V X! : I .! - Cnns fmas !ho Stationary L i en ma .NAT X : Christmas Seals and Tags For the Christmas Dinner we have Full Dinner Sets, in Christmas Design, made from crepe paper Decorations in Vines and Initial Stationery Christmas Boxes Fancy Box Stationery Children's Stationery Christmas Cards Correspondence Cards Calendar Pads OfHce Supplies Christmas Napkins Place Cards Doilies and Plates. Paper cf all Kinds. If It's in I he r5rper or Novelty lii'c, tall at the Journal ofhco and see what we Ii.-tv. jpital in Lincoln, is fretting along nice- ly, anl expects to be able to come home by Friday of this week. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will hold a business meeting at the home of Miss Myrtle Bahr, northeast of town, Wednesday after noon. January f.th. All members are requested to be present. We are glad to report that Otto Kettlehut, who underwent a serious operation at his fathers home in this city a couple of weeks ago, is able to be out and around again, although he is still forced to use crutches. C. F. Caywood and family arrived here from Lincoln Saturday of last week to take charge of the Beatrice cream station. Mr. Caywood will appreciate any patronage that may be given him in his line, and assures courteous treatment to all. We are in receipt of a letter from W. If. Morrow, stating that they reached Ifcndlc-y Monday, December 7th, and are well pleased with their new home, although they miss their many friends that they made in Eagle during their residence here. A deal was consumated the first part of the week whereby Tom Hawkins became owner of the Guy Adams property in the southeast part of town. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins will move to town in the verv near future. 4 I.Ol'ISVILLE. Courier. Chris Ross is a firm believer in in surance. The first of this week, through their local agent, Henry Kropp, the Union Central paid him $5,037.90 for a twenty-year policy of his that had just matured. Mr. Ross has four boys that are carrying policies in this company for like amounts, and several more that will carry them as they become old enough. E. M. Pollard has opened on office in the Palmer building on the north side and will have on display a line of electric appliances in connection with his light plant. Patrons are in vited to call and inspect his line, and they may also find out approximately what it will cost them to install the service. The office will be open at all times and the public is invited to come in and be as inquisitive as they like. K "H-H-! H-H-fr ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. v. 1:1 riN; water. Kep-:'r :ir.. .He had been to r.Iis-.j.i, v.hore he had a cancer removed from his Hp. V Mr-. A. I. Ralsion rettived the sad : news Wednesdav of the death of her tt:' rvjsbund at Trhidli. II- h ."::e" in this vi!!ag. oc-cupyirg the ' business agaia Wednesday, after hav Sam l.u.-e property i:i the north part ; lug been closed, a few weeks, and is : i oid-. t ! !inois. Mrs. Rals-on left thi mornin- i n. r ; to atlen l the fur.eia!. .-'he va r. Mi I).,ro- ,;auhte!-, Mi.-s Lliaheth. " " . -T-' ..1 , vi norri- , eorr.parued a- 1 . . w;-. c:i! I Kay Kreider reti'rnevJ 1 rom Cnuiha '.Monday nirht. where -he had been d to , !o, il.ir. L' after h litti-" ::.ni. who h:?-; ti now under tne management oi .Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Burton, formerly of Nebraska City. They are thoroughly acquainted with all details of the relatives and old-lime ,,u,!,r'ess' an1 Wlin tne Prur'ir support jnv the business men and other citi- 01 town. (. A. Tyson of Tobias, Xeb.. a l :ot!.:-r of Mrs. Catherii.e Stinc, has ti-c-ii heie the part week vi-itinir Mrs. i:id (th ; i ;ei:s. L.Ltrt Mc(uin and famiiv left last ! ' lhe' w" niake success of it, K. i.-av for Coleridge, and will make ! ar'J without drawing the patronage their home on a farm in that vicinity. iet.ii Their many friends here hope they in the hospital :nco he was ;-o I ,r-"J' ,e prosperous ;;nd happy in their W.'