f THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17, .1911. rLATTSMOUTTI SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. page 7. November Joe The Detective of the Woods By HESXETH PRiCHARD J Copyright. 1913. Bv liesketh Prichard CHAPTER XIII. Linda Petersham. rovr.Mi:i:i: JOE Lad bidden me lV I" nvw ll t the little siding ly the picturesque SiU nt Water. i;-in!-.- of ft V'tfl'li !e back again. Mr. :; n: h. :is s hiu as yciu've fixed them I.OW I!. 1.-. Wi iiirir t-i'i. tracts, auu men. may '!! trv a v.i.'.f Lmnt. There's a tidy p;u-U niiiiix t".t on the I.ac Noir i c y!h-:i it's i::oon!ig'it." P.i;t iht- Iiac!i!fS t' business are not s. -:i-::y .!i:;kc:i tiff, and the spring h. i l alnr.dy come before another va ati'Mi in ll. e woods had begun to rif : into possibility. About this lis:" I.i!.da IVtirsli.im rnr.g tne up on tin.- tc-lej'i"iio and demanded ray pres--:if'.:it luii' li. Hut I ;i;u engaged." said L "What is it V "I will toll you when you come. I want :." I n..:de another efl'ort to explain my j"-i;i f.i. bet I. i. l.i had said her last wi :l and rui.i: off. I smiled as I call ed up th-.' pu-t'iro of a small Greek hoad oi"v!.iil with golden hair, a pair of dark b'.uo eyes and a month wear ing a rather imperious txprewon. TLv n 1 of it was that I went, for I hive k;i v.n Linda all her life. The 1 Vt"rharj family consists of Lmda and her father, and. though in busi ness relations Mr. Petersham is a pow er t be re ke.ed with, at home be ex ists f.r the sole apparent purpose of earryin n:t bis (-harming daughter's wishes. It is a delightful house to go to. f..r they are the happiest people I know. I found myself the only guest, which s'trpris.-d i a.-, for the Petersham man sion has a reputation fcr hospitality. 'Ja:;res. 1 want you to do this fcr me I want you to persuade pop not to soiiu thlr.." "I ? I persuade' Inui? Yen "Con't net d me for that you. who can make Lim do or not do anything, just as you . wisn:- -I thouSit I could, but I find I can't." " "IIow is j!iat ':" ;?ell. he is set on going back to Ja!m:u l:s " Kahnaeks? I know it is the place T :i I Li s Fi--f h r built up in the moun tains.. He used to shooting and "ti-!.i!i- tin re." "That is jr. It's a p'aee you'd love Lts of iroo.i rooms and standing way back on a mountain slope, with miles of view and a stre.nra tumbling past the very door. Father bought it last je.tr and with it all the sporting rights tin iis Fischer claimed. The woods are - full of moose, and there are beaver and otter, and that's where the trouble tame in."" "i:ut I Iscb-.r had trouble from the day h went tip to shoot at Kalmucks, lie had to ru'i for it. so I was told. Didn't .four father know that? Why did .Mr. Pettr.sham have anything to do with the -lace?" "Oh. it was just one of pop's no tions. 1 suppose," said Linda, with the ratt)er weary tolerance of the modern ftaujhter. "They pre a dangerous lot round inr re." "He know that. They are squatters trappers who have squatted among those woods and hills for generations. Of course they think the country be longs ti them. Pop knew that, and in his opini-m the compensation Julius Fischer offer! and gave tnein was in adequate." "It wi u!d be," 1 commented. 1 cou'.d without effort imacine Julius Fisi tier's views on compensation, for 1 hal met him in business. Well, father wont into the matter. ;: he found that the squatters had a ;.o,d deal to be said lor their side of the oast, so that be did what he th -iiIit was fair by them. lie paid them ir.M-d hiuh prices for their rights, or v. ii.it they considered to be their ri-: hi, for in Jaw. of course, they hs Ke.s.j none. Kvory one seemed pleased and satisfied, and we were looking for ward to coitii; there this spring for the tSh wl.en news came that one of fa th. r's uamo wardens had been shot at." "Shot at?" Linda nodded the Greek head 1 ad-iiii-cil so lyui h. ' Yes. Last autumn father rut on a rt.iij.le of wardens to look after the g:.rne. and they have been there all winter. From their reports they have got