The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 10, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Murray Department
Remarkable Land Chances
for You in Wyoming
Tf any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
even! or item of interest in
tliis vicinity, and will mail
same to I liis ofliee. it will ai-IM-ar
under ttiis heailintr. We
want all news items- Kimtor
Prepared in the l;teret of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity E.-pecially for the Journal Readers
.Easier' w
fl ORE v7omen than ever are now paying their bills BY CHECK
Ifs EASIER. QUICKER, SAFER. If your husband doesn't see
it, madam, he is hardly playing fair. PAYING BY CHECK
saves yoi TROUBLE handling ready cash; it saves you TIME con
sumed in personal payment; it saves you WORRY over possible mixup;
it assuies your standing with the merchant. Use our checks.
Four per cent interest on time deposits. deposits are protected by tlv State Guaranty Law.
Your personal taxes are now due. The same can be paid at this bank
A. I. Crunk was a Plattstnouth
i farmers" line. The present system
i st! icily on the bum.
Miss Ilanna Hanson was a Platts
ir,;h viit. r Thursday.
E l I .each and wife of Union have
r.'.w i in with Lee Allison.
II. II. Nickels was transacting busi-!'.--
at Piatt r.iouth Friday.
!.!.;.! .'in. J Wayne Lewis had thi'
-l.ate :-.t l'r.i.n Wednesday.
!.. ai.d George Nickles made a
'h i . e t Wet ping Water Sunday.
.M'. E. II. Queen was l'Ki!incr after
! u-ii.i -s in IM-ttimo-.::n Saturday.
h.i-. Wolfe ;,ri wife spent Thurs
day v. irh M- nt Shrader at Nehawka.
The farmers in the vicinity of Lewi-ton
are talking strong of or;:ar.i.ii:g
William'i is moving in wit'n
L-e Nickels for ti.e rest of the v. 1 1
-Iro. Heiulrivks and wife were eali
ir.c ii the Murray merchants Satu r
day. I", L. Rhoden and wife were trans
:. tir.L' hn.-ir.ess in Plattsmouth Satur
day .if'
Maik White, acc. mpanied by (I. S.
U' ard wife and Miss Ester, rr.o-to:,-d
to Omaha Thursday.
I". L. Hhod.-n hat! the tr i s fortune
to rut quite a fa.-h in his right foo'
whi'e hi. lining wood Thursday.
W. R. Good aud wife and .Miss Ida
'i .'-i were pa.-.-engers to Omaha on
the early Burlington Wednesday.
Call Nickels and wife, Virgil Sed
: ll. and wife and Dan Sedath left
Tuesihiy cvci:in',' for a visit with home
folks in Missouri.
L .rn - To Mr. and Mrs. Carter Al
bin, on I cen ."jlh, an eleven-
pound baby b-y. Iioih mother and
little one are doing nicely.
Special Agents for
Santa Glaus
Murray, - -
Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver, jr., were
Plattsmouth visitors Saturday.
John Rutherford was visiting his
sisters, Mrs. Dill ant! Mrs. Bunker,
Mesdames O. S. Davis, E. S. Tutt
and V. A. Kennedy were Omaha vis
itors Thursday.
Jas. Reynolds and Chas. Rateliff
of Union were guests at the birthday
dinner of II. L. Oldham.
Galen Rhoden was a Plattsmoith
visitor Monday, spending the day
with county seat friends.
Mrs. Will Oliver, sr., of Platts-
mouth visited a few days last week
at the home of her daughter- Mrs.
Chas. Contryman.
F. L. Rhoden was a Platsmouth vis
itor Wednesday afternoon, looking
after some business matters with
county seat business men.
Mrs. Mary Smith and children re
turned to their home from Ilaveloek,
where they have been visiting wrh
relatives for the past few davs.
Mrs. Curzy Baker, the oldest sis
ter of II. L. Oldham- was the only
relative that could be present at the
histhday anniversary of the latter.
Miss Edith Devore of Greenwood,
who has been visiting at the home of
her cousin. Will Oliver, jr., the past
few days, went to Plattsmouth Fri
day evening to visit with relatives.
Wm. Wehrbein was looking after
some bnsiness matters in the county
seat Monday of this week, and while
there called at The Journal office and
enrolled his name for the paper for
one year.
Red Cross Seals will be on sale at
Iliatt & Tutt's. The sale of these
little stamps for your Xmas letters
and packages helps to stamp out the
dread disease of tuberculosis. Buy
- Nebraska
II. C. Creamer was a Union visitor
E. S. Scntton was an Omaha vis
itor Saturday.
Mrs. Allison of Plattsmouth was in
attendance at the bazaar Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman were
Omaha visitors Saturday.
W. D. Wheel r has been very sick
for the past few days, threatened with
an attack of pneumonia.
Your personal taxes are now due.
Hear in mind that the same can be
paid at the Murray State Bank.
Guy Stokes and Arthur Copen
haver were Omaha and Council Bluffs
visitors Monday, going up for the pur
pose of buying a corn sheller.
On Saturday eveninjr, December 12,
the annual election of officers will oc
cur in the Murray locVe- of M. W. A.
AM members are requested to be pres
ent. There will be a meet injur of the vot
ers of the district to decide what shall
be done with the old school building.
This meeting will take place Monday
eveninjr, December IE
The 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Reaves fell last Tuesday and
dislocated his shoulder. The injury
was quite painful and the young man
has suffered a great ileal.
Mrs. Willard Shelby, sister of Mrs.
B. F. Brendel- came in last Thurs
day from Lebanan, Indiana. She will
visit here for a couple of weeks and
then return with her mother, Mrs.
Parr, who has been visiting here for
the past few months with her daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker enter
tained a number of relatives at din
ner last Sunday. The folowing were
present to partake of the excellent
noon-day meal prepared by Mrs.
Baker: Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Brendel,
Rev. G. II. Robb, Mr. Al. Bartlett,
Mrs. Amanda Parr, and Mrs. J. W.
Shelbv of Indiana.
A Double Miscellaneous Shower.
East Saturday afternoon a most
charming occasion was enjoyed by a
host of friends at the hospitable home
of Mr. and Mrs. Massey, when Mrs.
Massey and Georgia Hoback gave a
miscellaneous shower in honor of the
Misses Myrtle and Ida Brown, who
were married Wednesday. The rooms
were beautifully decorated in pink
and preen, the color schemes being
carried throughout. Georgia favored
the guests with a number of vocal and
instrumental selections and gave sev
eral vocal numbers, being accom
panied by Misses Brown, Philpot and
Hart. At a suitable hour all were
ushered in the dining room, where
dainty refreshments were served, that
aided in completing a most delightfil
afternoon. The guests of honor re
ceived many beautiful and useful
presents. It is needless to say they
were almost overpowered with their
feelings on the event and that the
occasion was one filled .with the great
est of pleasure and were more thrtn
delighted with the treat afforded them
by Mrs. Massey and Mrs. Hoback.
Entertained at Linen Shower.
Mrs. Homer Shrader entertained nt
a linen shower in honor of Miss Es
ther Ray, who will be a December
bride. After a pleasant afternoon
spent in social conversation, popcorn
and candy and a lovely two-course
dinner was served by Mrs. Shrader.
Many very pretty and useful pieces cf
linen were showered upon Miss Es
ther. Following were those present:
Mr. and Mrs. Will Seybolt, Mr. and
Mrs. Hatchett and family, Mrs. George
Ray and daughter, Esther; Mrs. Will
Oliver, Mrs. J. F. Brendel- Mamie
Davis, Henrietta Creamer, Isabelle
Shrader, Jessie Barrows, Clara
Mumm, Nettie Smith, Esther Rice,
Margaret Moore, Pearl Dugay, Ruth
Kline, Vera Yardley, Alice Gobelnian,
Versa Albin, Walter Wimmer- Mr,
and Mrs. Homer Shrader, Forest and
7 -v
United Presbyterian Church Notes.
The Mission Study class met as
usual Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Eliza Young. The ten mem
bers who were present entered heart
ily into the discussion of the financial
support of the missionary enterprise.
