The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 14, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PACE fi.
liorn T Mr. and Mrs. F red Wenz--L.
Wed:-.eday. December ?th, an
t-i-jt.t and ore-half-pound girl.
Kuegei-e S-tz of Plattsmouth visit--d
a t-viip'e of days the latter part of
!a.-t week at the A. H. Yanlanclingham
Mr. ai;d Mr.-. Gilbert Pettit. who
row ieile at Lincoln, are the proud
jaients of a tin? baby boy which ar
rived at their home one day lat
v. e-k.
t'evil who has been acting as
i!U?:it for th Missouri Pacific at
Manley. Xel.. came home Wednesday
eenir.c for a tv.o flays visit with
Lome folks.
li. L. Mvunson. agent for the Mis-.-.uii
Pacific at Wyoming, Neb., came
up she latter part of last week for on
evter.ded visit with relatives here. Mr.
S'Air.M'ii is taking a couple weeks
a. atio:..
We are s'ad to report that Mrs. A.
II. Var.-andingham. who fell a few
weeks aco a:ul fractured her ankle, is
slowly recovering, although it will be
ome time before she will be able to
lo out and around.
Mrs. George Trunkenbolz was taken
to Ft. Elizabeth's hospital at Lincoln
las: Thursday afternoon and operated
: for appendicitis Friday morning.
At the time of going to press she was
leported to be getting along nicely.
Tlie village board met in regular
session Monday nijrht. The pool
hall-, it was voted, should close from
:hs time on at 10 o'clock p. m., and
ail minors under the age of IS are
prohibited in their places of business.
Mrs. Dave Harsh, who recently un
derwent an operation for appendicitis
:;t the St. Elisabeth hospital at Lin
coir., returned home Thursday afrer
i oon of this week. She will remain
in Kajrle at the home of relatives a
fer.' days before going out to the
John Smith, who was operated on
Tuesday of last week for appendicitis
:t Sr. Elizabeth's hospital in Lincoln,
i- improving rapidly.
Pearl Woo :1a rd. who recently under
went an operation at Lincoln for
appendicitis, was able to come home
!al Saturday anil is gaining strength
very rapidly.
Mrs. Ellen Smith returned home
from Lincoln Tuesday, where she had
5-ee i at the beside of her son. John
Smith, who underwent an operation
for appendicitis.
Mrs. ('. t'ojbett went to Lincoln on
Monday arid underwent an operation
at one of the hospitals. She has re
covered from the operation nicely and
at last repoit was improving rapidly
J..r.n C. Wuiiderlich and M. G. Kime
of Nehawka were in Elmwood last
Friday and while here were calling
upon their f'iends. They were on
their way to Lincoln and were accom
panied to that place ry L. F. Lang
One day this week someone entered
J. H. Rogge's cellar and carried away
his winter's supply of potatoes. His
fine Mearchum pipe was also taken
from the lumber office. It looks as
thought he had been singled out this
John Morford was a passenger for
Omaha Thursday morning, being ac
companied by his mother. They went
to be at the bedside of Mr. Morford's
i-ister, whom he said would undergo a
very critical surgical operation at one
of the large hospitals there.
On Monday a deal was put through
whereby Ed (Justin disposed of his
fine bunch of thirty-live head of steers
to Jese and Watson Jones. This
was a fine bunch and will make some
"Junkers' for the fat cattle market a
little later on. The Jones boys will
feed them this winter for the market.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ferguson left
last Tuesday for Seadrift, Texas, and
will spend the winter there. They
have a tract of land there with a nice
little house upon it and only a few
blocks from the shore. They will live
on this place while there. They will
spend the winter there enjoying the
mild climate and will return to Elm
wood in the spring.
wwr vi-r.v v"VW"vv v
Frank Boedeker, who has been un
der the weither somewhat of late, is
hack at work again.
We understand Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
TownsTey of Hall City, Florida, are
the parents of a big baby boy, horn
Hans Stoll, who is taking treatment
for rheumatism at Excelsior Springs,
Missouri, is reported to be getting
along nicely.
Uncle John Garber never forgets
when his newspaper expires and has
our thanks for his renewal. His
health is a great deal better than it
was in the summer.
