The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 10, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    TlfTf FiOAY. DECEMBER 10. 1911.
'Cbz plattsmou tb journal
Published Sem l-W eekly at Plattsmouth. Nobr.
Entered at the I'ostofflcc at I'lattsmouih. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Bubeorlptlon Prloe; S1.50 Per Year In Advert
Tirt)LGTIT roil TODAY.
-I The brave man carries out v
I- his foitune aid every man is v
the son of his own woiks. l
! Cervantis. -I
. . . . . . . .
The price of wheat has passed the
dollar murk in many local markets.
Piati.-r.iouth i.- assuming a Christ
mas air in great shape. Nothing
like it.
Talking pe:ce does not seem to
have a great deal of effect with the
kings" war.
Place your Christmas presents
v.hoe th:y wi'i do the most good
i:rru ng home folks.
:o:;!.es made by other people have
r'.ade fortunes for the man who in
vented lubber erasers.
The Nebraska suffrr.
collected and exnended j
-o havi
.: 00 in
ate campaign.
We are re-dy to het that the car I
!' not eat his C'h-istmas dinner in
IYiiin. or the kaiser in Paris.
:n :
h-ve lPT.rrkcd before theiwas ,ns? enougn to overlook oeorge
ver-.iser is the one that will !
eai ! v
tho Chri business.
rarrurs ar.d merchants will pre
:'.'", at" in th. next legislature.
Tht-.e are very few lawyers, it would
It i-n t as difficult to seloct a
h. i .- mas present as it is to r;ct the
m to buy them in many in s.
The !;vt'-3'p war correspondent for
the A :r.o. -i'-ari ::ewsrapers v. ill be flble
t" k-. Ti move about the war at home
than if he was over there.
:n :
A v.un may wuik his head off for a
j' i, ar.d after it has been promised
him he announces that he has con
cluded to accept. That's cheek!
Ikrhrps it is to be attributed to
Kcrenil interest in the war, but had
you i:otice! that Teddy can yet talk a
dozen times where anybody gets ex
cited O!:oe? ,
:o :
Those republican editors who are
h.iipii.T so much
bout the war tax
lit -King
stnmns ought to know-
better, but they don't want to. There
ain't ai.y of them old enough, per
h:ip. 1 therefore are excused for
their ignorance.
Now we suppose that the improve
ments on the state university will go
forward without any more unneces
sary delay. The removal questkm
having been settled by such an over
whelming majority of the taxpayers
of the stale.
it. mouth is not the only town
thai is experiencing a giowth in busi
ness during the period of depression
further east. Omaha's bank and post
o.T.ce statements show gains over last
year in the Nebraska metropolis. It
speaks well for this part of the world.
R. L. Metcalfe says that the politi
cal fued existing between Bryan and
Hitchcock is a hopeless hatred. Not
Ucessarily if each would assume his
proer place. A United states
senator has rights which should not
be interfered with by cr.e holding a
cabinet position. Theie's just exactly
shere all the trubTe cm? nates.
R. L. Metcalfe, in Iiij Omaha Ne
biu.kan, ofTer the following: sugges
tion to W. J. Bryan, which if accepted
v." Ill go a long v. ays to pacify the
democratic turmoil in the state:
The Nebraskan has a suggestion to
make to you, Mr. Bryan, and promises
that if ycu act upon it, you will have
gene a great way towards the restora
tion of real harmony in the democratic
party in Nebraska.
C. M. Gruenther of Flatte county is
a candidate for collector of internal
revenue for Nebraska. You have de
clared that you are opposed to his ap
pointment to that position. But we
:iai often heard you say that "no
question is ever settled until it is set
tled right." If we are correctly in
"ormed, you object to Mr. Gruenther
because he opposed Mr. Wilson in the
Nebraska primaries. Can you over
look this when it is recalled that the
president does not observe a similar
test when he appoints men to office?
He has chosen for nigh places a num
ber of men who opposed him in the
primaries and some, we believe, who
evcn PP?ed him in the election.
