THURSDAY. Ii: EMBER 31. 1914. PI.ATTSMOrTIT SEMI-WEEKLY JORXAL page .1. FILES BILL FOR ! HOTEL EXPENSES Judge Hosteller Raises Point For, iniiifi'ai nifiMrs. i LEGISLATURE MUST DECIDE I Arr.ount Is Nearly Hundred Millions Cuestion Whether State Pays Won j Greater Than That Fcr Preceding Than Their Railroad Fare on Trip, j Tvvtve Months Gain Cue to In C. A. R. Asrks Legislators to Send ; crease In Animals, Says Statement. Veterans to VicksLiurg. 'u'!iiii?;nri, Dec. HI. The Ainer ..:; () !. 1 . HI Di-tint Judrre n farms during l:M4 ec.ipsed nil IV. of the Tw-lnh jtidie-ial dit, ie ort! lor co..ib:::ed value of tlu ; t:i't. oi the- cutties of B it- I'Hui.ii !s, w :h a t .. ui of a Most $ ! , I. . ;-!.! ai.d Sh-Tiaan. ha ti'ed a ! .''." Su iviry Houston of lh: (. with the sta'e audP'tr to he j d- ; ; u. i.i. if a-;; i a. in: anr.o im a ! . .l-m b foi the- !ejr!:ati!v.- for si- i that t:. value d all farm crops, lam. n '1 1- ouchet- covers ho'el tnima'.-. todue-ts ti.d farm : nlmaD I '.!- v.:,;. ;, jj.e j ;d." l.a- paid hiri:t-i j to d and fu.unJuei-e-! a-zv-j.;: i ed . ::i of oi! 'a- amounting io $l.v a; : to rial 'en Qt the las' b-idsla t " ! , o red t; .: V.v.z expenses, so far !;.dv. I s!'- was concerned, iar I'd ; ' i re i I :: the wants of th- i' !.:' The jildL-e b- "iees that !'.- -id- atm . I:oiii! -ay tie- j:n!b" ! i i $; !!:- s and so intimates in i ' i. etc- uta h-! to th- voucher. ' i Wrter P3 Aer Tangle Up to Legislature T! i'i o if -ii icii o; d alius: with pow er a. i i'i.i s v.iia h have n 't fal!y "Hi;.; m v.i:h tiie law will he allow, -1 dr sU.r.u tinril some an ion is tar n I y the l-i;'!!e this witite. : t-: .'. !'m to a is;on nrrixed at ".. tl !: ! or' irrigation. Tae r '-a.;, u'; tuore i-i.r:ieu'?r!y interost :::e ;!,,- (VniiiKUi e;ilh. owning (; ;1 ai.d I "la t x f t !i e 1 '. i m :i h' i ("- .voj'ct. on th" I :it ; ! . C '. :oss j-rojeet. on the ';'' : r -I Takro1::. ai:d tat- r.ah'-o ic '.';:' or. t!. 1 o i;i. YcLf2e-t Member on Ground. Ai: ': t I' 'I'' 1 ' - of Hat:i!cs. who r-.!. t ro!( ii ;. ! th ya itijesT luenili.-r I'.ver !; ach f t !: leai.-'a.titre-. ' :' t' !. i. Whil" oidy a !': r. er th" !ei:'l a-re. Mr. Tihitets , ii. e ct! o: tl." stron-. r.- of that hody. lie eonies f: on; 2 .-';:: Cf S--IT. .IlldL'e Tihhpt r- 1. in'-,, 'n tiii'l S-i.cttor Tihhpt s f!" !!:- 1.'nvr !.:s ui:e c. IT" is en- ta- .i :. wor! at TIat Tio V.'clfare Board For Lincoln. I1"- ' cm.': ii of l.iia-e'n l y a " "f - O:' -o ;r i oa- ha? Vi;-,1 dov. n t.-- ..f-'!:iic oiaiiaiiive in rod iif-eil iiv (':.:.:: oaer Kim. which j i-ovid-d a 'aii'ivss.o!) of half a dozen or f ; ; ;. wi;o woii'al he aiiioint I : ('.'"'eient soch-tie?. th' ir duties ! ".i.- "o re!'. t!- "o:i!?:i:s if-;.ers what : .-! o .'. In. J-ry F.nds Family Grossly Inhuman. T:.-;- j :ry in t J:e ():('::' ' it:fji--t ;'.; i vp; t!i-' io' of a child horn t i tio-ie -tic in ti e family o:" V.. H. F--'-t ' in tiiis city, on I"ee. 1". to..-'.f In ? vf-'-.M'-t i.aririni: cross in h imaa: . in ?!! ir.-: the mother i-tt " ' ('hi when til-- ( hi'd wis alreidy I ; . :r)"ii. To Send Veterans to Vicksburg. A" th" session of the executive ofn - f tl. tlmi! i Array oi the f..j,ih. r, ,,f X--' -a-1 a it v. a dec id -'d to nli t! l- r:sla' oe to at'l't'Opriate ? 1 ".iii't t" a; --'i'-d n railroad fare for sur-vi-ois ct t -e ha'th- of Vickshnrs who v.'-. v ('. ?.. to at'end th anniversary 'f rhn? 't tt. SHERTFS ELECT OFFICERS Ce ide to Let the Present Fee Law Stay Unchanged. Crand Island. X- h.. h-c. ni The f- T' m s t tat- as the sheriffs of N . r.isi-a ate e cneerned will remain r- at i i'-.-pit ;nd without chanae ;it t' e . -j t t" to ititV" At th' " 5- ' 'i e: t he Nebrie-ka Sheriffs' assnei:i he:- a r s"l::t :nn was in: : odac" 1 v"h r icnee t0 th" allowance ftf t ' 'an ; -"s to trie officer as well as hi- el: -c --k, :-y A t'v-rd't i. ri tor ;t cont :nua n( of ti " present system i't p-n.