The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 10, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 49.
The Remains Brought Here Today,
and Interment Will Be Made
Tomororw at 1 O'clock.
From Tuesday's Pa!?y.
Yesterday afternoon at 1:15, at his
home in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Frank
Archer, for many years a resident of
Plattsmouth, passed away, after a
long: illness caused by cancer of the
liver and which finally caused his
death. Mr. Archer had been ill about
a year, but at times seemed better,
and his family and friends were hope
ful that he was to be spared to them,
but in the last few months he had
steadily declined in health and the
end was easy to forsee.
Mr. Archer was born in Ohio in
February, 1854, and while a lad of 9
years came west with his parents in
1S70, locating at Plattsmouth, where
the family established a home and
where Frank was reared to manhood
and received his education in the
public schools of this city until he
entered into active life, and was for
a number of years a foreman of a
grading outfit for Thomas L. Murphy.
Some eighteen years ago Mr. Archer
was united in marriage in this city to
Mrs. Rhoda McLaughlin, the cere
mony being performed by Rev. D. A.
Yojtzey. Shortly after his marriage
Mr. Archer removed to Council Bluffs,
where he has since made his home.
The news of the death will be learn
ed with much regret by the many old
friends here, who had learned to
esteem and respect the gentleman
during his residence in Plattsmouth,
and the deepest sympathy of the
community will be extended to the
sorrowing family in their hour of
grief. Besides the widow Mr. Archer
leaves to mourn his loss two daugh
ters residing in Council Bluffs, hi3
aged mother, Mrs. Sarah Archer, of
this city, and the following brothers
and sister: Samuel Archer, Gideon
Archer, Mrs. William Rishel, Mrs. J.
M. Hall, Mrs. Ida Adair, Mrs. Mark
Buttery of this city.
The body arrived in the city this
afternoon at 1:12 over the Burlington
and was taken to the home of the
mother on Locust street, where the
funeral services will be held tomor
row afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mr.
A.rcher was a member of the Wood
men of the World order, as well as
the Knights of the Macacbees.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
The members of the W. C. T. U.
held a social meeting at "Sunnyside"
Monday afternoon, which wa3 largely
attended by the members and friends
of this organization, and those for
tunate enough to be present report a
most enjoyable afternoon. One of the
excellent features of the program was
tha report of the national W. C. T. U.
convention, which was held at At
lanta, Georgia, recently. This report
was given by one of the delegates,
Mrs. Joe Wiles, and was given in a
very pleasing and interesting manner
and very highly appreciated by all
those who heard it. After this re
port, Mrs. William Baird gave a
splendid reading. During the course
of the afternoon's entertainment
dainty refreshments were served. A
few moments devoted to a social time
and then the large company dis
persed very much indebted to Mrs.
Wescott for her kind hospitality and
declaring her to be a most excellent
entertainer. The ladies of the W. C.
T. U. have arranged to hold a chil
dren's Silver Medal Contest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott
on West Rock street on Thursday
evening, December 17th, at 7:30
- Will Hold Bazaar December 12th.
The Ladies' Aid society of Mynard
and Eight Mile Grove will hold their
bazaar on Saturday, December 12th,
at the M. W. A. hall at Mynard. They
will serve dinner and supper. Every
body come. ll-30-d&w
Receives Load of Feeders.
From Tuesday's Daily.
George Reynolds, one of the worthy
farmers residing south of this city,
has just received a shipment of feed
ers which he will fatten at his farm
during the coming winter. Mr. Rey
nolds secured the feeders at the South
Omaha market a few days ago and
had them sent down to his home,
where they will be fattened up ready
for market.
Fmm Tuesday's Dally.
The board of eduaction met last
evening in regular session to take up
what matters of importance that were
demanding their attention, and one of
the chief matters to engross their at
tention was that of the decision to
place the penmanship course of the
school in better shape by having the
instructor, Miss Marie Kaufmann, de
vote four days a week instead of two
to this part of the courses of study
in the city schools. There has been
a lemarkable improvement shown in
the work of the scholars since the in
stalation of the penmanship course
and the special work in this line
carried on by Miss Kaufmann has re
sulted in a great improvement of
pupils in all grades over the showing
made several years ago, and its effect
has ben noted with pleasure by the
board of education and the superin
tendent. The official closing of the
schools for the holiday vacation was
fixed for Friday, December 18th,
when they will allow the children a
vacation until Monday, January 4,
191C, when the schools will reopen for
the work of the second half of the
school year.
From Thursday's Daily.
