The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 25, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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. PACT. 5
Lende r-F.cho.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Box of Wine
toon. Neb., came Tuesday to he in at
tendance at the McLaughlin-Box we i-
The A. O. U. W. installed oTicers
Wednesday niht. A banquet va
hehJ ::nJ a general gcod time was had
by all present.
Andrew itander of Louisville came
Wednesday evening for a few days
visit at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Albert Seiker.
I-ast week Ix-muel Tarish lest on
tf his horses. He had only had th'-
l,r-e a short time. It dropped dead!,.
s ti'-.'i lie was hauling a tank of water.
Miss Kittie Worley of Omaha wa (;uite late.
vi.-itinr her paret.ts and many friends J Word comes from Stratton that a
1 1 : e the latter part of last week. Sh-- j ouncing nine-pound boy had made
i- a member of the Universal Press! his appearance at the home of Mr.
Clipping Bureau of Omaha. r.nd Mrs. W. M. Bailey, and that all
Dan Coon went to Lincoln Wednes.- ( parties concerned were delighted,
day evening to confer with the B. Ci'-Mis. Bailey will bo remembered as
M. railroad o'Taials in regard to the (Miss Willis, who woikcd in the post
7 -ickpoi-ket incident at their station ! office he re for several years,
that citv a short time ago, and j
which he claim
to have figured a -
the victim.
C L. Berger walked from his farm
Faturday in the snow storm, a dis
tance of ten miles. He said that the
last few miles of the trip was a littl
tough going. When we consider that
this was the worst storm of the sea-.-on
we would say that this was going
Mr. Jackman and family are now
thcroughly settled on the farm which
v as formerly occupied by C. H. (Jib
son, who recently sold his stock and
is now engaged in the hardware busi
rcss at Weeping Water. Mr. Jack
man will receive a hearty welcome to
rimwood and vicinity.
On Wednesday evening occurred
the mnrriace of Miss Stella May Bo
to Leonard J. McLaughlin. The ma -i
i acre took place at the home of th .
bride's parents three miles east of
the city. The ceremony was perform
ed at 8 o'clock by the Rev. W. II. Bobb
cf the Christian church. The ringji,
ceremony was used. Little Lizzie Cox
:.rd Martha Cird acted as ribbon bear
t:s and Miss Rose Schneider played
the 'Future Grand March." About
thirty-five relatives and frier.ds were
present. After the ceremony a three
course dinner was served, which had
been prepared by the bride's mother
and friends. They received many
1 eautiful and useful presents. The
bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Box and is well known to all.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry McLaughlin and is an in
dustrious young farmer. They will
make their home on a farm close to
this city. They have the best wishes
of a host of friends.
"News. .
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Massie and
daughter, Mrs. Hobaeh, were passeng
cis for Elmwool Wednesday.
Mrs. Netherow and Mrs. Riddles,
sister and aunt of C. A. Duckworth,
f. re here from Chariton, Iowa, visit
ing. From the rumors afloat there will
be several consolidations here in the
near future. Matrimonial tie-ups we
The measles are still doing busi
ress in this vicinity. One of the
Duckworth children is the latest down
with them.
The cost of building a silo
is not an expense, it is an
investment which you get
back at the end of a year.
We build the cheapest, most durable silo that is made
and give you a guarantee which protects you agaiDSt any
chance of loss.
If you are posted on the value of a silo come into our
office and let us show you our system of construction.
If you are not posted on silos come in and let us show
you how you can increaee the profit of your farm 25 percent
and more.
We also make the best water tanks and grain bins on
earth at less money than either wood or iron.
Just south of the postoffice on Fifth street you will find
us ready to talk silos and water tanks.
Come in when you are in town and get acquainted.
Gonoreie Construction Co.,
Plattsmouth, -
Mis. V.'m. 'Chandler returned to
Lincoln yesterday with her little son,
: Iter visiting several days here. She
is gradually getting better.
Uncle James Stone is able to be out
af;ain, after his severe sick spell, and
is- making regular trips down town
again. He annuled his trip down Sat
urday, however.