Their text book is entitled The Why
and How of Foreign Missions.
The receipts of the bazaar were
about $125 and the nci proceeds will
be over $115. The president of the
society appreciates the help received
and wishes to thank everyone who in
any way contributed to the success of
the occasion. j
For Sale.
A number of pure bred Plymouth
Rock hens. Mrs. R. M. Shrader, Mur
ray, Neb. Telephone 4-N.
irom Tuesday's ra!iy
Yesterday was the seventieth
birthday anniversary of IE E. Oldham,
one of the pioneer residents of the
vicinity of Murray, and the occasion
was most fittingly observed by a
gathering of the old friends and
neighbors to do honor to this most
estimable gentleman, who has con
tributed so much to the advancement
of the community in which he has
made his home for so many years.
The Oldham home wai filled with the
old friends and a jolly time had in
renewing the acquaintances of years
ago and in the celebration of the
happy event of the day. Mr. Oldham
is a member of one of the most prom
inent families of the county, who came
here at an early day, and has con
stantly taken the keenert interest in
the welfare of the county and state,
where he has been so long a useful
resident. J. T. Reynolds and Charles
Rateliff of Union were also present
on the occasion of the birthday to as
sist in helping Mr. Oldham celebrate
it in first-class shape. One of the
pleasant features of the ocasion and
one thoroughly enjoxe-i. was the
sumptuous dinner served at noon by
Mrs. Oldham and daughters in a most
charming manner, and as the com
pany, together with the guest of
honor, were seated around the festal
I boat d a feast fit for a king was set
(before them and it is unnecessary to
state that everyone present did ample
justice to the good things set before
them. The affair was entirely a sur
prise to Mr. Oldham and one he will
long pleasantly remember.
Mr. Oldham was remembered by his
friends by a most highly appreciated
gift as a token of the high esteem in
which he is held.
Pay your personal taxes at the
Murray State Bank.
An Insult to a Dutiful Lady.
The removal of Mrs. A. J. Stokes
from the telephone exchange is only
an added insult to the patrons here.
Her work was highly satisfactory and
the accusations made against her
were absolutely false. She was un
tiring in her efforts, ever ready to
please and the community is indig
nant beyond expression.
Since the consolidation of the
Plattsmouth company with the Lin
coln Telephone and Telegraph com
pany the patrons have felt that the
dollar was the :i amount issue. They
have shown a strong disposition to
imnose the cheapest labor, yet ii sist
for their rentals in advance.
The for-ung of collection and the
removal of phones from some of our
oldest and nios respectable fan.ilics
have aroused public opinion to the ex
tent that at a recent neeting a re
quest was made to the Farmers' Mu
tual to extend their lines on into
Mu kiay.
In the short time the Lincoln Tele
phone and Telegraph company have
owned the lines they have changed
operators four times. If the oper
ators be ever so capable it is impos
sible to give good service under a
month. If each subscriber would f b
solutely refuse to pay for the month
of December while this operator was
learning the board it would mean ?300
to the company, in the four changes
$1,200; this would greatly decrease
the imposing of a r.ew operator on
the patrons of the exchange. Just
try it once.
Another item that is causing com
ment is the situation of the public
booth in the living rooms of the
At present the booth is located be
tween the sleeping room and the liv
ing room. Requests have been made
as late as 11 o'clock at night and as
early as 5 o'clock in the morning.
What privacy has the operator? And
why is this the case? Simply because
the company does roc want to pay
rent for a space downstairs, where it
would be much more convenient to the
Not a very good feeling exists be
tween the patrons and the company
and the removal of Mrs. Stokes only
increases it.
Social Dance.
There will be another one of those
social dances given at the Jenkins'
hall in Murray on Saturday even
ing. December 12th, given by Elmer
Boedeker. Remember, the music is
the very best, and there is a good
time in store for you. Make the date
now, and do not fail to attend.
Colonel Jenkins Store Entered by
Burglars for the Second Time in
Less Than One .Month.
From Thursday's Daily.
