The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 07, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    M)AY. TirfTMLrn 7. 1014.
vagi: .".
The Detective of the
I ;
l i
J 1
I !
5 t
I j
Copyright. 1913.
Ey Heskcth Pricliard
e Hui-o.-! j hou-and Dollar Robb
' t '!
;r Uopr ua
aal Ii. it:-
t r
p j
;.' j
, , I
h . 1.
t: a
h a. t a.
This i-
-aar lay 1 t.-id :
. - a. a t
ai t 1
t !
:a-t- v '
.- at ih.-ervii."!;;
;.t !'
T: '
y-r-V- 'aaaa.r. i :rr:,.
did- : -o.-.he i -u.. H I
tin Mas v.. n't want to pay you a ,
y f,.r i.othu.a.
Tv..i d I'.irs a day '.'
d l J 'e io Ids
... . yea-,.. : . :a didn't 'a ih'Uant
wo Laairoi tiao.; a hundred then
. ; tlodars couid stand a liio
t....t I"
I iaaahed. "P-'olc la re. :.. .-ml -t
1 thiak
i .i li':o to itaiho ta.s io.
f. - - on. Idl se'.J your servi -es t- .!'.
:-:s here far a day if you tail
a d Pi per cent "f tlio sum y-u le-ov-if
you sin e.h W ell, llarri... is it
a r oil V" 1 a daal.
-t -a, on. 1 suppose, cot. found you!"
said Harris.
dwej.ty hours later .Toe. a police
, r i i I n-..r.
'ier natuoii jiio.i .iot. . -!
in thf woods. Wo laul liardly
laiised to interview
the lanaer at
Loaei-vi!:e and then hid passed or
ii .v.ii the old dt sorted r-i.ius until at
J.-t we ttuere.l too lor.-st. of. as it W (
1,. ,.,l.,i t!.e "l.'.sii." ,'
' -V:v-e n- a..u ht-adiuz for?" Hot. j
,,,, !,..' '.-ked.It.e.
t-o,, .a... .. -i ,J
"Pod river, i. cause u n ie...... ,
Tttrsan the farmer saw 1 jru.-ss he'll ;
iao up there. None of them;
, i;, ihore now in July month. j
!n";.u steal a oauoe easy. Pes.dcs. it i
, -ir who feats pursuit alway. hhes tc ,
!; ";:; countrv ho ki.ons. and you
Pearl Mr- Harris say bow Att.-ivni,
' ..I bsh.d Ih-d ri er tv. vara, j
I;..-ap.--"-her. J.-- .-! f'fl p.-oe-,
. . -. t ie ; : ! - -t I." .1. s AltelalUiS
' 1 1 1 - - ------ i ' ds a
biu' lfcx to a 'bvux ii'jj.cwist- j
i f
"Ktit you've never scon hiru. What!
; rer.aon Lave' you'.-" demanded Ilob.on : j
"When Cast we hrtpponed on i!: "t'.r
about four hours hack, while you v. as
lichtiii your pi ;," replied .loo. "riis
came out of the an 1 when v. i
reached near Carticr's pla.-e thev went !
hack iuto the bush aaaia. 'itu :i a !
rule beyond Cartier's out of the baa! j
they come oa to the r":ul a an in. What '
1 cr.:i that cireumvi-ntin' aa-an? lV-hot J
. -rv ha ciaJe the tracks don't want to la i
; re en. Mo. S hot ts. city made. Lai.-; hi
'cm, rubber heels. Cotne aa" I
I will U't attempt to de.erihe oui ;
journey hour ly L ur i.-t tell 1 o
: November livid to the tra:h !. ': v..:i
; It ever areas of hard tr. ti-! as: 1 re. k
rioti-pe- a scratch hTt.- : :-d a !' a - i
iwj; more, lac mo: i:hj: .Next-::.
ter v:il;oij'l us ;.r d.tyhaht. ah 1 ota . we hast-ned forva..rd.
