The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 25, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY. JANUARY 23, 1915.
Copyright, 1314, by
The Man on the Other Bank.
MOKl'; BELLEW nnd Shorty
hortv's task was
to return down the Klondike
t Dawson to record some claims they
In.d staked.
Smoke, with the dog team, turned
south. His e.nost was Surprise lake
Mil the mythical Two Cabins. Hi
traverse was to cut and cross the i:n
'iiiown region over the mountains to
the Stewart liver. Here somewhere,
minor persisted, was Surprise lake,
surrounded by jagged mountain and
glm-iers. its bottom paved with raw
Old timers, it was said, whsp very
lei tues were forgotten ii the frosts of
earlier year?, had dived Into the icy
writers of Surprise lake and fetches!
lump gold to the surface In both hands
But the water was too cold. Some
died in the water. .being priced up
dead. Others died later of consump
tion. And one who hud gone down
never did corce up.
All survivors had panned to return
and drain the lake, yet none had ever
pone Lack. Disaster always s'mote
th'jni. One man fell into an air hole
below rorty Mile;
and eaten by !;is
another was kihed
dugs: a third was
crushed bv a falling tree. And so the
tale ran. Surpri-e lake was a hoodoo; j
Its location was uni emembercd. r.inl j
the gold still pavc-d its undraiued bet- '
torn. j
Two Cabins, no less mythical, was ,
tnore definitely heateiL "Five sleeps" j
up the MrQuostion river from the j
Stewart stood two ancient cabins. So :
ancient we-ve they that they must have ,
leen built before ever the first known
gold hunt'T had entered the Yukon
basin. Wandering moose hunters,
whom even Smoke had met and talked
with, ciaimcd to have found the two
A tic en
He Stumbled Upon Three Graves.
cabins in the old days, but to have
f-cjL-kt vainly fT the mir." which those
early adventurers must have worked.
"I wil! you was oin' with me."
Sk -rty said wistful!;.- at partim;. 'Must
LeTiuse you ,-ct the Indian bmr ain't
i.o reason for to t;o pokin' into trouble.
Tliey's no rettin' away from it. that's
L'Co country you're hound for. The
hoodoo's sure on it. from the lirst Hip
to tho last call."
"It's all ruut. Shorty." replied "I'll make the round trip and
be 1 ack in Dawson in six weeks."
A week later Smoke found himself
cm-iii th-3 jumbled r.-nres south of
Inlrin river. the divide from the
Klondike he had abandoned the sh-u
n:;d packi his wolf do-s. Thesis bi-r
l.kies e:.'.h earned tifty pounds. ;itiU
:i Ills o-.mi hack was an -ji;.al burden,
'i'l.roujiij the s.dt snow lie led the way.
I 'kiu'.j it duv. ji under his suowshoes.
i: 1 behind, in single hie. toiled the
' 1 .
b r days he wandered through a
!:i's of canyons and divides which
' 1 t t y-ld themselves to any ra
i. rs! t-ipt.2i-itphi.-al plan.
1 1 .en ii!nt; a mountain storm that
' a liPrzard a the riffraff of
' -' : :: 1 shallow divides. Above tiiu
' ' l ie. f.reless. fir two days he struu-
i I' ll. !: to tind lower levels. On
' -.- -j .Jay hi en me out upon the
f , n rmo'.is pnps.-'d ?. So thb-k-'
'Ir.iVc !;,. svi.w that he could not see
. ., ti.;:!I. tier dared he at-
- ").. -e:.t. He U;"ed himself
r..;..- n:.d huddled t'iiilii?s alout
iti the depths of a i-aowdrift, but
n j
t-: uV,. w .
the Wheeler Syndicate.
did not permit himself to" sleep.
In the morning, the storm s-pent. he
trawled out to investigate. A quarter
of a mile beneath Liui, beyond all mis
take, lay a frozen, snow covered lake.
About it. on every side, rose jatred
peaks. It answered the description.
Blindly he had found Surprise hike.
"Well named." Le muttered Jin hour
later as he came out upon its margin
A clump of acred spruce was the nlv
j woods. In his way to It lie stumbled
jcpon three graves, snow I uried. but
marked by hand hewn hea-Jposts and
undecipherable writing.
