N6b SUU Historical fIatt be VOL. XXXIII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, NOV KM PER 3 1!U 1. NO. HAVELOCK BOILER MAKERS 100 MUCH Return Home Victorious by the De-t'i-ie Score of i to 2 in Their favor and Highly Elated. Tr-.n-i FrHayV Da:!y. The f,t b!l warriors of Ilavelock yesterday Cutiif down in force from their home in the Lincoln suburb and vc:e lucky enough to depart for their horre, taking with them the scalps of the local foot hall artists by a de cide sco-t- of ; to lk The frame was attended by the largest crowd that has beer; j"v.-ent at any frame this ea.-o:. and much enthusiasm was shown by the rosters when the Platts rioi.th t-:im va in the lead. The visitors b-oueht with them quite a dt-ictrat ion o t, osters. who were very enthusiastic. Tile fake forward pass wa u-ed fTectively by the Ilavelock k:yt :. wi'iilt- the locals were unable to successfully cany out their passes Will Sure Be Here. From Fr May's- Pally. The committee that is arranging for the holding: of the Young Men's banquet at the Methodist church on next Thursday evening, in learning of the auto accident in which Congress mar -elect Reavis was mixed up, call ed up the new member from the First I district and were more than pleased to learn that he would be able to be with them on the nifrht of the ban quet as the chief orator of the oc casion. Mr. Reavis expressed his thankfulness at being; spared serious injury in the accident and that the members of his family were also spared. t:ns repeatedly line of playing .Tirousek. . .vmes and Worstadt were troublemakers for Platts-th.-y were effective against :rh from Lancaster county s. and ir. fact were about to do r.v effective :.!..: io-t ( Ir. the Han.: hre- the chief n.outh. a-th- la,: r at :.'i 1 i r: : tht or.'y tack:i;.g i' The game ter. the ; ba-k of t l i-ion- were a'! to the pood, as his lor.;' experience or, the fastest team in the west ha- equipped him to handle hi.- positii r. most effectively. I'.att.-TTiO-jth opened up stronjr on the vi--ior-s and were soon right in their territory and were successful in pu-hir.g the Ilavelock bunch over their ov:; goal line for a safety that netted the only scores made by Plattsmouth. Then the team seemed to grow rattled ONE OF TOE SO CIAL FUNCTIONS OF TOE SEASON The .Misses Barbara, Janet and Har riett Clement and Dorothy Britt Entertain at Dancing I'artv. THE GOOD SAMAR ITAN" AT THE PAR MELE LAST NIGHT On- of the Most True-lo-Life Stories Stories Ever Rendered in 'Mattsmouth. he early half of the prame. a- referee 1 by Herb Pot- Missouri valley quarter ( ornhuskers. and his de- unable to d on tne (leHT.sive From Friday's Daily. One of the delightful social func tions of the holiday season was given last evening at the Modern Woodmen hall, when Misses Barbara. Janet and Hai riett ' Clement and Miss Dorothv Britt entertained a large number of their friends at a most charming dan cing party of some forty couples, who spent several hours most pleasantly in this delightful pastime. The hall had been very prettily pre pared for the occasion with the long streamers of orange and green draped artistically from the chandeliers to the different parts of the hall. This color scheme was carried out thor oughly in both the dance hall and in the dancing room, where the decora tions consisted of die orange and green streamers. During the evening delicious punch, as well as wafers. r,v concerted jwere served most charmingly by Miss or of- i Nora Livingston and Muriel Streight a- their runners were left j'-otectior! when carrying the a tackling the visitors they wee not anv more successful, as the Ha v .-lock fu'ihaek. Miner, worked his fake pa-.- several times in succession for iiea'. v ruins into the Plattsmouth t'"-ritory. and liav had come in Lhe dining room. The programs for the dance were in the general color scheme of orange and green and were very artistic with the initials C and B decorating the cover. The music for the ball was furnish ed by the Holly orchestra, and it was in a few minutes of i shortly after S o'clock when the grand . - i . r , i.i i... it:.., t over tne goal line lor I'laicu i luimcu, eu lii. i-uss, iiui- ' r-tich.iov- Va 'ory. After the Jo.