The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 30, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, N-OYEMELP. 30, 191-1.
A Ni? lit of Terror.
IVw rights ;i!c :., i- t-rr:
in; i;.
tttni k nf cloilp
Mv' ou ht-r child i
nihiaks Your Wanis Known FILLED WITH ALL
, and . )
:;u r uarncte. -a-:iu
g in the
'err. r
t !-(. hoUgf It
i.V, thi.
gasping for breath
house to relive it.
in the
th hav - pa-sei!
l this si: u.c. in. A little i
v. ;!! omd.'e vo.i to avoid ,
Chnmhe's (.'..-ugh Kern- !
.tain c ure for croup and .
r keen I : n v n to f;:il. Keep!
i d. I-'..:- bv ad dealer.. ' 1
.A '. ! t i.-f t!i. ? t ' I. f. :":-! t! Is
rie c- i . s p-r !ia- U
: v. i i : n- . :., itii
ar..! r.i u! ! 1 iyeiuei. t lukcn
' l.ii ri t n !, i s.
hen 1 : n g ;
i !:s-rt i"Il !
is ;t line
for l-.-?
UK .J.i L( ton.- ol t'lKiu prairie I
hav. T. H. Pollock. Tel -jir..
i i ir i: i i i m ijt :i
i 'm. i : i : i : k .
mi i n i :.
! i. . ;;, . . .
FOll .SALI- r-i-plendid imj.-i oved Ion
acre farm near I'lat tsrr.uu:h. Price
and terms right. (.'..Ii for particu
lar. 7. II. Pollock Tel.
head of
-Seven-year-old mare.
l..".ut. pounds. Also .,0
r.g shouts. C. E. Lab-
Wi'snsss In God's Mercy, Like
fee Wideness of fee Sea.
Piattsmouth. Neb
i U.N i. van:::::
: a tr.e
m'. ie l.i
::r.g ap; ues
Lach Mi lia
:.'i a
ku'i' mile east C?
Vrv l ice Wines:?
cu n get
d. located
n 1 one and one
Wti ping Water.
:is and p.en. Iavis
:v oi
pop sale
!:. r
reasonable prue
them. A. A. Lasch.
-I have J or ''. pure
Khode Islam! Ked Cock
ale. Prices from .":l.oo Uj,.
er. Myr.ard. Ne!.
1 Mt-.-J.v
AP'JS Ldi: SALE Home farm of
t"-,0 acre.- ir. Cass eou::tv. Also l.Ooo
k.- d
in Chase
y, adjoinirTV-
tlie county feat. Ail said
ke divided quarters.
owner, Nehawka. Nek.
SALE A pood dray wapnn.
for ca.di. T. II. Pollock. Tel.
: t
i ourt.
- !
Ltd turkevs.
S l.o.)
1'f.ii.r.. N
few choice
Lov: rlton
,oo; l:ens.
LOST A chtvk 1
.' 1 :
ook o:i the M-r-
k: w i.- i:ic!o.-ed in a
Lit. coin State hank.
Ya!.:a!de c to owner. I'in;ier
I iea-e return to the Murray State
o:o ;.. Murray. Nebraska.
1-J d-L'tw
Ealm For the Wounded Soul "Come
Unto Me" ' All Ye Weary and Heavy
Laden" Divine Character Slandered.
Fa;se Theology Driving Many Away
From Goci Predicted Hour of Trial
Upon the Whole World Thousands
Falling Irito Infidel. ty Correct Un
derstanding cf Bible Only Remedy.
! tke TrutL. to eoedleii"
I Ot vek'i set l.t. to lite e .
i I'.;r:.(ii-e ot Co,!';
! We st-e the t;i.Iiei:!:.v f path; jtnd it
i . .. .
i.rk'S aioI.! to u Wily li.lVe
n tiif v. :i of tin' Lord more
j-orff. ;iy. to U t our h-i;t saiiie. to i-t
iitl the uorlil 'v ho te not compl. tcly
1'IilJiit-tl by t!:e At! :-;. I y sot- the true
t -lai l;l t-r ct olll' ;oil of S' li
ot Iotl. to U-t them s'c ibe S. i;iulli-:il
i iest atation f the love, the laercy
..nd t ho ;: lin i: :.! lit !roii'. a arrrnucd
for in t!ie a:e Imrpo-.e.