George Fred Williams was foolish
j enough to call Mr. Wilson "a black-
hearted tcry" during the primary
Cut the president knew
::aL even big men are sometimes i
given to saying foolish things during
a political campaign. The president
Williams' foolish remark when
Markic- signed Mr. Yv'iiliams' commission
a. i minister to Greece.
The Nebrpsksn realizes that you
may not be willing to accept Mr.
Git:enther for revenue collector and it
therefore suggests that after you have
chosen for that office a man whose
peii-onal standing and reputation
among all who know him is as good
as Mr. Gruenther's, you join in bring
ing about Mr. Grucnther's appoint
ment to some other place of honor.
S jrely, yo'i know that in every pub
lic CiTlce he has held, Mr. Gruenther
has acquitted himself so well that in
his own county republicans unite with
democrats in voting for him. Ycu
know that he is a man of high ideals;
that he stands for clean citizenship
and clean homes; that he is honored
and re.-pected by the men and women
cf his community. If you do not knew
ail this, then somebody has been fool
ing you.
There are a lot of things that
would better be forgotten by Ne
braska democrats. But the Nebraskan
would ask you to do a littla "remem
bering" for the sake of "Auld Lang
Syr.e." In the long ago when the
boys in the Nebraska trenches affec
tionately called you "Billy," when
men who had no possible hope of re
ward rushed to the firing line, glad of
the opportunity to bare their breasts
in your defense, "Chris" Gruenther
w as "working his way" through a Lin
coln college by waiting on table. There
ha met you one day, and he fell in
iove with you in person, as he had al
ica ly been attracted to you by your
speeches and writings. From that
moment he was your faithful follower.
In later years he helped to organize
the "Bryan Volunteers," an organiza
tion that contributed materially to
your Nebraska success. No need to
recount in detail the service he ren
dered to you and to the cause of
It i not strange that Senator
Hitchcock supports Mr. Gruenther,
for irr Mr. Hitchcock's senatorial cam
paign, Gruenther gave the same high
class effort which he had always given
you. But you can help him, too, on
the same score and you will both be
honored through the fact that you are
supporting a man of whose character
and condnct you need not be ashamed.
It would bo a fine time, Mr. Bryan,
for you to ignore some cf the "advice J
you are being given these days and
help in the selection of Mr. Gruenther.
Not that he needs the place, for he
does not need it. Not that he is now
anxious for it, for he is of a sensative
nature, and the "honor'" has all been
rubbed off in the contest that has
been carried on.
The big thing would be that the
real Cryan would be doing business at
the old stand. The big thing would
be in the warning it would give to all
concerned that there is to be no petty
wrangling in Nebraska with your
sanction. The big thing would be
that it would be a really BIG THING
to do.
I am writing this without Mr.
Grucnther's knowledge. I am not in
debted to him politically. I am not
concerned in the appointment of any
candidate of Mr. Hitchcock's any
more than that I believe that appoint
ments should be made with considera
tion for the personal character and
qualification for party service. I am
making it with the conviction that if
you act in this suggestion, you will
be aoing something that will warn the
cockles of the hearts of many demo
crats who have, through the misun
derstandings of recent years, grown
a bit cold, but who yet entertain real
affection for you.
I know how prone are those whose
ear it is difficult to reach to pass by,
as unworthy of notice, suggestions
such as I am making to you. But I
can prove the soundness of my posi
tion by all the speeches that have
made ycu famous from the "Prince
of Peace" to "Naboth's Vineyard." I
can prove it by every appeal you made
in the days of the long ago to your
followers among whom factional
strife had grown up. I can prove it,
best of all. bv the beatine of vour own
heart when you recall the years of
mighty effort and patient struggle in
Nebraska, and the service that has
been rendered you by such men as
Gruenther by the beating of your
own heart when the stirring scenes of
old days in Nebraska are recalled by
this journey into the Kingdom-of-Xever-Forget.
Not a delegate at the recent pro
gressive meeting in Chicago suggest
ed of abandoning the party, and there
were thirty-four states represented.
It would seem the bull moosers would
still be "in the ring" two years hence.
