The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 25, 1915, Image 1

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    Neb sfai Hil-TiOHl S.t
Miss Eda Marquardt, Cass County's
Superintendent, Reports a Fine
Meeting and Pleasant Time.
From Friday's Daily.
County Superintendent of Schools
Miss Eda Marquardt returned home
last evening from Lincoln, where sh
had been for the past few days in
attendance at the meeting of the
State Superintendents' association.
Miss Marquardt was very much
pleased with the meeting and the gen
eral feeling of enthusiasm that pre
vailed among the superintendents in
attendance. Of the ninety-three su
perintendents in the state there were
eighty-five in attendance, and some
forty-nine of these were ladies who
had been chosen for the position from
among the different counties of the
The new states uperintendent, A. O.
Thomas, presided over the meeting
and outlined his plans for the office
to which he had been chosen by the
voters. Quite an extensive change is
contemplated in the management cf
the schools of the state by the new
superintendent, and these plans he
gave to the assembled county super
intendents. While in Lincoln Mi33
Marquardt visited the office of the
county superintendent of schools of
Lancaster county and was very much
pleased with the methods in vogue
ihere. These state-wide meetings of
the superintendents tend to bring in
closer touch the heads of the differ
ent "county schools and the inter
change of ideas will be found most
beneficial to all.
Miss Marquardt is taking hold of
the work, of the office here in splendid
shape, and as teaching has been he:
life-work, brings to the office of
superintendent much valuable train
ing. This will be very pleasing to the
rchool patrons of the county, as it as
sures them that the schools will be
managed in a modern and up-to-date
From Friday's tallv.
While out in the country a few
days ago F. W. Elliott, who has
charge of the interests of the Stand
ard Oil company in this section, met
with great difficulty in getting
through the snow. Two of the
large, heavy mule teams belonging to
the company were placed on the large
tank wagon and the trip undertaken
to Murray, and some five or six mile3
had been made with great difficulty in
order to reach the patrons of the
company, and when within a few
miles of Murray a terrible drift was
encountered, and although the mules
pulled to their utmost to get through
il was impossible to make any head
way and the driver found it necessary
to get off and dig a pathway through
the drift before the wagon and mules
could be extricated from their posi
tion in the drift, which was quite
large and extensive. Through some
mighty hard work the outfit was
finally gotten out and brought back to
this city, as the condition of the
roads made further progress out of
the question. This is just one of the
many incidents of the terrible deep
snow that fills up the roadways of
this part of the county.
Suffering From Appendicitis.
From Sturi1av" Danv.
Mrs. Louis Kissling of this city has
been confined to her home for the
past few weeks suffering from what
is thought to be an attack of ap
pendicitis. Mrs. Kissling's condition
has caused her family considerable
worry and they are trusting that she
may soon recover and be restored to
health without the necessity of an
Mrs. Rosencrans Doing Nicely.
From Friday's Daily.
The latest reports from the bed
side of Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans at the
new Clarkson hospital in Omaha are
most pleasing to her friends, who are
without number in this city, as they
thow that she is getting along in
fine shape and is feeling as well as
anyone could after going through the
severe ordeal that she has. That
this pleasing condition will continue
is the sincere wish of her many
frrnti Saturnay's Danv.
. The "tacky skate" at the Palace
roller rink last evening was one of
the biggest successes of the season so
far, and the fun produced by the event
was even more pronounced than the
mask skate a week ago. There was
every possible description of costume
shown on the floor in all stages of
dilapidation and tatters, and the ap
pearance of the skaters evoked a
great deal of pleasure for the large
crowd of spectators who filled th-3
link to its utmost capacity. Mr.
Lowe, the manager of the rink, is
meeting with the greatest of success
in his business, and both afternoons
end evenings there is a large crowd
present to take in the fun, and the
good order maintained at the rink has
brought out a large number of the
ladies, who enjoy themselves to the
utmost at this sport, and every Wed
nesday afternoon on ladies' day the
nnk is crowded until the closing hour
by the merry skaters. These special
events, such as the mask and "tacky
skate," have proven the biggest
events of the season, however. John
Richardson won the first prize last
evening in a costume as a wild man.
from Friday's Daily.
