The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 14, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER-11, 1914.
PAflE 5.
Carpets,Rugs,Mattings,Linoleum, Vaccuum 1
Tte f rutin
The idea of buying more useful gifts for the Holidays is spreading universally, and so
strong is the movement that this store herewith offers a practical list of special Xmas of
ferings, which will furtherthe PRACTICAL GIFT MOVEMENT. This store will retain its
pre-eminence as a toy center, but from this date until the night before Xmas will make
special features of merchandise suitable for the practical gift buyer.
Furs! Furs! Furs!
AH the late styles in Scarfs and Muffs.
The new Mellon Muff at $10.00 and up
Children's Sets at $ li.50 and up
Practical Gifts.
Linens !
V i
Table Linens at varying prices 50c up to $2.00
Napkins, per dozen $1.00 up to $4.50
Practical Gifts.
Lunch Cloths, Doilies, Towels, Scarfs, Stamped Goods.
For a Special Inducement for Practical Gifts, we are
going to offer on all our 9x12 Ax. and Wool Fibre Rups
a 10 Per Cent Discount from now on until the night be
fore Xmas.
Practical Gifts.
We are also showing a nice line of Novelties in Sew
ing Sets, Sweet Grass Baskets, Sachet Bags, Trays, Pin
Practical Gifts.
a Go
) Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
; ports of 30.000 Cases of Kidney
Trouble, Some of Them Platts
mouth Cases.
E:' h of some (5,000 newspapers of
the United States is publishing from
week to week names of people in its
particular neighborhood who have
used and recommended Doan's Kid
ney Tills for kidney bachache, weak
kidneys, bladder troubles and urinary
di.-orders. This mass of proof includes
over SO.OoO recommendations. Platts
mouth is no exception. Here is one
of the riattsmouth case?.
W. M. Barclay, proprietor of
restaurant. Main street, Plattsmouth,
says: "I haven't had a single symp
tom of kidney complaint since Doan's
Kidney Pills cured me several years
ago. I was bothered by lameness
across my loins when I began using
Ioan's Kidney Pills. They soon rid
me of the trouble. I am glad to con
firm the statement I gave before, en
dorsing them."
Price 50c at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
poan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Barclay had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mis. Glen Rhoden came in this
morning from her home near Murray
and was a passenger this morning for
Omaha on No. 15, where she will visit
for' the day.
This Stunning Blouse
and Short Wide Skirt
may be seen with many other smart
new styles in The Butter Fashion
Sheet for January.
Call at our Pattern Department
and tret a copy FREE.
FRATERAL order of
eagles elect officers
for the ensuing year
From Friday's Daily.
Last evening Plattsmouth Aerie No.
3G3, Fraternal Order of Eagles, met
at their hall for the purpose of elect
ing officers for the ensuing year, and
the following were chosen for the dif
feient positions:
fast President William Barclay.
President Gideon Archer.
Vice President Clifford Forbes.
Chaplain William Mason.
Secretary Bernard G. Wurl.
Treasurer James Kebal.
I iside Guard Gus Carlson.
Outside Guard John Iverson.
Trustee for Three Years William
Following the transaction of the
business of the session the members
enjoyed a most delightful social time
and a most appetizing and tempting
luncheon and some time was spent in
a genuine good time among the mem
bers of this splendid fraternal order
that will be very pleasantly remem
bered by all who were present.-
For Iafuite and Children. -
Hi! Kind Yc3 Rare Atoap Bought
, Bears the
SlgnatW of
That really give serv
ice. You know the story
a rip a "run" and
in a jiffy your ordi
nary silk stockings
must be thrown away.
This can not happen if
you wear Golham Gold
Stripe Hosiery.
Practical Gifts.
$1.90 and $1.31).
Women's Blouses!
White Silk Embroidered Waists, long sleeves,
plain collars, sizes 34 to 44, price $2 . 50
White Crepe de Chine, accordeon pleates and
chiffon ones $5 up to $9
Practical Gifts.
Vaccuum and Bisse!
A great find was the Vacuum Sweeper for the
housewife. We have them at. .$5, $7.98 and $3.50
Wizard Triangle Mop The enly Mop that gets
in the corners. For Xmas offer we gie ens
quart of oil free, making a $2.50 value for. . . .$1.50
For the Infant Brush and Comb Stts, Rattles,
Sacques, Booties, Hoods, Etc., Etc.