Standing of contestants as shown
by last count:
Mrs. Henry Klinger . . .
. 1.2G2.15
. 1,080.45
. 1,003.10
. 1,001.45
. 1,001.00
. 1,000.90
. 1,000.05
. 1,000.00
. 1,000.00
. 1,000.00
Mrs. Philip Rihn
Miss Klara Bisanz
Miss Violet Keil
Miss Josephine Warga
Miss Grace Nolting . . .
M. E. Sunday School . .
Presbteriyan Church . .
Miss Vera Campbell . .
U. B. Church
Miss Tillie Halmes
Miss Helen Horn
Mr. Charles Isner 1,000.00
Miss Bessie Wiles 1,000.00
Mrs. B. A. Wampler 1,000.00
The SPECIAL PRIZE offer of a set
of dishes will close one week from
next Saturday.
A little extra work by any one of
the contestants can easily get this set
of dishes. G. P. EASTWOOD.
Is Thrown Out of Court.
From Thursday's Daily.
The famous hog-pen case of Baker
vs. Cummins, which attracted a great
deal of attention at the time of the
trial among the residents of the south
part of the city, where the parties to
the suit reside, has had an ending,
evidently, in the fact that it has been
thrown out of the district court by
Judge Begley, as the city and county
authorities declined to take up the
task of prosecuting the case. In
the lower court the decision was
against the defendant, Cummins, but
the action of the district court in
throwing out the appeal seems to dis
pose of the matter and release the
defendants from any damage.
Our Sample Calendar Line.
You will remember the fine sample
line tff art calendars and wall pockets,
imported from Germany, that were on
sale at the Journal office last year,
and what we want to tell you now is
that the 1914 line is on display at this
office and are being sold at about one
half what they would cost in lots of
100 and more. It is a beautiful as
sortment, and if you want any of
them call early, as they will not last
Subscribe for The JournaL
Postoffice Employes Experience Much
Grief, and Patrons Can Aid by Not
Sending Presents on One Day.
From Tuesday'? Pally.
The approach of the Christmas sea
son is bringing on the rush on the
employes in the United States post-
offices throughout the country, as
each year there are millions and mil
lions of pieces of mail handled each
holiday season, and the parcels post
law has tended to increase greatly the
number of packages handled through
the postoffices of the country.
To facilitate the. work of handling
the extra amount of mail sent out
during the Christmas time the post
office department has urged upon all
patrons the need of taking care in
the mailing of these articles by see
ing that every package sent through
the mail is carefully wrapped and
fixed so that it can stand the handling
that it will receive in the Christmas
rush, and also that the addresses on
the packages be made clear and plain
to read, which will aid the clerks
greatly in handling the mail, especial- J
ly in the smaller offices, where the
force is of necessity small and where
they are almost swamped at times
with work.
Another feature that the postoffice
department desires to impress upon
all patrons is that of mailing the
packages as early as possible in order
that delivery may be assurred by
Christmas time, and not wait until the
last minute to rush in with several
packages to mail when thousands of
others are doing the same thing, and
then wonder why the packages were
not delivered on time. The depart
ment allows the use of the Christmas
labels on the packages sent by par
cels post and a sign, "Not to open un
til Christmas" will allow the gift to a
friend or loved one to be mailed now
and it will be all ready on Christmas
morning for the fortunate recipient.
Let everyone pay heed to the re
quests of the department and every
one will be very much benefited by the
advice and it will contribute greatly
to the enjoyment of Christmas joys,
both to the patrons and employes of
the postoffices throughout the
From Thursday's Daily.
Last evening the members of Ever
green Camp No. 70, Woodmen of the
World, met in regular session at their
lodge room in the A. O. U. W. build
ing, and after a most interesting
meeting proceeded to the election of
their officers for the ensuing year, the
following being chosen for the posi
tions: Consul Commander Louis M.
Advisor Lieutenant Edward Rip
ple, sr.
Banker Peter J. Vallery.
Clerk W. B. Rishel.
Escort Edward Ripple, jr.
Watchman W. J. Iliner.
Sentry Earl C. Hyde. .
Physicians Dr. E. W. Cook, Dr. E.
D. Cummins.
Manager for Three Years George
W. Hall.
Deputy fo.r Cass County W. B.
The meeting was very enthusiastic
and every feature of the gathering
was enjoyed by the membership pres
ent. Mrs. J. II. Becker III.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The friends of Mrs. J. II. Becker
will regret very much to learn that
this lady has been quite ill the past
few days at her home, suffering from
an attack of the grippe, which she
contracted about a week asro, and
since that time has been confined to
her home. Her condition is reported
as being a little better this morning
and it is to be hoped that she will
continue to improve.