Mrs. J. E. Banning and the two
children left Thursday morning for
their home in Washington. Mr. and
Mrs. Humphrey accompanied them as
far as Lincoln.
E. A.Kirkpatrick left Monday for
Hot Springs, South Dakota, where he
will take treatment for rheumatism,
from which he has been a sufferer for
ome time.
I. T. Royer of the Avoca neighbor
hood was a caller at thin office yes
terday, lie informs us that his son,
John, has moed back from Missouri
and will occupy the Dodson place, at
present occupied by Mr. Arnold.
Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick attended the
state suffrage meeting in Omaha last
week as a delegate, and extended a
cordial invitation to the ladies to meet
in Nehawka next year. The offer has
not been accepted as yet.
Harry Higgins has ordered one of
the largest size Krupp guns with a
twenty-year solemn binding guaran
tee, from one of the popular mail or
der houses, and when it comes wil
mount and train it in the general di
rection of the blithering idiots who
have been shooting promiscuously
around his place in an effort to scare
rabbits to death. He says the family
was under lire all day Sunday.
L. C. Murray is dangerously sick
at his home in Sweedtown. His nine
sons have all been here this week to
I see him.
Paul Mai-shall of Elmwood was a
visitor in town today. He said the
work on the electric plant for their
town was progressing.
Mrs. L. L. Caygill and little daugh
ter were visiting her mother, Mrs.
Waltz, who is at the Shoemaker hos
pital in Lincoln. Saturday.
Wallace Philpot, George Dennis and
Les Gregory returned Friday from a
few days" visit and a hunt at the Phil
pot ranch in the sand hill country.
George Towle returned today from
Furnas county, where he had been
looking after his land interests. He
reports more sr.ow out there than
Wednesday was a sorry day for the
rabbits, it being the first tracking
I snow of the season. The hunters
were ail out and succeeded in bag
ging a larire number of the bunnv
Mrs. O. V. Boone returned Satur
day afternoon from Lincoln, where
she had been with Mrs. T. R. Boone,
who underwent a surgical operation
one day last week, and is getting
through th ot-deal nicely.
Dr. W. H. Tuck attended the meet
ing of the Nebraska Veterinary asso
elation held at the Lindell hotel in
Lincoln on the Sth and Oth. He re
ports an enthusiastic meeting. He
alto said he had a visit with Dr. Jen
sen of Kansas City, whom he met at
the meeting.
Constable R. D. McNurlin had a
busy day of it Monday. His first duty-
was that of levying under an execu
tion for M. J. Wickersham on the
plumbing stock of P. F. Rosselle. II fs
next official duty was suing A. Y
Caddell and attaching his automobile
for W. S. Bateman to satisfy a claim
for amounts due him.
John Ossenkop is slightly under the
weather suffering from a severe cold,
which he says has hung on for over
a month.
Fred Petersen returned Saturday
evening from Pierce, Neb., where he
had been for the past two months
visiting with his brother, Otis.
Mrs. Louis Stander and little
daughter, Genevieve, left for their
home near Archer, Neb., the first of
the week, after a two weeks visit
with relatives in this vicinity.
We are sorry to report the illness
of Mrs. E. A. Stander. and her manv
friends hope soon to hear that she is
able to be up again, as she was bed
fart at last report.
John Twiss was at Plattsmouth last
Saturday consulting pr. Livingston
m regard to his ankle, which he had
injured several years ago while at
work in the sand stone quarry south
of town. It has given him consider
able trouble of late.
Miss Mary Suibtr. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Philio flutter, is at the St.
Joseph's hospital in Omaha, where
she underwent an 6peration for ap
pendicitis last week. She is getting
along nicely and will probably be able
to return home some time next week.
Miss Lora Garrett, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jeff Garrett, of this place,
was married to Edwin Barry of
Wahoo, at Omaha, Wednesday, De
cember 9. The happy couple will make
their home on a fine farm owned by
the groom near Wahoo, Neb. The
Courier extends congratulations and
best wishes.
Fred Wegner is attending to busi
ness matters at his ranch near Dun
ning, Neb. He expects to bring two
carloads of horses and cattle to the
Omaha market next week. He will be
accompanied home by his son, Fred
jr., and wife, who will remain unti
after Christmas for a visit.