A list of members of the legis
lature prepared by the secretary of
stale, shows that the democrats have
a good working majoiity in both
branches. The house is composed of
100 members, and stands 59 democrats
to 41 republicans. The senate has C3
members 19 democrats and 14 re
puplicans. When a two-thirds vote is
required in the house it will take 67
vott-s. In the senate, where it takes
a two-thirds majority to confirm the
governor's appointments or the pas
sage of a bill with an emergency
clause, the democrats will have to
have 22 votes. So the republican are
liable to cut considerable figure, after
Every farmer can have his own ice
plant at a cost of from $13 to $20, if
he will use the apparatus described in
a new bulletin just issued by the ag
ricultural department. The ice plant
is made of galvanized iron and con
sists of a double tank with an inner
tank about 10 feet long, 2 feet wide
and 12 inches deep. The top of the
tank should be slightly wider than
the bottom. The inner tank should be
divided into six compartments by
means of galvanized iron strips. This
double tank should be placed near an
outdoor pump where the compart
ments can be easily filled with water.
Being exposed on all sides, the water
will freeze in from one to three hours.
A bucket full of hot water poured into
the space between the two tanks will
loosen the cakes so that they may-be
removed. One freezing will give five
cakes of ice, each "weighing 120
pounds. Fourteen freezings will yield
four tons of pure ice, or enough to
last an average family for a, year. The
cakes of ice can be packed away in
sawrdust in the ice house or cellar as
they are frozen.
Lest we forget oniy sixteen mo:e
days till Chiistmas.
: o :
Trouble again commenced at noon
yesterday in Washington.
It seems that the Germans
having their inning right now.
:o :
TVir T,i;rf f I,,,;,. ; '-.d i
much by the high cost of living.
Now let us give some attention to
the needy and deserving here at home.
A little moisture now and then is
always welcome by the farmer men.
:n :
Even a millionaire can have h's
appendix removed only once in his
The new regional banks will no
doubt put all panics in the has-been
Modern Eve.'
should see it at the Tarmele ther.tcr
tomorrow ( Wednesday) night. Boift
miss it.
Some cynic says the bcaatitude
"Blessed are the meek for they shall
inherit the earth," may be true, but
not till the ether chaps get through
witn it.
"oxmakers of the United States use
more than four and a half billion feet
of lumber each year, or more than
one-tenth of the entire lumber cut of
the country.
Teddy Roosevelt declares he is for
preparation without militarism. He
may also be prepared to furnish lire
without fuel, and many other simple
little matters of that sort.
One thing certain it will be nearly
two years before we enjoy any great
political excitement, and then, if the
democrats don't make damphools cf
themselves in the meantime, there
won't be very much then.
Notwithstanding, the sale of IlcJ
Cross seals assists in the fight
against tuberculosis, yet the post
masters refuse to take them in lieu
of a two-cent portage stamp. So be
sure you make no mistake and have
your letter held for postage.
:o :
The editor of the Columbus Tele
gram sued a subscriber for $2.50 on
back subscription, which he refused to
pay. The editor got judgment in the
district court, and the man who tried
to beat the editor had the pleasure of
paying about $10.00 tulditicnal in
court costs. But such is life!
Christmas comes but once a year,
and it's at this particular season of the
year when those who are able to re
member the poor of the city, and
make them feel cheerful. Why rot
raise a jreneral fund for this purpose,
and place it in the hands of a proper
committee of ladies who will find out
those who are needy and deserving.
It is said that Andrew Morrisesy,
Governor Morehead's secretary, has
not yet decided to accept the position
of the deputyship in the attorney gen
eral's office, tendered him by Hon.
Willis E. Reed. Mr. Morrissey is a
very able gentleman in any position
he may be placed. Always clever and
genial, we would regret very much to
see him leave the governor's office.
:o :
We beg leave to take issue with the
brilliant editor of the Lincoln Star
when he claims Mr. Bryan has not
been any more zealous in procuring
positions for his intimate friends than
any other secretary of state before
him. This may be true, but we would
much rather see the proof for the as
sertion. And we suppose the editor
of the. Star is prepared to furnish it.
