N PLATTSMOUTH S 1511 1-WEEK LY JOURNAL. MmlDW, TtT.CTMPT.U. 7, 1!lf. PAGE 4. Cbc plattsmoutb journal Published Sem l-W e k I y at Plottmouth, N t r. tctetvtl i i lit- lw.o.liiv at X'la:tunml. N-lraka. as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Price: S1.50 Per THOUGHT FOR TODAY It i.- heaven upon earth to I I have a man's mind move in v charity. rest in Providence, and v urn upon the poles of truth. IJacon. v -. Keep in mmd that early Christmas simppmg. :o: Sjpno.-v the progre. -ive petty con- ibices to join hands with the demo- e rats wnat then . :o :- The turkey that parsed Thankgiv- j i . r t i it yet oat of the wvods. ( .... ! 1 r.rrtmas is coming. t :o: Smite pe u Ie are eternally talking war. a:. 1 tlmy wc-idd be the last fol lows to to the front. t K .imor has it that Secretary Pryan ; i- aIo;n to juit the cabinet. Don't . o;; lr'.'vc ar.v such stuff. ! It is ho:e ' that ultimately both ":. rar.r.a that .-ugi: d Villa may carry out j ... I t:rn to iva' c Mexico. : :o:- Tr.e kaiser should feel gratified the. the r amors a'out him r.ow deal v.ih the eut of l.U murtavke and the I -: of hi1- hair. If the m p: icm-.m ats are re -rest : m the i I ! ;; -It!' 'i. they ihoukl he when .t comes to the sclce- l ."po'.kcr of the house of rc-p-1 c-. i e It I :eie r'al'v had n .-h many as is :ie!i oil ! ji n .-me.- i.-'d by tbo opT-o.-ir.g forces there :.o f th1 fourf.en million the LI a ro pea n war left. :,- VI e ..er i it i- ai-l that Tommy Allen aT :...;.ed Lhdte ! States dis- i !! a; rrey, VVM, v. hat's the lif- ee '.' -T- rn can :':11 the j-o.-ition :-.s well as m;v of tho fellow-; that 1 Jul ! the j o.-iti' n for many years pat. : o : v viM..jr 11, . -.head has appointed J". V. I;-!ttor f EremoM to succeed J-.!e Ho 11 cr.o c.v as district jt; .i. v.ii ha-- ;..ton elected to the supreme i e:ah. Mr. P.jtt.;.! was recently elect t,i to i ty j.ttorr.ey of Dodge county y oe.- lio.i majority, and he is said to be an able lawyer. ; r t I..-tead . f oi a commission to . 4j!i:m..?i vitne-.-es arid make a for n. i: e-tiraii'-n .f a innior that a v. ih-.-- o ittlt had be.n put en ioj f the baibiirg hoa.-iag the legation of w h.y h b- had charge, lb and WhitlocU I'M'.' led to the rojf ;:r.l discovered ih.O. the pj;r.v.r wa-' fal o. ?dr. Whlt i.K Lt will never make a bureaucrat. :o : v-n;me; cing la. t Tvc.vday, ( De-i:i.U-r 1 many articles of commerce ir..-t hn e a revenue stamp attached i i order to comply with L'ncle Sam's 'i''r-r. Tli is is what is commonly known a- the war le.enue. All bills ( f biding ai:d freight bills must have a r,r-ce!'.t 'amp attached and the jc: -i i issuing same must attach the s!u-iii. The i-ame iu!e af'jdies to ex-j;.-. .- i::tt-r, and me - sages .sent for trnsmis.-i u n the telegraph line m-i-t also le .iecornj)ai.icd by the no ce ."-.- a ry re" tr ue. A laiiure to comply v. ;;a the law will :t ihoed by a fine of .."0.oO. It i ; vciy .mrottoot that c. yone having bu.-in-.- with the railroad companies should become ac qua:rrted with the regulations of the r ,-r special reven ;e law, in order that t r;- may not be unr.ceess?.rily em b. r. sed or fined. Year In Advanoe See that home people are fed and cared for first. :o: 'ihere is no doubt thai the alliance against Germany is a ''combination in lestraint of trade.'' :o: 1 or every iron cross distributed to war heroes there are a hundred thou sand unseen crucifixions. :: Ja.