Ships Some Fine Chickens.
From 'Wednesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon C. C. Wescott,
the chicken fancier, snipped to Oma
ha two of his fine full-holoded Buff
Orphington fowls, whieh were pur
chased by parties there for breeding
purposes. The chickens of Mr. Wes
cott have a fine reputation throughout
this part of the st'te and his success
along this line is quite-marked.
The Monthly Report for November
Makes a Splendid and Most
Creditable Showing.
From Thursday's Daily.
The condition of the Plattsmouth
citv schools for the month of Novem
ber makes a most flattering showing
in the enrollment and attendance and
the teachers and superintendent -re
well pleased with the showing mr.dejnvrcn Clark of Omaha and was wit-
in the different grades. The High
school on Tuesday was addressed by
Rev. F. M. Druliner of the Methodist
chinch, and it is the intention of th
superintendent to haev each minister
of the city address the High school at
the' morning opening session.
The Centrr.l building has just re
ceived a fine now grapahene that will
be used in the-future as an attractive
feature of the opening ss-:ion of the
rooms in that builling and to allow
the pupils a chanea to hear first-class
music. The enrollment and attend
ance of the school by looms is as fol-
- Attend
... 192
. .. 47
. . 45
. . . 37
. .. 41
. . . 39
... 40
... 42
... 42
a nee.
Anna J. Frankum . . .
Elizabeth Kerr
Amelia Martens
Mattie Larson
Teresa Hemple
Verna Cole
Clara Weyrich
Pearle Staats
00.2 j
OQ O i
00 . 2
90 . 7
Mao Morgan 41
Elmer Frans
Anna Ileisel
Crete Briges
Christina Hansen .
Mane Swoboda . . .
Nettie Hawksworth
Vesta Douglass ...
Alpha Petersen . . .
Ilar.el Dovey
Edr.a Shopp
Delia Tartsch ....
Hilda Barwick
Margaret Porter . .
07.4 !
05. n
Total 1,035 05.7
In the High school there is enrolled
(54 boys and 128 girls, while in the
grades there are 401 boys and 541
girls who are on the enrollment list
of the schools.
In the annual Thanksgiving offer
ing that will be turned over to the
library board for the purchase of new
books there was $19.34 collected,
divided among the different rooms as
follows :
High school ? .05
Room No. 2 70
Room No. 3 1.32
Room No. 4 1.00
Room No. 5 77
Room No. G 1.00
Room No. 7 79
Room No. 8 1.20
Room No. 0 87
Room No. 10 i. . .80
Room No. 11 50
Room No. 12 F0
Room No. 13 7G
Room No. 14 1.35
Room No. 15 53
Room No. 13 - 1.03
Room No. 17 70
Room No. 18- 1.03
Room No. 19 05
Room No. 20 5S
Room No. 21...... 78
Room No. 22 38
Room No. 23 82
Total $19.34
Miss Jennie Dal ten, Teacher.
Everyone who wants to enjoy a
good social time should be in attend
ance at the dance to be given at the
German Home on Saturday evening,
December 12th.
The Case Is Hotly Contested, and a
Great Deal of Pro and Con
Evidence Admitted.
From Wednesday's railv
The time of the district court yes-
I terday was taken up with a jury hear
1 ing of the matter of the estate of
Jane A. Dovey, deceased, which was
appealed from the county court,
wheie the will of Mrs. Dovey was ad
mitted to probate some months ago.
Th-i instrument which was executed
in April, 1913, conveyed to Edward
Grovernor Dovey and George Oliver
Dovey, sons of IT. N. Dovey and
grandsons of Mrs. Dovey, her estate
ia its entirety, to the exclusion of her
sons, G. E: Dovey, O. C. Dovey and
II. N. Dovey. Mrs. Dovey passed
away a year ago and the will was
later offered in court for probate. The
j instrument was drawn bv Attorney
Lessed bv Thomas Wallinsr. Miss Olive
Jones and Mrs. Allen J. Beeson at
the home of II. N. Dovey, where Mrs.
Jane A. Dovey had made her home
for the past twenty-eight year al
most without exception. The docu
ment was admitted to probate in the
lower court on the hearing and the
contestants appealed to the higher
At the morning session, following
the selection of the jury, the will was
offered in evidence and identified by
the different witnesses of the will as
the document they had signed at the
Dovev horne, and ?.t the afternoon
session Grovernor Dovey was called
to the stand and described the state
ments of Mrs. Dovev in regard to the
i making of the will and the circum
! stances of the drawing of the same,
I whi?h he had gone to Omaha to have
prepared by Mr. Clark, as he stated
at his grandmother's direction.
