The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 07, 1914, Image 6
..r ,r, MONDAY, DFCTMI'XR 7. 101 1. PLATTSMOUTH SL'MT-WEEKLY JOUT.NAL. i-.r I 1 i c k o a P P tl rn ce vv of ev rsL qa -- cpfozitz jounnAL office 8 ll ; ;..:! ;,i t., d i I .!). !''. i? sf if i? aid EilEOifF (JjiNIGiJ G'LLEB M ! f h I W I . . I I i V I I ' 4- 1- I ' ' w 4. C7D "Ftpri V TT'n !?'0"r! ''-' i" t?'.'- :.'yv-ay, uhere they Jl.i.M.L'i.Li n'JSiitl! llt'.iSi.HilVulJ ... c.,e n2tter that ac- d oat yes- ;! . ' :n of Yd - .'! i' -.. . v. 7 re i: 1 e - i ' 1; j c r -. t v.'.. i ' t, r :. t ':. as :.: 1. I: i - -. . a- t f ' '. es of t h" r-v-.d rr a 7 rfl'nrj f:r MOP RfiPPICn! I i.j'.n L'l lailD. Uf.nn i0 Jia on i hursd.av au i , tr.e i . as ia o! . e 1 i .-';:' e of Ocortre : v.hkh the ;, : idn t f some ' . - . a - :a i::: i';tf "a s t,f t Vel'-ilCL : . . 1 i i:-, the vv se. Tr e r ' i t;ii r')i-nin:r in .i :. i r R rley and in it 1 f. 7" widow ; ; d . : . v.hvdi wc re in : i. ". : i as eleeVd t- ' :av ;,:'! v. id I'eeeiv" ; '. t -t it" a. ' w el! as the , ,, . i - ; r.oa-'i-t t tl. e ir.atlcr , , , , . , a. a- ! to ...e ,!:: ':'i' Court '" S i! -. v.- "'. a "an red -"-room cot- t . trl r k.d.'.s ar.u city i . .. cellars 1 two lots, : " f'.ipi town. l orl ..!. - i orlie of I.. V,. 1.1-1 -tf 1 Uinstrsias tfMA 41 m r.ow on you wiil hear Christmas! Christmas! Chri-- mas ! ?e;".dri!y. The Holiday buyine; season is o.riir.T cl i- r : a i closer. .ie oa undeci'led as to the (lifts v ou should purchase for Mother, Father, Sister, Rro 7 r ': Sweeth.eart? May we s newest the advisability of pu -cl:a--!:vr Jewelry for Christmas (lifts? Jewelry Oifis are rdways apprpriate and acceptable and in our la -.are stoc!: of excellent ll .4 umwiomSy j.eweiry, Watches, Silvcrvare and Novelties you will have no dilliculty in making selections at the p:i.-e- you wish to pay. Our prices are within the range of all, from the mod est Gift to the most elaborate. We will lay aside any pieces you may desire. J. W. Crabill, 1 WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Vegetables! Omn th time. r, "' '.. : (it: do CiMi:tro. I". . r. v..- ha. . i-:i;;v!-.u r-weei V-i v . ... , . t . i i . S I ; i-: !;.irrt i Terns Mis-inu. Vv.-- Ile.-ry Doec!;, for the accom- ,; '.. i i il i tcrnvN in hi-; hilild- t!,. c-vr erof Mnfn an 1 SiMth ! ' - t: ev'. -'. 1'.' been keeping a lartre i . i .a ti-,. a,. . -i t ti...t t 'a'ai '.'.ati.'l Was I aa.JU a .V..v 1L Siaiea j.. , . few d ivs a"o sorre party I ',. , a:-t;oS m. de away v.'ith the barrel j . i p ,.ek is vei v desirous of : Nu;! ;,!.!.- :.t I.ow Irivs. - i- (. -.j- Vi- lit 1 i p!..y ? :-' :'v"-:'- ; t ji-.o- t;e party wl:o was lesponsi vnie : ta , ,-ol. ti e theft of the barrel and to ,:.'.. e its i eturn. There could be i. i )-.-:. .e rea- n ;r iaK!r.r me oarrei an. ..a it was pare meanness, ana tne i er.-en doinj so should be compelled t. st.tVe.