The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 17, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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ran n n H nn
U RaflU U fi Id b U-a tod H L
Goates Hall, Plattsmouth, Neb.
New Year's Eve, December 31, 191
Given by the Cosmopolitan Club
Admission -Gents 50c, Ladies 25c and Spectators 25c
Local News
Needle Work Display!
"V - A j-S
' if I
L II IS week we are shewing a display of the
many pretty and useful gifts possible with
the jjiSseciirf embroidery plans and cro
chet threads, as well as the Clark's mercer
ized 0. X. T.t Pear cotton Tg&L&tdOSf Cordiehet and
Cordonnet Special. All of these may be utilized in
many different ways, and our west window contains a
variety of hand-made articles, demonstrating what these
threads, the needle, crochet hook and tatting shuttle
can do. If in doubt as to what to give mother, father
or any member of the family for a Xmas present just
drop in and see our line. We have toys for the chil
dren; handkerchiefs, neckwear and hosiery for men
and women, and a large stock of beautiful china from
which you may select anything your heart desires.
SDace will not permit us to mention all the things we
could suggest as suitable Xmas presents, but feel sure we could please you
if you wold only just come in to see us.
Xmas Trees and Holly!
The holly this year is very pretty and looks very nice. Our Xmas trees
are of an excellent variety and they are going quite rapidly.
Our Grocery Department is well supplied with everything to take care
of your wants. Xmas candies, nuts, bon-bons, fruits, cranberries, pumpkins
and squashes. Call us up and tell us what you need and we will be only
too glad to fill and deliver your order.
Call 53 and 54.
We've made extra preprations for your Holiday needs." Our stock is
complete and right up to the minute. We furnish you
Gjodsof Quality at Reasonable Prices.
LaValleries, Parisian, Ivory and
Diamond Rings, Silver Toilet Sets,
Sterling Silver, Umbrellas,
Chains and Fobs, Fountain Pens,
Cuff Links and Stick Hallow Ware,
Watches, Pins, Cut Glass,
Hand Painted China, Clocks, &c, &c.
Will you have a Victrola in your home this Christmas? We have
them in stoci at
$15.00, $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, $100.00 and $150.00
Call and See Them!
From Tuesday's Ially.
T. W. Vallery came in this morning
from his country home to look after
some trading with the merchants.
Will Propst departed this morning
on No. 15 for Long Pine, Neb., for a
visit there with friends for a few
Mrs. Mark White was in the city to
day from her home near Rock Bluffs
attending to some matters of business
with the merchants.
James B. Tipton came down from
La Platte this afteinoon on No. 21 to
attend to some trading with the mer
chants for a few hours.
F. II. Stander of the vicinity of Wa
bash was attending to business mat
ters in this city today and was a
pleaasnt caller at this office.
Hugh Robb of Wyoming, Neb., who,
with his family, have been visiting
here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mont Robb, depaited this afternoon
for his home.
Albert Timmis and wife departed
this afternoon for Omaha, where they
will spend a few hours with friends
and in looking after some matters of
business in that city.
R. L. Propst was a passenger this
morning for Omaha, where he will
spend the day looking after some
business matters and visiting with
relatives at Ralston.
J. M. Holmes and Glen Boedeker
motored up yesterday afternoon from
Murray and spent a few hours here
looking after some matters of busi
ness with the merchants. !
J. M. Meisinger and wife were
among, the passengers this morning
The funerai of the late Mrs. Loui-a
Tiepel, who died at Verdigris, Neb.,
on Sunday, was held here yesterday
afternoon at 1 :.'J0 from the St. Paul's
Evangelical church. The body arrived
from the late home on No. 4 and was
taken direct to the church,
lay in state until the hour of the
funeral. The services were conducted
by Rev. J. H. Steger, pastor of the
church, and were mo-t beautiful in
their character, the minister giving a
.short sermon that in its meaning
brought to the family and old friends
a sense of comfort in their loss of a
loving mother and old ;ind cherished
friend. There were a number of the
old and well loved German hymns
given by the choir during the service,
and the friends who had gathered to
pay their last tributes of respect to
the well beloved lady felt deeply the
service that marked the parting on
this earth wuh one they had esteeme 1
so highly.
Louisa Zelmann was born March 2'5,
1S3(J, in the province of Hanover, Ger
many, and resi led there for a number
of years and was married there to
Mr. Charles Teipel in 1ST;. After
the wedding the young couple resided !
in Germany for a number of years
until 1SS2, when they came to
America and settled in Illinois,
they resided for a number of years,
later moving to Iowa, then to
Plattsmouth, where thev made their
home for twenty-tnree years. The'
husband and father j assed away h
in IDOL), and the same vear Mrs. Tei
i MM
j0 i t i
; ;!
Perfumes and Toilel
Articles for Xmas!
Nothing makes daintier ap
peal to eh'ner man or w.
man, always in ?ood tas
always useful. They con
tinue to j?ive pleasure ion :
after manv olher uift i
The finest American Perfumes and
Toilet Preparations are made in the Lab
oratories of Harmony of Boston, Richard
Hudnut, Salon Palmer and Colgate & Co.
of New York. We carry a complete line
of Perfumes, ioilet Waters and Satchtt
Powders of the above manufacture.
All Pert times and Toilet. Waters ar
put up in Dainty Xmas Style Packages at
prices to suit any bocketbook. Shop early.
f . G. f ricke & Co.,
Plattsmouth - Nebraska
where they will visit for the day i
looking after some matters of busi-
over the Burlington for Omaha. I i u... .
county, where they resided on a farm
since that time and when she passed j
ness. I i..u .. !
aii.i.v I'titinji-i i.u, jiL me a.e or .
Thomas Wilf.s lias been confined at years. 0 months and 10 davs. To the'
his home with an attack of rheu-1 rn.-irrinp-e of Mr. nnd Mrs Tinf-l .;.!!
His large circle of friends ! children were born, two dvir.g in in-!
For that: Christmas Gift
you will find in our store a large and
representative line of
Diamonds W atches LaVallieres
will be sorry to learn of his illness,
but trust that he may soon recover
and be able to be in their midst again.
Mrs. Luella Jewell and son, Ralph,
of Centralia, Washington, who have
been here visiting at the home of Mrs.
Jewell's parents, Judge and Mrs. M.
Archer, for a week, departed yester
day alternoon on their homeward
journey and will stop for a short visit
at Omaha, Lincoln and Ansley, Nebraska.
From Wednesday's Pally.
Mrs. Jack Patterson of Union was
among those going to Omaha this
afternoon to visit for a few hours.
Ira Bates, wife and little son de
parted this morning on No. 15 for
Omaha, where they will spend the day
looking after some business matters.
Charles Troop was among the visit
ors in the metropolis yesterday, where
he had some matters on the stock
market in South Omaha to engross
his attention.
G. G. Meisinger and son, Elmer,
were among the passengers this aft
ernoon for Omaha, where they go to
spend the day looking after some
matters of business.
Mrs. Joseph Iladraba and daughter,
Miss Helen, were among the passeng
ers this morning for Omaha, where
they will visit for the day looking af
ter matters of business.
L J. Clarence of the vicinity of
Union came up this morning from
his home for a short time and depart
ed on the early Burlington train for
Ornaha to visit for the day.
Allie Meisinger, one of the enter
prising young farmers from the vi
cinity of Cedar Creek, was in the cityi
today for a few hours looking after
some matters of business with the
Mrs. T. L. Murphy and daughter,
Miss Mae, departed this morning for
Omaha, where they go to look after
some business matters, as well as a
short visit with relatives in that city.
Ted Barrows and Charles Sans, two
of the substantial farmers from the
vicinity of Rock Bluffs, were among
those going to Omaha this afternoon,
where they will secure some repairs
for an automobile.
Paul Roberts, the Cedar Creek lum
ber dealer, was in the city today for
a few hours looking after some busi
ness affairs, and while here was a
very pleasant caller at the Journal
Miss Minnie Metzger of Cedar
Creek was in the city yesterday for a
few hours visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. G. Cole, being en route
from her home to Mynard, where she
will visit her brother, C. E. Metzger
and family, for a few days.
Mrs. John Sheldon of Waterloo, Ne
braska, came in this afternoon on No.
