The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 16, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    Monday, November ig. ion.
I'l.iitsmouth. Nov. in. 1 i 1 4 .
Hoard me: pursuant to adjourn
ment. I': -tsvr.i. C. K. Ileebner, Julius
A. I'll, and C. 11. Jordan, county com-niU-doners;
Frank J. Libershal.
(iun:y clerk. .Minutes of previous
sessions road and approved, when the
uiv;nsr business was transacted in
lx-gui:; r foTTii:
Ai agreement wa.- entered into ie
;Mr!i ti t b"a:d of county commis
si..;,!, rs and Lc'imer Brothers for grad
ing .f roads in Liberty. Center and
Light Mi St- (.Irove precincts in Cass
i "limy. Nebraska.
Tiie following appropriation? were
taii.t'd aid allowed on the general
fund of Cass county :
Harry Ldmoiuion. care of
.mk- W-.ods family l.-" 0'
i'!:u A. I'itz. saiarv and
ii.iivife; Water Co.. wa
ter to ja:' and court house
A. k Co:-.-, saltan- and ex-
t".-n.---s. October
II. M. Sue tin:-, -ii.ien. must- to
Lo'.:;.-vi!lc Courier, printing
ti : cou:-". y I 'lame Co.. rents
:.:.d t ...'.!.-
L. V.. Ecenbergev. irai-e to
I !.- .T. -
('. W. iJaylo:- A: Co.. coal to
! - !'e
K ' ? l:.!jU:a d. mde to
M--. CoTtinghuiv.
Fit. "-"..-mouth Steam Laundrv.
i;.u,',dr for jail
A. W. Whit-. nuise Mrs. Ful-
7 l-:
1:' no
71 or.
ill '
1C. 7-".
7 O'l
!ir..-."'-. Mcl'hersor.
t;. V. Fa-vood. labo;- and
r.:..v. : :u! to farm and
r.L:rt hou.-e
John F. io:uer. muse to
' unty farr:1.
t'. R. J(,ri!ir.. salary ar.d
L. A. Wurl. :nd.-e to Monne.
Ho.. .-on and .Mcbt-e
.!. H. T..nis. salary and tx-
:...-. ctob--r. 1014
V.". Thoma- Co.. meats
coar.ty fa'-n.
K!o; . V Rarttett Co.. -tippiics
t-:.-.i:-t an.:--e
K' '.. r,.r;'ip T.''J', riter '..
10 di
21 bo
t :"..-A-: ;U ;
To fo'ir.TV
ii Jtan V Co.. coal to
.- 0
r...-e i.r.A paupers.
171 0?
io.iowaiir claims were
! .. on toe load fund of the
UU i m
Auju-t K'eck; av. load work
R. I. No. - '.'2 1"
.1. . Lo:i;eyer. same R. P.
No. .- 110 20
Jcr.:i Hu.-ch. , same R. P.
No. U lt 6.0
.. V. S' same R. P.
Nu. 2 41 ('5
J. C. Nid..y. sar.:e R. P.
No. 11 lo4 1'
A. P. Huckifisrham. same R.
I . No. o 52 0
R.:-se!l ;-:.ier Mfg. Co..
i-ruuvr repair dist. No. 0 1 5ti
E. F. Hrunkow. road work
P. P. No. 7 no
P II. Ro.-t. sanu- R. P.
N . 16 on
I.. T. To.ii. lur'.'nT and coal
i::-Vict No. 7 .'JO 04
i".rgo I-oi "tie-, v.',rk R.
!. No. -J 25 mo
V Huds-.n. same R. P.
No. 16 50 5(
.'. W. same R. P.
No. 2 48 Oil
P. t- A: i.'. f Co.. drag" and
.-raper district No. 11... 20
S e. sctaper district No. 15 7 5t
T. Richai'ds. road work
p.. I. No. 1 65 6o
li. A. Funke Lumber Co..
lumber R. P. No. :: 10 70
F-e-i Wuif. vork R. P.
No. It; 8 40
.) oi,: H. Seacat. same R. P.
;,,. i i 17;. )
. .el:- Atchison, same. II. I.
No. !5 U 4o
i. A. Nen.-tiel. same R. P.
No. in 4 2
'". it. Nobi I.-.tMioer Co..
:-,..! i i.-'.! for district No. 6 23
!':.,.!; Lumber "o.. lumber
oi in,-; No. 15 i;;o 8i
V.'. -n. Ru-h. road work dis-
tu-t No. 7 181 60
(.. W. Leach, same II. P.
No. 15 17ti t
(",;ir!i v S.t ruble, same R. P.
No. i ! 4M
. A. Waliin.trer. same R. P.