- the co: - 'uence. iPBHBEB WEDNESDAY WIGHT "A MODERN EVE" THE PABMELE j F-;.!7tk-s en "A Modern Kve" after it Chicago i un r.t th: I iace-as the.a- .ea.a u.c .alaVar.e; in -Ct e.Ua.a ; farts: It oiiened at the Carrak thea April ! and ran there until Sep- :r! l- he: it was transferred to the IVaice-: it piled up a total of 23o performances in Chicago; trivine; nine wee :s. with two holiday matinees; I ai d it ::r. e away no souvenirs; it celeb, ate.l the passim; of its "JoOth '(.r form a r-(-e with a mid.riktht cabaret how. of oimteer stellar talent val- nal at spl.ono. thereby establishing :i p- ecedeirt which has .-irce been fol- ., . , . X',,,,. V,.1. H'in, fi;. . . . ' i I i till. i'.rv iiiiri w.4i - br a r.n 1 it outlived nineteen compet-ja-oiaa t nr in ( 'h icaro during it-' 0,.r...,i ri.;i there. This much-tnlked-of peretta will be seen in this city at Rarneb' tl'aater Wednesday i'jht. Iiccmlier '.K i j ... Social in District 97. i The r anil - and teacher of School 1 !)i.-L!:ct .'o. '.'T will hold a box social 7i. the school house on Wednesday '..,'' !,::. December H'.th. A program jv.-i'l be rendet ed by the pupils. All , h.d:es a i e reoue-Ued to brinj; boxes. , " c yi ody invited. j Mas Henrich, Teacher. i Sell jour property by an ad in The i .lournai. breetiii: 3 A Si ACCIDENT BEFALLS ALBERT iLLER, AGE 17 Shoots Himself While Out Huntini: Willi Some Companions, Which May Prove Fatal. One of the saddest accidents that has happened in this city for many months occurred Saturday afternoon ilioiit ":.10. when Alhert. the l"-year- il son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, l e-.':di::: i;i the north part of the city, :.i - aecideiitaily shot an 1 may not ve- -)vr from the injuries sustained ly himself. Albert was enjoying a Saturday vaca'.ion and had started out with .-ome companions alone; the Missouri I'acitie tracks, north of the depot, and had. with him a liJ-caliher rifle with which he intended doinir some tarjret shooting-. He, with his companions. v'"as enjoy:nr themselves, and Albert . stopped to adjust his rifle and was ! leani.i atrainst it when the weapon was discharired the bullet i (i:.miu a mi' nie si.'in.A.i and intestines, where it lodged. The i boy was huiried to receive medical j assistance and the serious condition of i the younj; man was at once recofrnized j and he was hurried to Omaha, where f yA Phone 4GQ a more thorough examination as to J the location of the bullet could be j made. At the time of the fehootinr it was feared that the lad could not re cover from the injuries, but every ef fort was made to irive him what aid was possible. From what can be gathered as to the cause of the accident which had such terrible results for Albert, it seems that the companion with whom he was troing out hunting was tryinjr to secure the rifle on which Miller was sittinpr, and in so doinpr the boy's hand slipped from the barrel of the weapon, and in doinjr so struck the tri-rirer, which caused the pun to be discharged and the bullet entered the body of the boy, being deflicted by a bone and taking a zig-zag course through his body into the stomach. The deplorable accident is another! cnapier in me long, long ti i - cidents which can be laid at the door of the careless handling of firearms, i . ... it i . i . i : . . f and shows that at all times the ut most care should be exercised in the handling of weapons of this kind. Advices from Omaha this morning point to the condition of the young man as