I On tho edge of the wools was a
Ismail, ramshackle cabin. lie pulled the
! latch and entered. In a corner, on
what had eree been a bed of spru- fc
'bough, still wrapped in mar. try furs
that had rotted to fragments, lay a
fkeleton. The l?.st visitor to Surprise
lake. w:!3 Smoke's conclusion as he
picked up a lump of goid ;;s I;:ive a.?
Lis doubled fist Reside the lump was
a pepper can 1:1 led with nrrgets ot the
size of walnuts, rough surfaced. show
ing no signs of wusli.
So true had the tale run that Smoke
accepted without question that the
source of the go! 1 was the lake's bot-
i torn. Under many foet of ice and in
! accessible, tilers was nothing to be
; dune, and at midday, from tLe ri:n of
I the palisade, he took a farewell look
! Lack and down at h;s f.nd.
"It's all riaht. Mr. Lake." he sail
"You just Le-p right on staying there.
I'm coming back to drain you if that
hoodoo doesn't catch me. I don't know
how I trot here, but I'll know by the
way I go out."
In a little valley beside a frozen
stream and under ber:etic-crr spruce
, trees ho buii:
i Somew here in
h lire four days later.
th"t white anarchv he
hid i-.-ft bch!nl hini was Surprise
Jake minewhore. he knew not wl.crr.
for r Ijundred hours of drifting a::d
strucclr throuch blinding, dtlviu?
: snow haj coiicealed course riora
j him. and he knew not in what direc
i tion lay beldnd.
I The storm had passed, and it had
i turned clear and cold. The cretk h
j was on was natural iu tp-pearauce and
; trended, as it should, toward the south
west. Half a day's journey down the
; frock brought him to tb- valley of a
i larper strc-.iin. which he d Ide 1
the Tile Le sli t a
. moose, and once eaeti woifdop
can led a full lii ty -;:id a .-k of meat.
As he turned down the McQuestion
he came upon a sL-d trail. The late
j rt-ows had drifted over, let under
I pctth it was well packed by travel.
; II is conclusion was that two camps
l ad been c.-iab!! . !;ed on the Mctjues
' tl n and that tl'.Is was the connecting
! trail. Kvidontly Two Cabins had been j
i foun'l. and it was t!.- lower camp, so i
f'e head ..d d-wn the stream. J
It was M In low zero w!;cn he camp- j
td that nr-ht. ::r.d he fell asieep won-
i deriir; who were t!:e moTi who had re-
jdiseovercl the Two ('thins and if he
j wuull fetch it nest day. At the fr-t
; hint of dawn he was under way. easily
following the half obliterated trail.
And then it came, the u:.e-p- te
i leai ii; out upon him en a bend of ti..'
river. It s-er'ed to him that he hoar:!
and felt simultaneously. The crar k of
the rifle cam? from the ri.rrht. ami the
bullet, tor.rlncr t!.r uali and across t! "1
shoulders of his drill parka and wool
en coat, pivoted him half around with
the shock of it.s impact. He staL-ar-red
rn his twbtod sinws!oes to recover
balance and heard a second crack of
the rin'o. This time it was a clean
miss. He did not wait for more, but
plunsred ncrciss the snow for the shel
tering trees of the bank a hundred feet
He climbed the bank, the dous flo-.m
derin? behind, and dodeetl in amonz
the trees and brush. Slipphnr out of
his snowshoes. he wallowed forward
at full lenzth and peered cautiously
out. Nothing was to be seen. Whoev
er had shot at him was lyimr quiet
arnonp the trees of the opposite bank.
"If something doesn't happen pretty
soon.' he muttered at the end of half
an hour. "I'll have to sneak away and
build a fire or freeze my feet."
He crawled back a few yards, pack
ed down the snow, danced a jis that
sent the blood back into his feet and
managed to endure another half hour.
Then from down the river he heard
the unmistakable jingle of do? bells.
Peering cut. ho saw a sled round the
bend. Only one man was in it, strain
ing at the gee pole and urging the
dops along.
The effect on Smoke was one of
shock, for it was the first human he
had seen since he parted from Shorty
three weeks before. His nest thought
was of the potential murderer conceal
ed on the opposite bank,
without exposing himself
whistled warningly. The man did not
hear and came on rapidly. Again and
more sharply Smoke whistled. The
man whoaod his dogs, stopped and had
turned and faced Smoke when the rUe
cracked. The instant afterward Smoke
fired into the woods in the direction of
the sound.