Jr some 1x111- we fo'.k.w e.l Att-.-r
son's footsteps and th-a loan-.! tm 1
they left the
Wo moved on (luiei'.v :.: d .aw th.a
r.ot I'.t'ty yards ah-ad of us a 1 u.:j v. :..-
v.T.ia; l -x.'-;t c .!y i:p ai. i t'.-'vai. o; - j
lit-a.l vva sua:: :;.-:; !.: t-:. :i- at: at .
t;;a.!-- of ja.. t:j::!,. ii. i-. !
v.a.voi! !a a,N. on t':- ?tr.! J
ti:!-:-.- r::::.,. t.- ia tat- sous.t! of las lao
not' a;oas ia at r . ;
W. oropt a; a !a:n. v.- h.'.
lie!--..!: l-.-.p. ! r a . aa! a a a a- ; - .
'.is hat. h-fffs v.n fi.e a.aa'- vrio
'('.-At:, r: a. T'v- :: -. .:"
ity t ! o v.-ay. !', V : . ! . a r ;
tvt t I'm -h: ra- 1 v.-';!:." -'M Art- a- a.
"'J'! -aft "f s : ..1.' ' -i ; - t ! : (,a.Ta
t..;:.:;s. '...y r w.-!! !.. :, ' ;: :a vv
stial prt !-' to i . ir-'u- a- a; : "
II,.' -on j.lni-.-.i !
j::.-:.!y, L-i fc-.Ta-i a :
"11 -y art a a oa
o .
, oe s.
t h
lot- v. : .
t .. t :
ea.r -ie ! - ". .-a .- o ;, iv
I . : si .a. 1 : . ., . -. v, : , o 1
, couph- : i: ca-la d wu t-- tha r;
j r. a. a ie a pat on the he:.." a:
j a: ha.-'di II - :. '.-:..- 1 h'.
1 ti a. - a:. I a -ae; acd a cup of tea J
lhea: or
j 1 v. . : t- a-- aa i .e- s... . a. a
j 'lie v- -n't eve: pat vu .ic" sai.
! Joe ,h li! d'iy.
j ay a - t :: say th..: V j
I " V.aa-c be ..a't. lie '1 n't hii'-w j
ihdd" was ad IP,
: .1-
I he- f aa '1 on id , la ,-h
N ..yea.:.":- Joe did :. it n.-wr !!.!.- j
s--n. Lis v.-1 ist s::..p;. d j-. Attv-r- -.'-. j
disappeared th".. a the taa.i hy v. h;.-h 1
we ha d 1 oi ae. j
ih" ! s.d h "what !...'
"I'd ta!a- a:. other j.-o"; :tf :i .he j
l"d the v;iv ti i n ihc ri'
:zh ia t la .ro t h ! a Id ty ya l o - a a a v.
:a !:idd' U l-'-a; : i y tia- thl--!:
ll was jj .v'ow li 'wiTj; river, and ia
the ,.,rt nv,. ,f tia- taar da I saw. t-
u:r .rise, the 'pate r--e: t tra--s of
; ;.. .i)e p.,v;;. p..,,.. ',..0 da 1. la-id -
t!a- e..nie ti -ae was a'-o oj. t!a- : -a! !(
tia- faint na rk of a pa ildie kavia; lain j
at fad leaptla
Joe p d-aed to it. The fadd.- In ! !
t-vld'-ntiy. I th"aa!:t. ti.. i
i o. for the ii-.i'I-e-'.-ain it had ltdtj:,
th - soft surlace was vo-y sd-d.p. i ...
o ne.'e :
" t Jirst ii-hr laayl'e bet'VeeU P. and
4 o'eloek." I'ejae. d J Oe. j
"Tlnii I don't see h-'W it he'p- you i
at all. II ' -o:"in can't aa., thii a j
tu tio with the Atter.s iii r-! .! ry. p.;-j
,'iaaai' from here to th" ramp i -i
.is" l 1 -
far to ta'aOiV n
eio-t. 1! 11 1 1 h"
. 1
1 .1-
a-li'-f ol tia- as lUiiKcs .t ta
it. . L .Vi
fa:.:,'-t have
oer to a i-t a 1 idera 1 1? in lac- canoe, j
iMbt that riaiiiV" I
l.ooks that way," admitted Joe. '
'J'h-u the ea.noo can l.-c jidy a coin- ,
cidi :ar.