N... 15 220 55
W. J. Partridge, same R. P.
No. 0 21 .'.
P.ivid Camjibell, same R. P.
No. 1 82 00
V, . li. Leeslev. same R. D-
No. 6 1" 20
!.' II. l.effie". same R. P.
Nv. o r.2 60
George F., same
R. P. No. 15
Geor.ce F. Oehlerking, same
42 10
R. D. No. ir 82 00
Lee Arnett Co., culverts R.
I). No. 4
Lee Arnett Co., same R. D
No. 0
Lee Arnett Co., same II. D
No. ir
Avy Skinner, road work, II
1 20
74 GO
78 20
D. No. 1,"
8 00
R. D.
8b 20
R. I).
R. P.
" 2o
R. D.
18 40
R. 1.
4 00
R. I).
lb 00
R. 1).
42 00
R. D.
II. I.
11 bo
R. !.
10 -jo
R. I).
.-.( 10
No. b
F. W. Wilken. s:
No. C.
Robert Mickle. sa
No. 14
Will Hoffman, sa
No. lb
C. F. Ilite. sun
1. I. Foreman, s;
No. '.
C. J. Sack, sar
No. lb
G. A. Drum, sa
No. It;
Roy F.ennett. sar
No. If.
L. M. Snavely. s:;
No. lb .......
No. i;
A. A. Wetenkunip, same R.
I). No. 1 of. ;o
The following claims were allowed
on the commissioners' road fund:
Walter l!yer, road work dis
trict No. 1. R. I). No. 27. .
Julius A. l'itz. same district
No. 1
rr 70
17 5'
John Ivcrson. sharpening
grader, district No. 1.... 14 On
Ceorge Snyder, grading com-
n-.issioner's district No. 1 . 1"8 oo
C. F. Vallerv. road work
commissioner's dist. No. 1 62 25
The following claims were allowed
o!i the urairvrine fund of the county:
Ren Deckman. working roads
district No. 1
Ill 2"
I Ht-nrv J. Ruhytu
district No. 14
A. F. Sevbert. same district
6 15
i:i 25
1 5o
E. F. Rrunkow, same district
No. 7
j John Rusche. same district
! No- -
-"-l-'jT. E. Todd, same district
No. 1
0;.J. V. Keil. same district
! No. 2
5" i"' A. A. Wetenkamp. same dis
trict No. 1
1'7 ."' . Ciias. J. Earls, .same district
No. 7
:; on
14 25
7 :;o
I R.jard adjourned to meet Wednes
day, November 11. 1014.
Piattsmouth. Nov. 11, 1014.
Hoard met pursuant to adjourn
ment with all members present, v hen
the following business was trans
acted in erular form:
The following resolution wa.-
adojiteil by the boanl of commi
sion"- :
Wherea--. Paragraph 2462, section 42.
of the Revised Statute of Nebraska
of 10 Hi. provides: That judges and
per.sation for not more than twenty
hours, the board of county commi.
sioners cannot leg-ally pay said of-
fleers of election for more than
twenty hours" service. And be.
Resolved. Further, that a copy of
paragraph 2462. section 42. le at-
taciied to the warrant to said of-
ficers of election and mailed to each
oi mem.
Ti:e following claims weue ah
loweu on tne general tuiui:
Nebraska Lighting Co., gas
and electricity to county..
Hatt Son, mdse to Lambert
Hans Johnson, mdse Mrs.
Nettie Hutchinson
for county
Crozier Pros., mdse for Mrs.
Michael Hild, burial of Mrs.
W. O. Green
O. I. Got V Cleanser Co.,
cleanser for county
J. M. Jirouvek, mdse. to
A. R. r. report of
births and deaths, third
W. E. Hand, same
Mis. J. P. Jones, same
Geo. Reitter. Jr., same
P. I. Clements, same
Wm. H. Lyman, same
L. R. Upton, same
G. P. Maseman. same
Dr. Leonard Muir, same....
E. Sturzenegger, same
H. F. Kropp, same
Hans Johnson, mdse to Mrs.
Frank J. Libershai, expense
delivering election sup
plies Fled Patterson, office work,
October, 1014 . .