.t ; 1 . Wi:;,a-,i l .1:. a: a -a 1 e.- t;ith.e:-. : badly lurrcfa fe.v weeks ago. ?Ir. : ..: mother of j K '-eider thinks the child is getting T,!---d:y after-;;.;r.rg ::ce!:.-. I ut it will he some time h hi- -i -ter. Mrs. j t.efore it e.:i be troutrth home. .1! . . o',. r., and ! e in ( )mah t vhig fjrrifire !T.i:ov p I n K'.i.. i" l e' i.i :.' -'i a: ' ti:- r-.li'tay ii- v son. He-ir Wil'iani-. r. B. An- 1 cKay. Mr. i d Mr. a:i 1 ! t :-:-irers on j m '-. in g. i Mond'v 9 9 V 4 j. m. her r arer.t I I'i-uit-ir.o'jth :ie.v location. Miss Mary F'oster, county superin tendent. s;'.t Sunday here at home, ar.d had as her guests Misses Claire Iiovcy. lone Dovey, Amelia Martin. Have! Dovey, Verna Cole, Mae Mur phy and Helen Povey, all from Piatt .mouth. Syt C. Hathaway and wife went to '"t. Joseph on Wednesday for the pur- ! pose. i consulting one of the special- ists in regard to Mrs. Hathaway'.s !ai'p:ent. and it is verv probable that aUe;r,)!- vi sit l 'A'i;!lL-he will have to remain there several that usuallv belongs to the restaur- ar CM OX. Le Iter. 9 and oth'.- relatives in : u-dav and Wednes a ".e e: I .! a rr t T. I i.evnoi s i c-turnt-l last it Cai de ! 1 'iday from Omaha, wlu-re he had arid her j -!"' nl a days attendinjr the Farm ers congress and visitm'' wi'h ins' n Vali-:y i.-a- Platt-mouth -i th; o-.ii.-h he: e on the ZM' in line son. V.'iil. Roy Stine an-1 wife, who were re lays for treatment in a hospital. Nelson Appiegate arrived Tuesday :,i,-ht from South Sioux City, having been notifed of the sudden death of his uncle, Mahlon Appiegate. He had expected to arrive here to attend the funeral, but the remains of his uncle ! ha 1 been taken Tuesday morning to Vi'disca. Iowa, for interment. hotel opened up for j pendicitis at the St. Elizabeth hos- Monday e i.irg en i -out" home, i ce-uly married, are now 'diving at' The Union x mh w. rw n m mm mm mrm kui mm a 'i i n. m Miss Mae Steel ef Grand Island is here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Steel. Judge Brobst is suffering from an affliction of the eyes that kept him indoors several days the past week. Mis. Scott McGrew has been quite sick the last few days, but is improv ing, which is jrood news to her friends. Charles Hennirigs is here from Wibaux, Montana, for a visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilen nings. Twelve degrees below Monday morning with a snow and a north wind emphasized the fact that Old Ma-: Winder has arrived. We're for him. as violets and Christmas candy don't mix like Mocha and Java. E. Palmer went to Omaha to see his son, Attorney II. O. Palmer, who was confined to his room with an at tack of tonsilitis. A. L. Palmer has also been under the weather with an attack of the grippe at the home of ... - - - - : : i ' auiiL. .u i i j. j . .a uvriw. lul was able to return to his legal duties in Omaha Wednesday. Mrs. William Clarke of Lincoln came down Wednesday to visit her brother, F. II. X'ichols and family, and to bid her mother, Mrs. Frank Echols, good-bye. The latter left Thursday for her home in Virginia, after an extended visit with her son and daughter. She was accompanied as far as Omaha by Mr. Nichols. August Jochim, sr., met with a .severe accident some time ago, while cutting up a stick of timber at the home of his dauprhter, Mrs. George Vogler. Dr. Dwyer was called in con solation, and a trained nurse from Omaha placed in attendance. At this writing the old gentleman is reported slightly improved. Last Sunday the first rabbit snow of the season covered the outdoors and the curtain lowered forever on the happiness of many a cottontail with now and then a jack added for variety's sake. Speck Wilcox, Geo Appiegate and Fat Wilcox and the two Courier offsprings made up a party that in five hours bagged 54 fat rabbits. prion ti: oticr lu the Count; Court nt Cum Count?, N rbraakn. Tn llif f;i-r of t!- i:-tat- of Ai.-hi- IjiiM l:;ie-r, I iwm el. To l't-ts"jt)A I 'itfrfvt'-'J in M You will tak notice ttat on Mm lay of -f-inh(-r, Kilt, ttn-r- was (i!