-h-.-.k bis le ml. "1
w-uldn't to ;uite so tar as to say!
that. Tdr. h'uaiat. h." ;
id!- vaont ever the
ground the rat-r. th. n rotun.e i .
to ,!o- s;,.-t whetv A tn-oom aa. s,; ,
rdlowin- a smrhdy t.... t..c ..
, t by which we laid totae 1 nea
tahiu? the laitchct i . a an las , .f. ..c ,
u de-.d Ma o- t--.. tor a and
hut-.? up the hot to- on.-,, nm, ". i(
-tn-s; ; a .
p... - ;.,,:::
v.-US Slid
roil i has l i n- nan M-t ii
c d - Ii.-! r ia :i naff-- t!vt
oh.-aure a lid iiie a pa -do. e I..
i wonder if Atterson tas co'iteed '
;- 1
j X
- 7-.
1 i 4 'i
S a .-
;:..! A:: .aia I .c r-c-t
' -a v i
i ' n.
...... . i
. : . e
s" i -
! v
!'.' .'
ft : t y.
i ,
tcr". La.nsa.s.
'.'a . . t o : ' . i I . . a - a : a r- ;
ocrm, cf busu.t.
i ,' n . .. ;
ill 'J' k 1
j . j , ;
!.J bitt.j j Khl:.-':-; t k
Jiv-i-'llta.l k k i. .
H 1: m :
cii-n Tut re by ln;urtd Ghaccas of
it i or. rornti
Trt 3t-Pt ot the Zrrcr its Mot.vt.
N-a-.v York C'.t.r.
.. - i ' ;
r "
1 1 rail
a ot:
. - d
v.v..i a:.
as c. ta
c . ,- ! :
Ihaataa.r r
1 -.. a :... , .. i i . ,i,a v-
. ' ' ' '- 1 ' ' "
; lat b .notad the llutperor s-c , to
I.i- ! :m the !;!...: of P.ituo was c-ant
iaaau- :: n c.ocf ata
. tlaa :d-o statias the
t ... Pist or s. th:a :d-o suitiiir: the iaa
,. , ,i
' . .- t ' ' a- i " i t e t a ..
; , . ,'.''.' ,.'-.,-! n-a i -s o..
;- ........ 'i," ,..", .,- a..,o--o -z f '.!':!- t P":, tiia oy-s of the Poop!.- ,
.'a.:,.: ., : .o,..;T;. :., Ii. the trath on this suhjeat-to ,ed:
, .' "'a'.'.' .,.;
vhicii praaaahy -repr in. 'Ida- d 'd
..1 a ta-rv IitP cf tci'iurc v. as ::
i .
1,..-..,.,! l-O.-l !.- 1! nil'-,
' of tl-.. fro.- Chor -h won; 1
a- '.'er lie .cut to !
our to ' 1"
aot-ry, tie natures '.t wl it-S: vvudi.
tr:-::-dt ti-eai a saoai chaia-- for t aaa
t. -ati n and propaiat-.n lor li-avt-u.
The oiera y - fauna; ly arasped n. aa -
r.i.d more ot power and ia. icy ie
; si-i". ices in tin.- v ;: i atal bi yond
i l.vory u.a.r.daae iat j --t t tinned b
j them vou.d la- '.add 'I ::-:se mar
:.! ot ju-rwiso a.. 1 he . ai s:u
ae t ia-o- i-: ia i a a: ( ... :a na ! i n
. t-
; ! e !i.iJilsier a-..ui
1 1 a. i . i i eid .a
1 o -1 or..-. '! i.t a ! .
i ia si ht a ; .on : s,i. aaa !
- aa: tor ; : . i - - -
; t. - s.-oia r d
i ; on. Puraa.lo
: . e i - : h-
a .. 1 i i : el
a; ra
.. .' ,-
ea::ectt d m U !: the d- :d
, : t. a . - o
i t .:n t tl nt-- t . .--ai ;-'.