R. D. Bishop, timekeeper at Mur
phy's quarry, will leave Monday for
New Orleans, where he expects to
spend the winter. Mr. Bishop is look
jng forward to a pleasant winter, as
he has spent several in New Orleans
end has many friends and acquaint
ances in that quaint southern city. He
will return when the quarry opens up
in the spring.
Wade Windham ol Lincoln was
here last Friday looking after his in
surance business.
D. Ray Frans was in Omaha on
Monday, attending to business for the
mercantile firm.
John McNurlin of Platsmouth was
here last Friday, visiting his brother,
Otis McNurlin.
T. M. Patterson and wife were here
from Platsmouth to make a Sunday
visit with their son, J. M. Patterson
and wife.
Gene Barton and wife and Roy
Herpst and wife, of Falls City, were
here Saturday and Sunday to visit G
P. Barton and family.
Richard Smith took a carload of his
fat cattle to the Kansas City market
the first of the week, arriving home
Wednesday morning.
Duke Frans of Auburn came up last
Friday and spent a few days with his
relatives and friends in this town, and
vicinity, returning home on Tuesday,
Sant M. Clifford, who spent severa
days here and at Cedar Rapids, Neb
departed on Sunday for his 'home at
West Plains, Mo. While at Cedar
Rapids he became owner of a farm
near that town, getting it in exchange
for his Misosuri land, and in the near
future he and his family will complete
their preparations for returning to
Henry Albers, the young gentleman
who was assistant cashier of. the
Farmers' Bank until it sold out to the
Bank of Union last week, will leave
today for Pierce, Neb., where he will
visit his parents until after the holi
days, theu he will accept one of the
several propositions that are open to
him. Mr. Albers has made many
friends here, all of whom wish him
well and cheerfully recommend him
as a young man of excellent char
acter and ability.
To Give Awav Turkey.
From Monday's Daily.
At the dance next Saturday evening
at Coates hall by the Cosmopolitan
?b;b a fine turkey will be given away.
vv'ith each 50-cent admission will be
given a number that entitles the pur
cl i'ser to a chance on the fowl, and
Jie number drawn will receive the
I'.irkey, which will come in handy for
Christmas time. All persons holding
the rckets should be in the hall at
10:20, when the drawing will be had,
as :n case or the holder of the num
ber first drawn not being there it will
be ntcessary to continue the drawing
until someone secures the turkey.
Make Your Wants Knwon
Advertisements under this heading
five cents ppx line each Insertion.
Six words will be counted as a line
and no advertisement taken for less
than ten cents.
STRAY boar taken up at my place,
xiiacK. wiin wniie spots. Jouis
Friedrich. 12-7-tfw
We are in the market to buy your
cream every day in the year. Highest
prices at all times. Zuckweiler &
Luth. 12-7-2wks-w
TAKEN UP Black Holstein heifer.
Owner, may have same by calling at
my place and paying for this ad
vertisement. Wm. Wehrbein.
FOR SALE A few more of those
light Brahmas. Inquire of Mrs.
Wm. Gilmour, R. F. D. No. 1,
Plattsmouth, Neb. 12-10-3tw
FOR SALE I have 20 or 30 pure
bred S. C. Rhode Island Red Cock
erels for sale. Prices from $1.00 up.
W. B. Porter, Myiiard, Neb. '
0J U W U blNl U
Art Needlework!
Display of Handkerchiefs!
You will find on display a
most varied line of Handker
chiefs for Men, Women and
Children. One, two, three, four
or six in fancy Holiday Boxes,
at most reasonable prices
One in a box,
at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c
Two in a box,
at ..10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 60c
Three in a box, t
at 15c. 20c. 25c, 30c, 60c
Four in a box, at 60c, 75c, $1.00
Six in a box, at SI and S1.50
Most of the Handkerchiefs
all linen this year, fine val
ues 10c to 25c
Men's and Women's Initialed
Handkerchiefs at ..15c and 25c
Corner 6th and Main St.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Local News
Prom Friday's Dallv.
Frank Grauf of near Murray wa
here vesterdav for a few hours look
incr after some matters of busines
with the merchants.