-t about tlie time a man collects the living the world owes liim the undertaker enters the front door. - -:o: "Onward. Christian Soldier" seems to he the Imperial cry all over Europe, land in some sections of Mexico. I :o- Those who go away for a few years ami come back a train are the ones . , wire can appreciate the many lmprove- (meets in Plattsmouth. :o:- Ncv the government is warn ins the pi bile against pre-ter.ded euros ef any animal di-vises. A!out the nio,t eiitci pi isirg and iei!ar.t people in Ame: iea are the ipiucks. :o:- Evcy i)oy looks forward to the time when ha will be twenty-one years obi and his own boss. After which he .. . j t 'ft a m ape to ooss a wne, it sne stamis for it. Some of our merchants are decorat- in-T thci:" sLo"-v windows very tastily. catches the eve of the riy Christmas buyer. , and also re- i nds the t.as.-ers-by that the ho!i- h.ys are near at hand. :o : The old -State Journal u-ed to be a po.'.er in politics. buL it ain't any m-..ie. Theie i.- a oau.-e for it, an i nobody knows what it is better than ihe Joiuna! p-or.:e themselves. :o: Don't get the notion into your head that the werr.cn do all the talking, for thoie are some men in this town who can double oi-count any woman we eer aw (n gos.-i-.pjr.g arid knowing all about other people's business. Cov rnor f.Iorchead's next step is into th.e United States senate. Why shouldn't it be? The last election . hov. s that he is one of the mo.-t pop ular men in Nebraska, and that he has been a governor true t the people. :o: The policy of the belligerents has been to select such portions of the Declaration of London a.; suited their special purposes. The United States government is right in insisting it is binding as a whole or not binding at all. :" :- Or course it is pretty hard for the stare b.oiise gang to give up the soft jobs they liave been hoh'hig down for years, but this should not give them cai'.-c for endeavoring to embarrass the democrats who take their places. Cue they will try to do it just the ame. Cat without success mark that! : o.- St they come back from Canada. Some to begin over again, and some to buy hack the old farm and pay the penalty the rise in the iand imposes, some to the wife's folks and some to father's farm but back, back to Ne braska. And Nebraska, like the father of the oilier prodigal, welcomes them. Ah, grand old Nebraska! :o: I he republicans ha ve a great deal to say about the "democratic war tax.' Well, they must have some thing to say about, democrats, and it is jurt as well that as anything. Cut how about tiie republican war tax a few years ago? Was it a republican or democratic necessity? Some re publican papers are henc-st enough to be fair, wiiihi others wouldn't be fair under toy ''icouitanc-a. WHY HOWELL WAS DEFEATED. That Ii. Beccher Hcwell, the re- i.i: - i: 4' the generous use of two-doliar bills is a theory given general publicity by the Lincoln Journal on the basis of a nebulous "rumor" reported by the Kearney Hub. The theory has pene trated to the republican weekly papers of the state and a number of them have commented, with appropriate in dignation, on the awfulncss of con ditions when such things are possible "here is no one to stand sponsor for this story. Not one scintilla of evi dence has been advanced to substanti ate it. It is nothing but a bare-faced and silly lie. like so much of the an onymous political scandal that the Journal devotes tself to disseminat ing. It is a foul slander of the Ne braska electorate winch, we fancy. v.ouid be relented had not Nebraska gotten wearily past the point of car ing to resent or refute the calumnies which the Lincoln Journal peddles. Those who are silly enough to be de ceived by unfounded tales such as ap pear daily in the Journal's columns may be left to wallow about in the mire of their delusions. They are hop less, anyhow. They see Nebraska, through the lenses furnished by the Journal, not as the most intelligent state in the union, not as one of the cleanest states in the union, not as a state inhabited by a prosperous, well informed and thoroughly independent people with whom political two-dollar bills would go a mighty small ways