-" l Al iat'.ef was r!.ne:i as i! e phice of fc'-'di't:' 1 1." dune re ( tlnvr. 'I la I o'low i n i f!i( er were re e'eer e ; - .1- . t ) .'rnes of Nuckoiis sidentt O. I H' li'-'PS OI We' -'o- f pj-p,;. e'. i ': William Cor.:;- of f .'-re. seers ta r -T rc-as'ire r. Sv-s to 0 '-t F'-s Pr-h-y. i;i. .e . I e . 1 . - 1 1 1 .a m it. I Cr:;tfy of Homer. Neb.. 1-as brousthr action in the district co.ut against the Northwestern Fire and Marin-" Insat tin' e. company to recover on ati 't siiiance policy the sum ftf $3.""0 for Io s -ns'ained bv fire on Oct. S. fo ii's elevator and content''. The in s Maiif-e was written )ct. and the Li e off tirred Of t . V Ordained as Priest. i TTaptinzs, Neb.. Iec. ?,. Wilhtrd . 1 Thinks of Holdrege was ordained a 1 prie.-t in the Episcopal church, the Rt j Uev. Geor-e A. Heecher. bishop of v. estun Nebraska, conducting the rr- cmony. assisted bv visiting clerRvmen. I H will immediately become rec tor of ' tl e Chadron parish. , i Aged Woman Kills Herself at Lorton. . , , . .Nthra.Ua it. v. Dec .l.-Mts. I1os- Kurhn. aged eighty-n:ue. committed ' ''ticiiie at the homo of her son. Dan KurLn. two miles west of Lorton, w here he was making her home. She tad been despondent for some time and haused herself. 1 AMERICAN FARMS ! BREAK RECORD: Worth ct Output For Year Reaches AlmjstTEn Billions. ANNOUNCEMENT OF HOUSTON. T!.i V. ;. s r.a.'ie rhat; the train; lor I MM. lie I !' .o'.l- !r('U! i a : ;i ii I mo. I : do :!''e tia- value of ; .1: lartu ptodac iii Dfti I'Tovs ;,;.r w re va'ned at $'1. CM.J'n. ' . v;-l 'e of t! ; :.d ti- c- r l::i;. : ed fata aai1" :i j rod;;, ts of ': IV rn. ann.iuis sold an I sanathtere.: was IS. ".". a Tl." vai te of ro: r :od r U ii tl.i- etlr '. : s lihtly h s tiiaii ia I'll", on acroant -i i-l-'r-.--i v.-Iu-' o: the lu-n et n-o.iiia' ai.o;i ;V!.i i; 'ally i:o:a the Ihno.a ; a Corn and VVI-.cct Crcps. ' Th- corn ; i.d v. at.-.t i rap-. !m t-e-v. ere the ino.-i va;aai - er proda; e I in th" l';i tatt s. i.i ir.'-riai; ti year's ( ; op value T Til to i.t.ily $.7'. V " 1-. s tot..! for !asr ir :dte the los of m-: e than ?': .'':. in th" ahte of the c-.'ttr.n rop "Tl " -"t:'n.;t'd ahte of the aihnml t. o: ii.- f.r:a In !:; 4." said tl.-. :"'-'i"eta.i y oi' t!:e ch ;t ti i '.cut (.:' a'i c i i I T "'is di.-tlr.'tly hiiti.:- than I'.-i::. w!;:'ch w.:, hse'f a re' i rd :.: in t!r- vaha- of ( lass cd' prod ut-:.; Till.- is to u'Tie:.:! , n sli-l t : c: ; -es In ; 'fo-1 :(; i.' "!. x'-ei-t ! r .'..e--i .-t.d svV.e. r.i.d in )-r- s. tao-e e" ; r tally to n si.iall irarcas'- in the aar nste far. a price iri-. p.zi o a nioa ( c.t.slu- rahle in.- : .-a-e n ti e iVrtn pri of cat-h- artd calve- sold a:.d slati-:;-te: d."' Sales of Crops. Ti e saifs of crops la-r year we"" Crthaa:ed at SJ.!1- ".' ; sah s o' live strait. ?J 'ai "aaai ;i tot'.! (I ? ". 4T.",i t,i". Tie estimated va! " o. K'ta! s. i s per faiai was f :-z and s i! -t e;- capita of rural peculation ( ir? rawt-s) 'i he vaiue of tlie principal farm crops tills year was: Corn. $!.7' J.- :.'' : v.pei. 7..' a a ,i , : t ; -. $77t'.'" ': cotton. ?: if. n. ' .m; (..-its ? ' : I'Otatoes. $!'.'. ; "." ; ha; ey. $'ii .: : tohac :. .!"!. 411.' i't sve t p' t: to&s. $ i Pfjs 4."'' : ry. ? 17.'"'".' tin '. sutrnr he ts."1. "': rite, f 21 t; flaxseed. ?li'.- r. -!'., ii. ;ind liiicltwh..-at. Sll-,:'.,-." . It. th prodtif t 'on of tie- aho e four teen jrincipal reus, this year's actr-' sta'' was nlii'ut 1" per cent h.ta;"r tha'". in i'.ijtt C per cent s tardier th. t: in li'12. whii h year stands as cn o' t'-e i.r -ate.-.?' crate pro-iuctior.s in th" rnited Stan s. Two Exceed Records. This year two important crops r reeled jitevio'ts records wheat wi,h i.rt.i.o.i le.shcls. fol'owinc: the 1i-.r, r ' ord of ":?,. ii. mi. ,i p.ishf ls. end rot t'.n with 1 " o : t i 1 1 t Pahs. i!ie previo a re( ord lcl'i; ! 7y. " Pah? in 19" 1 The v;il ue pe;- ;iere of ail en t;ti r; r ed ercps nvracv :.hoat 1 ".