Practical Gifts.
From Friday's Dailv.
The drug store of F. G. Fricke &
Co. is one of the places in the city
where a large array of useful and
handsome gifts for the Christmas
season are displayed, which it would
be well for the shopper to inspect
when on a shopping tour. Here can
be found a nice line of Parisian ivory
toilet articles that will prove most
acceptable gifts, as well as hand
some manicure sets and perfumes in
packages suitable for a Christmas re
minder for some wife, mother or
sweetheart. A tempting display is
also made by this firm of a large as
sortment of candies of all sorts, which
will prove a most toothsome remem
brance. For the smokers there is a
fine array of cigars and tobaccos that
will come in very handy for a quiet
smoke. The store has a very bright
appearance with touches of red and
green streamers festooned through
the store room, and the shoppers can
be assured of the most courteous
treatment here.
. Mss Elsie Gapen n-as among the
passengers this morning forOmaha,
wht re she goes to spend a few hours
look'ng after some matters of business.
Wizard Mops
We cordially invite you to call and see
our new importation of Snow Flake ( Pure
Linen) Handkerchiefs, now being displayed,
as a fruarantee of Absolutely Pure Linen
and High Grade Quality.
Piactical Gifts. 3c to $1.50 each.
1 fV
Virginia Kid Gloves, in all the lead in."
shades; worth 1.73, our price .fl.3;J
Practical Gifts.
r '.At
A carload of live poultry, to be de
livered at the depot- at Plattsmouth,
Xeb., T.londay and Tuesday, Decem
ber 28th and 29th, for which we will
pay in cash as follows:
Hens, per lb lie
Spnrgs, per lb 11c
Ducks, per lb lie
Geese, per lb lie
Old Coks, p'-r lb 7c
We will be on hand, rain c: Miir.e,
to receive all marketable poultry of
fered for sale.
Thomas Sullivan and wife of Oma
ha, who were over Sunday visitors
here, departed this morning for their
home, being acocmpanied to the me
tropolis by Mrs. John Fi-ht, mother
of Mrs. Sul'ivan.
Sell your property through the
Journal Want Ads.
in i
I r;3
Bible's Portrayal of Ifie
Present Tisne.
Mixed Wines Most Intoxicating The
Golden Wine Cup of the Bible The
Maddening Draft Some Crazed One
Way, Some Another America Not
Exempt Feverishly Mad Also So
bering Experiences Terrible Only
Alternative Lord's Deliverance.
Chicago, 111., De
cember 13. Pastor
Itussell delivered
su address today
at the "Chicago
Temple," taking
for his text, "The
inhabitants of the
earth have been
made drunk with
the wine of her for
nication." Keve
lation 14 :S; 17:2;
He explained
that the Dooli cf Revelation declares
itself to le a bcok of symbols. The
Woman of the text is the s-ui!olical
Womaa of the IMLle; namely, the pro
fessed Church of Christ. The context
declares that the Woman herself (the
Church Nomina!) was drunken with
her own Fuecess In overcoming the
s.v.ntlier followers cf Jesus; that she
attained great outward splendor as the
price of her unfaithfulness to the Re
deemer the. prive of her illicit inter
course with the kiugdonis of earth re
coivi:. their support in return for her
recognition of them. At the same
time she held in her hand the Golden
Cr.p the Word of God. which is full
of testimony against her, but which
she used in such a manner as to deceive
and corrupt them, and to make all the
people drunk, v.s our text declares, in
dividually and nationally.
The speaker dverted to his dis
course of the previous Sunday, in
wliien he had pointed out some of the
false doctrines which led to the exalta
tion of the Scarlet Woman, the un
faithful Spouse of Christ. She had
not followed her Redeemer's footsteps
in humility and self-sacrifice. She had
'.specially separated herself from the
people under the clergy title; she had
practised and prospered; Fhe had
foupht down the true followers of Je
tius, causing them to suffer for right
eousness sake, even as the Jews had
crucified Jesus, and as the Apostles
had suffered for loyalty to Truth.