J. II. Thrasher, bailiff's cer
tificate Hans Sievers, salary and
Gcring : Co., supplies to
court house
F. H. Nichols, mdse to L.
University Publishing Co..
examination questions to
county superintendent . . .
r.o (io
:: ot
1 no
4 00
:; no
2 25
4 50
r, r.o
8 05
2 75
1 25
12 0
2 00
56 6t
2 00
78 00
in oo
Frank J. Libershal, salary
and expenses, Oct., 1914.. 213 85
1 Klopp & Ba-tlett Co., sup
plies to county
407 82
D. C. Morgan, postal sup-
Mary E. Foster, salary and
ex tenses 160 67
C. E. Heebner, salary and
mileage 81 00
Plattsmouth Journal, print
ing to county and election
supplies 522 DO
Weeping Water Republican.
printing bar docket 21 30
D. C. Morgan, postal sup
plies o 00
J. II. Thrasher, bailiff's cer
tificate 2 00
The following claims were allowed
on the dragging fund:
J. F. Wehrbein, dragging
' R. D. No. 1 4 10
' The following claims were allowed
on the road fund:
j James Miller, culvert work,
; inheritance tax 17b 06
James. Miller, concrete cul-
: vert, inheritance tax 227 10
j James Miller, same 22b 43
' Monarch Engineering Co..
concrete arch, inheritance
tt.x b"7 or.
Inland Steel Co., reinforced
rods, inheritance tax 112 07
Nebraska and Iowa Steel
Tank Co.. culvert road
district No. 8
S.-mn. T: I No -
00 80
22 74
:;7 54
1 - r
j-ame. u. i). -o
! The following claims were allowed
! on commissioners' fund:
j R. S. McCleery. culvert wor
commissioner's district No.
0 (Heebner)
454 bv
271 :i;
Same, di.-trict No.
i Same, district No. 4'2 24
; Sfcive. district No. s
Same, district No. ''
2:i5 62
::bs 64
;;i5 is
f Sane, district No. 0
.vunie. district .No. 1.1 (
-Same, district Nu. ."o5 7o
Monarch Engineering Co..
same commissioners' dis
trict No. 11 (Jordan t ... . f.7-1 22
Same, reinforcing rods com
niiss loners' district No. 1
( Fitz i 52 0
The following- claims were allowed
on the Lrid.are fund :
Monarch EiiL-ineerinL" Co..
bridire work
Monarch Engineering Co.,
4b 5"
71 2
lKOO (Ml
oO.'jO 48
258 74
t same
; Monarch Engineering Co..
same on account
; Monarch Engineering Co.,
Monarch Engineering Co..
t .uo.narcn r.ntrineeiirg .o..
same 1472 11
Monarch Enirineering- Co..
same 101 04
Monarch Enirineering Co..
. same 2o0 7;
lames Miller, same 5t 7
( ,
August Krecklow, same
i:; oo
2 oo
21 00
118 68
11 20
26 5o
11 80
T. E. Todd, same
C. F. Vallerv, same
Omaha Steel Works, bridge
j Union Lumber Co.. bridge
I lumber
j H. A. Funke Lumber Co..
' bridge material
(Walter Pyers. bridge work..
j Julius A. Pitz. freight on
j bridge material
1 W. P. Manning, briitge lum-
4 57
o. 65
j bei
i Sullh sin-Mead Lumber Co..
brxige lumber . .
14 60
! The following chums were allowed
! :s the general fund for judges and
47 ; .Iciks of election and returns:
(io Ed Carr. member election
I board, and returns, (Tip-
6o ton )
12 10
; no
'". 00
('. on
; On
6 (Ml
14 40
6 oo
6 00
6 (()
C. on
6 00
11 00
6 00
6 on
6 00
6 on
6 (tl)
11 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
1U 70
11 P
6 00
Conrad Crabfee. member
election board (Tipton)..
Jonathan Adams, same
oo ! P. F. Ver.ner. same
C. J. Reitter, same
Harry Appleman, same
( Greenwood )
J. W. Sutton, same, and re
turns Geo. Frohiich. member elec
tion board ( Grc nwood t . .
John Skinner, same
Joe Foreman, same
W. E. Hand, same (Salt
Lyman II. James, same....
E. K. Reece, same, and re
turns .t"
A. E. Pairing, member elec
tion board (Salt Creek)..
Clarence Mathis. same
P. J. Marshall, same (Stove
Creel )
A. A. Turk, same
W. N. M inford. same
E. T. Corner, same, and re
turns Guy L. Clements, member
election board (Stove
W. T. Weddell. same (Elm
wood Ira Ilosworth, same
Ciias. Iong. same
W. L. Horn! eck, same
SO ; Harold W. Tool, same, and
0. W. Zaar, same, and re
turns (South Rend I .