-;,!. !.-. til v;. ( I a'! : a vai ak hough I 'iev ve: tooK a last n; .' of til! een h-- as the which looked good for t half of the game the race on themselves and bara Clement and Mr. Edward Pettit of Lincoln, and moved throughout the hall, opening the most delightful event, which was enjoyed until near From Friday '. Da 11 v. One of the prettiest stories placed on tne stage is emoouieil in that ot "The Good Samaritan," by W. Beal forci Nettap, and which was presented here by a company headed by W. B. Patton, one of the cleverest actors en the stage today. The play is one fill ed with rare opportunities for the clever actor, and the leading role, that of Tom Hodge, taken by Mr. Patton, war. a very strong one that moved the audience alternately to laughter and tears in the more griping portions of the play. The humor displayed by Mr. Patton is a style particularly his own and gave the finishing touches to the clever production. As June Mer rill. Miss Phylis Mackay was charm ing and sweet and displayed a most delightful stage presence in her en actment of the role of the minister's daughter. A great deal of the comedy of the play lies interwoven around the characters of Dick Wilde and Mazie We-t. which were taken by Gerald Powell and Juliet Festa, both of whom j were extremely clever. Deacon Ed- j ward Carson and son. Ernest, were Enjoys Fine Thanksgiving. From Friday's nal! A most delightful home Thanksgiv ing was held yesterday at the co.-y home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dodge on South Sixth street, when they entertained the memher of their fam ily at a sumptuous dinner in honor of the great tiny. Those v. ho gathered around to partake of the delicious re- j past and to enjoy the day were: Mr. i and Mrs. P. E. Ruffner, Dr. and Mrs. Roy Dodge of Omaha. Miss Violet Dodge, Sperry and Horace Ruffner of Omaha. HARROW ESCAPE OF AUTO PARTY NEAR ELMWQOD iiiday afternoon of his nephew. Automobile Goes ()er Bridge, Hi b-y Hind Wheels, Throwing Occupants Inio Ditch. Has Stroke of Paralysis. Frrm Satiirnav l.aiiv. M Frank Daly was seized with a stroke of paralysis S while- at the home Call Dav's. where he and his wife had go-K for Sunday din e-r. I'. was .- o ! severe that he could not be moved I .. . , . , I un; i .'! oinia v. when tie was taken to his home. I'is right ride is affected arid also hi- speech is somewhat af feited. On Wednesday his condition seemed to be rather improved, al though he is confined to his bed. His ANNUAL 1K IAL SERIES B. P. 0. E. SOf THING DM VERY WU ENJOYED BY (11 PUTTSHODTH PEOPLE From Pa i: Mia v's T On Tuesday aftt idle accident occur: of this city at the eoir.nioniv known sou. (!v arrived Mori Wednesday : of Huron, ay ami ternoon. South Dakota, remained His son, who IS The Thanksgiving day of 1 1 4 in Plattsmouth will long be remembered bv rvervone v.- one of the most heauti- rnoen an automo- i'd two miles south ! bridge on what is j as the ( ) street road, when an auto containing Mr. I :tn:l .Mrs. is. o. Oenner and also their daughter, of Blanchard, Iowa, who i. run off to Osv.ega. X. V.. brother. George Weeping Wa' Lttenun. rb an until M Sl at his ha s a i i ivi-i. Day. of Lorain. Ohio, .r Republican. The Memorial Next Ser lie-. ill ( ( ur uti.Iuy Aft-rnorr :.! fh Parnu ie Tin :i t r. ful davs in the whole vear v.cre on tneir way to I.mco the approach to the bridge. and the ! Thev v.ei t- driving at verv moderate fresh, balmy weather made it an oc- rate of speed r.nd in tuir ing to cross casion for all who could to get out; the bridge the steering gear failed to and enjoy the glorious offering of the j work or the strain on one of the sunshine. Throughout the city there wheels in turning caused the spokes were a great many home gathereings. ; in the wheel to break and the ma- where, under the parental roof, fam ily dinners hail, been arranged for. and these events, drawing together children and parents and young and old. combined to make the Thanks giving day a most delightful one throughout. The public Thanksgiving service wa- held this year at the Christian chuich. where a large number as sembled to take part in offering up their thanksgivings for th prosperity was thrown out ot the wing of the b its eou "idge. se chine and The an to cr. tight by the hind wheels on tlx1 top of the wir.g, holding fast, but the oreu'K! nts were thrown viol- WHAT filAKES THE CLOCK IN WEYRICH 8 HADRABA'S r. .!..... - i ; On l e-.t S:.',day a mouth !,(.' 