being the best that could pos sibly be looked for under the circum stances and there are now very bright hopes of his recovering from the ef fects of the wounds he received. The friends of the young man and the family will anxiously await further developments in the case and trust that the improvement may be con tinued. When you are looking for the very best articles in the line of fancy box stationery, call at the Journal office. where you will find an excellent variety to select from. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 mo iifebMiMii mo i tl 7 v . In I ill . . - t! ! At the regular m-elkv a on an "Strngtetff ' 9M?.n 7777775 fj ttrnJi...-.rfrtiSJ ifiSy ViJ la Vyi Vti Vu7 r?' ..r..i : L.e .. ... .... i tv .,,,r;,,, n,;i,'. (,f : 'd'-'i t"" I ! !" wh will uj th.e . - - - - - , , i .3 ':.'"' ( . t ; (.u. .a the e-ii- . l 7 .7, 7- 3 ! ''"'-'-Ai!!"rt ; Fs..5o i:i,.!.:or and dauo-bter, 11 i . - 7 . i iau-i vg-vw ;i;t;he;;-sr;,.7tv ;;;:;;-i:tc:urt. Bears the Signature of THE CHRISTMAS SH BY THE ST. MUM'S D0110 ONE GBAND SUCCESS The ("In i.-tmas -lnp, which was heal j by the ladies of Si. Mary's (lui'.d in ! the Hotel Riley block Friday and Sat urday, proved a most successful af fair in every way and as a r' sult of their efforts the ladies have reali :ed a neat .-uin of money from the .-ale oi'i the many handsome, aid dainty ar- ; features of the market Saturday was " , tr.e noon'Jav H.iHiiton served ;;:" : rreat many took adw j.ta:-e of the. c-I ; casion to he present am ke ! j.neheo:! I ( v. iJ: the ladio The market was c tinned today in ordr to tit-pose of aj number of articles and to atl'ord tho--e! who had been unable to attend on the two previous dav a to .'e'-n'v' ! l some suitable jini'.n:-1 brance- Christma Uoxcs. Our new Ienni-on line of Christ mas I.oxes have arrived, ami in this line you will Jind the na'ii'.somest as- , soi tment of containers lor your trtits : a to your friends and lelutices. These,' boxes are made for all kinds of pres- i " e.ii..-., nwi. u.t .-i.i.i.ii . i ...i...... v. ; . i-. as 1 a r. ere as you may desire. Call and see this line if you are looking f(.r .' handsome boxes; they will surely please you. The Journal Stationery Department. ! CLARENCE E. ROBINE, FOR MER PUTTSMOUTH CITI- ZEN COMMITS SUICIDE Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock, in wii.aua, vaaieuce i. iooine, a loiaier Plattsmouth resilcnt for a number of years, ended liis earthly career by tak ing a dose of carbolic acid, from which he died a short time later while being taken to the hospital for treatment for the poison. Mr. Robine was some 41 years of age ami was born and reared in this city, where the family resided for a great many years, but as far as known Clarence and a brother . Uvlhort .,. th ,.t of thl family to be left, the others having passed away. The whereabouts of the oilier tii-rilhor llArlinvt n r rint tnmvn either here or in Omaha, where Clar-; encc had !een making nis home at i . . . . . . . 