Another very heavy snow has visit
ed this city, and added to that which
already covered the ground, has made
the task of getting around very dis
agreeable and also makes it neces
sary for the good citizens to hasten
out with their trusty snow shovels
and proceed to clean up the walks
around their homes and places of
business. There is nothing that is
more appreciated by the traveler in
this kind of weather than to find a
wakl from which the snow has been
removed and walking made possible,
and those of the residents who show"
enough regard for their fellow men
to get out bright and early and clean
off their walks are certainly to be
One of the hardest sufferers from
the heavy snow of the past few days
has been the carriers on the rural
routes running out of this city, and
they have left the full extent of the
snowfall. Monday both routes No. 1
and 2 were able to make their rounds,
but the high wind of Tuesday made
the work of reaching the patrons of
the route out of all question, as it
drifted the snow into great banks in
the, roadways throughout the districts
in which they travel. The carriers
have proceeded as far as possible out
on their routes each day, even under
the most trying circumstances, but
there are times when it is impossible
to take the mail wagons through the
deep snow such as has visited this
section the past week. Where the
roads are rendered impassable the
carriers are not compelled to attempt
to carry the mail, but the boys on the
routes have shown the proper spirit
in attempting to serve their patrons
along the route over which they
travel. The snow of yesterday, ad
ded to that which fell on Saturday,
will certainly make traveling very
difficult throughout the country dis
tricts and interfere very much with
the farmers in getting to and from
town to do their trading.
Residence for Sale.
9-room house, furnace heat, and in
good condition, one lot, 2 blocks from
shops, 4 blocks from Main street. For
particulars call at this office.
From Friday's Daily.
The Legislature Cannot, Consistently,
Refuse These a Right to Protect
Their Profession.
The present legislature of Nebraska
has been petitioned by the chiroprac
tors of Nebraska to give their profes
sion the same recognition that is
tended to other medical and healing
professions that exist in the state,
and their claims for recognition cer
tainly seem fair enough to an un
biased person. The state organization
has issued a statement covering theii
views of the question as follows:
"The chiropractors of Nebraska are
sking the legislature for recognition.
There are about one hundred of them,
and they have many friends among
the legislators. They ask to be put
upon a plane of equality with the
osteopaths, and to be treated as the
latter were when they first applied to
the legislature for recognition. At
that time the osteopaths were admit
ted to practice upon the strength of
their college diplomas, and five year.!
ter they were subjected to official
examinations. The chiropractors nov
ask for a board of examiners.
"The schools teaching the science of
chiropractic are located in the east
and not well known to the people at
arge, nor to the Nebraska legislat
ors; yet they have been recognized
by the legislatures of several states,
among which are Illinois, Michigan,
California and Kansas.
"Chiropractic is the science of
treating disease by means of spinal
adjustments. No drugs are used. It
differs distinctly from osteopathy.
Many.patients who have been benefit
ed will tell the legislators just what
the treatment is, so they can act in
telligently upon the claims of the
hiropractors. The wisdom of the
csteopathic law has been justified, and
the chiropractors hold that if they are
accorded the same consideration all
.ill be well.
"Some of the members of the legis
lature have taken chiropractic ad
justments and many of their friends
have also. It is said that fully a
third of the present members have al-
eady committed themselves to the
pending bill."
From Saturday's Dally.
A very quiet wedding was per
formed at the home of Judge M. Arch
er on Granite street Thursday even
ing, when he was called upon to per
form the ceremony that was to unite
the lives and hearts of Mr. William J.
O'Donnell and Miss Hilda Peterson
of Omaha. The ceremony was per
formed in the usual impressive man
ner of the judge and the young peo
ple departed for the home of a sister
of the bride, Mrs. Harry Poisall,
where they visited over night and de
parted yesterday afternoon for their
future home in Omaha. Miss Peter
son formerly resided in this city,
where her parents were located in
charge of the boarding car for the
Burlington, and her many friends in
this city will be pleased to learn of
her marriage and trust that she may
find much happiness in her future
Pays Short Visit Here.
From Saturday's Dally.
Mr. J. C. Fisher of Kansas City, a
former resident of this city, is here
for a short visit at the home of his
cousin, Dr. E. W. Cook ami family.