even if they were to fall thick as the leaves of Yallambrosa. They see Ne-. braska, instead, as a state sodden in corruption, vice, ignorance and crime; a state whose voters are led about by '.heir respective noses by brewers and distillers and saloonkeepers and rail road magnates and corporation cormorants; a state thai, steeps itself in everything that is politically and soe:ally abhorrent, except on those rare occasions when a sweeping re publican victory is recorded. There is no u -e to rsason with people who wiil believe such things of Nebraska as the Journal is continually suggesting. There is no use to present facts to them. They are impervious to reason ami indi!Terent to facts or they would be standing up for Nebraska as Ne bjuskans, on her record and her merits, deserves to have ail her citi zens stand up for her. But for the satisfaction of sane ptoplt let us take a look at the facts. Mr. Howell was defeated for gov ernor. He was defeated by a ma jority so large as to surprise both hi-; opponents and his supporters. This much is true self-evidently true. What was it that defeated him and defeated him so overwhelmingly? Was it two-dollar bills peddled about by wicked democrats and wicked plutocrats who, with this piti ful bribe, hired swarms of repub licans republican?, the only good and pure and virtuous citizens of the state to vote against him? There isn't, we make bold to say, a single intelligent citizen of Nebraska who believes it. Was it th moss-backed democratic cohorts, who. by piumping their bal lots sedidly and without a scratch against him, snowed him under? It was not. There are not enough democrats in the slate to do it, in the llt .st place not by a good many thou sand. And in the second pl.i(? it is idle to ignore a fact fiat eicr. well informed Nebraska voter is already aware of a good many thousauJ Ne braska democrats, whose nv.rds had been poisoned against Governor Morchcad before the campaign began, refused to vote for him and cas'. their votes for Howell. Governor Itf ore head knows it, Mr. Howell knov-r it, and the Lincoln Journal knows it. Was it, then, the republic-am; who defeated Mr. Howell? Kind reader, it was. And it required no two-doliar bills to buy their votes against him. On the contrary many of them, if neces sary, would gladly have paid two dol lars for the privilege. We might as well talk out loud and call things by their right names. Candidate Howell, though he re ceived thousands of democratic votes, raui.ta.i wrmuaie i- 8 thousands upon thousands of repub the late campaign, was defeated by j liciins c0ljld hard!y wait for the )oII, and although the republican party is the majority party in Nebraska, war. defeated by almost 20,000 because to open and give them the chance to rush to the booths to mark their bal lots against Howell. They did not do it, we repeat, for two dollars. They did not do it be cause "the brewers" wanted them to. They did not do it because some cer tain corporation wanted them to. They didn't give a tinker's dam for t he brewers and the corporations. They voted against Howell, and beat him till the welkin rang, because lie wasn't their brand of republican. They voted against him because he- was denominated a "progressive re publican," and had supported Roose velt, while they themselves were reg ular republicans and had stood by Taft. They voted not alone to punish him, much as that rejoiced thcrn, but to pui ish through him tin tens of thousands of Nebraska re publicans who had revolted in I'M 2 and helped destroy the greatness an i the power of the republican or- rar.ization. That is the truth, : imnle as truth ahvavs is. Why not recognize it? Why should anybody be so silly as to stick hi-; head in the sand, as the Lin coln Journal doe-', am' pretend to be lieve that the absurd arid preposterous lie about two-dollar bills furnishes the- explanation oi republican deleat m Nebraska? World-Herald. Do yoi.r Christmas shopping with a libel a 1 advertiser. :o: Japan can boa.