The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 16, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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I: i MMMVWYA."a.
.' I T7 MM V fjU 34.NO
. 1 . , r, ! i . f- A 1 A A r h A A h A 4 A ft A 26 INCH r twist to weaken the Mrrarctb ot the tie wire
:t the bendini; point. iWrup a wire around
V' . J J l' I : ' , J J 'JJ t If" A f ;J LT liJj V ! V. your tinker an J the wire is not weakened; a
iiJiiiJ--L without breuk.nir. it is so much weakened.)
Hea-- steel cables lapped about and held together by steel wire, formirjp: uniform meshes. Simple, isn't it?
No chance lor weakness in any part; uniformly strong. The reasons fi-r the superiority -f ELLWOOD FENCE
are not hard to find. This company owns and operates its own iron mines and furnaces; its own wire nulls
and six large fence factories either one of the six being larger than any other fem e factory in the world.
These facts should be convincing.
Cedar Creek Lumber Company,
Local News
From Friday's Dally.
Maik White and wife, from south
of the city, were here last evening for
a few hour, having1 motored up from
their home.
Mrs. Stoddard of Hull, Neb., came
in vesterday to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Caroline Her.ton, which was hel l
at Mynard.
Ed. Rice was a passenjrer this morn
iv;r for Omaha, where he goes to visit
for a few hours there looking after
-rr.f items of busines.
Mis. F. E. Ilawkenbery was amor.g
the visitors in the metropolis today
fr a few hours where she was called
on some matters of business.
J. E. McDonald departed this aft
ernoon for Florence, Neb., where he
will attend to some matters of im
portance there for a few hours.
Mrs. Roy Fox was among the pas
?er.eers this afternoon for Omaha,
where she will visit for the day look
irg after some matters of business.
Ernest Stenner was among the pas
sengers this morning for Omaha,
where he will visit for a few hours
there looking after some matters of
business. -
James T. Reynolds came up last
evening from his home at Union to
h pend a few hours here looking after
some business matters and visiting
v.i'h his friends.
Mrs. A. R. Stckes and Mrs. Lois
Iilur.t were among the passengers on
the early Burlington train this mcrn
irg for Omaha, where they go to visit
for a few hours there.
Mrs. Harry Gouchenour and Mrs.
Charles Green were among the pas
ser.gers this morning for Omaha,
where they will visit for the day look
ing after some matters of business.
C. H. Cobb was a passenger this
morning on No. 1.1 for Valley Junc
tion, Neb., where he goes to visit over
Sunday there with relatives
and t
friends in that place.
Don C. Rhoden of Murray was in
the city yesterday for a few hours
having motored up from his home to
spend a few hours here looking after
some matters of business.
Dr. J. F. Brendel and E. II. Harris
of Murray were among the passeng
ers this morning on No. 15 for Oma
ha, where they go to visit for the day
looking after some matters of busi
ness. Raymond McCoy of Noble county,
Oklahoma, arrived in the city last
evening over the Missouri Pacific and
will visit here for a time at the home
of his sister, Mrs. D. J. Lair.
Clay DeLashmutt of Glenwood and
brother. Jesse DeLashmutt, of Bur
wen, Neb., were in the city today for
a few hours visiting with their fiiends
as well as looking after some matters
of business.
Mrs. G. II. Mumm, who has been
here for the past two weeks visiting
at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs.
Peter Mumm, departed this afternoon
for her home. Mrs. Henry Larson ac
companied her as far as Omaha cn her
Rev. II. G. McClusky and wife re
turned home yesterday afternoon
from Laurel, Neb., where they have
been for a few days in attendance at
the dedication of a Presbyterian
church there in the former charge of
Rev. McClusky. The visit there among
the old friends was very much enjoyed.
1 1 ii 'fir r'1
Science proves that the strongest fence, because
constructed throughout on scientific lines, is the
A. L. Johnson and wife of Lincoln
who were here in a' tendance at the
funoral of Mrs. He:uon at Mynard
yesterday afternoon departed today
for their heme in the capital city.
Albert Schwartz was among those
journeying to the metropolis
morning, where he goes to consult a
specialist in regard to his health,
which has not been of the best for
some time.
F. W. Dressen and wife of Una
dilla. Neb., who have been here for a
few days looking after some matters
of business, departed this morning for
their horn?, going o?-? the early Bur
lington tiain.
Mrs. Martin Peterson and Mrs. Guy
D. McMaken were among those going
to Omaha this morning cn the ea:!y
Burlington train, where they will vis
it for the day looking after some mat
ters of business.
From Saturday's Daily.
The Million Dollar Mystery will be
here Tuesday, November 17.
George M. Hil.l of Mynard was here
today attending to some trading with
the rr.eicl.ants in tie ci-y.
John Kraeger of near Mynard was
here for a few hours looking after
j some business matters of importance.
j P. A. Horn of near Mynard was in
i the city today looking after some
.trading with the different merchants.
L. A. Meisir.ger, wife and children
'were in the city today for a few hours
'looking after some trading with the
! merchants.
P. H. Meisinger was among the
farmer visiters in the city today for
a few hours looking after the week
end shopping.
A. B. Fonoff and wife of Cedar
Creek were in the city today attend-j
ing to the week-end snoppmg with
the merchants.
Miss Florence Richardson came in
at evening on No. 2 from Omaha
for an over Sunday visit at Mynard
with the home folks.
C. F. Harris of near Union came
up this morning from his home to
spend a few hours here looking after
some business matters.
Henry Horn and wife of the vicini
ty of Cedar Creek were here today j
leoHr.g after some matters of bus
iness with the merchants.
Miss Mathilde Vallery departed this
morning on the early Burlington train
for Glenwood, where she will look af
ter her class in music in that city.
Adam Kaffenberger of Cedar Creek
was among the farmer visiters in this
city today looking after some matters
of business and visiting with his
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Murdock and
son, Paul, of Nehawka motored to
this city this morning for a short visit
with county seat friends and to attend
to business matters.
C. S. Horn of Hay Springs, Neb.,
who has been here for a few days
visiting with relatives and friends,
departed this morning on the early
Builington train for his home.
Mrs. John Gradoville and son, Pe
ter, were among those going to Oma
ha this morning: to visit there for the
day attending to some business af
fairs of importance.
Mrs. G. A. Kaffenberger and little
daughter were among the passengers
this morning for Omaha, where they
will visit for a few hours looking af-
- Mil
Ijg jjjj fp3
The Reasons:
Kach horizontal extension of the ELI
is a itee ublt; t. oiisistini: of t wo heavy
Each of these cables is tied to each other
ly a continuous heavy wire tupped tiv;litly
K a iv oiferin for iined
iate salf tilt best line
of I Tidei wear in Ladies,
jCieilts and Cll 1 Id 1VI1S.
A lare line of Woolen and
Cotton Blankets.
A lar'e full line of ( hit intr
Flannel Ciowns for ladies.
A full line of Auto caps
Iloeky "caps and Tanioshan,
Cotton Halts. Wool liatts.
Home .Made Comforts. (ut-
!itir h I'liiiiiil V I l mnuL
1 M 1UIIIIV A. f, '".'1 A itllllK
and Varus.
Zuckweiisr & Lull
ter some matters of interest there.
Just received a car of Early Ohio
Potatoes, 70c a bushel. A. G. Bach
Attorney William Deles Dernier of
Eirr.-.vood was in the city last evening
for a few hours and remained over
thi.; morning to attend to some mat
teis in court that were demanding his
Vilas P. Sheldon. John Wunder
lich and son, Walter, were in the city
for a few hours yesterday en route
home from South Omaha, where they
were spending the day there looking
after the sale of a load of cattle which
they had on the market.
Mi s Maurine Hughes, a sister of
Mrs. II. G. McCIuskv, had a narrow
oscnpe last Thursday morning when
the dormitory in which she is living
at Park college burned early in the
morning, and the girls were able to
save only a few of their belongings
and were thankful to be saved injury
to themselves.
Registered Jersey Bull,
for service. C. E. Babbitt, Platts
mouth. An Active Liver .Means Health.
If you want good health, a clear
complexion and freedom from Diz
ziness, Constipation, Biliousness,
Headaches and Indigestion, take Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They drive
ut fermenting and undigested foods,
clear the blood and cure constipa
tion. Only 2.1c, at your druggist.