Wi;:it the worit.1 no- N is to act over
.is fr:i:l:t ifc tii.a t..e I. rd ;.: the
latl'.l'e. ::n.l to see t;.e I.of of i.Vi ua l
Hi- ar.i' i"U provi-i.e, in i"l.:i-t 'i'iiis
jiioae u hi v. in the he;.rt. in tie proper
eie of the v.-ofd. i'..:r n::.y hrin
ti-'.nc! : ov.t it sh:i
(I'salta il:T.t
! not come inra tiiee.
;t. 1 'rial's e.vliortation
the s-anie time of trial is. i
'iirr tnrr- vsr -v-r v . v .
I' h i 1 a le I ph ia.
Nov. -j;. I 'aor
Kuseli's t heme for
today was ba-ed
i. pon the text.
"That ye, heiim
looted and irroiiiil
el iu love, may he
:il! to i mpre
I: e n 1 w i t h ah
saints. wh:it is the
0 r e a tl t h. a n !
lenath. and th-ptln
and h.-i-ht: and to
hiit-w t lie lo . of
uhi -li ia.-.eth hnoledi:e. thai
liih d with rd the fulness
45 lOti ICU55LLL I
I i r.
! !
'! Mil. I KOW III. Ill- MI 1 1 1 :
t:o IS. ,l K.N.
i i i:i m :mi-:
;i I
s ! :
i t
..1 .!.
1 :.-M
1 . 1 V ! N '
m x v i : i .1 ..
ii,.- A T t i: .
1 1 - - 1 u
In the County Court of Ihe County of
a.-vs. Nebraska.
In Pvt-Esta-.e of Hannah Sechrist, Deceased.
'is. (;'o'Lre Clih.' jtnd the oaky
:' Mo:uiay for tlieir home at Cody.
Waller 1 5; ford and family It ft on
!r.:rday f" Hor'o-;, Ku:i.ii-, where
.-y will make their home.
rs. S. J. .lame- and lit tie son left
Thursday for Leavenworth. Kan
i . to visit her fiste!.
M!,. J. II. Lav:.- io;u;ned Fi May
arrit from a si ve-ks' visit with he;
Mrs. Gero-effc Schrodei- an 1
at Ai(his. ::.
John Seah'.oom of Stockton.
. who ha heeri visit injr reia
nce the- funeral of her mother.
-h Davis, last week, return
ed to home Wednesday
Mt. Vine:- and the iahy, of
. Lone; Mont. Colotaiio. arrived Friday
: for several weeks' visit with her .ar-:ent.-.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Jones, and
other relatives. Her mother went to
Omaha Friday to meet her.
, Mr. and Mrs. Jam?; Carey of Lush
Cent'---. Karsas. arrived Tuesday
' r.-io'-n:nr for a visit with their dan-h-ter.
Mrs ll-h Mickie and family,
south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Carey
wc-re f(in;ei- citi'.e!:s ,f this com-
( 'hrist.
ye rnifiht b
ifOt.,1" (Fp.'i IT l'.M He said in part:
Ihe word I.oe is as wanuiii,' and
heeiini: coi-respondinaly as the words
Hatred and Selh-hiu ss are cold an !
lisc-ourainu. To some who all their
ives have keen immersed in a world
of se!:i-h frigidity. t!ie real (pia!i:y ot
The word I.ove is tlisallowed. dispun-d.
laimetl net to exist Nevertheless, in
every htim:in heimr there is a cravim:
for love, pure and j-iia ere. even though
XlH-eted !iev-r to he found
For the majority inevitable reverses
-' 1 1 1 failures tahe the pla'-e of antici
pated stieeescs. However stroiic. urn
ni:c"iis or even brutally tier-e has
been the warrior ia the battle for
'read, fame an ! alory. lie eraves u
timately. in l:N partial or complete dis
aster, the e w 1 . i -1 1 lie lias n ither
-how n to others nor ever really ex
'ceted t'.n.t others v.ouid show to him
Whether he sin eumbs to financial dis
aster, to immorality, to narcotic -tim
uh'.nts or to Iisease it isiatters nut
whi' ii the balm of Oilea 1 for the
vvi'Cialed soul is I.eVe.
Som'liiiH'S this love conies fiom th:
larijier if life tiie wif.- or the hus
band; sometimes from parent or chil
.rn. sisters or brothers. Thanh iid
'lor those siiim-t imes. ::in fr the ev i-
lelice they a fiord as of seine measure
of the imae of Pid in liumanity! I'.ut
ilasl hi a v:it majority f aes the
failure, the disaster sullered. tiot oiiiy
-haturs hope, but coo'.- f ryinhl. ip :i!id
destros the seinb'r; :.( -s of h-vo. wlii h
! "Take unto you the whole armor of
Ood. tlait ye may be able to withstand
in the F i! D..y. aid having done all.
to stand." iF.phesians 0:ll-h"..i Vv'ho
shall be able to stand? is the question.
The Measurements of Love Divine.
We are not able to tell the wonderful
measurements of God's Lore nor can
others tell them. Indeed, as the Apos
tle Mia---sts. the privilege of nppreciat
im: thee measurements is granted
only to t!ie -aims, and to these in pro
i rtio;j to tle-.r saiiitliuess. Thn a
babe iu rhri-t. though beloved of the
Lord and carefully h rished. cannot
eomnrehend tlase mca-urements of
1 .v il.e
: i :
because he is
lorne nt. I nt th
tify and ha ppi fy-f a ' .;
r's jii ayer. "Sa net iy
Thy Truth: Tl y Word
The f;l-!it that is ;
earn- from the Dark .
i'ruth can sanc-
il ..'.;r iledo,.!!!
th.-m Through
is 'i'ruth."
p"U the world
and is e, h
ot ,1 by ali the rr N of crhod"y, l
iifeedln: in the hearts of mm distrust. !
hat : 1 of God and of th.- Ld le. whi-h ', '
is tai-elv aoereth'ed h beuiu: the
fountain from wl.i- Ii b.:- be a drawn
' only an infantile scout.
i i'ou f'.rst he belieed in the Lold.
j he sa w st ineihina f Divine Iove and
I Me:-.-y. v hi- h intiueiieed haa. dit-w him
;t. jhe exert ise of faith and the ie
i uou.a .-, I-,. i,t (.f sin. From the stand
of .1 i-titication by Faith, he could
more ot me i.oiu .u.u totim . ,
e of the Lord and could appre
ciate more the measurements of Divine
preatness. Then, called and appreciat
in' the call, lie bowed ids heart be
! -
e v
Wo I
Iir.o ki.- It a ler-
Uted by t he c! '!
-y true Christian
ad fir t!:e riaht. t
rd of (h'd. or the
., -hoods v hi h ha
aii:!.y Chira'i,r.
betl t lie v: f
h have repe
f tradition
It is time
I f
d t!
e Trutli. for fie i
pos;ti. n ,,f t hi.
e .-.and. -ed th j
v !m. h ha ve be
the saints, j'ud j
e weiii-y and :
o',;od for re.ief !
eclioi, (,1 I tj t i r
.'a uh
"i ' ,.
.t -
fives -
ivv-iadeii US theV
and balm in the d
Is it not tim that all minister" of
the I ;wp.. a UTi"'.:i.-ed and m:udfeted
tin ir freedom from the tiecdai mis
statements of the Divine chara'.fer an 1
the Lord and naide a full surr.n
d-r to Him in response to the inviia
ti ti. "I beseech ou therefore, breth
ren. !y the mercies of Cod. that ye
resent your bodies a living sacrifice.
holy, accept:. b'e UT'.to C od.
our r. a - ui.i l
Hav ma-
and having laid himself at the Lord's
feet, he received the beceitins of the
Holv Spirit, not with outward show or
deniou-tratioii. but with inward praee
which is
erv ice." Item. l.:l.
tiohe all in his powei
;u:po-e. wl.i'
have rejected
i in tne:r la-arts they
Ion- :;u-o? It is we'!
11 SU' h should hft up tlieir voice
iil.e a trumpet, and a';ve n : uncertain
soe.iid to the mass.-- ,,f the rnairlnir
creation, who are a "'a !;.!: in:; and :re
hnn-ei-ii.'ir and thirsting f t The I'.read
and the Water of Life, v. hi- !i alone
can satisfy their l"!::i.s
Bible Study the Great Need.
This is the Mess;.e.e hi h we f"r
d and d
to take I
uf h
Seii: teres
to tlem
v. ord fo
I."Ve rmd
;: il -n !..-: d on beha : :'
ace- to save us fro!::
were ia.-relv emotional oi pert uie-turv
V admiration. At s;n h a time th
Messrue of the Love of C an 1 Chri-t
is a I aim indeed, if it c ua-- to the
wounded and cli-couraued one.
It is our tho-iirut that part i ular.y
at tl i- liniesii 'h h-cotirauemeM is lie
In.-ne isi upon lar-je nnm!--;- ,:'
the liutnan family. With the opetiiuj
of th. vear many u-opetly made! ;: ; ions to t !ieiuel es. or to tle-ir
Iricnds r t.i t! " Lord, that thev vvoind I
to the trot
Fntil thev have tim
us a thorough study t
and demonstrate the
se'ii-s tiny must t. k -.!:
it that the .lt:-ti--e. V.'id un
I'ou er of i .'od are
of Adam and his
our sin- ami from thrlead and d iu
eonditloti i:i wlii. h v.-- had inrsel v-s.
mentally, morady and hysieally. ."er
should it be very diiiieult I" X'-rci-e
this de-ree of f. iltl. 'l'he S-TipttlJ-
de--!aro. "He that cometh unto C .d
must beiiev- tln.t II" is. and that He is
a Ilewa.rder of them that drl-etit ly
seek Him." (Hebrews ll:d.i 'l'his i;,
oives a faith in the Jus'i e of I
that, ha.vir-: invind ;:. He will not
spurn u v. hen we respond to Hi- cadi.
Moreover, It sl.olod appc"
reasonable mind that G"d
just and ievinp towards
lliou-iit of ; n ar,'ry. v ind
t are io in j. (.'it-.a..! .-hoa tl 1
in:-tant!y by every rational :
it a uic'i'l Ik'-, demoniacal.
i e .
u .!
liv tv
won! 1
herthv no
-1 that hear-
m unity,
o one
Mr. and
r. Care;
he ik n
icinir a member
c 1 a i m s
aeamst sai
i , , rv . I . : I
or i.iui c. l tiie uniec t-t citt
I I"
Netoaska, on I
estate w .Iu. 're. Cour; House. Piatt?
mouth. Cass County
recen.iier !". A. D
lo, A. D. ll'l.
on each of said davs. and that till !
,.!..;,.: rr fled l,P'r,-P sn id Ve.ur on i '-v at the IilSt rtPOI't.
sai.'. last day of hea-in-z w.l' e for-!
-er baj-red. L'y the 'o-
("..: -y .Tmlre.
PAWLS V LULLK'i kr v ."',
Harold Dav and their
,),two chiklren, of C'am'orii'.cre, arrived
' Friday evenitic frr a short visit with
jMr. Day's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E.
IhtV. and Saturday niirht Harold
1!'14 and on June v';-s taken mcK witti typhoid tever.
at nine o'clock a. m.i' ht IS :' S;H: ma'! n I?
ithoovht that he is srettmp alonp nice-
Mr. anrl Mrs. Ed Kroehler of Sheri-
icau, w yfimi'i?, were at the
jhome of Mr. Kroehler'. sister. Mrs.
Hp-rrpn Kh ifsch. from Saturday
irkt titdil Wednesday morr.intr, when
Sell your property by an ad in the
L. J. Hall
and Mrs. Kleitsch arid daughter.
Tres-a. took them to Lincoln in their
i Fo:-d. They were accompanied home
from Lincoln by Fritz and Miss Alice
who came to spend Thanksirivinir at
It Reallv Does Relieve Rheumatism.
Everybody who is afflicted with
Rheumatism in any form should by
I all means keen a bottle of Sloan's
Liniment on hand. The minute you
feel pain or soreness in a joint or
muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Lini-
j ment. Do not rub it. Sloan's pene-
All sale matters entrusted to my care jtraUs almost immediately ripht to
the seat of pain, relieving the hot.
tender, swoolen feelinpr and makinjr
the part easy and comfortable. Get
a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 2-"
The Union Auctioneerj
Union, Nebraska
will receive prompt and care
ful attention.
Farm and Stock Sales
a Specialty!
Rates Reasonable!
I-Address or phone me at Union
for open dates.
cents of any drujrjrist and have it in i enabiim; tb
tiie house apainst cold.-, sore and
swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralpia,
sciatica and like ailments. lour;
money back if not satisfied, but it
does pive almost instant relief.
more in.
i.t! to their i'riator. to th' ir com
nit.ns. to t hcius-clv e.- ami to all of
their interests and obhpations. I.ut as
the year slipped away, it has brotiahi
trials, testings, and to many deft at ami
Corr.e, Weary ana Heavy-Laden."
Now is the cppottiiiie moment to
!he-e discouraged ones to hear the
voice of Him that speaheth from
Heaven, teliini; them of 1 1 is love. His
sympathy and His willingness to aid
all who will accept His assistance.
HearLeninp obediently to His voice,
such may chauae the hour of defeat t
ihe lour of victory by the lord's ;is-si.-ung
tace: just as, many a time in
earthly warfare, victory has been
wrested from defeat by the arrival ol
teinforcemeiits at the opportune mo
nnnt. The moment of discourage
ment, of loss of eonlideiice in earthly
pn tress, and of hopeless despair, i
the opportune moment for the discoiir
aped one to recopnize his n-eJ of the
Savior, to cry unto Him and forthwith
io receive the reinforcement. from
Him who has declared. "My strength
is made perfect iu your weakness";
and aain. "Come unto Me, all ye that
labor and are heavy-laden, and 1 will
tive you rest. Take My yoke upon
you. and learn of Me: for 1 am mock
Mid lowly of heart; and ye shall rind
lest unto your souls."
Ihit it requites faith to believe in a
Savior whom we have never seen,
with whom we have not been ac
uuainted. nnd especially One who has
been so frequently misrepresented to
us as havirm prepared from before the
foundation of the world for our eter
nal torment. How can we assure our
selves of Hi IyiveV How may w
know that lie is not the cruel One
that has been pictured to us? How
may we know that lie is a lovin-j.
irenerous. kind, faithful Friend a Cod
v ho dolishteth not in our trouble, who
rejoicctb not in iniquity, who rejoiceth
not in eternally tormentinp II:. crea
tures, nor even In destroy ins; them
eternally in the Second Death: bur.
conversely. i:i dinp us pood, in exhib
iting towards a!! who will receive it
Hi loving kindness and lender mcrcv.
m more and more, in the
laiiirua.s"- t our test, to appreciate the
height, t Li- ienth. the breadth and the
depth ii" Hi Love a Cod who even
tually -: iifive nil men saved (recov
ered an; troucht to a knowiedpe of
;;e. tor-
it: ! as li
No dolibt
J this won il have been so had it not
! b-'i-n that the misconception ,.u n,..
subject, which the Apostle cahs the
'tl cti in- .f devils." was impo-ed
upon our minds from our very earliest
childhood, and often by those wlwm
we properly loved and whose ; iety we
reverenced, but who were theiuseive
deceh od.
It is hi'h time that more reverential,
more lov iu.u. thcoloaical iews were
seen by all mankind. It is the lack of
this true theology that is driving many
away from the Lord and His Word
into vain philosophies and 'science
fahselv bo-called "- Iliaher Criticism.
Christian Science, Evolution. Tiieoso 'that spirit which condemns them by
pay. etc.. -t 1 Timothy (':'-lo.
and eidi -.hteiiuient of the eyes of his.
j andeistandinp. From this new stand
: point of consecration and harmony
; with the Divine will, he bepau to see
I more of the lei.irth, more of the
i breadth, more of the height, more oi
the depth of Cod's Love. If he has
! lived up to his privileges faithfully, he
; has been urcwiii;' hourly, daily, month
ly. v early pr-.winp in praee. in knowl-
td.'c. in ability to see these measure
meMs of the Div ine character.