I to hint: th. piop.-
.,: : a- -e m a e .
t i.t tact -y aad
Uatt v- and i.a c e; -a .;.! t ia a
' tie s,;ap'd"iiy th. p,-p. : :
aa.api" :' .h a - ... d the -I
v. hi d: v. e an ---e''...a n a.
j are foaatit at f -ry ay . a.,
j ami s ip.-i s;.( p.n a ai.. a ad v hi
j A Point baa.'-:!! Kic-
I a ored hy a. h; a- p o- . ;
' id-!:, p -d lh .ae i t a . : a- .'
: C . . ; A '.
V V. .
I Pishop oi Peme took tu buns. If a-,
ti:," ror:t:.'- 'a: i:n.r. v:.a..i s .rt.:
:t 1 - t r .-. t5 ( i a t-:-
t.t ! 1 ii ;-:t-v !!! '!.! if-fi !;
t ' " : .::; -- .M . : : -r :a i '.
vr :. (!::( ! v;. !i t ;.r.r.:u!:ly m-;-
( ', ( ' v t':-,:i, tt:-- l.i ::y. was
t:.- :.'.'tr:-." -t i.i
I'.v ta.' C;:;a'--t:
l a a. t t :.c i.c: 'y ii.'..t'
.-.:;:-: it:;ta t:- t'ijoreh. t'lat t'.o
: :::: ! pt- p.e are t!ic I:vn of
t .. an-.-, .TlaTiV ( at i;'.ic a r
a-vatv ot tl.'. ta.-t. htit th i.U :
: :' , rs i,; ii:c t ii .; t'l a
Ley l'-.rct tla't vi.i; t'n-y ai- r:M-
h 1 t ;.: i;:u i-ilau.t-.l .!!! -..t '
1 1.
ia-: ! i- aliia- !.ia!:cr o'.-ij-ns than ;
ever l.efore: i.aiaoiy. ta it t!!o Cb.urcJi i
!:,;.; ;(. at t!a:t taut- the Kii:fa:t t.t :
..laaad y.-i:
T!:i-v fh.ia:
ia-!aa. 1-caaa that yt-ar.
tn..: th.- Pope, t-at-h in tun, rt-pt
t!Ti-t in 1 5 is J'hr a -: tn n the ch-cla.
r..ti :; that the I ;. s ;:re C!:!i-:'s a
: jas:c a! ot Haa.
aaai as a-: or.i. r v. ( ;roaa! ?
..t tilt- t.iaht-st oati-T of
i !
' :a::a a ia vi : y. th.-n Ar.-ia i :op
' . p a' ,i t!.- iowcr -it-: ay-.-il: p
t. '1 :m::i t!;-- ;-oop!e hy a cr-a t aaif
:t- '.-:-.;.. th" Ihts-t of Cod. tiu; !:aa
,! the ;...::.:.. . tae
i..'iy la taeir -oi;tro!; the laity dopon 1
oat ir -n t !.'-. taay t-.-r b-o ti-ia. iaar
r. .a.-s. t;:i. is. noiy caadie--. ii-!y vc a-
ft-. .;.,..-...: f.::-yi:e---:-.i:n.. and ;
a an :a-o iaa Poiatery ia
of into t t'-' taii to'-r.n v-itii ta ,
aaia ah- h. po - rt-s--uo t af ry a:ai i
.-.nth n.-:: e- ! y the 7iiy ot)ta:ii-:l.h-th:
aaa th.- ohieo of t: e Mi. !
1 a:a iia-. :;-
: a . !, an ; t. ey t-r-a absor. t-o iro...
o'....;;..i. at' tahe"-.
'". a as th- s-.a ..rata.:; ataeaa-a Ci.ri-ts
f- ii 'v.-ra of ( a---;. ;: pot;.- vaa - ta i..