Henry Slander, member elec-
50 tion board
Fred Weaver, same 6 00
W. C. Thimgan, same 6 00
Wm. Richards, same 6 00
Wm. C. Wollen, same,
(Weeping Water Prect.). 6 00
A. H. Grafe, same 6 00
T. Fleming, same, and re
turns 11 10
E. A. Dowler, member elec
tion board 6 00
Ed C. Mohr, same 6 00
Wm. Rau, same (Center).. G 00
Alex Miller, same 6 00
Rudolf Bergman, same, and
returns 13 40
Leo Tighe, member election
board (Center) 6 00
W. A. Douton, same 6 00
James Stander, same (Louis
ville) 6 00
J. C. Spangler, same, and
returns 9 90
S. W. Pall, member election
board (Louisville) C 00
H. E. Pankonin, same 6 0o
C. L. Norman, same C 00
J. II. F. Ruhge, same
(Avoca) 6 00
M. M. Straub, same 6 00
P. Wolph, same 6 00
R. E. Norris, same 6 00
Wm. II. Thiele, same, and re
turns 14 70
J. A. Gilmore, member elec
tion board (Mt. Pleasant)
Wm. Sheehan, same
Henry Urish. same
Alfred Gansemer, same....
S. Ray Smith, same, and re
turns Wm. Sevbert, same (Eight
Mile Grove)
II. II. Ward, member election
board (Eight Mile Grove)
Henry Keil, same
W. J. Schneider, sane
Henry Heil, jr., same
F. P. Sncldon, same (Ne
h.awka) R. O. Tucker, same
P. Steffens. same
J. W. Magney, same, and re
turns A. L. Carper, member elec
tion board
J. P. Bramblet, same (Lib
erty) J. C. Hansell, same, and re
turns F. W. Young, member elec
tion board (Liberty)
R. II. Frans. jr.. same
F. H. McCarthy, same
II. L. Oldham, same (First
Rock Pluff)
T. W. Yallery, same, and re
turns Nick Friedrich. same, and
W. G. lloedekcr, member
election board (First Rock
Sam O. Pitman, same
Arthur N. Sullivan, same
(Second Rock "Bluffs) and
returns 8 70
Gto. Reynolds, member elec
tion board (Second Rock
Blue) 6 00
John L. Smith, same 6. oo
F. J. Liliie, same 6 00
E. G. McCuIloch, same " 6 00
B. F. Horning, same (Platts
mouth Precinct) 6 00
Henry Born, same, and re
turns 8 40
John M. Meisinger. member
election board (Platts
mouth Precinct) 6
E. II. Spangler, same 6
James E. Wiles, same 6
Wm. Hassler. same (Platts
mouth, First Ward) 6
W. P. Messcrsmith, same.. 6
J. H. Thrasher, same, and
returns 7
John Cory, member election
board (Plattsmouth, First
Ward) 6
E. G. Dovey, same 6
Jacob Tritsch. same (Platts
mouth, Second Ward).... 6 00
C. Eoetel, same, and re
turns 7 00
Wm. Weber, member elec
tion board (Plattsmouth.
Second Ward) 6 00
Nelson Jean, same 6 Oft
V. 51. Mull is. same 6 00
John H. Becker, same
(Plattsmouth, rd Ward) 6 00
John M. Vorndran, tame... 6 00
P. F. Vallerv. same, and re
turns 7 00
C. E. Weaver, member elec
tion board (Plattsmouth,
Third Ward 6 00
Henry Jess, same C 00
John Weyrich, same (Platts
mouth, Fourth Ward)... 6 00
A. C. Tartsch, same, nd re
turns 7 (to
G. G. Meisinger, member
election board (Platts
mouth (Fourth Ward)... 6, oo
J. C. Peterson, same 6 00
John Ledgeway, same f. oo
J. B. Higley, same (Platts
mouth, P'ifth Ward) 6 00
Geo. Schanz, same, and re
turns 7 00
Robt. Richter, member elec
tion board (Plattsmouth,
mouth, Fifth Ward) 6 00
B. C. Hyde, same 6 00
Walter Brittain, same 6 00
R. D. McNurlin, same (Weep
ing Water, First Ward).. 5 70
Ed Jewell, same 5 70
Jesse Davis, same 5 70
Wm. H. Lymarm, same
P. F. Cherry, same, and re
turns C. S. Newlon, member elec
tion board (Weeping
Water, Second Ward) ....
II. Kleitsch, same
John McKay, same, and re
turns J. M. Timblin, member elec
tion board (Weeping Wa
ter, Second Ward )
R. G. Glover, same
Jno. M. Fowler, same, Weep
ing Water, Third Ward).
Geo. E. Stoner, same
S. I. Compton, same
G. L. Spohn, same, and re
turns I. P. Harmer, member elec
tion board (Weeping Wa
ter, Third Ward)
John Bourke, treasurer S. P.
No. 8o, room for election,
primary and general
Venner & Anderson, room
for election, Tipton prect.
Hans Johnson, same Weep
ing Water, Third Ward..
S. G. Coglizer, care of booths
Weeping Water City
C. F. Vallerv, room for elec
tion and care of booths,
Plattsmouth Precinct ....
Henry Heil, jr., same, Eight
Mile Grove
Wm. Lefler, same. Stove
Creek Precinct
W. L. Taylor, same, Liberty
H. A. Tool, same Elmwood
o 70
10 4' j
6 00
a oo
1 70
6 00
6 00
r 40
r 40
5 40
10 10
5 40
8 00
0 00
y Oft
li 00
S 00
5 00
6 00
5 On
6 00
6 00
6 On
A. C. Tartsch. care of booths
Plattsmouth City
Chas. Campbell, room for
election. South Bend Prect.
Nels Anderson, same and
care of booths, Nehawka
Geo. S. Smith, room for elec
tion. Second Rock Bluff).
James Laughridge, care of
booths and room for elec
tion Rudolph Bergman, room for
election, Center Precinct.
Geo. Schanz, same, Platts
mouth. Fifth Ward
W. E. Hand, same, Salt
Creek Precinct
Fred Spahnle, care of booths,
Tipton Precinct
John Tighe, member canvass
ing board
George L. Farley, same. . . .
7 00
5 00
6 00
5 On
5 00
6 00
1 50
7 00
4 50
Edwin Wallace, arrest of
Toney Hutchison 7 50
j Board adjourned to meet Friday,
November Pi. 1014.
Plattsmouth, Nov. PI, 1014.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, with all members present. The
claim of Hans Sievers for work at
jail. October 10 to November 10, ?15,
was allowed. Also warrant issued to
city clerk of Weeping Water for pro
portion of road fund district No. 24
in the amount of ?175. Petition re
ceived from A. C. Tulene and twenty-three
others, requesting the ac
ceptance for the proposition for
roadway offered by John Koukal and
A. C. Bartlett along south side of
the N. E. 1-4 of N. E. 1-4 of sec
tion 11, township 12, range l.'J. Said
petition was accepted by the board.
Board adjourned to meet Decem
ber 1, 1014.
Countv Clerk.
Adds Candy Department.
From Saturday's T"ai!y.
The modern and veil equipped de
partment store of IL Simons & Co.
have just added a new- feature in the
shape of a candy department which
will supply the patrons of the store
with all the sweets they may desire
in the future. Mr. Simons has made
a very careful selection of his candy,
and feels that he has a stock that will
piease everyone. It would be hard to
name an article that is not carried
in the Simons store.
New Son at the TimmK Home.
Yesterday afternoon the stork paid
a fiying visit to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Timms, a few miles
south of this city, and brightened
their home with a fine new son and
heir, whose advent was hailed with
joy by the proud parents. The
mother and little one are getting
along nicely and the proud father is
wearing one of those smiles that
won't wear off. The many friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Timms will extend to
them their heartiest best wishes for
the welfare of young Mr. Timms.
Letter files at the Journal office.
Ipo Germozone
me oest meaicin ior
Poultry and Pet Stock j
rntin. colds, canker.
L sore head, chicken pox,
'pf loss of hair or feathers,
iiJrS; ... sores, bowel trouble.
'fhUih'-.l''sth Tablet form SOcts. post-iVT-
paid. Sold at most cities
LJ1' and tovrns. Write for
sample and poultry book.
CEO. TL UX CO.. leit. C, Onwha. Nekr.
From Saturday's Jtaily.
The board of county commission
ers have secured the services of At
torney D. O. Dvvyer to assist the coun
ty attorney as counsel in the two
suit s of the County of Cass vs. Sher
iff C. D. Quinton. now pending in the
district court and which covers the
settlement of fees that have been in
dispute for some months between the
commissioners and the sheriff. The
amount of the fees in question is some
what over $600. The case will be
herd before the coming term of dis
trict court and a jury has been waived
in the matter by consent of both par
tie:;. County Attorney Cole will be
in the case in conjunction with Mr.
Dwyer, while Attorney A. L. Tidd is
representing the interests of Sheriff
From Saturday's Iany.
The district court was convened thi.
morning by Judge Begley to wind up
the work of the June term and get
ready for the opening of the Novem
ber term, which will be started upon
Monday. The first case of the term
to be taken up will be that of the
State of Nebraska vs. George Barr,
on the charge of murder. The de
fendant, who is out or. bail, will ap
pear at 0 o'clock ard the trial started
at 1:30 p. m.
In the matter of the re-estate of
Peiilah Schwab, deceased, the court
after hearing the application for li
cense to sell rea! estate, decided that
the best interests of all concerned
would be served by the selling of the
real estate, and accordingly entered
an order to allow the sale of the real
The criminal case of the State of
Nebraska vs. John Jones, who was
charged with the taking of certain
hides from the slaughter house of
Xunsmann & Ramge, north of this
city, was dismissed by the county at
torney. The court then adjourned the June
term and the taking up of the new
term will commence Monday.
