' - S It PAGE 6. PLATTSMOUTII srII-WEEKLT JOURNAL. iurray Department Prepared::, th- I:.-oret of the- People of Murray and SurrmUHUPjr Vicinity Especial Ij for il.e Journal Headers 1 f any i.f '1 v :'.'! of 1 t.e .1 1 "I i I kt.cw 1 ' any - -; 1 x in ii tifin i 'i' ii'1 en -i in 1 ' . a v i.-l r a i . i.l -a 1 ' I n..i i ! s-.i me !' Ii i '!'! ' i' "V i ! I :u- ;;i luiii l tii'-. iit-Sitiii'!.'. e ui il :a i tn u - a iai -. 1 b it i The Th:ir;k.-J vin;.-- dbnu r !' 'M H JMJIf Hll.lia.ij IIWIHIH jlllUIIH at L'-.vlston Church men at ; r K. ! rrriT !.evist,.n by th- ! '..lies of the k. X. K. j m J ' al V 'S t 3 i J 3 -..-. in . i fie inne Vvk! boons &a nor ;.n th;.- .i.m-. Ail iima ... : j wjie;i vou nee( that new Heater. We want to beived to the !;ii-'fi fro.'..! ei i.ny ! j.j call your attention to the tavonte '"5 r? n f-vxs .- y t ? '- . m n vf F A plf fill Li 1 A M H t- l ' ! i V h fj !. LI M M W 1 ll ii ii 17 "a' f I 1 v 1 i I i I lic year, aim popie .erc pivs-i; -nt froui Xth.uvUa. Seep:i:r Uatt--. ij j r!att.-'iii.''.il!i, ritiuii. Mui-s av. A! nard. ' . V JE acked the artist to attract yov.r Ettenlicn to cur alverti-emcnts V V ' i this ra-.er bv r.i?.l:in- Lis rl rivl es so tht th?y vnll UQlD YOUR r.YE and IIITESrST YO'J. Everyfccdy is interested in L-OLLAIl riGirS. Everylcy cu-ht to be :;:t:re,tcd in OUH BAN II. Y.'c'rc entc-rr :i::n?, sound, judicious, f.;ir. OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT HERE. Four per cent interest on tiiT-.o !t pcsiis. 0;;r depnsiis nit' protectetl !-y ;h ' Stale Guaranty Law. Vo'ir peisr.nal taxes are now (ive. The 5a::'.e can he paid at this bank. Philip 1 1 i I I 1 1 : - s ''ecu uite .- i-k !ot ilie )at Wick. Ai r.artlftt visited fviends ii) J'latt naut h Suiittay. Pav your pet son;.! taxes at 1b .Munay State Han!-:. II. Ci-e;nnri- I att a ear of steel ,.. t;H- ;-oa'!i :!:i ha market Tue'lay. L. ?!. MrVey r.iul v.ife were e:tl'inv on b' Murray laeii ii.iti' 'l '.ie-ilay. Walter Sam-; ;.ei fa"o!y spear Sitnuay with II. ". Crea-iu-r a.ial fa:-a ,J. 1). Shrader was lu-.kinu' a.ftel .-nne baslr.e-'-- matte is in Oaa.ha .Mn 'Jaw I-'rai.k C.l-el-r.aji aiai wirt ;:tee.1e. r, :t :t I.e-.yi.-te.n I 'viii.is'j-ivin:.' lay. Pi. (J. H. (lilaa-re made a p :: --ior:l trip to Lincoln Mon.I.ty of tli-i V.eek. Xi.k Kl:un--vs ai'.d f- mily sn.-nt TlKitd-sy i ia.r u ith n!ative :t Xe :a"vka. ,!..nn r'i-'. ii and wife ard son. deat . a! U tided t'.a. Tliarksyi iny spread at I .e A i-toa. .Miss May me O'Ponr.ell of OmaI".a i V-'!tt.! ti leries al l.C'-:-l"'l i :u.:- jyivin- d..y. j A rtattr ('';:. haver a.i d wife vi-- lie I Sond-'V V. A! I S. .. .1. .