-! 4 th s voar. (onipnred whii ?',;"' in IMS. PARIS WAR GFF'GE REVIEWS FIGHTING Paris, Dec. 31. There has been giv en out in Palis the fallowing official recital of the principal events of the war du riii st the last nine days: "1 his period of nine days resulted in c msolidattn the successes won by us d irii; in'- tn das prereding. O tr ame.s.-ive attitude has l.een contina- ! with ever increased energy; every where the enemy has been reduced to a defensive attitude. The violence of counter attacks has been evidence that he accepted this attitude reluctantly. Tit" ch"o.:r.T of every niovt meat ii ace i; 1.1111 1:1 ni eimeaor 10 re captur" ground lost to us made our advantage the greater. "It is proper to say that at various points alons the front, particularly near Arras, on the western boundary of the Arponne disttiet. and near Ver dun, we have made ourselves the mas ters of important points or' support. "The operations to the north of the I.ys have been attended by preat hard- ship, because of the bad weather; t;i cn. liquid mud. in which the men lave Iia'! to Rlov'' l!as gotten in the hrecdies of their rifles. This made it imoscible to shoot. The fisthtins con sqnently has been with the butt end " iuusuets and evfn with fists. "According to an expression ued hy onP fT''1 lenders, our sftldiers are literally blots of mud. There has bff'n organized for them a system by which thev can now bathe and change rl?the8 u lwJvi the trencb Subscribe for The Journal. . M Tritsch, refracting optician, at Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Sat- urday evenings. Examination free. SAYS JAIL IS DOPE SCHOOL Prisoner From Douglas County Makes Some Chances. Lincoln. Dec-. :ji. The county jail of' Doaitlas county is a dope school, ac cording to information gdven by Harrv Lavis. tweiiiy-oiie years o'd. rccehe.l at the state penitentiary frum ccuiiiy. Davis sets out in his story that when he was litst placed in the jail he did not know anthi:i about the diii '. lie was restless the fi r lew ll i tail's and could not sleep. He claims th..t ii man named Andersen, hearing him complain, urged him to lake a shot or morphine and he fished out a lot ft fnff and a r.eed'.e and L-ave him a dose. He slept sa well that he tod; another the next night and kept if up. As evidence that his story is true a fnr as the dm is concerned. Davl-; body is covered with abscesses widen he said resulted fiom the use of an in c t d needle which was us.-d by all the prisoner without l.einsr clean-d. NO FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASEJfJ DUNDY Slate and Fetel Experts Say revert is Not ContifiT.ei Fouth Omaha. Dec 21 J. II. Ptdli. prsldi;t ot tlie iie stock sanitary I ftard. t f ei'.t-d the follovvin.t; te.earam ironi Dr. C. M. Day. ac tin? state c t r Jr.i! rian. who at lh-nl.- lmaa t "li'i ri"oied repent of foci and mouth disease- in Dandy county tho: otmV.y ex amined and nor c'nf.rn.e.i." s-ts at re st th" report that a of :;e root and tio r a c : t a had be.'n t tin 1 near l: :i!,c-!u:au. The report was received t! da- ;or- at tli-- ctll'ce of the si: 'e y . tat r'.an in l.ii:e(,!n and Dr. Day wis sen: rst om e to irtvestiaate. Dr. Kiiin being: flsem in Indiana. At the same titi.e; th- federal expert. I t". Howe of ?),mi V r. who fcrs this district in charge, 'earned to I-:il. elman. and torret!:-.M f-r. j p esr i a t ion was mace. "it is- v.itii a crre-.t e'etd of i-f-if that I iter this m ssaae." sf'd Mr. pii'lii. "Nehru ska has been h pr e'ear of the epidemic thro'U'h. all the dr f nrbv-pc-e created ;mon'.r !;'e s'ock in- I - I 1 : 1 , I I . , i . . .!.' t n : . e . 1 treme'y anxious for th" c-'mm'-rci:-l f-'n ct as well aa for the eood name or tho stare f.o keep tke -Vsea-e out. I1 cmPI l:a e keen erv serions. -id we hpi.ti oid'-'d to I' irii. of e ei'. amine regulations attain." j RANCHER "GIVcN FIVE YEARS.""