24 for a visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Wohlfarth, south of this
city. The little son of Mr. and Airs.
fancy; seven children survive, name
ly: Mrs. Augusta Hall. Herman;
Charles, Julia, Mrs. Charles Schwartz,
Henry and Fred, and seven gr
dren. She was during her lifetime a
devoted member of the Luthe ran j
cnurcn. ine interment was made :n
Oak Hill cemetery bes:ide that of the
Gold jewelry, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass,
Imported China,
Card of Thanks.
We desire to take this method of
expressing our most sincere thanks
to the many former neighbors an!
friends for their kindly assistance and
words of sympathy, al.;o for the
beautiful f!oral offerings at the fun
eral of our beloved mother.
The Family of Mrs. Chas. Teipel.
with the fragrance of the roses. Many other items
in our stock, which we will be pleased to show you
at your convenience.
A. McElvain,
Selling Agent for Hamilton Watches
Plattsmcutb, ::::::: Nebraska
A restraining order has been is
sued by Judge Begley in the case of
John R. Pierson vs. Anna Pierson. in
which the plaintiff, who was granted
a decree of divorce from the defend
ant last year, is restrained from re
moving from the jurisdiction of the
court the minor child of the parties.
In the decree of divorce Mr. Pierson
was given the custody ol his little
son. under the supervision ot the
court, and having disposed of his
holdings in the Farmers' State bank
in Union and closed up his business,
has been intending to remove to
Tecumseh, but his former wife,
through her attorneys, has applied to
the court to compel the leaving of the
child where it will be under the
jurisdiction of this court. Both
parties are well known in Union,
where they resided for a number of
years. Mrs. Pierson resides in Lin
coln at the present time.
Mrs. W. H. Seybert of Cullom came
in this morning to visit for the day
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
McNurlin and to attend to some mat
ters of business.
W. D. Wheeler and daughter, Miss
Lillian, and Mrs. Albert Wheeler were
among those going to Omaha this
morning, where they will visit for the
day looking after some business matters.
Mark White returned home this
morning from Kansas City, where he
had been receiving treatment for the
past few days at the Thornton &
Minor sanitarium. He was greatly
benefited by the treatment.
M. L. Friedrich was among those
whj were passengers this morning on
the early Burlington train for Omaha,
where he goes to visit for the day in
attendance at the meeting of the state
farmers' elevator association.
The members of the Royal Neigh
bors of America assembled last even
ing at their lodge room in the Mod
ern Woodman building in response to
a call for the purpose of the election
of olhcers for the ensuing year, and
as a result of the ballot the following
were chosen to carry on the different
offices during the coming year:
Tast Oracle Mrs. Bessie Gravitt.
Oracle Mrs. Elizabeth Buttery.
Vice Oracle Mrs. Frances Schultz.
Chancellor Mrs. Catherine Ilild.
Recorder Miss Garnet Cory.
Inner Sentry Mrs. Frances Bestor.
Outer Sentry Mrs. Ida Kunsmann.
Managers Mrs. Mary Hassler,
Miss Anna Hassler and Mrs. Antonia
Physician Dr. E. W. Cook.
This splendid auxiliary of the Mod
ern Woodmen of America has a tine
membership and will endeavor during
the coming winter to carry out plans
for the upbuilding of the order and
afford the members a chance for a
closer relationship among themselves
through the means of social gatherings.
Theodore Starkjohn departed this
morning for Omaha, where he will
visit for the day looking after some
matters of business.
E. F. Palmer and Henry Stander of
Louisville were here today for a few
hours looking after some matters of
business at the court house and in
visiting with friends in this city.
t r - J
The Seasons Greetings!
Greet your friends on
Xmas with some of the Choice Wines,
Liquors and Cigars, carried in stock at
The Peerless Bar
Reasonable prices on fancy stocks.
A bottle of wine or cigars in a stein,
Would suit very fine;
We have them all the time.
The P
eerless ear-
Fourth and Main St. !"!
Wohlfarth, who had been visiting at
Tel. 112.
Waterloo, accompanied his aunt
Sell your property by an ad in The
v w j mm T
rT A
j home.