Mrs. J. H. Teegarden of Brock, Ne
braska. is in the city today lor a
short visit at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith.
Ben Horning was among those go
ing to Omaha this afternoon, whe
he was called on some matters of im
portance for a few hours.
Anyone having left any articles at
the Parmele theater can secure same
by calling at this office and paying
for th:s advertisement. 12-1 1-tf
r red Oldenhausen, jr., was among
the passengers yesterday afternoon
for Omaha, where he was called on
some matters of business for a few
D. A. Young of the vicinity of Mur
ray was in. the city today for a few
hours looking after some trading with
the merchants and visiting with his
County Commissioner Julius Pitz
returned this afternoon from Omaha
where he has been in attendance at
the meeting of the county commis
sioners and clerks in that city.
J. D. Shrader of Murray came up
this morning from his home and de
parted on the early Burlington train
for Omaha, where he goes to spend
the day looking after some matters
of business.
Mrs. B. F. Crook and daughter,
Mrs. R. J. Staller, of Salem, Neb.,
who is here visiting her mother for a
short time, departed this morning for
Omaha, where they go to visit for the
d.iy with relatives and friends.
L. II. Puis, wife and family and
Mrs. W. H. Puis motored in this
morning from their home west of
Murray and were passengers on the
early Burlington train for Omaha,
vhere they will visit for the day.
Henry Kurtz of Lincoln, who has
been here visiting at the home of his
father. Adam Kurtz, and wife, for
the past few days, departed this aft
ernoon for his home in the state me
Jack Patterson and wife of Union
were among those making a trip to
the metropolis this morning, going on
the early Burlington train. They
came up last evening from their home
and visited here with relatives over
A- 9 J IW A
M e MJtr BM m T
Nice, large line to choose from:
Pillows, front and back,
with G skeins of silk and
lesson sheet, all for 2.1c
Library Scarfs, with !
skeins of silk and lesson
sheet, for 50c
Stamped Guest Towels, ea. .2."c
Stamped Pillow Cases, per
pair, fiOc and 50c
Slipper and Laundry Bags,
at 25c and 50c
Richardson's Grecian Em
broidery Floss, Skein 4c
Peri-Lusta Embroidery Cot
ton and a big line of Mercer
ized Crochet Cotton.
From Saturday's Daily.
Ben Beckman of near Murray was
here for a few hours yesterday look
ing after some trading with the mer
chants and visiting with friends.
Ed H. Tritsch and wife were among
those going to Omaha this morning,
where they will spend the day looking
after some matters of business.
Mrs. Bert Satchell of Stanton, Neb.,
who has been here visiting at the C.
M. Beverage home for the past few
days, departed this morning for her
Adam Kaffenberger, one of the
substantial farmers of near Cedar
Creek, came in this morning to look
after the week-end shopping with the
Fred Kaffenberger and wife were
among those going to Omaha this
morning, where they expect to visit
for the day with relatives and friends
in that city.
Henry Born, wife and children de
parted this morning on the early
Burlington train for Omaha, where
they will visit for the day taking in
the sights there.
Peter Halmes, one of the prosperous
farmers from west of the city, was a
visitor in the metropolis today for a
few hours, returning home this aft
ernoon on No. 23.
George M. Hild of the vicinity of
Mynard came in this morning from
his home to spend a few hours in this
city with friends and to look after the
week-end shopping.
Ira Bates came in this morning
from his home south of this city anc
was a passenger on tne eariy rur
lineton train for Omaha, where he
will visit for the day.
Mrs. Tabitha Thacker was among
those going to Omaha this morning to
spend a few hours looking after some
matters of business and in viewing
the Christmas sights.
Mrs. Mark White came in this
morning irom her home soutn ot tnis
city and was among the numerous
passengers on No. 15 for Omaha,
where she will spend the day.
Rev. J. M. Eades of the Liberty
church, south of this city, was
among the passengers this morning
for Omaha, where he will visit with
his daughter and family for the day.