John Group, one of the prominent
residents of near Louisville, was here
today to take up his duties as a mem
ber of the jury panel.
At Pleasant Hill School,
Four Miles West of Murray,
November 21st.
Ladies are requested to bring boxes,
which will be offered at auction dur
ing the evening.
M iss Holly, Teacher.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
Signature of &!a&fl&t&
Locai KJews
From Tlun si!;iy"s I:iily.
Petor V.. Staixler of Louisville ar
vived hero this morning to attend di.
ti ict court as a member of the jury.
Arthur Ilaker of Murray was in the
city this morniri";, bcinj; one of the
members of the jury panel fur the No
vember term.
Albeit Wolf of near Kajrle was
amonjr the jurors comiiij; i.i this
moininjc to attend the session of the
li.-triit court.
Attorney K. Teirt of Weopi:)"
Water ai ' ived in the c ity this after-i
neon to look after some rratters in th.-
OlSi.1 let COU! t.
J. A. !;.-.: it of ITnion and ( lir.rk":
Chi i-wis: 'r of N'ehawl.a wore here t--(!ay
to atternl di.-trict court as mem
bers of the jury.
.Jack Mac in and v:!e ot Uaveloi -
were m the city over .Sunday visit i rue
with their relatives heie. as Wei! as
their numerous frien.'.s.
Louis Leiner was a business visitor
in the metropolis today for a few
hours, going to that city on the early
Burlington train.
Walter Green of Murray was here
today looking after some matters of
business and visiting with his many
fiiends in this citv.
Mrs. A. L. Bak?r wa - a Plattsmo.ith
vi-itor this morning between trains,
coming up with her hu-band. who is a
member of the jury.
James Timer of near
in this movnir.g fi 0111
awa;t the of the
which he is a member.
Murray cam.'
his hme t
jury panel,
George Kay of Muirny was among
the jurors comi'v in this morn'ng to
attend the orenin" ses-ion of the iis-
triet court for the Novemb
M. L. Fried rich depart ? 1 this morn
ing for Cedar Creek, where he vn
cai .1
d t-
day ll ..-re
of busir.e:;
in that
after some matter.
George II. Meis;ng;'r of Eight Mile
Grove precinct was htre. to. lay, boirg
in attendance at the session of the
district court, as he is a member of
the jury panel.
Ed Dorr of Waba h. om
prominent citizen-- of that
he county, arrived :r. the
morning to take up his th
member of the jury panel.
of the
e"fien of
citv this
Father William Ilij'gins of Manlcy
who was an over-:iif.rht visitor in thi
city with f'irnds, departed thi--mo-ning
on the ea'lv Burlington train
"or Omaha, from where lie will return
Mrs. M. Priesmann and little babe,
of Omaha, who have been here vi-it-pg
for a few days at Ihe home of Mr.
and Mrs. P. M. Shlaes, departed this
aflernoon for their home in the me
tropolis. Charles Free-e of near Murray was
;n the city today anil while here call
ed at the Journal ofHce to arrange for
the bills for his public sale that he
will hold at hi? farm on Tuesday, No
vember '2 1th.
Mrs. J. M. Eades came in this morn
ing from her home, south of the city,
and was a passenger on the early Bur
lington train for Omaha, where she
will visit with her daughter in that
citv for the day.
Tcm II. Mrck of Chicago, who has
been in this city visiting with his
-elativcs for several days, being a
"-uest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Shea, departed yesterday aft
ernoon for his home in the east.
John Neumeister of Avoca came in
this morning from his home to be
prei-ent at the opening session of the
district court, being a member of the
jury panel.
It Bcaliy Does Believe Rheumatism.
Everybody who is afflicted with
Rheumatism in any form should by
all means keep a bottle of Sloan's
Liniment on hand. The minute you
feel pain or soreness in a joint or
muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Lini
ment. Do r.ot rub it. Sloan's pene
trates almost immediately right to
the seat of pain, relieving the hot,
tender, swoolen feeling and making
the part easy and comfortable. Get
a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 2o
cents of any druggist and hae it in
the hou.c against colds, sore and
swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia,
sciatica and like ailments. Your
money back if not satisfied, but it
does give almost instant relief.