In our political experience of fifty
two years we never kn.v of a man
occupying the exalted position of sec
retary of state taking such an active
part in the securing of government po-
sitions from his own or any other j
state. We are. open for conviction. I
So come along with the proof .
A holy war has been proclaimed by
the sullan of Turkey, the head of the
Mohammedan faith, and the followers
or Mahomet are called upon to take
up arms, in the name of religion. The
sultan proposes to start a religious
war, if he can, and we suspect that he
can, and to array the followers of Ma-
! hornet against the followers of Christ.
If he could start something along this
line there would be a scrap that would
make the present war in Europe look
like a bunch of boys throwing snow
balls from behind breastworks built of
cf bi. There are some two hundred
millions of people who look toward
Mecca when they pray, and everyone
of them is what might be properly
called a religious fanatic. They are
so intensely "religious" that they bar
everybody out of heaven except Mo
hcmir.edans, and they lock upon the
killing of Christians as a good rid
dance and as devoutly pious and re
ligious act. Everything that the Mo
hammedan does has a religious sig
nificance, and he spends moat of his
time in prayers and palaver to his
Allah. Religion is his occupation and
hie daily employment, and the bread
and butter problem occupies his atten
tion only when the women and chil
dren fail to come in with sufficient
forage. And Mohammedans like to
fight and they are hard fighters, and
when the crescent opens holy war
upon the cross, then must the heathen
take to the woods. When men start
j fighting over religion, there's the devil
to pay. Yv'hat crimes have been, and
what crimes are being committed in
the name of religion! While it is not
at all probable that the sultan will
succeed in his purpose to inject re
ligious prejudice into the present
struggle in Europe, yet the most cruel
and relentless wars of the world have
bee l fought under religious banners.
Ana the aggressors in these religious
'K!o have not always been Moham
medans, nor have they always been
the heathen. Christianity must bear
a large portion of the infamy that at
taches to the so-called religious wars
of the earlier centuries. And in the
name of religion the followers of
Chi ist have committed crimes that
might stagger even the sultan him
self. Religious pre sedition was the
chief pastime and diversion of our
early Christian forbears, and the
heretic paid the penalty at the stake
and on the rack, if he refused to re
vise his faith or batten down his con
science. And it was not so very long
ago that our own pious Pilgrims were
binning witches, and that religious in
tolcir.nce sat in high and holy places.
And cornnig still closer to our own
times, even to our own day and gen
eration, the smeli of brimstone still
clings to much of our alleged religion.
Yv'e see churches and church people
lambasting each other for Christ's
sake, and calling upon Cod to visit his
wrath upon tha other fellow. And we
see this same religious intolerance in
politics, in business and wherever
snviil-so;:lcl men cross each other's
paths. This intolerance Is not differ
ent in spirit from that which incites
the sultan to declare a holy war, and
it would still be burning heretics and
witches if it could have its way.
Christianity is not at fault, and for
tunately these religious bigots are not
Christians only counterfeits. A
holy war is as impossible as would be
a holy hell.
A good time to buy it is before the
stores become jammed.
m :
Catch the Christmas spirit early
and do your shopping now.
It is the wise merchant who knows
how to get the Christmas business.
:o :
The proposal to hold elections on
Sunday will not get very far in Ne
braska. :o:
It grows darker eariier every day.
The shortest day in the year is De
cember 21.
This editor fully that he
has no business sense, hut wiH never
trade farm land, should he ever own
any, for a grocery store or a butcher
ChiSdrcn Cry
Tlie Kind You Have Always
- iu i:so for over SO years,
7 and has ocen mauo nnacr ms pcr-
, sonal supervision since its infancy.
zST7&&Z' Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are hut
Ikvpcrimoiits that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against lixpcriiacaU
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro
goric. Drops ar.d Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fev richness. I"or more than thirty years iu
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea". It regulates the Stomach and Uowel3,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural bleep.
