The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 10, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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p.r,r s.
- : ii nun i 1- :r-::
This W
I And f-ai'3 is a lis? of just a few of the things you can get ot our store!
i t
.) a
ftyle in dainty
T-d stock cf
p: nr.
i i
v .1 !
ariety you can think of.
Iritial I landket chiefs for
! wr.or.. us will as a com-
-M-rtmenl of ali other kinds.
Bathrobes for Men and Women. This
week we are making a specialty of bath
robes for IVIen and Women in a
large varietyof patterns for
This being an extremely practical age,
what gift can be more practical than a
nice Kimono? We carry a large
stock. Prices from $1.25. to
We have just received a new
supply of pretty things in Neck
wear you should come early in
order to have first choice.
Hosiery !
There's nothing more acceptable
as a gift than a nice pair of Hose.
We have excellent numbers in silk
for men and women, as well as
lovely qualities in Silk Lisle.
Great Show With .Marvelous Success
in All Ihe Large Cities cf the
United Stales.
Alvo Emotes
'Teg 'O My Heart," ' Oliver
Morosco's marvelous success, which
recently concluded a two-years' en
gagement at the Cort theater, Xew
Yo- k, -jvill be the attraction at the
j I'armele theater on Wednesday niiiht,
December 1!, with Marion Dentler in
the title role. The company present-
E. G. Doi ey & Son of This City Pur
sue Ihe Proper Course lo Head
OT Mail Oid r Houses.
t ;
j Phcr.e 53 or 54
the p
e:i tour are lisn; v;ni?
the "standing room only ' urn nt
every performance, and frequently
the theater-goers cf a tov. n will peti
tion Mr. Morocco for a return date in
order that they may see it again ard
that others, who failed to take ad-
! vanta.T? of the tir.-t opnn: tunity, may
I have the pk su--e of attending.
I In this p'ay Mr. Manners writ
I ten the first -A ngio-. rr.erican drama
! which does snip! e justice to all people
jccncen.ed. Hi chief character, Peg.
is an Irish-America :i gir' stubbornly
! Ametit"ti t.-.-.trioticaUy, yet lovably
and witti!''
rtva t,t
N:se.:om foe
e o .
I: i-h ii r.".Utre.
;t:.e are n:t earica
m, r M mt wrr i
y..-i:. xf i !
:ine lii it -.:
the Atle.nt
i tnat c t in 3 '".at::
t ca-t-fH Hm.-li-h m.-ith. r. v.
ties, th.ioi'i;ii the tei ms '
I let
are h te
h.o -e
Catalogue and oiher mail order
concerns use eveiy po.v.-lble means of
K-eltiir.' correct mailing lir ts of pros
pective customers, and the one most
frequently used is the request for in
formation as to the financial standing
of various people in your trade ter
ritory. Some of our merchants are not so
easily caught, however, as you will
note by the followin.' correspondence.
The letterhead 01 the ''.Mutual Infor
mation Huieau" is copied in fail :
St. Louis, Mo., Nov. lSl, l'.U-l.
Mr. CJeorpe L'ovey, I'Kil.smouth. Xeb.
Dear Sir: Will you please jrive us
!ii strict conudence, information a.s to
jih-? l-espon.-ii.iiiiy ,-,f Mr. Albeit
h'im'n Mil ana uo.m .ts., riaus
mouth, Xcb.?
I.oes he meet his ob'icritions as far
as you know ?
Has he a jrood pos:Jion and does he
wos-Jl steady?
r-i'.i-iSy eive us any infoimation
y.i can, ai:d rest as.,u;-ed whatever
von ted us will be iieated strictly con
fit'cntiul. We will 1 ' q; o-ate at some
time in the future.
.e ask vou. as a sner ial f.ivoi
was a 1.11--,
in Lincoln S;
in Lincoln Tsi
i .:n v
1'rit r, I'll-
II-. re
rowimr family and friends. During
the service three of the favorite songs
of the departed were sang very sweet
ly ly Mrs. C. S. Johnson and Miss
Ellen Windham, which came as balm
upon the achinjr hearts of the family
and friends, and with their hopeful
ness served to lesssen the sting of I
partinsr. There were a large number
of fir.ral remembrances, both from
ll.i. city and Council Bluffs, that
siltr.'.Iy alts.-icd the h: tsteem in
whi h Mr. Archer ha.l been held by
nil who knew him and the keen feel
ing of grief at his being taken from
them. At the close cf the service the
j bo ly was tenderly borne by six of the
old friends to its last earthly resting
the late Frank Arch-, rlace, whore it was consigned to sleep
lay afternoon at 1 i 'n the earth among the scenes where
me of the mother, -.he departed had been reared to man
hood and 1 ad lived for so many years.