-! in Thi-t fonrt ;i rt-tition all-Ki" tr.iit Arol.it.jiM liagcr, iat of Murilo. k. 'u - - Counlv X-firakj, l-r.o rt l tlii Li on th- irli day of I tf mb-r, l'Jl!, t---tatf-, leaving an eftat in said t'oir,-. to h- a'traini-t'T'-'i, and pray in if f-r tiif jji-ohijte 'if an itift rurn-rit f.roto--.! as ti.- Last Will and T-ta men t of -;.e' d-t eas'-r), arid thnt - xt-in t ion ti.-r-of :.. tfrant-d to Calvin .1. l-is, narn-d -i:.-ciitor in said i n -f ru in-r, t, or t some otl.'T fjitanlf r?dn, as to ti l.'ourt rnav s-'-ern projx-p. Yon will furtiif-r tk- noti ti.at a li'-arin on said petition and tli iro.f of (hp execut ion of said in:- t riirn-r t will i.e I, ad on the -!t!i day f .Januai .. 191.", at 10 o'clock n. rn.. at tiie c.ni'ii. Court Koom in tiie e'ity of I'lal t mouf :.. Cass Countv, Nebraska, and tiiat nni'-v. cause l.e si, own on or before fai-l oa . and hour of tiearir.tf, the prayer of -r-id petition rnav te trratited and sai'l i '. -strmnent admitte.i to probate. Witnes-- my hand and tiie yea i f said Court at Plat tsmoutf:. tliis vth .Li . of I ece ruber, ll'H. liv the iv,.!it. .WJ.KN I. liKKSO.V. County .lu-l-'c. .IfiHX M. I.KYfA. Attorney for petitioner. 12-14 k" i.r.c. . XOTICK. In the restrict Court of Cass Counfr. Nebraska. A. .1. Seaman, Plaint,.', vs. Travis Craldree, ef al, I" f enda ri t s. W. W. Hayes", first name un k r. '. n, f. K. Huber. first name unknown. Putu Huber, ti.e unknown ' eirs and l-vi-- of Philip K. Hul-er, ileceaeil, ti'e u i known hejrs arid devi.-e-s of li. I' Huber, deceased, Mollie In-e, Pi'fiPid Ince, Kierl Ine, luce. filt name unknown. iieirs of William Ince, deceased Kdward ifc Bradford I. ember lV, l. P. Ireenslate v- Co.. l--t 1 in block I'O in the village of I Z;i ur i lots :jl to 4-j in the villatre of I.o ville. lot r. in block village ,, f-;im-w ood. lot 1 in block Weepintf Wider city, said lots all in Cass County. Ne braska, you and each of you are hereby notified that upon the 7 1 1 i day of I -eernber, A. I.. lid 4, the plaintiff com menced an action in the district -ourt of Cass county, Nebraska, the ibj.- t and prayer of which is to foreclose t:i sale certificates and for subs.iu--nt taxes paid ivitri interest and cosf an-1 attorney's fees on atiove ilesiii bed real estate, and to have said real et;d--sold to pay the same. Yoi; and ea h of vou are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday, the lMh day of January, lfH.. Iated tliis 7th dav of Iecember, A. 1. 131 I. A. J. SKA MAN. 1'laintitT. EAGLE. IJeacon. Den Ddiel arrived home from Aledo, 111., Thursday of last week to spend the winter with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Dihel. F. W. Blomenkamp has rented the Hans Wulf property on Main street, south of the M. E. church, and will mo'.e into the same the first of next week. This is mighty fine weather for the ice man, and if it continues so for the next few days our dealers here will take advantage of it and lay in a good supply for next summer. Mrs. George Trunkenbolz, who re cently underwent an operation for ap- AT THIS STORE AT CHRISTMAS TIME! and all other times. The helpfulness of a store depends in a large measure on its ability to serve you the public, and the "success" or failure of a store dopends in a large measure on the SATISFACTORY or unsatisfactory manner in which it serves you the public. Our won derful success and rapid growth is proof positive that we have served you the public BEST! Mr. IJedson of Lincoln is visiting at the home of his son, A. J. Bedson, and his daughter, Mrs. E. C. Burke, this week. E. J. Jeary went to Lincoln Thurs day to bid his sister good-bye. She staits for California points today to spend the winter. Mrs. E. D. Harrison, a sister of A. McFall of Nuebugan. N. D., arrived here and will spend the winter with her brother and family. M. W. Waltz went to Lincoln Tues day to see Mrs. Waltz, who is confined in a hospital there, and whom we are glad to know is greatly improved. Mrs. J. B. Elliott left on Tuesday for Tolono, Illinois, in response to a message announcing the serious ill ness of her mother at that place. She C A j 'CL L IU UTZ guilt 2C CI III 11 IIS 1 1 11 1 3. I 4t-'l' ! F' II 1 1 IV . Mrs. W. J. Robertson and daughter, aouci: Miac- VJoln rf Sf- Paul ITinn oro I In the Matter of the J-.state of Julia A. - ' - i I.lovd. Iieceased. visitinf? at the home of their son and To ah Parties interested in Said r.