The? contestants introduced a num-
iber of witnesses to show the dislike
of Mrs. Dovey for making a will H.
S. Austin of Chicago, who was resid
ing here from 100S to 1014, related
an occasion in 1000 when Mrs. Dovey
had stated r.t the home of George E.
Dovey that she did not want to make
a will of vv.y kind and would not, but
wanted the estate divided equally
Mrs. O. C. Dovey was also called to
relate a conversation at her home, in
which Mr-. Dovey had stated that her
husband had not made a will and she
diil not intend to eith3r. This was
some time in 1000. Mrs. R. F. Pat
terson testified as to the statements
at the G. E. Dovey home made by
Mrs. Jane E. Dovey as to the will and
also to having visited her grand
mother at the II. N. Dovey home.
George E. Dovey was called to the
stand and testified as to a will having
been prepared and offered to his
mother in February, 1013, to be sign
ed, rnd which document she had re
fused to sign. The will was prepared
by John L. Webster of Omaha, the
witness testified. He also testified to
n b;ll of sale having been presented
to Mrs. Jane A. Dovey, which convey
ed certain property to himself and H.
N. Dovey and which she had declined
to sign. He thought his mother was
possessed of a very strong and clear
mind during her lifetime. He had
been visited frequently by her at the
store Tin to within the year 1013, when
her visits w?ere rarer owing to her
poor health.
The attorney for the proponents,
Mr. C. A. Rawls, at the close of the
testimony of Mr. G. E. Dovey, moved
that the court instruct the jury to
return a verdict in favor of the pro
ponents, E. G. and G. O. Dovey, as
the contestants had failed to show
any preponderance of evidence as to
undue influence having been brought
to light by the contestants, while At
torney Gering for the contestants
argued as to the case being sent to
the jury. The court overruled the
motion to take the case from the
hands of the jury. During the argu
ments of the attorneys the jury was
withdrawn from the court room.
The session of the court this
morning was taken up with the of
fering of the testimony for the pro
ponents of the will, Dr. T. P. Living
ston, Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Dovey,
Grovenor Dovey and Carl Kunsman
testifying as to the condition of Mrs
Dovey's health at the time of drawing
the will and the circumstances sur
rounding the making of the instru
ment and its signing by Mrs. Jane A.
Dovey. The closing arguments were
made to the jury by Attorney Rawls
for the proponents and Attorney Ger
ing for the contestants and the case
given to the jury a few minutes be
fore 12 o'clock, when they retired to
deliberate on the merits of the case.
The jury had the matter under de
liberation only a short time, as on
their return from their dinner they
deliberated only a few minutes, and
at the reconvening of court at 1:30
returned a verdict holding that the
document probated in the county
court was the last will and testament
of Jane A. Dovey, and finding for the
proponents of the will, Edward Grov
ernor Dovey and George E. Dovey.
The court this afternoon took up
the case of Oliver C. Dovey vs. George
E. Dovey, et al., and the work of se
lecting a jury was taken up.
From Thursday's Dally
This morning Joe Metzger, a wan
derer, who was charged with dallying
wit n the flowing bowl too freely, was
brought before Judge Archer in police
court to explain his shortcomings and
try and pacify the feelings of out
raged justice. Joe was found by some
parties late yesterday afternoon
sleeping near some buildings on South
Sixth and Pearl streets and it was
found impossible to get him out of
the way and the police were informed
of the fact and responded by Chief of
Police Rainey going to the place
where the wanderer had chosen as
sleeping quarters, and quickly sum
moned the patrol wagon driven, by
Claus Boetel and into this Joe was
dumped to enjoy a ride to the city
lockup." As the fiery steed of Mr.
Boetel swept down Main street with
the form of Joe, who was still wrap
ped in slumber, in the bottom of the
wagon, occasioned some remarks, as
several thought it was some injured
person, but when the wagon was back
ed up to the city jail and the man un
loaded, comment ceased and Joe was
invited to partake of the hospitality
of the city and enjoy the downy
couches t provided in the jail. The
judge this morning, after hearing the
story, decided to inflict a fine of $5
and costs on the man, but as the road
is rough and traveling slow, decided
to remit the fine and gave Joe fifteen
minutes to hit the trail, and he sure
hit it without delay. He claimed he
was from St. Louis and was en route
to Omaha.
