The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 19, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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CGfrieNGTOj Public Sale!
PJattSmOlith, Neb- ! Tiu" undersigned will offer for sale
j at public auction i.t his Lome, one
Monday, Hgv, 23, 1914
Hours 9 A. If. to 6 P. M.
Remarkable Success of these Tal
ented Physicians in the Treat
ment of Chronic Diseases
The United .Doctors, licensed by the
Str.te .f . braska fur the i rentment
f t!,.":-mi'.i-s and c.ll nervous and
,i,ini.- ui-e:..-es of men. women and
eMMrerj. uffer to who fall on this
visit, i-onsultat ior.. t ::aminat ion and
:.! ire fn'--. making :.o charge what
or t'.tvpt tiit acta.:? cost of treat
mei.t for the purpose of proving that
the- at last discovered a svs-i
tern and method of treatments that j
are reasonably sure and certain ir. 1
T.uc;r results.
Tiies- I lectors are anions Ameri :a"s
leading- M.imach art! nerve specialists,
ami are experts in the treatment of
eh tonic diseases of the blood, liver,
stomach. inestine.. skim nerves,
heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder,
rheumatism, sciatica, diabetes, bed-v-ef.inv.-.
t: . worm, leg ulcers, weak
I. and afrlieted with Ion?
st .i:li::ir. deen seated chronic diseases
that have ba fried the skill of other
p'-r :ci.:rs. saottld not fail to call.
Dea fness has often been cured in six
ty day-.
According to their system ro niore
operation for appendicitis, gall stetf.-s,
tumors, goiter, riles, etc. By their
method these cases uncomplicated arv
troateti without operation or hypoder
mic irjft !on. Truy --ere amor.? the
f:r-t in America to earn the name of
"iroodie-s Surgeons." by doing away
with the knife, with blood and with
p in ir. the successful treatment of
t:.--e ti r.ncrei'o'is d:se:;.-es.
ou liave kidnev or iduciuer trou
bles lrinrr a two buttle of you''
urine for vhernicul f:alysis and mi
cro ;c..oic examination.
W o: ar-out and run-down men or wo
men, no matter what jour ailment
may be, no matter what you have
bee:: told, or the experience you have
had with other phsicians. settle it
foreer in jour If your case
is incurable they will tell you so. Con
sult them upon this visit. It costs
j'ou nothing.
Remember, ti.k-
free offer is for
this visit or.h'.
Ma: lieu ladies a.ust
their t.u-b. nu and mine
come with
s with their
Laboratories. Milwaukee. Wisconsin.
The Cosmopolitan club will ?ive aj
dance at ' oates' hal! on Saturday j
even n?. November 21st. Everyone is
welcome and a ?os:d time assured to
all w ht; attend.
I or Sale.
"oo-acre i:ri?ated farm in westerr
Nebraska, al! pood, first-bottom land, j
fencd and well improved, 120 acres in i
alfalfa. !' acres in wild hay, a- in- j
exhaustible supplj- of water no water
re!'i to pay price .S7.i.00 per acre, on j
apreeable teirrs. Apply at this of- i
Ri? Sh:otin? Match.
T'.i? shoot ir? match Saturday.
" en-btr 21st. a my p!ace, :! mile-
o:;s. oee-h-i'.f mile rorth of We-pin?
trucks a'
tel l.'O turkevs.
.-e to be shot off.
Will Panrid-e.
ll-is-2td-ltw I
f .
-I Vm is worth a hundred pounds of any cure, especially
: 7 1 in case of Chickens or Pigeons, w here it is easy
--i to trest the flock, but "some tak" to doctor each indhidual.
? 1 That is the economical reason for giing Germozone twice a
1 week in the drinking water. ll keeps the bowels in order and
wards off germ contagion through infected food or drink.
A a remedial agent, Germozone is always a good f irst choice in
f j cases f Rotii, C'ld, Dowel complaint. Cholera, White diarrhoea,
-- H Canker, DistemjKT, Sore throat, mouih and eyes. Chicken pox,
g Kruptioas, Durns, Swellings, Sprains, Sores, Cuts, Wounds, Loss of
hair or feathers, etc.
f t4 For Ch:iks. Chickens. Pisreons. Birds. Doss and all Pet or Domestic
z Srotk. tirrmuone i a whole medicine chest. It does lh work of a dozen an-
r liepiiCN. remedies an J linimeals, at one-teuth the cost and with do need o expert
"Jl diagnosis.