The man on the river bad been
struck by the tirst shot. The shock
of the hi rh velocity bullet staggered
him. ne stumbled awkwardly to the
sled, half falling, and pulled a ri2e out
from under the lashings. As lie strove
to rai-e it to his shoulder be crumpled
at the waist and sank down slowly to
a silting posture on the sled. Then
abruptly, as the gun went off aimless
ly, he pitched backward and across the
corner of the sled load, so that Smoke
could rce only his legs and stomach
From below came more jingling
bells. The men d:d not move. Around
the bend swu:rg three sleds, accompa
nied by half a do;:en men. Smoke
cri. d warningly, but they had seen the
condition of the first sled, and they
dashed on to it.
No shots came from the other bank,
and Smoke, calling his dogs to follow.
er.:err-el into the open. There were
oclamat ior.s from the men. and two
of them, flinging off the mittens of
thru- right hands, leveled their rifles
at 1 i in.
"Come on. you red handed murderer,
you." one .of them, a black bearded
man. commanded. "An" jest pitch that
gun of yourn in flic snow."
Smoke hesitated, then dropped his
riile and came up to them.
"On through him. Louis, an' take his
weapons." the black bearded man or
deled. I.ouis was a French Canadian voy
agetir. Smoke decided, as were four of
the ethers. His search revealed ouly
Smoke's hunting knife, which was ap
"Now. what have you got to say for
yourself, srranirer, before I shoot you
had:" the black bearded mau de
"That m're making a mistake if
you think I killed that man." Smoke
a ns wered.
A cry came from n; of the voy
ageurs. He had quested along the
trail and foi'f.d Smoke's tracks where
he had left it to take refuge on the
bank. The man explained the nature
ot his rind.
"What'd you 1:511 Joo Kinad for?"
he of the black beard asked.
I tell you 1 (hdn't." Smoke began.
"Aw. what's the good of talkin"? We
got you red hamhd. Ilia-lit up there's
where you left the trail when you
hoard him cimin". You laid among the
trees an' bushwhacked him. Pierre,
go an' get that gun he dropped."
"Yon m:--ht let me tell what happen
ed." Smoke olijectcd.
"You shut up." the man snarled at
him. "I reckon your gun'U tell the
.M! the mm examined Smoke's title
-On ' hot." P.lackh' :ird-oobib d.
Pierre, witu !.. :: ;;s that quivorort
and distended like a deer's, sniffed at
the breech, "liim one fresh shot," he
"The bullet eat red his back." Smoke
Fr.ia. lie was n;g me when lie was
?hor. You see. it came from the other
I'.iaekbeard co:si-lt red this proposi
tion for a scant se -or.d ami shook his
i.vad. "Nope. It won't do. Turn him
ar.jan to face the other bank, that's
how you wh'.riried him in the back.
Some vi you boys ru:i up an' down the
trail an" see if yon can see any tracks
rnakin" for the eth. r bank."
The ir report was on that side
tin? snow was unt-roki-n IPaikbeard.
I endiug over the dead man. straighten
ed up with a woo;v. fmrv wad in his
Land. Shredding t!:N. he found 1m-behb-d
i:i the center the bullet which
had perforated the body. Its nose was
spread to the s;;:e of a half dollar; its
butt end. steel j.i'-kejed. was undam
aged. He cimp.tred it with a cartridge
from Smoke's belt.
"That's plain enough evidence, stran-
j ger. to satisfy a blind man. It's soft
I nosed an' steel j-ick ted; yourn is soft
j !!'. d and st -el jacketed. It's a J'.u 30;
youru is Mu l'. It's manufactured by
! tL' J. cc T. Arms company; yourn Is
manufacturtd by the .J. V. T. Arms
company. Now, you come along, i.u'
we'll go over to the bank an' see jest
tow you dene it."
"I was bi:shwhaeivd myself." Smoke
said. "1a ok at the hole in my paika."
