The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 28, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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TnrPiD Y. January ?t, in;
Newsy Notes from Cedar Creek
Personal Points of mierest Ficked
of the Cedar Cro-k Readers by Cur
.John (iaj.j,- was
ii. Om:ilui Fiidav.
IlfnTis Schro;l-i
v:is in IMattsmouth
J:.c-k Klire
pent Furuhiy with Fail !
Clarence 1 use-he
visitor Saturday.
Henry Inhchkr
was a IMattsmouth
visited in IMatts-
n;'-i'h WednescJay.
A. (Jauor wr.s a visitor
in Omaha Friday.
Honis Sc brooder went to Omaha on
l'i-iiies- Til lrsday.
Wi!!i..m Sehneltler visited I'latt.--ri;outli
(ins Keil and wife called on friends
in I 'iattsmouth Monday.
Miss Dora (lauor was the truest of
J'.ra .Meisinrer Sumlay.
i'.'jili;) S.h;i"er :.nd wife v.fre h ;
Iin in Omaha Wednesday.
Wiil was a business caller
at IMattsmouth .Mo '.day.
John H-nnini jr.. wa-: i:i I'lRtts
mouth on business Monday.
Mrs. I II. Roberts was a passen
isvr for Omaha Wednesday.
Miss Ileiurich went to IMattsmouth
Saturday to st e home folks.
Fail Kline and family spent Sun
d . ith Henry Ilautihman.
Frances Pace returned home Thurs
day from a trip to Wisconsin.
Mi--- IVoikn.oyer departed for h-v
home in IMattsmouth Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Sanders and son John
nie, were in IMattsmouth Monday.
I.o-jis Keil and family spent Sunday
v.iih Jerry Schroeder and family.
Mrs. (. V. Meisinsrer was calling
n friends in Plattsmouth Saturday.
J. W. Wolf and wife were prssen
jrers for Omaha on No. o'J Tuesday.
Henry Horn and son. Harry, were
passengers for Plate-mouth Saturday.
Albert Schafer and wife were
Public Sale!
Having decided to leave Cass coun
ty, i wiil offer for sale at Public Auc
tion at ray late home on the Wm.
Hl.v.u f.i:m. four at.u one-half rniies
vve.-t of Plattsmouth, on
MONDAY. 1 Kiiiil'AUY U1.",
the iollowintr described property to
wn: F.ii;ht Head of Horses.
One sorrel horse, five years old.
weitrht l.oOQ pounds.
One bay horse, ten years old,
weight ,SoO.
one spotted mare with loai. seven,
years old. weight l.Oh'O. 1
One sorrel mare, two years old. i
weight l'OO. i
One bay mare, smooth mouth, j
weight 7(M. !
0'ie bay horse, seven years old,!
weight l.-i "(.
One bay
mare, smooth
v.t-ieht K
One blind mare, smooth mouth
Five Head of Cattle.
One fresh cow, three years
One Whiteface bull calf.
One heifer culf, three weeks
Two summer heifers.
Farming Implements.
One Doering hinder, in jrood shap"?
One Standard mower.
Two walking cultivators.
The cost of building a silo
is not an expense, it is an
investment which you get
back at the end of a year.
We build the cheapest, most durable silo that is made
and give you a guarantee which protects you agaiiut any
chance of loss.
If you are posted on the value of a silo come into our
office and let us show you our system of construction.
If you are not posted on silos come in and let us show
you how you can i::creaee the profit of your farm 25 percent
and more.
We also make the best water tanks and grain bins on
earth at less money than either wood or iron.
Just south of the postoffiee on Fifth street ou will find
us r-ady to tlk sih s ai d vater tanks.
Crne in wh"i you nre in town and get acquainted.
Concrete Construction Oo.,
Plattsmouth, -
Up ond Penciled for the Persual
Regular Re-porter of that Vil'ag-e
.senjrers on No. '!'
Ilc.irv Inhc!c3er
lor Omaha Friday,
left for home Fi i-
i day, after v Ls t in f i iends for a few
; Orace Huff -.pent Saturday
anil Sundav at the Baui'hman
1 (ime.
nintrs. jr.
Myrtle and and John Hen
were in Plattsmouth Sat-
Mrs. ('. A.
Louise, were
(Jauer and daughter,
shopping in Omaha
' Adam Kai;lFtrihur;er,
intr on the merchant.. In
-r., was call
IMattsmouth Saturday.
Andy Seybcrt of IMatt -mouth was
in Cedar f Creek for a short time
Jc-:F Slslur;r and Louise (Jailer
d'auer called on Flmer Meisinrer ar.d
wife Sunday.
T'llis Ilenedict of Louisville
jdown Friday to spend the day with
Rasper Horen.
Rev. Mr. S warts filled his regular
appointment at the church Sunday
and delivered two fine sermons.
Mr. Hi!Lran and wife of Louisville
! came in on Xo. .':) Saturday and spent
(the day with J. W. Wolf and wife,
j (I. (I. Meisinrer and wife of IMatts
j mouth were visitinir their sons. Clarionet-
and Flmer. for the past week.
' home Friday.
! Miss Flov T remain came in on Xo.
:' Monday moinintr to take charjre
, of the school ajrain. Fveiybody is
jrlad to see Miss T remain back.
Harry Weyrich and sister. Fmiva.
who have been visitinjr friends and
relatives here for the oast few we.-ks.
j departed for their home in Randolph,
Xeb., Wednesday.
Ed is trying to teach Old Nick to
carry double during the deep snow,
but it is a pretty heavy load for Old
Nick. He was jrlad hat Kd could all the way last Sunday
On-: Broadcast seeder.
Oiio r.-ra!lon oil tank.
One trrindstone.
Ore 2;-esrjr Sure Hatch incuhato
One truck wajron with rack.
One l!"-inch wairon box.
Ore Canton dic.
One Ieerinr mowintr machine.
One Osborne disc with trucks.
vat or.
2-section Osboine harrow.
Radnor riding cultivator.
New Departure wulKinjr eu
f('.-inch walking plow.
One 14-iaeh Deere walking plow.
Ore o-shovel garden plow.
One Avery walking lister.
One truck wagon and rack.
One set of work harness.
Other articles too numerous to
Sale Begins at 10:00 O'clock Sharp.
All sums of 10 and under, cash in
hand. On sums over 10 a credit ot
! mx months will b? given, purchase"
. jvjnf, linkable note hearing' eight
'per ct-nt interest from date. Ail
' property must bo settled for before
Ibeint? removed from premises.
i WM.
Sr. f
R. YOUNG. Auctioneer.
Regit. tered Jersey
for service,
C. I
Babbitt. Platts-l'-2-2mos-wklv
?rHwm o. joi-
Al Klir.t
wax in
Vv'illard Dill was
Murdoch Friday.
-ITiCTIT for
Archie 1 owle was snoonintr :n
was shopping
Louisville I'riday.
J. D. Knohell was a
passenC'i" l
Louisville Wednesday.
Charley Camriijll lost a horse
Saturday by corn s'.alk disea-".
Harry Lontr spent the day in Oma
ha Saturday with his parents. McDonald was a pass:i
irer for Xehawka la.-.t Tuesday.
Charley Can.pb.--ll and Charley Hill
were passengers for Omaha Monday.
Mrs. Julius r.i"-s:ii:in returned from
Iowa after spending the winter there.
Mr. Cadle returned home Saturday
evening", after spending- a few day:; :.t
Jcis Peterson went to f.o.nsvIe
Mo.iday. whore he had a gathering- on
his jaw lanced.
Miss Critehfield of Omaha came in evening for a visit with
her sister, Mrs. George Yogel.
Miss Mary Mcllugh returned to her
home at Falls City after visiting a
few days at the homo of the Sawyers.
Mrs. Rerge is spending a Jo'-v we'-.s
at De Witt, Xeb. v.! ere she i;'
acrju'iintetl wita her new gr;.! d-daug-hter.
Frank IJaum went in Ada, Ohio,
Friday to see a sister he has not seen
for thirty-five years and to visit his
old home.
Willard Dill, who is employed at
the C. P. O. cuarrv. is carrvinir h is I
aim in a sling as the result of a badly
mashed thumb.
The Royal Xoighbors of Ameiican
held their installation last Saturday
ni'!:t and served a big- simper after
tho business session.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McDonald wore
passengers for Lincoln a few days
ago, where they went to see their
daughter, Mrs. Gillam, at th? St.
Klizabeth hospital, where she under
went a surgical operation.
Public Auction
The undersigned will sell at Publit
Auction at his home
1-2 miles south
of Plattsmouth. on
1 H I I : S i ) A V . F E B R V A R Y
1th. H)l.",
Sfile will commence at 10:00 sharp,
the following described property,
! to-wit :
I Horses. Hors and Chickens.