2")54 Cuming street. Mr. Robine was a painter by trade and was miite suc cessful in this, but his solitude evi dently weighed upon his mind and he made the final step that leads to th.e end. The inquest will be held in Oma ha this morning by Coroner Crosby and the body brought here for burial in the family lot in Oak Hill cemetery, where the other members of the fam ily are reposing in their final rest. Mr. Robine was unmarried at the time of his death. How to bankrupt the Doctors. A prominent New York physician says, "If it were r.ot for the thin stockings and thin soled shoes worn by women the doctors would probably be bankrupt." When you contract a cold do not wait for it to develop into pneumonia, but treat it tit once. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is intended especially for coughs and colds, and has won a wide reputation by its cures of these diseases. It is most effectual and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. G?v aCv Z ST. klk zTTN '4 P r ' ! ri h. K-Jnf liA KtS n Sc3 flKtt CJ - 11 i? - r21 7 .., , . e,r , ,',,...!,,- iar!isi:,?. t r? i:tt' :-.t o.;:- . iu:u, i:st vti: trans:- krs. - : - . - V -- t- - 4 W. I!. Malone io (looi'u'e We -iiake, !:. ; i ! i 1. IdueS; IT. 1 ka !e. '. u- ide: at; . ri J. li. l'ie-,n li V. Ik liaa i:7, part lt 1. ail of !!. 'J.. block 1, Union. (';- sideratiou I-'arnitr.-.' State I'ank to . il. Uannir.;", rait lot I, ail 1 .O.'J T.-O.oft!j i.r i,,t i.i.. -i- 1 i L ' ! '!"""' "7." 1 .nil : -. a.ii-'vn to i. r- .1. Klhel ed'-'e. !ols C, ;it ire:-!.".-(.'.d. "o;. ' !.ij: : 1'. i :.T..,i.:e i:. rui'c- to i'. r. 17: " y, lo' s ." and '., blo-.-i: J. city. '...;;.-:d.-rat . . 1 F. Ri.Sy to V.. M. Ruby, t! half SK i: Itl' 2T-11-1!. Co --ider'at;-.;.. . 1 .'" . "n Y.'il!a-i Auhi-on : v. a- K'm- ..:.") v.'a t, :v ; y, ';! ce .; : : f i . . . i s a !.;( :',.: of i : r : V:'..- : i -m! t,:-: - ft-i:eon to ro f o a. w .'! ..- v.a- n.v tne : i- - s o? hi i!e;-r.ev. J. yd .-'et:-o;i '" ( o-'ad, v. h.o i- n !, op-, rated on '.! I pen.ia at : and ?l-a R. K. bo ;;: an. 7c:i and Mrs. Net i. :-.;a".t''-n of i - ; T',ion motor ed .' '.7 ea r Sai".:-dav ! ; 7 7 eiaioon t .' st- v i-i.: arid ' or a : ..-:t is;t wit.i :e Fi :-; Sale .t tracts a ( ( rowd. The rale of 7 if.-1 's and ;rrading ort - lit belea-rii a; to the e.-tatt of the lade : C.e-rge II. Roi all was la id Satunlav 7777: ,777777 Z i- . . t tori'.ey j . t. i'.vver. tr.e' we: oa.te a number of hoa- r. as well a 7 consideraide other stuf' belo-ating to; j the e. tate soid. and the -inn of si ; was realized I rem the sal e. 11:-? h e.d- ing of th.e sale drew ouite a lt;-ge crowd, a mar.c of tlie farmers though offered . -.i-.iit i .M-v i. : t .-"M.i. .i t..t- ..oiaaa- ?Iiss Ilioanor Tcild returned thi morning to Oraahr., where shoe will re-1 same her sttniies in the public schools. ' . i . f ) ya P5! 1 IS! v- i ! PARMELE THEATRE! D5SM?R j ' :j 7-'i r i : Extraordinary Engagement! m .'7 North II. Sinner's Dest Comic Opera Offering the Translated German Opera ;aa i r'i The Merriest, JHk Perfectly Cast with Fifty Selected Well Known Players and the Now Famous ORIGINAL "MODERN EVE" SHOWjGLRL CHORUS! With WALDErSG &. ACXEF1LIMO, Premier Novelty Cancers All New Tolr Production with Fifty People! The BigrestShov Coming This Season. Prices 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and a few at $1.50. ,'ri ifj i 1 )dn nJ- ih-y w'ii n ; : e ix: i3 j $ i rt -j M f ,'.: ad of I ti 5 P. fjr tty it il I ' s if -1 . -: 7 ' '- ' V Our .' c-n- ' Ti'aVel.lljr .. '.