Note that this is the verv expression
of our text and context: The reception
i of Christ into our hearts by faith
; brought, a a rule, miahty stivupthen
; i'.-.-j: 1 y His Spirit in the inner man to
tie new nature. A this Spirit of
'hrist dwelt, or resided, in our hearts
by laith, it tended t root us and to
'ro;md us in His character-liken-,
vv a t ii is the same as that of Hi I'a
! : her Lve. This experience euab es
' ii- to corupr herd with ail saints these
j measurements of o'.r Creator's char
acter as others cannot appi iaie them.
Vet. as the Apostle says, even we who
n o- kno.v only in part shall, after ex
periencing the resurrection ehanpe
::om earthly to Heavenly nature, see
! our Lord a He is. and shall know a
v.e are known. How prand will b--this
Filled With the Fulness of God."
So in our text. v. hieh applies to the
pre-cut life, the Apostle declares that
e'i ihe saints cannot know the Love
of '!u isi; for it pa.-ses knowiedpe. He
;!,; ws:: further intimation of bow
keen :. ppteeiatioa of the glorious
i r.o -ter of Cod wniis to Hi. eonse
; d oms-by their being "tilled with
the fulness of Cod." This means,
only ihe renouncement of sin. not
y faith in the Lord as our Kedeem
n t only consecration to Him. but
..- a lilhug w ith His spirit. His mind.
His disposition- This, as already stat-
k is a gradual work. "Not by might,
l ot by power, but by My Spirit, saith
the I.i'.d."
The Spirit of the Lord is one of holi
lies not only of separatencss from
-in. but of opposition to it: not only
i f s mpathy w ith righteousness, but
of activity en its behalf; not only of
1 anting away from our hearts every
svmnathv with the unfruitful works of
1 1.:
darkness, but also of the receiving of
1 daily life and a word fitly spoken; not
only by an appreciation of the fruits
and graces of Cod's Spirit: meekness.
' gentleness, lontrsuffering. brotherly
I kindness, love but so great an apptfc
! iation of them as more and more in
1 duces us to stamp these gracious char
! aetei istics of Divinity upon our own
' thoughts, word and deeds.
I Not only did the great Apostle Taul
1 preach Christ and shun not to declare
the whole counsel of Cod. but he never
once referred to eternal torment or to
unvthin:: akin to it and his writings
! constitute more than one-half of the
.New Testament Scriptures! The se
l verest penalty that he ever declared is
Unit of everlasting destruction the
Fecond Death, from which there is no
Hope of d"l it erance. Undoubtedly he
; was riirf :t in this course. du the con
br;e! j trarv. he preached and wrote not only
one! "A short work will the I-ord : ;: ,ut the length and breadth and
make with the earth " Everything has j !,t.i-lit and depth of the love of Christ,
been prepared for the establishment j but in the context he tells us that he
of the Millennial Kingdom upon the i iraytd for the Church, that they might
ruins of present systems. It is foliv 1 JV able to attain such and more of the
The w orid has discovered that the
bonds of ignorance and superstition
have been holding it for centuries, and
that its eyes of understandim; have so
long been covered that now' thev blink
iu the dazzling light of the dawning
Millennial Day. At one bound the so
called scientific world hits left Cod's
Word and leaped into a refined ag.uos
tic-ism, whi. h proteses a faith not pus
sessed. The middle and the lower
( iasses are ever ready to follow their
leaders; this means, very shortly,
what the Scriptures predict "a Tiaie
of Trouble such as was not since there a nal ion" a social, religious, tinin
eial. political upheaval anarchy.
Where Judgment Eegins.
Thank Cod for the assurances of II is
Word that the spasm w ii I be
to think of holding the people back,
of bandaging the eyes of their under
standing, and of enslaving them aair:
with ignorance and superstition
Those who are thus endeavoring t '
Love of Cod. Undoubtedly Ihis is the
great need of the Church today.
Let u all pray, not only for our
selves, but also for each other, a wider
opening of the eyes of our understand-
meet the situation show clearly that
.. . . r - i
and a inner eomproneniou ui me
they do not understand it. The tidal j length, the l.readtn. the neignt anu tiie
wave of liberty of mind can no more depth of the Dove of Cod in Chrkst
be repressed than can the ocean tide ! ' rom this attainment come our mess
be stayed with a broom.