on quite well with the squatters, and now suddenly, for no reason that ti"V can guess, one of them. William Vi 'irkc by name, has been tired upon In 1:1 camp." - Killed;" I asked. "No. but badly wounded. He said he was sure tee bullet could have been p:tf Into his heart just as easily, but it v. as s. i.t tliromrl) his--Miet by way of a i. ntieo to ;u:t. lie tliinks." Those f;Jts up there must be hn!f sa .c-ivs " "They are. but that's not all. Three days ago a'ietferca"nTernieant for'Ta ther, but addressed to me. Whoever wrote It must have seen father and knew that he was not the kind of man who could be readily frightened, so they thought they would get at him through me. It was a horrible letter." The words were written upon a sheet torn from an old account book. They ran as follows: Tou. Petersham, you mean skunk! Don't you com in our wods unles yor witling to pay five thousand dollars. Bring the goods end you I be told wher to put it. so It wHl come Into the hands of riters. Dollars ain't nothin to you. but they can keep an expanding bulet out yor hide. "Do you think it Is a hoax?" "Well. no. I can't honestly say I do." "Which means, in plain language, that if father does not pay up that $5.- 000 he will be shot," "Not necessarily. lie need not go up to Kalmacks this fall. "But of course he will go! lie's more set on going than ever. You know fa ther w hen he's dealing with men. And he persists in his opinion that the let ter is probnbly only bluff." I considered for a little before I spoke. "Linda, have you really sent for me to try to persuade your father that it would be wiser for him not to go to Kalmacks?" Linda's lip curled scornfully. "I should not put it just like that! I can imagine father's answer if you did, I'm afraid it will be no good letting you say anything you don't know how." "You mean that 1 have no tact?" She smiled at me. and I instantly forgave her. "Well, perhaps I do. but you know it is far better to be able to give help than just to talk about it. Father is determined on going to Kal macks. and I want you to come with us." "Us?" I cried. "Naturally, I'm going." "But it is absurd! Your father would never allow It!" "lie can't prevent it. dear James." she said softly. "1 don't for a moment suppose that even the Kalmacks jneople would attack a woman. And lLher is all that 1 have in the world. I'm go ing." "Then I suppose I shall have to go too. But tell me what purpose does your father think he will serve by un dertaking this very risky expedition?" "He believes that the general feeling up at Kalmacks is in his favor, and the shooting of the warden as well as the writing of this letter is the work of a small band of individuals who wish t blackmail him. We will be quite a strong party, and be hopes to discover who is threatening him. By the way. didn't 1 hear from Sir An drew McLerrick that you had been in the woods all these last falls with a wonderful guide who could read trails like Uncas, the last of the Dela wares, or one of those old trappers one reads of in Fenlmore Cooper's novels?" "That's true." "What is his name?" "November Joe. "November Joe." she repeated. "I visualize him at once. A wintry look ing old man. with gray goatee and tiercing eyes." I burst out laughing. "It's extraor dinary you should hit him off so well." "He must come too." she com manded. On Friday 1 got Joe. who arranged to meet us at Friamville. the nearest point on the railway to those moun tains in the heart of which the estate of Kalmacks was situated. I myself arranged to accompany the Peter shams. Into the atory of our journey to Priam ville' I need not go, but will pick up the sequence of events at the mo ment of our arrival at that enterpris ing town, when Linda, looking from the car window, suddenly exclaimed: "Look at that magnificent young man!" "Which one?" I asked innocently as 1 cccght sight of November's tall fig ure awaiting us. "How many men In sight answer my description?' she retorted. "Of course 1 mean the woodsman. Why, he's coming tins way. 1 must spealc to him." Before I could answer she had Jump ed lightly to the platform and, turning to Joe with n childlike expression in her blue eyes, said: "Oh. can you tell me how many min utes this train stops here?" "It don't generally stop here at all. but they flagged her because they're expecting passengers. Can I help you any, miss?" "It's very kind of you." At this moment I appeared from the car. "Hello. Joe!" said I. "How are things r "All right. Mr. Quaritcn. There's two slick buck boards with a pair of horses to each waiting and a wagou ette fit for the king o Russia. The road between this and the mountains is flooded by beaver working in a back water 'bout ten miles out. They say we can drive through all right. Miss Petersham needn't fear getting too wet." "How do you know my name?" ex claimed Linda. "I heard yoo described, miss," re plied Joe gravely. Linda looked at me. "Good for the old tnossbackf said 1 ner lips bent into a sudden smile "You must be Mr. November Joe. 1 have heard so much of you from Mr. Quaritcn." ) We went out and loaded our bag gage upon the waiting buckboards. One of these was driven by a small, sallow faced man. who f turned out to be the second game warden, Puttlck. Mr. Tetersham asked how Bill Worke, the wounded man. was pro gressing. ' " "He's coming along pretty tidy. Mr. Petersham, but he'll carry a stiff leg with him all Ms life." "I'm sorry for that. I suppose you tare found ojjt nothin? luxiher as to the Identity of the man who fired the shot?" "Nothing." said Puttick, "and not likely to. They're all banded togetb er up there." On which cheerful information our little caravan started.' At Linda's wish Joe took the place of the driver of Mr. retersham's light imported wag onette, and as we went along she gave him a very clear story of the sequence of events, to all of which he listened with the characteristic series of "Well, nows!" and "You dou't says!" with which he was in the habit of punctuat ing the remarks of a lady. He said them, as usual, in a voice which not only emphasized the facts at exactly the right places, but also lent an air of subtle compliment to the eloquence of the narrator. When we stopped near a patch of pine trees to partake of an impromptu lunch it was his quick hands that pre pared the campfire and his skilled ax that fashioned the rude but comforta ble seats. It was he also who disap peared for a moment to return with three half pound trout that he had taken by some swift process of his own from the brook, of which we only heard the murmur. And for all these doings he received an amount of open admiration from Linda's blue eyes which seemed to me almost exagger ated. "1 think your November Joe is a per feet dear." she confided to me. "If you really think that." said I. "have mercy on him! You do not want to add his scalp to all the oth ers." "Many of the others are bald." said she. "Ilis hair would furnish a dozen of them!" (To 13e Continued.) How's i ins i We ..ff.T or,.. Hiiri'l: --tl PoU .rs !:. : . r'. ;..r ras if t'aiarrli liuit ra:it.i ijv t i:.ii l-y 1 i 1 Satarrii lurr. K. J. CIIEN'IY CO.. 'i I.'iV. o Wo. flip tiiuliTsisiifil. hair 1:"ivii V rhclM'.r for tiTo !.it :!". unl i yrieplly luimr:.l i in rt 1 1 l . ni! tjnanol.-! I !y :.!i.- ii nrr iu t. y ..:.:ia;i. tumiv 1S IjU t'.rai. nai. tiAXK it com;:: r:. ::. t..j. .. .. ta.io nail's Otarr'i (:r is t..l:on ift-r:: re-1 dirivtlr uta tlif !! -i ra.J :iu i- !.!.':" tlM sysrrni. T't.t!ti.i.:n s-'t-t f '- . XT f CfiiN -r litl'. S h If I t. q Take Hill's ';" ' '... i-ij? Make Your Wants Knwon Advertisements under this headine five cents per line each insertion Six words will be counted as a line and no advertisement taken for !esf than ten cents. STRAY boar taken up at my place. Black with white spots. Louis Friedrich. 12-7-tfw We are in the market to buy your cream every day in the year. Highest prices at all times. Zuckweiler & Luth. 12-7-2wks-w TAKEN UP Black Holstein heifer. Owner may have same by calling at my place and paying for this ad vertisement. Wm. Wehrbein. 