While I'.la-k! card examined it one of
the voyagers threw open the brooch of
the man's gun. It was patent to
all that it had been tired once. The
empty cartridge was still in the chain
"A d idi.ime poor doe didn't get
you." niaektrard said bitterly. "Hut
he did pretty well with a hole like that
in him. Come en. you "
"Search the other bank first." Smoke
"You shut i:p an' come on. an let the
facts do the talkin'."
They left the trail at the same spot
he had ami followed it on up the bauk
and in among the trees.
"'Iliru dance that place keep him fft
warm." Louis pointed out. "'That
place him crawl on belly. That place
him put one elbow w'en him shoot."
"And there's the empty cartridge he
done it with!" was I'.laokbeard's dis
covery. "Uoys, there's only one thing
to do. We're decent and law abidin',
an' wo got to handle this right an' reg
ular. We'll cache the outfit an" run
him an' poor doe back to Two Cabins.
I reckon we've seen an' can testify to
whut"l stretch his neck."
It was three hours after dark when
the cbsud man. Smoke and his captors
arrived at Two Cabins. By the star
light Smoke could make out a dozen
or more recently built cabins snuggling
about a larger and older cabin on a
flat by the river bank. Thrust inside
this older cabin, he found it tenanted
by a yovmg giant of a man. his wife
and an old blind mnn.
The woman, whom her husband call
ed Lucy, was herself a strapping crea
ture of the frontier type. The old
man, as Smoke learned afterwjtrtl. ba.
been a trapper on tin Stewart for years
and had gune finally blind the winter
before. The camp of Two Cabins. h
was also to learn, had been made the
previous fall by a djzen men who ar
rived in half as many poling boats
loaded with provision' Here they had
found the blind trapper on the site of
Two Cabins, and ubout bis cabin they
had built their own.
In five minutes all the men of Two
Cabins were jammed Into the room
Smoke, shoved off Into a corner, lgnor
ed and scowled at. his J.innls and feet
tied with thongs of moose hide, look
ed on. Thirty-eight men he counted, a
wild and husky crew. His captors t-ld
the tale over and over, each the center
of an excited and wrathful group.
It was while counting the men that
Smoke caught sight of a familiar face
It was P.reck. the man whose boat
Smoke had run through the rapids on
the way to Dawson- He wondered
why the other did not come and speak
to Idm. but himself gave no si-rn of
recognition. Later, when, with shield
ed face, I5reek passed him a wink
Smoke understood.
Itlaekbeard. whom Smoke heard call
ed I'ii Harding, ended the discussion
as to whether or not the prisoner
should be Immediately lynched. "Hold
on!" he roaivd. "Keep your shirts on
That man belongs to me. I caught
idm. an' I brought him here. 1
brought blra here for a fair an" 1m
partial trial, an", by , a fair an Im
partial trial he's goin' to get! Chuck
him in a bunk till mornin, an' -we'll
hold the trial right here."
(To Be Continued.)
Jest Cough Medicine for Children.
''I am very glad to say a few words
in praise of Chamberlain's Cough
"emeJy," writes Mrs. Lida Dewey,
Milwaukee, Wis. '"I have used it for
years, both for my children and my
self, and it never fails to relieve and
cure a cough or cold. No family
with children should be without it as
it gives almost immediate relief in
cases of croup." Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is pleasant and safe to take,
which is of great importance when
a medicine must be given to young
children. For sale by all dealers.
For Sale.
Five Bronze Gobblers, and three
registered Ked Polled Bulls.
Alf. Nickels, Muray, Neb.
I-OR SALE Fine 3-year-old full
blooded short-horn bull. Perfectly
gentle. Iuquire of G. II. Tarns at
the county farm.
Registered Jersey Bull
'or service. C. E. Edbbitt, Tlatts-
FOR SALE Good milk cow cheap.
Telephone or inquire of Adam Kaf
fenberger, Tel. No. 3320.
For Sale.
A lot of one-half-inch sofe cable,
ood for hay forks and all kinds of
farm work, at l's cents per foot.
Richardson & Doty,
Missouri River Ferry.
mrnm and mpzmzM
I am now prepared to look
after a!l general blacksmithing
And horseshoeing. Shop 4 1-2
niles west of Murray.
Lo J. Msill
The Union Auctioneer
Union, Nebraska
All sale matters entrusted to my care
will receive prompt and care
ful attention.