: 4 ot. bottle (trial I 2 Sc. 32 ox. bottle (farm 'ze SI 00.
: i 12 oz. bottle tKtandardi SOc. Ciallon lottle ( li ouncesl $3.00.
: .. 'l abiet form, mailable. Sue postp-jid
So?d by most Druggists and Poultry Supply Dealers
One-dollar and three d"Ilnr sizt-s delivered prepaid to uy express office in f
'-. the V. S. Sjmple and buok free by mail on retiut-sl. 5;-
GEO. II. LEE CO., Omaha, Nebraska 2
-f 1 r
1T -i:i!v It I". G. rri.l:- A: '... l'lat I smotit h : Alv.. Kmc Co.. Alvo; )r:t K. Cet.s.
Ati i : '. ". I"rii-. Kjii:!.-: I.. A. T.vmi. l.'lniuioil : llnlN A: llemlrix. llr'tiw xxl :
!:!;... M.Cnrtv ltrir' '... l.i.ui v:ll-: it. I". i i U.ji-. Munl.-y : 1.. Nt-itz.l. Mtinliiek:
V.. A. Ili-i-t. .!tirr:.J : 1'. I . AiI.iiii-. w k:t ; V.. St urzeneyer. South Itcnd ; 1,. K.
I pri.n. 1 ni'.ti; S. W. on ou A: I'm. aud Mfl'T lriiK Cu., Weeding Water.
lo:.,u o clock a. m., on
the following described
to-wit :
One black mare, seven jears old,
with foal.
One sorrel mare, nine years old,
with foal.
One earling colt. Two weanin?
; iyvo milch cows, one l resn, one giv-
in? milk.
One heifer. One calf. One porker.
One fu.ll-l'.ooded Poland China boar.
One 7-foot cut Deeding binder.
One 12-inch ?an? plow.
One sulky plow.
One ridin? cultivator.
One walking cultivator.
One Sterling di.-e.
One new Sterling 2-row stalk cut
ter. One Newton va?on.
One sprin? wa?on.
One buggy.
One hay rack.
One llradley lister.
Ore Peru lister.
One walkir.? plow.
One corn planter.
O.'.e "-section harrow.
One McCormick mower.
Ot.e McCormick hay rake.
One disc ?rinder.
Ore grind.-ton.e.
One vise.
Ten or fifteen tons of hay in the
Two stacks of oat straw.
Two dozen full-blooded Rhode Is
'and Red hens.
Three full-blooded cockerels.
Ot e Q.dck Meal ran?1.
Or.e so!'.! walnut .-ideboaicl.
Oae walnut chiffonier.
One 10-foot dining table.
Tow reeking chairs.
Two iron beds, one gilded, new.
Or? refrigerator.
One new Iavis fc Sen upright pi
'no. Two heating stove--.
Ope L". S. cream separator.
About ten bushels potnto?s.
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in hand. On all sums over 10, a
credit of six months will be ?iven,
purchaser ?ivin? ?ood bankable note
bear in? 8 per cent interest from date.
All propertj' must be settled for be
fore bein? removed.
1 will leave Cass county for my new
home in Minnesota in the very near
futuie. so everj- article on this bill
must be sold to the high bidder. No
COL. WM. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
W. G. P.OEDEKF.R, Clerk.
Dance on November 21st.
On Saturday, November
21st, the K. S. society will pive an
other cf their social dances at their
hall in the west part of the ,cit- for
the benefit of the Bohemian brass
band. Everyone is invited to attend
! Hid assist in the aidin? of a pood
Declare War on Rheumatism.
Rheumatism is an j;wful thin?
r.othir.p more painful. Don't let it
?et a hold, but at the first twin?5
tal e Folev Kidnev Pills. Thev work
directly on j our weakened kidney s,
! build them up. make them stron?
j ,.id Jfljr i)Iood aml 1:et.p it cIe.,r of
No-.'uric acid. Keep Foley Kidney Pills
n Jjand ready for use at the first
f'!?: of rheumatism. For sale by all
i:i 'i.; cists.
Wall Taper. Gerinir & Co. Phone
Fcrmer Kearney Postoffice Clerk Un
shaken In Testimony.
Omaha, Nov. !!. The government's
fight to lix on ex-Sheriff Waller F.
Samnions of Buffalo county the tiieli.
ot a $j."Oii registered package from
the Kearney posuffue Christmas niizlit
a year ago is narrowing to reliant - ou
the testimony of LHlbert K. Smith,
former clerk in the Kearney postoffice.