The widow ami two daughters, as well
is the stepchildren and their families,
jf Council Bluffs, were present at the
"une; ?1 services of their beloved hus- j
o .
11 ua3w
Fr.:n Out of
. Attend the Last
d Bites.
B On all 6i
Ar :
h'-n r f rora vou at r
favotab'e or unfac: au'i,
important corresno
ce. whether
0-. a we have
me on hand
Sam Cashner h.-d busine-.s 'm '
coin Monday.
Mrs. C. M. Jordan was tra-ii
Lincoln Monday.
Ilarley Wolfe had busint--; In
coin Wednesday.
Mrs. V. II. Casey was trading
Lineoln Saturday.
J. S. Dimmitt, motlier and son vv
in Lincoln Monday.
TS I . T -1 ,
r-inier iiyv,.-r was Going hu- j
in Lincoln Monday.
Mrs. S. ( Boyli
visitor Wednesday.
Win. Tirri.lin va:
urday and Sunday.
Kay Bennett vas
da;.' aii(J W( d t. sday.
F. A. Barsell returned to i I,
in Lincoln Wednesday.
Henry Clapp, jr.. ; nd Dan Si.i.,1. :
were in Om 1. .'Ioi.da.
S. B. and Chas. Appleman ve- ; ,
t!;e capital city Wednesday.
Mr. and Mis. Chris Eichmai
trading in Urn-obi Tuesday.
Mr. ar.d .Mrs. Ed Ca-ey wev j,,
Lincoln Saturday and Sunday.
Leander Friend went to Linen"' n
V.' lnesiay to have his eye treated.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud.- Keuhn were in
Lincoln Monday, having Mrs. Kuehrfs
arm dressed.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceotgo Towle viit,-d
with .Mr. and .Mr.-. John Murtey Sat
urday and Sunday.
Dr. Muir reports the birth of a son
December !, It'll- at the horr" f.; Mr.
and Mrs. John Sutton.
Porter Appleman of Atlantic, L. .
was visiting his brothers. F. 11. .1
to 1 Harry Appleman. Saturday and S.ii -
Bom To .Air. and Mrs. Fail Heu-
toi.t we answer
'vliich ii is !iec2--s;;i
T'-.-u.'r'.hig you in advance for
. e. s, v.e l eg to it. main.
Yours re-pectfu'Jy,
M utttal Infoimiitien Bureau.
'"ett, a son. rn -iiday night, D.-.-ei-.-bcr
i. Mother and boy doing nicelv.
,. 1
it. Vk
Piatt -moiuh, Xtb..
Fiank Parr, Sec'y.
Dear Sir: This is
1 , ,
iiii- sort we rr.'.e
t the r.
Archt.-r, on Locust street,
art-ely atter.deil by old
rc'i-r.hors. a.s well as a
-r o:' rtlatives and friends
:! B'.a.Ts, ivhcre the de-
e 1 . 1 1
1 ma-ie his heme for the
er. y..-ars. and who came to
last ti-ibr.tcs of love an 1
their departed
conducte 1
on the bier o
: Tite services wcr
L.v. V. M. Dru!ir-r ef the Firt:t
ho iist church and were simnle and
i---: es-ive, as the minister in his re
rraii's irave much comfort to the sor-
i ;
duyy PBS Hay Pfayyiibiy m
)ar.(i and father. Mr. Archer was a
rcnikmun who was very highly
esteemed here in Plattmouth, where
he hal resided for many years, and
his derth caused a most profound of grief to the entire com
munity, and to the stricken family the
deepest sympathy goes out in their
hour of grief.