Mr. Fisher was for a number of years
engaged in business in this city, con
ducting a drug store, which was later
disposed of to M. D. Polk, and he
then removed to Kansas City. He
notes many changes in this city since
his removal years ago.
Mother Breaks Her Hip.
From Frfdav's Dallv.
The friends in this city of Mrs. E
L. Rouse of Peru, but who was for
several years a resident of this city
will regret very much to learn of the
serious accident that befell her
mother a short time ago at her horn
in Shenandoah, Iowa. The aged lady
was so unfortunate as to fall an
break her hip, and as a consequence
has been laid up at her home. Mrs
Rouse was in attendance at her
mother's side several days and re
turned home on Monday to Peru, re
porting that her mother was some
what better and showed signs of im
The general religious committee ap
pointed by the pastors a few weeks
ago, has developed into a full-fledged
laymen's organization. The "coming
out" process was accomplished at the
meeting held yesterday afternoon.
when the report of the jp"cial com
mittee to draft plans was read and
adopted. This new organization will
be known as the Laymen's Christian
Union, and its purpose is to circulate
and direct the influence and actiities
of the laymen of the different
churches as relative to the special le
ligious campaign proposed by the
pastors for the last four weeks of
Lent. The membership is intended to
embrace all the men of the tov.M af
fliated with the Evangelical churches.
There are no dues anel no othei re
quirement except a genuine b.tercst
in and a desire for the extension of
Christianity in this commifnity. Il is
the intention of the laymen to secure
a room for headquarters dov.-.i town.
where the meetings of the union can
le held and the. worW directed. .
One of the immediate plans is to
take a religious and social census of
the city, which shall be so vell or
ganized and advertised that the work
can be done simultaneously through
out the city in two or ho'.:r.-.
Another recommendation tl re w.-is
adopted contemplates the buildin.r unj
in the different churches of large j
classes of men for the study of the
bible and religious themes. This form
of activity is prominent in many of
the other cities just now, but is sadly
lacking in Flattsmouth. The office: s
of the union elected yesterday wore:
President Dr. T. P. Livingston.
Secretary D. C. Morgan.
Treasurer J. M. Roberts.
First vice presidents from the dif
ferent churches were selected as fol
lows: Christian church, G. P. East
wood; Episcopal church, Goorjce H.
Falter; German St. Paul's church,
John Albert; Methodist church, C. C.
Wescott; Presbyterian church. James
M. Robertson.
Last evening at 7 o'clock one of the
familiar characters around the city
was called by the grim messenger of
death, as the spirit of Robert H.
Johnson took its flight. He has been
staying at the county farm, west of
this city, since the fire at the home
en Washington avenue on December
29th, and in which he received a bad
ly burned arm, as well as side, and
with his general feeble condition he
rapidly grew worse until he passed
away last night. Mr. Johnson was
born in Kentucky December 28, 1842,
and for a great many years was one
of the familiar figures on the streets
here. He at one time possessed quite
p. sum of money, but through his as
sociates and habits soon got rid of it
and since has been getting along as
well as he could from odd jobs.
Box Social at Becker School House.
There will be a box social at the
Pecker school house, about eight
miles west of this city, Saturday, Jan
uary 30th. A program will be ren
dered by the pupils of the school.
Everybody invited. Ladies are re
quested to bring boxes.
Florence Rummel, Teacher.
Franchise Submitted to Light Com
pany for Its Acceptance or Rejec
tion Was Principal Business.
from Saturdays Dan v.
Last evening the Plattsmouth city
council assembled at the council
chamber in extra session to take up
the matter of the light franchise
which has been hanging lire for some
months past between the city and thu
Nebraska Lighting company. Th.
light committee has prepaid a fran
chise which was submitted to the full
council last evening and will be offer
ed to the Nebraska Lighting company
for their acceptance or rejection by
the time for the regular meeting on
Monday night, as well as the contract
which it is proposed to enter into be
tween the city and the Nebraska
Lighting company. This is advancing
the matter a little farther on its way
rnd should lead to a settlement of the
matter and give the individual
ratrons of the light company the low
rates they have been promised for so
many months. The committee of the
council ha s been compelled to take a
'rreat deal of time on the proposition.
s they have made inquiries of th-.j
different cities of the state as to the
rates in force on gas and electric
ights, and from the different figures
ecured find the rate that should hi
hr-irged in this city for the service to
he individual patron.