-"' a meeting there of the dhfer- Herman Sonnenschien Convicted cf Stealing Two Cars cf Crttle. Pierre, S. Ii.. Dec. 1. .judge Neimy in the c-ire -jit. own at Foi t Pierre s-r.fnc :1 Herman".: suhicn. prominent Stanh y coun ' ranch-1. to live errs in ti'.e peniten tiarv on c on iction of th- charge of .anony of two cats oi cattle in that court. . Sonnenschien. with I'd Fair an 1 Jack P. 11 den. all prominent ranch n 11. was charged with shippim; two (:'. of stolen ta'tb- from I.antry ij Ci'icju-o. Tlie cattle were stepped t.t .!ohridi."e and returned to their own- ers Sonnenschien was convicted pr'n:- filially cn the evidence cf Carr. IPu-j ritii is a tu!i'tie from justice. Son-j n- nschien is at liberty en an nppe ii t bond of ST. .".en. I Grand Jury Calls City Editor. Chicago. Dec. 21. Richatd .1. Finne gan. city editor of th" Chie.ig t do ;r nal. was summoned before the grand jury to be questioned as to III" source of a story publish, cl in the Journal that the jury had voted an indict meat against Julius Rosen wald. head of Sears. Roebuck i!i Co.. on a charge of evading taxes. The story sta'ed that Rosenwald failed to schedule 147.701 shares of stock of Sears, Roebuck &-. Co Increase on Meat Rate Refused. Washington. Dec. r.l. The inter state commerce commission declined to approve the proposal of the west ern railroads to Jncrease the minimum weight cf shipments ftf fresh meats, par kin? house products and oth r food commodities in peddler cars from 10. fiint to 12. boo pounds. The estab lishment of the higher minimum weight would have resulted in a mete rial increase in transportation charges. ftopping of Stock Cars Discontinued. Washington, Dec. 21. Proposals by railroads to discontinue the practice of stopping cars in transit to complet" loading, or for the partial unloading of live stock transported to and from points in western classification terri tory, was held by the interstate con merce commission to be reasonah'e. The order suspending the tariffs pro ; viding for discontinuance of the priv- i'ege was vacated, effective Jan. 5. Victor Murdock's Mother Dead. Wichita. Kan., Dec. 31. Mrs. Vic- toria Murdock. ed seventy thre- widow of M M. Murdoch, founder of visdt there looking after business mat- who have been here visiting with rela :agle. died here, fol'ow -jters, as well as visiting with friend-, fives and friends in this city over the Wichita Ea ing a stroke of apoplexy ten days ago She was the mother of Congressman Victor Murdock. Packers Stsps Shiprrerts to Europe. ' .nicago. iec. ji. c.nicago packers announced that no further shirmenrs would be made to the European nr. - .. . ... , , . tions at war until Ergland gave sat.s- factory assurance that the pronertv of neutrals in transit would he respected. Local Plows From Tuesday'." raflt. M. Fansrer of Missouri Vitlley, Iowa., was here for a few hours today lookinjr aften his business interests in this city. I!. F. Wiles departed this morning for Omaha, where fie will visit for the day lookint" after some matters of business. Joe Wheeler came in this afternoon Itoni his farm home, south of tiiis city, and spent seven 1 hours here lookintr after some matters of busi ness. Frank Schli.-tfhtemeier of Nehawka v as here yesterday for a few hours attending the final settlement ftf the estato of his father in the coutrty court. C .1. I'aker and wife were ainontr thoe croinfr to Omaha this morning" on the eatly Farlinton train to look after some matters of business. County Commissioner Julius I'itz donaited this nioruin-r for Ashiand, where he was called to spetid a few itours on some matters of import ance. John N"urr.eister of Avoca was he-e yesterday for a few hours look ing after some matters of business at the court house am! visifincr with friends. Mrs. J. 1,1. Pa!n,e,- and Mrs. J. M. Dtmhar are up for a short visit here tit trie home of their brother. Sheriff Qui men and family. These ladies re-.