The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 17, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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TACT. 5.
Carpets,Rugs,Mattings,Linoleum, Vaccuum i Wizard Mops
h run n s ?
1 illi i S (uiiLpL
rm'sen. nn
The idea of buying more useful gifts for the Holidays is spreading universally, and so
strong is the movement that this store herewith offers a practical list of special Xmas of
ferings, which will further the PRACTICAL GIFT MOVEMENT. This store will retain its
pre-eminence as a toy center, but from this date until the night before Xmas will make
special features of merchandise suitable for the practical gift buyer.
Furs! Furs! Furs!
A Vj - : . -----
We cordially invite you to cull and see
our new importation of Snow Flake (Pure
Linen) Handkerchiefs, now being displayed,
as a guarantee of Absolutely Pure Linen
and High Grade' Quality.
Piactical Gifts, jc to $1.30 each.
Silk Hose!
All the late styles in Scarfs and Muffs.
The new Mellon Muff at flO.00 and up
Children's Sets at $ 3.50 and up
Practical Gifts.
7377- 7360
This Stunning Blouse
and Short Wide Skirt
may be seen with many other smart
new styles in The Butter Fashion
Sheet for January.
Call at our Pattern Department
and pet a copy FREE.
That really give serv
ice. You know the story
a rip a "run" and
in a jiffy your ordi
nary silk stockings
must be thrown away.
This can not happen if
you wear Golham Gold
Stripe Hosiery.
Practical Gifts.
$1.00 and $1.50.
Gloves !
Virginia Kid Gloves, in all the leading
shades; worth $1.75, our price $1.50
Practical Gifts.
Table Linens at varying prices 50c up to $2.00
Napkins, per dozen $1.00 up to $4.50
Practical Gifts.
Lunch Cloths, Doilies, Towels, Scarfs, Stamped Goods.
Women's Blouses!
White Silk Embroidered Waists, long sleeves,
plain collars, sizes 34 to 44, price
White Crepe de Chine, accordeon pleates and
Rim s !
chiffon ones
Practical Gifts.
. $5 up to $9
For a Special Inducement for Practical Gifts, we are
going to offer on all our 9x12 Ax. and Wool Fibre Rups
a 10 Per Cent Disccunt from now on until the night be
fore Xmas.
Practical Gifts. ' zr-rq
We are also showing a nice line of Novelties in Sew
ing Sets, Sweet Grass Baskets Sachet Bags, Trays, Pin
Practical Gifts.
ers and
Wizard Mops!
Vaccuum and Eissel will
A great find was the Vacuum Sweeper for the
housewife. We have them at. .$3, $7.93 and $8.50
Wizard Triangle Mop The only Mop that gets
in the corners. For Xmas offer we give cne
quart of oil free, making a $2.50 value for. . . .$1.50
For the Infant Brush and Comb Sets, Rattles,
Sacques, Booties, Hoods, Etc., Etc.
Practical Gifts.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
is Slipper Season!
New Postmaster Appointed.
After you have thought
and thought, been all
over town, and looked at a thousand useless ar
ticles, you'll undoubtedly decide to give
Our line of Men's
Slippers is as fine an
assortment as you will
find anywhere.
Slippers in Black
and Tan Kid Skint in
Opera and Everett
$1.00 to $2.50
Women's Felt Nullifiers, Fur Trimmed, in Black,
Gray, Blue and Red colors $1.00 to $1.50
Children's Felt Nullifiers 85c to 95c
Indian Moccasins
Slippers are now always have been and al
ways will be An Ideal Christmas Gift.
-Feizer's Shoe Store-
I TOE-HEtt J- f Y
From Tuesday's Dally.
The postoffice at Cedar Creek,
which for the past few years has been
filled by Mrs. Frances Sayles, has
been changed by the appointment of
Ashley O. Ault. The dispatches from
Washington, under date of yesterday,
conveying the information that this
gentleman's name had been sent to
the senate.
