The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 14, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
MONDAY. DECEMBER 111914. PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTIt SKMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Cbc plattemouib Journal Published 3 o m l-W e k I y ot Plattamouth. Nbn EntreI t the IWofTi.-e :t Flatt.smontlj. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher 6ubsorlptlon Price: $1.50 Per Yeor In Advance . THOUGHT FOR TODAY. V" Trumpeter, sound forthc splen- t!ur of God! 'I' S-und for the heights that our J fathers trod, V When truth was truth, and v love was love "I V.uh a heil beneath, but a - heaven above. J -I- Tc-Mi-.tcr. rally us, rally us, rally us, V Oa U the City of God. Alfred Noyes. v Politer. ess is inexpensive and of I rice'e.-s value. 2-;t j i i v.f caati you do your .-b-ppinsr early. Th- ::i.v aff-r a holiday a lot of r.. :i fee! li'.e Lydia Pinkham. :o : f be . :ace.-, a r.i.n must aiways Havel tli. e so the trouble lii.e. ::- 1 lie wtaiher mat-, is trying pretty h:ir 1 t irive us a While ("hri.-imas. -:o: v.,u can take the medicine ;r.-c!;, : n't di-h it cut to your fi rt !. A i -.-s:..I ri"iTtii.r.t aavertises t- -z -. 1 .;- . c --. :;r..l then he keeps on :. e: ti -i:.g to keep it. :o: Ir. i .-.'-r when, eiop will ap- !-ii..c a go..! r..v if it can be m-:k-: t. : m;-.:n for .-tveral w eeks. :u: l; r . rr.-r. :e s arxi"us to run " ; .-pr that they al- : .. ;y rave ti.eir f i ivnd.; out on the iii.e. I -.. -- !' c who di.l . r v:.-c f. ... !:..! Uuti- la-t rr.' are in : t t;:.i:.ij to .in the late 'hrist mas rr ;am. N-.e ihe moral. VI a v t:. in a kif.e: ui-A pet her f. e ard -hv w:li .-! j'.-gic right up to ;..; p j . ;.!! the same woman a: "11 at ard y u"!l be buying a rtiH cial es. !!!' : ! rv-iho I- in b-i-ine.-s i what - IT,-. l-!a'-'s norr"-o can get the a';:- of hi- 1 .dy low mii k r by . .T, :;r.T h;- hoi n i hi.; auto than hj a-i v. ith hi; cruitar. ;n; 'ii-.r a: 1 forrriv" fiufht to be ad- ied t- too (b.l.b-ii Rule. And it inhht be a ;rooi thiri"- in nd 1 t. the Ten a?id the bydaws of .o:tic of the ehur'di societies. Th' time ha- ;.r. ived for a farmers' t '; hoi o r'.r;.anv in Cass eo inty, a. ! by the time the io!)ins ne.-t nc.i i strides will have been ros'de in that direct ion. The farmers v.i'l . tand -o much ;u.d no more. :: Th:.- I.o'.e:- at L.n -f.hi arc p: eparinjr t eritertain the rrv-mbf rs nf the lei.;-I.aurr-. peciai:;. th . e who v.n .stand the prre. As mo-t -T the members arc farmt .-, it is very certain they v.i'1 seek the .uittude of some private horr.c. :n: The j-ta'.e admirdstration in the fi;t of January will br entirely tr:rjr!atic. There v.i'l be quite a lit t-itronac to be handed out, and it fd.oidd o to t!:e deserving men uho have been incessant in their sup port of the cause of democracy. The M-publi-ans have always taken care .f their party friends in tuth in-yt-ir.res, ard .-o should the democrats. Th.-re will be numerous jxj'-iiions to be "dished out" this winter, and they .hoidd ro to the worthy tho-e who h.i-- assisted them to their places of trust. THE CHIilST.M AS SHOI't'EK. Did you ever hear about the woman who did her Christmas shopping ea:ly, and thus avoided the rush that alv.avs attends the final dash and st: ujrirle for Christmas trinkets? She was a remarkable character, and like old Santa Clatis, there was only j one of her. And like old Santa Claus, she was boi-n of the imagination, and her blessed memory is preserved only in the papres of fiction and in the dreams of the tired clerks who are clawed and torn to tatters by the last-hodi- shoppers. But whether she lived or whether she didn't, the sweet ;tory of her unselth-h life and. of her tender consideration for tired backs :!n 1 tire 1 hands ar.d feet, will always make her a favorite character among the men and women and girls who work behind the counter. Christmas shopping has gotten to be a tlread, a rigntmare and a tragedy to those who .-trnd upon the firing line and bear the brunt of battle. The clerks in store- that handle Christmas goods look forward to the closing days of the holiday sca-on with much the .-arr.e dreadful apprehension as does the boy who has a woodshed engage ment with his dad after school. There seem? to be no way of avoiding the Christmas rush, and no way of bridg over it or of tunneling under it. it is ri'.:ht out the're in front of us i.g tin, and unless old Father Time i tops the clock we shall soon plunge into it in all its fury. Consequences are of no consequence on this event ful occasion, and while everybody dreads the terrors of the final strug gle, yet r.obody would miss being in the midst of it all, and nobody would e willing to go home to their friends without a few rents and bruises as souvenirs of the desperate encounter. (hii.