivin"- ii ilk. v
Ore lin-months old heifer.
One milk cow coming 7 year's old.
giving milk.
One Rr-month-old steer.
Seven head of summer calves. "
Fifteen Head of IIos.
weight 1,4"0, ;
, weight l.:;nu,i
weight !
and we want to hi form yon
that dates can lie made
ut this ollioe or M'nray
State Bank for
Wm. R. Young
Careful attention to Pub! ie Sales
Kates are Reasonable.
Call at rnv expense
Murray, - Nebraska
is .survived by his widow, by tin
children livinir in Omaha an-
Duroc Jersey.
Four head of shoats.
One theroLiirhbred pedigreed red
male hog.
Farming Implements.
One nearly new 7-foot Reeling
One nearly new Van Riant press
drill, v. it'i press wheels.
One farm wagon.
One iron wheel truck wagon.
)ne hay r ack.
One nearly new Radger cultivator.
One New Departure cultivator.
One I 'coring mower, o-foot cut.
fine Avery corn planter, with
Public Auction!
The ur.der.-igned will soil at Pub'i.
Auction at his farm, four and one-ha':"
miles west of Mutay, se en and ,! -
miles north
Nehawka, on
miles east of Manh-v, and
ar.d one mile we-t
check row complete.
by another son, S. Edgar, living near
San Jose.
Mr. Johnson w:rs one of the e-r'y
settlers of Oid Rock Muffs, in Cas
county, and. in an early day was one
of the merchant- of that place. The
wile he leaves to mourn his deatn is
a sister of J. W. Rerger of Murray, j
lie was well known to all the early
settlers of this section. I
I Or.e disc; one nearly
'John Deere gang plow.
new 12- inch
at 10:00 o'clock .-harp.
onowing property, to-wit:
Eleven Head of Horses.
One team of mate--, coming nun
iears old, weight t?.",0o.
One black driving team, smooth
Ore black mare, smooth mouth.
One iron gray horse, four ya:s old,
weight l.lioO.
One brown horse, ten years oM,
weight 1 ,"''".
One brown mare, smooth mouth.
! weight l.OoO.
One bay mare, five years old,
i weight l.ldO.
One Canton 12-inch gang plow.
One sulky plow. !--i::oh.
One MeCormiek hay lake. r.ew.
One ."-section iron harrow.
One harrow cart.
One Peru walking lister and di:
One 11-inch walking plow.
One new wagon box.
One a'1-stoel hand corn slieller.
One gr indstone.
One steel lister corn box.
One yearling horse co't.
One mule, four yea's o!
Thirteen Head cf Cal lie.
Five Milk cows.
One hull.
Three heifers, oomig two v
v. ivl.t
I our calves.
1 art y-TIirce Head of Hogs.
Farm Implement's.
One coin elevator complete with D'-
Three sets of 1 1-2-inch work har-jfot spoui, one Deering binder, o:i
j nearly new MeCormiek mower,
i Deering mower. one hay l ake.
ness, one of them new.
One set of 1 1-4-inch buggy harne
One "2-foot double ladder. John Deere corn planter, one John
Two hundred and seventy-five good Deere two-row machine, one new
but all are unanimous in wishing tha
. --1 ni r i rr i " their oresent move will meet with
with Plattsmouth friends Tuesday . . , . .
, ... , ,' i abunuant prosperity and hanniness to
them. Mr. Shrader engages in the
R. F. Good was looking after some
Tuesday, and while there called at the j FUNERAL OF THE LATE
Journal ofnee to renew his subscrip
tion for another year.
Miss Leona Adams, who has been
: o seriously ill for the past few week :, :
is getting along nicely at this time,
ami her present condition bids fair to
a permanent and rapid recovery.
Ted Harrows has rented the Rerger
property in Murray and will move
his family to Murray about the first
of March. Ted is taking hold of the
elevator business like an old-timer.
The series of meetings closed at the
Christian church last Sunday even
ing. Rev. Myers will commence a
series of meetings next week at the
church four miles east of Weeping
Watc r.
