The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 23, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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M I II 1
Many Confused snd Perplexed
How "In Everything Give Thanks."
Knowledge Necessary Approaching
Throne of Grace Variant Praises and
ThanKs tc God Throughout the
Worla The Solution of Our Pe-plex-itiesi
The E;bie the Only The
S?.r: of a Sound Mind Rare Hence
Majority cf Thanksgiving Vam For
mz'.'ty Unnoticed or Resected.
NV. g-g. Pastor
Russet;. :it f'rank-I-'T-.i
Theatre, Lad
for his tt-xt the, "In every
thing give t liaii ks.'
1 Thossalonians
lleview i:.
I the ,-,,:,
the u e r !
: I vie!
i. !l:
sjn ;:!.rr t.eeiare.l
that U must he a
1 1 : ti -1 : ' t matter t'er
J enpie tc lit '"rmilit
Ve ot ttle ttK!l!ks the
rc-ii. Three tl'.llulreii
the majority el
oerreetlv the nat
r;f:v riiiiii.'iis
ef tiumaiiir v,
I ..e' J relatives, Hre at war. see kins U
destrey etuh other. Minery Uililiou
Au.eri-ar.s. Inttvested in tiiem.
are ii:vite'l t-y our llunuraljie I'resi lent
hud tiie 'rjvt r::nrs of our several states
tu rendt r tLanks to the A':nii;hty.
Truly, v.e Lave mar.y causes fr
thauKs-r. 11:4 t our "r-riter; !i:e itself
is u blessing, a tMun; ur nation. i:i
iiaLy res;ievts is tiie most favored mi
the face of the earth, enriched hy
God's lioniity Hbove all others. n"t
tLe least of our blessings iein our
civ!! and re::'l'.u-4 llhorties.
Surely oi,e ,.f een jnerape lu-nrt
Cld !:ead has for other th;in
t't'efit t!;a n;.ful::ess to o':r Creator.
"i i:r lines ftave fv.IUn to us !n j leas
r.: t I'l.i' es." 'i'h.ise who fee! no prati
Tv. , are seireiy r.o::reil l y tlis-'ontent.
the fruitae- '-f I-tte'riu.ce. se;:'!--!.iiess
fin.', sin. How vpvi:: te. then, that
;i' !i an l how heart :n:d he:d ho
f.-e the i r of ery ood :i::d irfc t
ciftl To wiititcvvr extent this eon :-
he f'-'lowod hearti'y. without hyi'.--riy.
uiidoid'Te lly a llesins v. iil re
n;lt. indivldunily and mitioiiaUy. Tlie
CliS-. tJI jji a l.,T.'.ltiflll t!f.
Tie-re- i- n dlf! eren e l-etweon th uiks
t'ivii : and j r:-yi.r. .N'niio liave tlie
riL'lit or tiie I'Vlvihe of ariivoaciiint;
the Thi-oTi" of Heavenly Grace exce;t
th .st v. -ho ha vi? conie into c-'vcmint re
Jt'thO'-h'p with C.'i'l. The .Jews came
into covenant i , i:i ti ns:. ;;. with ,
tliri'Urh their Lw C'venni:t l y Iivine
crro linemen! tlirotiirii M .. T!if foh
lowers f Jcius. who n''ft''t the Idvine
rrri:!re::;pi: of ti.'o fos;el Ace. nre
jr;vi; ned thus t' come Into rclnti"n
shh, with tl)e 'rent"r tl'.roucL Iliin.
!! Js our Advncf.te. who has ojeiied
up f r us a new and living wny.
thronii ti e sucril'.co of Ills th-sh. All
v.-horn tlie rather lias nccepted through
Ilini a!! w!;crn the I'::t!:er hns hect
ten hy His Ho'y spirit nre Scriptural
ly termed sins of Jod. children of 'Jod.
heirs of (id. j iint heirs with .lecns
f'hrist thdr Lord 1 John ,'!:!: Ilomans
Ti;ese ere invited to come to thei:
Father ni d t address II !m tints: ':;;
FatioT wiio nrt In Iler.vei'.." and to
nsli for the Llossjnts v lrii h God has
jin.viiiod for His children, nccording
to His iHvine purposes iul arrance
ineiits. I ".'.it none ethers are permitted
to co:ne t this Throne of (J nice, ho
cause not in covenant relationship w itli
the Savior, because In God's arrnnre
inent "There is none other name plven
in Heaven r a".i"Ust men. v herehy
we may he saved" from our sins, or
lie liroii.'nt into relationship witli God
Thu.s we see th it only ii limited iiiiui
her n:.iy enjoy the privileges of prayer
or expect Hnswers to tlieir prayers.
Ih:t. tiiank G--d. otiiers may worship
Lnd ho-.v down.' 'Come, h-t us wor
shjp and h-ov (Ijwh: let us kneel h
fore tiie I,ord our Maker." M-my have
this privilege. and the fvor of it is
sure to brin ; n Hcsv:
tha nkf ul lieart. w hi
h t-
; -ever has
s delicht
i. 'Ivor ff
re. rive a
!idy lie
in ofifrin worshit to
ery l-:'t. v-f: -tr-'y
ret!e. i..--.-.i.- ills :jU' of
j.os and truth, holiness and
inerov and justi'-e. wih ti
strengthened: r.nd .o also will le the
probability of Ids some day reaching
the point where ho will see the wis
dom and the desirability of riving his
heart his little ah to the Iird in con
si oration 1 be a faithful footstep fol
lower of the Redeemer.
Giving Thanks For the War.
Very evidently the majority of nian
l.ind have an insutliiieii'-y of knowl--.:ire
of God. of the Iiible. and of the
I ovine I'lan therein set forth, to thank
God f .r the .resent state of war. Hut
to the Ghurui:, whose eyes of nnder
ta ndiim have been opened and who
;ire able to see the lengths and the
luead hs. the hi IzhU and the depths,
of God s I.ove in the Message of the
Iiible. St Paul writes: "In everything
iziw thanks:"
Kipe ( 'hrisi ia ns have learietl to rive
thanks to God for the adversities of
Ido in their own experieioes. convinc
ed under God's supervision the
dive: of 'a initios may lie overruled
foi jiort r i Hi people and for ylory t
His name. !iut only the advanced, the
I at fi-i'.fd. Christian is uble to give
i (hu:;!.-s under clreumsta ii' es of severe
tl iiiij and testings. .ti!- those w ho
have great f.iiih. built upon o'ear
know led-. e of the Oivine i ! 'PiUes, can
realize thoroughly that all things are
w..;-U i:m M.viln-r f..r their i"hk!
Similarly, in ni ert to the Uv
re pea n war now in .'-i.L'rfs;, it casual
'it dosolat ions and wounds, only the
vt :!-!T:tM:'-tf 1 ot God's pooi-le w:
r.i: b-istand tin- Divine plans ;nd a:-
! ! .:.'!, -Ms so t h'i;-,!M-'
glv e thanks !n fosp
h'y as t., be ;-.!.'.
t to The v a"
and nbie to exercise ei ntideut '"'Ml'
;Ii;.t tin' outcome of it v. ill mean bless
ing of i i : t r t j . -1 icin miiI i reparation for
future ! 'ies,:;:s.
It' the Scriptures did lift foretell The"
'i:ne -f wo: I I w ii lt-
tress cf
tioi.s." we in
had foreseen
:ht ii"t know that God
it and had made pn-
vision fs-r its results before pe-mit; ins;
it. Hut the satin- Hihle ttiat foretells
:!: war teils rf its rosults, s;'vl:ii:.
"W!,r:i t!ie jui!i:i:ie!:Ts ef tlie I-ovil avt
I'.hie'i 1 iti the earth, tiie i l; ha hita nr
f the wevij will learn righteousness."
';:: i It. then, the war is
teaehiiej ll.e world lessons nloti the
lines of ri!:teoi:s,(ss Mid justice, it
will he (ii'iicj p-'Vi!::! nci.t p"d. Mmv
over. t!i- saine l'.ihle t lis that the wa:
is merely t!:e ioif-rowth of tinman s If
ishiifss. iirnora n -e. sujierst it ion aixi
t;i!se doctrine, and assures us that al
il.o;:-h it will lead on to revolution
anarehy ai. l the utter wre k o! tin
present orhr of things tlie presriit
ejviii.ntUm-nevertheless. Gd is pre
pared for I he nieruen. y. "Mail's e
trtmity wii; he ;od.'s opportunity.
Grert Cause For Rpjolcing.
Tlie hour havm:: cotne for Messiah to
take the reins of internment. He will
stand forth in Tower ::nd Majesty at
the proper moment, and exclaim to the
razinz elements of the restless tinman
sea. "Peace; lie still!" And there
will in? a irreat calm. The lesson learn
ed in the Trouhie will he a lasiii'i:
one; jmd the 1 U-sseii t;iprt unities or
Messiah's Kingdom, wiiich will he
built upon the ashes of present insti
unions, win brin everlasting life and
ev eriastini: joy to all the uillinu and
obe lieut.
Those who see the war from tills
view; o:r:t may ind-'ed in everything
t:ie tiiaii'c-; re.h'ieii. that the reii:n
of Sin and Ie::th will sooji be ended;
n-joi -ini; t!:.-,.t God's Kin'h'tn will ?'n
eon.e. J His will le done on earth,
ven as in IP-axen: rej"i -in that soon
the ki:owUdT- "f t'o- trt:e cliara' ter of
G-h1 will be i:nier-ai: fejoiein that
then, in the h'!.t of that knowledge.
"f"ery kiiet- slia'.i bow alid every
tol:"ie ct.nfess. to the 'lory of tlod"!
releicini: still further. t!;at ati.v wiio
iill those favorable conditions
I will refuse t make a full surrender b
' the Lord. w! be nur'-ifuily cut
i from life in The Second Ieath:
The Hope of the Resurrection.
The explanation of the sorrows o!
the world is nhen in the I' whi.-h
tclis us that sin
lies at the door, and
moi-al and phsi'a!
lin:t the In.-i.ta!
I b-!!:lsi,es w id- h en'ii humanity sm-h
listfes.s mv Incidental to the penalt
pronounced nitainst sin: namely, death
"The s -ul th.-.t sinnctii. it shall die."
When Father Adam was on trial rep
r'se:;tat ively for his i-e-e. he siniiei!
and came under the penalty for sin
"Iyins:. thou slialt die." Therefore all
his biidren share by heredity his Iin
P'-rfe tioiis and are lii;ewise hnperfe'-t
- sinie'rs. ns St. I'aul explains. (Ho
mans o:TJ Thus, durinz sixty cen
TU;les. approximately twenty thousand
rniolons of Adam's children have been
"born in sin and shapen in ini'iuity,'
Mid have entered the world condemned
and dyim;. mentally, morally nud phys
Idvlne sympathy exereised toward
this race of sinre-is proMl n Savior,
"who for the joy set before Ilim" sac
lit! ed His life for tie- Welid. hlohn
.":10,; Heb-eWS iL'.L'.l "Jesu Christ by
the ;":n'i' f (;.,d tasted death for ev
ery man." (Hebrews 'J :'.) t Then, in
sten.I of si tting up the promised Kins
doui to bless the world, instead of snv
in the word, the Sivjor did some
th'n else; ind th;it whi' li He has been
dolu- from the time of His resurrec
tion imiil now is us tlie Aistle ex
plains, a Mystery. (Mphesjans .":3-8;
Goosiatis 1 i'7 I "The Ms?ery of
bd" the world does imt understatid;
for He prefers to keep the matter from
them. Hut "the scret of the Ird is
with them that far Ilim. :ind He will
show them His Covenant."
This Mystery is that God has pur
posed that the blessing of the world
should be accomplished hy our Savior
!n association with a select class jrath
red out of the world and especially
prepared in the School of Christ dur
,, the Go-pel .;re. iMirins the cen
ti;:ie reju:red for the tindinc of this
saintly class for whom the Lord has
been searching with the magnet of
Truth, various false theories have
sprung up and found acceptance in the
world. One of these Is that God does
not love the world and has never pur
posed its salvation: hut that, on the
contrary. He has predestinated all ex
cept the saints to suffer eternal tor
ture. because Ue wished to have it so
Another of these false theories is
that whilst G'd wished to save the
world. He is unable to do so. because
handieap;ed by human self-will and
by Satan's aggressiveness. This tiie
ory declares that God loves the world,
ineltnling the heathen millions; that
He longs to have the Gospel taken to
them, but cannot do so except through
human agency; and that He is baffled
and disappointed lecause those who
profess to be His people fail to raise
sufficient funds.
To rational minds these theories are
no longer satisfactory; hence many are
turned to infidelity. Hut leaving these
errors of the Dart Ages and going
back to -he Scriptures, we tind their
teachings consistent: namely, that as
soon as the Mystery of God, the
Church. Is finished, the IMvine blessing
u;il piO'-eed through The i'hrist Jesus
the Head, and the Church the Ih.dy
to tlie world. As it is written. "In
thy Seed shall ail the families of the
earth be blessed." The Mxstery of
!Gud is that the spiritual Seed of A bra
ham is not the Lord Jesiis only, but
ulso His members -the Ci, us-.wr-G a la
thing 3 :S. Ii'.. IT.i.
l'uring Messiah's r.ei:rn of
eousness. all nations will be instructed,
enlightened, blessed. Tlie merit of
Christ will then be applied on behalf
of the billions who have gone down
into the prison house of ileal L- Shod.
Hades, the grave. The Chirch will
constitute the First Lesurrcrtiom Ah
t-haring in it will attain life on the
spirit plane. Later, durins: the Mil
lennium, the world will return from
the tomb, "every man in his own or
der." The pro ess of i esurrert h n will
continue with them, in order tit:: t the
will ins arid obedient may rise gradual
ly tow M'ds et fei t ion on tlie human
plane and t' attain it. Meat. time
the earth will be rejuvenated and be
come the promised 1'aradise restored.
"Cive Thanks. For He Is Good."
Iokill' down into the future, the
Psa!tiiist exelaims. in view if the
Kin'd 'ui blessings remised the wo; !1
' iriv e thanks unto the Lord: for lie
is gi od I for His uerey endureth for
ever!" It Is the merey of God I- wr.rd
us-toward all who need His merey
and who desire it that eons: it ub-s the
ir-ound for t hanksuh iii;. It is true
that praise must eome from th-tnlifu". j
hearts; and Unit, to be proper!. thank ,
ful. one must s e more than is no-.v i
visible to tliose w !:. have not the eye
of taith and the luvine revelation ot
things to come. Hut these very oji
porumities the Lord's conse.-tatt d ones
jmssess. As it is written. "Hiessed are
your eyes, for they see; and your ears,
for they hear."
Not onl so. but t the extent that
any sees and hears of the gr:e e of God
he has responsibility. To possess the
know.edtie of God and to disdain it is
to reeei'.e the gra -e if God in vain.
God s people not only give thanks for
future h!esii:i:s te eied lew l y faith,
but add.tlotially t le-y appnwiate bless
i:;i:s -ranted them in the present li'V.
and ive thanks for these. The tirst
of these is the knowledge of the good
nes i f Go, I hi releasing ns by faith
from sin and its penalty, so that with
out waiting for aet ualities we can trv
ej'ii- in the merey wlii li h is juti
tied Us f'-ee!y thfi M''h the hi 1 of
' hvi-t. The realization p.ith of the
roiiii.g away of our sins mhI "t our ,
forgiveness by the Fat'er calls fori -w r. a!i-: M : s
gratitude. Ail other blessings test ;ni frctv. t .i.-a
;inci this one. Mid al! thanksgiving j vi.-itinr
should prooer'v iin-hade thanks for our ItY.rr'ilv.
iust'h -at ion by faith.
After our justification we were in-!-.!
ted into a sUll further gr:oe. or
:l'g fh'lt Ot
on, in;
.f the ! of Chri-t. Through
a c-
Ptation of this nriviiege we gain tin
; n
"I-poCU! ity of a change of nature
rem human to Idvino. (if peter 1:1 i
'u;r human nafu'e justified, i-leansed.
t'cide ae.-epta ble to Go. I as :i sacritiee
:!i-otiah the merit of Christ, will be re
1 -oei
by .'i spit it nature atai glory.
immortality, joint heirship
with o i i r I.
ful'v m-l-i
...1 1 II. .1,1 ! vie fo-'l. i
our saerifi-e. (Homans
1 i What cause we have for thanks
giving! What sh.iii we render unto
Him for His benefits toward us?
The heart that has come into faith
union and communion with tin.' Lord
earns s-'inoihing mote every day re
specting the Heavenly Father's loving
-are for His children: and each fresh
item of knowledge is a new well
spring of pleasure, "lie satisnein ioe j j
longing soul." "Hiessed are they that
hunger and thirst after righteousness; j ;
for they s1;t:i (,e tilhil." "Surely good
ness and mercy follow me all the days
f my life." These are the experiences
f those rip- christians called upon by
the Apostle to give thanks unto Got!
in every matter and to know that this
is the will of (bid in respect to nil who
are members of the I'.ody of Christ.
Thanks Through Tears.
Let us not overlook the fact that our
text indicates that we are to give
thanks for our sorrows, our trials, our
disappointments, as well as for our
joys and our pleasures; f- the word
everything includes all tilings. Nr is
this the only Scripture to this effect.
The Apostle elsewhere Urges the mem
hers of Christ to reioice in tribulation
-nt because tribulation is a joy-pro
dueer. but because tribulation works
out additional patience, and patience
brings additional experience, which in
turn brings larger hope, until we are
not ashamed of our tribulations, be
cause thereby the love of God is shed
abroad in our hearts. Until. M; S:.".ri.
The basis of all rejoicing as respects
both the future and the present is
faith: First, that there is a God: sec
ond, that He has a noble character;
third, that His Wisdom. Justice. Love
and Power are perfect and are thor
oughly coordinated; fourth, that all
those attributes are enlisted in the sal
vation of the world: fifth, that this sal
vath'ti began to be worked out by our
Lord at His First Advent; sixth that
it is still working out in the selection
of His Church; seventh, that shortly
it will begin to take practical shape
in the establishment of Christ's Mi!
lennial Kingdom; eighth, that through
this Kingdom a blessing shall exteml
to c very creature of our race.
Then let every man to the extent of
his enlightenment appreciate and con
fess the Almighty God and give thanks
unto His name; for He is good, nun
His mercy endureth forever. Let those
who have tasted of His grace go on.
that they may grow in grace, in knowi
edge, m faith and in character-like
ness to our God Let His saints, w ho
are addressed in our text, more and
nmre appreciate their wonderful priv
ilege, their high calling of God in
Christ Jesus to tie heirs of God and
joint-heirs with Jesus Christ our Lord.
Aivo Kotos
John Murtey hal l.u.siness
on! ii Tuesday
Geo! ire Si. lies o
f M unlock was
town Saturday.
Ed Evans was tra
act:p.Lr business
in Lincoln Tuescay.
1-i.v I'ar.-e!! of Lino h
visi-e 1 vifVi
friends here Sunday.
.-'-.lex Jones of South liend v
town Mn;o::y (;; bus;:. ess.
.s !R j
KoL'tr E.-is .j ent
(iay with the
home folks Fniversity I 'luce
M rs. i- reu hear w
for Lincoln Tuesday
dav to get repairs '
i lmsseng-er
No. I'l.
fmaha Men -
.ioe Foreman an 1 s:.-te
spent Sinui.iy in (m..:ia vi.
t:g with
Tue!;.y (ieorpc
t o .' e .
Mciore's f'arr.
! Mr.. E
Vo-- f,f
h hi- co
ill's. E
t'l weave
. .A.
S ;' lay wih
. V..
; vis:'
i : crcte r
with Mr.
Mrs. John MurUv
for Ciav (''titer. Ne!
.'is it with
y. r. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick
ami Miss McKinney were it! Lincoln
John Skiles of Iowa visaed with his
b rot he
in the
Alex Skile
dav.-, th(
part of last week,
and Mrs. Pule S. P.oyles took
Kansas-Nebraska foot ball
gaine at Lincoln Saturday.
Those hor oilers at the drug sto-c
ate a!! right for the farmer whci
rai.-e hogs. Also we have dry dip.
Miss Williams, a r.urse from Lir
coln. is carinir for M-s.. Elizabeth
is rea
:ci: at this writ-
' mg.
;-re they
of thei
uesvk.y. w
i laugh t er
.V r.
1 M'-s. Mo-:
Curvea we
; to Lincoln
Coryea is taking
j r h.eumatism.
: William Frnland
treatment for
a:ui sisier.
'Emma, and Mr. Scatter g"od of i
i Eagie snetit Sunday with ('. C. Duck- !
Jneb and family. j
! William 1'iuegrove came in from i
i i
I I'o; ismoulh. Iowa. Saturikiv evening. J
Tuesday with his par- !
eni--, Mr. and Mrs. E. I.. L'ptegrove.
and other relative-.
iii. i.n.mMn who ;i T-o
attciii'.'f.g school at the state farm.
spent Sunday with the home folks.
They were accomnar.ied by Harold
11 of University Place.
Warren Ri'-hards of Wabash was
jm town i uesuay.
MKs E. V. Eve
t visite-.l at the
jTliiele h.ome Sunday.
j Miss Olga Neitze! was home over
' Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Ida Gh.erts rpent Thursday
'with the A ragwort girls
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sorick and chil
dren were Omaha visitors Thursday.
Miss Louisa P.auei attended the
funeral of hc-r uncle in Omaha Mon
day. Charles SchafTer. who has been in
Lincoln the past week, returned home
A number of farmers around this
vicinity are proud to say that they
have their coin picked.
Miss Ella Lau received the gold
the Air Force Saturday, was well at
tended. Will Schew's corn taking the
first prize.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Neitzel of Lin
coln were visiting relatives and
friends here Saturday ami Sunday.
The corn show, which was held in
Mr and Mrs. E. T. Tool, who were
visiting in various parts of Nebraska,
returned home Friday by the way of
Weeping Water, Harold meeting them
at Wabash in his car.
-r-v-r v-i -r-; v vv
. EAGLE. -J-
P.eacon. J
A. II. Vanlandirgham visited at the
home of his ron, Sanders, at Pavey,
over Sunday.
Hunting down rabbits is the order
of the day with some of our sports
men just at the present writing.
Mrs. O. R. Anderson, who has been
at a Lincoln hospital taking treat-
jmert. has returned home much im
; ji.'oved.
Mrs. .1. J. Lonsracre of Farnam, Ne
braska, visited the past week at the
home of her son, Ir. C. II. Longacre
and family.
M. and Mis. O. Leffel are the proud
owners of a fine new piano player
which they purchased at Lincoln the
fore part of the week.
i 1'ostmaster I'eterson's new building
j is now comnieted and he is at work
n-ioviitg his stock of groceries into it.
As soon as "L'ncle Sam" says the
word he wi.l move the postofflce theie
j aSO-
! W. II. Morrow r.-ni wife denarted
for II end ley, Xeb.. Tuesday to make
! their h'rne. We are verv sorrv to lose
'" - - ' - estinmide family from our midst.
laud the best wishes of their rr.anv
I frieni's go with thm for success
! tht-'v new ohme.
Mrs. A. II. Vanlan.linrham had the
rr: i.-fortr.rie to step in a low place in
'he toad while on her way over to
M's. Lye!,-s Tuesday evening and
tuoke one of the bones of her risrht It will be a month before she
will he a'cle to be o.t a rain.
Tuesday r.iirht about C, :fiO while
driving home John Elenburg was hit
bv :.n iiUV'-Ti '.lie. driven bv II. C.
Srri.h i ' Shenandoah. Iowa, and
! thrown frtm the buggy, receiving
slicht injuries about the head and
face. The accident occurred one mile
west on O street.
Public Sale!
The undersigned will offer for sale
at public auction at his home, one
mile west of Murray, commencing at
lo:-"o o'clock a. m., on
the following described property,
to-wit :
One black mare,
with foal.
M e sorrel mare,
wi'h foal.
"ne yearling colt
seven years old,
nine years old.
Two weaning
Two milch cows, one fresh, one giv
ing milk.
one heifer. One calf. One porker.
One full-blooded Poland China hoar.
One T-foot cut Deeding binder.
One 12-inch gang plow.
One suiky plow.
One riding- cultivator.
One walking cultivator.
Oye Sterling disc.
Oiie new Sterling 2-row stalk cut-
! ter.
One Newton wagon.
One spring wagon.
One buggy.
One hay rack.
One Pradley lister.
One Peru lister.
One walking plow.
One corn planter.
One .".-section harrow.
One McCormick mower.
One McCormick hay rake.
One disc grinder.
One grindstone.
One vise.
Ten or fifteen tons of hay in the
Two stacks of oat straw.
Two dozen full-blooded Rhode Is
land Red hens.
Three full-blooded cockerels.
One Quick Meal range.
One solid walnut sideboard.
One walr.ut chiffonier.
One 10-foot dinintr table.
Tow rocking chairs.
Two iron beds, one gilded, new.
One refrigerator.
One new Davis & Son upright pi
ano. Two heating stoves.
One U. S. cream separator.
About ten bushels potatoes.
All sums of .910 and under, cash
in hand. On all sums over $10, a
credit of six months will be given,
purchaser giving good bankable note
bearing 8 per cent interest from date.
All property must be settled for be
fore heir.g removed.
I will leave Cass county for my new
home in Minnesota in the very near
future, so every article on this bill
must be sold to the high bidder. No
COL. WM. R. YOUNG, Austioneer.
W. G. BOEDEKER, Clerk.
It Really Does Relieve Rheumatism.
Everybody who is afflicted with
Rheumatism in any form should by
all means keep a bottle of Sloan's
Liniment on hand. The minute jou
feel pain or soreness in a joint or
muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Lini
ment. Do not rub it. Sloan's pene
trates almost immediately right to
the seat of pain, relieving the hot,
tender, swoolen feeling and making
the part easy and comfortable. Get
a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 23
cents of any druggist and have it in
the house against colds, sore and
swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia,
sciatica and like ailments. Your
money back if not satisfied, but it
does give almost instant relief.
Miss Elenor Cole and Miss Rosa
Clint had an experience with a run -
away team Sr-turday night that might
have been more serious than it was.
The girls were returning from town
to the Walter Cole farm, which is the
former of the girl'.- home and is
where the latter stays while she
teaches school at Sunny Hill. As they
were nearly the bridge just beyond
the James McNamee home they met
an automobile which frightened the
team. breaking loo.-e from control
they wheeled about, throwing-
the girls out, and a few seconds later
dashing the buggy against a tele
phone pole, demolishing it. After get
ting free from the buggy, the horse
showed their speed through the town
and continued on to the Martin Rich
home south of town. The gir!.-
t seriously injured but
shaken up and considerably frighten
ed. Weeping Water Republican.
From Saturdays Dally.
It is surely hard to tell when two
moving vehicles collide who is respon
sible for the accident. Suit has been
filed against E. T. Comer, of this
place, by a man from Lincoln, alleg
ing that defendant was responsible
for an accident in which his motor
cycle was sma.-.hed up and in which he
claims he was injured. Mr. Comer is
a careful driver and feels that he was
in no way responsible for the ac
cident. The following is from the
Stale Journal:
Edward M. Havens has petitioned
the district court to enter judgment
in his favor and against Eugene T.
Comer in the sum of Js.i.2o0, the claim
growing out of a mixup between
plaintiff's motorcycle and defendant's
automobile at the corner of Eleventh
end M streets on August 17, last. Ha
vens declares that it was all the fault
cf Comer, who was at the time violat
ing the road laws.
It is alleged by the plaintiff that he
was going south on the west side of
Eleventh street, driving at a very
moderate rate of speed and keeping a
lookout for other vehicles. Comer was
also going south, but was on the east
side of the street and was going at an
unlawful rate of speed. At the inter
sev .ion of Eleventh and M streets
Comer turned west on the wrong side
of the street, failing to indicate that
he was going to turn and sounding
no alarm.
The automobile struck plaintiff's
motorcycle, completely demolishing it
and throwing the rider violently to
the pavement. Havens declared that
he was severely and permanently in
jured and was compelled to expend
:.0 for medical services. The motor
cycle was valued at ?2u0.
The case has been set for hearing
on iuesclav ot next week. LlmwooJ
P. II. Meisinger was among the
farmer visitors in the city Saturday
looking after some trading with the
John Group of Louisville came in
this morning to resume his duties a.;
a member of the jury panel.
William Rex Young of near Mur
ray was in the city yesterday for a
few hours looking after some matters
of importance.
