MONDAY. DKCKMIJKR 11, 1914. TLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 1. Mi. A. Li.;., 0 1 U La vS- Ills fflk n i M fl S in 1 1 Pi ff v V r IS . y J y 1 y vm- V ! i I You can find something electrical for everyone, Wife, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son or Dsvhter Electric Irons Electric Warming Pads Electric CoiTee Percolators Electric Radiators Electric Tea Samovars Electric Suction Oerners El-ctric Teakettles ' Electric Washing Machines Electric Stoves Electric Curling Irons Electric Toys for Children All w;.th prices within reach of everyone. If your home is not wired for phenomenal servant, you could not have a more appropriate Xrnas Gift for the whole family, than Electric Service for the home. Call our new business manager and get an estimate, and place j our order eark. n n n n n Electric Toasters Electric Chafing Dishes Electric Hot Plates Electric Grill Electric Sewing Machine Motors vise"' Kzz&r a iz ' ,1 i ; Gobelman's Vall Paper and Paint Store! All kinds Mixed Paints, Oi, 'arnishe?.''iridowGlas3, Spe cialties and Picture I' raminc;. We have at this time a particularly fine line of Framed tl Pictures for Christmas Presents. fj Bring in your Journal Art Calendars, vluch ve will i frame for you at x?ry reasonable price. ?.7rp n us? i u (j v.; MERCHANT TAILOR i a THE HOL!0v SEASON IS A GOOD TIME FOR PATRIOTIC CITIZENS TO BEGIN TO HELP BUILD UP PLATTS MOUTH BY BUYING OF HOME MERCHANTS. The trend of modern times is toward the abolishment of the smaller towns tho.?e of less than 10,000 population. Each large city roaches out and takes in the of the towns smaller than it and ?o on down the lino. PIatt.:mouth people buy things at Omaha which they coud buy at home as well, and in most cases, better. Omaha folks buy at Chicago, with no belter results than they could obtain in their own city. Chicago bjV ones co to New York, while New Yorkers spend their surplus funds in London arel Paris. The way that towns like Flattsmouth citizens can help to combat this movement is to bj;in at home. Make your motto: "'I believe in my community first and then in the community next to mine." If ycu rannct buy what you want in Plattsmouth then 12:0 to Omaha, but try the Plartsmouih stoves first and be sure before you leave home. Fr y :iis p:..-t :r." tu-n:;rt,:r.tT,t store-; in Inruv cities have y it-Mod to the tempta tion of to the ptolits of tliier et;l!ifhnient.s by cxajrorating: the values they (rltr. It is the f :v;-i .i:. y of thc.?e nu.-stat'-mcrits iit-tatel by department managers urder th? v. I. ;'i d spur of making sale.s rec-oi tls. that has pint- far to weaken many ,re.s in pr.b'if e.t irr.ation. Kpe.' rcniv.!h. the day is passing when fraudulent adwrtisin:"- of bargair.s c- ni cominarid bu-ire -s. l'ooj!e ai e comi' r to seek fair values r.t fair price--, r.-ti-er than .::ail!e in fsuppo.-'.-d ba-p-:Jns, whi .'i. if the values are cor icctlv .--ta'ed. in-" ho..i:..l t.; -:ut tho icy o:fcrin then out of business, unless an ex- ! Plailsmoufli, Hob. f tenner Bro. ?s Green House f on iii'-cv ai d uii'ri.ov.a pic rchandi.-e. Vi'hy not have your Suits and Overcoats made in Plaits- j mouth by Plattsmouth workmen? i hey will wear 'o-tcr, lock better and last longer than sweat shop clothes. Prices Moderate and work guaranteed to Satisfactory. 409 Main St. Flaltsmoutfi, Neb. g h is f;.ir to pvc-jirso t'. it store:; in oinp.ll io'.vns can olfer their foods at less prices than .v to res i'1 larger cities can sell for. Uer'.; are lower, and very expense of placing me'vhun.-Iis.- l-.efore the r. :l'!ic is less than in the larger centers. I u-. you eve i- hear of rerchar.ts in small towns 'Doing enormously rich? The mer oh.'.ii princes are all locaieil in the big cities. The intelliger.-.-e of small town business men will compare vt'-y f .voraoly wi'.h that of their city brethren. Then., when every cVrnent is considered, the result is always in favor of Inning at home if eu can f"'d v.'art you want. Local or civic pride si-ouM in:lu-nce people toward spending their money among their neighbors and frieids. In doing this you help yourself. You assist in building up ard strengthening the population ar.d resources of your own. community. The Germans do t'li loiter than any pep'e in the world. The record of growth of .he German "mpire in ihe h'-t thirty or forty years is not equalled in the history f the -".arid. They have '':ne it by intelligent action. The rules of German cities ko in this regard, and thev are so simple and easy to fellow that they will Has for the Holiday Season a magnificent variety of Poinsette, Cyclamen and Primrose Blooming Plants A Fine Selection of Ferns American Beauty Roses in abundance and other Choice Cut Flowers. "Floral Designs on Order for Christmas f unctions at moderate charge. tenner oromers Telephone 15 West Elm St. Plattsmouth to be given here in su'-starce First In your pur s, no matter haw small, do rot lose sight of the interests U i n n r, R n pa r- ? fa &J9 to V3 i II M a I hereby announce to you that on anj'thincj you buy in the line of Furniture and Rugs I will give you A Discount of 20 Per Cent from regular prices on Cash Purchases Only beginning December 19th, a. m., to December 24th, p. in. Remember the special days. I have many pieces of Furniture that are valuable and useful and make handsome Christmas Gifts. My gift to you is the 20 Per Cent Discount, as an nounced herein. Do not fail io call at the Big Fvrn;t;:rc Store ol; tarry, r.