The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 25, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE i.
sa in His 191G
'23 Fahinn
Musical Revue
OX I C I I 1 1 ZC 11 II C3 m m tlSV t4 rra 'C
4 a u u uu u vjf u Lrair a u v u iri
m " m . mm ma m. m m m r. mt - r . i m x w i
Theacscae'he- "HIS HIGHNESS
Friday, The Screaming Funny Musical- "THE PINK WIDOW
Ths Big
Merry Musical
The nimfilest and most versitile singing and dancing chorus in Musical Comedy!
25 People mostly Girls! A Car Load of Magnificent Scenery!
BIG EXTRA Saturday Night Big Tango Contest! Three Cash Prizes! BIG EXTRA
25c, 35c, 50c
No Higher!
New Show
Every Day!
Iian-Cut, Snappy, and Everlasting'
Sonu thing ti Make the Aiidlnre
Smile With Delight.
"Smile awhile. and while you smile,
another smiles.
And smm there's miles :u:l miles of
And life's worth while, because you
The above is Mr. Arthur damage .
favorite bit of verse, and he m:kes
evident his belief in the wholesome?
f-hilosophy contained therein by the
"ass of musical comedy with whvh
Ic has been identified of late yea.'s.
In all of his splendid musical com--!ies
which wi'l be seen at ihe Par-r:-!e
theater for a three days en
gageiiu i.t. there is scarcely a vhil.1
v. hen the audience dues not smile. In
his new, frisky, tuneful musical v'on
edies it is claimed that this clever
ccrr.edun is gaining a still firmer
ra-p upon his admirers and those
v. ho believe in the "damage" idea i f
ciear.-cut, snuppy, everlastingly some doir.g kind of musical comedy.
lew of this serious, work-a-day
w.rld care to go to the theater o
st idy some abstruse problem i-: have
i. ir hearts bowed down by the foro
l"1 ;i fate of Kime unlucky heroine;
b the desire of theatrical
:..-. o'ees i-; to laugh, and laugh they
vii! at all of the damage brand of
r rod'jction. There is action every
rdr.uie and then some, and the musi
'::! numbers are numerous and tuni-f-J.
the clever principals and the
1 f-autifully-gowr.ed chorus join hand
i i hand to make these productions the
!.--1 thej-e is in musical comedy.
Mr. Clanrj:j-e i-; a comedian of the
W-b-r and Field type and is away
lrom the beaten path of low slap stick
comedy, he is evidence of the time,
but his wholesome wit creates a con
tinuous roar of laughter.
Kach production is brim full and
bubbling" over of fantastic novelties
While there is nothing Mendelschniai
about the score, the music is tuneful.
jinr!e and sets the audience hum
ming from the rise of the first cur
tain. The productions are the most
sumptuously staged of any ex
travaganza to date, the electrical ef
fects are marvelously beautiful and
the color schemes suggest an iii tistY
careful manipulation.
To fittingly describe the excel
lence of the song numbers, a column
would be all too little, but the promise
is made that the comical songs will be
c atchy, the ballads, memory haunting;
t he marches aglow with crashing,
swinging bars that will sure ;e you
blood atingling, and lifting waltz
thythms which will enfold you in j
t.neir melodies, and dashing choruses,
Yesterday morning while Thomas
Svoboda was returning home from
church he met with quite a painful
accident near the Dill residence on
Washington avenue by falling upon
the sidewalk and sustaining a pain
fully sprained wrist that will lay him
up from active work lor some tew
days. It seems that along the waik
U:e snow had not been removed as it
should be and the passers-by had
gradually worn a path through the
snow that was quite icy and slippery,
and as Mr. Svoboda came along this
place, which is slightly lower than the
VV!! !!!-!
Moses Stocking, the sheep (king),
tests to the fact that they were a:l
well encased in woolen goods an 1
radiant with the breezes of tho
prairie, bucked in upon us and shoo'
his horns at our shorn locks and un
fleeced proportions.
lArr.itk; road supervi.-ors, L. W. Pa'.-
t-r.son, K. lierger, 11. White, S. I..