He swears amnions secured from him
keys to the postoft'u e and the sale
ln-re the package was. Smith's story
has withstood the strain of severe
United States I ;ist rit t Atlorney F.
S. Howell still has several witnesses
to examine before the prosecution'
case is finished.
. bailee Page .Morris has ordered more
speed in the trial and has notified the
nioserution and del Use that he wi:i
expH.-t the case to be completed this
Wiin sses were put on the stand to
,ra- the packai;o froi'.i tlie Fiist Na
tiona' bank of Omaha to tlio City Na
tional bank of Kearney. ISai.k an 1
posioflice clerks woio able tt; shoA-rei.-try
receipts ior t'.ie packatre as it
paM'i d on.
Several House Comniiltaes Lose
Most Active ("enibsrs.
Washington. Nov. 1!'. Effects o:' the
icffut election upon the pt-rsonn 1 ts1'
t un.-zr. ssional comni:tiol S w as shown
in an unofficial list namine ui.'aibi is
wlio will not be in th- Sixty -fourth
ceimress. Several of Cue eominittes--;
h. st some of thir iiirvr active mem
be' s t'arouah defeat at tlie polls (Ji
tie Democrats on the commit! e on
expenditures in the posto.lire depart
ment none remains.
Of tho fourt' en Demcxrats on tue
ways and means eommitte. six whl
not return to consn ss. inc-ludin'-Cl:airnian
Fndeiv.oo!. Hammond
i Minn.), who won in a puhonntonal
contest: Palmer i Penii.i and Stanley
(Kj.i. defeated in senatorial races,
end Mitchell (Mass).
Or. the co:nmitte s whose chairmen
were defeated tor r-el'v t ion or who
ro to tfe senate, tie list mimes as
ranking D-mocrats for the next toi;
press: Ways and means, Claud
Kittliin (N. C.) ; coinage, weight- and
n.e:isures, William A. Ashhrook tO :
elections. No. 1. Hubert V. Stephens
(Miss.); elections. No. Lewis L
Morgan (La); expenditures in inte
rior department. Oscar Callaway
(Tex.); ex'.enditures in department of
justice. I.. F. I'.ailey: expenditures it:
(b)artment of commerce. Henry
Prut hner (N. YA; industrial arts and
expositions. James C. Cantri'.l (K.).
TOOK S2.703.000 GAIN
Charles Pope Says He Foeght His
Eest Against "Glucose Trust.'
Chicago. Nov. i:. Charles T'oae.
former owner cf sugar refh.ii:? plants
at (renevH and Venice. II!.. was a wit
ness in the government's antitrust
suit against the Corn Products Kefin
ins; rompany.
Pope said he fought hard to save
himself from the trust and suffered
persecution for a Ions tim.e. T!:e wit
nes.-es were quest:o!:ed by Van K;n
deren Linds'ey and Jesse C. Adkin.5,
special assistants to tiie attorney j.en
"You eventually sold out. did you
no:?" Air. Adkins asked Pope.
"Yes." Mr. Pope said. "I received a
certified cheek in payment."
S. P. Ilutler, vice president of the
Corn Products Ri fining company, t. s
Ched Pope jeceivotl $3."i'i.iMii tor hi
business. It was shown the plants
were worth about $200. oao.
Railroad Accidents Show Decrease.
Washingtcn. Nov. 19. A great de-rn-nsc
in the number of collisions a:iu
(ferHi'nients of railioad trains for the
fl'sr.ner ended June rjo. 1014, as (nn
pared with the precerling qtmrifr. wa
ieportd by the interstate commerce
ennnission. As compared with the eo--ri
si oiiiiing quarter of lit 1.1. there was
a decrease of 7.17 in the number o
train arch'.ents. In the train accidents
th-' total nuniher of persons Killed v.-as
1"7. while 2.1. "7 were injured.
Wilson Begins Work on Message.
Washington. Nov. 19. president Wi!
son began work on his pnnnal nies
r.(.'( to congress which he will deliver
in person at the opening of the regu
lar session in December. Mr. Wilson
is exj.ectod to discuss Philippine inde
pendence, conservation, the Mexican
question, to ernmc nt ownership of
merchant ships ; iid the eftect of the
Curopean war on the United States.
English Transport Sunk by Germans.