-t that it f.ni.-hed its part ef the war trrst. :o: The hustling meriiiani always gets he cream of the Chri-tmas tiade. All instruments tiled in the county ecorder's oli.ee no.v must be stamped. Tiie new armv bid a : reals aeroplane servic indilference. with comparative Ii is not every 70-year-oid 1 ri le groom that -an boirow money of ill -T-ye:ir-old 1 ride. The Jr'tate Journal denr't se m to be r-atirlied with anything that Cove' nor 3Iorehe:ul may do. Ad the better for the governor. :o: The death --d the hangman in Judge Talker's court at IV rt I'.mith. Arkan sas, seems to have left the state with out an experienced executioner. : o : Our people arc complying with the revenue law as rapidly as they cam Americans always comply with the laws of the land, and are patriotic to the core. :o:- lf the first three days of December rule the winter, as the old weather prophets are want to say, December and January will lie fine ones. Put we shall see what we shall see. :o: The New York World turns is bat tel ies on 31 r. Hrynn. Put then this is not the first, time the World has been guilty of this trick. And Mr. Pryan got used to this several years ago. :o : The jingoes sang that they had the ships, the men and the money, too. Seci clary Daniels improperly applies the name to those who merely insist that we ought to have the ships and the men for emergencies. ;o : A divorcee announces the cheerful discovery that she can support her self and two children on ?'jn,t,-00 a year, when not bothered with a hus band. Put most women have been aware of this for many years. The suggestion of (dcorge P. Mc Ck'llau, jr., ex-mayor of New York, that the United Siate.; may have to fight the victors in the European war, teems preposterous. The general opinion seems to be that the countries engaged in war will have their suf ficiency, no matter who wins, for 'some time to come. Nevertheless, it would be just as well for this country to be ready for any emergency. WINTER NEEDS. It would seem unnecessary to call attention to the sullering thai the.,e cold wind .3 indict upon the unfortun ates ef our city, yet the majority of the people wait to be sohene 1 be fo.-e they contribute lieip. Very IV ,v peo ple make any investigation or imj.iiry as to the condition or the needs of the helpless poor, and they know ony in a general way that winter entails mo;e or less distress among the ex tremely poor of tiie city. This seem ing indifference may be attributed to lack of information on the sunject, eu to the lack of time to investigate an i sor.iethiK-s, but not often, to down right se'iish.iess. Cat . h:.'. er rea-cas people may have for waiting to be solicited, it cannot be too t rong ly urged that everyone should gr.e according t) hi.; means, when called -spi n. I'iatt-eiiouth has a corisidei al i oei.idalb'.i that is v or;.- ut'itly on the "':iL' c l i h e." e c:i in times e ! ! gi i ales; ,.ro:- i?e''i'.y, and whim wilder i lose-; in imc.o them the si: .ae ent de mands of c ! i weather cannot be met. Cold weather re-juires more fuel, more ninr.liy the ir.com not .--dl-ch-nt, e-v.-n than I..- body V. ; 'e a.e' !ac' ing ( auses a htrg" d'.i'-i-ig white: . ar of a ho-se!".(i'd :.- : stimmer, to mine n i Level- feed an l add, .o ( in ; a ! lie - ; very in -; cap:. .ly :i; . a ! tl ' i ;i run.' a e of til-- ( ii; . s of vai i'i;.. rt ov.-rtahe i'r o.rr city 'r.-ni r. expen.-e. ae i fre ;''..n fa.f,..ly of ii in c- .nre. of i en i le -: n y s 1 ii c; (e the he.ci ;" t.he 1 V.ea'.er Tr.ii'Oeis ,,f thiown u;i!; the inn: vi. i througli mh-forit kinds, j,,-. erty ; eo; ie, ami i ".' .1 l n e :u.i t on-tnt s .