-0k-.- i ; . Mniv..v. j d Xc'-rai-a "' .', and Mrs. tier rude Hecl-'wr v.-a. v i - it iiv.r j ( hnaha an vhh fiie'id- in '.,,,!,., !:;t ! y. jv.eie more ihe.n thankful ! the l.he- or l exeeitent t ! , ' e :'' a u m e t ami D fi - H- ilM L t! v -1 1 - iff ) lis.s Mai-vie V;dker v:a vitii l'k.ti-Pa ir:-!H's a his we.-' . ', ' " i (ih'.r.yr they ' ecive-1. The Kc v. W. A. j is I, 1 - 1 i'i'a'.lo!', of I'nioii, di-liv;. red a line ser mon a l II oeloi'A 1). i j i r 1 1 v. as , M Muriay was wdl represent at i no ! ;(. ,.Vi , , ,,.,.,, p.. ;.t i - o'clock, a.ai tin i rhanksyiviay dir.Jn-r at I.r-wiston !.,!. j , si.;.,u ii; a s.,,-i.d v.a;..!i? . .1 .a a . riuil sda-.'. Can:'! R; -y I'l.-ii 'e-'S mat'a att;i.l;,y. i v-n!ti. I h ' 1 1'ocet e. - aao'in.e Win. II. ;!. Ik-'k K!';!V:. is la v . ! : o.:o. v.'kich i- a neat utile Mi".t. : imiaay th,. ir. Mu-rav f .r : Ti:e ledies of lb- K. X. K. e, rt ;.u-:y o I 1 lie l..:zaar ia-!d o) da ' ' s m;r aiter -o':icpiK. uine.er wa..- a a re.;: .-at c in l'l.t'i.-moip.li la.i;M!1(. tav.xt,. -uooer v.-;t.- .--er ed in iJ, '! , ? i i i a There-nro no better stcves ami heating plants on the inarhei than the Round Oak. .'). (. 11!,. dea. ?a -- . it. y. 1 ' a ait e e i )a a if t:ris wee' (.':. : : ieiith -!a.t HH'i i : i. T.d.e dm ia-b-- e' ' .Ie-.'i' e a i.ii L.t oal e; pra:-e i : i a a ,'ed: .."lay qdeasaet. T:,a-!:-. ivia - day ft r a'l a'atU d.a m- i-oi- I atteadaive. : e ti.; I .a 'o:.-- a !' ? a : . i 1 1 - i a I'm .','. I . - ' ! . ' ' -1 v. i v.'l; ! a -i 'VI a;:'. i !i 1 w : : a i a e ; t -'.: -a n en art. n . t.. ,a . . ... i . - ;j Filurrsy, - ucbrr.s,;a . - I . r -c . .. t .. i .' 1 ' . . i ft WT -v . i r ,n 'w! liil.5 t (ill r P.tirTWQi llH.c hC rnnklla OC t Vl ( 4 l"be I a d i--. lithe ! . X. ! . t - M t ii ;.- il nC na-an,., ww. n. ... . J..i; u o.. . demand permits. 1 1 !a.d Oi ( V t. t : a to t : r n: n-v .a '. io t: M. . )ccer.' ' i- a. ! .. lolaj. I;, aver of IJoca 1 u ;.(, -o yeae i oa si e -at i! i a i t ed t o A . . : a- af'er .-om i.v-i. ; m.. . i . . ' - . - . !, ui - l- i i t.e :ac- - -ss ; ; a, i a .-. - , a a - ,..-,t I., ;.t . -.-.t :!iis . eel-.. is.vi. 'j i ..!- . i - a Jo i h - I 'lee' al a-.- Dr. aad Airs. J. i lb-, -a!- I et'..y.:.,; ; ! tea v !:o as -i.-t. 1 1'ha.i a--;r;V!o ; v. i roin .Mis. I"cn- I . !..;(.' - e I 1: d" Wee:, 'at r. Wakm t.'r'-.-ii is m.ii. !;.'- p'-epara -. a. as to i,....- io (lii'.iaa v-iere i: e.i a a oa-'':;- An !k! Ibsidtat Hare. .a y i d- oa, o,' yoieii y, ;ic; e-- th- lit a :',- '' S. oit "-' I eo.mty, .n !-. i - . ;, ! -. aa c ! ra ' i- i l i ' a' 1 '. ! I ! t i !'.! i ; -e I a ci : i i a t. t a- a :: i. i a -. i ; r ia v e'.'ea- I ." , , I n i y i . i.-a. l j !e- : a; - ,c is . o. aa-cf.a. a nr. ;::! v.a,I .-e!! at ia.: be auv- aiaav fieaa. .1 a aa i . - .aai tea -,'.'. -i of M :,r!a;.-. :ri;--. -Jiv.':' -i a' 2tl'.ai'.'i'.a. cc a1 ?!.( a a a ;a ,,,,!-; n. ra.. o :: v. ii:ci:.Mi:i.a 7. n-n. 1 ! '.' aa:; -a-: -crib 1 an , 'a .,. SK Ilea;! of Horses. - a- 1 ;-. !. i r. yea' s e' 1. --'-I J .oaa. 'a-. - r ar a 7 ; 1 !. a ah ai. --t 1.1 ''". .'"la 7--: t' -- . r.--; : ..ib- a I ay -b w: : at '. I in-.et c lit i!a- C-tti.s McX 1 -:a The c": n ia this locality is nearly j . ... ;v. ; , t , j-; ..t. all in t!:e . i io. ore of the tbie- t f.dtsj .jv ; 0,., ,a 1 .. Ik ' i iaii a - visa !;: wit'a ah Thaaks- lb' .a - ! i one.'.'. t..a a; i i a a' a ;a a i e ( ma tin a liov.ai. 1 :p at .; l ad ! U U L 1 4i e . L. 1: and wa'e v.e;-a rlatts Wb dae-da' of tai- i v.-.is i-:t:aa' " a a a.-:'.-. ;;.; ever Saa- J t ..ac .'. i I VI-1 ; Hi..- (!.;,. ha a ' .-'-aa- - i- a I Ib.i ef Xickehs i listed anaaty tie I.a , Xel-on was i- ;i ir.tr ane e-o-;- . : - , a af . , 1 a-aacss mattea- in M -ll ' :'v ; .Ill.ui;iit i -:n. '- 1 "''' ' V".II Ciii-:'-et-'t... nr.i aa-i faiady fp-m ; . , .y. Ib F. lbcad-1 was I..,,i.iny after ' :..s,.;l ,aty ;it.t.rilfd the T.mr.ks- at.e ii ai'a-- mafers in 1 '!:;:; oaf ; . ; ;lt j ,,.,-a.,,,, 1 . ' . : a-- a,.;: -. 0 Davis ami Sara Pif aa; were ,v ; V. i iia; a ! i er so an- b-a s o-K s a ,i l ' e . s j . , . , . , ; , . - I ! A a .at . a a . a :a" s- ! v i a.a ' ..a. of I ' i at t - a a e i , , ;: tie ' -' - at be M art ay A- (be : i : r .-!iini-v d a c a r- -,i . a'i of t . South ni s:.a taai - - ;,, paatsa-o i? It lat I' rid ay : :. .ad. v . f this Wtek. t ; ! aaia-a Ib 'a a : who l as been I'.mbae (ddiaim attended the r.n..-n- : i;aa.i'-a- f the laci are ce-aa e i ; , ., a bv ibe 1 ibr; ' . i S .! ui t!.: V Ve 11 ed- re 1 i ed f:at it. r-. i a ea -..c l.af a. .' i 1 '. ia i a a, !...,! t 1 'idb - i.a d -tao,' ---a ' . 'a- -a '.- ' . adt y-f-r-iib;' ei I .;' ! ma - a '' o :,,.,( - e' da r ; fail: a a .. : : ; i a .a ; I o; ,e it? ' ' 1 '- Pa- ti l at ia. -; :". a., l! ! ' t of : v ia .--.ii al Public ; . on the Aua-ad '. :.. half nab-! a wha . am r ia iles ; ! a. a : ,. i'l'l'MS: b : .- - a. 1 of th -. . a a o. e ;. ae.a. a o: a . ia:;- a'. "I ' : " b ' a. ia. : Di (:::.: n:-:n s. l'-ii. a 0- arb ad i-a; .a y. n .? ...i Matie I .at' a len-i IiV a Ib.y- aad a Ida b '"t ' Sl4 t,. ' t ' - , . a era Ibova. i. d li e d.aa e a Sat i;;v,:v Weda .a-.i.a.htei- ( f ?d .-i.a. f :- d:i past fa-- viT:a. aas -;,.tt -m.oieh .M-.mday ti i a iaaa--.ii a :b- p -' 'c-a ;.: s. i Ib ..r: i!'o, ; ad wif-a ti. S. Kay ; ad v.ife aad i .al a!-, a Miss Esther, ' 1 t.rv ; i-ata ae t ! i a.-e.os ai . 1 , . ; ' i ' ' " ' Tiie Eesival Meetinys U'. ' i-ton ., , M J..he Stnith.. has -. en t am aas' lev. w i t a the .- ! c s la ! t : j ! . P, a .".a a aioa.- d l it a t c--i ' i . a ef c.if b' ia-' e '1 .!. day t'.a.i va r i i- - -i : ei.v.a i'a.in Sooth Omaha, aa ; a '-.ei i to hi. f -a; f a-- . i a : i r. i . a i taves ; ! 1 be -a a c a an pay your btl-aav- Statr; il r.-.wi n y a,,..i cn.wils. 'ib e meat- . as ipea d !a.-l Sumlav eveaaia.-, ;;n j 'e i.,a.v daa and k; V. j ,-. T;: 1 r .ieliveriia. al .. e a a:-:. . is t -.ti-rt au.eti at l.-.y -dr. aid .Mrs. X y.,.,-- i t, Wniaesdav by ?!. (k ; in e at ijel t Se li ao e -a 'ib a 'j ia.absy; ito -l',;t tivi'i 11. . Ib.ot took Ti anbs-j-ivinr d'a- -. a a h ia - ..a. Dr. lb A. limb an 1 -. -'. . .. ' . : . N o. i I a a o a. i . a a ' " ' - i vv i - i t ui.fi v. -; aad .': iei I - . o! -. ..mi If ,a a . - !. d I'ai.biy. Td r. ; nd Mrs. : y; . -, . a l-aa, -- - - f a 1- ' f 1 ' Mr -b a- v .. a i a,; . : ed 'a, ,t v.. - i iii i e . 1 ae a r: i'a.1 o :p,-a- b-. a. i.y al "i , ! ami ::'-. m-. . -a V. : ib.- doea v.-a.ll t.-.j ; - in;-'.'!- i id. ' aa r i : - fe , : t: ' ii : : i a t.- a1 a a .. I i if)..' the. a ,: ; ';. t ! en' ire v aid lit : j-;..:,-: a f- :. 1 ai , i! - ! if.. ,. a, ,a , a. ; an- o. ., jac".. ':':; Years .1 I ' I; I 1 -1 s' a t '. a a ' -' e M ik (bees ;-nd (': !v. f - a l dk ciiv. -. i-a j a i ( i .-. J. ( . a f a ( o-.,. :-.; i i--e- a l a:: e; Tie- ..-eo.l calve-. ., i tv.a-y.a- t a r- aa . , 'ib. v. . a am a a " : t . 1 .-t.daon. ili'ii t : a : ; . i ra .a i a - Sia !i.f! ef (b.t;la. lb ! ib bid -''. ai'. a: oia r r.aa uiunOer oi l-.e- arrav lais weeK as a i ami siirci i arv particular. There v.vo a h'la. S. O. P.'inan e ( 'Idaam aad (b rt d , .... I ( 1 !'..,' at a tea lb,. d (.a a ha ; : i - .mo i if a- a o .i - a . i. aad .be is ' , . '.' KM -:', tr.s f. rrirt '- -aai. . ' i e-"-i-' ' 1 a a ) a" a ai! , -. i ' aioa,, r oi ' si oU-rs prc-et;t. .Mrs. Frank Iba-dan had the mi ( b oil lirus to ill ; rafaae to he thrown fiom her huyyy aaai aba!.. !s .aiem'ed ihe o'ay oi I v i a-.: v. !: lea r.ea ia .b J i'r : .-ml . -J . . . b. -. -a m i a' be r. a w.'.h th-.' j-a i v.l. 1 a Fat at this lb i;ay, and was c. nsidii ably hrui-fd a p. also a f i a-1 a ri d rib. Mrs. Pho d.ads liot .- bce.aae friahtemti at . . ay.,.; lu.,;,l, ( elctoat. lbs Pirtlalay. M r-. .lao. ib .ab-i-ak" ea'. ;-. an d ; vie, 1 ii. - lean in Lmcok, f,-:, , ,f ;-.'.n,;,:.. ecenia i i a e. I ' '' b , : 1 (). e Ibd P. ,,1.1 Ibd P i ca.v. yivmy ma iaifir, 1- i a-a 'b.s b orb.-a a ia lib : 1 s mor.tas ! , . 'O a , '. ' i:e p a a : w ea-at for !heU . vt.a.l i i . e.. ! -a V. a- ir v. a .t... i:ni ..r VT i- i ;...!:'. d i ; aa aa 1 1 : atmeat. I1.IM , .Mill, L I . III 111. s -. i ' , I r,i Mrs :. ii o. . eauaht h-s nu-rci , i i e i-ams oi ia- ia eM.yioi n.n a ar.- "a era i ia.- f'U- a hij: tim.c i eas ream .a-";' 1 fan. letuiaa-u lt b-b, tt i e a ! is hf: icebay yre.a. iy ,..-; to .-.a .John v i raid., d In the o-aa, t .-: i1. : l . ' ; , ' - a w...i a. a - ; 1 c an a .-.air. v m-or ana f. i; v.di i e pi dot 1 i iaa. i iey. ktdii s of ti-- Pna.t.vtci i;:n ' 1 .-,) p.,. p.;,.!- at the sca.ool hoia-e oiu-.t-. " '-'''' :M"' ; day the jaist Wea'a. and the tip end of j at tin ir ( hn tmas abaa r o-i Satur- sto ci -..;.,. 1,. .. ...r TI 1 !., ...-.-. I.,. ".ti. I air t , .- d--a, ! io, -.j.-! c i : a - 'i : : l .a ! reef t ib. .;! ' P. r. I;.,o. y ; n.i i T'e.tt -nam:?' i - o a ai I-a at v. he-k ' at:e .' i ' o in..- a l The ..'..urnal o'iba- ac! or!e,-ed ,s 1 y , f.,,.,1 f:.,.m southeast of Murr.f. . TI , .a- ' -:,' b:b-. f,-:- th-.-- J as u - .;;..!, 1 id oa IVa !: 1 . .. . .. . a : . a I . I :...-. t . ' ' e- . : a-1 a : m a a . . . :-. o 'o- .e-.-m 1,1 i-.- ,n i ,,. !v a ui: s ami a; mo me km! be ! ef The .ioamah Mr. Prime '- !th-nto this w, .-!,. . . ! . . i i- ... . . 1 : . i .:;:'- or,., ere'imr a,e a: t r e- ,.i:m(a.-i o pieara. a i a aa e ". j r. a. e, i . , if. Airs. Dm b; ib- - -i you ! se I a 1 a!a a a . . h a h ip irii t.) tile p'e...aa-,' -a' Ti.o-e pre-.T.t : a; -. and O i.-ca. Mr. a' d M;r. (' 1 :i veil . : , i ' i f V. : a t. ( -m- Ped Poia d calf. . na-mas ma. ( b:e K al Paibd !iab. S months old. Tvarby lb act of Hoys. ' .,a Ci,i:at it-', tao I a -- i :-. i ',i.:a- - i a ;n yo r-.i d a two- I a..m . e 1. . .I" I i . . ..... I I , . . - I , . , I ....... , . .... ..,-. ilia- Mii-.t'i was e.ea.iv ciu on. j:ie ;i. - i i.--. .-. a .0.1.. 1 ..,- 10 1 .i .. id-n-t was '.-Pie icdnfa! for the little ' o.imao aad .a-aaar with the ladle.-. Ti.c.-e 'a e--.-nt: . b r. a:.d .-1 r.-.. 1 . in:. T roop Were ! feiio-.V. I ,,..:.-., . ,a..r a. l.a.l ?--y ' Hbm Camj.hell has sold his .a si- hriJ.,' 'ehm.d,. l'i,,. 'l e- '' 'b"'1'':: ' ' ' 'V r- -. ib.lb i ad. if a, .... .....,,.. lf,.-:al,.ll sc.ath of the , 1 T . a . a . a . . . ! ' 1 - " "' 1 o ' e 1 . a . ! . a a. i -1.-. . ... 1 1 . 1 . . - . , ..ii , . , 1 1 . t - ... 1 ... 1 r. i a lea -. lean 1 ; a ; . e 1 n 1 . a -. 1 a : b- taat Pe wal,,., (i!fUV ?,SA. M r. Campht-l! Sm. 1. t.,e ; al 'el't I: a- ;1 , C , , 1 ti,,. f,bi (matidnai (ir;:ves lata- 1 cirmina: I e- , v ie. held tin- m:e:iaya ia Piatts ebafm e,f the mti-i- .i ,- t ( r. a a;. I a . at- ; dlty thai v.- dl ai ir a c- in Man. 1 ! .-eta. i 'the new lu n'a in the bora! -a lie t v.b;; Pt. wort! mir v diila to read are Itahae Charles Ilrria-ri vus in 7Iui- -oa. Ib-tft Xi-a'-e's. lira iiafbe.-aai b-e-1 ( b ia'-bi I:. ban ! I i dii-.- aa. K- j i! aari.a-.s ; r.d !. mi I-il ::'.!.; .-. I lay 5ooknv- after a-.a e t.u-um-sa ir.".! - 1 V o, i,." i he Kyi s of the World" itirs .Mo:u!.;y. The j'l'iye sayt that lis hy tia- .aioia.r ,.f the Shea-lard of (natters in Ids court are vary puiet a. if the I!di." Di parts r.;r Paae-ala. Mi. am! aDs. I'ka.a ib ia. e Fa rut bur I :.f dt pt. ats, Etc. ; i Oaa Weber, v. ayoa. "' 1 me waaou ami ra. a. :- i Or.e Keck P-b.ad bayay. '' j Ore .'b.-c-cti'-n harrovc. ''' i Oae laaboay ;i-c. 1 ! (tee A very cabivatei'. i ipv.. .-tt h.m vy la; i lies a ib. o se' s oi !c la, ; ne.-a. I -a ooaai caa ..ea-. :.. 7 -ft .td .Mi-Coriiiicl. hb dev. ( me damsvibe drill pi inter. ow, Pbi ..-h 1 Drawing 522? ' the present time, the dock i has !. 'i M. Cob of Yfecnibiy Wa- 8 pi earl 9 0000 l!i a wittier. The revival service at J.ewiston he jrun Sun.la.y evenimr shotd.d have a full attendance each n'mbt. Rev. W. A. TaIor conducts tha services aral Its time to think and plan those pre sents for the Children, Pa and JVSa, and the rest of ihe folks. We will be glad to lay away your selections, and we g now have on display a largelmcof suit able gifts for sale. Fo war prices tack ed on our Holiday goods. jc,:m;dme!y ch-ai.ed up and tier ;i:f,,, ..-,.e;f ;i j,-,,- !avs ;a W(-ek v. i h 5 i " ,S "f ili,V acfaily I'nrlp,.. nl(tJ,(,.. V , s. ai. liiati io M ,,-:, v. i '. r. 1 1 ait t 1;.- oeca ipn'ie sick for the j a-y f'-e; wvks, hut ic irnpi ovin- at ibd-. t:--e. I, D. Ilia1 1 war mo-fia,.!; after some ha-amm-- meiac.-; ia ()r.!:ha Tuesdav reeds no introduction to the people of Lf tas p vhb h time he houHU. Ca-s county. Come mil here and hea r j iilR. ;,;C ,,r Christmas oods that iiim. Son;, .service at 7 p. m.; divine I ,,. ,u. on ,ii - nlay at their store in a service at 7 :.". p. m. Servi-e Sun-1 -v ,;y Y- i any mornmy at 11 . deck. i , , ,,. , . . , . ,. Loin. Sli'-at.e'- is prcparina to J i cI ' I Mrs. C.alen Uliowjn returned to a mmla-sale at hi.-- home west of .Mur ray in the near i'u'uie. ile has 1 onaht out the Pevendye drav ami a' k;m:-;is Ciiv Monday cvonintr. wher. Hj.-h.e will receive treatment at the Thornton Minor Sanitarium for a few weeks. At the time of departiny from Mill ray Mrs. P.hoden's condition was quite serious in the way of suf- ! HIATT & TUTT Murray, - - - Nebraska ! a- S a - iheir di j.aitute t!a"ir m pear I rare-rill.. M ia: e-; a, I arday. makiay t!a- tip. ia lia-ir au'.n. Mr. Frieze -aid ad ids p.rs.mal p.rop- !-. i' It.- a ! erlv ; t mf m. lew m the new been one ef the pia-;H-a--:: farmers of this lma-nity ia i Cass ce.nuty at ihis titfn- is tiial he wards a farm of Ids own, aad tao- '. a' Ike land in thi-- lo.-aliiy is o il of the poor man's rce.ib. Mr. ; ad Mrs. Frieze have a led of friends in this t. ():e slirria-a jd.;w aid cutler. ( !-m 1 1-inch .J-mc-iYiae lister, bya ),,:.-- of ha.rhvd wire. !a reds of v. oven w,b e. PI r; To ) l at J Imabe ad wid lay in a ( 'j.,, ;- iub- ef pettitoes. apply v. hen he ;-;.urt fa run a. a j ((,,,. idbi-r ctdtiator. ( ae broadcast seeder. Orm i-adyaic saeder. ( ae 1 hor.-.a 0 rid. hiyh One bob sa-d. ( )ne lb (' (. loa; ch.ain. L'an jaa ts. Or.e head. veai.a a r.d las oe.i reason :or lea.Miy , , (iu. s!t rdi and Ocil One steel tan!;. Co ,k sioc, heatiiyr stove, two locality who deeply refiet t a .-ee t la m p,.p, .- i;.h'a. caphoa.i'd am! namereus leave Muri'.ty. and at the same leae '.-ksh them mor than success in their ecw locality. The Journal will follow them t wa c-a-wi e,v and I'een tra.-m tare. Jaities hotia ! rid'-e will soon men a ferine;, but not considered .lanyerous. ! 1,1,, t-k,itli an.l repairing ' slum ami she hopes to jram immediate rc- ia h, bnipji, on Main street, iccent- la t tlirouyli the treatment at Kansas jly vu.:ltf,(l hy VYnlter (liven. Mi-. transfer line at SuPh Omaha, audi , , . ., t a. ... ' i nested as to the fomys e.i lae :a. . will move to that city in the near fn-! b , . ,t i . . ,b , friends at the old Imme. Citv I .on trlu idy;e owns the huildintr, which Jfd. Schwaldp v.din had his Ic.'4 j v. ill he ' equipped wiili 'new workinjr maah inery. K; broken at the Tucker home a few K I weeks ao, is still in the hospital at Omaha, and while la? is jriiininiT every i '. day, his recovery will he slow, owim jj,'li tin- seriousness of the injury. The j vest of Murray; 12 acres in alfalfa; ti break was one that will mend very I'd acres in clover; 7 acres in wild , i "I ! slowly owun;: to the nature and loea-jhny; hfi acres fall plowed. Good run 3!tion of same, and may require sev- nimr water; all can be farmed. For ; j oral weeks before he will be able to 1 particulars, call or write, return home. II. C. LONG, Murray, Neb. 1(10-Acre Farm for Sale. id') acres, one and one half miles Librarians for December. The i'ol'.owimr arc the names id' the librarians far the mon.h of December: December - .Mrs. Kate Gapen. December r. Mas. J. D. Shra dev. December Ji Mrs. F. S. TuD. December 12 Mrs. O. A. Davis. December Id MrsbL. D. Hiatt. D'a-emher 1. Miss Fay Oldham. December ad Miss Ftta Nickels. eceniher bd Miss Cert rude Poif-. December lb) Mis. Glen Pcedeher. K. L. Jvniss, President. 1915 Calendar Pads at the Journal ollice. other arl teles. LFNCll WILL ia: SIM IV If D ox ox Tin-: tatocxDs. TKP.MS OF SAI.K: Ail sums of bid and under, cash in hand. On all sums over SPt, a credit of six months wid be ttivea, purchaser yiviay oyed ha.r.la.-.ble note boariny; S per cent interest from date. All prop erty must be settled far before boinyr removed. JIOXT SHKADKli. ,. J. HALF, Auctioneer. J. M. PATTKKSOX, Clerk. !b IP ad of I -rare 'l:-; :;: Head of Fbm :-h;;;f s. Far; l M:uldm ry. Tit:-. O. -' I 'm rb'c bbi-'.er. i'-f.--.-: -:'.. ibrdby lb-fa-, coabia-l a", b m ' -. Tan cultivators, I'idbi'.r. ( la-- brow aiai yaaaff 1 pl :- a: ef wire. T'.-o-v stab: cutler. T'irt o-'-et-tion harrow. lb-a ridi-y bieakiay and men' !y t.e w. ji'.-'mh vyfld'-y breaker. One sb-d. T.a-.- Vii:"-i' r.n-1 hayvr.ck. Chicken iP'.i-o. l'"2i. b t :- ebb-ken wire. Sa rods l-"eat hoy v, ;. food, a a a :v. . J 2 tf.-n s elnver hay. Ta-'-bt do:'er. thiekeo. . ib. d i " : pi -at. wi.-klcs.s o'.l ran: -f. be. I.T'Xt'H OX TlTi: GPOFfNDS. T !-"PlS OP S.M.K: On .-urns over s!0 a creiit ef trio: :hs v.'i'I ' e -iven, rcirckaser yyv bar hr.rktdde n'.e dra-.viay Si y,L y ot-at nie.-est. Sams mtdy f'10, cash. Ve-thla.'r to be removed until pot Mod far. C. W. P.OYKP. T i. C. V.TST. C'e-k. Mb tt. YOUXC. Auctioneer. Subscribe for rPhe Journal. Letter fi'es at the Journal office. YCU r1 AY HEED AN w - ai V, U Mt; y-j and ve want to inform you that tlatcs can lie made at tins vAnce or Murray State Bank for , 7. THE MUnnAYAU3T!0EEfl Careful attention to Public Sales Hates tiro I -reasonable. Call at my expense telephone: no. 5 n . Murrav, - Xebra-ka FSSTU LA-Psy When C'JP.ED A'l iteital Dibeai.es cured without a surgical cp'jration. Ko Chloroform. Kther or otiier cren- ? eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUAHANTLED to last a LIFH-TIME. r.,EXAMisATios free, j wpitp. Fr.r r.onif dm pit.f.r akd nrrrit .mwitpi: with TrttTtvnvai.s I g3 Vtt. E. R. TAHRY. Omah. Nebraska s2 'rT?m