One bay brood mare, 11 years old,
weight l,',.'.o.
One smooth mouth bay brood mare,
with foal.
One bay mare 7 years old, weight
One brown gelding weighirg 1,400,
10 years old.
One bay gelding weighing 1.400, 10
years old.
One milk cow, '.) years old.
One milk cow, 2 years old.
12 Hhoroughhred Pc'aiid-Chinas.
Two recorder brood sows.
One yearling brood sow, eligible to
regis t rat ion.
Four gilts.
Five thoroughbred boars, sired by
Nelson's Wonder.
Twelve thoroughbred Plymouth
Rock chickens.
Farm Machinery.
One Deei ing binder.
One farm wagon.
One wagon with hay-rack.
One mower.
One "-section harrow.
One dale corn planter with 100
rods of wire.
Two cultivators.
One hay rake.
One John Deere lister.
One set of work harness.
One set of light harness.
One top buggy.
One old buggy.
One seeder with grass seed attach
ment. One Best-Ever gang plow.
And numerous household articles.
Lunch Will
Be Sorod on
at Noon.
the Ground
All sums of ?10 and under, cash in '
hand; on sums over .$10, a credit of
eight months will be given, purchaser
giving note with approved security,
Lenring S per rent interest from date. ,
All property must be settled for be-I
fore being removed from the premises.;
n. T. ADAMS. Owner
WM. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
C. G. FRICKE, Clerk.
! Farms for Sale. T. II. I
I Paints and Oils. Goring
, Phni 3G.
& Co.
L:st your Farms And City Property Methodist Episcopal church. The ens
viih T. II. Pollock. kot was covered by flowers and was
Forrm rly Resided i:i Nekraska
Has Numerous Rclatiws in
Cass Count v.
a ik!
Th.? following article, taken from
the Shoshone, Idaho, Journal, gives
the account of the d?alh of Victor O.
.iohnson, an uncle of Mrs. Omot
hawka. The i
interest to
Schlii htemeier
this county:
Victor O.
known lawyer
local bar, died
residing near Xe-
lotice wiil be of much
the friends of the
family throughout
Johnson, the
and a leader
at x he
at his Shoshone home
at an early
January o.
more than
hour Tuesday morning.
He was only a little
) years of age. For a
year Mr. Johnson had been in failing
health, but until the very hour of his
dissolution he always believed lu
would recover.
In I'.mi.) the partnership of Victor
O. Johnson and Paul S. Haddock was
formed, to last until now dissolved by
this death. It was in that year that
the senior partner came to Shoshone
from Oklahoma. He had been a prom
inent and successful practitioner
there ami before settling at Tulsa, in
that state, had practiced, his profes
sion in the state of Nebraska. In
changing his residence hero, as also
in the removal from Nebraska, he was
seeking to benefit the impaired health
of Mrs. Johnson. In his solicitude and
tender ministrations toward this end
he was successful, for Mrs. Johnson
became well and strong from being an
invalid. Mr. Johnson, however, was
seen to be losing ground from what
proved to be pulmonary consumption.
Just before the holidays he and
Mrs. Johnson returned from a long
visit to Boise. Tho.c;s who saw the
great lawyer then realized that the
end was near. He had not been helped
and they both wanted to be home with
their children for the festive season.
There are three -Johnson hoys,
Chester, Victor and Eric, and one
gill, May; the eldest. Chester, being
1' years of age, and the youngest,
Eric, about 10.
The announcement of his untimely
death came as a shock to the entire
community, for in a(L-ii.- about him
Mr. Johnson bore an important part
as an able lawyer and a Christian
He was a member of the Methodist
church, a Mason and belonged toother
fraternal organizations.
Enduring personal friendships were
made by Mr. Johnson immediately
upon his arrival in Shoshone to take
up his residence. Senator C. F. Bor
den, Postmaster E. H. Miles and J. L.
Beckett were among his first acquain
tances heie. Just before he breathed
his last he called for these gentlemen.