,VW . . . i i
Farm Loans at Lowest Rates.
Are an indication of kidney trouble
a warning to build up the weakened
kidneys, make them vigorous, rid
your blood of acids and poisons. Go
to your druggist for Foley Kidney
Pills. In 50c and $1.00 sizes. Sold in
your town by all druggists.
Visitor Wins Wrestling Match.
The -wrestling match at the Grand
theater last evening was not as
great a success as the promoters
would have wished for, and Evan
Jvoble of this city proved no match
for his opponent, "Kid" Gamble, who
dumped him for two straight falls in
eleven minutes. Noble was outweigh
ed and outclassed by the heavier
a(hlete. and while he put up a? good
a shoving as possible, failed to score
on the visitor.
(Spciil Correspondence.)
Dr. Russell Hornbeck was a Soiuh
Bend visitor Sunday.
Mrs. I. "). Jones and daughter were
Omaha visitors Friday an-i Saturday.
Emet Fightman of Oniahi caVnr
Tuesday evening for a vioit anions
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Guthmn and
sons, F. R. and Joe. were Lincoln vis
itors Sunday.
The scores of the two basket ball
games played at Elmwood Friday
evening were: FJoys, 1! to ill in Mur
dock's favor; girls, 13 to il in Fim
wood's favor.
Hurrah for the ice! A number of
the school children broke in their
skates Tuesday evening on Will
Schewe's pond.
Mrs. W. O. Gillespie left Wednes
day for Lincoln, where she visited her
father-in-law, and from there -will
visit her brother, Will JIcNamara,
and family of Fairmont for a coupie
of weeks.
Little Douglas Tool is some better
at this writing. Hopes are entertain
ed that he will continue to improve.
Lewis Hornbeck was n Lincoln vis
itor the latter part of tho wee!:.
i'miiii ti: o'i n r.
In the oiitily o:ri f 4 uiintv,
N t'krak.
J 11 t!1" 'att r of tic Kstat of Arc l.i-
I.l ! .! Kj'-i, I-t-c-a "til.
To :i -l.-.Jl,s 1 !i trie "l fd in SniJ
C-i... ;-:
V.ii win t:-i iiotict- tluil n i '.i.' M!i
i;y "i" 1 -. flM . l V;is liirll
ii: !iiis 'imi a ttr-1 it i 1 1 ;ill-UitiK tliiil
A ! h I !.u 1.1 l:;;u r. I. t - of MuicliirU. 1 'ass
Comity Ni-i:i Li.-k.i. il' ; ;i it i-. I this I i t
hi tli'"-IC! l.iv of i in i'-r. tes
tulf, ii':ii:n t-stal'.' ill v;s i i t'l'iinty
to 1m ;i .i n. ; j. it t-ft uini ir;i yini for
II. i- :o ti.-l t of intl'llint';t I'roJi-'Sf'l
as ti;- !.:i-t V::1 ai:.! Ti-st a nn-iit of saiil
ilt-i fit .!, alul t an r mi 1 1 : on tinri-of
iri si lit t-i to Caivn .1. is, ii3tl:i-! us
i:f-iuior in sail : :: st ri! hum: t , or to
.-o:n- . I t , i- s"ital.!- i-T.-on as to ta.
,'i'iii t ii.::- ,-.-ni .i i r.
Y.i'i fi:ri.r !aK.- not i'- that :i
!aa i ; a u up .--ah I i t i ! ion a ml t l.o pro. f s
lif t!,.' '-.-iit i 1 1 of s.,l," i list 111 iikti t
wsl' !:i ! "ii t. it': ihl.v of .f3itiiu lv,
at 1 ' o'ci.M k a? in., at tin- I'oiiatv
Curt Ci'.in in t:.'- CM of 1 Mat t sti:.iM !..