-Lmas chopping without the .hrrge a:;d countercharge, the hand-: to-n:nd battle, ard the squeeze and Jo-Lie of excited and determined shop pe.s, would be as tasteless as julep without the mint, and as tame as an election without a calamity howler on the corner. Merchants are now im ploring the dear people to do their Christmas shopping early, but they don't expect them to do it. They ever did, and their habits are too deeply rooted to be changed now. Tluy take their own sweet time for everything they do, and the things t hr.u they ought to do today they put off until the day before Christmas. Putting things olT until tomorrow or until some other day is so easy that everybody is doing it. One-half of the world keeps the other half wait ing, without any reason or excuse. Mo.t people are overtaken by death before they get fairly started, doing Tu:t they have been planning for a 'ifetime. They spend and waste time as if they had a whole eternity to draw from, and as if a day of reckon ing would never come. When at last they see old age and death coming down the road to meet them, they give a good imitation of the Christ mas shopper who wails until just be fore closing time to buy a tin whistle. There are so many things to tlo and so little time in which to do them, that they leave everything undone. This habit of putting things off until some more convenient time has be come the rule of life with a great majority of people. Late Christmas shopping is a mild form of disease, but it is as annoying as hives in har vest time, and as unnecessary as the occasional hair on a bald head. Of course, if you want to be in at the finish, put jt off. You 11 have plenty of company. 4 :n : . Turkey has given assurance of fair treatment of American institutions. :o: Only ten more shopping days till Christmas. Do you shoprdng now. Only thirteen more days in which to do your Christmas shopping. :o: Buy your Christmas presents at home and keep your money here. :o: Every American citizen would pre fer a war t3X instead of a genuine war. Europe has both. :o: v Kichard Croker has married a woman fifty years his junior. Rich ard. you will recall, is an ex-boss. :o : A loafer thinks up a lot of things to benefit the people, none of which are as important as going to work. :o: It might have been foreseen that the tight skirt would be abolished as soon as everybody had become recon ciled to it. :o : Perhaps the troops were sent to Vera Cruz merely to demonstrate to the Mexicans how a town ought to be run. Well, they succeeded. :o: Villa's choice of provisional presi dent is sneeringly called a cattle butcher. That is the mildest type of butcher prominent in Mexican affairs. :o : Now Rumania has decided to get into the light. While each country has its own songs, the international ditty should be: "Everybody's Do ing it. :o: Now the army worm is being ac cused of responsibility for the foot and mouth disease. It is about time for the army worm to turn on its ihriers. ;n Christmas users of the parcels post r.eed not expect packages sent two or three days before Christmas to ar rive at their destination before the dawn of the New Year. :o:- Coercion in the government of state, county or city can never ac complish much. The public does not believe in such tactics. Only selfish people will resort to such. :o: Inquiier Contemplating Matrimony" is informed that con gress has not yet voted to require a levenue stamp to be placed on wed ding invitations and announcements. to: "Strike while the iron is hot." This is an important saying because we know the iron sometimes never heats twice in the same spot. This is especially true of busines proposi tions. :o: Young people who marry should see that the minister or whoever per forms the ceremony must put a 10- cent stamp on the marriage certifi cate. If Uncle Sam will show the young people how to live cheaper af ter they are married, he will confer a great favor. :o: To find employment for the unem ployed, as remarked by an eastern mayor, is not an act oi tnanty out a problem of business." It is no doubt tru that many of the unemployed do not want work and would really pre fer to live off charity. But there are those who really seek employment and who consider it a humiliation to seek aid. They want to support themselves and they should be given a chance. If they can give an equivelent in some useful service there is a double benefit in providing the opportunity. :o : The fact that our physical needs are closely related to our mental abilities is becoming more and more recognized every dayi Dr. Harvey Wiley of Washington talked before the American Public Health associa tion and said that bad teeth were one of the most serious health problems of the day. If the food is not thor oughly chewed it goes into the stom ach and is only half digested, and thereby clogs up the nervous system so that it is handicapped beyond all hope of recovery in a very short time. Poor eyes mean a bad education, and poor teeth mean bad health. It is a question of civic interest to attend to our school children's physical condition. NEBRASKA PATRONAGE. The insistence of Mr. Bryan on the recognition of his friends in all his appointments is unusual. It is cited that when Nebraska had a cabinet member in the person of J. Sterling Morton he never indorsed candidates. He took the position that Nebraska was not at his disposal and the state had no democratic cenator then, as now. either. He told President Cleve land that he would, when called upon by him, give his opinion concerning tliy fitness of candidates, and nothing more. But Mr. Bryan insists on nam ing the candidates. The process has created long delay, but the indica tions are he will do it. Under the constitution the senate is charged with the duty of selecting appontive federal officials. There fore, legally and by custom, the sen ator