The early morning train Sunday
i an off the track this side of Weeping
Water, and it took nearly all day to
get it back on the track. The morn
ing train from Lincoln was detoured
by way of Auburn, point; back to
Lincoln in the afternoon nearly on
The A. O. U. W. and Decree of
Honor held a joint installation Thurs
day night of last week, a number of
united quests being present to enjoy
the festivities. A o'clock three-
urse dinner was served and the
fun following was carried on until
j VV.V VV.-VV ."...".' W.
Miss Anna and Edward Volk of
Saline county are visiting relatives in
this vicinity.
S. W. Davis, formerly of Louisville,
but recently of Scotts BIuiT, has
moved to Minitare, Neb.
Edward Keiser came in from Glen
wood, Iowa, Monday for a visit with
relatives and friends in and around
Andrew Schoeman ami Mr. and
Mrs. Andicw Stohlman went to
I'lattsmouth Wednesday to attend tho
funeral of Mrs. Anna C. Holschuh, a:i
old friend.
Suit. II. C. York of the Murphy
quarries, returned home Monday af
ter an extended visit with relative-
- . Iowa and Illinois. Mrs. York and
little son remained until the last of
ihe week.
Coin Monday, January 18, l'.)l.
to Mr. and Mrs. John Gakemeier;
twin girls. The ltitle misses are of
the regulation size and the happy par
ents are receiving the congratulations
of their many friends.
The Courier is pleased to be able
to report that its old-time friend,
Mis. J. D. Ferguson, of Lincoln, i.
convalescing, after an illness with
kali stones. Mrs. Ferguson was for
merly a resident of Cass county.
William Wendt held a butchering
hee at his home last Tuesday which a busy affair, although the fifteen
or more who were present report .i
fine time. Three hogs were killed,
each weighing 300 pounds or over.
Ferdinand Hennings returned Mon
day from an extended visit with his
sister, Mrs. John Schafer and family,
in Knox county, near Creighton. Ho
reports that they had more snow up
there in the past month than at home,
but in spite of the blustry weather, he
enjoyed his stay very much.
Try a acl.
Yo-jr money
isfaetoi y.
of Forest Hoso (bur.
refunded if not s-at-
Mrs. Claude Everett of Nebraska
City, who has been here for the past
few days visiting with friends, and
who was called here to attend the
funeral of the late J. G. Richey, de
parted yesterday morning for h
cores of Flat tsmouth Readers Are
Learning the Duty of the
To filter the blood is the kidneys'
When they fail to do this the kid
neys are weak.
Cackache and other kidney ills may
Help the kidneys do their work. t
Use Doan's Kidney Pills the test
ed kidney remedy.
Proof of their worth in the follow
ing: Mrs. Frank Cappon, Weeping Wa
ter, Neb., says: "My experience with
Doan's Kidnev Pills has been so
satisfactory that I can recommend
iliem as a reliable kidney medicine. I
had ift almost constant backache and
stooping or lifting was always to!
lowed bv sharp pains throughout my
odv. Headaches and dizzy spells an
noyed me arid the action was ir
i egu'.ar. Doan's Kidney Pills ie
. loie l me to good health and at the
present time I have no cause fur
tomplaint whatever."
Price oOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Cappon had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. Y.
The Loyal Sons class of the Chris
tian church are arranging for a very
interesting meeting to be held on
Thursday evening r.ext at the Stenner
home in the west part of the city,
when they will have the pleasure of
enjoying a debate on a very interest
ing subject "Resolved, That the
United States Should Be Better Pr3
rared in the Event of War." The
boys are all keen to indulge in the de
bate and the different members of the
class are divided on e;;ual sides of
the que.-tkn, the affirmative being le.l
by Oliver Hudson and the negative by
Ilariy Winscott. and a most interest-
i -ig discussion will be enjoyed by the!Gf business.
class. The lecture of the evening will
be delivered by County Judge Allen -I.