10-7-tfw FOR SALE A few more of those light Erahrnas. Inouire of Mrs. Wm. Gilmour, R. F. D. No. 1, Plattsmouth, Neb. 12-10-3tw -v-v i-k i i ir M irut.M) . tuacK mun. uwner may have same by calling at this office and paying for this advertisement. 12-15-tfd FOR SALE Cl;l-acre ranch, with fine improvements; clear. Will take good Plattsmouth property as first payment; balance, " years at (' per cent. Price, SlOiGO.OO. Also four sections, all rood, will sell on same basis; 2,500 bushels of corn on one place now. Address C. D. Schleich er, Brady, Neb. AUCTIONEER -Weeping Water, Neb.- will take charge of your public sale business. Farm sales a specialty. Owners' interests are always guarded with the best ability, and satisfaction guaranteed. Fcr open dates telephone at my expense to Weeping Water. WM. DUNN. m WAHOOMILLCGL VVAHOO.HEC FOREST ROSE Fi.pur . nmm Sold by all iead ing Dealers PLAY Art Needlework! .in. .1.5?.',.. i Display of Handkerchiefs! You will find on display a most varied line of Handker chiefs for Men, Women and Children. One, two, three, four or six in fancy Holiday Boxes, at most reasonable prices One in a box, at 5c, 10c, 15c and 23c Two in a box, at ..10c, 13c. 20c, 23c, 30c, 60c Three in a box, at 15c, 20c, 23c, 30c, 60c Four in a box, at 60c, 73c, 81.C0 Six in a box, at 1 and $1.50 Most of the Handkerchiefs all linen this year, fine val ues 10c to 25c Men's and Women's Initialed Handkerchiefs at ..13c and 25c Corner 6th and Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. FIRM OF JOHN BAUER, OF THIS CITY. DOING EXTEN SIVE BLUMB!NG 1:1 IOWA The firm of Jonui Bauer in this city is carrying on a great deal of work at present in our neighboring1 state of Iowa, where they have contracts at Pacific Junction for the placing of a larsre heating plant in the new school building, and at Glenwcod, where they will place a plant in the new Mills county poor farm, situated a few miles from that city. This firm has dor.e some very good work in the past few years and their reputation is widespread, and when anyone desires a first-class job they come to Platts mouth and secure the services of the workmen employed by Mr. Bauer to look after the job, and with the well known reputation of Mr. Bauer as a contractor, they always get the very best work that can be turned out any where. G. H. FULLER OFFERS TO DONATE MANY TOYS TO A MUNICIPAL CHRISTMAS TREE The article dealing with a munici pal Christmas tree that appeared in the Journal last evening has attract ed much attention among our citizens, and the first to respond with an offer to aid in the movement is C. n. Ful ler, who, on returning from Omaha last evening and reading the article in the Journal, called up and inform ed us that he had a large number of toys which he secured in a recent trade for a hardware stock in South Omaha, and would donate them to the cause of making the children happy if it was decided to have a public Christmas tree. These toys are all new and the number which he has would help greatly in making the tree a success. If others respond half as liberally a record-breaking Christmas tree could be put on here. CHICHESTER S PILLS IV ff lrnjrrir. A for -!- Hl-ts.TER It- JV DiAHONP. I1R1M Finn, , t SCID BY DRUGGISTS LTERttVHEPI foZ& l''tin Ki-4 oa Wal4 metal !kVV AMD SAL Christsmas Nice, large line to choose from: Pillows, front and back, with 6 skeins of silk and lesson sheet, all for 23c Library Scarfs, with G skeins of silk and lesson sheet, for 50c Stamped Guest Towels, ea..2oc , Stamped Pillow Cases, per pair, 60c and 30c Slipper and Laundry Bags, at 23c and 50c Richardson's Grecian Em broidery Floss, Skein 4c Peri-Lusta Embroidery Cot ton and a big line of Mercer ized Crochet Cotton. Taken Suddenly 111. Yesterday afternoon Dr. E. W. Cook was taken suddenly ill at his ofBce and was compelled to go to his home, where he has been confined since that time. The friends of the genial doctor will be glad to learn I that he is feeling somewhat better to- t'ay, but