Farm and Stock Sales
a Specialty!
Rates Reasonable!
toAddress or phone me at Union
for open dates.
Dcvvcro cf Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
n nmeury will Mirely tos?ror tho uns f smell
oml ciiu; ;tt 1 di-rauxe te Vvhule tvntoiu when
.-nt?rijif i; tU.-ou-.-b iue niu.-ous surface. iucl
r.i-n. lf Fii..:!il tirit-r be useil except on iirescrlj
fr. iii romaliji? ili.vj-lous. us (he
tin r tlu li Uu ii; Ij tl.o nixwl von nn pun,
.i ly : -rive iivm tlieni. Hall's o'at.irru Cur&
lnt:fui' lij- T. J. Ctiptiey 4: Co.. Toledo. O.
c 10 mercury, udA i; taken Jntornaliy,
otins ril-ectlr u-on tho M'xM aTI, ttummh utir
fuces .f tlie f.vti;:u. In luyinR Hull's Catarrb
u-e b- mr you Rt tf P'-nniae It I tjken
l-'t -rnrKv nrd ma.l In Tole1n. Ohio, by V. J.
: Lij & Co. T. rliajoiiials free.
3olJ ty Dr-crplft. rrioe. 70c. per bottle.
Verily, Truth Is Stranger Than
The Hell of the Bible Not the Hell of
Theology Bible Hell to Be Destroy
ed Jesus Went to the Bible Hell and
Returned Everybody Going There.
Christ Died Not to Prevent People
From Going Into Hell Millions Had
Gone to Hell For Four Thousand
Years Before Christ Came Christ's
Mission Was to Rescue All From the
Bible Hell, Sheol, Hades Bible Tells
How and Approximately When the
Prison Doors of Hades Will Be Open
ed All Prisoners Shall Come Forth.
Baltimore, Janu
ary 24. Pastor
liossell preached
bere today ut The
Academy of Mu
sic. His topic was
seemingly a senaa
tlonal one; but be
fore be conclud
ed, the audience
agreed that be was
3 "2
in---. . .
strictly unsensa-
tional. His text
was. "Thou wilt
not leave My soul
in nelL'-Psalm 1G:10; Acts 2:27.
The Pastor declared that the Bible
HeJl is a very reasonable one, but that
the theological Hell Is a most unrea
sonable oue, as all must acree. The
theological Hell is a red-hot furnace,
manned with fire-proof devils, and con
taining practically all of the human
family who have ever lived the ex
ception being the comparatively small
number of saintly followers of Jesus
This HeU Is the common property of
Catholics and Protestants; and they
are welcome to it. so far as the Pastor
is concerned. He declares it an ab
surdity, wholly contradictory to the
P.ible: and be proved his points well
in the estimation of nearly all present
Hells Galore Modern Theology.
The Pastor remarked upon how
many different kinds of HeU there are.
according to theology. It seemed to
him that each preacher felt that te
had a richt to make a hell for all non
church members according to bis owe
concertioi1- None seemed to think it
necessary to sro to the Bible. He re
minded us of the views of the saintly
Thomas a Keropis. in which he de
scribed the horrible smells and sights
of Hell so graphically as to make one
wonder if he bad made a special visit
and returned to write its description.
He reminded us of the vivid picture
this writer gives of a naked soul if
anybody knows what a naked soul is
and how the fiery blasts finally as
bc-stosized the outer Ekin. rendering
:Ik su tiering somewhat less.
But this decrease of suffering, ac
cording to Thomas il Kempis. was dis-
piens'.ng to God; and a description is
given of how tbis torture was renew
ed and intensified. The asbestos skin
split down, the back like the shell of a
locust, and into that crack the flames
of Hell licked their way furiously
upon the raw flesh of the damned
kouIs. This process, the saint inform
ed us, is to be kept up throughout all
eternity for the joy of God and the
holy angels, for the satisfaction of
some kind of Justice which the saint
had in mind, but which we of today,
thank God! are unable to comprehend.
The Pastor declared that fire is used
in the New Testament as a symbol of
destruction, an illustration of how all
tile wilfully wicked God will destroy
eventually. People do know something
about fiery trials, and about heaping
coals of fire upon the beads of their
enemies figuratively. But whenever
the word fire occurs In any connection
where it can be twisted into signify
ing eternal torment those who love
that kind of punishment for their ene
mies are swift to take advantage of It
eternal torment is the just, the lov
ing thing to give to all the heathen
who never heard of Christ, to all the
poor, jguorant and degraded who, born
in sin. in weakness, find themselves
discouraged and overwhelmed by the
.dversary to all not church members.
This sort of thing has been going on
so long, the Pastor said, that every
lKdy gradually came to believe it and
remarkably few have inquired as to its
unscripturaluess. Many sensible peo
pie held aloof from religion entirely,
unwilling to confess themselves believ
ers of such a doctrine or worshipers
of such a God.
But now we have variations to suit
uur more refined feelings. Ministers,
without giving their authority, now tell
various tales about Hell. Some bavt
it with a slower tire, not so red-hot
others have it that it is merely a place
of mental remorse following iu this.
to some extent, the leading of Dante's
ricture of Purcatorv. where various
punishments are meted out for vari
ous sins. They do not. however, go sc
far as Dante and call the place Purga
tory, or admit that there will ever be
any release from it They, content
themselves by saying that there, i
nothing in the Bible about Purgatory,
and forget that there is nothing In the
Bible alKiut their kind of Hell, the Bi
ble nell being a totally different one.
According to the Catholic doctrine,
nil Catholics go to Purgatory to b
purified and fitted for Heaven; and
tiiev rei4c in tHl3 lesser torture be
cause it is less than the eternal tor
ture reserved lor others. I'roui iheir
viewpoint happy is the man, the wo
man, the child, thut through baptism,
joly water, holy candles, the mass.
iud the Lxtreme L net ion, gets into
Purgatory, for be may be helped out
jf it by further masses, etc.
We are not complaining at this. We
think it a great deal better than the
Protestant theory; but we leave it
said the Pastor, for those who like it.
We notice, however, that very few
seem to like it for themselves; nearly
Bit prefer these tortures for their op
ponents. If any oue is happy in these
beliefs, the Pastor does not wish to
disturb bis serenity. He was merely
addressing the growing multitude who
are looking for a better God and a bet
ter future than is held out by the
creeds of the Dark Ages. Others
should not read his sermons, he said,
nor come to hear him.
The Rich Man In Hell, Etc.
When once the human mind has be
come settled uion certain convictions.
no matter how foolish, It seems tibie
to find support for its delusions, con
tinued the speaker. Thus oue of our
lord's parables has been seized upon
to prove that Hell is a place of torture,
parched tongues, etc. We cannot here
discuss this parable or the two figura
tive statements in lievelation used to
bolster the doctrine of eternal torment;
we must confine ourselves to our text.
But we can offer free of charge a
booklet which we have written with a
view to making these figurative state
ments clear. Whoever will addnss
me Pastor Ilussell. Brooklyn. N. Y.
requesting a copy of a pamphlet ubout
Hell, will be promptly served free of
charge. That pamphlet will settle ail
your questions, supplementing what I
am saying to you today. 1 take pleas
ure in giving it away free, because I
know the Joy, the blessing, the relief,
it brings to many earnest, bnest
hearts. I know that many after read
ing are enabled to love, worship and
serve the great God of Love heartily,
intelligently, as never before.
Where Is Hell? Who Are There?
Our English word Hell comes to ns
from tlie German language hwhlc.
signifying a hole. It is. therefore, a
very good translation for the Hebrew
word Sheol, which .signifies a pit, a
hole, a grave. The New Testament
Greek gives us Hades as the exact
equivalent of Sheol. Whenever Sheol
Is translated into the New .Testament
Greek the word Hades is usl-S. Thus
tlie Psalmist wrote, "Thou wilt not
leave My soul in Sheol" (hell the i
grave); and St. Pe-Ur translated this
in the New Testament rendering it.
"Thou wilt not leave My soul in
Hades" (hell the grave).
St. Peter tells us that these words
were not true respecting the Prophet
David, who used them; that he is still
in nell, in Sheol. in Hades. He says.
Tils sepulchre is with us unto this
day." The Prophet David had not yet
been resurrected out of Sheol. out of
the state of death, out of the grave
condition. St Peter explains that the
words were a prophecy relating to
Christ's resurrection that God raised
Jesus from the dead on the third day
raised Iliru. therefore, from Hades.
after Tie had been in for parts
of three days.