Last night or early this morning
the store of Colonel Jenkins at Mur
ray was visited by burglars for the
second time in less than a month, and
the job was done in almost the same
manner as the one a lew weeks ago.
Entrance was made through an upper
window in the rear of the store build
ing, as since the previous robbery the
lower windows have been kept nailed
down. The burglar or burglars ran
sacked the store thoroughly and se
cured some " in pennies, as well as
an amount of tobacco, several knives
and numerous other small articles,
and were sucessful in making a get
away from the scene of operation.
The only clue found was on one of
the windows which had been broken
an 1 where there was considerable
blood, as though the person going out
there had cut themselves on the
broken glass in getting away. As iw
the previous burglary a piece from a
brake beam was used as a pry in get
ting open the window and points as
though the two jobs might have been
carried out by the same person, which
if it was certainly showed a good deal
of nerve to pull off the burglary so
soon after the first one.
Colonel Jenkins departed for Omaha
on the early Missouri Pacific this
morning at o'clock and was unaware
f the entrance that had been made
into the store, as the discovery was
not made of the burglary until the
?lerks opened up the store shortly be
fore 7 o'clock. The residents of Mur
ray are greatly interested in the af
fair, as it seems possible that there
is an organized effort being made to
burglarize the business houses there,
md there will be a close watch kept
;o prevent a repetition of the
from Tuesday's Daily.
Plattsmouth in the last few days
'ias received an addition to its popula
tion in the person of Robert L. Propst
.nd family, who have decided to move
from their farm at Mynard and locate
in this city in the future. Mr. Propst
has rented the R. B. Windham, jr.,
residence in the Second ward and will
reside there this winter, although he
figures on building a home to suit him
in the spring if a suitable site can be
found. Mr. Propst stated a few days
igo, when approached on the subject,
'.hat for thirty-eight years his faith
ful helpmate had gotten the meals for
'.he family and the breakfast hour
had ranged from 2 to 8 a. m., and he
thought that it was time for her to
have a rest, and that the children, who
had attended the school here had
iriven back and forth from Mynard
ong enough and they would move in
to make their home here in this cen
'er of culture and education.
Goes to Look After Repairs.
From Tuesday's Dally
Harve Manners, the expert auto
mobile repair artist, departed this
morning on the early Missouri Pacific
for Omaha, from where he will go to
Correctionville, Iowa, where he will
do some repairs needed on an Inter
state automobile. Ha-ve is an expert
in his line and if the car can be fixed
up he is surely there on the job and
the parties owning the car made no
mistake in selecting the workman.
FOR SALE A few more of those
light Brahmas. Inquire of Mrs.
Wm. Gilmour, R. F. D. No. 1,
Plattsmouth, Neb. 12-10-3tw
Sold by all lead
ing Dealers
Now is the time for you to visit the Big Horn Basin and travel through
it over he Burlington's new Wyoming Mainline between Denver and Billings
the railroad that is going to increase farm acreage, settle up the Govern
ment's irrigated homesteads, increase the population of toA.,s and increase
land values generally.
Why do you till the soil of another, getting nowhere towards land own
ership for your family, when with a small payment you can homestead a
Government irrigated farm with a reliable and permanent water supply or.
a 20-year easy payment plan with no interest that makes it almost a irift.
to you.
THE NORTH PLATTE VALLEY Here is another section called by
many, "America's Valley of he Nile."' It is, also- on the Burlington's new
Wyoming Mainline. Today you can get an irriyated farm in that Valley
...i. - t - i i . ,.
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office or Murray
State Bank for
Wm. R. Young
Careful attention to Public Sales
Itates are Ileasonable.
Call at my expense
Murray, - Nebraska
From Wednesdays Dally.
This morning was the first of this
fall that has borne the appearance of
winter and the fall of snow, while
slight, was a strong reminder of what
might be expected later on. Yester
day all day the weather alternated
from rain to snow and kept this up
all day, but toward night, the weather
becoming colder, the rain turned into
snow and fell with a softness over
the city, and while not of much depth
:t will be welcomed as the herald of
the winter time. A great many of
the farmers claim that snow has been
badly needed by the wheat, of which
there is a great deal throughout the
Taken to House of Hope,
frnm Wertnesila v Tatv.