XV. v. 2fi, Bl 1.
, Omaha,
the sixth letter
'c-"ive 1 dur"ne-
iaqi i"is of the
t! err nt. ree
1 r mov Lh, m;;
-'tr. .Lung ot !;!
te r,r- weved rs:-ne or them. This
i:5 prel-rb'y a method for retting a
m-ilin.g list for seme of the mail
order concerns.
We t'iii k ah retailer? should be
warned r' ai::s: anstvcrir.g thece letter.--.
Yours truly.
1;. g. novriY & sox.
By Ccvrge Dovev.
You want to take jour hat off to talk
to Earl and hear h?m saj- "Papa.
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer received the sad
news Sunday evening that her brother
Victor II. Ough had drowned at '!
o'clock that afternoon while skating
on a lake at Maryland. Xeb. The bo iy
was recovered after five hours ami
brought to Lincoln Monday night to
:-v.-ait the arrival of his father, Hern .-
S. Ough, from Pixley, Cah, who is
expected by Thursday of this week.
A11 obituary will appear next week.
Heating, Plumbing end Wirin
'n f.f?
lif3 unAD
vr 'T2r YsT
Watchmaker m
We've made extra preprations for your Holiday needs. Our stock is
"-mplete and riht up to the minute. We furnish you
Gjodsof Quality at Reasonable Prices.
Diamond Rings,
Sterling Silver,
Chains and Fobs,
Parisian, Ivory and
Silver Toilet Sets,
Fountain Pens,
Cuff Links and Stick Hallow Ware,
Watches, Pins, Cut Glass,
Hand Painted China, Clocks, &c, &c.
We have
Will you have a Victrola in your home this Christmas?
them in stoci at
$15.00, $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, $100.00 and $150.00
md See Them!
The members of Cass Camp Xo.
332 last evening met in their lode
room in the Woodman building to
take up the work of the electing of
officers for the ensuing year, and the
gentlemen who have so faithfully dis
charged their duties in the past year
were re-elected to their respective
offices and will continue to carry out
the guiding policy of the order during
the ' next year. The officers elected
were :
Consul Frank J. Libershal.
Worthy Advisor J. E. Schutz.
Banker William Nassler.
Clerk IL F. Goos.
Escort II. II. Wilcox.
Watchman A. F. F.raun.
Sentry A. J. Skoda.
Physicians Dr. J. S. Livingston,
Dr. E. D. Cummins.
After the transaction of the busi
ness of the session the members en
joyed a most delightful smoker and
had the pleasure of hearing a very in
teresting address from Judge Allen J.
Beeson on "Woodcraft" that brought
home to the members the lessons
taught by this splendid order. The
meeting was quite enthusiastic over
the outlook for the future of the
order and every member present de
parted for their homes feeling glad
that they were members of this great
fratrnal order and voting to boost the
work on No. 332 during the ensuing
yeir and adding to its membership, as
well as the good work of the ordar.
will, have had to take her
home for the purpc-e cf
into their
r rcr:v 1? a -5 ioi'ow-
Orraha. X b.. X v. 27. 1014.
C Dcvoy S--i, P.M smooth. Xeb.
Oertt'err.en: You size up the situa
tion exactly with reference to the plan
of 'ho "Mutual In"o?n-r.t':on Bureau,"
from which fictitious orj-.-inization ycu
enc'ore a copy of their letter.
If every retrPcr in the country
would be eqjaliy posted a.s you are
the catalogue hovf es and other firms
dei'tg a mail o'-e'er business would
net get the grod maih'ng lists that
they have nt the rirespnt tirae. One
nail order bouse that I know gets its
mailing lifts under live or six differ-
Samuel Otto Rosenow, son of Mr.
Mis. Fr:nz Rosenow, was boin
lior :n.l rtnl i li In tr li.-r Kiln i l-eieliv
welcome there, yet the fact that s,hejc:it fi'-titions names and no doubt if
1 'oif yk 1 '- s x- r t c-r rt ti-U'ino-
has inherited a portion of the estates
make it necessary for them to endure
her presence. Teg, however, L. not a
nonentity by any means. She has her
own ideas of things and she does not
care a hang for conventionalists such
as are found in English homes. Her
one friend is Jerry, a happy-go-lucky
fellow whom she meets and in whom
Tie confides all her t;oub!es. In the
('own who the "Mutual Information
Buieau" is you would fnd that they
ae a well organized catalogue house,
desiring to get the financial standing
as well as other information on pros
pective customers.