There is not a shred of authority
anywhere for the absurd statement,
sometimes made by cornered clergy
men, that "Paradise is on one side of
the creek and nades on the other."
Tlie Bible tells of a Paradise, but it is
future. It tells cf Hades, the state of
the dead; but it is present, and is to
be destroyed in the future. The de
struction of Hades. Sheol. the grave.
wiil progress during the thousand
years of Christ's Reign. Every time
an individual is resurrected from the
dead, his grave will be destroyed it
will be a grave no longer.
Good, Gad, Rich, Poor, In Hell.
At a time when the Bible was not
in the hands of tlie people, and net
considered necessary to them, because
they had the creeds, various errors
spread; and both Catholics and Pro
testants helped to spread thrm. and
no dou'it many were deceived into be
lieving all that they said. We are not
charging them all with hypocrisy, but
with error with being out of harmo
ny with the Bible. The Bible does
not tell about any going to Heaven at
death; b'lt it does tell that all. both
good and bad. ri b and poor, go to
Hell at death: that King Iavkl went
to Hell, and is sti.I there. Note the
Apostle Peter's word- "David is not
ascended into the Heavens." (Acts
2:"4.) David is not one of the elect
Church. He was never called to the
Heavenly Calling. He was not a fol
lower of Christ: for he lived centuries
before that time. His blessing of res
urrection will be to human nature.
earthly nature; and his reward will bt
a share in that restored Paradise,
which will eventually be world-wide.
We remind our readers that tlie Bible
history of four thousand and m.-re
years has no reference to any other
Hell than Sheol. We remind you that
although our Bible was translated by
people who believed in a liery Hell,
they were unable to translate quite
half of the occurrences of the word
Sheol by our English word Hell. They
were obliged to translate the majority
as grave or pit They should not have
made any exception; In every case the
word should have been rendered grave
or pit; for this Is what it means.
Jesus was raised up out of Sheol.
Hades, the tomb; for His death had
been a sacrificial oue. and there was
no real cause of death in Him. But
there was another person brought bark.
Jonah, who the Lord declared was typ j
Ical of Himself Jonah s three days bil
the belly of the fish corresponding to
our Lord's three days in lie!!. Hides,
the grave. The resurrection of Jesus
vas reoresented also in the experiences
of Jonah; for 011 the third day the
great fish vomited him fuiih. Jonah,
describing bis experiences while bu: : t
alive in tiio belly of the li-h. says, "(J ;t
of the belly of IK!1 erie 1 I. ;md Th..u
heardest my voi e," etc. The sidi oui
Ited him upon the dry la- d. lie was
rescued from the Hell-belly; tor th.
belly of the fish was his Hell, or grave.
The Bible is very explicit in do
ing that all die not merely feem to
die. but really die nd thnt there
would be no future life whatever lor
mankind, unless God provides a re-ur-rection.
God has provided fur a resur
rection. His provision is m;'de in
Christ ho died for our s-ins. St. Paul
declares. If there be ii" resia reet ion
of the dead, all our Christian faith and
hope are perished; we have nothing to
live for; we have no b pes. Put be
assures us that Christ has die. I i.nd
risen. Therefore, ultimate!-, :;i! v.i..
be delivered from the iover of Sheol.
Hades, the grave.
A few were awakened In olden time-,
merely to relapse Iuto de ith agiia It
was not possible that any e;.M Le
fully recovered from tl.o power .f
death unlil Christ lirst had provide!
the Ucdemption-prho on in::n's behalf.
Go.1 speaks of tilings li. ni this view
point Looking down fnmi the heui'.i
iJng. He toils us that He had prowl
ed Jesus as "the I-iiub of God" in Hi-
purpose before the foundation of t'.e
world. Hence, in speaking to M -e-.
He did net speak of the world as t.e
iug dead in the sense of d.-a 1 brute
beasts, but as those who hive hope.
He spoke of the things nt yet suvei j
plished as though they had already
been accomplished, and deelared llini-
seif the God of Abraham. Isaac nil 1
Jacob, who were dead, but fr vWj.h.i
u resurrection bail been pruvided.
Gathered to Their Father Aulesp.