Valparaiso. Chile. Nov. 19. There
are persistent rumors here that fh
British transport Crown of Oalicia has
been attacked by German cruisers and
be n s mk. The crew cf the transport,
it is said, was saved and will be landed
ft Valparaiso by the German steamer
Khakotis of the Kosmc.s line.
Edwaids Ordered to Canal Zone.
V.'ashingion. Nov. 19. Brigadier
General Carerce B. Edwards, com
manding the first Hawaiian brigade,
is to he fiirceeded by Briaadier Gen
eral John P. Wisser. now com'r.andins
the Pacific coast artillery district. Gen
eral Edwards is ordered to command
on the canal zone.
Porte Most D;ye Reason For Fi
m on U. S. FlaL
Daniels Orders North Carolina and
Tennessee Captains to Proceed With
Caution Wilscn Determined Nation
Will Not Ee Involved In War.
While along the fighting lines ir.
France fnd Ee!c,.i:m and in Easi
Prursia. Russian Poland sr.d Calicir.
fierce fighting continues and engage
ments have been won and ioat at
various places, no.vhtre has a dt
cisiwe result been achieved either
the allies or the Germans and Aus
In the west the same ding-dong fight
ing that has beer, proceed, ng for
weeks along the entrenched line?
which extend v.rtually from the
North sea to the Swiss frontier is
being waged.
In the east the bnttling is more in
the nature cf field operations.
Here there are clairs to victories bv
both the Teuton .-'lies and the P.js
sfarts rnd ad-risions by the Rus
sians ef at least cne defeat near
Bzoure. Poland. Petrograd snyj
that here the Germans forced back
the Muscovite trcops and rained
foothold near Lenczyos and Orloff.
A.I! a'ong the Prussian frontier
however. Petrcrrad declares the
Russians have rrnde successive ad
varices and clis that in Gr.bc;.
they have captured the passes cf the
Carpathian mountains. thrcucjl
, which the Austrians vvci'ld be forcec
to make the'r w?y back into Austri.:
In case cf a decisive defeat. Accord
ing to Berlin t-e Russians werr
forced to retreat rear Sddau.
Washinrto!:. Nov. 19 The Aner
iran govet ntnent lias drr. cted Air.!::;
sudor Morter.thati a; ConstaMinooI
to ak' tiie ()tio!u:i!i pove;-:,!u'i)t r
rn exi!anation of ll " firing bv Tur!
ish lan.l forces ; t a kvmih iron' thr i
Anriean cruise:- T'-mK-s-ef'. jiro'-eet' .
ins from Voulah f tlie A ri- ri ur :
cr-rstf; te rt ?ntyrra. Asia Minor.
Fect.-tary Iraniels. with the ap
p-oval of Presi.U r.t Wil-'on. sirnulta
r. ously cabled tlie conitnander of the ,
Tcrie-ssee and Nor;!; Care!;!. a. a!o ir. i
the M diierrr.t: -an. to tu!;e ro n' t':, r. ;
which miiiht embarn-ss trie Ajnertcat; (
coverntnent a: d to fwait spepipc in .
sfructiops from Vashir.eon coticerti
the general situation.
Message From Decker. i
Tl.ese steps folio". . -d ;i.e rtte'pt ol !
a message from Capt:.5n P.-.T.ton C j
Pecker, eomniat d- r of the Tenness - '
which was paraphrased in this state
r.e'nt troni the navy tb-parTn.ent : j
"Captain B. C !-'cker. in ceintnr.rii j
of th.e Tennessee, wired S'-cretnry !
Pr.i iels that while proceeding f ror 1 1
Vouiah to Smyrna to make oT;c:nl;
calls, the poat was fired at. Consul
ntixiotis fcr safety of consulate. Ten
nssee proceeded to and left VotT.ah 2t
r' nucst of ambassador ami is iow sis
rhored in the harbor of Chios. Greece,
from which Captain lecher's tele
gram was sent. Secretary Panic'.?
wired for fuller infornineion."
Although without definite details as
to just what occurred, hich cfTK-ia's r:
the Waslnnston fovernn:ent had no
doubt that the in; blent, no nia'tc
where the resnotisiliility lay. would
prniptly adjusted through diplontatb'
TYc-sider.t WJlson is determined that
under no circumstances shall the Unit
eel States be involved in war wit!;
Turkey. If the Turkish officials art'1!
without the authority of the Otto::i.".r
governmei t mnl the fniPT was nor
justified by naval ptoccelure in n
closed port, it is confidently believed
here that the Ottoman government
will render an arology.