-ide at Xehawka. William Fids of near Murray wa ke:" today for a few hours looking nffer some matters of business with the business me:;, drivintr up from his home this morning-. Mr--. I.uke L. Wiles and little dauehter were amor.s: the passenir-e,-s afternoon for O-r.aha, where they i'o to spend the day lookintr af ter some matters of business. Misses Helen and Haze! Rhode Hicks, of the vkir.ltv of Cullon. a.r- rived in the cry this morninir fo visit until afte'- New Year with their yrancimctner, aj;-s. lieien lcnftte Charles IVte -son. who is liere visit at the home of h:s parents, Mr.! - i - vl Mr- it).. j,ac. , J. C. Peterson, was amonrr enj:ers this afternoon f .-. 1 Orr.'d 1 tr i per.d the da in tha.t city. Mavor .1. P -la tide?- departed 'this eotnintr for Lou- . wtiere ne gtoes t : I e?:' mrnicipal h"a !s of th state o Nebraska, who are to meet in tv,.-t ;c:ty with Governor Morehead. I F. ll. Rys, whf) has lieen visiting at 1 the hf rre of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Miite 1'Vs. for tne pi. si ten e!av- i-ivs de- narte.1 for r.i s. nonie f .0 day evening, whet e he is employed by the Western Ui Telegraph com - I any as traflic mervisor. From vve-nes-v nv. Attorney C. L. Tent of Weeping Water was in the city today in at - tendance at the session of the district ' court Miss Tauline Oldham of Murray was in the city today for a few hours visiting with friends and attending to ; some matters of importance Hon. W. R. Raitiing of Union was' here last evening on matters ftf bus:- ness and found time to attend the per- formance at the Parmele theater, John R. Pieison of Union was here last evening looking ters f.f business in after some rmtt th is city, coming tin on the afternoon Missouri Pacific. County Commissioner C. E. Ileelt ner of Nehawka came up this after noon from Omaha to look after some matter for the county for a short time. Dave Hawksworth. who has been hete visiting at the home of his mc.her for a week, departed this morning on No. (', for Detroit, Michigan. Mrs. J. M. Holme? cf Murray came in last evening on No. 2 from Omaha, where she has been for a short time, and was the guest of her relatives here for the evening. Mrs. E. C. Hil! and children return ed home last evening from Reemer, Nebraska, where they have been spending Christmas at the home of the parents of Mrs Hill. Will Manlev of Lebarnon. Kansr arrived in this city last evening to be in attendance at the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Karnes. Mr. Manley is a brother of Mrs. Karnes. where he had been visiting with rela P T Ped e v, a - mn-' t ivc'3 and friends in that section cf - j- i . . v v.. j ui v i. i liiv. 11 ii;0 , on the early Burlington train for Sioux City, Iowa, to make a short! -f r- t t Misses Mane Fitr.gerald, Terera Drocge, Opal Fitzgerald and Helet, I Egenbenrer were among the Das-! senders this morn in :r for l!ie me- ;1 the trcrciis, wnere tney wu! spent' t--.r -ii!i f ; tT t u u i v -. v dh relives and f-iends. Hans Tarns, who has been here for.v-'sU iei..uves ,..u '- . , ,. , . , , . , -,T ,, -t o r - t u u the Chtistmas. hohdays with his fan- j Mrs. Henry MiLer o- A!vo. who ha ''-V this city and visiting with hia been here for a few days visiting at tr.umerous friends, departed this morn-1 the home of her sister, Mrs. J. II. i ft A 911 yr vu i i i i Saturday Evening, January 2, '15 This will be another big time for you, so don't fail to attend. A por tion of the proceeds go to the benefit of the Basket Ball Team. lit ri !usio by Mitr for to resume tkeie for the IJ'rlintrtori. his work L. K. Ihinfoi-d an ! v. i e of McCook,! N'eb., who nave bee n h ue at the home of Mrs. liar; ford's parents. Mr. and Mrs. '. i;. Sh.c.p.p, for the pas: few day.