Of both the good and the bad wo
read that they were withered to th. ir
fathers. Their fathers were n- t hi
Hoaeii; for that is not a sleeping
place; their fathers weie not in the
fiery Hell of orthodoxy and the cre-ds
of the Dark Ages; for they were n- t
yet imagined. They did not sleep In
a Catholic Purgatory for the same rea
son; but they slept, and are steeping
still, and will continue to sl cp unt.l
they shall be awakened.
This same thought is ghen in the
Nev.- Testament as well ax iu the Oid.
Jesus said that -Lazarus -dept; and He
awakened the daughter of J.iirns Inu i
the sleep. St. Paul declared that ah
the Church would sleep exeopt linn-
who would be alive at the time ( 'ir
Lord's Second Coming. It is fr ri
this viewpoint that the great work of
Christ and His Millennial Kingdom Is
described as specifically and pei ially
an awakening of the sleeping dead.
In the Old Testament. Sheol is de
scribed as a great prison-house Into
which the people hive gone, and out
of which none could make his way to
liberty from death. The same t li ui.t t
is given us In the Nev,- Testament.
Our Lord tells of how He will unlock
Hades, Sheoi, the tomb, rnd deliver
the prisoners. He tells us that lie
"has the keys of death and of Hades.'
He got thv key, or authoiity. or po.v
er, to open the grave, to give a resur
rection to the whole world of ma t;'..In 1.
at the cost of His life, whirli He fr
ly sacrificed, dying "the Just f r tie?
unjust." "tasting death for every mau.
Coming B ' ' From Sheol, From Hades,
From Heil.
In symbolic language tlie Si -riptures
picture Jesus as teaJing forth a Multi
tude of captives (Ej l esi.ins -1 n.) The
first company of captives delivered will
be .the Chan h. the Bride, the E-tmb's
Wife, they who will part in tie
First Resurrection. Truly the Scrip
tures declare. "The gates of Heil r-hall
not prevail against th-c" Christ is
stronger than the pmv r of death, and
He has met the death penalty that w is
against us. He h is redeemed us. IIu
will deliver us early in the Morning of
the New Dispensation.
And that is only part of tlie wonder
ful Story. The Apostle de. lars
The CLrist wiil be the First-fruit-;. ,le
sits the Head, and the Chtireh Hm
Body. Afterward will be th. se who
become Christ's during Ills Preseiu-e.
His Presence will hist for the tho or
sand years, as the Kin: over all the
earth; and as the nntitypieal Prie-t to
bless. lie will be a Piiest upon I lis
ThroLe, to d.-liver froui the po-er i
sin and death all who wish to toiu''
back into harmony ith Cod. llal
lujah! What a S i vjorl
The result of these thousand y-..-i!-
will be not merely the awa-iei.ii.L- '
the sleepers, but subsequently, tie it
raising up mentally, nior .!:;.-. physj.-.r
l.v. to full perfeeiion of human nature.
from which they fell in Path: r Ad:i.iN
disohedieii -e. Then, win n all the wi!
fully wi ked shall have been de-dr-v
ed in the Second Death, frni 'hi-f'
there will be no "recovery, no redesi:p
tion. no resurrection -"then dia!l I
brought to pass the sai:ig that I
wriiten. Death is swallowed up In vj
tory. () Death, where Is thy sting? i"
Hades grave, where Is thy vie tory y
'i'he grave indeed has a victory now
over all mankind; but ultimately .!.
Redeemer will hae the ictor.v. durlu.
the thousand years of Ills Reign K
will deliver all from the power of tb
present death, and only the wilful!
wicked shall die the Second le-ain
from which there will be no recover.
It fdls our hearts with Joy to think
of the poor world's return from tl;.
prison-house of death and from tin h
weaknesses and Imperfection. Wi ti
the eye of faith, looking through thf
telescope of God's Word, we see in tin
near future, thank tied! the binding o
Satan, the awakening of the sleeper
the blessing of the whole world. tb
uplifting of nil the willing and obedj.
ent We s:e them coming back . ful
physical p - er. to full mental vigur
to fr.U mot i tone-the imae and li':e
aess of Cod i in E3en, rcdcciuei
lor ail at 'vury.
r.- J.fv
1 f-C"