Intoxicated by hor successes, she went
to great lengths of boastincr, establish
ing herself as the Queen. of Heaven,
ruling over the of earth, yet hav
ir.g fellow-ship with theiu and drawing
support from them. Doth kings and
peoples were made drunk, infatuated,
with the thought that they could have
so close dealings with the Divine King
dom aaid still live after the flesh. Deg
radation, mental and moral, ensued,
while kinss and peoples went into a
drunken sleep from which they are not
yet fully aroused.
Daughters of Babylon.
The Sixteenth Century brought a par
tial awakening, but the Adversary was
at hand to re-entangle those mentally
confused by the adulterated wine the
mixture of Heavenly Truth with earth
ly selfishness and deviltry. The time
had not yet come for the binding of
Satan, and the Lord allowed him to
continue to make the way narrow for
the zealous, saintly few. To have al
lowed the full light of Truth to shine
in upon the world at that time would
have meant the permission of the great
Time of Trouble nearly three centu
ries too soon: for the Lord's Kingdom
would not be ready for establishment
until the full end of the six thousand
years of the reign of Siu and Death,
iind the completion of the elect num
ber of the True Church.
For these reasons God permitted the
various Protestant Churches to be
born, and to develop under the Influ
ence of the intoxicating Cup of their
Mother. This being true, we are not
surprised at the prophetic declaration
that the Daughters had the Mother's
disposition and became Harlots like
her to the extent of their opportunities
affiliating with the kingdoms of the
world, co-operating with them, modify
ing doctrines so as to meet with their
approval, etc. Dnch Daughter has done
her share to perpetuate the intoxica
tion of the world.
"Babylon Is Fallen, Is Failen."
The name Babylon fits the entire
household. The word contains a dou
bie thought: first, the Gate of God: and
second, confusion. Thus it imports
that the professed Church, the Gate
way to God and righteousness, became
confused, impure and adulterous.
Each must judge for himself as re
spects who and what these symbols of
the Divine Revelation signify. I be
lieve that not many of God's people
who are awake and even partiaLy so
bered up from the false doctrines of
the creeds and their perversion of the
Scriptures will need further assistance
in seeing that Babylon, the name orig
inally applied to the Mother Church,
has become a family naaie, applicable
equally to all human systems fraudu
lently posing as the True Church.
The Scriptures tll us that this True
Church has not yet been clorlSed: that
her mt!-i)le:s'arp being railed, devel
oped, perfected under afflictions, in
preparation for their exaltation to be
the ErJe, the Lamb's Wife. The true
members of this Church, whose names
are written in Heaven, are all Virgins,
pure, in that they are justified through
faith in the Redeemer, and are not in
relationship with worldly systems, not
organized by them, not serving them
and not dependent upon them.
As the Lord prophesied this Babylon
system, He evidently purposed to per
mit it to have the control it has had.
When telling us that "Babylon is fali
pn," He intimates that throughout the
past some of His saintly ones have
been in Babylon. Otherwise He would
not say, "Come out of her." Rev. 1S:4.
The Lord's voice calling His people
Dut of Babylon at the time she is re
jected for destruction, is not a literal
voice from Heaven, nor is It a voice
from earth. It is the voice of the
Truth. As knowledge respecting God,
His character and His Plan, as reveal
ed in the Bible, now comes to the at
tention of any of God's consecrated
people, the voice of the Truth, apieal
iug to his honesty, calls him to come
out at any cost and stand separate
from all earthly institutions. The Di
vine Message tells, us that the literal
fall of these great systems is at hand,
and that everybody in them will suffer
justly in proportion to enlightenment.
The Morning Hour, the Drunken Awake.
According to Bible chronology, the
six thousand years of the reign of Sin
and Death have ended. We are in the
dawning of the New Dispensation,
when old things are passing away end
the New Order is being gradually in
troduced. Properly, the awakening
came first to God's consecrated people,
who have long waited and prayed for
the Morning "Thy Kingdom come!
Thy will be done on earth, even jis it
is done in Heaven!"
The awakening in the Church has
gone on gradually during the Parousia
of Christ. Meantime, the Millennial
blessings beginning to come to the
world have made the drunken sleepers
restless. As they awaken to the rich
blessings of our time, they are seized
with, feverish acquisitiveness, individu
ally and nationally. As individuals
have been racking their brains in re
spect to money-getting, so nations, im
pelled by the same spirit of avarice.