From Saturday's Pallv.
The population of the city has been
augmented by the arrival of two
little ladies who will in tiie future
be fixtures of two of our citizens. The
home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nes
dlak was gladdened on Thursday by
the arrival there of a tine little daugh
ter who will make her home with them
until some fortunate young man
steals her from them in the future
years. Herman Johnson and wife arc
also the happy parents of a fine little
daughter that arrived at their home
yesterday and is now getting along
in fine shape, as is also the mother.
The Johnson family reside on South
Thiid street in this city.
Wedding stationery at the Journal
Model 25 - $ 950.00
" 37 - 1235.00
" 6Cylindcr1650.00
F. O. B. Factory
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
i.Fftn, onrr..
E!it-n C. Wiiullium, I laii.t..T,
.Toi.r! si ::n ir.-r I'.'. .V . I f .-n r. ' '
To .):. n S. i; ri i i i . ti..- nnknowri i
ami tic v ! J .)! t. S- e:.:o i, M,aK
sp. ar t- ;o- , t ,- r- !;:- n.1
; i'Vis'-s of Si.ii k-.i :u la-.-. . Wil
liam Sn:iiT, tin- uiiKiiiih j! (ii a-iJ
! Vist-rs o! Willi.illi Mo i'H '. I :i V ul
H'ttit. tt.f i: I; I; no v n I ,:.- ;;!.! i!-i-i-s
of lavi.l I:.- I..-; H J. I., v; 1 i.ji
know 11 t , i r- ;i mi : . : of J i 1 . I.- v i :
Anton .Kiz.'ticli, ll.i- t.:, known i irs iitol
(lt-vis.-ts of .nton .lottok; .laro-s M
Jamison, S. Hy.-rs. .1. ! . i :.!. t:,.- i:r-
knoivn I;, its ami ii-vi - "f .1 I'
poiiil: Mi-'iut.-t I', ll.ii.ion. i:r.::. t !i 1: r, I-'iank 1. Van 1 'oi n. ll .t I..
Harris, (! iiilar. i .
You ami t-a-h of vo-i v. ;:: t . t
tl:at on tlif i:Ul. l:iy .f !. r. A I
i. Kllfii ' Wiri'ii-an: :il I .r mil
lion in tl -- I:.-tint ;: i,f i";e;.- f.i-.p-t
y. .Wl.raska. jn;:iii.-t yin : mi of
ou. t!i- oi'j-t :iml j.r.. : of v.; ! i
il;at i- u'i.:'.s!j:.-.i ti" o.r m-r lt, 1 if
v:mi'lf of Iot.- ::. 1. ." it ml " i:. " k
i ri IMatisniout!,, N".-.! :. U:- (.
1, in i:io k I.ot 1". in
::. in Iilock t'1-: n!' in S:--' .ok
tion to sai.l 'iiy of ri,. 1 1 -in. ni i ::. ft 1
from a;i r i- mis o'" nn -: oi !i:t.--.'
tln'Tein of lln ! f !nii! I. ' , ' :i : of
tiicni. ami of all Mr.-n i-ia .
through, ut:JtT ti t in. ninj t!.:: yo.; .: !!!
'io'l. of you le : I' t iai : : v -i. .-.-.!
froii: liainnn?- any i 1 1 tit. ti'.o- i t: ' . - T
or riKl.t of jjnsis:iT: in tit .ini"
v rsi- to t!:. titlp of t; !- i.:.i.:i:.r . !
l.cirs or a:-ogris; and from it.t-t f - :iti
wit n th guit-t nui! t--jo--i! !. . -m'-r:T
of .ssii.l ir-miss I y s-hi'. !!::! ' (T
and tl iit a rortair. inoit. iz- .i;i.-d ! n-rnar-
tlo- ;.rd. Jv". ij-ooi . AVi- vl N
SuH'van t" I ft-ndii ! t Kva 1. !l.n r: o-:
I.ot 1. in l:!o. k 'I-, in so-.:;!: !:: k
tioi to Plat tsnioin !:. Nlr;ra.. !
('''.d. t:.t- viteif I'.avi'ifr l. .-i. n:.;.!.
jdairttiff uSirivv f..-n. imVi;'' ;o.d
n-rsi' ion of s.iid lots :' li t"
.mI tif tnorf t!:in t-n veavs )':a.: t ; f:
niiivs f it- sin !i nt!ic- ano f':vtl-- i'!nf
a.- nisi-" I on it. -live.