There is just one remedy the cor
rect understanding of the Itible teach
ings. Whoever fails to receive the
Truth fails of everything with respect
to the present life. This statement ap
plies not only to the world in general,
hut also to the entire Church of Christ.
The hour of trial predicted to come
upon the whole worid is now upon us;
and tin- Aostie Peter's declaration is
that it must becni with the Church -the
House of Cod. 1 1 Peter 4 : 1 T.i The
statement of the Viophet i that one
thousand wili fall to one rhar will"A thousand shall fall nr thy
side. and ten thousand at thy right
i:ig and a Do the worlds blessing. J he
; i o ! 1 1 from the great Sun of Righteous
ness. which shortly is to flood the
world, will be "the light of the knowl
edge of the glory of Cod" of Divine
Mercy and Love.
jpcup. my Lnrd. Thou are my life.
y.y rest in labor, strength in Ftrife;
Thy love Iips1!!" my love of Thee:
Thy fulness that which filleth me.
"'tine tiToi't v?.ir.. r.-.y v.erA:r.f?s learned.
Weary, from pelf o Christ 1 turned,
("ontet't to hi His fulnrpc i,e
An unbousht fulness unto me.
"Life's heavenly secret was revealed
In Christ r.l! riches ate conce". led.
We try and fail: we ask. He Elves.
Arnt in His rest our s; i:it livts."
R K rs
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time i: is set
-vi.ich ieiUa
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To ov-rc-m( nr.! s
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burn the CAS in
t .' . ht f ui!-' rect !or..
i -n e it' which the fire is not f .-oti t
p in the fi.M until t.d.eti d -vvn in the sprii:
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coal and
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only two
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tur.i s ;n twt-n
Ej c ' irneit -a-
fo! heat i!
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ti coal, gas, w
with the smoke, in th
s io-s (,f f;,t-I atal tv TifeVI-t
iu the room it v.;.- re:c--:a
invent a construction for :
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The Factory's Remarkable Guarantee
a s a v i u of the
(jf one-third in fml o r
.me sir.e. with si
1 To iruarai t
anv lower clrait
slack (.! lignite.
2 To guarantee Cole's Hot I'dast to use les
coal for heating a given space than any base burner
with the same tire pot.
.'I To guarantee that the loom can Tie heated
one to four hours each morning with the soft or
coal put in tlie stove the evening befote.
4 To guarantee that the stove will hold
soft coal from Saturday evening to Monday n
without attention.
-". To guarantee a uniform heat dav
hard coal, soft coal or lignite.
(1 To guarantee every stove to remain
long as used.
7 To gvu.rant
j roof.
To ruarar.t
P ua".ng.
We will f.ilt;:! the fi
ind night with
airtight as
ce the feed door to be smoke and d
.'(. the
.Ut !
. r g
to j rev-n
stove not cla the work
cording to direction-,
dadlv take the stove 1
actorv guarantee and shouni anv
as gjaruntet. d when .pe rated ac
ve will refund tiirmtiM jia.d and
Once a User You Sure Will Be a Booster
for GcEe's Original Hot Blast dealers!
Ui 3 i
affsmoutn's Basket Store
I Potatoes 65c per bushel just a few left,
get ycur orders in you a vr;nt Minnesota Burbanks!
California Grapes 10c IL; Oranges 15c tloz , Cuban
Grape fruit large size 5c extra large 3 for 25c. See
us first if you want the best for the least money. Call
and get our prices on canned fruits End vegetables.
Come in and see our display. Cranberries 2 quarts for
15c. Nehawka Cider by glass or gallon.
Opening Evenings!
Phone 434
For that Christmas Gift
you will find in our store a large and
representative line of
Diamonds Watches LaVallieres
Gold Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass,
Imported China,
Hand Carved Rose Beads
with the fragrance of the roses. Many other items
in our stock, which we will he pleased to show you
at your convenience.
Selling Agent for Hamilton Watches
Plattsrnouth, ::::::: Nebraska
B. A. McE