politically in harmony with an administration, has coextensive power. thus Senator Hitchcock should tlominate the pie counter in Nebraska, even to the exclusion of Mr. Bryan, though the latter be at the head of the cabinet. Mr. Bryan's exceptional attitude causes the dead lock. The patrcnat-.e of the state de partment does not sti!Fce for him. He believes that the success of his policies in Nebraska depends upon patronage, r.r.d it is lor this reason he stands between Senator Ilitehock and the distribution ' f oliees. Fre mont Tribune. :o: Those who are able should see that the poor children of the city are re membered on Christmas. There are a number who need this attention, and Christmas spirit should predomi nate to the extent of a remembrance of the Christmas season. It would prove a noble act and muKe a lew poor children happy, who otherwise woulel be neglected. :o: , The republicans have been in the habit of electing to the office of at torney general men who had no special qualification for the position. Bui the democrats have changed the program by electing one of the most brilliant young attorneys in the state n vne person or w mis r,. iteeu, wno will add luster to this important posi tion. :: It don't look well for a republican paper to sneer at the war revenue tax when it knows the McKinley admin istration had to resoit to the same proposition. But they say we had wa: then and none now. So much is true, but there is a general war "in Europe, which has practically stopped all imports from Europe, and where there are no revenues except internal. It takes money to run the government,- and we all know this. If it is not coming in the form of duties on imports, we know, or should know, that it has to come some other way. :o : Wc have great faith in the demo crats who will occupy the principal stale offices next month, and believe that every one of them will prove equal to the emergency. It is the first time in the history of Nebraska that so many democratic state officials have been elected at one time. A duty devolves upon these officials, and it is up to each and every one of them to pursue a course that will add dis tinction to each one and be creditable to the democratic party of the state. No one loves democratic success more than the Journal, and that is the prin cipal reason why wc want the boys to make good in every respect. :o: Germany elrafts every able-bodied man; Great, Britain drafts none, or has not up to this time. And until she does it is safe to assume that the critical stage in the war, for the en tente, has not been reached. Also, we sohuld say, until Japan's admit tedly excellent army of a half million men is put to further use than oc cupying resources is far from in sight. Four months this war has been raging, and for three months neither side has had a notable advant age, which makes it seem to a great degree a war of resources; a test of endurance in which decisive victory, if it comes at all, will be slow in arriving. The brilliant editor of the Ne braska City News does not seem to lik 3 the Journal's comments on an editorial that appeared in the Lincoln Star a few days since in relation t Mr. Bryan's activity in securing ap pointment, and demanding the proof The News says we had "proof in our elesk," at least "we got it just exact ly where the turkey got it last Thanksgiving." There is one thing certain, Jiuoner win never nave an opportunity to get it at any time, as he was never known to stand long enough "in one place." He is like all hypocrites he wants to be on all sides of the question. And as to prohibition, he should be the last man to even mention prohibition in the News columns, or else practice what he preaches. The Journal editor be lieves in expressing his opinions free ly, and the editor who will not ex ercise this right is a coward, and not capable of expressing an opinio;. He should at least possess sufficien common sense to attend to his own business, and give other people the same right. -:o:- IIL'IIAL HIGH SCHOOLS. The farmers are right in demand ing rural high schools where their children can be educated without sending them away to the city. The boys and pirls who go to the city for four years get weaned away from the farms, and many of them never re turn to the country life. They are also right in saying that much of the congestion in the cities is owing to this mode of education. But when all that is conceded and Lhc further con tention, that the state should provide the same education for the children of the farms as those of the cities and towns, the question arises, hew can the reform be brought about? The difficulties are certainly great. The children are scattered over a great scope of country and some means of transportation must be provided. The automobile bus has been suggested, but that requires the improvement of ihe roads. It is claimed that the faimers are put to great expense in sending their children away from home and they must pay board and transportation, while the children of the city can lie boarded at home and also be under the constant supervision of their par ents. Might it not be possible, if the farmers would organize, that rural high schools could be maintained at no greater expense than what it now cos.s to send them away, and have the additional advantage of home su pervision? If