-, departed this after noon foi' th- '.r home in the wed. Mr. and. Mrs. J. W. Newell of Nash. Oklahoma, have arrived in this city to be in attendance at the g-o'den wed- ciin'Z of Mr; Newe'l's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. which is being celcbi ated at their heme today in the rorth part of town. M-s. Newell is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karnes. Tr.v.r.-'.b.v"" !a:i!v. 3Iiss Gertrude iterator arrived last ever. in 2: from Lincoln for a abort visit here with her broiht-rs in this city. Yern Lomr was amontr those e-oititr to Omaha this at'tetn' irt, where he will visit for the day with friends. J. P. Falter w as afire net the business Yi-;',ors in toaay lc.r a iw ! hours lookintr after same matters of , -x it r importance. Ii. M. Shlses was amontr those tro ircr to Omaha this nor- ins: to sjend - ri . I v i r-i oru 1 " vl-r 1 "l r r. f T s(.Tl( rt . ;1 1 - . . . I Mrs. Chai-les Kunmann returned jthis afternoon from Taikio. Missouri, wli.-rp she been visiting; her in that place. Henry Trout was among- those p-o-. 'mf to Omnha this rrornvur. where he called to look after matters " business for a few hours. A A Cttlt t! linger vis a passenger for Wakefield, Nch., tP'.s morning: I v.-hc-e he gftes to visit for a short time I . 1. ..!:..,, 1 ..:, ... n- wiiri ie;aiies ii:s... ;-. C. A. Rurggren and wife, who have I open Tisitrng in v;i'.u:;-i c o n-wme i 1 n 1 F- .1 - 1. t an.t trtenos ier ine o:i-i v, --.. 1 cu: :- ! -! hv lj?t evening on N ! -Miss Claii ie Dovey was among ! I ose g-cimg to Omaha this mo'-ning. hete she wia snend the day looking 1 j"'- matters or .-u-une-. I John Fight and wife departed this ! afternoon for Omaha, where they will I visit for the day with their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Sullivan and family. j August Nolting was among the ( far visitors in the city today for j a few hours looking after some mat- iters of business with the merchants. C. M. Chriswisser of Nehawka was ! among those going to Omaha this ! morning, where be will spend th" day j looking after some ness. matters of busi- John Iverson and wife were among the passengers this morning for Cal- ; houn, Neb., where they go to visit with relatives and friends in that place. Mi.-.s Margaret Mills and several of the children at the Masonic orphanage were among the passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will spend the day. Mrs. Peter Rates departed this mo rning on the early Burlington tram for York, Nebraska, where she goes to visit for a sho t time with relatives and friends. E. W. Reins and wife departed this morning on the ealy Rurlington tram for Omaha, where they will spend the day looking after some matters of business in that city. - i ;n,in enmp in last evening on No. 2 for a short visit here at the home of her mother, Mrs. C. H. Parmele, and with other j relatives and friends. William Wohlfarth returned home 'this from Scribner, Neb., t.U c.- -fr,- -i et-o-t limo lilt . L..LI 1 " ' " ' - - - - - Mrs. Isaac King and little daughter Chntp dena'ded this morntr.g fcr - n! 1 l l!t their home in Superior. ?eh. Vv. II. Wynn and two Utile daugh- ic-lu:ncu homo this morning; from San Antfnia, Texas, where they had 'been for the past ten days vi-iling AT THE fho Plaffsmoufh ' Lecker. departed today for her home in the west part of the county . Cheapest accident insurance Fr. Tlioirias Ftiect ie Oil. I'or burns, scalds, cuts and emerg-encie.--. Ail d-utrjrists sell it. 2c and ."(ic. W. E. Rosencrans and wife were tirr.' the tassenjrers this afternoon for Omaha, where they will visit for the day with friends in that city. J. C. Roddy ftf L'r.ion wa.s here to day for a few hours lookintr after some matters at the court house, be ing' a witness in the O'Urien case. Ren Reckman of the vicinity of Murray was in the city today look ing; after some ti and attending 'the demonstration at the (iorder I store. ! Mrs:. Anthony Neslade and two lit jtie dautrhters returned home this aft Icrnoon from Omaha, where they had j been vi.