You arc roj-iln-il to ;,t.-v - said t
ti; o;-, . i : i or l.ifov.- t'.f f ' - t i;a" of
! U'l't-ni't-r, P'l I. or .-i':r f :i ' . t will
dulv iitrrod t m-T-i-: 'i.
t;T.I.!IN ' V. INI U AM
P.. Tl. W'IN'l 'HAM. PlaiiitlfT.
MiTirr T f tl l lllTldtk.
In il. t- 'irif. '.-;: rt t'f t:.f Co.r-f,-of
"a-s. s ka
Stat- of N-hnisK:i. f',iv I'liiii".
1 1 "-niiTitv fin;!i, in m i''- : of ti--t-stiitf
of il-'ir'i Ii I't ls.i'il. .'. ast !
N"tiff is I't rr'nv C v ' .. to lit- i !-.'-it
ors f'f '-od l.-ffas.-d J! at I. - n
v.-i!! I" l.ioi upon i'l;i .ri'.s 1 ;i."i.'-l
said f.-it", i.c'i'i-t- mt , t'l-iii::'- .It: ls.-t o:
('a-:- fount''. N.-l.ra-ii.i t. "'m.:,'-
fo..i' room in I'la't-iri o.-,',. m i ,m
Co'intv. on thf L'.';id d.f. f rr. - : ,
P.'ll. and or: tio- L - 1 1 . i!::v of Ma- . ! : ! .
at 1 o : i " s: a . tl!.. a- a ... ft; ..!:;
mat !-r. ' ' .' s t ;m i ' ;: n d ; . i - v. .- r,
Ail (l.-i.Tiis lr.;;M ! ti.'-'j i.i . ai-1 f'.-.jri
on : I..--..:.- said . '.r of i. ;t :
itnes- n: v land ami s-.l of aio
County C"u;t. at j '.a 1 1 -n-o . ; ' , ...;as
ka. 1'oid :;. v of t.,l.. t. 1 T 4
tS'-ali ALd.U.N .;. Hi.lISi iN.
t'i'Liilv Jl.dir.
i ii ( mint tinrt.
':! f of .".-i.rjiki. fount-- -.f f.i-- .
lr: t.ic mattt-r ot lit- t I u t of ,)
H a v I :-. (as- d
To I . p. ruis l-,t : t ,-;.-.!
1 ..ii a I ' I !; :! -.:
ii ii s I .-.-n ti j t d i i. t : : ''.-
it t
t:.f a.!::: oi i.-t rat : : ; . v;i,. I.'- 1 t i i . f -.!-
t!t in. -nt and licr d is :! i i ;. - .lUmiii; -ti
at ri..
'I'., ;i: a ! v.-i" I.. kj...?. s o.;
f-jiort a ii. I i tiiinn '." ;. ti :s . r. ;r.
t!.o fou-t llo'is.- a; 1'iatt ;. t:.. n.
Sitld f.l!I;IV. .;i t'lf 1-1 lia' of I 11-
!;-. P.'l 4. at 1" o cio. k a m
( d.j.i-t 'or,.-, if an-., mu-: i. 'il.d
In Ion- t!av ami t-onr l" H' :i,l;n .i i:i;i;.t -n.
fo.i y J u,:-f .
Attiirlimrtit .llr-.
I. I). I ' 'i ii k t' 1 . r LTt r u,: . ;ak- !..':,.
t at on tm- irtn dav of ;..(...--. !fi.
M. Are! -r. a y.i.-l f l... .. a. - ,.
PlattMiiottti' City. a - s ' ou ; . N-i
ka. li-Mi.d a ri ord-r of atta- i no .,t :-o
tl.f si.m ..!' mi. )! ;; a.' ' 1.. o.lilL.
!.'-l"ri- hi'n, wii.Tfii: V a If ', no- I'.i-i;'.
i i.- i.'Linti;:. I ' 1 . !.,: i.t I : .1. -
tt.-iK.ant : tl.a: roi.t rt 1 : tm- .!.-!. -ro-ant.
i-oiisisimc vuLi.s ;. t ... j.i--
Sl-.oii'M of l'!i",ii;.i, P.i; 1 I !! Lt I ,v 1.' .01-
t-v ICailroad l.a. t n a r ?a-f-.i i.r.-
l-r said oril.-r. Chi;m- v.i- U-ff-o.-t-otitiroifd
!u .o . u: i.f ::, I'll, at :
O 1 dock u in.
'.iLi;xr:.i: ;u i: k ;
i.iu. .:: ! n 1:.
Hfimiii i;. Wiiidliam. Pi... i.t.JT.
Siitiillt: ("a.-f-. Ill AI. 1 ' r,da r f .