Lave been plotting and scheming for
extension of territory, trade, etc. As
education has permeated to the lower
strata of society, it has awakened the
whole world. Hundreds of millions
are keenly alert to take advantage of
every circumstance and condition; and
everything except the material inter
ests of this life seems to be ignored.
But the awakening of the people, as
we might expect, exhibits all phases
of human character good, evil and
foolish. The sufferings of the war
stricken people touch deeply a sym
pathetic chord in human nature,
prompting generosity and sometimes
even leading public servants to forget
that they have no right to donate pub
lic money to any cause, but that the
people they serve have the riht to ex
ercise their own charity at their own
expense. However, the disposition to
give food and clothing to those iu need
clearly indicates that in the hearts of
humanity in general there continues to
abide some measure of the Godlikeness
with which our race was originally en
dowedthe chief element of Godlike
ness being love; for "God Is Love."
Half-Sobered Foolishness Displayed.
We are liable to a certain amount of
foolishness as we awaken from the ig
norance and superstition and get our
first glimpse cf the sufferings of those
in the war zone. To illustrate: The
cables recently told that a TTnited
States war ship had cleared from an
English port, laden with Christmas
toys to be distributed to the unfortu
nate children of the war refugees in
Belgium and France. It seems a joke
to send a war vessel on su:h an er
rand. Thousands of dollars worth of
coal .were required, besides the time
and attention of a ship's crew, to take
a lot of dolls, teddy-bears and knick
knacks to children inu h more in need
of food and clothing. We are not
faulting the kind hearts that desire to
do something for the sufferers, but we
do wonder that the heads of our in
telligent statesmen should lend them
selves to such foolishness; even though
it emanated from hard headed journal
ists who induced school children to
such folly. The effect of this mental
confusion is to awaken thinking iK?ople
to the real facts of the case and great
ly to discredit all effort on behalf of
the war sufferers.
Thinking people are saying to them
selves: The warring nations should
each look out for the victims of their
war. They are bound to do this
through self-respect at home and
I broad. Assistance from us shotild
not be necessary is not necessary.
Money spent thus benefits the givers
more than the receivers; for those who
should look after the needy will prob
ably content themselves with saying
to the unfortunates. "Did you not get
your share of the American donation?"
Thus our intended generosity may
merely help to prolong war and do in
jury to those we wish to benefit.
On the other hand, the "submerged
(enth" at home are in straits and like'y
to suffer this winter perhaps fully as
much as the Belgian refugees. Hun
dreds have already been evicted be
cause of inability to pay their rent and.
with their few belongings in the street,
are certainly nearly as much to le
pitied perhaps more as the war refu
gees across the ocean. Surely charity
begins at home! We therefore highly
commend a general movement toward
HOME RELIEF, believing It to be n
?afe and sane policy in accord with
the teachings of the Bible "He that
provideth not for his own I-a
worse than an ir.fidel."
The people at our doors ar? our on
responsibility. Ia rsany respects the
war Is more injurious here than in th
warring countries. There, government
contracts for army rations, clothing,
military .apparatus, ship-building, etc.,
are causing great busine"1 prosperity,
especially in Germany and Great Brit
ain. Here, on the contrary, the ave
nues of business are dislocated. 'I'l.o
foreign absorption of gold causes finan
cial embarrassment and stringency, tho
discharge of clerks, mechanics, etc.
Few of the awakening ones realize
that the present war is permit tod f t
the weakening of the nation's, prepara
tory to the utter collapse of the present
order of things and the usherng i:i
the New Order of things il.e Rei-u
Righteousness, under M"ssi;:!fs King
dom. The aroused sieo..r should f.t
about to the iis:!ig Sun of Righteous
ness vith healing in His beams an 1
blessings for all nations. (Mahu-bi
Were this recognized, there oid 1 be
less ef the war spirit here at iio iw.
less of a tear of what fw.uld 1 e :. m
plished by enemies across the ! i's.
more of a confidence in the Lord. .::il
an endeavor to p lease and obey lli n.
But the maddening wine stiii i'i- i
eates many Americans and will yvt
probably embroil our nation pi strito.
Religionists Also Awakening.