-itintr with reuoives and I friends. Rex Olson, the trenial traveling: man, was here tfday for a short timx attendincr to the wants of his custom ers, coming1 down on No. - i this aft ernoon. R. A. ?iIcF.Ivam departed this even- ir;r over the .Missouri i acinc lor Kan 1 r-: ...:ti , x..... st.- v. 1 1 , liti II" lit IML iVI c- Yp.,r's with his bvother. Mvrom ir. .. t.;tv Mike Lutz was among those going to Omaha this morning to spend the day with his wife at the hospital in that city, where she is fretting along very nicely. Mrs. G. L. Farley and two daugh ters. Edith and Helen, and Miss Fstelle Raird wee among those go ing to Omaha this morning, where they will visit for the day in that city. Miss Kathryn Windham was among those .going to Omaha this morning, where she will visit for the day in that city looking after some matters of business and visiting with friends. Mis Mildred " Raiser was among those going to Omaha this morning, where she will spend a few hours looking after some matters of busi ness, as well 's visiting with friends. George Wallinger and wife of South Rend drove to this city yesterday to rttend to some important business matters and for a shot! visit with county scat friends. Mr. Vv'allinger was a pleasant caller at this office. Mrs. Sybel Head was among the passengers this morning for Omaha, where she goes to look after some matters of business in that city and to visit there with relatives an 1 1 friends. Mrs. Ed Fox of Waterloo, Iowa, j who has been here for a short time visitinjr at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Haynie, near this j city, departed this morning for her I home. j ;rs f' p. Graves and little son, ! 0f Qrf.en River, Wyoming, who have jbeen visiting at the home of her uncle ?nd aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ramge, j in this city, departed tins morning ior her home in the west. Chris Parkening, one of the leading farmers from west of the city was in town yesterday for a fev hours look ing after some trading with the mer- chants and attending the Internation I al Harvester demonstration, J A lazv liver leads to chronic dys I pepsia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (2oc per box) act mildly on the liver and kidneys. At all drug stores. WPfl DUNN AUCTIONEER - Weeping Water, Neb.- wiil take charge of your public sale business. Farm sales arctition of the administrator in the specialty Owners interests : .re always guarded with the best ability, and satisfaction guaranteed. For open dates telephone at my expense !o - Yveepmg Water. WM. DUNN. ei Elesn W 7 h Orchestra! Ann tiul Meeting of the Farmers .Mutual Ins. Co. of Cass Co.. Neb. The annual meeting of the Fann ers' Mutual Fire and Live Stock Ir -surance Company of ('as-. Cmin'y, Nebraska, will be held at the Taylor school hoase in I'lattrm .uth fnecir.c ; on Saturday. January !, l'.il.", at l;::o jt. rn., for the purpose of electing of licers and transacting; .-,-jch othe. business as may legally come before the meeting-. J. I. Falter, Secretary. ll'-JS-f I'or Sale. A number of pure bred Plymouth Rock Mrs. Ii. M. Shrade'r. Mur ray, Neb. Telephone 1-N. rnoii ti: noi n r lu lli- County I nrl f f ount-. r lirnvkn. Tn t!,' V.-ifter of th- K-tafe ef Arli l .il.t I:;il-. ', I I' I en-eil. 'Pe J'ei.-ens J -i t ( e r e-d j rt S.. M F-t;ite t Yen H ll take I,(itie on ti.- 'iaY l.f 1 -i .111 !.r. lll. 1 ,ere Wit- fi e. in ii is 1'iiiiit a pi-titio'i iillnani; t'...t A i t i t.a ! I l;a-.r. la! e Murcnk. '; C'ltUl.IV Xe-i'la-ka, depal te ! tl.lS l.'e 'Tl ti.'-'ltb ii.iV (f J rill :'!-. 1!IU, t'-s- tat'-. I .ii. lit; an t . f in sael I'miM'.' t" t - a ! ei 1 ri i-; -i e. I. ati-1 ri.iine tie . i..,.tt ef a II I list -tll'l-til pleji I !t- tie b.:.-t Will Hint Tr.-t.llil-Ht el !-: .! il - I, iuii! '1 1 . ; 1 1 -1 ti rii"t 1 riTiM'd t' C-.-.Hiri .1 I tialite.J as L tor in saiil itit rrttierit. r sa'ne e't'T- s-lilat'ie p'-l-uli 1H te !:. ' I'M I t tliaV S'-el irt1"T'. Vl'll Will I'litUier take Titie- tk;,t M frill en .liit pltitnei Mul ll.e J I . . f -i ef tie- e- ..