The Children's FanaceaTho Mother's Friend.
iBears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Arkansas has an archaic statute
under which 13-year-o'd beys may be
sent to the penitentiary.
Estimates on the cost of running
the government for the next fiscal
year pass the billicn-doilar mark.
Notwithstanding the embargo on
cotton the Turks are still sending
cargoes of red tablecloths to the Unit
ed States.
A Plattsmouth girl told a secret to
four women and it was a week before
the whole town knew it. Who says
women can't keep a secret?
Who knows it may be that Sec
retary Eryan wsnts to get out of the
cabinet in order to be in a better posi
tion to work up a stampede in 1916?
The proper man for district attor
ney is Judge Oldham of Kearney, one
of the greatest lawyers in the state
and a genuine democrat. If the posi
tion calls for an able attorney, Judge
Oldham can fill the bill.
Senator I lit chock will not oppose
the confirmation of Erank W. Brown
as postmaster at Lincoln. So that
settles the matter, and Mr. Brown
will serve in that capacity for the
next four years if he lives that long.
Ross Hammond was defeated so
badly for the republican nomination
for governor that he has a hard time
getting over his disappointment. lie
thinks yet that he could have been
elected. Not on your life, Ross, and
neither is there a republican in the
state that could have defeated Gov
ernor Morehead.
Senator Hitchock has introduced a
bill in the senate , "to prohibit in
dividual partnership or corporations
in the United States from selling
arms, ammunition, artillery and ex
plosives of any kind for exportation
luring the existence of war except up
on proof that said arms, ammunition,
artillery and explosives are not to be
used in said war against a country
with which the United States is at
The Hastings Tribune says: Edgar
Howard is so enwrapped with William
Jennings Bryan that he lets the sec
retary of state mark the way and
then he follows. It is now up to Ed-rr-Ar
to come out for a prohibition
plank in the democraticplatform. "The i the compositor. This last is consid
minute Edgar does this the die is cast ercd by the average printer as ill bred
that prohibition is a dead letter in as the reading of private corrcspond
Nebraska. Suffrage might have won ence. All proof sheets and in fact
out in Nebraska if it had not been for the paper itself is considered private
Howard coming out for it at the last office property until it is delivered to
moment. the public.
for Fletcher's
-:i7 A
Bonglit, and which has been
has bornotho signature of
Signature of
W. II. Christopher, of New York,
married a woman who had been a fire
inspector, written a book called the
"Diary of Grass "Widow," and who
says that married men would never be
missed if their wives did not throw
things at them. Well, what could a
man do with a wife like that? Chris
topher went away, married another
girl without securing a divorce from
the fire inspector. The inspector
put him there for bigamy. But it
served him right; he had no business
to marry a fire inspector and a woman
who had written "The Diary of a
Grass Widow."
While we have differed with Mr.
Bryg.n in several instances, our
prejudices do not run to such an ex
tent as to not give credit to whom
credit is due. As secretary of state
Mr. Bryan has paid strict attention
to his duties, and has vacated his
office less than any other member of
the cabinet officer connected with the
present administration. We get this
straight from Washington, and do not
believe in lying about a matter when
the truth would serve the best pur
pose. :o:
The lighting company is building u
power house in Glenwood, Iowa, that
in dimensions and capacity is second
to none in southwestern Iowa. This
is all right, and we caution the city
council of riattsmouth not to let a
franchise to any company that will
not put in equally as good a plant, if
not a better one here in Plattsmouth.
There should be no more monkey
business with the light business, and
the council should lay down the law
to the company that wants to treat
us white. One of them will do it
when it comes to the "pinch."
Every once in a while someone
brirgs in printing with a request that
it be kept a secret. Pel haps a little
information concerning the rules of
newspaper offices and printing plants
will not be out of place. One of the
first things an apprentice is taught is
absolute secrecy concerning anything
that is done in the office. lie must
not give out information as to what
kind of printing is being done nor give
any notice of what is to appear in the
paper. Another rule is that the copy
look is sacred that is, outsiders must
not read its contents, neither should
they tead the copy on the case before
s rs