Ii die I f a -t : ta-aes : th-- -r
a: d. -a aaa : i a. - of t- lay v. r.- ! rn
it v.a s ! :- t :.: ar.d t;:: t the Pr. t---t
:r-ts si: aid a. ir or J.a-s e-; y the j
ta- aaa of tf:t- do t: ia va:t!:
; a-av
t-t n 1.
. ... :aa h r.-vt "a a-ae witla.::: uoiaa
a: a.; rati--a d t:ie sp.rit ot Chi ist- 1
proiritr.r.ts and Christ's Kir-; :1cm.
:d-e-. --ta-.t ; are laa u e idt:s. 1 ta-
the pay.d ead;a th..t ;"'s '
Hi' -...! in p en set up. Th. y. td
'-..a.-.-e. deny th..t the Popes a; :
v.aaariat Nti or: h. -es. ta.'.
o e ' he" l'a; y's aa; ! i-l t--aa. r
. a: .. y i. . h ::a ata' -ah r- tha th.y 1
"- ; art aa I j ..r - 1 f C'a i- r s Kiaa- '
. a. : . -. a ; .aa" d"i . y a ' th .r
; :..!:.. v. i:h the aria ays aa.l navn-s ;
:' these i,p' d-.a:s. Tl.-.y retaave lia.-a
t : d : ai a-a'i. at 1 rt- iai.i:iai trea,
ta. . a a: d -..' up a t! - ;v:i ; "Vvr t -
f apprc-s ;-i P. J 1. 1 ie. n. i u-e th. in :
da . - e t 1 i t'e a e'.n eta. 'i I'.t.s t a ey -1
.- .o-e.y ia the footstv; ot t! "it
a:. t t'a -e td..--- :
t:aa - a: a s-..:.-;y on dhlv. i-.t o:dy
p-r taaay of th war.-, of the past, bat .
P r th" pat -- at Pan r.. an war. '
a. :a:-v a--. ...a- fa.c aae ot th :
, : pay. " .th- de ::a 1 Ptote-taat. ::: ;
t ".anaday "t.fti .'u and bat estly tio- '
; - va hat they la hcVe M I " the's i
v id ia tla e ia-it!- rs. Pat. t n tha eth 1
. r band, v.c ate bound to assarae that j
.: t
f -ur day tl cr- are th ju
, :-u h.. fail wi d that th- warh!
I;,.r . c,:rist nn:1 Ui (cad, "
id' . '. d . ' '
: f fT lit a' -Coo , I." d (.
T-.. i--. .o; ttd.-ias. s-'ii!:"t!;e
; ' , , ..
; a. : 'a in i.-e-rsin want lave
1 . . .. .
i : taistors of so-caied "tdira t id :0. : a
: fai.i that those Lm-dotas are not
aist's Liaadorns in any s--n-e of tii - ,
W-el'd.' i J O V"
-w of th- ::: over even
i i-.-ft.-r to tin- S-'-aud Conaau ot the I..-
-! lio-.v lew i f th-ai li.tvo over j
: '"-
... -I ...... 1 . S' r i '. .t . . '
' ' - aieo i.ieo I'ooii- i. '-,
' v. o--ds rt-.-'toat in-.- tic m.i: a;s
I of Pestitut: ai w hich Me-dah's Kit:- i
i doni will usher hi: "Popeut ye. then- j
, ;'! - ''
e enlivened, mat t t-a: -
tv b- 1. letted oat. when 'he tiaa-- j
'at refresh:;:-: shall route fn-rn th- j
T -l .1 T .1..11
iftS'-ia'p ot the l.otu, aie. -
said Jes'ls (.' Wf.iell helaft- tv:i
1 prraeh-t! yon, . i: ,:! tha- Ileaveu-;
i tanst ntain utdit the ddna-s ; Ih-t
i tatPu. , ! ai; thiaas. w:aah C 1 la, tii
rp. la n I y t!a- nioUt'n ot alt I!;s ta ly
Prup'-'ts .l-i e the wand Poa.iti"
ts 1.1 : 1 J - I
l'cd v. , bad; of .attd -r. j
; are certaitdy ta-md -t m 't'- c-a-a-e o ;
i t!,e ! at aide :s ! ad (h a-d aaaf i u.. j
Now as t ae !: ar ot th-ir pad . no at .-. j
: ! t oaob! s th-y i.e-.:.i
t tu
b-dd in so bd;'' to the !