Mrs. II. F. Hendricks was a Platts
mouth visitor Thursday of this week.
Twenty degrees below zero, and a
pretty cold drive, thank you. While
in Plattsmouth she called at th? office to renew their sub
scription for another year.
Charles Long, residing over east of
Murray, accompanied his mother,
Mrs. Chrissingcr as far as Pacific
Junction Wednesday morning, whr
was en route to St. Joseph, Missouri,
where she will make a visit with hor
Ed Gansemer. who has been here
with home folks for the past week,
returned to the Lincoln sanitarium
Monday, where he is receiving treat
ment for stomach trouble. He is get
ting idong nicely, and will return
home within a few days, entirely re
Alex Rhoden, who has been suffer
ing from a stroke of apoplexy for
the past few days, is recovering very
rapidly. He is able to be up and
arour.d his home and can use his in
jured side slightly. His many friends
will be pleased to learn that he will
soon be restored to his former health.
j moving and transfer business.
The funeral of the late Mrs. P. S
Hall was held yesterday afternoon t
2:3!) o'clock at the Rock Rluffs school
house, where, despite the snow and
cold, a large number of the old friends
and neighbors gathered to pay their
last tributes of respect to this grand,
good woman called from their midst
The funeral cortage left the home at
2 o'clock and 'the services at the
school were conducted by Rev.
A. G. Hollowell, pastor of the Chris
tian church of this city, who gave
short sermon dwelling on the faithful
Christian, upright life of the departed
lady, and gave to the sorrowirrg fam
ily words of comfort and hopefulness
of meeting in the hereafter with their
loved ones. Mrs. Hall had been a
member of the Church of Christ for
many years, having joined that faith
fit Rock Rluffs on first coming to this
county, and passed away firm in its
teachings. Resides the husband and
children she leaves four brothers, Ren
Iloback of Union, Dow, William and
Charles Iloback, all residing in Cali
fornia, and two sisters, Mrs. Minerva
Read of Percival, . Iowa, and Mrs.
Emma Kiser of California. The inter
ment was made in the cemetery at the
old home in Rock Rluffs.
Card of Thanks. 4
We desire to express to our friends
our most heartfelt thanks for their
sympathy and kidness shown to us at
he death of our beloved mother and
wife and assure them we shall ever
hold in grateful remembrance their
kind deeds and helpfulness.
J. W. Hughes.
P. S. Hall and Children.
From Tue.-Uuv's Pullv
This morning at -'i o'clock, at her
home near Rock Rluffs. Mrs. P. S.
Hall, one of the pioneer ladies of this
part of the county, passed away, after
an illness of several weeks, due to
pneumonia and other complications.
The message announcing her death
icceived in this city was very brief
and little could be learned as to the
real particulars. Mrs. Hall was some
thing like 7o years of age and had
made her home near- Rock Eluffs for
many years. The family reside near
Queen Hill, just east of the old Rock
Rluffs townsite.
Miss Elizabeth Itobach was born in
Virginia in 1 S;i; and came to Ne
braska in an early day with her fam
ily, and had a great deal toido in the
assisting of the welfare of this county
in pioneer days, and her father, Roh-i
or t Eoback, was the first represent
ative from this county to sit in the
Nebraska territorial legislature, and
for years was one of the leading
figures in the life of the county. She
was married twice, and at the death
of her first husband was left with the
... T-l 1
care or two young sons, jomi anu
Abner Hughes, who now reside at
Bellevue, Nebraska, and Deadwood,
South Dakota, and are left to mourn
her death, together with her second
husband and three children born of
their union Mrs. Annie Allen of
South Omaha. Stanley Hall and Mrs
Finnic Rates, residing rear Rock
Rluffs. Ren Iloback is also left to
mourn ner loss.
The funeral of this good woman
will he held tomorrow afternoon at 1
o'clock from the late home, and the
interment made in the cemetery at
ock Rluffs.
hedge posts.