L'.eeson and will be along lines that
will of much value to the youmr
r..en of the class and their friends, an 1
with the well known ability of the
judg? as a lecturer should be well
worth liea ring.
One of the chief dancing evening of
the year will be the big masquerade
ball that wiil be given on the 20th of
February by the local aerie of the
Eagles at Coates hall. This event
has become one of the fixed dancing
feats of the year and the committee
:m charge are beginning to plan on
making it one of the best in the his
tory of the order. The Platsmouth
orchestra has been secured for the oc
casion and will be on hand to dis
course sweet music for the ball. A
large number of prizes will be given
and a royal good time is looked for
ward to by the dancing public of the
city. A further announcement will
be made of the prizes to be offered
at this event.
New Son Makes Appearance.
Yesterday morning the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. J. Lair in this city was
raid a flying visit by that kindly bird,
the stork, j;nd as a result they are
rejoicing over the advent of a fine
rine-pound son and heir. The little
lad and the mother are doing nicely
and the proud father is about as
happy a man as can be found in the
city. The friends of the family will
extend to the young man their hearti
est best wishes for a long and happv
There will be a social dance
given at Coates' hall on Satur-
v day evening, January 30th, by
I- the Cosmopolitan club, to which
- the public is cordially invited to
be present. A pleasant time is
assurred to all. Music by the
-l" Holly orchestra.
Harry Hinton was among those go-
ji".g to Omaha this afternoon, where
he will visit for a few hours looking
after some matters of business.
Local Mews
Prom Friday's Dally.
Cameron Cathey of near Murray
was in the city today for a few hours
vi.-iting with friends and looking after
-ome matters of business.
Miss Mayol Propst was among the
Omaha visitors yesterday for a few
hours looking after some matters of
business, returning home last even
ing on No. 2.
Wash A Young, residing a few
miles west of this city, was among
those oir;g to Omaha this morning
to look after some buir,ess matters
for a few hours.
George M. Ilild of near Mynard in the city today for a few hours
making arrangements for the holding
of a sale of his farm effects, prior to
moving into this icty.
Miss Eda Marquardt
home last evening on No. 14 from
Lincoln, where she had been attending
, jthc meeting of the State Superintend
cuts' association in that city.
Mis. R. E. Lloyd and sister, Mrs.
E. H. Spangler, we;e among those
going to Omaha this morning, where
they will spend the day looking after
some b'.isiness matters in that city.
J. L. Riehey and wife departed la-t
l ight on the midnight Missouri Pa
cific for Kansas City, after being here
in attendance at the funeral of Mr.
Richey's father, the late J. G. Richey.
They will spend some time at Kansas
( ity.
Captain Isaac Wiles departed this
afternoon for Omaha for a short visit
: t the home of his son, T. F. Wiles,
as well as to attend the Veteran Ma
sonic meeting there tomorrow. Mr.
Wiles received his first degree in Ma
sonary in this city just prior to the
outbreak of the civil war.
From Saturdays Dallr.
Clarence Busche came in this morn
ing on the Schuyler from his home
near Cedar Creek to spend the day
here with friends.
Mrs. Bennett Chriswisser was
rmong those visiting in Omaha today,
where she spent a few hours looking
after some matters of business in
that city.
Miss Mathilde Vabery departed thi
moining on the early Burlington train
for Glenwood, wheie she will visit for
the dav looking after some matters
P. II. Meisinger came in this morn
ing from his home in the vicinity of
Cedar CrCeek andspent a few hours
here looking after some matters of
business with the merchants.
Charles Peacock, wife and littlo
daughter drove in this morning from
their home west of tins city to look
; fter some trading here with the mer-
hants for a few hours.
Mrs. E. L. Messin of Cherokee,
Iowa, who has been here for the past
few days visiting at the home of Mrs.
Fred Stewart and family, departed
this afternoon for her home.
Mrs. G. W. Pugsley and iittle son,
George, who have been here since
Tuesday visiting at the W. A. Taylor
home, south of this city, departed this
afternoon on No. 23 for their horn?
in the metropolis.