Yesterday afternoon John or "Pup"
Eagan was a caller at the office of the
police judge, charged with being in
toxicated, and the proof being too
overwhelming in this case to be dis
puted the judge handed him a little
package labeled "$25 and costs,"
which he was unable to pay. The
tender-hearted judge then offered to
suspend the fine if he would promise
to leave the city at once, but this was
refused by the prisoner and he was
taken back to the dungeon to meditate
over the hard and cruel world, until
the price of the costs and fine are
How a Visiting Nurse Helps.
Here is a true story showing how a
visiting tuberculosis nurse supported
from the sale of Red Cross Christmas
Seals carried the cheer of these holi
day stickers to a stricken family in
Maryland. Tuberculosis had made
heavy demands upon the family, and
the income had entirely stopped for
several months. It was inevitable
that they -should run into debt for
grocery bills as well as the rent. With
such worry, anxiety and depression it
is not always easy to find a silver
lining in the clouds.- The condition
was recognized, however, by the visit
ing nurse, and the sickness was cared
for, relief was obtained, and now both
rent bills and grocery bills are being
gradually lessened each week. Each
member of the family has had nurs
ing care for s;ome ailment or other.
Every Red Cross Seal sold helps to
better conditions like this.
You will find the Dennison line of
Crepe and Tissue Papers in all the
Christmas colors at the Journal office.
While the Presentation Was Very
Fnir, the Absence of the Good Or
chestra Was Greatly in Evidence.
I' Thursday's Dally.
The presentation of "A Modern
Eve" at the Parmele theater last
evening, while in spots sparkling an I
clever, seemed to prove rather a dis
appointment to the theater-goers, as
it lacked in the opening part the lif
and action of the usual musical com
edy or light ope? a, and while the
company endeavored to carry out to
their best the musical program, thoy
were decidedly handicapped by the
fact that there was no orchestra to
assist in interpreting the musical
score of the operetta. The numbers.
"Good-bye, Everybody," "You're Such
Lonesome Moon Tonight" and
Every Day Is Christmas When
Vou're Married," were among the
most pleasing numbers in the oper
etta. The company carried a very
complete scenic production and the
costumes of the principals and
choruses were elaborate and made in
strict keeping of the operetta. The
real life and action of the play center
ed in the second part, where Mr. Ted
Armond, the comedian, was given
a better opportunity for displaying
his talents and pleased everyone by
his clever work, and is one of the
most pleasing laugh-provokers that
has visited this city for some time.
and in the musical numbers in which
he was given the sole parts was a
great hit with the audience and he
was compelled to respond to repeated
The divorce court scene in the fcc-
ond part was a scream from start to
finish and the comedy of the farce
was heartily enjoyed. The dancing
features furnished by Miss Walberg
and Mr. Ackerland were extremely
clever as well as difficult, and the
grace and beauty of the numbers
were heartily enjoyed. The prin
cipals made a very pleading appear
ance on the stage, especially Mis.s
Louise Wolf and Miss Lee Johnstone,
and the chorus of ladies were vry
handsome and graceful in their offer
ing, although the rousi.-al numbers
were not as pleasing as had been an
ticipated. However, the show may be
considered as a very fair product;m,
considering the handicap under which
they operated with the handling of
the music, and this fact should be con
sidered in passing judgment on the
From Thursday's Daily.
Leslie's Weekly of the last issue
contains a very handsome half-tone
portrait of Miss Alice Dovey and Ja. k
Henderson, two of the principals in
the very successful musical comedy,
"Papa's Darling," that is enjoying an
unusually long run at the New Am
sterdam theater in New York during
the present season. This comedy has
been marked among the most success
ful of the season's offerings in the
great city and Mis.s Dovey has won
new laurels for herself in her han
dling of one of the leading roles of the
production. In the last few years
Miss Dovey, who is a daughter of .dr.
and Mrs. George E. Dovey of tins
city, has forged to the front in this
line of work on the stage and her
wonderful success in the "Pink Lady"
was such as to attract the leading
dramatic critics of the country and
with her sweet voice and winsome
presence she has won the hearts of
theater-goers everywhere..
Taken to Lincoln Today.
From Wednesday's Pally.
This morning Sheriff Quir.ton re-
parted for Lincoln, taking with him
Mrs. Missouri Curtiss, who is to be
placed in the state hospital there for
treatment. Mrs. M. E. Manspeakor,
wife of the deputy sheriff, accom
panied the lady to the hospital.