-S v 7' n; t re S l A7- I'i-J-f - A V .. v. .. . r''-rS:-;;j'' l'" "2 'Ac ;v5i;Ur Scorer 1 r '3 1 Fhone LOOGE m. 8, A. 0. 0. W. ELECT OFflOEBS FOR , , f j r t lienrv j:a.n ".: r stmoia; u.j pas- 1, vr-terdav for Omaha, where h was caid t. vi.-:i m that clcy with i s and f ;' .. Ceui ty Cr:nas a..ner .i.dius l'llz is nman-- the ra- n-ci s this morn- the eurlv V. rrlarr'rn train for : '' , ,. i. , m . p ? tpe l 7 ." ' ' ' i""' ,lZ'-7:7 7i';7! . , .;7 ' ',Y . w ! he was called ' ' . V . , f(r oi tr.e ea Ru'ditvrtcn ','". I "A Mo le-n 11 " the best show in 1 catchy music. I - - ?a e i : .- 1 .l ,.v,-.n -i imm. : II l ' Hill . aii. illiw ' 'V .' . " ' '. - , , -.1 j :nr. A real musical come-.iy v. mi a I beauty irirl cl'.orus. at Parmele thca- ler, vieane-aia: Dec.n.ber ! Su!)cribe for The Journal. :7 ' , . . K M.ersoie. ; . . 1 .. r a - t ; y -ONE NIGHT ONLY WEDNESDAY EVENING, Travch'ns Songiest, Danciest Play cn the Musical Stage To-day hGda ay l;i'-!:t j.o.' i; i'.e tinv- for you to in :.!.; !...! o.r ; r .e;v 'o': of Qift Goods has j i--t 'w.'.n eomfneted, and w iy t j l.'.ij '' fill out v jr Ji-t. e-li'.ii i- well ai'i.-d v.'ili 17"'h ,.; -j, j-;.- '.:;. jn. !:(! book !a..v- atin i i'.an i feature. ! .- o i Razor ,M irrors 'ardy is c..a";;aetc .. a', i .n : y 1 lie. line of I'.. l is;.. u Ivor; the latest designs. ML 9 Flicno I Pulls O.T a Jake. Yc.-terday afternoon a youn.LT 7dy "..a.o ha- been v Isitin in the city f o i.'.eral t a s v. it'u her r laiive 1 friend.-, e'enai led f r Lor home in tie ;.a to secure the proper railroad con nection-', and to assist her that far on ' her journey a you re; man, at v.h-o-e . nome u:e iajy i::u: oeen a jruest, v... ;'!.'.aa''d ure -I ti. si to tl'.e me , liopoiis with he;-. The fact of t! ' i ' i v tr.e people v.-a s ti.'otd O i to . ...t.e oi tr.e 1 . ..! .- ot he youn'-r rra:;. who gathered at the if . ot well supplied wi'h rice, an 1 .'.c-r th.? train ariived the two in- i aacent -a::ivs were t ho or, v i-e l wi'.'i the favorite Ohir.c.'t prc-er.ted with r.u s Ma v, fin? in this mcnirc f'eri heir hoaa? t ear Tdynaid and w-ne r.a. rar the pa-sen.-ors for Omal a, eh ere ihev will visit for the d-iv 1 1.- i 'rr; after s .me matters of busine.--. , j Puper inter.dent W. S. of ' - 7arcni- Home in this city wa . am c,nr th? j-assctpjers this morniea" I.-... t. ..-l..,... 1-.. -..ail cn,..,l .. '"...a, 1 - T'--" ! liking after some mr.f- of bu-'lae-s in connection wah ; the meeting of the offic ial board of itonlrol. scribe for The Journal. : "O" CWT C tPIQ P flUW O -1 1JL1 i Wi- ..r.r i r-.n..o K.-wir l f.T ..- r:i--'r- "f i irl.i: ill tlji.l f.iiu...'l in- t ur.-.i by ll.ilil !i;.rrj n.:v. i . j. ci:;:.x:;v i co.. t.kj.). o. W. t!i- ie:.!. r-a-i,-1, ti:v k".nn 1' J. l'l:. ai 1. tlV.- n" a.-. ;.: .1 !.".;.,. len ( ! a C. li ii. I -j - i a - I :.i . a " .. ... . . ......... , . .'. i IK- :.. r.- . i.r ., -n- .. I i ....... j iu:..i. I y li: ':i n.t I'.ank in co:i'ri:n:. r i : t n li t ! : !.-. r i ..! :: . i. ! . - t ;'. .-. i. in Two Special Cars! 3f BO Ch i i! -3 ' fd Si V; 0