One hand grass seeder, new.
One ."-foot cios.s-cut saw, new.
Three bushel red clover seed.
One i:ew binder whip.
One block and tackle.
One pile of hedge wood.
Three or four dozen Plymouth
Rock pullets.
Four Plymouth Rock cockerels.
Some old jmd some r.ew lumber-.
Pile of cobs; some hay in barn.
Five chicken crates.
One double harpoon hay fork.
One hundred new brick and one-half
rard sand.
.'vim; wou.iiivivi uuu i:iun
iVanRrunt press drill, one new Corn
jiving 1 -horse drill, one stalk cutter,
i one ilisc. one riding lister, one walk
ing lister, one nearly new J. I. Case
vang plow, one Mollne sulky plow,
one 3 8-inch walking plow, one 12-inch
walking plow, one Bradley sulky plow,
two Radger cultivators, one Avery
walking cultivator, one New Depart
ure walking cultivator-, one Tip Top
walking cultivator, one field roller,
one 11-foot Broadcast seeder with
tear attachment, one 4-section har
row, two harrow carts, one Great
Western manure spreader, one new
i bow ser feed grinder, one 10-horse
WANTED To hear from owner of
good farm for sale. Send cash
price and description. D. F. Bush.
Minneapolis, Minn.
For Hale.
Two horses, three and four years
old, broke, that were bought at the
Robert Shrader sale. Will be sold
ight if taken at once.
II. C. LONG, Murray, Neb.
other articles too numerous to men
tion. This is a general clean-up sale,
and everything will positively be sold.
All sums of ?lo and under, cash, in
hand; on sums over $10, a credit of
(5 or- 8 months will be given, purchaser
giving note with approved security,
bear ing S per cent interest from date.
No property removed until terms of
sale are complied with.
R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
Dance at Murray Thursday.
There will bo a big social dance
given Wednesday evening, February
3d, at Jenkins' hall in Muray, by
Joe Wheeler, and a cordial invitation
is extended to everyone to be present
and l ave a good time. Music will be
furnished by the Holly orchestra of
this citv. l-27-d&w
Samson horse power in good shape,
one 2-horse International gasoline en
gine, three wagons, one low truck
wagon, one new low truck wagon
with hay rack, one spring wagon, one
carriage, one nearly new top buggy,
one bob-sled, one light sled, one road
drag, oue road scraper, three sets
heavy harness, two sets lip; ht harness.
lone single harness, one collar, one
DeLaval cream separator, one new
cider press, one 1-hole corn sheller,
one circular wood saw, one pump
jack, one garden disc, one 1-horse
drill, one iron kettle, one lard press,
three grindstones, one ice saw, some
acrpenter tools, complete set black
smith tools consisting of 150-pound
I ritn-il r .i l- ri n v 1 1 1 ftp t n rrocnlinA
oil tank, and numerous other small
W. E. Keeney will pay 13c per
pound for hens. Carload wanted at
Burlington freight depot, Platts
mouth, Neb., Monday, February 8th,
one day only.
For any pain, burn, scald or bruise,
apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the
ousehold" remedy. Two
1 .-V A 11
ana oue, at air orug stores.
All sums of $10 and under, cash in
hand. On sums over $10 a credit of
one year will be given, purchaser giv
ing note with approved security bear
ing eight per cent interest from date.
No property to be removed until set
tied for. Lunch will be served on the
grounds at noon.
W. II. PULS. Owner.
WM. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
W. G. BOEDEKER, Clerk,
barrels, one gasoline tank, one coal
Don't use narsh physics. The re
action weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic constipation. Get Doan's
Regulets. They operate easily. 2."e
at all stores.
Thomsen, Dentist, Gund BIdg.
For Sale.
B. P. R. Cockerels, $1, $1.50 and $2
each. None better in the country.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Murray, Neb.
Successors to BAILEY & MACH
Th largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts In
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Modarat Prices. Forcelain
fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized after usin'