The council also took up the mat
er of the removal of snow from the
idewalks throughout - the city, and
he chief of police was instructed to
notify the property owners to get
jusy and remove the snowvfrom the
idewalks adjoining their property, as
ts remaining there was in violation
of the ordinances of the city and a
great discomfort to the persons
raveling over the sidewalks. This is
certainly a move that will be very
much appreciated by the general pub
ic and one that will be heartily ap
proved of, as there are a great many
places in the city where the snow is
rllowed to remain until it is melted
through the operation of nature, and
making travel over the walk almost
imnossible. It is to be hoped that the
efforts of the council will bear fruit
in the securing of the removal of the
snow at once.
James Johns is confined to his home
in this city as the result of an ac
cident which he met with Saturday
rooming, and is nursing a broken arm
as the result of the unfortunate oc
curance. Mr. Johns had been called
over to the county jail to make some
lepairs to the heating plant, and as
he descended the long flight of stairs
leading from his home on the second
floor of the Bank of Cass County
luilding he carried three pairs of
tongs, as well as several pieces of
pipes or piping to be used in fixing
the furnace, and when part way
down the stairs slipped and fell to the
Lottom of the steps and his left arm
was quite badly fractured between
the elbow and the wrist, as a result of
which he was compelled to seek the
aid of a surgeon, where the injured
member was dressed and the victim
made as comfortable as possible. He
is suffering a great deal of pain with
he broken arm, but it is- getting
along nicely.
Suffers Paralytic Stroke.
Carl Grossbernd, one of the aged
f.entlemen making their home at the
county farm, west of this city, Satur
day suffered a very severe paralytic
stroke and has since that time been in
n semi-conscious condition and but
h'itle hopes cf his recovery are enter
tained. He was out in the yard near
the house when strickend, and was
carried to his room, where he ha3
since laid, slowly growing weaker.
A Pretty Cold Morning.
From Saturday's Pali.
This morning was one of the cold
est of the winter, as the mercury
hovered around the 10 below zero
mark at 7 o'clock and the air was
mighty chilly and frosty and made
the pedestrians hurry along the
street without any unnecessary delay
This temperature, with the deen
snow, made the day one very dis
agreeable to get around in and was
certainly real old winter with a
vengeance. At several places in the
city the temperature was reported as
law as 15 below zero, but 10 degrees
seems to be about right. The snow
and extreme cold kept many of the
farmers from coming to town.
From Saturday's Dally
An order has been issued by JudgJ
Eeeson in county court, under the law
providing for the care of dependent
children, on the application of Mrs.
Stella Persinger, under the mothers'
pension act. There are five children
in the family under the age of IS
years, and the care of them has de
volved upon the mother, as the father
s a paralytic and is residing in the
state of Iowa and is unable to assist
in the care of the said children. The
ourt, on hearing the facts in the
a?e, made the order on the board of
county commissioners for the pay
ment of the sum of $5 per month
each for the children, or a total of
23. The case is a very deserving
one and the court showed splendid
udgment in making the order for the
relief in the case. This is one of the
rst cases of thij kind in the county.
This morning in district court the
case of Cass County vs. Carroll I.
Quinton, sheriff, was commenced I e
fore Judge Begley, as the jury in tne
case had been waived by both sides.
This case has been before the public
eye for the past year and involves
the disputed fees between the sheriff
nd the board of county commission
ers amounting to several hundred
dollars. The examination and cheek
ing of the books of the different of
ficials made by the Thomas Account
ing company of Omaha, showed a
umber of fees and claims which they
ecommended be checked to the ac
count of the sheriff, but which it was
laimed by that official were not chip
he county, and from this ths com
missioners instructed the county at-
orney to take steps to collect the fees
by bringing an action in the district
court, which was done. The county is
represented by County Attorney
Cole and Attorney D. O. Dwyer as
pecial counsel for the commissioners,
while the interests of Sheriff Quinton
are looked after by Attorney A. L.