George A. Kaffenberger, wife and
ittle daughters were among the pas
sengers this morning ior umana,
where they will visit for the day
ooking after some matters of busi
James Newasek and little daughter
were among the passengers this aft
ernoon for Omaha, where they go to
Hi U Ik I r . 1
E. A. WU
U W liaa D
for Christmas Packages
E23 '
Holly and Merry Xmas Ribbons,
in 5-yard bolts, per bolt
All the new fancy Ribbons, such as
Black and White Stripe, Roman
Stripes and flowered Ribbons, at,
per yard 25c, 35c and
Moire or "Watered Ribbon, in the
wide width, per yard 35c and
Gift Hosiery!
mmm m
irwn.l n f aw hnnrs lnnkino' jiftpr thp I
treatment ol the eyes of the little
Rev. McLaughlin, president of York
college, York, Nebraska, came in last
evening from his home to attend to
some matters in regard to the evan
gelistic meetings that are being held
south of this city.
L. II. Vallery and wife of Los An
geles. California, came in yesterday
to enjoy a short visit here at the
home of Mr. Vallery's mother, Mrs.
Jacob Vallery and family. This is the
hrs'. visit ot ir. Nailery m two years
and one that is greatly enjoyed.
Subscribe for the Journal.
How's This?
Wo iT-r Oi.p Hii:k!:t! Pi.!lur Hi"', nr.! for in
rast- of Catarrh that cannot be rureil by Ilrtli?
5'aturrh Cure.
I J. CHENEY & CO.. TVle.lo. O.
We, the j:inl(rsi;rri'?!. hjve t'ioii I" -rhoiiry
lr till' lat 0 Jrais. liiee l.iii
lii-rfectly li'ii;r:.Mi In all Iuimiios tinrisji-'tiuf
(irt,l fii-nncl illy ulilc to carry ut a :y iMii.riiti-u
ni!ilt' by bis r!i-m.
Ti i-'iu, jhio.
Hall's Cn:irr'i Cr.v U t:il;irt inf .tiiii 'Jr. art!
dlrcotly the t! .1 iiinl lime-Mis si:rf.n-es
'll( syfem. Testimonials et;t fre". I Viet" "f
eent":er bottle. S. !ii Inv all l)rurirlst.
Take Hall's Knmilr I'llls 'or lioatbui.
A Fine Line of
Gifts can be had at this store!
A very fine stock ot the latest patterns of
Casseroles End Baking China for $2.50
to $7.50
Percolators off all kinds $2.50 to $5.50 &
Community Silverware
Pocket Knives and razors t
Carving Sets g
Roller and Ice Skates
and a thousand and one other articles. Come in t$
and look and we think you will have no trouble in g
selecting a useful and fitting present. g
Plattsmouth, : :
v JPt-Don't forget to get the coupons for your favorite contest- JK
S still a good opportunity for
tie, IB li J
, h I 'A
A practical gift and always ac
ceptable to anyone, young or old.
Gift Boxes if desired.
Exceptional values are offered
here in pure thread Silk Hose
for Women, at, per pair. . . . ?1
Fibre Silk Hose, at.. 25c, 35c, 50c
Gauze Lisle Hose that wear
four pairs in a box guaranteed
four months, for $1.00; pair 25c
Men's Half-Hose, linen heel and
toe; colors, grey, tan and black,
two pairs for 25c
Gauze, Lisle or Silk Half-Hose,
all colors; per pair 25c
New Son Arrives.
From Friday's Daily.
Last evening the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Mart Stevens on South Tenth
street was gladdened by the arrival of
ja fine new baby boy, who will in he
future make his home there. The
youngster was the object of much ad
miration from the proud and happy
parents, who vow he is the finest lit
tle man in the world, and they art
busy receiving the congratulations of
their friends and neighbors on the
new arrival. .
How to Bankrupt the Doctors.
A prominent New York physician
says. "If it were not for tiie thin
stockings and thin soled shoes worn
by women the doctors would probably
be bankrupt." When you contract a
cold do not wait for it to develop into
pneumonia, but treat it at once. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy is intended
especially for coughs and colds, ami
has won a wide reputation by its
cures of these diseases. It is most
effectual and is pleasant and safe to
take. For sale by all dealers.
Office supplies at the Journal of
fice. Useful Xmas H
i W
: Nebraska W
any one. S