.. . . . . . - ,
. rors t tne pa-.r iaai xae;. aie as m-ti ,
no-v to tu:-n about and make ro:.'-
si--m M "t-y ot t! in t!dni: that the
sadt-r oot:r.-e 1- to "bhiff" the I e e 1-
I'.ut ir w iil iaT do. The !i't is shitdad
too br:aaf!v for that. Ku -.-.vhaiae i I
iacrcaau-a -vt-rv inom-i.t. Manv ia !
t-... ,,v, va.-P .da-ate! as the!
oo'-ttoaat of p.- pulpit, and defdae f j
' a- anv I'-.-a-a fe.-' -v. da!' and vd y.1
j Hence the nt. tned-of (U-cdLie in
vburcti urtetdaueo.
Pr.strr F.usscl! s Urc:rnrzn. '
la aa v.. r to iatiruidate thsir ,
P-..; 'It-, to ;'.! :h-r t I.c t:i In an lu-ariu
Lie :tt:J f r-;:.) rt-atUn my I'.'oUs t-i.ti-
t.i 1 ".S ; 1 . a:...- in 'i:il ci.wt: i.i:.." tin-
pr.-atJ.ors a:- 'oi::u t-. t;lsutt.! ici-a-t:.
'i '.vy liavt? trh-d all l-ir.d-t of f!:-.!ii!t-r :
a-: : vi!l.ticatj"i!. hut still it 10 .
pt- -pi.- a.:- ht-ariau u'la'Uy in ull !'nrt ot ;
t!i- worki tii.- McssaL'e of the its .
aati -:: il Mcsr- iac. Tliiy .;-ve f.u!-
i ait- as a aort-f it. oi:!y to lui.l '
th:.r tin- !U.t t! "i:a!.:: a! ai:'J l'itowi- ',
rr- ':t of tlicir pt-..ple;:e that ttioir j
er.'c U : :v unsatislnetory sxud are tbe
;:uxi-;:s to l.U"V v!a:t 1 liavt? to '
t .! t:;-::i n'Np"'t;::a t!a- I'.ihJo h-saac ;
;..,I's Via-'iu. .luti.-. l-oe ami:
l'.iv.t-r. cp.-ratia? tl.r.vau'h Jcsi: 1. av j
hr the i---ia of t:i- Churcli.
,'i:r:i- tli" Milionniuni for the Messing
of t:,- rciaaiail.r o! i!,o vo!'!0.
1 aiad that tta-v are ruat;ir,- ,
! hi-.wii that 1 an not aa oniainotl uuu-
,1-nrof ih ir Kaal as M. l'aal says. J
aia !i t orlaiiicd of :aaa or ly laaa. Put
by tii" Loral. (Caia.tiaii-; 1:1. In mou-tii-iiaa
oiviiaation. t!u se uunistt-rs arc
;:aa: .n ti;-- iaaara: '-o of their b-
p.,- cti the sahjc t. I.' t in-- m;.!:t the
Mi'.,.;.- 1 1 plain. T:it- Chun h of Ih'ine
.j...-s a it na-oaah'" t!.e onhu.ition of
:-:.y rr--t-.-,..t.t I'ntil ;aite
ro'-oi.t.y the Caara-h of Iii:aia:itl r'-coa-:.:',!
tie onlaaiti ai of the Chit re! of
!; .11:0 ::wl ti.- (P-f-i: C'-iUrt-h. but i'..l
n-'t te'-'-aaiae the or.liaatioii of Ltith'-r
iit.s. M-th KU-u-a i'.-e-ibyterian-. etc.:
u.-.r do tin- '-t liors re;a'a: ht- eac-h the o!di: ..:i ai. Jl a preaciiet Coos
Ir-aa oao iia:. ..:aa.::;- n T" aaoiin-r. it is
not r,- lad-h- tta.t be chaaae hi- mind
at ad ri-'.e' tiaa the ereed-. towfvev
bat ir is ncaessary that he
h" r-'-t r laaa-d by tl.o detaaairaiti-ai
v i i- a 1.0 t i.ars. As i rt t use to bo
:h :a : ed v.uiii any of th'-e t ; rtlay
eaaa i. s. 1. f fourso. do i -.t v, i- li a:-
-.-.'.in.'.t: .n t aa i.uthenty to pr-ii--b
fr a. any o! :h--;a.