Mrs. Johnson was unable to reach
them at once. At intervals only was
the lawyer rot himself and then he
recounted trial scene.' and incidents
of his cases in court. Into the very
shadows he was unafraid and he fell
into his eternal sleep calm and undis
turbed as if lying down to pleasant
Victor (). Johnson was born in the
state of Illinois January 1. 1872. The
Johnson family immigrated to Amer
ica from Sweden and first settled in
Illinois. Then they removed to Ne
braska. Mr. Johnson graduated from the
University of Chicago in lSLkl, receiv
ing a reward for high merits in schol
arship. He was a hard working stu
dent and was never satislcd until he
had done his best. Soon after his
graduation from the University of
Chicago he entered the law school of
the University of Nebraska, and grad
uated with high honors in the year
On July 12, 1898, he was united in
marriage to Miss Dora Sprague, at
Blair, Nebraska.
Immediately after his graduation
from law school he heeded his coun
try's call and enlisted in the Spanish
American war. He went as far as
Florida, where he contracted typhoid
fever. He was finally sent home on
leave of sickness. This dreaded dis
ease affected his hearing and he car
ried the marks of his patriotic service
to the end of his days.
The funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon at the Meth
odist church. The body was sent in
charge of the son, Chester, to Genoa,
j Nebraska, for interment.
Rev. H. B. Lewis preached a strong
sermon, setting forth the life and
character of Mr. Johnson as a Chris-
tian gentleman whose purposes were
r.lwas directed for the right as he '
saw the right in public affairs. The
funeral services were held at the
j borne to and from the chinch by the
Masonic brethren of the departed.
Mrs. L. W. Walker was organist and
j Messrs. Borden and Ilelman sang-
"Face to Face" and Mrs. Lewis and
j.Mrs. Monson "Asleep in Jesus." The
I church was filled. The business
places of town and the schools
closed as. a mark of respect.
ASvo fotes
Ki Casey wont to Lincoln Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick were Lin
coln visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Moore visite 1 with
friends in Lincoln Sunday.
Emil Sofiin left for his horn? ai
Unadilla Thai s. lay morning.
The Mi.s.-es Grace and Ruih Bailey
wore Lincoln visitors Saturday.
T. S. Allen of University I'iace was
in town Thursday on busine.-s.
Mrs. William Yaeger was in Lin
coln Thursday visiting relatives.
L. B. Appleman was in Liacohi cm
bu-ane.' s .--everal days last week.
Mrs. W- E. Casey was a pasenger
on No. 13 to Lincoln Thursday morn
ing. William Sutton drove the hear.-o. to
Gi'ft-j'wood Wednesday to at'.'-rd a
funeral theie.
Miss Bock, who had been nursing
Mrs. Stetler, returned to Lincoln Sat
urday morning.
J. V. Cochran came in f;om Fair
bury, Neb.. Tuesday to visit it the F.
M. Prouty home.
Glenn Weaver of South Bend spent
Sunday and Monday with his cousin,
Mrs. J
c. i:
A. Shaffer.
Jordan and John Murtey
..loniiav tor a wook s sojour n at
Spri-gs, Arkansas.
Wayne Wolfe of Smith Center,
Kanras, attended the funeral of his
aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Stetler.
William Kitzel and
shipped hogs to South
Scott. Jordan
Omaha Mon
day, returning home Tuesda ,
Fiank Wolfe of Smith Center, Kan
sas, came in on No. 18 Tuesday to
visit lelatives. He spent Wednesday
in South Bend with friends.
Emil Sofiin of Unadilla came in
from Omaha, where he had been visit
ing his sen and family, to visit his
sist?.-, Mrs. William Yaeger, and
other relatives.
Miss Sarah Sudors of Catonia, Ne
braska, visited a few days this wee;-;
.villi her sister, Mrs. Dan Williams.
Fred Kear was in Lincoln on busi
ness last Friday.
Mrs. J. H. St roomer and son, Al
fred, went to Elmwood Saturday to
vim-., the former's daughter, Miss
Marie, who is very sick with the
measles at the home of her uncle, J.
II. Rogge. Mrs. Stroemer remained
to help care for her daughter, vho is
some better at this writing.
Died January 22, 1915, Mrs. Eliza
beth Stetler, aged 79 years, after a
lingering illness incident to old age.
The funeral was held at the M. E.
church Monday, January 2o, at i p.
m.. and the remains Mere laid to rest
in Belmont cemetery, where her has
band. David Stetlei, was buried less
than a year ago. An obituary will
appear next week.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to our many kind friends and
neighbors for their many acts of
kindness and sympathy shown us in
our late bereavement, the death anJ
burial of our beloved wife and
mother; also, I wish to take this
means in thanking my friends and
neighbors for the help they gave mt
financially in the time of need.