Cass CuiiC". Nehra-k;i. urn! tl:at mil. ss
;:iis.- In- .-'.own o;i i.r litfor.' Nil ill ilav
;i!,il hoiii' of !. 'aim-;, t!a- .riiy-r of v;ij.l
it:t:o:i n-av ! m.ilit'i jitai saiil in
: t 1 i - t.i. -ii t iii'mit ti-l to Jitohate.
Willi'ss i t i -. - lia mi ami 1 1 1 sf al of
saht 'oiirt i' t 1 'ia ! I s;uo ii t h this Sth day
i.r ici-.-ia i.iT, l:'l I. :v lUt- Court.
al.i.i:n .i. r.i:i:si i.v.
Count v Jiuli-i'.
.1. .1 r" M l.KYI A.
. 1 1 orin-v for Vtitioji.-i .
1-14 ::vks-
VI. MliM I'.
It: tlo lustli'l Court of C.,-s Coo-itv.
, ! it :, -a . A .1. S-ai:ia:i. I'laint..!',
vs. Ti-.A is Cra ht r--, i t jil., I 't
f. -i.. hit. is.
. ". li.M.s. first nanif n a k io. v.-n.
!f i ! i ; I -r . first i . :t 1 1 1 iitikiiown. Cutli
i i :i-i. thi- in ktiowri an. I li.-visit-s
..f I'hi'ip 1'. liai..-r, .l.-i-.i:s.-ih t ln- ini
n.i'A' n hirs ;iim1 . t-" isi-'-s ot' If 1".
ii;:l..-r. oha-i-as..,!, Mulii- !;... fliih.inl
liiti', Kit.! t tn , liK-o. lirst
t.ani.' i: nk t.ov hi-:rs of Viliiam
iiii-f. liiifa.-i.l r.iluarfl UrailforJ
l.iti.air i-.,, .. I'. C,ri-,.is!jitf iV Co.. Jut
1 in .'.i.-k i'" it! t i!!;m- of KiiuN.
I, .is :; i i.. in ti.o villao of himis
viii... .". in l.h.. k :::: vi' of Klrn-
.i,..l. i..t 1 in Moi-k Wfi:.iiiL' 'a-.-r
i-itv. sai.l lots ail in ('ass Ci.unly, X--Lraska.
st si nil :n-it of vmi a t o ).'f-hy
notiti-il that lij.i.n tlo- 7th ilay of I -
.int. it. . 1.. ll'M. tlo- plaintiff' inni-nnaii-.l
nn iuiioi. in tlo- ilistrnl cnurl
,,f l ass :rtv, -V i.raska. th-
aii'l t.ra.-r i f whi'-ii is t-. !" ni-i-1 . .so tax
saia -rl :!:: sital for silli.--i;l-nt
ta'.is'i with ititi'f-st :i-o riil an. I
a : 1 1 .1 s t.-os n 1 .. . . .1.-.-I ri !.-.! r-al
stati. atai ; ha- s : i i 1 i-a 1 -:ta;o
s.'hl ... k:'. t o- saint-. Yt.u atol i-a. ii uf
you .-: a i r-il to ;,t:svi-r sahl j.-ti-
ti-.t) on .( l.r-ii.r.- Mon-liiv, the I N t '. i uay
of . him:, irv. lt'l.".
I'ati-1 this T t ii (lav of 1 (..( infer,
A. i'. Illi.
i Tin-: oi r coi kt ok ( vs
I (II M. M:illt K V.
no ri f i:.
in t!- Matt- r of the Estate uf .lalia A.
1.;. il, I "-i .-asi-il.
To All l';ii;i--s Itit-1( st.d in Sahl
'i. .ii aro l.i-ti-h- ti-itih.1 that on li-f
I'ltn ii.iv of Nov in oil. It'll, N!ito M.