'e No. hobl tkeir a! -.ual in at the Pa' nu-ie th-at. get, era! J,t ! lie of ti.e to !e pre-t-nt. Tic I h'cen.ber- j .-et ;: the d..y tt:.-oUL:'t!ort ;tlie mem'ne-s ,f : lodges g:it!:er t og ! Ik V. ! . I !o irig before. trd an 1 :1e- I, tb lh. dis- Vr'T.i Saturday's I;:ily. i ae w ondei' ciocK, v nicn is on t!i I'lay in the west window of Weyrich A: jrfadraba's drug store, lias attracted almost universal attention bv its the b the bold bad men of the play, and in the hands of Frank Brewster arid Henrv W. Locke were enacted in a i i an:l happiness given to them in the iveai just closed. Tile Rev. A. G. Hol- ilnwell li.-isir of the rlirvck offer t-d up the prayer at the opening of the services that placed the hearts of his hearers in condition for rendering un entlv is fo'-turutti had it fall; t'r.e occujiants. 1 -oueht to own 1 received medical eka r lady was the f. m of the ditch. tiiat th.e machine held. It for would have fak Th women David. Ku wunderful timekeefdng, and large crowds have been drawn to it almost every day. We have had a number of requests to give a solution of the oue -tion of the manner in which the uid give the following is the correct answer of what makes with the nio-r the Elks, a it !of the univer-- ' order. It has be.-n ' riattsmouth 1 : service and ten,.e.-- : ;' e pr -e- 1, k-m feel ti 'at thk- 1 r.' ,i,i -l, en on t-U.c Ic oper'ates were nz an. the clock time: ol,t ,o t c e splendid manner, showing the false I pretence of religious piety which they j 1 1 . 1 il, .!,. Tl,,. nau vvmrn uiuuitu uioii,-,ci v , . . . , r. n , , ithe'r voices in the w(rus of thank.- was taken by Miss Hazel Mikelson in a most winning way. The play wa? well staged and throughout was rnf rf tVio tist in i linf th:it h;i; , , A,. , fort was one verv pleasing to the en been offered here this season, and .. 'giving ana p'w j The adores - of the morning was de llivned by Rev. II. G. McClusky of the t; eatment. somew hat nd her- hand.- v cut. Ti.e nam and. ''oimei e-enjie i without injury. As tl.ey were making the trip they witness an anto accident at Hamburg, Iowa, where an auto was run over by the cars ard two people were killed. 11. A. Williams went out and got the auto. It had to be lifted out by , ! The revolution of the earth or bruised j axK- everv tv entv-l'our hours were s la 'v , means :i oe ( First Presbvterian church, whose ef- was br-oken ick. One of the wheels keep such excellen ot tlie eartn on l posses- both a retarv and centiifugal fojee. Tlie rotary force is tieutraiized u we do not notice it by the tremend ous size of the earth's sphere and the i , a. -..!: i t... Jeuiogy uiiu ii ui:,;j i'.-;te iK Ji:aiu.ru o liil magnetic attraction which causes ar ticles to fall instead of fiy out into spate when dropped. By supplanting this neutralisation of the rotary motion oi the earth m its ilawv occasion tvervone v. most pleading ar lias been a":arie and the cor.rni feature that . eent one of the history (f the o'arion of the : pa-Pep i:i'-il(- to ; ind be :' . I ' r- f. 1k Brother tongued lilt t i w ( of 1 go ind. l an.' w i!l e. 1!, I . V. greatly pleased the large audience present to witness it. .rter of tlie contest put 'the midnight hour. The costumes of best exhibitions of foot this season, but to no ;ime was too shott, and y battled desperately, d several feet from the the ladies were beautiful bevond de seription. while a great number of the gentleman prcrent wore the til -V battled desperately, regulation eemng iu.uuiiit. The out-of-town guests were as goa1 w hen the whistle blew and the j follows: Raymond estcver, Omaha; tafi wa, ofT. leaving Ilavelock the j Marie i'ettis, tdward I'ettis, Donald Pettis, Lincoln: Helen Jess. Tecum seh; Victor Sturm, Ralph Sturm. Gertrude Sturm. Nehawka; Herbert Potter, Harvey Lanabaugh, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, Charles City, Iowa; William Goiner, Seward; Clar ence Staats, Lincoln; J. M. Patterson and wife, Union; Mrs. E. 0. Steihm and Mrs. Edward Pettis, Lincoln. victors ir; the contest. In the rushes in the ia.sf ef the game B. Arries and Streight were the chief figures in bearing the pigskin through the enemies' line. The members of the band who were down in the city during the afternoon decided to aid. in the work of boosting the game and paraded to the ball park, where they played a number of select":' ns tl : el. In the I lu1 iru:,' j .,, ' were very much erjoy-clos-ing of the season 'Irishes what has been a very eeei!ert season, and while two defeats ha- e been chalked up against them, by the Columbia of Omaha and Haveloek, siiil they have put up a t-ood showing an ! if their regular line-up had been in the game in these two hard ba tles the story would have been far difVrent. The faithful and loyal members of the team who have played in th1 games with the de termination of putting riattsmouth on the foot ball map are certainly to be oo.r.merided and have no reason to be ashamed of the record made. Visits Here With Relatives. From r naay la!lv. John Vallery, general agent for the Burlington at Denver, accompanied by Mrs. Vallery. arrived in the city yes terday to spend a short time here at the home of Mr. allery's mother and The ladies of St. Mary's Guild will sisters in this city. Mr. Vallery is one j 5erVe coffee and doughnuts Friday New Jail Getting Popular. From SaturdaVs Dai'y. The new city jail in the basement of the city hall is becoming quite a popular place these cool evenings for the hoboes and homeless wanderers who are quartered there by the police. The place is not entirely finished, but makes a very comfortable place to quarter these people from the cold weather, even if the couches provided are not covered with swansdown. The police can keep their eye on these wanderers here a great deal better than before, when they were allowed to wander around over the city, and by rounding them up at night they can be kept from getting into trouble. It will be some time before the formal house-warming of the jail, when it is entirely completed, and the police are in hopes of having the event made a great success. of the leading railroad Colorado metropolis. Fred Jess returned this morning to Omaha after a week-end visit here at the home of his parents. men of the . afternoon, and on Saturday a de licious hot lunch will be served any time after 11 o'clock in connection with the Christmas Shop, which will be held Friday and Saturday, Decem ber 4th and 5th, in the Riley block. DOINGS IN DISTRICT COURT WEDNESDAY. AND COURT ADJOURNED TILL MONDAY From Friday' Daily. The district court closed its session for the week on Wednesday evening, when the case of Frank Bergman vs. Charles Gerlach was submitted to the jury, who retired to deliberate over the case and brought in a sealed ver dict yesterday noon in time to allow the jurymen to enjoy their Thanks giving dinner free from the worries of the case which they have had un der advisement. Judge Begley has announced the trial list for the cases appearing on the docket ard has set the following dates for the leading cases: Solomon Keckler vs. the Fidelity-Phenix In surance company, November 30; Oliver C. Dovey vs. George E. Dovey, et al., December 2; Mollie A. Berger vs. Cass county, December 3; in the matter of the estate of William O'Brien, deceased, December 4; in the matter of the estate of Jane A. Dovey, deceased, December 7; Mc Carthy & Sturm vs. the Missouri Pa cific railway. December 9; State vs. Cummins, December 10. jtire audience and one that covered the ! observation of the day as one on i which it was fitting and just that the j nation render up their words of praise for their blessings. The re- j .1 -tiiii I tne w:nu snieic. in oKen. , revolution bv a counterbalancing in- I ten. ter ouster am: ra nator mjureo. jfluence ! Flmwood I ea ier-Fiho. marks of Mr. McCluskv were thor- Pays Visit to Old Home. From Friday's Daily. The many old friends of J. R. Sex ton, an old-time Plattsmouth boy, were greatly pleased to meet him yes terday when he arrived to make a short visit, in company with his wife, at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. T. Scotten and family. Mr. Sexton left Plattsmouth, where he was reared, in 1890, and since that time has been en gaged in railroad work in different sections of the country, being located at present at La Junta as mechanical superintendent for the Santa Fe rail road. This is the first time for some years that Mr. Sexton has been here. Mrs. F. W Robb and little daugh ter are here for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mont Robb at the Riley, coming over from Elmwood, where they have been visiting the parents of Mrs. Robb, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tyson. oughly enjoved and taken to heart by j those who were fortunate enough to j be present. Teh benediction was pro nounced at the close of the service by Rex. J. H. Steger of the St. Paul's j chuich. and the large audience in at tendance wended their way homeward filled with a feeling of gratitude be- j yond expression. THE GERMAN LADIES' AID SOCIETY MEETS AT THE secured bv means of a jbi-e'-ting spheroid to which a mag netic compare is attached, and by astronomically calculating the proper reduction in Mze so that the circum ference of the clock's dial bears tlie same relationship to its axis as the of the departed Brother Allen .T. Bee-on. wood orchestra will be p sist iri the ler.di'io" of vr.: be appropriate to the - l casion and a number of the' "he ;: r-.t to that 1 r -1 - bv 4 ill i e tions wi; quartet leadir g will be solemn thoughts touch th.e chords ( ne er -for gott'-n i-' i as well vocalist in keeping given by a s a r up 1 of tlie ci 1 1 the nuni' ila v 1 1. i circumfei ence of the ea rth bears to I lodge a'f linfir fir P.IDI? U UnnM the axis of 4h earth. :md also utiliz- ! From Sate, r The (k:"i day' iU'l I 'ail v. :rdies' Aid society met at the Henrv Horn home Wedi esday, November Ik" 1 h, at if o'clock. It being .y there was a large crowd , civ DELIGHTFUL BOX SOCIAL AT THE PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL ttenadnce, numbe; mt ally link was cal'ed to order by . Mrs. Ik J. Hennings, attraction ef the moon to the ea th. v. !l"t-' f! v henever held, an- i say tr.at the sor i ' attended. i Tire meet! i the preskk and after the business session tlie time was most enjoyably spent by the company in visiting among themselves and talking over the plans for the hich is found to be felt upon the hour hand of the clock when th i above mentioned scientific discovery, j FORMER PLATTSMOUTH then th.e hands are avowed to rotate in accord with the revolution of the earth, the same as the earth rotates on its axis, except that the calcula- i ,i . i i is sucn mat tne n.a:..:- tion c'.o -k ea-ih' mai:e s o:e ke two revolution.-: of the to th LAOY PASSED AWAY f( ST. FRANCIS. KANSAS winter work of the society, appropriate hour the hostess some verv ( At erved icious coffee and coffee From Saturday's DaiTv. A most deUghtful box social is re ported from the Pleasant Hill school on last Saturday evening, November 21st. This school is located some four miles west of Murray and the social drew out a large number to attend rv.h indelted to the hostess for her and take part in the pleasant event. A delightful program had been pre pared for the occasion, which was given in a manner reflecting the greatest of credit upon the teacher, as well as the scholars taking part. As tire audience arrived they were escorted to their seats by ushers garbed as clowns, and this feature proved a pleasant eiiversion of the cake, which was very much appreciat ed by all who were fortunate enough to be present. The ladies are very kind hospitality and splendid after noon's entertainment afforded them. Tlie next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs V. J. Hennings on Wed nesday. December 30th, and all mem bers are requested to be present. Mrs. Tuey Is Improving. Fr-m Saturday'"1 Dan v. The manv friends of Mrs. J. E. program rf the evening. This school ITucy in is tauirht bv Miss Elizabeth IIollv of learn tl Plattsmouth. and as this is her first year of teaching she feels very much pleased over the result of the social. r THEIR HOLIDAY OFFERINGS Fmm Saturday's D?ily. The adver t of the Christmas time brings more and mor e to mnd the fact that the time for the purchase of gifts is growing shorter each day and the Plattsmouth stores are already getting in shape to handle the rush of the Christmas trade. One of the first firms to get ready for the shopper.