Philip Flaming and Children.
No. 1 Well improved 100-acre
farm, ore-half mile irom Eagle, Cass
county, Nebraska. $115 per acre.
No. 2 Two quarter sections of
rich level land in Hamilton county,
Nebraska. $80 per acre. All cash,
$75 per acre.
No. Lincoln, near capitol, four
apartment fiat, modern, rents $1,920
per year (some time given). Price,
$10,000. For information, write or
Eagle, Neb.
All persons interested in the estate
of Agatha Stull, deceased, will take
notice that a petition has been filed
i;i the County Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, for administration of her
estate and that a hearing will be had
upon said petition on the 9th day of
February, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
lefore the Judge of the said Court,
rnd letters of administration of said
estr.te granted at said time,
Witness my hand and seal of said
Court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this
ISth day of January, 1915.
County Judge.
D. O. DWYER, Attorney.
-Weeping Water, Heb.-
will take charge of your public
sale business. Farm sales a
specialty. Owners' interests
are always guarded with the
best ability, and satisfaction
guaranteed. For open dates
telephone at my expense to
Weeping Water.
AJftA ..........
- Mrs. Tom Hawkins visited a couple
of days this week with her parents at
College View.
County Commissioner Snoke visited
over Sunday with home folks, return
ing to Plattsmouth Monday after
noon. Mrs. A. II. Vanlandingham went to
Plattsmouth Tuesday for a few days'
visit at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Eugene Setz.
Mrs. II. L. Swanson and little
daughter, accompanied by Iottie Rei
ner, returned to their home at Wyom
ing, Neb., Monday morning.
Jack Lyell returned home last Sat
urday evening from a week's business
trip back oast. He visited Chicago,
Buffalo, and other large cities.
Albert Schwegman took the train
here Wednesday morning for Hast
ings, Neb., to attend the State Poultry
:-how which is being held at that place
this week.
Mrs. Tom Jamison came up from
Weeping Water Wednesday evening
to attend the play and make a short
visit at the home of her brother, W.
L. Hobson and family.
A serious accident occurred on tho
playground Monday morning about
11 o'clock, when Henry Umland split
the ulna of his right arm in a col
lision with one of his playmates. The
injury was a most painful one, but
has the careful attention of the doctor
and it is hoped Henry will soon be in
his place in school.
About 12:30 p. m. Wednesday of
this week fire was discovered in the
office of J. Adam's lumber yard by
a passer-by. Flames were leaping
out of the door and windows and it
looked as if a had fire was in store,
but by prompt action of a bucket
brigade, the fire was soon extinguish
ed after about $150 damage had been
done to the office fixtures, etc., which
was fully covered by insurance.
Public Sale!
The undersigned will sell at Public
Auction at his home, 5 1-2 miles west
and 1 mile south of Mynard, on
Sale will commence at 12:S0 sharp,
the following described property,
Nine Head of Horses.
Two dark bay mares, 3 and 4 year
old, weight 2,500.
One bav mare 11 years old, with
foal, weight 1,300.
One sorrel gelding, 5 years old,
weight 1,200.
One bav mare, 10 years old, with
foal, weight 1,450.
One bay gelding, 9 years old, weight
One bay colt, 1 year old.
One bay suckling colt.
One black suckling colt.
Nine Head of Cattle.
Five cows.
One steer, coming 3 years old.
One bull, coming 3 years old.
Two heifer calves, 6 months old.
Farm Implements.
Two farm wagons.
One steel truck and hayrack, new,
One spring wagon.
One bob-sled.
One manure spreader.
One Hoosier drill.
One broadcast seeder.
One new Deere hay loader.
One corn planter.
One Marseilles corn elevator
power lift.
One 16-inch sulky plow.
One 14-inch walking plow.
Two 18-inch walking plows.
One Western Belle riding lister.
One McCormick hay rake.
One Deering binder.
One two-row machine.
One disc; one stalk rake.
One two-row stalk cutter.
One. throe-section harrow.
150 hedge posts.
And other articles too numerous to
All sums of $10 and under, cash in
hand; on sums over $10, a credit of
six months will be given, purchaser
giving note with approved security,
bearing 8 per cent inteicst from date.
Sale must commence at 12:"0 p. rn.
sharp, and c-v't-ry article on ihi bill
must bo sold to the highest bidd-.-r. No
hy-biddinjr. All property muct bo set
tled for before being" lomovod from
the premises.