Arthur Richey and wife of Leon,
Iowa, who were here in attendance ax
the funeral of their uncle, J. G.
Richey, departed this morning on No.
t for Osecola, Iowa, from where they
,vill proceed to their home.
Fiank Richey of near Des Moines,
Iowa, who has been here visiting at
the F. M. Richey home, where he was
called to attend the funeral of liu
i.ncle, J. G. Richey, departed this
morning for Omaha, from where ho
will return to his home.
Mrs. T.- M. Willett of Hannibal,
Missouri, who has been here visiting
at the home of her (laughter, Mrs. A
G. Hollowell. for the past few days
departed yesterday afternoon for her
home. Her granddaughter, Nina
Hollowell, accompanied her home for
a short visit.
From Monday's Hilly-
W. A. Ingalls returned this mom
ing to resume his duties on the road,
after an over Sunday visit here vith
his family.
Miss Nettie Jirousek returned this
morning to Omaha, after an over
Sunday visit in this city with her par
ents and friends.
R. R. Nickels of near Murray was
in the city today for a few hours
Pedigreed Live Stock and
General Farm Sales
Wire for Dates at Our Expense.
gi.' m.'J
mum rumm m ! n
looking after some trading, as well
as visiting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes nd son,
Ralph, came up from Murray Friday
evening for a visit over Sunday ?.t the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rawls.
County Commissioner Julius Pitz
was among the visitors in Omaha to
day for a few hours, goinjr to that
city on the early Burlington train.
Mrs. E. D. Cummins was among
those going to Omaha this afternoon
to attend the conceit to be given by
Madame Alma Cluck in that city.
Mrs. Mary Metzger of Cedar Creek
was here today for a few hours visit
ing with her friends, having came in
from her home on No. 4 this morning.
James Dvorak came in Saturday af
ternoon from his home at Ilavelocic
for a visit here at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. John Rotter and fam-
Charles Garlach of Manley came in
this afternoon from his home to spend
a few hours looking after some mat
ters at the court house for a shoit
Mis. Jacob Tritsch was among the
passengers this morning for OmaV'.,
uhere she -goes to visit for the day
looking after some matters of busi
ness. J. W. Holmes, wife and son, Ralph,
. ere over Sunday visitors in this city
at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. C. A.
Rawls, departing today for their home
in Murray.
Captain Isaac Wiles returned home
Saturday afternoon from Omaha,
where he had been in attendance at a
meeting of the Veteran Masons in
that city.
Mrs. V. Zucker and Mrs. W. D.
Smith were among those going to
Omaha this afternoon to visit at the
hospital with Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans
for a few hours.
Thayer Propst came down yester
day from his home at Ralston, Neb.,
and spent the day here as a guest at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. Propst.
Elmer Hallstrom of the Murray
State bank, was in the city Sundav
visiting for the day with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hallstrom, and
his many friends.
.Mrs. .Martha Uaumeister was
omcng those going to Omaha this
morning, where she goes for a fev
hours' visit looking after some mat
ters of business.
Ralph Cobb, wife and little babe,
who have been here visiting at the
home of Mr. Cobb's parents for some
few days, departed this afternoon for
their home at Valley, Neb.
Mrs. J. 11. Kuhns was a pa3sen.?or
this morning for Omaha, where sh3
will visit for the day looking after
:ome matters of business and visiting
with her friends in that city.
E. O. Furlong of Steamboat
Springs, Colorado, who has been here
isiting at the home of his relatives
near Rock Bluffs, departed this after
roon for his home in the west.
Mrs. Ward Clark and Mrs. Ed
Weaver were among those going to
Omaha this morning, where they will
spend the day in that city visiting at
the hospital with Mrs. Joe Wiles.
John Janda came down Saturday
evening on No. 2 from Havelock to
visit over Sunday here with his par
ents and to assist the Holly or
chestra in their playing at the mask
John P. Meisinger and son, Edgar,
were doing their week-end shopping
and attending to business matters in
this city Saturday. While here Mr.