This morning E. B. Taylor of Weep
ing Water departed ftr Omaha, tak
ing with him W. S. Walker, an old
soldier, and for a great many years
a resident of Weeping Water, who
will be placed there for care. Mr.
Walker has become quite feeble and
has been cared for in this city for the
past year, but it was thought that he
ould be looked after better in the
Home in Omaha and he will be placed
hM-e at once. Mr. Walker came to
.ass county in 1807 and located on a
farm near Weeping Water, where he
made his home for a number of years
r.nd has since resided in that vicinity
Piano at a Bargain.
We have a used piano in good con
dition that one of our customers was
unable to finish paying for. We will
place it free of charge in the home
of anv satisfactory party in the
vicinity of Tlattsmouth who will pay
the balance in cash or payments as
low as SG.OQ ner month. Address
Olney Music Co., St. Joseph, Mo..
Black walnuts; advise how many,
Also all kinds of seed. Mail samples.
Johnson Bros., Nebraska City.
Remember that you can pay your
personal taxes at the Murray State
Bank. The same are now due and
can be paid at the bank.
F. R. Gobelman was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where he
goes to look after some matters of
business with the wholesale houses in
that city.
FPiltPQ FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
ll 1 1 W W A miid system of treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other
Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform
Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac
cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on
Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently
cnred DR. TARRY Bee Bulldlnc-Omahe.
v,nos,e vaiue is oounn to increase on tne completion
of this mainline.
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Items of Interest to Our Headers
j leaned from the Newspaper
-Files of Many Year Ago.
The Catholic fair and festival on
Monday evening was very well at
tended, the hall being full, hey had
a little mistake about the music, but
Mr. L. V. Johnson kindly helped them
out and then all went as meriy as
any fair and festival, and the
pecuniary results were most satis
factory. J. A. Walker, of Rock Bluffs, an old
Cass countian and staunch democrat,
came in to see how he stood with the
Herald. We can only answer first
rate. Such men always do. He does
us the honor to sr.y that we make a
good republican newspapers. That's
all we hope to do.
Jas. S. Mathews of Greenwood call
ed on the Herald Tuesday. Mr. M.
is canvassing, for several valuable
books and deserves success. He wants
to trade his farm near Greenwood for
a house and lot in town. Go for him
some of you swapping real estate
Waterman & Son have started a
branch lumber yard at Louisville.
Mr. King will attend the yard there,
they expect to sell at Plattsmouth
prices, with freight added about .2
per M. They hope to get the trade
there of all desiring lumber who are
closer to Louisville than to Platts
mouth. Mr. W. & Son are good busi
ness men, pleasant to deal with, and
will no doubt do a good trade there.
The old and well known firm of
Vallery & Ruffner have moved into
the stoie formerly occupied by Clark
& Plummer, and afterwards by Eli
Plummer, on the south side of Main
street, and will there open and sell a
large and handsome stock of spring
goods suitable to all kinds of trade
and to the wants of the county. They
are good merchants, have pleasant
and agreeable salesmen, and always
keep a good stock of goods on hand.
Try the boys in the new stand and
see if you do not like them.
The Old Settlers' society (which
McDonagh declares dead, but that,
like the democratic party, won't die)
met in the court house on Saturday,
A. L. Childs in the chair, William
Wells, secretary. Several applications
for membership were received, and
the association adjourned to meet on
the last Saturday in January. It is to
be hoped that all the old settlers in
the county will attend this meeting
and see if we can form and keep up an
association cf this kind. Otoe, Burt,
Washington and other counties have
done so, and derived much amuse
ment and instruction therefrom.
Patient for State Hospital.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday the board of insanity
was called to pass upon the case of
Mrs. Missouri Curtiss, the lady who
was brought in by Sheriff Quinton
from the vicinity of Manley, where
she was found wandering around the
country apparently demented. The
ady was adjudged by the board to be
a fit patient for the state hospital for
the insane and she will be taken there
by the sheriff as soon as possible.