As for religion, the awakened ones
reject the major portion of tho creeds
of the past, yet carefully cling In any
rights or privileges which ihos? fai-'
doctrines gave them. Tims the Divine
right of kings, loMos, princes and i'o
ernments, and rites and ceremonies,
civil and ecclesiastical, are firmly
clutched and held high above the peo
ple in the interests of the rulers. Th's
is the secret of 1he willingness of t!,-
earthly kings, emperors and princes,
financial princes and subservient n ';
gionists to engage In the pro-eot hor
rible strife. The argument with : U i-;
that the end justifies the means. Th"
ends sought are commeivial suprem i
cy. political supremacy; and, inciden
tally, the repgious systems are prnyi: g
for a backing up of the various contest
ants whom they have long taught are
kingdoms of God. guided by Divin.
Wisdom and Providential care.
The Lord no longer restrains those;
for His time has come that iniquity
should have an end; that th 1 1 a 1 1
systems should niake manifest th.'t
none of them is the Bride of Christ;
and that the kings of earth i: -! . t
humble each other and thus make
ready for the true Kingdom of God
for the Reign of Christ and His
Church, glorified.
The masses of mankind Lave been
slowly awakening for some time; but
the present war is sun? to thorotighiy
awaken the whole world, and the ma !
dening effect of the false d. ;ii:c-s
will anger tiie entire human family.
As they realize how they were drug
ged with the false doctrines, th.' ten
dency with the majority will be to go
to the opposite extreme to Ins,. f;iit'i
ia everything. The result undoubtedly
will be pandemonium, as the Scrip
tures portray "livery man's h..n 1
against his neighbor" anarchy.
Patching the Old Garment.
Many, realizing to srme extent the
matters we here portray, are earnest ly
advocating some hi. id of palthed-i.p
compromise a reformation in tic
churches, a discarding of the ore. 1s i;i
fact while holding to them in theory,
a laboring on the part of all for
betterments, etc. We commend tins
spirit as better than the "stand-pat"
program of others; but it Is too late.
The opportunity fr such a re! "mi l
lion has passed. As the Scriptures de
clare. "We would have healed Baby
lon, but she is not healed." (Jeremiah
ol:0.) There was a lack of de.-ire f r
healing, for purification, fer forgive
ness, for turning away from i 1 1 i It in
tercourse with the kingdoms t this
world to affiliation with the Lord itlotc
Only the few had the proper spirit.
They are the Lord's Jewels. Mai. .".:17.
This Christian Age in many respects
corresponds to the Jewish Age. will !i
was its prototype. Hence our Ird s
vord3 respecting Natural Israel inp!v
here also. He declared the New D: ion so different fr mi the 1
that it would be like putting a in w
patch Into an old gamo-nt; ihat it
would be like putting new wine bit
old wineskins, which had l."-t tle-lr
elasticity, and could not withstand tin
strain. Hence the Jewish Dispensation
was entirely set aside, nrd the New
Order of things was inaugurated..
So here, there is sullicient c ntra-t
between the tilings of this Present Or
derreligious, finanei::!. social. J 1 : t i - a!
and the New Order of things that the
two cannot possibly intermix, cannot
possibly bp patched up. Instead, the
Lord declares that the Present Order
of tilings, symbolically reproei ted 1 y
"the heavens and the earlh." the ec
clesiastical heavens and the social
earth, are to pass away utterly, abso
lutely, in the great conflagration, wld !i
will not be literal fire, but symbol!--
anarchy. Meantime, however. t!.o
Lord promises us that the Ntw Order
of things to take t lie place of the
Present Order, will be "the dedre of
all nations" "a new heavens." t!;e
glorified Church: "a new earth." a new
s.icial order. This is the hope of th
world. There is none other.
In view of these things. It hi hooves
every child of God to heed the voice of
God. to stand, free from Babylon, t :
manifest the spirit of the Lord, to be
come a true Bible student, a trv.o over
comer of the world and its spirit, faith
ful unto death, that he may be ac
counted worthy of the Crown of I.ito
and :? share with hi Master in the Mil
lennial Kingdom Throne. And as re
spects those who are i:ot the Lord's
consecrated people, but who IvVe th'
Truth and righteousness, there are but
two courses open. The first and letrrr
one is a fnll surrender to the Ix.rd.
a full consecration of the heart, will,
time, influence all for the fervlce of
the Truth: or. ppoond. but le-.! satis
factory, nn endoivnr to live Fob.-r;y.
rlcfcteonsly. jnt!y. truthfully, sympa
thetically, mercifully.