Should you get any more com
munications of this kind, you will do
voursclf and the other retailers
e nd Peg makes a change in that honieii1" b' consigning tha same to the
P. E. O., Xolice!
Chapter F, P. E. O., will meet with
Mrs. J. M. Roberts Friday afternoon,
December 11th, at 2:30.
in a way that is delightful.
"Peg" is a wonderful success, such
as the American stage has not seen
before in years and which may not be
duplicated for many years to come.
The Marion Dentler company gives
cl arming presentation of this little
comedy, and those who see it will
never forget it. It is like a breath
from a rore-scented garden.
waste basket without paying any at
ter.tion whatever to the request.
In the next isaie of the Bulletin,
land through Trade Exhibit, I antici
pate giving a good deal of publicity
to this subject and warn all the re
tailers, as far a? possible, to steer
clear of giving information of this
kind. Yours very truly,
J. FP.AMK BARR. Secretary.
Omaha Trade Exhibit.
Soren Anderson to M. E.
Bone, lots 1 ard 2. block
V, South Park addition,
cit. y Consideration
J. C. Clymer to R. E. C!y
mer, part SW quarter, SE
quarter 20-12-9. Con
sideration Victor Olson to Richaid Lo-
berg, lots
7HS and. TOO,
in Cass county, Xebr.iska, October :;L
ISM!, and died Xoveraber 27, P. 14. by
accidental drowning i,i a creek on a
neighbor's farm. He was raised in a
Christian home and on December .M.
1 '.". he joined the Cernian Evangeli
cal church at Elmwood, Xeb., during
the ministry of Rev. .Mr. Weigert. He
was an honest and industrious youne
man, who practiced economy and had
bottnaht a farm near Alvo- making
part payment. He had not been wed
for several months, though still ab'e
to be about and do a normal amount
of work. His sudden death was a
great shock to his relatives and
frier.ds. He is survived by his aged
parents and nine brothers, who have
the sympathy of the entire community.
The funeral services were held at
the home at 2 o'clock in the after
noon Sunday, November 20, 1014, con
ducted by Rev. C. Jannen, pastor of
the Cerman Evangelical church at
Elmwood. The remains were laid to
rest in the beautiful Elmweod cemetery.
To Business Men.
I wish to notify all business men
selling Triner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine r.nd Angelica Bitter
Tonic that oroprietary medicines are
not subject to any war tax.
Joseph Triner,
1331-1 : VVJ S. Ashland Ave.,
Chicago, 111.
Christmas Baxcs.
Our new Dennison line of Christ
mas Bo:ces have arrived, and in this
line you will find the handsomest as
sortment of oont-iner.-i for your gifts
to yeur friends and relatives. These
W. R. C, N'.:ice! 'boxes are mr.ce ior an m:u ui
Th3 Woman's' Relief Conr; will hell lent:;, from the smallest article up to
th-ir regular meeting in their rooms1 as large as you may desire. Call and
in the court house Saturday afternron 1 ce this line if you are looking for
at 2:30. All members are urged to handsome boxes; they will surely
be present, as the annual election of j please you. The Journal Stationery
officers will be held at this time. j Department.
Card of Thanks.
To the kin' neighbors and friends
who came to our assistance in the sad
hours of our deepest affliction, whose
kind words of consolation and floral
offerings did so much to lighten our
burden of sorrow, we return our most
heartfelt thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Franz
William Rosenow,
Charles Rosenow,
Herman Rosenow,
Ferdinand Rosenow
Frank Rosenow,
August Rosenow,
Edward Rosenow,
Daniel Rosenow,
Emil Rosenow.
For Sale.
300-acre irrigated farm in western
Nebraska, all good, first-bottom land,
fenced and well improved, 120 acres in
alfalfa, 90 acres in wild hay, an in
exhaustible supply of water no water
rent to pay price $7".00 per acre, on
agreeable terms. Apply at this office.
G. A. R., Notice!
The C. A. Ii. will hold their regular
meeting Saturday evening at their
rooms in the court house. The annual
election of officers will be held at this
time and a full attendance is desired.
1913 Calendar Pads at the Journal