WM. DUNN, Auctioneer.
E. G. DOVEY, Clerk.
i Tiin nimiH'T roi nr or tiii:
col tv or m:hmk.
Noui r. or vi it to (i in uti.r
Knlpti n.'.Mwin, Siicrman W. 0-l ;m.
l:ov O. Coif, Plaint ifl . v. Tt.r un
known f.Hr anil i.-r of K.
llol.hs, U-c--as-cl. -t al . .l'-f- rut.i nt -
To tin-' U.- i.rikn.iwn .r-,r
and ili-visi'M of N'.ii I: liol.t.s, O. -.-av-d.
iir unknown Jif-irs and ;--
of, lii'ursri' W. Irnin, dt--a !, c;-or:
S. Kimi-1. .Martr-'iO't Kim-1. 1 1.- nr
known t.Hrw find d-vls--- uf C!-.ii iz S.
I-'tmp-l, d-oTt-d. tt. nr.ktiow ti n.- r
;in.l d'-vi-s nt .IaiKiir--t J'.mj.-1, d- -.-II
You ! rif-tf-bv r.olir.-.l tr.flt on t
:i'it!i dav of l..Ni.-r. A. I .. fH.
p'aintir.'s fUt-d U.-ir suit in l?i l'i-trit
Court of Cass, N.O.r.i ka.
.(.i.t-c tl;fir till In tli- following J--rri.-d
land In tli- County of Cas, N
brauku, to-Wit:
Thn south l.a'.f S. of tr riortV-v-st
quoitr N. W. ',T of s-K-tion tli.r-tv-six
(::;, township -l-v-u ill, noitn
raiii-'- thirteen 1.'!. -;ist of ti.- :tn
I'. M.. tn-rau'-i- of thir adv.-t-'--ysiim
hv i ti.-ms-lv . tl.-ir Binnturi
and aiu'-slors for niort tfan t n yu ri
prior to Itn- -omni-ii--i:i-nt f "ai-l
suit, and to -nein -a h and i 11 of o
from having or c-'.jimir.K any iiw:-f.
till-, claim. iin or inl.-r.-st tt.-r-in. iit;d
t !-quiro you to s-t fo:th you ri;'''.
lit 1 la im," 1 inn or inlT-t l.-r-in. if
any. r-itln-r l'-jral or wit.itj'.-. in or to
anv pan th-i-of, and to !.av- th- same
ad.iudiffd inferior to th- tittN- of pl.uri
tii'N. and for K-neial e-.iita bi wl;-f.
This notico ix made pr-uant to th
ordt-r of the couit.
Yimi mi! r-''iiri-d to iiriv-r aid pe
tition on or lu foif Mondav. th 1 .''
dav of February. A. I'. IS 1.1, or your
default will h dulv entr'd thf-r-.ri
coi.i: ..i i : i y coi.i:. i-i.nntirri.
KAWI.S I:tm-:i:TScN. Attorney-.
1-4-4 wks-wkly
col t or . ni:iihk.
NO'lICK OP MIT TO 4(1 I KT 'I I I 1.1-
I.or-n. Trlbty -t al.. Plaintiff. v.
1 15. P.ii-h. also known as l-unail
K. l:i h, -t" :tl.. I 'f-nd.tnts.
To t!i- d'-r--ndant I. H Kioh. al-o
known ns l.eoonaid P. Kicti. Fa:iny
l.i.h. t h- unknown h-ir arid d-vi---
of I.-oiiaid p. Piih and Fatniv pith.
a h d. t -as-d, A. I'.. A rd-r, tirt
r-al nam" uu known. Mrs. A. i:. Al-x-an.h-i
hist r-al nam- unknown, wife
of A. "P. Alexander, 'he unknown h'-if
arid ili-visi-i-s of A. 1 1. A I-x ndr, (lrd
r.-al name unknown, aud Mr. A. P.
A invalid. -r. first r-a I name unknown,
cull det-ea"-d, Jol.1 Kr-!ih-k. AntiA
Kr.-ti n-k, first i al name unknown,
w if- of John Kretiln-k. the unknown
lo-irs and dvises of John Kretihek
and A 11 list Krethk. fust real name
unknown, enc-h dVn-use.1. the unknown
I.Hir-- arid de i of John Kr-t"hek,
.l-c.'tised. the unknown h-us and devi-s-f
s of WJientley Mi kelw ait, ili-.'rajl,
W. S West, firt real name unknown,
Mrs. V. S. West, first i-al li.iin un
known, wife of W. S. W'ect, and the
unknown heirs and devisees of W. S
West, hist r-al name unknown, and
Mrs YV. S. West. tirt real name un
known, eaeh dncui-ii.