To Si.i'iii. l ' - , t vt.l.tiow ti !.'. -
and ilf;stts of s-. . 111 . . , f.i-f ; 1
.1. !.:. kt v. t lit- or.k'i"Un I t and l-- -
istrs .if I.. .!. l.O K'. V li. S:,,,-
f--r. llif t:i.kt"'vi. i.. i an.; d- -. -..- ..;
V. Ii Siiaft-r. It. 1 A M- .-;-.-. S .-rv. :i
T. Kiinn lis, Thoiiia:- P ..-i-. ;... t ... .., -known
io ;: .-- and ii i 11 1 - oi Tli-ona -11.
1 luaJi'M :
Yon am! ra.-l- o' v. .'' n"ti' "
1 1 ;i t on tlo .:;:l (;.; .; . ..;..!.
I'll. !l. ! r..;;. II .1,.;; i .. 1 ! . t..--
t it ion in f !if l'is!r:.- f..n: ,.; f.,, .
foor.f. N' l ia:ka. iiin.-t y: ii-.o
fin I1 t -I' y 1 . 1: . t ' -t a 1 . ' ; . ; a ' 1 ..
whi.-li is t!;i.t si-f nui- t.. iojiiL;. d Ti.
ov '1. t- m f. t "f ,..t ii. l;,.. k
1: l.of 1. in li'.ick I.ot - !. 1'. :: a; !
1. iti Plot k r. ; Lots- 1, j ;.n : .,. ii; P... I.
. : I.ots ." and t,, 1, !.;., k i.. L...m ;.
" am! A. Pio-.di . i...t- ;. i'. ". . 1 ...
i'l Pl.n k l : Pots .". and . 11 !". n
Lot- 1 and r, ;. I'. k I . a ml 1. '. .
Z and . 111 Pi.o-K IT. in Tovt,. nd .
Addition i. I'ia t m::v : ... .Nfi'a-ka,
fi-ffd from a!! lainis .0 ., ., . ..
intfifSt t!o I"'-.!' "i ;-u Id ! t !...!!.'-. iil.o
arli of t; t .ii, Id i. I ! K., -!..- t ia .Hi . ;:,
l.y. ti:ioiiiii. to iiinli'i tl.'-i.i. .ok; t' al
mi 1... j.f 1 j . 1 11a : I t'i:."imi I1..11: '...n.
iliLT anv tiuiil. t.tlf. t:' ;
Of I'OSSf .SNI..II III ami to ti si.l-o.
v.o si- to t!.f title ot !. .. ,i..;i . " . i
ltd;.-- asirns, and frm.i 1 t 1 1 l;
Vit !i t.f ti.ji.-t ai-.l j.. ... i.i-- !.'...
no mi t o ; sa iti 1 .;- : . 1 o . 1 - d I 1 ' -
till : ami l i .1 '. a erl.f n ' 1 I i"i a o- '.
from A Iff ! H
I He- ilv ft'iidant. P.Ohtrt J. l...r.f . ...,t,.
N'll t 111 ti . 1.".. tt t I !.t. O . O II
tenth of tl.irty : a ; .-.- 'i i ' og
side of tht u f.-t o:i'-i..'.i ! 'i !i;;in .
utie-fotiril, of S. t . T. T'Af i:..n---.
11. in fass" founts. ai... aao !
eol tit-d ill Ponk "A," "I ,i ; I. ,, ,r t ;
io: t lt;i ::e P .or.i- ot f,, ..-i:.:- . N- -l.raska,
l.f tarn-' li.-d a: .-a 1 : - :u d o.
ii-crinr and a li ri.os ..i-r i. j.t.r.
Idaintifl':- tit ( - - I..- rti:i.-'i. and f."
sneli other and lui t..'-r n iiii a.- o; a; .
ma v reT:tre.
You and earl; of yuii ;,'t if '.:!'d to
iin.-wer .-iiid -t ' iit on o; ..f,..f . .
day. ti.e 1lt:i ti.-v of I . . m !..o. p. ! I .
i- yon- .lefanlts- w ill ei.t et-.-.l -ii:
am! :i!l. saiii'ii.. of sai.i u iili.'ii tak
en as true.
m:r::.iiA i:. wisiii.v..
V.. V.. YOXL'IiA.U, Attorney.
in the County Court of tiie County ol
Cas. Nebraska.
In Ke-Kstate of Hannah Sechrist, De
ceased. You are hereby notihej that heal
ings upon all claims against said
estate will be had at the ofiice of the
County Judge. Cour: Hou.e, I'latts
niouth, Cass County, Nebra.-ka. on
December 1". A. D. 2114. and on June
Io, A. D. 3!1.", at nine o'clock a. m.
on each of said days, and all
claims not filed before said hour on
staid last day of hearinir will be for
eer barred. Py th Court,
Cour.ty Judge.