that could be done the boys and girls would not be educated away from the farm. The matter has been up for discussion before every farmers' congress for the last several years and nothing has resulted. Is it not time that talking ceased and some action were taken? World-Herald. :o : meeting for a state-wide Belgian re fans are looking for a "white hope" for 191G. :o:- The New York stock exchange has resumed business with a display of enthusiasm and higher prices. :o: Fhc people of Nebraska will never accept the manner in which some people desire to shorten the ballot. :o: The idea of giving the governor the power to select all state officials i preposterous. He has troubles enough a3 it is. :o: That's right go to Omaha to pur chase your Christmas present, and then come back ' home and ask the Plattsmouth merchants to give you credit for what else you are compelled to have the necessaries of life. And you'll expect them to accommodate you, of course. :o: The speaker of the incoming house of representatives should be a man who at least possesses a good moral character and one who is not a pro fessional grafter, and one whose honesty in many other ways will bear the strictest investigation. The mem bers want to be careful, or they'will get one of that brand. Children Cry m The Kind You Have Always Bonght, and -which lias been in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature o ' - and lias been made tinder his per fO. -sfK?y' -J" sonal supervision since its infancy. '-CccUvC Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Exx'crience against Experiment What Is CASTOR I A Casforia is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parry tToric. Ircps and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Nareotio ubsta7U'e. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms nnd allays Fev .ri.shncss. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, AViuel Colic, all Teething Troubles and liarrliaa. It regulates the Stomach and liowcls, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural bleep. The Children's Fanacca The Mother's Friend. GN"jifz CASTOR! A always Si ) Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years The mail order buyer who habitual ly j ores over the mail order cata- considering price rather than quality, and every purchase he makes is a speculation. He seldom or never at the time needs the things he buys. On the contrary, he buys them in an ticipation of needs that may artise; and he docs so under the delusion that le will be unable to buy them cheaply igiin. Advantage is taken of this ai gain-hunting, gambling instinct by including with needed or staple items at low prices other items that are not so generally bought and that pay the seller bigger profits. Thus the 50 cents the mail order buyer "saves" on a sugar purchase, say, he loses many times over on the coffee, tea and other items included in the "bargain" offer. The net results of this kind of buy ing are extravagance and loss. The buyer, in his eagerness to save a few cents on his sugar purchase, is blind ed to the larger losses on other items. In other words, he "strains at the gnat" of price and "swallows the camel" of quality. :o: It is so much easier to tell what ought to be done than it is to get busy and do it. 1915 Calendar Tads at the Journal office. William Haffke was among the business visitors in Omaha today for a few hours, going to that city on the afternoon Burlington train. Iks- f ... 1 A TJlQ Plattsmouth r 1 m f'il V I for Fletcher's Ai n Signature of Holidays the happiest season of the year is almost here. Are you The late republican candidate for governor, R. B. Howell, called on Governor Morehead at his office the other day. The first time they had met since the election. :o: Governor Morehead has called the meeting for a state-wide Belgeum re lief organization on December 127, more than a week earlier than the time suggested. He has written a let ter to the mayors of 400 cities and towns in Nebraska, to this fact. :o: University regents will ask for over two millions for the next two years. And the democratic party pledged to an economical administra tion. No matter what they ask, give them merely what is necessary. :o: R. L. Metcalfe tleclares that the democrats of Nebraska have done too much for W. J. Bryan and Senator Hitchcock to eleserve this "watchful wailing for federal appointments. And Met has certainly said something that sounds like the truth. :o: With the beginning of the New Year there should be some attention paid to the several boys who loaf the streets and have nothing to do but smoke cigarettes. If their parents cannot make them go to school, the authorities should proceed to do some thing. Perfumes and Toilet Articles for Xmas! Nothing makes daintier ap peal to either man or wo man, always in good taste, always useful. They con tinue to give pleasure loncj after many other gifts arc discarded. The finest American Perfumes and Toilet Preparations are made in the Lab oratories of Harmony of Boston, Richard Hudnut, Salon Palmer and Colgate & Co. of New York. - We carry a complete lino of Perfumes, Toilet Waters and Salchet Powders of the above manufacture. All Perfumes and Toilet Waters ar put up in Dainty Xmas Style Packages at prices to suit any bocketbook. Shop early. f. G. fnche & Co., GteoJUL Store Nebraska