Ta.; Crly One Trje Caaraa
!. thl:.- in t.'i-.; Ida"- ah. t s ai :i..-ritt
fa- In - ea aa 1 i -a d a: y t 1 ta.---.-
1 : ;: h 'J d . Caa'' d; ' : i hi .'
; -aa a aati t v.a: h the A pt !e.s
vetc tie i;.-aael t is a-.;t-
tar.d y -l-.- ..a a-d 10 :,e ' tl." Chur h tt
da- idt o h v di--.-.- ia.:ae are writ-
t a ia ilia-.. '!'.. tharad: is j iaej
. a up- a 1 ; d's P rn.s. an 1 Th" !
: r e v r:;r a: h : d t-ut oa v by the
I. .ie-L.-r i:;:::--.-:t. 'a it l aa-'ahl vo ;
d a-.l t n-. t there a:e s.datly person- !
v. ;.. ata- n.e:..'.-r.. t ail ti'a. . :aiaati"a-; j '
t ut tin ir ea--'ay :e-n.bership. eoatr: ry .
to t ;
1 t jacta :
ai: bat. 0:1 th"
. . .O '...:...;
:a in I a-- ia ; . .- o
Ae -i.-f;. a - t-. the Ihb'.O. U 1, VtT i "
h .as ti.e C!:':r."li f Christ d "s so ly i
y i:d: a I:..-! Ilitaseif by sttrren h-r
ids v.-iil t . ti." :i.auer-iy btcoai
Pis tap;: : .ad f .dl-jtvt-r l.y txtr I
'i-:a h. tii i-t Ildu-by Lt in t-o-rot- ! '
t a ( f tl " II. -:y Spirit I y or.itivati::- a
h ' laai's and aaaoa-s f that Spirit ' '
i y 'Las b"iaa tna'ie ready far the in- ,
kirlt e 1 1' the Mid. aid..! '
Min-dor.u Th-.-e. as the Apo-t'e de-;-'
:::-.-. are eld Mr. a d o.,l m.d. if t-ldi- ;
I'.r.-n. then h-i-s-hea-s cf hal n.3 ' .'
.; :-i..-::-s with .Te as Christ th-:r J
hard. :f so he that they sun'er with, i
11 aa that tl -v raa v be a!-', c'arided
to .
aa -of. r -' - i a-a. a .17. ;
VI:- t ir:n it i -ieor.;itis to:
the Pi ae. has a;, ca-thiy as -ci::ti-aa ;
; a- ;t i ; i - a t-.attai-'f. it lais i:. , -'deed
hat ti." Ad Of its inoi.i- 1 ( a .
i : ar - iX-ne f tlietn are! d a,
i - is N-.o' id : aa (1 tl.o ('ior.? 'a.-. l;,
ta --s N-ao fad it over Cod's Ik t , (... .
i...-. . in th-If vo o:.tury as;. dati 'n i ,
:--. h-ta'-'-"i v raa- are rc'aoa iz. d a.s i j '
r . rt: uhtr r'aaaa- ia the Clatraii ! y !
d.i-:a f d ...f the hands of tlejl", -v. I'. 1
-aaatien ia tot.tia t r thcui r.i .'. I -. : -h :'
i v the Mb : t
Ot -at
ii.-:, Spd.t a-- -ta.a thea? in the s -rv
i e of the P- ed - aa There are :d-o
larte. -ns. or scraats ir; the Pe-'esi .
v. h i r'l-ocad'v at- a,d to otht-r iaatters.