3 i
Nominate Your Favorite
We will 4ive to each and every contestant entering now ? 1,000.00 in certifi-
oates to tlieir credit. All contestants already entered have received the save and
as this offer will not he jjood for only a few more days, we uri.e that you get your
nominations in early. As this contest does not close until .May 1st, 101o, it will
give you a rand opportunity to work out youreampaign during the winter months.
i ?
! i
Bring to Store
The undersigned
it public auctii n
I'.ile west of Murr:
V. 1:1 t
tfer for
11 IS
V. commencing at i
l'I :',; o doc!, a
ni.. on
1... flil!.,'.v:r. - i
He 1 inn1 a . : .
cr:oei property,
to-wil :
One U.;ck
.vit'a f.,il.
( 're sorrel
( .
fo. 1.
e Ve;
l ting cuit.
: wean nig
1 v, miw
ni;,- i :i;k.
( '.
one f ren, one giv- i
htifcr. Ore c.d t One porter.
i'lill-bio.K'.'i IV u ! China boai-.
7. foot cut Deeding binder.
Liang p.ow.
One sulky p!
( m'
One One
riding cultivator,
walking cultivator.
Sterling li.c.
new Sterling 2-rov
Newton wagon,
spring wagon,
hay lack.
Bradley lister.
stalk cut-
One Peru lister.
One walking plow.
One corn planter.
o-.-ecf ion harrow.
MeOormick mow or.
McCormSck hay r?
di:-c grinder,
or fifteen ton.-
of hav in the
Two stacks of eat straw.
Two do-n full-blooded Rhode Is
land lied hcr.s.
Three full-blooded cockerels.
One Quick Meal range.
One solid walnut sideboard.
One walnut chiffonier.
One 10-foot dining table.
Tow rocking chairs.
Two iron beds, one gihVd. new.
On" refrigerator.
Oae new Davis & Sen ufight
Two heating stoves.
One U. S. cream separator.
About, ten bushels potatoes.
All sums of ? 19 and under, cash
in hand. On all sums over ?10. a
ciedit of six months will be given,
purchaser giving good bankable note
bearing 8 per cent interest from date.
All property must be settled for be
fore being removed.
I wiU leave Cass county for my new
b, Minnesota in the very near
fitu-e, so eveiy articlo on this
inurt be sold to the hijvh bidder.
COL. WM. R. YOUNG, Austioneei
W. G. B0EDEKER, Clerk.
. "TV T
isn in am
(Fill Cut, Cut
r. v Ji fo muni ttittr 111 (i unnliJiilt in your f iaiiP
I Ollt' rl
I iiiidn . fiiii ' is nu iilv a nomination, iut a
if!' , irinftu ts not vAij;titt mo in anv otiy.
J'!o I, IJ o.s
.Mrs. W. H. Wehrbein
Mis. Philip Rilin
United Brethren church....
Mrs. Mc El wain
Presb terian church
Grace Nolting
Vera Campbeil
Mrs. Simon Clark
Methodist Church Sunday
Miss Violet Keil
.Miss Tiliie Ilalmes
v. -
Miss Helen Horn
- - - - - -
Declare War cn t olds.
. i I MS. Hie (j.
education which aims
I "tiuit common colds may become un-
'common within the next generation"
! has been begun bv prominent New
York physicians. Here is a list of
:he "don'ts"' which the doctors say
,v;!l prevent the annual visitation of
'the cold:
"Dot.'t sit in a draughty car."
"Don't sleep in hot rooms."
"Don't avoid the fresh air."
"Don't stuf yourself at meal time.
Overeating reduces your resist
ai ce."
To which we would add when you
tal e a cold get rid of it as quickly
as -oss-ibie. To accomplish that you
will find Chamberlain's Cough Rom-
edy most excellent
Sold bv all
Last evening the cold and biting
winds of winter swept down on the
city and brought with them a sudden
drop in temperature that left the
theremometer standing at some 10 de
giess above zero. The sudden change
was felt greatly by everyone, as the
fall has been so warm and balmy that
the cold was felt keenly. This has
be.-n one of ihe most pleasant seasons
thai has been afforded the people of
Nebraska in recent years and the
California-like weather has been a
lelight to everyone. The' colder
weather will be a boon to the business
interests, which hae suffered con
side; ably from the fact that the sale
of winter goods has been held back,
but with the approach of real winter
th" trade is certain to revive in all
Martin Bernemcier of near Mur
dock was in the city today in attend
ance at the session of the district
court s a juror.