A ! i x til'-il a 7 - T it ' ; i in tliis Cmrt a!-It-tjitii.-. otl.':-r thinus, that .Inlia
A. I.! -v.h hit.- a t i-sid.-i.t of ("ass
Ci ;m N'.-h: -ivii, .a i u-'l this lift
i;. .I,,'i.- i;th. I!.".". si-ii-! of tfi- h-i;al
tirh- t.. !..!.- (.. 7. , !', 1" ii ml 11, in
llimk in South I'atk. an :n.lilttion to
I '. a 1 1 sta. ! : t I:, am! I.ot X. in Hloik x.
in Noil's A.l.(;tio:i t'i I "la 1 1 stnou t h.
J't- '.raka, v."! i.i. i oa 1 i--t.itt- was mt
.lis,.-o.-!-il of iv sai.l il.-i-oasoil in' will
i- .'.-:: i ia hot- 1 i f ii : t: ami that m.H'i
than r;i.o war hao i-Iai'S'-il sim-o hi-.ii-ati:
of ,-a;.l !. oa.-i-.i. ami .ray.i:i; th
('...;it fo; a il-, i'i- t ii hi is h i n u of
rooor.l tio tiiiht of smi'-ssion to sy-li
mil ostato to fo in tin- ihihlioti of
sai.l ih.oas-ii. t..-uit: Wi'.iiatn A. a son: .lohti A. T.hoil, a sun:
.. M . Aiix. a 'la n a i 1 1 oi ; ll.-m'sc T.
l.'iovil. a son: Cos.- AI i'ail;.. 3i dauliter,
ami I t -M. i : v n. . h is, a iI.iiiutAoi.
to oai h an u ! i 1 i i oni-ith. snhjoot
t,. a i-iuht of i miitosy ami hoinosi -nJ
of .In.-,1;.!:. T. hi.iyii. t Iinshaml of
sai'l !! oascl, as T : ' x i i i l-v law.
A. hoaiinu will he l.a.l iij'-.ti sail1,
p.-tition "ii tho Lt'. liny of I Pi'ii-iiiln i,
I '.' 1 h ai 1" ooi..ok ii. m. in tho C.iiintv
('..'.irt in t Ma : t sin. mi t Ii. Cass Coun
ty, N'i hraka, an.! :i !: I ..'fit i"ii s :i t
hio.l to sm i; ; roo. o.i i n o- on or hi'foro
tho tinio sot for .'..aiiiiu tin- Coiirt niay
Ulai.t ti o I'l.iyvi' of saiil mtition na.l
llf( !'(- tho riul.t of sm- i-ssioii to saiil
.rol;,i,S to hi" IIS Il!loov, :,; jiaH itrli-
1'alvl: Novtinh.-r L'lth, 1 ; 1 ! .
1 ; v t ho ( 'on rt .
A1.1.KN" .1. BKKSi N
County Juilie.
JilX M I.KY1A.
Atii.r.ii'.v lr I ' t i t iotur.
in Tin-: iko iii'.ikv mi in:-
i-:.i: moi ii. j tfKdiiN,
ih:ci: it, ii.i i:m w i
You ami i-aih of u ale liott-liy
n-'tiri-'A that on tin- '".tii iluy uf N-otnl.i-r.
t;i'i4, ,,i!n S I i n Kst on tiU-il
lis potitiou in tho liisttii-t Court of
Cass County. .WLraska. imainst you.
th.o oh.ii-i t ami lo a v-r uf sai.l ot it ion
l.oinv: to .(mot titlo in san! John S.
I.i viiiirst on in ami to that .art of tho
.-..uti oast iiuailtr (Si: h I of Si-. th.n
twt-Nty-tlii ( - '. i . in Township
tutlvo (li Not tn of Kniis;' tliirh-.-n
i::i. Jai.-t of tho 'U I'riticipal M-I'iilii ti.
it: "ass county. Nh-hraska, houmhii ami
il'-.--! i : i! :is follows: ( i.itiTiictu.1 ii ir at
th iiorthW'-st cot nor of the .southeast
(tuai tor (Si: ' I uf san! Section twen
ty -t hi -e i :':! i n ml running them e
south t-itrhly ( xni roils, tlietn east
fifty -two ( i toils, theme iiorh eighty
(Mil 3I1H.1 tin-Hi" west fifty-two
(al' i roiis to plat e of 1 i n n i n : ami
to furevor far siml exclude yon anil
each of you from oiaimint? any in
terest or estate of any nature in or to
sai'l la mis. or unv part thereof. Yon,
ami each of you 31 re re.tiiiei1 to answer
said petition on or before the 11th clay
uf January. 1 '- 1 T. .