Via 'a are ai
t:a e- . o:.:c
o-corilln:: t- the Scrip- ; ' " Juda-;.
: a:y be rc-oaaiaed jis'PAWI.S ca TodiolIlTu::,
Pu-'t. r-a ' r 'da-phords of tin- Jlc."k. i:n- !
--r tl.o a:a at C! iaf . hapherd and Pa-h- j
their -"tils, tin- laud Jesus CLri-'h .
S. far fr an s.-parat h:g (.hod's po-plo ;
nto aeray and luity. the S-riptures In- ;
, : ..- t ...o .. . . ae i
I - . .- k. .
.e Piaster, that i ,,
ail t th :s t f t i.. Lord's peo; ie sue i
la-.1:., ta d'hay ar- all ot'daiaed .f
th'd to I- I dvia-:o.a a--ad,!-. tosp-aalc .
. . til! V.' -...! .-f Cod as they latvt
t:d. nt aad .: ; er: anity. The qualify- p.
a:a :thaa:i -n t.-t forth in the S. r:p ; ?
. tI;r,.s js that th.y shall Lao ro-eived
the .'at'tti! a of i!ie Iio'y Siarit.
i-; saa! t be ": a ant ti m from toe Holy
er-" an at: a,.: da:
xh is 1- ty p. hid in t he lady a noiutiua ;
l i... .1. I ...... I, I. , , .I i t-........ A ,:
un i.'M'-l tut- .it-tii.-u jj:.i u .f.-i. .
that ntajinnna' was puUfrd up-- the
!,..:,; tit tie,- prit t aii-l ran down to tin-
s.dats of Id- Ira rineiit. so in antitype I
the aiedatu a of all the members of j
the true Cnatvh Pioh pi. ice Pi the per j
j son of Jit.. Po:d Jfstis Christ- He was
j an.dat. d of t!ie I 'ath-r to bo th- Pish-
j op ,f od! sot: Is. to be the Head ove"
j th.- Church v.hah is the Ihyal Pricat-
t o id. Ue is cur -reat man i .it'.--., i
I JPs tiadaiaina and an .iutiia: i-- tl a ore ;
v. : ! h es:.'!, 1 to all the tuea.aers .f
IPs Ci-K'c!!. p-.vina' the numiia st oi i
tia- l.oidds pe.ipio fud ordination ot .
tied to spah IPs Word in Hi- naun
: ad t o . i p, ai:ai i ha- s-a ne- to 1 lie t- tint
ot ids ,.-:,-: ts : nd , pportan' t .es. :
'Phi- ordaaition cam- upon Ji-ois at,
tea- time ! IP- baptism, ain'. was u-o-
oarn.aed as toimnu to tn- ti.uaii a.;
til - t ., . O I j I .... i nil 1 1 lh:i;..
t ...... -.-i. ---'
Chur-h over s i ti : - . Wfio-ver. tli-'fe
f'-re. ro-M- into th- true Church of !
Cirn-t ly tuaen with the livir.i; Head
-s under the Scriptural ordination
v.'h:!t was praph ietl ot the Head is
at-d.aa!,'.. to ai! IPs memb. rs; namely.
"Th- Spirit of the Lord C.,1 is upon
Ma: because Fh- bath arointed Me to
a-r ach i-..d ti-ho.s rntu th.. no lit to
i-P;d u? the b-oh-n a, at-ti-d: p. dcehi-.
the acceptuLde year ut ihe Lord."
I . i Mill' I
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bailed. I y the ( .e.rt.
ai.i.i;:; p PPMrox.
P( r aie.
a a. a, a of 'a.-, i
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L. J. liaii
wrt TT f
i iiQ Union Auctioneer
Union, Nebraska
y-Vl c 1. 1 .It 1 1 a . I i. t : li 1 1 ( ; :J ; ; l t ... I
will receive tirornp: nnd eott-
ftfl atlt ;i.
Farm and Stock Sales
a Specialty!
Rates Reasonable!
i S'Address or i1io:h: uie ut Uuiup
i for open dutes.
' . '.
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1 ,
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. '