- i 1 oi ill- se and come who ; , i . . .re rinnn : o w n ro ; T . I - - c ie a! )- e'y in ca hig them eh.: bin o'.i '. ! It ing w; '.el . . U' U v. hi el e T - . 1 . l ' ' if 1 .o the the e w: :iv;r g Co na .1" a: .em While there i hi many line net ! ,e a r m i '1 m ; :' e V, he.t T 1 In thr -r m-n t be i ,t i: i ,1 : sr less Pk-.t lsmo-.it! lack the Men who c; for a day, those who: i ?r.:;.-t let m :.e sm'fer !i rend r.ec -n.;ne ; of hf :-.!! give er.r ploymeid, t vc sliomd. let r. be .-mown to ; bti.-i.iess it is to hok af-j lC!' the lit eds oi he imfo.t-mates. ;ed iri t'-.e work of Those who arc ee charky should 11 ml no dhhcn'ry hi procui Ing s jihciiiit ftir.d.i to meet the needs of thei- vvorl:. Tiie good peop'e slroul l give freely an i give as gem -r-oiis'y as tlary cm anil if all will lah a little there will be plenty ami to spare. In any event, dear reader, il'-nd be groreby if you are asl-ed to contribute to help lesson the pangs of poverty in your own city, if you are able to give money, you can at least rr'ive a I'le'iisant look a?.l rinik1 to those who ask you to lu if). :o : (b neral Jeirre has esial!i - bed his hend.piartei s seventy miles behind the filing line. Ceneia! Joifro is not only a great military geniu:-, but be is one of the world's greatest ex ponents of the safciy-dist movement. Keturns fo Pierce County. Kt-em S;it iii-ct.i Vrt I'iiily. 'd;n N. Peck, one of the Jo i: in 1 s i excellent Noting Cermnn farmer j frion!s. from west of the city, was ... . I visiting and trading among 1 Mat is- meuth business men lo.lav. and while . .- here paid the Jomrnil oibce a l.rn t calk Por the past two weeks he has been enieyim-a visit from his brother, lienry Peck,' of Pierce county, who returned home yesterday, iknry war. a lesident of this county about four - ' . en years ago. nd of c ourse en ovs an occasion".! visit back to the old home. He enrolled ids name for the Journal for one year and will keep no ted to the humiemings in old r a It: roue; ii future. vll columns in the r . . . , . ... s '. A I r.M ' ' , - 1 '- ..- v TTtf Y- r hi'i i:.tv" ilwrtys Iou'Iil, av.tl which lias? l;c'ii r :. : '., ) j t ::":;, La.; Lorno tlio higTiatufc of v.-nl ;as I,"f';i inrulo initlor Ins licr- .- .4 . ; );;:il - !!' lis, ?; i'.: -.: i ;'); t ' f e. .Jo w'.'.ii . ' T ' . t . 5 , AW i. .'it ? ii':ci ;.: laia;.. ? v!.i;!:i h. ;--;;', i r ..'; ::i ?x:- ; .ie .-.::( : ,v" ?ms b e i ri.'.l : Diarri.r : ii-h:t:!...; - :t 'I n:- h .t.-I It ate for far-tor Oil, Parri ; - s-. ; :- r.:.;.v S. rrrps. tt is ;d-:::n(. It . i'V ' pi.n.i, f -I . ' rid: i :r iinr l;i' Sr-rcotiu ti-i rg --. is i i s ci:ir.n:(-. It ilc.-troys Worm "v'-'v I , r. .'.o- v. J 'or iisoro thirty years it ::; ci -r, ;i i. i, r -.f f :r ilu: i i I : f tji atii)atiTi, , A.'iiitl rJ'oo: bi:;g; TrowJjIos and :;, r .::!..;; the .v;'l ta.uli and Jlowel.;, la" Ih.il, gi . in-: lie'rithy and ?iaturul &lcti i.'c:i s i'a;ur'.-a-i.!u car the if .r '? '7 V i . rT we are two cars nit Uen.i .-.! . . O: parent s. . i : 1 i-n n V'.-e e:i in m . it ii l ! m. . c dnvsJ :: 'e f h,.ars' .i:v- seem to the so-cmHe-1 c so niucli id" lot' e n n w I e : mt e::n,n:y as .v.-:- ,. :i .-n end f-i. Pm-ke. v.h i ! n : 1 '. Ibirhe and fa :) the-l' i' ; rh.y met nidi ; S 'ward. P wa-; i.,n itrro n.!"!h"! Wi'.s th-ov. :i ,-:t eras ccm.ddi ra! ly was Ir::t. William Mi-.-lk . and Id'-r. A. P. -. am! Mr-;. John A. eon v i-i.i-g with K. r.iiy, we-e I'etininr'g t Yin h in an auto ii! v. -er ie"'t clo-i' to ii an' o, of thi bruise .1 id they l! '. machine and so one else r of V i ncesveil .1,. ,i i- ogi r. -e' on lay of the h.'ph Mueller, death of his brother. j who died at Cedar Papid-;. Iowa, Sun- uav a 1 ' ci noon. t went ! there last week when info' nu-.l of his ri.