Tidd. This morning when the case
was called the sheriff, through his
counsel, offered to pay to the county
the sum of $146.87 as settlement of
the case, but this was refused by the
county and the case placed on trial.
There will be a large number of
documents offered in evidence in the
case and the morning was largely
taken up with the examination -of the
expert accountants who had checked
p the books of the sheriff. The out
come of the case will be awaited with
much interest, as it will 'settle the
long-disputed fee question and allow
the matter to be cleared up so that
oth the sheriff and commissioners
can know where they are at on the
proposition of the fees.
Here on Short Hunting Trip.
Dr. E. L. Mueller, manager of the
Billings Dental Laboratory, and his
assistant, Dr. Millard F. Sproul, of
Omaha, spent yesterday in this city
and vicinity on a hunting trip, bein
guests of Dr. Thomsen while here.
Dr. E. J. Hart also came down with
the boys, but on seeing the deep snow '
he got "cold feet" and returned to
Omaha on No. 15 Sunday morniniy.
Messrs. Mueller and Sproul returned
to the metropolis Sunday afternoon, j
The Turner Team Played the Union
Team On Their Grounds anJ
Came Off Victorious.
The basket ball season of lDl.r was
tshered in Saturday evening at Unicci
when the Turners of this city jour
neyed down to that place and en
gaged the team representing that vil
lage. The conflict was staged in the
high school gymnasium in the splen
did new school building and was q.-iu
well attended by a large number of
interested spectators who cheered on
their respective sides. The Turners
were somewhat crippletl in their play
ing by the fact that a number of the
regulars of the team were not pres
ent as they could not make the trit
but even with the substitutes working
the Turners were able to dean up the
Union team to a score of "0 to iii
a very hotly fought battle. The trip
vas made on the 2:41 Missouri Pa
cific and the game called promptly at
the time set, when the Turners pro
ceeded to get busy in annexing a
number of baskets, but they found all
they wanted in the skillful members
cf the Union aggregation, who haw
become very proficient in the art of
basket ball, and were able to give the
visitors a hard run for their money.
The boys returned home yesterday
morning from their trip, well pleased
with the result of the conflict with
the Union team, which had resulted n
their victory, and will await the com
ing of the Unionites to this city to
try and make the score much heavier.
They were well ple8ed with their
treatment while in Union and th
manner in which they were receive 1
and looked after by the Union boys.
This is the opening of what promises
to be a very successful season for the
basket ball team, as they are showing
good form and speed and will at once
get busy on securing a number of
games for this city during the season
with Omaha teams and those from the
nearby towns. It is expected to try
and have the high school team of this
city play some time this week as a
curtain raiser to the season in thl
city. They have been handicapped ia
the past week in their practices owing
to the fact that the interior of the
Turner hall has been undergoing re
pairs, but it is sompleted now and the
toys will be able to get down to busi
ness with their practice and be read
to meet all comers.
The twenty-third grand mask ball
of the T. J. Sokol society, held ac
their hall on Saturday evening, was a
most pleasing success in every way
rnd one that was thoroughly cnjoyeJ
by the jolly crowd in attendance :t
the event. There was a very largj
ariety of costumes on the floor dur
ing the evening, and many and beauti
ful were the different effects of the
handsome and comic make-ups of both
men and women. The men's cos
tumes were especially fine and it re
quired great deliberation to decide on
a choice among the many different
ones on the dance floor. The gran 1
march gave the spectators a chance
to see the gorgeous and varied dis
play of the styles and designs of cos
tumes. The first ladies' prize was
given to Miss Sophia Wesch, as Red
Wing," while the second prize was
given to Miss Bessie Bird as a colore!
lady. The first gentleman's prize was
won by J. R. Clemons, as an ngod
old country gentleman, and Johi
Iladraba, as a swell coon, carried off
the second honors of the evening.
The group prize was awarded to Mrs.
John Svoboda, jr., and Mrs. Frank
Janda. jr., representing science and
art. The judges for the event were
V. J. Vejvoda, James Ault, Frank
Smith, Tom Janda of Havelock, an 1
George Hines of Pacific Junction.
The Holly orchestra furnished the
music for the delightful event. ,