You are her-bv notified that on tre
rfith day of pe.-emher. A. 1. PM4.
plaintiffs filed their Mtit in the itNtri.t
Court of Cass County, Nel.t aka. to
uuiet their title to the following de
scribed land in the County of Cas, Ne
braska to- w it :
l.ot t-iiiht M in Mock one hundred
sixty-live llti.'.) in the ;Iy of Platl.--ii:o':th.
bc-c-aoe of their adverse p...
session by themselves Jilld their Kl'unt
ors for more than ten ears prior to
the -ommetuement of said oiit. nn.l 1
enjoin each and all of you fr.ji. havini;
or claimiiiK any tiRht. title, il.iim. lien
or interest therein, and ( require ou
to set forth your riKht. title, claim lien
or interest therein, if any, either leical
or e.niitable. in or to any mrt thereof,
and to have the same adjudge.) in
ferior to the title of pluinlifl and for
general equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order of the court.
Yon are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday, the 1.-th
day of February. A. 1., 1!15, or your
default will be duly entered therein.
PAWLS & nOBKUTSON', Attorneys
1-4-4W ks-w kly
ix Tim iiisthict cornT op tiik
coi .ntv op , m:iuiask.
.n otick op i.k.
In He Pstate of DeliiaU Schwab, Ie-
Notice is lierebv civen that in pur
suance of an order of Hon. James T.
He lev, Judiie of the liivtrict Court of
the Countv of Cass. NM.rask.t. made .n
t!ie 14tli day of November. A. 1. P.' II,
for the sale of the real estate herein
after described, there wi I be .old at
the South Front Door f the Court
House, at IMattsmouth Cass County,
Nebraska, on the ?.0th day of January,
A. !.. 1 1 r. at eleven o'clock A M. nt
public vendue to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
Pots thirteen (13 and fourteen (141
in the Past Half IP. .j of the North
west Quarter N". W. ' of Section
Twenty-eiht PJS). Township Pleven
(111 North, Pance Fourteen (111 Fast
of the i;th P. M. in the County of Ci,
Said sale to remain open one hour.
Paled this 22nd day of Ieembr,
A. Ih, 191.
Pxecutor of the last will nnd testa
ment of Delilah Schwab. Deceased.
IN" TIIR niSTBICT COl ItT op thi:
coi.ntv op ., N i:int .K A.
OHIIKM 111 MIIIU ( Al .t:.
In Pe Una rdlanship of Juamta Clem
ens, a Minor.
Now. on this 6 1 !i day of January, A.
D., 1915, this cause came on for har
Ini? upon the petition of Christina Hutr.
Kuardlan of Juanita Clemens, minor,
prayini? for a license to sell the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
The undivided one-ninth (1-91
Interest in and to Plock thirtv
four H4) in Y'ounB ami llav'n Ad
dition to the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass County. Nebraska,
for the purpose of usiri the funds de
rived therefrom for the support, edu
cation and maintenance of said minor,
and alleging that the iale of said land
is for the best interests of said minor:
And it apptarin that an order should
he entered reoniriny all persons inter
ested in said estate to appear and si ow
cause, if any. there be. whv a license
hould not issue to said uuardian t
sell the. interest of said minor in said
described real estate.
It Is Therefore Ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appejr
before me at the office of the Clerk of
the District Court nt Plattsmouth, Ne.
braska. at nine o'clock A. M. on the
day of February, A. P.. PM.1. and nhow
cause why a license should not issue
to said puardlan to sell tiie interest of
said minor in the above described real
estate for the purposes set forth in said
application. JAMKS T. BPCPPY.
J ml ere or the District Court.
It is ordered that a copy of this order
be served upon all persons Interested
in ;aid estate by publication of said
ord'?r for three successive weeks prior
to . : id date set for showlnu cause in
the Plattsmouth Journal a newspaper
published semi-weekly and of general
circulation in the I'ountv of Cass. Ne
braska. JAMKS T. B POPPY.
Judpe District Court.
Sell yoor property through the
Journal Want Ads.
. - - 1