His Attornevs.
11-26-4 wks
Never can tell when you'll mash a
finger or surTer a cut, bruise, burn or
scald. Be prepared. Thousand? rely
on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Vbtir
druggist sells it. 25c and 50c.
In the C'oi'.nly Court of Cass County,
In the Matter of the Estate of John
M. Johnson, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that on the
29th day of December, A. D. 1914, at
10 o'clock a. m., in the County Court
Room in the City of Plattsmouth, in
said county, there will be a hearing
upon the f.nal report of the admin
istrator of said estate and his peti
tion for final settlement; that at said
time and place evidence will be taken
and an order entered naming the
heirs-at-law of said deceased, and as
signing the residue of said estate, if
any, to the heirs; that all objections
to said report and petition must be
filed in this court on or before said
hour of said clay.
Dated this 12th day of December,
A. D. 1914. By the Court.
County Judge.
, 12-14-2wks
Newsy Notes from Cedar Creek
Personal Points of Interest Picked Up and Penciled for the Per&ual
of the Cedar Creek Readers by Our Reg-ular Reporter of that Vil'ae
John (lavier was in Louisville Fri
day. Henry Thierolf was a city visitor
Adam Meisinyer was a Louisville
visitor Wednesday.
'Buck Atwood was an Omaha vis
itor last Monday.
Mrs. I'. II. Roberts was shopping
in Omaha Monday.
Philip Stoehr was a Louisville
caller last Thursday.
Dave Jourdine was shopping in Ce
dar Creek last Friday.
Ernest Trietsch was a Cedar Creek
caller last Sunday evening.
Elmer Meisinger was a Louisville
visitor last Monday evening.
C. A. Gauer was looking after his
winter's butchering Thursday.
Henry Frey departed last Monday
morning for his home in O'Neill.
John Gauer was' looking after some
business matters in Omaha this week.
G. I. Meisinger was looking after
aome business matters in Omaha Mon
day. Miss Iltnrich went to Plattsmouth
last Saturday for a visit, with home
P. P. Meisinger was looking after
some business matters in Louisville
Jerry Frey came down from Omaha
last Friday and enjoyed a few days'
rabbit hunt.
Henry Frey, of O'Neill, came in on
No. CO Wednesday evening for a visit
with home folks.
Philip Stoehr was looking after
some business matters in the county
seat Wednesday. "
Jeff Salsburg, from near Mynard.
made his regular appointment west
of town last Sunday.
Rev. S warts, of Omaha, came down
last Saturday evening and preached a
fine sermon Sunday.
Misses Pearl and Mvrtle Jourdine
spent last Friday evching :;t the h'.n.e
oi .wr. and .Mrs. John ii.i:;tr.
! Gcoi-ire Savle- of Platt-r.'.outh,
came up Monday :i" i :-u i r. r ": .. 'J.'.'.
atf! returned home oi N-.. 1.
Henry InheUer- of Men :ii !.!. Ne
braska, cam" in Ttie-!ay fur vi-:'.
with friends, before t ' 'i ! i.i nv, to 1 :
home. Henry Ti.ierolf ic' . i.o; i
day. That l.e had t f .' !. v h
ert'l. now ta-i; ...f i itii:.1
rid of theiti.
The Literary last S..:ur.J.i .'. c!;:i
was Well attended in st-;te of i; -. ie! l
weather, and all enjoyed tic- :.- !ic nt
program J'fepared.