is still confined to his bed. Ml ATTRACTIVE SHOW WINDOW AT THE WARGA a SHULDICE STORE One of the show windows that has attracted a great deal of attention in this city is that of Warga & Schul dice in their east show window, where a number of electrical fixtures for Christmas decorations are shown, as well as a large assortment of the new mechanical construction toys for children. The chief feature of the window is the many colored electric lights of small size that can be used effectively in the decoration of Christ mas trees and insures absolute safety from fire that has been caused fo often from the use of candles in the past. This enterprising firm has also a most complete line of lamps of all kinds from huge dining table domes to the smallest and neatest flash lights, made in the shape of a foun tain pen. There is a most thorough stock of all kinds of the latest elec trical devices, and in these times this kind of gifts make the most accept able Christmas presents. There are few stores in the large cities that carry a more complete or up-to-date stock of goods than this firm, and the citizens of Plattsmouth can find most anything they desire in this estab lishment. Henry Hirz. jr., and Louie Baum gart came in this morning from their farm homes near this city and were passengers on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where they will spend the day attending to some mat ters of importance. Box Social. A box social and entertainment will be given at the Wilson school houe, near Greenwood, Friday evening, De cember 18th. Everybody invited. Ladies please bring boxes. Viola Ilaynie, Teacher. "12-lo-2td-ltw Sell your property through the Journal Want Ada. Vt. I'lf1!!!!l A. ft'. I ; l.ll.. .11 : Z2 yJ (If cost ra mm oris i for Christmas Packages Ilolly and Merry Xmas Ribbons, in 5-yard bolts, per bolt All the new fancy Ribbons, such as Elack and White Stripe, Roman Stripes and flowered Ribbons, at, per yard 23c. 35c and Moire or Watered Ribbon, in the wide width, per yard 33c and Gift Hosiery !.' : ,r ! J- ,.,T'aV"; -.AVJM i' I ! t' 'Tt; i . BEST FOR KIDNEYS SAYS DOCTOR. Dr. J. T. R. Neal, Greenville, South Carolina, says that in his 30 years of expe-rience he has found no prepara tion for the kidneys equal to Foley Kidney Tills. In ode and ?1.09 sizes. Be '1 ?ry cuii h'ty for ha:!:;'.cl:c, rheumatism, kidney and biadder ail ments. For sale bv all drutrgists. You will find most all of the Denni son line of Christmas Seals, Stickers and Cards at the Journal office the Cass count- paper house. Everything in the line of paper. Constipation causes headache, in digestion, dizziness, drowsiness. For a mikl, opening medicine, use Doan's Regulets. 25c a box at all stores. - -rv iB i C of Items that we are O 1 JA F Ladics' Silk Petticoats n n a n Shirt Waists Fancy Aprons Silk Hose Sweaters and Ladies' nts5 Neckties Suspenders Silk Fiber Sox iandkerchtefs Ladies7 Initial Gent's Initial American Lace Colored Initial Embroiders Linen Children's Eox Gents Plain Linen Hemstitched 1 .HCKweuer r u tT U yv-ttjyy j j, h&xj TS 1A 3X vs.- til tit it 8 f AT I 10c 40c 40c I- A practical jrift and a!way ac ceptable to anyone, younr or c'.d. (iift Boxes if desired. Exception:1! values are ofTercI here in pure thread Silk Hose for Women, at, per pair. ...... Fibre Silk Hose, at.. 25c, 35c. 50c Gauze Li-le I lose that wear four pai'-s in a ('x e;j:ira:rtcc-i four month.-, for 51.')0; pair 25c Men's Ilalf-IIose, linen heel and tcci colors, prey, tan and b'ack, two p::irs for 25c Car.---. Lisle or SUk Half-Hose, all colors; per pair 25c PHONE 56 -BLACKSFMHiNG- AND giTIH HORSESHOEING! I am now prepared to look .fter all general biacVamithin: Mid horseshoeing. Shop 4 i -2 niles west of Murray. JOHN DURHAM. Registered Jersey Hull for service. C. E. Babbitt, Platts mouth. l'-2-mos-wkly 1 . C a showing a full itcck of P Table Linens Linen Towels Linen Luch Cloths New Hand Bass Fancy Ribbons Fancy fieckwear Mufflers Hose Supporters Cloves -E3 P A .A nsxjVZ"lf V7V;' VJ Cy C XJ! '