-fxrnt rru :xr. Nebraska j;j of your countrymen and '.he Falherlar.-l. Second Io not fo"'-et that when j ou purchase a foreign product, even though j or. spend only a pemiy, ; ou diminish in so n-.u-h the fortune (prosperity of your Fatherland. Third Your money should benefit only German merchants and German work men. Fourth Do not profane the German I-nd, the German louse, the German work shop or factory with the presence or use of foreign machinery or tools. Fifth !;o rot pei-mit the use on your table of foreign meats or greases (condi ments) that might cause a prejudice against German cattle or its products; or which, moreover- might put jour health in jeopardy, not having been examined by the Germ-in sanitarj police. Sixth Write on German paper, with a German pen. and dry your German ink with a German blotting paper. Seventh. In your d'ess goods use nothing but German cloths and bu.v German hats only. Eighth The German flour, the Gorm m fruits and the German beer are the onlj (ires that produce German strength. Ninth If you do not like German malt coffee, drink only cofTee harvested in Gorman colonies, and if you prefer chocolate or cocoa far jour children, see that this chocolate anil this coco x are exclusively Gt-rman articles. Tenth. See to it that foreign propag u da do not interfere with the strict ob servance of these wise precepts. Let it b? with you a firm and earnest conviction that, no matter what may be said, the bes1; products the only ones worthy of a citi zen of great Germany are the German p odu:ts. It is not possible for tho people of Plattsmouth to follow explicitly the precepts here laid down, but there i-; a great fund f r rejection r.n the proper spirit of patriot ism to ohserve toward your Lome town. At this Christmas season it will bo a gacd time for everyone to do what they can to help build up their own community by keeping in mind what Germany has done in creating a great empire. Quality Christmas WE HAVE THEM IN GREAT VARIETY Whitman's Candy, Perfumss, Fancy Station ery, Cameras, Fountain Peni, Mechani-.v '. j.cyi, Manicure Sets, Jewel Cases, Gold Watches, Lockets, Neck Chains, Souvenir Spoons, Urace lets, Clocks, Mesh Bags, Glove Boxes ar.d many other appropriate Gifts for every mem ber of the family. Prices fit for every pocketbook. Customers can save 20 Per Cent by buying through our Coupon Book. Phone 36 wmm 4 M i E3 Hubby must have his Shaves, Massages, Etc., otherwise his wife doesn't love him. Now, why not try to please your husband? When grouchy and tired, call No. 352, make an appointment for a Massage, Shampoo or Manicure. It relieves you of that tired feeling, making the world look brighter and the years younger. Anything that improves your appearance and sweetens your disposition will please your hutband as well as yourself. For further suggestions, watch this space. MISS BONGE Christmas LaEdiesl i HOME MADE ARE THE BEST Pure e.nd wholesome Prices the lowest Mixed Candies ... .10c par lb. and up New Crop Nuts. . . .15c per lb. and up Finest line of Box Candies in Plattsmouth. Also Christmas Post Cards, Tree Decorations, Box Stationery, Wrapping Paper, Napkins, Pipes, Tobacco in jars, Seals, Tags, Cards, Stick ers, Holly Boxes, Etc. Nemetz,& Co., :cel-: M ',4 fi O c r, ! minm me mmms Everybody makes it a point to be well fed. We can furnish you the Fine r.' i Geese and Ducks Choice Fat Turkeys and Chickens necessary for the Feast. Oysters Fish Celery and everything necessary for a great dinner. Qualify Provisions at reasonable prices. i L O-J: J ? i Ul Christmas Cheer! g Fine Candies, from 10c per lb. up Nuts and Fruits Idigh Grade Navel Oranges, per doz. .20c to 40c n Fresh and Canned Vegetables Standard Brands. We hare everything in first class Groceries known to the trade. Shop with us during the Christmas time. The best in High Grade Liquors and Cigars in great variety. Fine Wines for the Table. Exclusive Agents for Krug's Beers and I. W. Harper's Old Whiskies. I I 'i i i Ludwig Miller, Msr. 1 I t ! p A. G. Bach & Co .genberger s The Geo, W. Tnomss & Go, Market Candymakers 517 Main St. i Phone 231 Phone 87 Corner 5th and Main Sts. 1 tzJlruJlt flffl: