The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 23, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    MONDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1911.
Death at Ha t lock.
! Kr"Tn !-ri lie's I3!!y
I A ttdvgrum ieceie! yesterday I y
j M .-. ::.v! Mr:-. . C. lii;.I-oa of thi- city
i .! v-. ..... the death uf the wife ol"
i;he lattei'- !.ej h'-'.v. .1.'.-. I.. iv-hom.
v. fiit ii occur! ed at 1 ! ' e'wck. Short
funeral services v.ei": held in Ilave
h.rh thi- lei: !'.i::'-r and the body wa-
od to Ct. minings, K;'.r..-ns.
I he P. E. . ..
I. L. "S in Mnt Ecaiitiiul ami
I'. h jhll ul Manmr.
buriah Ti e d- reH.-"d left a ha.
i:a..d and t i ' -' email rh.idren t" ir.i".;
O-.vmg .; tin- tact mat
: .. .. tk.. ? ! f .e.l.-t .
It'lJ I. I'll I l.-il- 1 I II . I
'!:.' . u!.-:"ai .-er. ice.- w ei e
'A a -
ill.-. I i 'ji.-o
at ..!.d.
. . i'
' f'h
'.. ! e. Ii
IV e: ' ''.Ii
T l I 1
t! I.. I. i
. . . -'-a-. T-.- !:..- a: l
;.;. . - . ,;' i ':':.:,-.
'. ..' a i i . ... "' "!' '. a
nmuHi cum
vu Ha . e Often Head of " 1 he Prodi
yul Son." Nu 'A hat About
-The Prodigal latlnr?"
if I Weio ! tak-- a text 'mis
t . o dd !.e like this :
What .-ha. II it nrof.t a nan if lie
y pobit-
.!a! -'-IM 'a nm aKe tar- :
E.rst ah. -oiae v. ..y, let US let
v s t" !.- h.-T a lit' i- m;.mv careful
the .-ch. eti-m : thi ir naiiuts. It
ll.e "A
i vn in.y?" A.': ! then
',1 it
. e
t- ; a .
-. S..U! i: i S. . -' ! I -
f :!.- . :-y. i"
i". U : i": '. i 1 : i.U- . MI
NI a - a : . "i t : ' ) '.'
ii;i (! e l I't-.i! !:..llr.' 1 "ci i. . : : i --.
; .i y Mici.i jM.u.t ui.iiiil in- t J-, i -:
jKi-ht :ii'.,..'.'ii!f of this nua h-ta'Ki
: I ' :, h t a- put the father
i cc:i-a:. i it h- oav f th- I i -1
The lth. ;n h- :; ..- :
!V:r- .via!-!.. hi
..." i i
.'ti.l f.;rt!aav ;.:i;;:vii -,i:y. .Ii---. i
ha.- iee:i :a;t-.- tt--o.e a:ai '.:a- J 01
!.:'. e : tie Jaii:e ' '' her oa
e li.l-. e
I f. -a ah ;h..
5 . - oi.-:'--iv.
- - - ,
; re
:.,'.-e v.-ortliy tv be called thy father.
I'or'-ive n,e no w and let me be your j
f . ier.J." Uut the son .said. "Not so. j
1 v. i 1 1 it r. erc- po--ib!o, !ut it is too
late. There v. a- :1 time when 1 wanted j
i-:t! r ial coan.-el. and to j
i-., liiin-s, but you were too busy, j
I yot fonirani..n.-:hip and I -a'ot the j
information, bi 1 jrr.t tlie I
kir.d. ; rd r.ow. alas. I am w reckon
in .sotM and in b..dy ; there is no more
iajait left in me. and there is nothing
vu'.i. iii for me. It is too late, too
late. t'o lute."
i v i v
: i- -M '
d .'i boys, vepj-ese'ltiilir
Ml a iKI CN:
l-.-.v and (ieruile. Protestant and I
I'atli 'lic. "What ne t!:itvr do you
li'.e be.-", your father?" About i
"o jk. i-eiit of the answers referred)
'.o Lo..ti,e.-s. Iwiufju-ss and riehi j
t feati'ie.;!. wi.i'e -'I per cent jae
I'': ;va.-or.. urh as: "He uives
IV a !i i:ir." "ile b-ay.- me clothe'S."
"Sapio: ts na-." "t":-.res for family."
"(ii'. es :ae iiii.ii.y," nr. The -tl er
f the an.-v. i ! Were di ided
aa.onj the following : "He does rot
driiik," (tias was mii'tior.ed twenty
t i - . . i " w . - . i r 1 1 . iii.! i it-
"Hi.- h-::e-ty." "He is eompanion- j 'Ji
Better Hustle In
and et one of our snug warm
overcoats. Our confifJf-nce is so orjiit
in them that we doubt if you can fini
better anywhere. Brown and gray
mixed Kerseys
$7.50, $8.00 and $8.50
Chinchillas $12.50, $17, $22, $28
Balmaccans $10, S15, $18
Fur Coats $19, $25, $30
And how about Mackinaws? We claim
Caps, gloves, underwear,
flannel shirts cf all de
scriptions for men and
A il I'll 1 1
and I
weal it m
It is the
.lie." "ile '.e- to ci'.'l l'C h ." "I I is !"ond I
ile !ias a.iid reads th.e!&
I cnardvr.
hen-heal ted father
I;, j ntothe.". a.: J the :. thai i.- ja.-t a'
a rai
.-t i.e ' p:-oj.
and .-he .-rcat- i ? -
-e '"'.
v-i : :'
... . t : .
:i a" i
a: !.i
a i.i
i'. : . h.a'. e vrr: ever -toplad
ihh.:: -haL it mean- to he Ol.l Dill's
i.i '.. w::.-a M 10. i i' li e c 1 ! 1 : ioa -
. 'i M a
i'ib'.e." "He he'; s me to do ri.irht."
"He love.s me," "He does mt whip
lae." "Stays at home nitiius." "He is
a Ch.ri-t ian." "" (this boy an-.-wered
oiii-.T ij a-.-ti'.-n.s 1 f.Lrai-din'
Ja'i'el- wnah i-.ade it piain U.eie w
to have the largest assortment in town,
and the best ones too. Styles for men,
w omen and children. Prices $3.73 to $15.
They come in red, gray and brow n plaids.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
;. - '-a Wirt.'. C iKF'T'T r
a r
". ; . i .!
- e : a i
"1 t .--
.. .. :-. i,-
. i ua a : : . . e i - I " :
v.:-, .-. ! . ! at ! r.iv..: - t- 7
'ha ;'. iil'i ! .I'i j 'a". U ' '. a."-
.--.'"'' ' a i : a ' ' a 1
me M.'. say. !. .-
I a .:... i ,
ii a- a -a; v
' - : ; 1 v: ' 1 ' - l 4 : - jr othi,.- t . ad: ire a. oat ban.! "H, ;:..:XH-H-HS lots 'i;, .'7 and -!S. Clreen- !nnUpQ Ifj fHQTOIPT PflllRT
aw'...'- ?.-eaa-e tuthf -i'-il-apt 11- when aa.tivr died" wren he I i wood, f onsidtration mu bo UUIllUU 111 U I U I II I U I UUUllI
i:."' a; i wa- e:.l t
o; t:.::ti. wlatt i
the u: :. of a fah-.'"
' : i r.t r s air k ; .-1 a : : :
larkvV cf eoar.-e. v-k
,a i. : ii
si t!:e e! auren to an
. : o t reit!'
e i-i
I.u anwe! ti: the juetio.'i. "W'
:a- t: '.!.".: v. o-.:h: o'.i like to iiav- '. 1 ur
j :'..t''.e: do ;!.;. he :o.-s not do?" f.,v
! ty-foar i .-aid. "do to church;"
j forty in --; -aid. "Stoit ustne touacco;"
.! !.' .I'f. 1
t re - e
' i i .
1 Mr-". A. i - :.
: .raid...!.:.-. Jr.- ., ;..
:.!.'i Mis. S. r 1: ; '.'. 1 . i ,
a.,-e :.e 1 t -.vent v-'.ve .-a a
(!' i- . a: - nan-! . ! -. -.v. ..y !' o
ay v. ard f..ti;e. - are r. ; L , ;,:
-: ' i; : : ' t -. I - 1
v. ..' ! : o;y; -on.-; eir.teiui
R ad i.e laalc;' tvaht .-aid.
'Aeai ir.a." " Xot h i : tr. he is pi. r-
1 .
a. r 1
ii. I'. ' n
. ( 1 1. a '
r- Ik I.
' ' 1 -
n... tn
.ha.: u :- f.;:y a hi
a.Iti-: a.! iae ';:;
me. i ; a : to ak l,o
- tto.; that - hoa: i ha - a in
a i...t.f. a'.ek bef,,.-c J v
' io'i a' oat ti.e trr. '.:
.ad-: ai o : ' it ".' ' " ."eii. '
-o a' d 0. 1. at ; - ; a j
i .." t- of yi -a e I
a 'a . 1 . : d- 'o a
1 i .- : :-! ia
. e.
haif 'i." ratiie!'S wiio rea.d ti'i
roh.d.!;. ihifk "tiait wa my
.'.,) tia-y '-ill ha', e one i c
of '.eiiiL. cot'i'-r'.. "What I
i;!.e tha' ray fat'.ier would
a-" tii'-' .'.'. .s jn Looii do;.'-
itira:. ladivatim.. a buy at iea-
.". ' i-ai - of ae. il- n:'obab:V
: ' v "; i--.t anal wear
i " ' :..ri't -'e i-j ec'ed to a.
la. ! ..r. ' ' : t ( h . re 1 a i a-a '
for the father's atfecta
l'l-ai'i !'r:.:,iv'." I mil v.
Joseph I.ibershal to W. H.
Ofe. lots a to 11, South
Park aditie-a, ;md lot 0,
block . O'Xeil's addition
to Piattsmouth. ('011
si'ieiation ? 1 ,1"'
o: a
F. Pixler to C. W. art SK :ua!ter
T-lo-TJ. Co!iideration .. T.t'oo.oo
Janet M. lemeitt to (du-tave
Pomaia lots 1 and b'.och
UK Yoj'ar Hays' addi
tion to Piattsmouth. Cor,-
1 .-ide: ation
and in! W. H. Sc-it. to Joseph
1 . 00
, a v 1:
I a
t I..... io 1 ::r. aaoat
via e - - e i a m-' 1 f ahoat
i -v. ; 1, the: ;
. :: i :' why T -r- had
..a t r a r.r: u
1 ...! :- not
. ami 1 io' i',e-.
; y in It a
'.:-hcd with j
: r .
, I
. y hoy. Iii-;
:.:: a r.oaey. -t.:
to : i -m 1
.' ..'.. . o '.-r.t hiil'
r ; . ' ! ' : . 1 ' o -
- ' h:-a ! a;o ue bv lias
! i'd.- father .'iiii'A-c to -hoy- him how
i ! a -'. it i-.
Ti.h. or ti iia's adtn ' led ia
: h.ti.i: -. a:o ': thir.LS liiy t-.; s
'.--. 'od Iii..- to ha e their fati.t rs !...
; ' if.-; f ahy .. the -t 1 i
- e- . i 1
i 't; j.-a.-.-. a.1.0 : ,. latix. r., .,1 ,)tr - j
j '. Vi : ;V i.t'i'l . U !;i.- t.nev U'.'e o;, Ii
' tae.i . we- w.'l in- i'j.-iv prota: oi tnem
K'-irbn. part XW iiuar-
t: r. XK iiuaiter. 1J l-'-l".
( for. idetation
C. A. Uaker to Julius Xeil
1 .-aia hats 15 and 10, block
ilU (.'..::-: (. r.nili t'-.i!,- :i.!.lition to
t" 'iVe ui' j Piattsmouth.
I tioii
en . p. .. .. , . 1.-
... .1. 1 ...I inn 1 i. . ...
Human. h: 1. blok h'!v.
j Xir;i I. Sa'rady to S. A. I).
j Cheek, part "lot block o4.
Wiil Jean to Kdward H.
Spanatler. XW" oaarter
J-ll-l.J. (. onsmeration. . . .".'u.tioo.oo 1 Ci m a ai'lay'f Iiaity
Maria Capen to Henry Oscar I
("apen, quiu claim djeil.
! XW quarter. XW quarter !
1-11-1.:. Consideration.... l . -m i - a tii.-rr.ue :
Lloed (lapen and Catherine jda'm fo!' att01 ,'e-v' ftes aIk'-t'1 1 y
Can,-;, to Her.rv O-ca- ! u i,ia" l' - lu -'"' I'u" "
(iapen, part of XW quar
ter 1-2-1 1. Dart XE cijii;--
ter -.'-ll-l.-i. Consideration 0 -.,(. .M in- he;i:'a bcf"ie a Jury co,l2il:it,n- ":
John S. Gapen and Lir.bie j Martin Pomemeier. William Wendt.
(iapen. part of XW q.tar- ' Aiani toehr, Ed Von; Ceoi-e Hay.
ter 1-1 1-1:3. Consideration... J..oo j A- Ivsai atsan Eon-. Jehu
-'-.,-n. i! .,.,.1 1 Xeumeu-tor. C. C. Baldwin. Wi'duira
I.oujr to Ht-iay Oscar
(Japen. X half of the XW
(juarter of tlie SW quarter
of the XW ouarter U-ll-
Ihe time ct the au-tiict court yes
terday was taken up hi hearing the
case of Matth.ew (ieri:: vs. C. Eaw-
1 ires tendered to tht; defendant in dif-
) fercMtt Cii.-es i.i court. The case i- he-
; Atchi.-on. Arthur Uaker ard William
Salltt. The case was .-til! on trial
j this ntoi-.-tii.-r a. id will probably o -cupy
the entire day with the tc-ti-
1 .00
T. il. P
. . . -: . ta- .1. '...!! :- . .--r:.;-: t -. a: . i " '"''-- v ;- ! " - ; -
: ,..., ... . ; , . ..! .;.u-y a -;,!-:. ini ph.,-- f.y- : ' The thh.a' tlnat , rr:o-t. in
W. '.. M. -.o' ." '.he il-r-l..-' - 'V!.o a: hf- '- h. u:- i.e-le.ted.
h . v ! 1 .' . ..'! ii : -:. 1 y ;(.' ;oi:t- . 1 a aiiTe: C t ' - -" '''' ' '
1 -. i ;,- a : - V;:-. , -; h- h-aa a : : ' , l.-: . ... a h,.:-y : : "The I ...-lhde of :i Pradi ;:il Ihither."
Vf.t- !-' a P. K. c." .. Ti.e..--. oi" ti-- '::....- up .:' :i ' : taiy man h...i tv...
I ... ., a;-. - ;:,: h a. ,;, i.-.d it ! ,-'- ' " (': tlart .-i'.id " hi-
-. - i :' i. I.. 'S. ss. 1 :,-... a iv.auv and e:.- al p-i: . fa'hei "a'lier. !" r.a- ll.e port:: i
. - -1: .ah. Ti.:.- -: oai.i -a. , : - ma.h- t' .-j '-a-" -1 '' at t:-: i-.a. auu
... , 1 ! .; - .." ;'". e. ;t ; 1. : i !." i on 1 u: -:.''. a:;. I ti y .-oar-' '.
' . . . .; , t , - 1 "a- !. e- s.r. an ra ua -. if i; i.-- .a., i v. i.ieh f.d.h to to r-'-." Aia! he divha-i
.. ; i- th- pa "' a.d to lo.-aa- a p ,'..--t.: a : iL-h: ' ' ' tla-r; Ih.m- m -,h..t he pia
r.. .!,- i r,..- . i- f,,l r.'...i it :.-.,.;; - -ai - a ' 'o t !. ho,.:, lull'"- ho 's b.,, it!. 1 s(-:t I'd til to ;t -f-
' ' ' ""'"''. . -iii
..... . '.';.! hua- h: j avei :.': j !.-.-e-. a- th-y i:ae t c-'-: '"-'- p r a : a c-. rv -..: :i:.a to !ao-
.--,.:. .:.:' ;. ia"'-.:! : v. he re t:. -y . ,,r. i-aaia ":' - .'it-i' !. -i ' i a roh- and t.'i-d
, -.-:. . a:- - tl Wr'i th- '..' a'ia'."-! it v. 1 ' '' ! - ha. - tha' ia- was aoi..;.- hi- l"a".i
- i
(.' !!., -:iii.ii nat 'it ; f.-.; st :; i ph--"- ;'. !:.' .;!',.: .- J ' : '" 'a' " y.
of :ie e ' .h' ' -'.ty at iiaht. 't...iv tr--y eat- be o- ! -V ' "t ;.-.y day.- aft.-- the faia. "
a h.a tad :e-.. e..mpo...i ,;ai d w.'ho-.t ra. '!i .'rhuity. j l;ui i''-red a.' his i-itc: e.-t- and a.-j'ira-
' "' t i. e of "Aid !.; 1 rath Ten-" Hohl V.eti.iit. -'' fa:' -oi. :;y. k.'.i a ha: 1
. ma it; a i t-. , . , . . ; , I ' : 1 "' a d I '": :-: a: i ccui'tth-1
:.:.' th" i-.-h r -htt. of! "Pia- -''I.-ah T a-" o: M. E. ""--''';' '-'d: : which ::'; o te;e-t
.!.,-... :i.a -f th" '"eat-j, i.i:1-i ii ladd a.meeti-t- v- lyrdav ;i"t-!" ! ' "' :',i ,h':' hl' 'ied hi-
-o. "':.- lie -pie. h.d : e-i .-co., at the home ..r Mrs. John .Mi- "hh'.'-dty of h.-i:.- a chum
a ! .
a ..r
li---Ve .:U'V revise the li
1 i.yre ;s a o-,v who comes to tav i
; .".re ever.v da;.' ;.t iio.-il. He is j''-t
, 'en ears of aiv. '!'. d.i.v lie came
i:i as u.-aai. anil I " da
w . .u'.'" arai he said. "Xo'hin.jr
'' :t 'o-.a" 'f'iia.t buy could art q-.ialify
; hi the l-'alia-i ;:i.d Soil Mo'.'emrr.t.
!i;- father wa- killed hist suauiier.
! h r? th.- Youny: Men's C'iristidn :.s-:-'ii.tioii
Will alwav- Ita'.'e its full
jo'.aita. " fatia-r'e.-s boys, mar.y hav-
: :.. f.ltllf:-.
I am thinkin- of the bei.utifal story
; f "End he."' the i it tie "ir! who
i a tut. ; into tile hayloft to pr;iy her
jbit; j. i-r. ". ith her fiice turned to
jv.uiril the .-a.-t. Men. let us pray our
I aia pr;i;, er that "i .c way Cod will
Wetjdt-e: Water.
State of Xebra-ka to Xeh-on
i Shatl'er, part XW quarter,
f SW ouarter. 10-1 Cor.-
1 in mi. on
arai I he sons of this " reat court rv.
o of .:.'?:.
I'll- e .- - ol
. : ''.. 1. j -1'
.: e'.i! tia'.ii- .
t.y ri:e ' - j
hied to t V I t j,
a :,! :o.d I
-fieri io V. hiril had ia!. 1 " " - 1 t hr-jn bri:
i ' h" P. E. (. to theletvi,- t'r
I).-, die.'
at l e '
Tbi-- v.a
a: a were -:.U" ti-!"et ia it mo -'
.fu! uy rii'a.a'. -o ,fia: -i'.d
i io'i : ttait: a ira nt : were ):-
!-e.i in .v th. la.iij :. a nan; bei- f
their faia v woik :iu !
p'ynoj- tt.a i.ti-y nee -a- a. a. very :u-
e r'-'t a- i
; i ai - ma'i
bib- 1h
: tile fir
At ti l p'-oper tiiae
ai a: s i o'.'id' d h V
h a is irreat i v eiijo-,--
o l ' i liii' i
il ".
f ;
-' v.a: beo.2- ' ,.,1 i,, ..-.:,..
i . 1
.':;:!' aaU rr.o'-t ;.a- . .
a - at: ' U ii'i- rom-
:'i the .aadiiio:) ;,y air. Wiiiiam '
d of a r.' M cr of He : Eau' er".-
Py- :1 Mrsl Pleasant ii(.
I sa ::.!.. ! .,:.
! r si i i d;i v Paul 1". Lhidiir, the 1!
-1 -
t.U :.e ronm;'
..!! iia.'
Ill', m "at I
f them i'V
i : Tr'i ei'o: -
A ' the ma : b
T'.-'t that iii
!' i. rira: m. an IV. ct ui er, ri-ane uown
for ii ". l.i'i f v. ith hi- parents arai
i to in',!; ; Iter the interests of hi- ceie-
' li'i'i" e'- fi'vol.f n. - -!. .:..!, ; .... ,
' io:a 11! l)en'"er Mieciai ;a-d .-'!:'.
- ' athel iai; hrd P.- " : i ' At.. p...:;.. ;
i i iii'f , i i " i i .i. l I . i ti i I I l
th" n ' -l -urce--. ful ever held I , , ,, . , ,
'l ."l lili.T I U . ' L-II.'i.ll II I H . . 1 1 1 1 I 1 1.. S,
i f hi- o ' !i mi-:. Ami he had .-pen' I
thf v:y best hi life and laid J
ah i- 1 mor-.y. !,,, h:-d frih-i to hud '
.-a' i -awt ion. tir-re .a o: r ;i mighty j
fiia'iir.e ia ids iie.-n t ::..! I.i- I. t. I
be in w;."t ,f .-yntj.athy and
oni;;ioii.-hip. .i,d he wi
a ini ifi'i
"d fiim-eif io iia.' of i he cl ah, ,j' that
rounti-y. a:, i they el". t"d him chair-ma.-,
i f th" ho-i committee ami
ue-ideiit o'" the club aial sent him to
("!".' i-fj-s. Ard ha woidii fain h::ve
-ai:,hed himself with the hu.-ks that!- me:
a i-rl i;it.
ia man tiav'j
d l hat
Ik E E. "S. ntlai t
opaoit'.a it;.' auaui to he t!a
P. E. Ct.
if - ts
An Vtf ;i i.oiei of Apple?
il. M. S if'ia ich.-t a. Iia on .-; .
. tin- h'frtHK .,t)EI.ICML';-'. Try
i. and "rT fK?i.e'.e!- tat afiy other
!Tr.:.ny fiieuds here ' were jrea'lv
jh'.i-e. to riii-ct him a;r:im. While
, he: a Mr. P.-jdivr v. a: :i idler at the
Joa:i.a! ot'Ve amJ i etn' mbei e ! the
i-ni"hiiivr member:- of 'he fotye with
riaar-, -'Ilia1 the ladie.- -a ere re mem -
I.-, ed v.-'tli ra' die-; 'e
ir.i: i.ii.r to his honr.
Cause of Insomnia.