- a t inn of sa' ! i n -1 1 u lien t v.i'l i.e I .el "ii tie 4 1 1 1 1l.1v ef .I.ueiii'. 1 : 1 T.. at 1 "I e'e I ei c a 11) . t tie C r,i ti- "'l it Klintll in t!.- fitv ef I 'la : f tii.e.t 1 . 1'ass ''.unite. Xe-t'i :'.' U.i. a d that iii;i'--i I i ali-e lie ; ni'.vii e-i :) I., ".: s.l. il.iv lli'l Imia- l.f l..-..ina. the l-l.ili I ef -al-l .Titnei tiui v 1"' n 1 : ti t . 1 nii'l .-.e.l it, -It-'Tll.-at n '! til i t e,l te prelate. Witness tnv tatiii aiel t'e al cf -ai.l "eutt at I'latlsiii.'iitl t l s t ti .iay I" J k-i i-ii.l'i r, ltl I. Itv thec-ieirf. .M.IJ1X .1. H';t;s. v. CnlilltV Jllile. jrtliX M. LDYIt . .tt"t-nev fr I'et i t ;er.e-r. 12-14 :!:! i Tin-: ins-rim t cm iit or Tin: nn Mt r ss. m:iiksk. vnriri: or s In Ite lt-tate of I'- lilah S- I.Wat', I"--. -at .1. Not ice is b ri-r.v tri'-'en that in pursuance- "f ."111 iTiiir ef llel.. .Illlt.ev T Urfl-V, .ItlllUe- ef the iUnr C. If ef Im- -..unl e e.f '.-:mi. X.-Pra Kii tna.l t the lllll ll.IV "f X"ellll..l. .1 1, ):il. Till tin- Mir el the leal e-Tate In n !l -aft-r llet-IT j Ik-iI. till le Wi,! I"- Ml it (it tile South l'telit ll.M.r ef th'- I'milt HeuM-. at 1 'lat tsitiieit Ii I'a-s I'enntv, ."- Ut as U:i. on tin' r.Cllli da v ef .lai.-i:ii i, V It., lt'l", lit eleven cii. nik A M at jniblic vendue to th'- J icf.t bidder fer rush, the f'ellilWlliir Li'-M ! j l.eil leal -- tate. te-wit: Lots thirteen ( 1 1! t nn.1 fourteen M in the Kast Half il-l t of the Xi.ith-ve--t Qunr;i-r i X. W t ef s.-.tfit Tttl-Ilt '-illbt i:M TeMIlsllip IfrV'll llli North. It.'i tljie 'Foal t-eri (14t Lat of tiie iltli I'. .M. in the- ef i .i--, Xeht ;ikn. Sab! sale to remain up n one b" 'r I'ate.l 1 1. i-s lutin! elm- of 1 .. e-n. I . r. A i. IfH e if aj:li:s i; s iiwai:. P'.Vei-utnr of the 1 a t V. , i 1 II III t I .1 -111 'III Of Del Mali S. IllUll', I tl-. l L.WVJ.S .v la 1 i:i:'I S' i.N. Alter lie . k-t-:'.-til,l I.IK. I. MI IK It. In the Itlstiiit e-oiirt of j r . T -. .i hnel.a. A J. Sent: an. I'laii.t,.', s. Travis c'laltiee. t a!, L-'- - f'Mel.'l Ills, . V. Ilae-s, fust la.-ne i:tikl."Wi-. ir. I-'. I In bet fust name. im,Uiiov II. Itl.ti ; iin ,,,'(',-,iY,'''.''" j'i nV-ei" liel e'ivu' 'ti'e'V.'."" Known he ir ntiil ilevi-.e s of 1: I" lluliri', ileisi!, Mellje ini-i-. Itiiharl liic-e, i'rc-,1 line, In.'-. Iirt tauite ii ii k now ri. 1 e-ir of Willintii luce-, lieie-ascil PMwiit.l K I'.l it l I ' id Li'tnber ', I. I', ilreen- ite ,v e . p.t 1 ill b'en U '! ill the Village of t;.i;le. lots t; I to 4 1 in the viii ir--" e.t l.e - . vilb'. lot .' in bb( k :::; vi laite- .f i;,m- W OCld. P.t 1 itl I'loek '.'. eeliniif W.' I' r city, raid all ,n I'a- I'nuntv, t.iiiska. yon atnl e-ai h ef imi ate- h-ie ( y tlOl itle.l th.'lt lipell the Tt I '1.1 e.( .,.- ce-ni!er, A. It. 1S4. the plaiiitifT 'in. menet ,1 nil ai ijon in the ili.-tre t -.nit C'l' Cass county, Xel.iaska. II - .. .,.-! and pl acer nT l,n li is te f..i e lose i a sale eel t i (ii ;i t-s and fe.r v a l,--.u-1 t taxes paid with Inteie-M are! i-hi ii:il attorney's fo-s en iiIuivh Irsi ri l.eil i .-a I estate, and to i,ae -.- i.i r'l est.ii. soli! to pay tne t-aine. Y"i iitid e-ai h of on are fc-'niired to answer rs ; i t peti tion on or be-fore Monday, the- 1Mb clay of January. liel.V Dated this Ttli !av of De'c e rn be f. A. 1 1. 1H14. A. J SKA M.N. Plairtif. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of Cass, ss. In County Court. In Re-Estate of G. M. Patton, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that there will be a hearing before this court on the 5th day of January, 1915, at 10 nVdoc-L- a rn nnnn the rennrt ran. I above estate for final settlement, and the discharge of the said admin istrator. All objections thereto must be fded on or before said day and hour cf hearirig. By the Court, ALLEN J BEESON. County Judge. J a