(Cable, 1J. Mutz; judges, J. H. Allison,
j I- A. Walker, A. M. Story; clerks,
! Austin Mut, S. C. ratterson.
! I.ibe? ty Asses.-or. J. X. Applegato;
justices, Wn. Hobach, J. F. Buck;
constables, C. S. Upton, J. IJ. Wilson;
road supervisors, D. McUeynobls. V.
A. Pel!, II. C. Vanllojn, Jes.e Krwin,
Lav.von Sheldon, II
i which will inspire you and whet your
appetite for more. Remember the
date Thursday night, January 28.
Mrs. J. C. Teterson was hostess
Friday afternoon at a most charming
l ensington in honor of her daughter,
Mrs. L. W. Uarger of Davenport,
Iowa, and Mrs. E. L. Spies of this
city. There were a large number of
the friends present at the gathering
and the occasion was one filled with
the greatest of pleasure, as the ladies
spent the hours with the busy needle
ii the preparation of many dainty
irticels of needlework and in visiting
among themselves for some time. Tho
ladies were invited at an appropriate
hour to enjoy a most tempting lunch
eon, which served to greatly add to
the pleasures of the occasion. It was
late in the afternoon when the ladies
departed for their homes, feeling that
the hospitality afforded them had cer
tainly been most delightful.
I rest of the walk, he slipped and fel
and throwing out his right hand to
save himself had the wrist sprained
so severely as to require the attention
of a surgeon to fix it up, and it was
thought at first that some of the
bones had been broken.
The Herald puts in a vote of thanks
to Mr. James Wiley for some Christ
mas chickens, to Mr. Fred Stadelman-i
for handsome fruit cake, and to Solo
mon & Nathan for a pre.-ent to the
The Herald is pleased to hear from
Miss Julia Porter once in a while.
1 lobach ;
Junits Krwin, J
Returns Home From Wedding Trip.
Charles F. Guthmann and bride
formerly Miss Margaret Hallahan
arrived in the city yesterday from
their honeymoon trip through the
east and south, and are here for
visit at the home of Mr. Guthmann's
mother and sister, as well as with
Miss Margaret Hallahan, a niece of
the bride. They were married in No
vember at Springfield, Massachusetts,
tt the home of the bride's parents.
Dance at German Home.
There will be a social dance given
on Saturday evening at the German
Home and everyone is invited to be
present and take part in the occasion
The Plattsmouth orchestra will fur
nish the music.
By Order of Committee.
Blank books of all kinds
Journal office.
at the
continues, and the bargains so numerous
that if you will only call, you are sure to
buy. We are reducing the high cost of liv
ing for you.J
gar for $1.
Captain Donovan has been given an
extension of leave of absence for four
months longer.
j jii.res, .. . II. ins'ow, Herman Woif,
I!. F. Taylor; clerk
F. McNamee. j
Avoca Assessor, (',. V. Adam-;'
justices, A. Teft, J. Gilmore; co-i-j
t tables, J. Moore. J. Stacker; judge.;, j
I-:. Trumble, K. Hec-hner, J. L. Hutch-1
ins; clerks, W. O. Ogden, O. Teft. i
Mt. Pleasant James II::!I avd .'. !
M. Carter a tie; justices. S. Richard
son, A. N. Sullivan; constable-, Geo.
I W. Youn', Ed McGau";h ; road supe---!
.'sors, Chas. Philpot, Samuel Rich-1
ardson, Jos. Timblin and Geo. G;I-j
Ii. W. Cunningham
Herald last week.
called on the
Mr. Golding, one of the oldest mer
chants in Plattsmouth, is about (
build a good brick store on the site o'
his present frame cne. He wants Mv.
Tallon to join him on the east wail
and put up another good buildinsr.
The Herald hopes that Mr. Tallon can
see it in this light, as two good brL
stores in that block instead of th
frame shanties there now, would en
hance the value of all other property,
is the risks would be so much les;.
Good two-story brick stores wiil
readily rent, too, in Platsmouth.
Married At the residence of the
bride's father, December Sth, by Rev.
G. I. Crippen, Mr. James R. Vallery
and Miss Mary E. Richardson, eldest
daughter of Samuel Richardson, esq.,
11 of Eight Mile Grove, Cass County,
Nebraska. They had a huge gather
ing at this wedding, the Herald un
derstands, some 80 odd people, friend ;
and relatives, were present, ana a
i more a tie, II. Carper; judges. G. W.
Younsr, John Gilmore, James Hal';
clerks. A. N. Sullivan, Sam Richard
son. Eight Mile Grove Assesor, Wm.
Snyder; justices, Andrew Seybert, P..
V.". Pierce; con stables, James J. Crair,
H. Inhel ler; road supervisors, V. M.
l eaver, D. Arnold, Wm. Snyder, M.
Williams; judges, J. C. Gilmore, P. Ik
Meisineer, Conrad Meiir.rrer; clerk-,
Jjhn Craig. John Ramsey.
Louisville Asessor, Frank Star. 1-
ird; justices, Simeon Si'.es, P. XV.
Giigfrs; constables. Frank Albee, -:.
M. Trent; judges. Lewis Eikhofl", S.
Johnson, IJ. G. Hoover; clerk.-", C.
Schlater, S. F. Rockwell.
Center Assessor, C. F. Came; jus
tices, A. Carmichael, R. R. Pitney;
constables, F. Klc-pser, D. D. An
(:revs; road supervisor, A. J. McDon
:ld; judges, W. D. Ashman, C. P.
Came, S. Ewemag; clerks, A. Miner,
P. F. Allen.
Weeping Water Assesor, J. M.
Ikardsky; justices, John Cha.-e, A.
A Fresh and Complete
Stock of Groceries!
I wish to impress upon the minds of all
my friends and patrons that I have re
ceived and opened up a new fresh and
complete line of groceries in the Gorder
S building, opposite my old stand on Main
street, where I am ready and willing to
supply the trade with any and everything
in this line. I willconduct my business
in this location awaiting the completion
of the repairs on my former business place.
I will be pleased to meet all my old friends
and patrons, also all new ones who care
to favor me with their patronage.
How easily false and unfounded
statements made by some unresponsi
ble party is shown by the report that
has been circulated for the past few
clays that Mr. R. M. Shlaes had se
emed a lease on the lot of T. H. Pol
lock at the corner of Sixth and Pearl
Farden; constables, E. Jvatnour, Jan. streets,
Parden; road supervisors, G. W. John-;
son, Georcre Cross, R. C. Yeomnns; '
j'idges, W. II. Reed, J. M. Dundy, E. .
huge wedding cake on our table at-! Ithour; clerks. John Chase, James
tests to the factt hat thev were
friends of the Herald.
The gentlemen and ladies who pro
pose organizing an Old Settlers as
sociation," met at the court house on
'ast Friday, and after discussing
various topics, decided to submit a
constitution and by-laws for the gov
ernemnt of the association, on Tues-
lay, December 7th, at the court
house. The call for a meeting appears
Stove Creek Assesor, Jas. Clark;
justices, F. A. Smith, George Hill;
constables, Wm. Quinn. J. C. Miller;
road supervisors, Wm. Quinn, Wm.
Delesdernier; Michael Mullen, C. M.
Cov.les; judges, W. S. Wilcoxen,
Henry Hollenbock, S. Breader; clerks,
George Lee, George Orcott.
which is occupied by the
Palace Roller Skating Rink, and that
l.e intended to make the rink move.
Such a report is absolutely without
the least foundation and is not only
annoying to the owner of the rink,
but does Mr. Shlaes a deep injustice,
ps he never for a minute contemplat
ed securing the lot. He is here doing
business in a legitimate manner with
his theaters and attempting to se
cure as good a living as possible, and
l:e extends to anyone else the same
privilege and never for a minute con-
that he is making the rink a success.