- is that of Weyrich & Hadraba. who are now getting ready their large stock of Christmas goods. One of the ! from Saturday's Dallv. j This morning the bo 'y or Mi j Minnie Baunieister a' -i:ed r. t! j city from h kite hoTe at S . I . r I Kansa.;. where she a--t i avay . rie.-day evening. Mi -s I.a:.:a-i ' ! was a forrr. r reside! t of ti :- i having resided here with her pa'--up to tlie time of tkeir- r, rr.o.ai Kansas sortie t h i rt y yea'-, a---', which state they have :(' Ma their home. She vi.- ois'y ii! a a week, and the news of he- o- . came as a great -ho.d; to t! ie!..t, and old friends here. . he v. a- years o, age esteemed by ; was a courin Kroehler an,' ! this citv. The n. a la 1 who l,i. k c'.v b s I ot ..!!; re w rr v Jiiera! .- 1 I.. s V Arrival of a Tine New Daughter. From Saturday s Da1'i. Last evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCarthy, in the south part of the city, was gladdened by the arrival of a fine new daughter who is of the regulation size and weight and proves a most deeply ap preciated Thanksgiving present to the happy parents. The little daughter and the mother are both getting along nicely, while Joe is standing his new happiness in fine shape. this city will be pleased to j ptot.,;s t.arried pv this firm is at this lady is getting along ; .,,..mi:.i asortment of cameras and t tne Atetnouist nospuai phflo;rra,,hic supplies, and those who Omaha, where she has been for the past week recovering from an opera tion for appendicitis. Mrs. Tuey is feeling fine and every hope is held out for her continued improvement and it is to he sincerely hoped that she may soon hea hie to return home to her family in this city. Purchase New Residence'. From Saturday's Daily. Bert Knorr and wife have decided that the outlook for the continued im provement is such as to warrant them in investing in property and have ac cordingly purchased the residence property rf Herbert Cotton on High P. Schultz and family returned ' School Hill, which they will move in- dellghi in the work can find anything they desire here, as well as a remind er for their friends who are camera fiends. The line of box candies car riied by thi firm is very handsome and the beautiful boxes filled with the tempting productions of the Lowney con pany certainly looks good to the lovers of sweets. In the line of per fumes and cigars the firm is able to fill the needs of everyone of the most discriminating taste and have omitted nothing that might appeal to their trade. In the way of toilet articles and manicure sets there is a very neat and tastv line carried here that ccr- ic fu-l-r.oon at '2:' from ' home (if Andrew Krookier n W.i Bluffs at 11:1.", it has be n Mated ?k Rev. Ik M. Drulincr of the Ir Methodist church. The ser ices v. attended by a large nun':,"- of t sorrowing rekitives and ol 1 who gathered to pay ihe: neig.n to this most estimable interment was cemetery. rr.adi : k.st lady. u O.l'r i:. Here to Attend Funeral. From Monday's Daily. William Baumeister. who was a resident of Plattsmouth twenty-five years ago, came in Saiurduy from his home at St. Francis, Kansas, to at tend the funeral of his niece, M-s.; Minnie Baumeister. Mr. Baumei.-ter tainly will appeal to the careful shop-'has been euite successful since loca p?r at all times. A call here during i ing in Kansas and now is the owiht home last evening from Missouri 'to at once. This is a very pleasant i th.e Christmas shopping season will j of several hundred acies of the finest Valley. Iowa, where they have been 'little cottage and should make a most ' certainly not be regretted and many i land in that part of the ftate. While over Thanksgiving visiting at the home of Mrs. Nellie Hennessy, a sister of Mr. Schultz. pleasant home for these young peo ple. It is situated on Vine street be tween Twelftn and Thirteenth. choice and handsome articles can be found awaiting the coming of the shoppers. here Mr. Baumeister was a most pleasant caller at this office arid his visit was very much enjoyed.