Meisinger took time to call at this
office and have his subscription to the
Daily Journal extended for another
George P. Meisinger, jr., and
brother, John Meisinger, jr., were in
the city Saturday for a few hours,
driving in through the deep snow to
look after the week-end shopping1.
John G. Wunderlich, the whole
ouled and genial Nehawka citizen,
came up this morning from his home
to look after some matters of busi
ness in the city for the day. It is al
ways a pleasure to have this splen
did gentleman visit among us and it
is. needless to say his many friends
were delighted to meet him.
His Stomach Ti-oubles Over.
Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not like
to feel that your stomach troubles
were over, that you could eat any
kind of food you desired without in
iry? That may seem so unlikely
io you that you do not even hope for
an ending of your trouble, but permit
us to assure you that it is not alto
gether impossible. If others can be
cured permanently, and thousands
have been, why not you? John R.
Earker, of Battle Creek, Mich., is one
of them. He says, "I was troubled
with heartburn, indigestion and liver
complaint until I used Chamberlain's
Tablets, then my trouble was over."
Sold by all dealers.
Subscribe for The JournaL
n mm
-Weeping Water, Neb.-
will take charge of your public
sale business. Farm sales a
specialty. Owners' interests
are always guarded with the
best ability, and satisfaction
guaranteed. For open dates
telephone at; my expense to
Weeping Water.
Taken to Omaha for Operation.
This morning William Ost, jr., re
siding near Nehawka, passed through
this city en route to Omaha, where
he will enter a hospital there to un
dergo an operation for appendicitis.
Mr. Ost has been suffering more or
less for the past few years from what
:eem3 to have been chronic ap
pendicitis, and his physicians recom
mended the operation as a roern? of
helping him regain his former health.
The friends of the young man
throughout the county will await the
results of the operation with the
hope that it will prove the means of
iclieving Mr. Ost from his illness.
.........t. ..t.
j t t t i , .
Wrill Foltz of South Omaha was
looking after some business matters
in town Wednesday.
Ray McNurlin left for Central City
Monday morning to work in the gar
age for Paul Jones.
J. II. Wagner of Lincoln returned
home Sunday evening after a week's
visit with his daughter, Mrs. W A.
Heneger and family.
Fred Somers, who has been spend
ing his vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. II. A. Somers, returned to
his work Monday at Pittsburg, P.
He was accompanied as far as Omaha
by his mother.
The D. M. Johnson hardware stock
is being invoiced this week and as
soon as the work is completed Mr.
Charles II. Gibson will take posses
sion and become one of the business
men of the town.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carter and lit
tle Virgil left Wednesday morning
for Corpus Christi, Texas, where
they will spend the rest of the winter,
but were detained on account of Mr,
Carter's sickness.
Herman Rich, who is R. F. D. car
rier on one of the routes out of
Plattsmouth, was visiting relatives ii
town this week. 1 he snow was so
bad that he couldn't ' do much a
covering his route, so he turned
over to his substitute for a few
S. J. Ambler has traded his 18-acre
fruit farm at Paonia, Colorado, to J
C. Jones for his home and 15 acres o
land in West Park Place. Mr. Amb
ler will move into his new home b
April first. The Republican under
stands that Mr. Jones will move to
Sidney, Neb., and develop a section of
land he owns there.
Announcement cards are out an
nouncing the marriage of C. E. Arch
er and Miss Letia Moulton. They
were married at Omaha Wednesday
After a two weeks' visit with rela
tives they will return to their home,
five miles west of Weeping Water, on
Vio PVinrlec Enrla farm. Mrs. J. S
Moulton and daughter, Bernice, ar
companied the bridal party to Omaha.
Subscribe for the Journal.
iv Tin: niSTiiiCT coiht thk
In He Guardianship of Juanita Clem
ii u n Minnr
Now, on this 6th day of January, A.
D, 1915, this cause came on ror near
in? nnnn the netitlon of Christina Burr,
iruardian of Juanita Clemens, minor.
pravinff for a to sell the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
The undivided one-ninth (1-9)
interest in and to Block thirty
four (34) in Young and Hay's Ad
dition to the City of I'lattsmouth.
Cass County, Nebraska,
for the purpose of usins the funds de
rived therefrom for the support, edu
cation and maintenance of said minor,
and alleg-inK that the sale of said land
is for the best interests of said minor;
And it apptarinj? that an order should
be entered renuirinff all persons Inter
ested in said estate to appear and show
cause, if any. there be, why a license
should not issue to said Kuardian to
sell the interest of said minor In said
described real estate.
It Is Therefore Ordered that all per
sons Interested in said estate appear
before me at the office of the Clerk of
the District Court at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, at nine o clock A. M. on the 6tn
day of February, A. D., 1915, and show
cause why a license should not issue
to said sruardian to sell the Interest of
said minor in the above described real
estate for the purposes set forth in said
application. JAMES T. BEGLKY,
juase or the uistrict court.
It Is ordered that a copy of this order
be served upon all persons Interested
in said estate bv publication of said
order for three successive weeks prior
to sata nate set ior snowine cause in
the I'lattsmouth Journal a newspaper
published semi-weekly and of BreneraJ
circulation la the County of Cass, N-
orasica. james t. obOLKi,
Judge District Court.
iiiwks-Tkiy !
i- tiii: rnfNTY rornT op tup.
In I;e Tfate of Francs
To All 'erson Interested.
You are herebv riytif-.l ttat Prank
Kusthinsky ha iil-d his vftiiion in th
above court uUtginK theOutfi irit'-cf n le
on November i'i. 1S14. of Franc Ku
chlnsky. a resident and inhabitant of
-old county; and nllrKirifr that Frank
Kuschinsky Is her sole an. I only heir at
law, and requesting th.-it administra
tion be hod upon said eetnt-. anJ
Frank Kuschinsky appointed adminis
trator thereof. A h-arinji will t- h:id
upon said petition at the oftiie of tl
County Juiijf. Court llous I'Utt
rnouth, Cas County. Nebraska, on Jan
uary A. 115. at t-n o'clock A M .
.it which time order will be rnterrd in
accordance with, the tindinc of the
court th-reon. AJ1 objfefion t fi-r-t .
if anv. rnu.t be lied before said hour on
sold day vf ri-arlnr.
Hv tbe Court. At-LF.N .1. PHiO.
Si:.'I.i County Jv.dre.
JCAWI.S & IlOr.nRTSoN, Attorn-v
I'OINTY OP c.. m:iihaki.
Ralph Baldwin, Sherman W. Cole ar.d
llov O. Cole, riaintiiYs. vs. V.e un
known heirs and devisee of Noah K.
Ilobbs, deceased, f t a I., defendant.
To the defendants tbe unknown f.eii
and devisee Of Noah I:. Hobb. de
ceased, the unknown heir" and
of, Oeorge W. Irwin, U'aed. OeoiKe
S. Fimpel. Mft.raret Fimpel, the un
known heir and devisees of Oeorpe S.
Flmpel, dec-eased, tf.e unknown ).e:
and devisees of Murparet Fimpel, dt--ceased.
You ale hereby notified that on the
30th dav of lK'imtcr, A I'. IS 14.
plaintiffs filed their suit in the Ii.-trUt
Court of Cnt--" County, Nebraska. t
quiet their title to the foliowirK dr
sriibed land in the County of Cas, Ne
braska, to-wlt:
The south half 'S. U) of the north
west quarter tN. W. of section th;r-tv-sjx
t.16), township eleen 11. north
range thirteen 13. ast of the nh
1. M.. because Of their adverse pos
session by themselves, their jrrantor
and ancestors for more than ten year
prior to the commencement of said
suit, and to enjoin ac h and all of on
from having or claiming any rlch.
title, claim, lien or interest therein, una
to require you to set forth you riKh'.
title, claim, lien or Interest therein, if
any, either lecal or equitable, in or to
anv part thereof, and to have th same,
adjudged inferior to the tittle of plain
tiffs, and for peneral equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to th
order of the court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday, the l;.th
dav of February, A. I. 115. or your
default will be dnlv entered therein
Col. P. AM ROY . col.i:. Plaintiffs.