Those who start such reports should
see that they have some foundation
before spreading them.
Mrs. Hollowell Improving.
Elm wood Assessor, S. Carter and templated interfering with Mr. Lowe,
f. M. Holdom a tie; justices, S. Ca-!the owner of the rink, or trying to
ter, S. A. Woodard; constables, John riake him move, as he is glad to see
, It' 1 T 11. 1 -
in another column, and we hope thaV ,ar1- eo- -en; roau,
J. ii. magee, w m. Armstrong, v. ii.
Richards, Peter Eveland; judges, P.
Eveland, John Ward, S. M. Holden;
clerks, S. W. Orton, J. E. Magee.
South Bend Assessor, T. W. Foun
tain; justices, James Crawford. T. W.
Fountain; constables, O. J. Willard,
George Meilartz; road supervisor, Ik
Fuller; judges, O. J. Willard, John
Puskirk, J. O. Johnson; clerks, James
Crawford, T. W. Fountain.
Salt Creek Assessor, E. C. Cole
man: iustices. E. J. Mathis, K. A.
Chapin; constables, John McWilliam
son, M. M. Coleman; judges, James
Waters, A. G. Bowman, S. Chuver
cnt; clerks, E. B. Coleman, K. A
Greenwood Assessor, T. W. To
land; justices, D. Kellog, N. A. Cor
nish: constables, D. K. Barr, George
Dove; road supervisors, Samuel Stalk
rer, W. H. II. Kellogg; W. W. Conn.
Joseph Barrett; judges, J. S. Rouse,
A. B. Barr, Owen Marshall; clerks,
W. W. Conn, David Knowles.
Tipton Assessor, J. S. Foster,
justices. A. A. Lavert, J. L. Wood;
constables, R. P. WrightT A.
Cooley; road suyervisors, Daniel For-
sythe, J. P. Buck, Peter Roelofsz,
George McClintock; judges, E. Allen,
O. M. Andrus, G. W. Daggett; clerks,
J. N. Babbetts, Ed Cornwell.
From Saturday's Dallr.
Mrs. A. G. Hollowell, who for the
past few weeks has been quite sick at
her home in this city, suffering from
a complication of maladies, is report
ed as being much better and is not
able to be up and around to some ex
tent, although still feeling quite poor
ly. Her many friends will be pleased
to learn that she is showing such
signs of improvement, and trust that
they may continue. The illness of
Mrs. Hollowell has kept her from a
great deal of her church work, in
which she is a most efficient assistant
to her husband, the pastor of the
Christian church, and her absence has
been most keenly fetl.
Plan to attend the recital given by
Miss Mengedoht's pupils at the M. W.
A. hall on Wednesday evening, Jan
uary 27th, at 8 o'clock. A small ad
mission fee of 25c for adults and 10c
for children will be charged.
the pioneers of Cass county will turn
out "en masse" and be there promptly
fit 2 o'clock p. m.
The following is the list of precinct
officers elected at the last general
Plattsmouth City Assesor, Thos.
W. Shryock; justices of the peace, W.
J. Despain, J. W. Ilines; constables,
W. F. Morrison, L. C. Stiles; judges
of election, J. E. Barnes, S. S. Bil-
ngs, C. Heisel; clerks of election,
Fred Black, L. E. Myers.
Plattsmouth Precinct Assessor,
Isaac Wiles; Justices, James O'Neil,
E. R. Todd; Constabels, J. C. Eicken-
berry, W. Wettencamp; road super
visors, E. R. Todd, A. Stohlman, John
Vallery, N. Jean; judges, H. Eiken
berry, S. L. Thomas, Isaac Wiles;
clerks, Thomas Wiles, A. Long.
Rock Bluffs Assesor, L. W. Pat
terson; justices, J. II. Allison, H. Al-
en; . constables, Lee Allison, B.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind Yea Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Wednesday Evening,
Adults 25c Admission y Children 10c