Miss Helen Jo!. . -!'.. I.; ... -y ;!!
came d-wn on No. ."1 I::-! S.:' ..!;
and spent the day v.'i'ii h' r f..!e!,
.Fatnes Johnson.
A I lie Mei.-in-,-!' r.iade e ;
trip ea:-t ef town it: hi-, .-!i-i: !i l.c-'
Sunday. lie tijiots w s!e.!;;r
wiily wlien lie got "ui in a field of r.ev -ly
plowed giound.
Roy W;i.-..n a.d w ife , of 1 1 tu.h.i.
came in hist Friday evening to spend
a few days with fneids hei e. '1 he
rvisit vviil be a verv njovable i .: :
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Wilson as well as the
many fi ieiHis.
Last Sunday I i-ir..' !.c bir: h-i.'.y '
Lloyd Schneider, a r. .!!';!.! of f rieu.'s
assisted him in eeL-brating ti e . -sion
by caiiing at ti home -f his j-a:-ents.
Mr. arid Mrs. Vm. Sc iit' . -.t
which time they were treat. 1 to an
excellent dinner.
Il is indeed a VelV depl-t'aii!e o'.'C :-
sion when public eatt-rtainxt r.ts a it
being held that some your.g i:.en v. !.
have r.o respec t for tbemclvt.-s or . ti
ers in attendciH'e. tire corr-pe!ied to
be "called down" f '!' b.-in!' dis. "i!er!.
Young men of prim-: pie j.t d : - !f re-.-jiect
vill guard against sh"i' di.-ot -dei'ly
c yM'.iuct. and tih .. i v, i 1. .ai
ne ither, must do so or they w;i! r
or latT ret them.-.-lves i: to tn- (!.!e.
Alvo kotes
When baby suffers with eczema or
some itching skin trouble, use Doan's
Ointmeut. A little rf it gop k-n?
way and it i safe for children. 50c a
box at all stores.
Ed Evans went to Lincoln Tuesday.
Fay Parse!! we t to Lincoln Wed
nesday. Harry Parsell went to Lincoln
Dale S. IJoyles had ousiness in Lin
coln Tuesday.
L. B. Appleman had business in
Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Curyea went
to Lincoln Tuesday.
Miss Stella Shlelsley was trading in
Lincoln Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey were
Lincoln visitors Tuesday.
J. IL Foreman and son. J. II. , jr.,
were in Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Foreman, jr.,
have moved to Omaha to live.
Mra C. C. Eucknell and daughters
were shopping in Lincoln last Satur
day. Grandma Boyles went to Lincoln
Tuesday to visit her son, Will and
W. E. Casey took part of his
Goboline engine to Lincoln Monday to
have it repaired
Miss Eula Weaver of South Bend
spent Thursday with her cousin, Mrs.
J. A. Shaffer.
Alfred Cochran of Omaha vi-ited
Sunday with his brother, J. V. Coch
ran of this place. ,
Earl Bennett took his wife's mother.
Mrs. II. A. Bragg, to her home in
Elmwood Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Shaffer attended
the funeral of Mrs. Shaffer's brother,
Victor II. Ough. at Lincoln Sunday.
Henry Clapp, jr., Fay Parsell- C.
M. Jordan and Cliff Appleman were
Omaha visitors Monday and Tuesday.
The Mothers' Council met Tuesday
with Mrs. George Curyea anc' nal
a fine meeting. About ten members
were present.
Paul Frohlich visited his daughter,
Mrs. C. C. Bucknell and family. Sun
day and Monday, returning to his
home in Lincoln Tuesday.
Miss Grace Newkirk will give a
box social Saturday evening, Decem
ber 19, at the Belmont school house,
where she-teaches. The proceeds will
be used for tha benefit of the school.
Everyone invited.