Eritish Warships Bombard Two Cities
on Belgium Coast.
London. Nov. 19. A Rotterdam dls
patch to the Daily Mail says:
"Th.e British fleet received infornin
ticn which led them to carry out n
vigorous bombardment at Knocke and
Zeehrugge on the Belgian coast. Tho
Solvay company's works on the Bruges
ship canal, which are being used as a
bse for German militarv trains, wer"
wrecked. A train of five cars filial
with soldiers was struck by a shell,
took fire and was destroyed. Much
damage was done to the German stores
and supplies."
Indictment Ag?inr.t forc;an Dismissed.
New York. Nov. 19. The indictment
charging Ianiel N. Morgan, former
treasurer of the United States, and j
six others with using th.e mails to de
fraud stock investors in connection
with the operations of Jared Flgc.
was quashed on motion of the t'nite "
States district attorney, who said thr.t
tVf testimony at Flagg's trial showed!
that Mr. Mr.rrnn and his six associates!
were rot gni'tv.
Prince of Wales Aide-de-Carrp.
London. Nov. 19. It w:u odlcia'l'
pnrior.ncfd in 1 m; Jon that the Pr'r
of W.iles hnd l.ern appointed aided3
camp to Pic'.d Marshal Sir .lohi
French, the eoniuiaieler of the Br't ;
expeditionary force on the continent.
f T
I mm
macKinaws lur mcu,
Women and Children
$3.75 to $15
The undersie-ned will sell lit Public
Au.-tior. at his home on the August
Ou farm, three ;.nd a half miles
sou' h west of Nehawka. four miles
w (.-.- t t.nd two miles south of I'nion,
.-L miles east and or.e mile south of
Ave. -a. commencing- tit 10:3b a. m. on
TIII?AY. DECE.MBKi: 8. 114.
the following described property.
u-w:t :
Seven Head of Horses.
Or.e black mare, six jears old,
v. iv-ht 1.700. with foal to jack.
Oe.e steel gray mare, four years
1 weight l.TOo. wiLii foal to iack.
One brown riure. six .. em old, 1.2--.0.
( ine black mare, six years old.
vci;:ht 1.2".0.
One black Percheron stallion,
t v.-five yers old. weight 1.700.
Two weaning mules, black and
L:'i iV-.T..
Six Head of Cattle.
One P.ed Polled cow, giving milk,
"s years old.
Or.e Ped Polled cow. giving milk,
! years old.
On? Ped Polled heifwr, 1 months
One Shorthorn heifer, l.-i months
Oni Pcd Polled calf, 8 months old.
One Keel Polled bull, 8 months old.
Twenty Head of Hogs.
Six Poland China gilts, two Ches
ter White sows, others boars in good
Farming Implements. Etc.
Ore Weber, wagon,
(ire wagon and rack.
One Pock Island buggy.
Or.e ."-section harrow.
Ore Pud'ong disc.
Or.e Avery cultivator.
Ore set buggy harness.
Two sets work harness.
Fix dozen chickens.
One 7-foot McCormick binder.
Ore Janesville drill planter.
One stirring plow and cutter.
-One 14-inch Jar.esville lister,
ro rods of barbed wire.
40 rods of woven wire.
10 rods of chicken wire.
700 feet of lumber.
Ten bushels of potatoes.
One riding cultivator.
One broadcast seeder.
One endgate seeder.
One 1-horse drill.
One sleigh and bells.
Ore bob sled.
One l"-foot log chain.
200 posts. One boat.
One steel tank.
Cook stove, heating- stove, two
beds, t-:ble, cupboard and numerous
other articles.
All sums of 10 and under, cash in
hi'.nd. On all sums over $10, a credit
of six months will be given, purchaser
givr;g ogod bankable r.oie bearing 3
irlr.ract from Hntp All TirnH.
erty must be settled for before being
L. J. HALL, Auctioneer.
W. . 'j a. w.wii -i ::i:.c.!i. a
'?.. Ir'li- ! J.Ti.irlrr.vMf.t A
. '( L" 1 (- ::o-i 1 r ft .'. . &:ti.til i;ra..i
'-.x 1 ;-a- r, w -r -i . i i-.-i . '.'
- . 1 .. : 1 . . v X
" l 'II vfER
i.CI r;T.!... f r
t.S i.c:.: ,
Time to be thinking of
hanksgiving Clothes
Let us sliow you the new English models in Mue
serge, scotch tweed or Tartan checks; neat close fit
ting coats with wide lapels, six button high cut vests
and medium tight trousers with cuffs. We also have
the 32 inch coats with shaped backs and broader
shoulder, double lap seams and blunt corners and
more generous trousers. For the fellow who wants
an entire change we have the double breasted style,
medium close fitting, in stylish underplaids end ve
lours. If you care for the ultra gray sack with silk
binding and stripe trousers or the n ore formal
frocks you can get them here. Quality Line S20 to $3.1.
Sty lepIusSlT. Full dress aud Tuxedo suits $20 to $f0.
Deep black regimental stripes the newest thing
in shirts -as usual here first, $1 and $1.50
Everybody's Store
Local Kcws
Krnni Tl a rs l:'. 's I:ii:y.
Itching', bleeding-, protruding or blind
piles have yielded to 1'oa.n's Oint oOa at i.'l stores.
James Miller of Nehawka was here
yesterday for a few hours attending
to some matters of business.
Miss Augusta Mer.geuoht will play
a violin solo at the story Hour pro
gram at the library next Saturday
Miss Marie Kaufman and cousin.
I-T jerry Mueller, of Genoa. Wis.,
and Miss Cora Higgle were visitors in
Omi.ha Tuesday.
Albert Sattler was imong the visit
ors in Omaha today for a few hours,
returning- home this afternoon on No.
24 over the Burlington.
L. W. Lorenz and daughter, Alice,
were among the visitors in Omaha
this morning, where they will visit for
a few hours with friends.
Rev. J. M. Eades returned this aft
ernoon from Omaha, where he had
been for a short time looking after
some matters of business.
County Commissioner C. E. Ileeb
ner came in last evening from his
home to look after some matters of
business here for the county.
Mrs. Mary Parsons departed this
afternoon for Omaha, where she will
spend a few hours looking after some
matters of business in that city.
Miss Margaret Mills departed this
morning for Omaha, where she will
visit for the dav looking after some
I matters of business in that city.
George Murray returned this
morning to Omaha, after an oer
night visit here with his mother, Mrs.
! J
A. Murray, and other friends.
Remember the dance to be given by
the Modern Woodmen on Saturday
evening. November 2Sth. A good
time assurred to all who attend.
fe? fSSMen's Fur
Our winter Arctics and storm Gaiters are great
foot protectors on cold winter days.
Nothing can equal them in foot comfort for
Men, Women and Children.
Waterproof and coldproof Arctics in all the
best styles:
Men's One Buckle Arctics $ 1 .25 to $ 1 .85
44 Two " " 2.25
" Four " " 2.50 to 3.00
Women's One Buckle Arctics 1.15
Two " 1.50
Children's Arctics 75 to 1.35
This line of Winter Foot protection embraces everything
that has merit, or is wanted.
Coats from
$19 to $40
Subscribe for The Journal,
Pen Ilank'.nson was among tne
j passengers this morning for Omaha,
! where he will look after some matters
with the wholesale house in that city.
' The .Modern Woodmen give a
social dance at their hall on Saturday
evening. November UMh. Everyone
cordially invited to he present and
ih.ave a good time.
W. C. P.oedeker of Murray was
here last evening for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness, as well as taking in the show
at the Pa nr. el e theater.
'; J. I. Corley, postmaster at Weep
iing Water, and S. J. Ambler of the
; same city, were here today for a few
I hours looking after some matters of
I business at the court house.
J. E. McDaniel and wife were
among the passengers this morning
on the early'-n train for
; Omaha, where they will spend a few
(hours visiting with friends.
R. M. Shines among the pas
sengers this afternoon for Omaha,
where he goes to spend a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness in that city.
There will be a rehearsal of the
operetta. "Princess Bul-bul." tomor
row (Thursday) evening at Coates
hall at 7 o'clock. All those expecting
to take part must be present.
R. C. Wo-)d, manager of the Ne
btaska Lighting company, was among
the passengers this morning for
Omaha, where he was called on some
matters of business for a few hours.
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
Croun scares you. The loud,
j hoarse, croupy cough, choking and
gasping for breath, labored breathing,
call for immediate relief. The very
first dose of Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound will master the croup. It
cuts the thick mucus, dears away the
phlegm and opens up and ease" the
air passages. For sale by all drug
gists. AND
Shoe Store....
& H O E S