RAWLS & ROBniiT.SON'. Attorney.
Lorenz Trilety et al.. Plaintiffs.
I B. Rich, also known an Leonard
',. Rich, et" al., Defendants.
To the defendants I.. B. Rich, also
known as I.eoonard B. Rich, Kannv
Rich, the tinknown heir and devisees
of Leonard B. Rich and Fanny Rich,
each deceased, A. K. Alexander, first
real name unknown. Mrs. A. E. Alex
ander first real nanw unknown, wife
of A. "n. Alexander, the unknown heirs
and devisees of A. K. Alexunder, first
real name unknown, and ilrs. A. IZ.
Alexander, first real name unknown,
eacli deceased, John Kietchek. Anna
Kretchek, first real name unknown,
wife of John Kietchek, the unknown
heirs and devisees of John Kietchek
and Anna Kretchek, first real name
unknown, each deceased, the unknown
heirs and devisees of John Kretchek.
deceased, th unknown heirs and devi
sees of Wheatley Mickclwult, deceased,
V. S. West, first real name unknown,
Mrs. W. H. West, first real name un
known, wife of W. S. West, and th
unknown heirs and devisee of W. S.
West, first real name unknown, and
Mrs. W. S. West, first rual name un
known, each deceased.
You are hereby notified that on the
2f,th dav of December. A. U. 19H.
plaintiffs flled tr-eir suit in th 'rict
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, t'J
quiet their title to the following de
scribed land in the County of Cass, Ne
braska to-wjt:
Lot eight (S) in block one hundred
sixty-five (165) in the city of Platts
mouth, because of their adverse pos
session by themselves and their urant
ors for more, than ten yearn prior to
the commencement of said suit, and to
enjoin each and all of you from havinii
or claiming any riRht. title, claim, lieu
or interest therein, and to require you
to set forth your riKht, title, claim lien
or interest therein. If any, either lefral
or equitable, in or to any part thereof,
and to have the same adjudged in
ferior to the title of plaintiff and for
general equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order of the court.
You are required to answer sJd pe
tition on or before Monday, the 1-th
day of February. A. I.. 1915. or your
default will be duly entered therein.
iv thr nismicT tornT op tiir
In Re Estate of Delilah Schwab, De
ceased. Notice is hereby given that In pur
suance of an order of Hon. James T.
Betjley, Judfr of the District Court of
the County of Cass, Nebraska, made t
the 14th day of November, A. D. 1914,
for the sale of the real estate herein
after described, there Will be sold at
the south t ront Door of the Court
House, at I'lattsmouth Cass Countv.
Nebraska, On the 30th clay of January,
A. IX. 1915, at eleven o clock A. M. at
public vendue to the blithest bidder for
cash, the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
Lots thirteen (13) and fourteen (14)
in the East Half ( K. 4) of the North
west Quarter N. W. K ) of Section
Twenty -eiRht (20). Township Eleven
(11) North. RanRe Fourteen 14 Eajt
of the 6th P. M. in the County of Cav,
Said sale to remain open one hoi;r.
Dated this 22nd day of December,
V. D., 1914.
Executor of the will and testa
ment Of Delilah Schwab. Decease.
All persons interested in the estate
of Agatha Stull, deceased, will take
notice that a petition has been filed
in the County Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, for administration of her
estate and that a hearing will be had
upon said petition on the 9th day of
February, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m..
efore the Judge of the said Court.
end letters of administration of
estate granted at said time.
Witness my hand and seal of said
Court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this
18th day of January. 1915.
County Judge.
D. O. DWYER, Attorney.
Mrs. W. E. Brinkley departed last
evening for iuonticello, Arkansas,
where she goes to make her home in
the future, as her son, W. E. Brink -
ey, jr., and f&mUy dprtd for that
place several days ago with their
household goods.