August Nolting, one of the enter
prising farmers from west of the city,
was here Saturday for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness with the merchants.
Mrs. II. Rarker and children of At
lanta, Neb., who have been visiting at
the A. C. Carey home near Mynard
for a short time, departed this morn
ing on the early Burlington train for
their home.
Adam Meisinger, from the vicinity
of Mynard, was among the visitors in
the city today for a few hours looking
after some matters of business.
C. J. Meisinger, wife and son
were here Saturday attending to some
matters of business and visiting at
the home of Jacob Meisinger and
Monet Franks, wife and babe were
over Sunday visitors in Glenwood,
where they spent the day with Mrs.
Franks' mother, Mrs. Julia Thomas.
Mrs. J. B. Keil was among those
journeying to the metropolis this
morning, where she will spend the
day looking after seme matters of
August Rach. Sr., Quite III.
A uru st Rach, sr.. who for the past
two weeks has been quite sick at his
home in the south part of the city suf
fering from an affliction of the
arteries of his lower limbs, is repott
ed as being a little improved. He
suffered greatly on Friday with the
trouble and his family and friends
!wel greatly alarmed for a time over
j"1- condition. It i- to he hoped that
i Mr. Rach may ...,.Uf to improve
ami .-win oe a
ble to be up and around
i The undersigned will sell a Put.
j Auction at his home on the Aug:
j (sl farm, three am
southwest of Nehaw
mr ru.le
of Floor:,
- south of
i a. m. on
! wo.-t anil two m
s.. miles east ami one m.
A.voca. commencing at lo;
the following described
to-v.-it :
Seven Head of Horses.
Ot" black mare, six ears
weight l.Too. with foal to jack.
(h;e steel gi iiv mare, fo ir y
old. weight 1.1
One brown
weight l.L'oO.
bo, vil n
to jacl
male, six vear:
Percheron stallion.
twelve years old, weight l.Too.
Two weanir.g mules, black and
Six Head of Cattle.
One Red Polled cow. giving milk,
years old.
One Red Polled
ii years old.
One lied Polled
cow, g v;ng m.lK,
heifer. Is months
I ( me
Shorthorn heifer, 1 months
Red Polled calf. months old.
One Red Polled bull. S months oid.
Twenty Head of Hogs.
Six Poland China gilts, two Ches
ter White sows, others boars in good
Farming Implements. Etc.
One Weiier. wagon.
ne wag-on and rac k.
One Rock Island buggy.
One ."-section harrow.
One Rudlong disc
One Awry cultivator.
One set buggy harness.
Two sets work harness.
Six dozen chickens.
One T-foot McCormick binder.
One Janesvilie drill planter.
One stirring plow and cutter.
One 14-inch Janesvilie lister.
."2o rods of barbed wire.
i't rods of woven wire.
10 rods of vhicken wire.
Too feet of lumber.
Ten bushels of potatoes.
One riding cultivatoi.
One broadcast seeder.
One endgate seeder.
One 1 -horse drill.
One sleigh and bells.
One bob sled.
One 1 C-foot log chain.
2oo posts. One boat.
One steel tank.
Cook stove, heating ftove, two
beds., table, cupboard and numerous
other articles.
All sums of ?To and under, cash in
hand. On all sums over Mo, a credit
of six months will be given, purchaser
giving ogod bankable r.ote bearing
per cent interest from date. Al! prop
erty must be settled for before being
L. J. HALL, Auctioneer.
The roads in the vicinity of Murray
are among the best in this section of
the county, and a great deal of the
credti for the excellent manner in
which the roads have been maintained
may be ascribed to the efforts of Ben
Beckman, the road overseer, who re
tires this year after nineteen years of
service to the people of West Rock
Bluff. Mr. Beckman has just finished
up cutting down the high hanks along
the roadway to the Missouri Pacific
right-of-way into Murray and has
thereby added greatly to the value of
the road in every way and makes it
much safer for travel. There are few
road supervisors whose going ha-!
caused as much regret, and his splen
did conduct of the office will be a good
example to his successor.
John M. Meisinger and wife were
among the passengers this morning
for Omaha, where they will spend the
day looking after some matters of
Fred Jess returned to Omaha this
morning after a week-end visit here
with relatives and friends.
- ....