-..t.,to. brother, Orville Kobertson. 1 hey will vou are herel.v notified that on the rprn.,;n fnr cp.-p.-l uwl- -;i ino- !n ,av " November, I'.'ll, No". e ,M. remain lor several weeks Msiting in AIix tlle, a ,,f.ti,jon fn t,is c,,,,,, j,,. this ivcinitV. j ieginsr. amons other things, that Julia , , T , , , I A. l.lovil. late a resHieru oi ass L. I-. Langhorst returned Thursday county, Nebraska, departed this iif- i ... , , i ori June i u . i-oi.. st:zei l i i ieL;,ii from a business trip to the western xXxW t ,,ots v ft s ., V) ilna nl nart of tbo ctnro Ton cave Jf -o c I Block 8, in South Park, :i n addition to Plattsmoiuh. and Lot S, in Pluck cold and bleak out there and he was I in n Neil s Audition to Piattsm.o t! , . . . , . , I Nebraska, which teal estate was not glad to get home again to a good disposed of bv said deceased by will ll-t,,. I executed in her lilctime. anl trial more I l II U II I I I 1 I ' ' ill- , J'. , . III II' J. K. Hoover shinned another ear of death of said deceased, and praying th- llOgS to the Nebraska City Packing record the risht of succession to such ii j . j tu real estate to be in the children of company Wednesday morning. The sai(, deceased, to-wit: William a. cold wonthpr nnil the oYfcuiliniTlv lnu- Lloyd, a son; John A. I.lovd. a son: ' J. Nellie M. -Mix. a daughter; Oeore T once kept a number 01 tarmers from Linyd. a son; Pose m. naiiy. a dauMhtei, , ii: i .u i i ianil Pertha L Peynolds, a daughter. senium now, arm cue iuuu was not. a tu eac, an undivided one-sixth, subject k; I to a ncrit ot courtesy ami nomesteau "'S o nf i-.j..,,), T l.lnvil the husband nf lames Hettrick was taken to Tan- I said deceased, as provided bv law. I A 1 . ..i i -i n - i ) I I . e I n.t iimin b;il.l coin r nuay eernnj anu mere oper-I pet it ion on the jstli day of liecember, i::: ti: 1914. at ID o'clock a. m., in the County dieu ujiuii iui aciiuitms. ins vise Court room in Plattsmouth, Cass Coun-n-Qc rna nf tka rnrct Ivno tho novfcltv. Nebraska, and if no objections are . . t r I hied to su-li proceeding on or beloi affected beinff in a very aeeravated the time set for hearinu the Court ma c.,i. ti,:, ...j i f v, I -'ant the prayer of said petition and state. This sudden attack of that now decree the riKlit of succession to said premises to be as alleged in said peti tion. lated: November 24th. 1!H. Pv the Court. Ai.LUN ,i. ni:i:s .v. County Jude. JOHN M. I.KTDA, Attorney for Petitioner. very common malady came as a sur prise to the friends of young Mr. Het- trick, and we are glad to be able to report to them that he is doing nice ly at this writing. i - if .i andkerchief AenonncemeEt! Our annual Handkerchief Sale for two days this week TUESDAY and WED NESDAY, at which time we offer you a fine line to pick from at 2l2c up. For a reasonable priced presentthere is nothing more appropriate than handkherchiefs. DOVEY Plattsmouth, Nebraska. THE PRACTICAL GIFT STORE wi,"V . ; i NEHAWKA. News. -r-x-w- w-w-i w There seems to be quite an epidemic of chickenpox around here now. Railroads never have a wreck any more. Once in a while they have a "derailment." We have been reading up on elec tricity lately and believe we could dis tinguish a kilowhieh from a what ever at a glance. The electric light poles are all set and quite a bit of wiring done. It looks like Tollard will be ready to turn on the juice about January 1st. Mrs. Dr. Thomas was hostess last Thursday for the usual crowd of ladies at the weekly kensington. Re freshments were served and the usual delightful time was had. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Sheldon left last Thursday for Ellenburg, N. Y., and other points east for a visit with relatives. They expect to be back about January 1st. V. Y. Craig, who was superintend ent of the schools here last yar and year before, was down from Lincoln over Sunday visiting the Ray NorriS family. He is a student at the state agricultural school this winter. to Tim i xKMiwN limits m iii-:- VISoKS UV l(ISKi l. .1 'K, i)i;( i:.si:ii, jii:i'i:mmt: Vou ami each of you are hereby notilied that on the 'tli day of No vember, lyn, John S l.ivinK'stoti tiled li is petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, anainst vou. the object and prayer of said petition heinK to nuiet title in sant Joiin . Livingston in and to that part of the southeast quarter SK ',) of Section twenty-three c!.1). in Township twelve (12) North of Pansre thirteen (13l. Kast of the tith Principal Meridan. in Cass county, Nebraska, bounded and lescribed as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter (SK '4) of said Section twen ty-three (2..) and runnlntr tlierue south eighty (SO) rods, thence east fiftv-two (a2 rods, thence norh eighty (tsO) roils, and thence west fifty-two K'i f, nlai-n nf 1 ieir i ti n i n e-: and Asked to believe a Citizen S word; to forever bar and exclude you and m . ... , . . . leacli of vou from claiming any in- To confirm a Citizens Statement. .erest or estate of anv nature in or to Anv irticle that i? endorsed at -said lands, or any part thereof. You, Any article tnat IS enuorsea at a, ,....,. of Vou are re ouire.1 to answer home I said petition on or before the lltli day , . c i lor January, ii;. Is more worthy of confidence I john s. livinoston. By ilOJiSMAN & M,.viau His Attorneys. ll-l'6-4wks OF LOCAL INTEREST Some People We Know, and We Will Profit by Hearing About Them. This is a purely local event. It took place in Plattsmouth. Not in some faraway place. You are asked to investigate it. Than one you know nothing about, j Endorsed by unknown people. Louis Kroehler, proprietor hard ware store, Elm street, Plattsmouth, In the County Court of Cass County, says: "Some time ago I had pains in my back. I was so lame that I Nebraska. LEGAL NOTICE. couldn't stoop. My kidneys were , T.f f p a ri r ti, weak. I had a tired, languid feeling ,T lnhnsnn nnl. all the time and headaches were common. 1 got uoan s ivianey i-uis from Gering & Co.'s Drug Store and they soon relieved me. I am pleased to recommend them." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that on the 29th day of December, A. D. 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the County Court Room in the City of Plattsmouth, in said county, there will be a hearing - i i r i.r i ,7 n4 simpiy as xor a mu., uy the fina rt of the admin. uoans iviuney x ins uie ". ef,art, nF ca:(i paf!1A nn,i n;. npt:. tion for final settlement; that at said time and place evidence will be taken Mr. Kroehler had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y, Q" SPECIAL. A first-class Restaurant has been opened up in the Gund building. Everything will be served in first- class style at reasonable prices. This . . - will De a restaurant anu not a unuu order lunch counter. Regular meals will be served and everything else in the line of eats. Your patronage so- icited. Respectfully, R. PETTY & CO- and an order entered naming the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and as signing the residue of said estate, if any, to the heirs; that all objections to said report and petition must be filed in this court on or before said Dated this 12th day of December, A. D. 1914. By the Court. ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. 12-14-2wks If it's anything in the line of paper. For Sale. A nnmber of Dure bred Plymouth or office supply line, cell at the Jour- Rock hens. Mrs. R. M. Shrader, Mur- nal office, where most everything in rav. Neb. Telephone 4-N. Ithe paper line can be found.