Ji:st received a car of Early Ohio
Potatoes, 70c a bushel. A. G. Bach
JL Co.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
bv l.M'iil upplh-Htion'V us t
lis.,:isrtl tiou of llu- I'M
ns ttirr rannot rrai'ti the
T , . . , . . 1 . . i . ..
l nItKMI lr IIll" 1'nr. IJi I,- ',. ""c
w.iv t, I'lirc ui'rti"!'. " Him i- -
al r.'ini'.iie. Orafiuss is cmiscd ly mi inUaintMi
o.,iiliiio!i 'f tin- linn-nut liuinir of thi fciistarhiun
Tul- Wlu'ii this tulu! is iulianii'il yon Iihvp a
rumtlinr bhiiihI or iinpiTf.ct lifurinjr. and when
it is fi tirrlv c-ltnu-d 1 oa f iitsa is the result, anil
unless the inflammation win b tuken out and
this t'll'o restored to Its normal condition, hear
ii: wi'l l ih'strorpd forever; rlno eases out rt
tin ii-o ea!isd fir'Catarrh. whieh is nothlnff but
uii ril.n.e.l e,i:iilili..n of the mucous surfaces.
We will Rive o le Hundred llollaru for any ras
of Iie-i f ies (caused br catarrh) that cannot be
cured bv Hairs Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars, free. t rnEXEY & co Tod,,, 0.
Fold bv I'rtisi;Isf. 7."c.
Take Hull s family nils for constipation.
. . 1 I.. I . ... .rtut IT ll Tl. tn-
in Our Piano
Out and Mail, tr Bring to Our Store)
Mcminafion Coupon
? 1,00(1.00
1,000. (Ml
ska f)
- - Nebraska
Make Your Wants Known
Advertisements mxlr this liea.linsj
five cents per line each insert inn.
Six words will be counted as a line
and no advertisement taken for le.-n
than ten cents.
For Sale A number of Poland China
male pigs. J. M. Wiles, 1 1-4 miles
northwest 01 Mynard.
A Good Yearling Mule For Sale
Call on or address C. R. Reeves,
Murray, Neb., Tel. C-1.
FOR SALE 20 tons of good prairie
hay. T. II. Pollock. Tel liir.
FOR SALE Splendid improved 1C0
acre farm near Plattsmouth. Price
and terms right. Crill for particu
lars. T. H. Pollock Tel. 21, "i.
FOR" SALE I low-3 scale, 8.000
pound capacity. Used one season.
Mrs. Walter J. White. 'Phone
20 1.
FOR SALE Seven-year-old mare,
weight over l,o00 pounds. Also '10
head of spring shoats. C. E. Bab
bitt, Plattsmouth, Neb.
ANYONE wanting apples can get
them at the Lasch orchard, located
one mlie north and one and one
half mile east of Weeping Water.
Very nice Winesaps and Ben Davis
apples at reasonable prices and
plenty of them. A. A. Lasch.
FARMS FOR SALE Home farm of
040 acres in Cass county. Also 1,000
acres in Chase county, adjoining
Imperial, the county seat. All said
land can be divided into quarters.
L. C. Todd, owner, Nehawka, Neb.
FOR SALE A good dray wagon.
cheap for cash. T. II. Pollock. Tel.
FOR SALE I have 20 or HO pur
bred S. C. Rhode Island Red Cock
erels for sale. Prices from $1.00 up.
W. B. Porter, Mynard, Neb.
FOR RENT The Walker brick resi
dence, Fourth
and Oak. T. II.
FOR SALE Fresh cow and two
calves. Inquire of James Lough
ridge, Murray.
base burner.
good second-hand
Electric Shoe Store.
FOR SALE A few choice Bourbon
Red turkeys. Toms, $.r.00; hens,
S4.00 each. Address, Fairacres,
Union, Neb.
Tonight, if you feel dull and stupid,
or bilious and constipated, take a
dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and
you will feel all right tomorrow. For
sale by all dealers.
1 i