:o-t r'Uliiilon CiiUs
mnia is disordei'.s of the stoniiich
a.: .-. i.o.-.j j ; n:,,,t r'uiiiiion cause of in-
.-it.-iw ! ..,.,,,' . a. a',..a.
Ja-ni.-rih !- that P. E. ihafner and
' . '. lie-ianu rejJie.icat :
XO! fie Cm. 11
- - ' i .-'"! ' t ;:.. i m . 'i ;i I fn's
.. 'i'liisfh. rt-f rartinu p I : i ? : . ;il Tabh. ts roriert thi-a i. ..,.-d.o .s and
l.tiiitt; i'i- I t-dfioclay and Sut- i enable ou to -hip. I'or cale by al!
irda ruin;;'-. Examination free, jdcaki o. him any i"al '"i-ieud-hip.
I ! . . . . 1. . .. . . 1. : . a-
- i ue i .!ay i'i nini-eil lie ..i
-ailt "How many men of my r.c
'iuuud.a rce have hoys they under
stand and who unde"-:ar.d them, who
i tan. anout the;:- l.oy. and as an-iate their hoys and .-eern ieifeetly
ha. ;;.' iu the com. adc.-hip of their
!,-;, an 1 I perish heie with heart
hunger? 1 will a:i-e iaid ir to niy
sou, ami wi!l say, 'Son. I
have .-i'lncd .i;ain.-t heavtn and in
thy slant; ! a:n no name woitiiy to
be lillled thy f:ahei; UlidiC me as one
of thy acquaintance-.'" And he
arose anil came to his i-oii. Put while
lie wji.- et afar off. sou saw him,
iir.d was mo t d ".v ith a -tonis'inii nt,
and instend of mnnintr and falling
on his iT-rt.:, !a- ilifv ba k a r.d vais ill
;it " Am! the IV.thiM srdd unto
hum. "Soa. I h ve. sinoed at'ainst
heaven, and in tl,y sirht; I am no
I ": "in I 'i iii. i y's 1 'a il v.
The members. of the Piattsmouth
oiui.'cer file department of the city
ha t arranged to iiold a frrand ball at
the (" Home on Wednesday
evi'iiir.a-, li'.ivi' "J.'th. This event
will be one of the most pleasinp- that
ha.- as yet ben .irivea at this hall
duiiiiu- tiic season. The Piattsmouth
rchestra will be on the job in fur-
nis'niii the music and a irood time
may be anticipated by ail who attend.
Th. ' lire hoys are always wiili:ir to
turn out to preteit the homes and
property of the citizens and they
should he "riven the support of the
puidic in th.-ir dance. The admission
will be ."( cjiits.
Don't Delay TreaJinir Uur Counli.
A slight eoii"h often becomes
serious. Eur."-; "it congested, bron
chial tubes fill with mucous. Your
vitality is reduced. You need Dr.
Pell's, Pine-Tar-Honey. It soothes
your irritated air, loosems
mucous and makes your system re
sist colds. (Jive the baby and chil
dren Dr. ijell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It's
truaruntecd to help them. Only "Jac,
at your dru-ryiat.
From Saturday's Paily.
Co:a;:d Mei.sin.-rer io .Ma-
thiide Mtdsin-jer, lots 7 and
8. block 11. city. ('n-
sidei ation Sl,dJ0J'U
Cor:-ad Meisiio'er to E. J.
Mek-iu.'-ter, psirt SW quar
ter o-12-l'-!. Considera
tion, love and affection.
Conrad Meisiujrer to J. E.
Mcisiiijrer, E XW (juaiter
IO-12-l-J; XW quarter,
XW uart-jr 14-1 -Ml'. Con
sideration, love and af
fection. Conrad Meisinjrer to J. C.
Meisin-er. W half. SW
ouarter 11-12-12; XE
ouarter, l."i-12-12. Con
sideration, love and aiTec
tion. Conrad Meisinjrer to P. A.
Meisinjrer, part XW quar
ter 11-12-12. Considera
tion, love and affection.
W. W. Windham to John
Waterman, lots 1, U and ".
block 'J.J, South Park ad
dition. Piattsmouth. Con
sideration l.aOO.OO
Sarah E. Teodorski to
Edith Kahler. lot :b$,
Louisville. Consitleration laO.OO
M. W. Liviiifrston to J. S.
Eivinjrston. part SE quar
ter 12o-12-1"; part X one
half XE quarter 3 MtM I.
Consideration 10,000.00
Elizabeth A. Maxwell to J.
S. Livingston, same de
scription .s aboe. Con
sideration 4,500.00
W. T. Adams to IJ. W. Liv
ingston, part SE quaiter
'Jo-12-1 2; putt SW ouar
ter, SW quarter 30-12-11.
( 'oia ideratiou 1 f',000 . 00
W. T. Adams to B. W. Liv
injrston, part SE quarter,
SE quarter 25-12-1 3.
Crmsideration 1.00
C. E. Harris to L. G. Todd,
part XW ouarter, XE
ouarter 2-10-13. Con
sideration 2.500.00
IE C-. Todd to L. G. Todd.
part XE quarter 11-10-13.
Consideration lb, 1 30. 00
X. S. Clement to F. E. Eno,
13. Consideration
Henry Oscar Oape.'i and
Grace Gapen to Lloyd
Gaper., pa't SE qu.iiter
Ki-11-13. Consideration . . 21 .ooo . no
i Ma: ie Ganen to Eiovd
Gnpeti, quit claim deet. SE
ouarter 10-1 Cr.n-ridei-atio.u
Will Jean and Marie Jean
to Oscar Gapen. eighty
four acres 12-11-13. Con
Fideiiition Henry Oscar Gapen. Graye
Gapen. Mattit ('.. Wiles.
Mathihle Snyder and
(ieorjre W. Snyiler to Will
Jean. XW quarter 1-11-13.
of the atto'-
w .-...I. in. " r.mpy ::nd argumtn:
i : e ;.:-. Mr. Ge;-i:ar and C. H. Tayl.
I pea: for the plaintiff, while the d -
fcndar.t i- represented by Attui ra y
I. (). Dwver and Shirley Gillduta! of
Celebrates His Birthdav.
1 t'rnn Sati:r'!av'. llil'v
-'"' Yesterday was the seventy-sixth.
I birthday of Fritz Ohier.'r.' u-e:'. the
j pi.meer German citizen of this city,
land our old friend observed the day
1 J.n'jo . ') i jn a ni0st appropriate manner. There
I'.vc fev. person.- in this city who po--!
sess more friends than "Shuster
!"; itz." a'
all his frtemi- are hoi.e-
ful that he may ctlelaate seventy-six
more birthday. Frit, is a great
j favorite vit'. the children ami always
j locks after them when the oppor-
Just received a car ol" Earlv Ohio i tuuity is afforded.
Potatoes, 70c a bushel. A. G. Bach
Ac Co.
Letter liles at the Journal office.
M 01 IR -5
There never was a year when
we had more reason to thank Providence for his
bounties than 1914. As Americans we have been
blessed with peace, protection and prosperity.
Your citizenship under the stars and stripes, how
ever doesn't protect you from the winter's cold.
Here's where our stock of winter wearables comes
in to make your protection complete.
On Thanksgiving you'll enjoy
some of the dressy things we have here.
New Neckwear
hi bows aad -l-in-hand-?, straight or wide end slntpcs
25c to $1.00. Two new numbers in white silk
bows for drees wear 50c eacli.
New Collars,
Buckingham, a new dress collar; Kerway and Moire,
two new styles tliat make a hit with the voting fel
lows. New Shirts
in mushroom pleats and soft pleats, soft turn back
or starched cuffs $1.00 to $3.50. White mush
room pleat for dress wear $2 00.
Adler's Dress Gloves
in tans, blacks, chamois, j;rays and browns; piain backs
or fancy stitched backs, SI. 00 to $2 50
Sic Isou
f. .'!