-t ne-' :- niiiir;, mn. as ne i.e.o ;ieati ' ' d home Saturday, III! an roveii ne rcLurni. ! was e'teativ slioclreil when he re ceived ihe message of Ids death. Mr. arid Mrs. .Mueller left Monday even ing to attend the funeral. "The High Cost of Loing." Krom S.ilur'l:?y's I'.-iily. la several of tiie counties of the U'l.- .-.v!: n ' l : :i;t : in r. f , ' 4, " whether or not the marriage . . . , . , - ceri mcai es i-.-aeu o.. j.-i-i-. oit. iu.n- . . i i i i i .. i i l.-ters are io oe siampe-i ov me new war (ex .''-tamps that are l:eing placed ... t:r.. ... i . Tl... n so many mum-m .;:n:e-s. deckmn of the o.ilclals of Douglas . -i i ii. . ..... ..i: . ...u,. i (county ! wmt u.v i-.wi.e-, v...o ... e been admiring their we.ldin;: crtiiicates which have been issued sin e the stamp tax went into effect should, return them and. affix thereon j a -stamp of 10 cents, which burden is to I .c taxe;l onto tnose wno enter into the state of matrimony. It is, how ever, not mmes.ary to furnish the cert ifleates unless requested to do so j by the bride and groom, and many v. ill escape the 'h.ih cod of loving" in this manner. -N-vN--jyvv.:.V.x'yA'"' Pj Q DM lh.4 f. - i - v - ? ' -va iijTv.2:iyn 1 1 1 c o itsi inf. in-y no io to de-ivo yon in thi- uml .Tiit-as-;:oxi am; 'nut ajnl ,;itiai:' or tlm u.Jta of ..--.!.,. ... f t i ; .. I'vii..!':::!! :i. .'io.i.er'3 Incua. Eijjnal-are of . . X-i V IT J i r ' Ovor cO Yoars O ' ("IT' PERFECT GONFfOENG 1'lat !.- mouth I'cmlo Have (iood Kca s;,:i for ( oi.ipiete lieliance. I)o you kl.'-w how '1' I relit f from backaclie; 'l-i correct distressing urinary ills; To a is l w.-ak kidre.- 7 Many people in this vicinity know ie 'v.i-li.i.e- se 1 Ib.an'e Kidney Pills; '! n e 1 their worth in manv 11. n.e I lien's i : Matism.'.uth testimony: I". .-h Prhd.mar., Eleventh ami streets, riatl.-muth. savs: P. :.:1 se- ernl years I was bothered by .i-lacys. My l ack e f ten pained - ly. . Headaches; and dkmy bethe:.-.! me and my sight be- :-o ba.l'y aTi cte-1 that I couldn't J'i ::n's Kidney Pills were so '.veemrner.ded that I decid.d to eetr. ar.d got a box at Coring Jc P.re- e''e;.-. I.; a shoi't time hee'id me in every way. I am without Doan's Kidnev Piils on P: " 'c at ail dealers. P-ri't for a kidney remedy got K: ey Piils the same that mhmrm had. l-'oster-M iiburn .;-. iiuhalo. N. Y. 1 . 11 m r z r T A mam rnr" V A RECORD BREAKING EN GiBEHENT IN CHICAGO l-'i oei ';i t ur.luy's I a:!y. Tbe Perlin oncretta. "A Mo.ln-n ! vcii.-'n e:,.e.-,l i- , : I J t I ing e";r.-gemeiit in Chicago, wiil be ;J ; , , ..-,.(;.,,, .,t '.lrmole iht'.cr I -tt- w i -. . , T, ... .i 1 1 i--in - m.u niK'ii, I'eeeir.uer '. Tiie marm -rement have assembled a cast of prominent principals for this t.rm, and will offer an elaborate scenic and costurrio production. A modern live" has proven to be the greatest musical success Europe has i'-iven us. and it :ilrr:i.lv -i m-h;i j in !,..,:,, point ot: Popularity, any previous ! ,, ,., , 'ii j; en. hum in yvni The music, by Victor Hollaender and Jean Ciihcrt, embraces song hits al ready established as popular favor ites all over the country. The now famous "Good-bye, Everybody" waltz is being whistled and hummed every where. Other popular numbers are: "Is the Girl You Married Still the Girl You Love?" "Lonesome Moon," "Pita, My Margarita,"' "Every Day Is Christmas When You're Married," and "Won't You Smile?" Cmid of Liver Complaint. "I wa s .suffering with liver com plaint," says Iva Smith of Point Plank, Texas, "and decided to try a 2Ve box of Chamberlain's Tablets, and am happy to say tha? I am completely cured and can recommend them to eve'-yone." For rale by all dealers. Nichols ITalmes, the Weeping Wa ter miller, was in the city today for a few hour- looking after some mat ters of Lushiess, i I in