' r
son of Ms. Perth a Br-.v.i. on a 1,'t
sled and to avoid the ."!'. -v-l l ad .-".vuii
oat around to so:ik o.-i.t '
them. TiiCle vv.-s j'.iif. a
spectators there and v. I. -t
enough had e!a;--ed f-r i'.e re'
the trio. Mrs. Br-;vn ...hi-, a
and reoueted ?-r:' ' f c .-i:.
go down and see v here tl.ey "'
reaching the pUce, they f .i.:
tor's hat and a g!ove and a !o
feet across in the' i c . Soi.;t ;ii
of the little los ;CU' s.., n v
the clear :.. v h.cii v.
! brol e-n ar.d Ihe bo'Jics le
i .
Te. n
d V..-
i -.-
every c
tfort to res'isf
e.l a; 1
:.i w..s
i ( ! : t
l i"; i.
'i h.;'s
'ictor Henry Ough was born April
14, 1889. at Ough, Dundy county. Ne
braska, and died December 6, 1914, by
accidental drowning at Marsland.
Neb., while skating on a lake there
with several others- about C o'clock in
the afternoon. There had been good
skating there for three week;- prior to
that time on ice si.r inches thick, al
though a river "Uri-ent pases throac'i
the lake at anolhfr place, p?
had been his custom, was poshing t-vo
Htt'e bry?. Walr3r Austin. f-ed f ich
years, son of Mr. ar.d -Irs. W. Aus
tin, and Lewis, aged ten yedis,
made, but to i:o :: a ;', 'i
doctor reached them au-.m
that evening. The : a. . !.
body was con! in . ted until about 7
o'clock, when it vv as '.:'! ul t.-n
feet from where ti ey ha i bi(Je-::
thi-oue it. and taken out, kavihg be. ti
in the water about, four hours i x:aJy.
His watch had stej.peii at 7 r.-.inutes
to Tlie bo, !y vi.s prepared for
shipment to Lincoln and art ivea there
Monday night- accompanied by h:
close friend and t . R. T. brother. J.
L. Roe. and held at the here f his
sister, Mrs. W. M. Powell, awaiting
the arrival of Ids f'.uhe-r. H'-nry S.
Ough. from Pixley. Ca.liforria. vvto.
arrived Thursday night. T;,e Lik r d
was held at the First Bartisl churc!i
in Lincoln Sunday afterni.r. Dcct':t
lr 1C. at C o'clock, c-'mdiicted by Rev.
II. R. Chapman. A brief A. K V.
W. service was held and burial t"(-k
Momlav at I mi
! laih:
where he was han'ed b
mother- und little si. -lei'.
lie was a member of the Baptist
church-at Whitman. Ne;., v.! uui lie
helped organize, and the A. . I. '.,
t). II. T. and W. O. V.'. orders. In Jo!."
1 Victor was employed :v R ". k
Island lines until January, liU. He
then worked as sttnographe r for the
Yonkerman Seed linj-c at Council
Bluffs, Iowa, until July CI, It'll.', when
he was employed a operator by t!
Burlington system, having b- n e.r.ei
ator the past six months at Mais!..! .1.
Neb. He was a young man of cm cl
ient character and habits arid loved
and respected by all who ktii v him.
Those left to mourn his untimely
death are his father, Henry S. Ough;
brother, Chester Ou'.Tt and skstcr.
Violet Ough. of Pixlcv, CaiifoiT:a;
brother, Milo S. Ough. iVrtcrvrh .
California; sisters, Mr.-. J. A. Shatler.
Alvo. Net).; Mrs. Andrew Di.-r, Hast
ings, Neb., and Mrs. William M. IV.v
ell. Lincoln. Nei.
The bereu,ved fan.ily ttmLUN vc ai.
the parents of little Waller Austin,
who was buried at Ailiah e. Neii.,
Tuesday, and with the widowed
mother of little Lewis Brown, vie.
was buried at Marsland, Neb., Wed
nesday, and extend rot sincere
thanks to the true friends who have
been so kind to Victor during his c.t.
plivmcr.t in Mar. -land.
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